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  • 1 adhyātma

    филос. 1. принадлежащий самому себе, своему «я» 2. ☼ высший дух;
    мировая душа

    Sanskrit-Russian dictionary > adhyātma

  • 2 adhyātma

    Sanskrit-English dictionary by latin letters > adhyātma

  • 3 adhyātma-vidyā

    ♀ филос. учение о мировой душе

    Sanskrit-Russian dictionary > adhyātma-vidyā

  • 4 སྟོང་ཉིད་བཅུ་དྲུག་

    [stong nyid bcu drug]
    Soḍašašūnyatā - šešiolika Tuštumos aspektų: (1) nang stong pa nyid - adhyātma-šūnyatā - vidaus Tuštuma; (2) phyi stong pa nyid - bahirdhā-š. - išorės T.; (3) phyi nang stong pa nyid - adhyātma bahirdhā-š. - išorės ir vidaus T.; (4) stong pa nyid stong pa nyid - šūnyatā-š. - Tuštumos T.; (5) chen po stong pa nyid - mahāšūnyatā - didaus (t.y. bekraštės visatos) T.; (6) don dam pa stong pa nyid - paramārtha-š. - absoliutaus (aukščiausiojo, t.y. nirvanos) T.; (7) 'dus byas stong pa nyid - saṃskṛta-š. - sąlygojamų reiškinių T.; (8) 'dus ma byas stong pa nyid - asaṃskṛta-š. - nesąlygojamų reiškinių T.; (9) mtha' las 'das pa stong pa nyid - atyanta-š. - ribas peržengiančio T.; (10) thog ma dang mtha' ma med pa stong pa nyid - anavarāgra-š. - pradžios ir galo neturinčio T.; (11) dor ba med pa stong pa nyid - anavakāra-š. - neatmestino (t.y. mahajanos Mokymo) T.; (12) rang bzhin stong pa nyid - prakṛti-š. - (reiškinių) prigimties T.; (13) chos thams cad stong pa nyid - sarvadharma-š. - visų reiškinių (dharmų) T.; (14) rang gi mtshan nyid stong pa nyid - svalakṣaṇa-š. - prigimtinių požymių T.; (15) mi dmigs pa stong pa nyid - anupalambha-š. - nesuvokiamo (t.y. trijų laikų) T.; (16) dngos po med pa'i ngo bo nyid stong pa nyid - abhāva-svabhāva-š. - nebūties T.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > སྟོང་ཉིད་བཅུ་དྲུག་

  • 5 अजहत्स्वार्था _ajahatsvārthā

    अजहत्स्वार्था [न जहत् स्वार्थो$त्र, हा-शतृ न. ब.] A kind of लक्षणा, in which the primary or original sense of a word (which is used elliptically) does not disappear; as कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति = कुन्तधारिणः पुरुषाः; श्वेतो धावति = श्वेतवर्णो$श्वो धावति; also called उपादानलक्षणा q. v.; स्वसिद्धये पराक्षेपः; कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति, यष्टयः प्रविशन्ति इत्यादौ कुन्तादिभिरात्मन: प्रवेशसिद्ध्यर्थं स्वसंयोगिनः पुरुषा आक्षिप्यन्ते K.P.2. Adhyātma Rām.7.5.27.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अजहत्स्वार्था _ajahatsvārthā

  • 6 ཕྱི་ནང་དངོས་པོ་མེད་པ་

    [phyi nang dngos po med pa]
    adhyātma-bāhya-abhāva - nebuvimas (absoliučių) išorinių ir vidinių daiktų.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > ཕྱི་ནང་དངོས་པོ་མེད་པ་

  • 7 ཕྱི་ནང་སྟོང་པ་ཉིད་

    [phyi nang stong pa nyid]
    adhyātma-bahirdhā-šūnyatā - išorinė ir vidinė Tuštuma (žr. stong nyid bcu drug (3).

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > ཕྱི་ནང་སྟོང་པ་ཉིད་

  • 8 རིག་གནས་བཅུ་

    [rig gnas bcu]
    dešimt mokslų: rig gnas chung ba lnga - penki mažieji mokslai: (1) snyan ngag - kāvya - poezija; (2) mngon brjod - adhidhana - retorika; (3) sdeb sbyor - chandas; saṃgranthana - leksikografija; (4) rtsis - gaṇana - astrologija; (5) zlos gar - nāṭaka - choreografija bei aktorystė; rig gnas che ba lnga - penki didieji mokslai: (1) sgra - šabdavidyā - gramatika; (2) gso ba - cikitsā - medicina; (3) bzo - šilpa - menai bei amatai; (4) gtan tshigs - hetu - logika; (5) nang don - adhyātma - dvasinis (budizmo) mokslas.

    Tibeto-lietuvių žodynas > རིག་གནས་བཅུ་

  • 9 अध्यात्मोत्तरकाण्ड

    n. the last book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अध्यात्मोत्तरकाण्ड

  • 10 उत्तरकाण्ड

    n. following orᅠ concluding book;

    the seventh book of the Rāmāyaṇa;
    alsoᅠ the last book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उत्तरकाण्ड

  • 11 नरोत्तम

    m. best of men MBh. Hariv. ;

    N. of Vishṇu orᅠ Buddha L. ;
    of Sch. on the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa Cat. ;
    - dāsa m. N. of an author ib. ;
    - kīrti-leṡa-mātra-darṡaka m. orᅠ n. N. of wk.;
    -mâ̱raṇya-ṡishya m. N. of an author Cat.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > नरोत्तम

  • 12 बालकाण्ड

    m. « the boy (Rāma) section»

    N. of the first book of the Ramāyaṇa ( ādi-k- in B.) andᅠ of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa (s.v.)

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > बालकाण्ड

  • 13 ब्रह्मन्

    n. (lit. « growth», « expansion», « evolution», « development», « swelling of the spirit orᅠ soul», fr. 2. bṛih) pious effusion orᅠ utterance, outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods, prayer RV. AV. VS. TS. ;

    the sacred word (as opp. to vāc, the word of man), the Veda, a sacred text, a text orᅠ Mantra used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the ṛicas, sāmāni andᅠ yajūṉshi;
    cf. brahma-veda) RV. AV. Br. Mn. Pur. ;
    the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda Mn. IV, 100 ;
    the sacred syllable Om Prab. Sch., (cf. Mn. II, 83);
    religious orᅠ spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances andᅠ bodily mortification such as tapas etc.) AV. Br. Mn. R. ;
    holy life (esp. continence, chastity;
    cf. brahma-carya) Ṡak. I, 24/25 Ṡaṃk. Sarvad. ;
    (exceptionally treated as m.) the Brahmǎ orᅠ one selfexistent impersonal Spirit., the one universal Soul
    ( orᅠ one divine essence andᅠ source from which all created things emanate orᅠ with which they are identified andᅠ to which they return),
    the Self-existent, the Absolute, the Eternal (not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation andᅠ-knowledge;
    alsoᅠ with jyéshṭha, prathama-já, svayóm-bhu, a-mūrta, para, paratara, parama, mahat, sanātana, ṡāṡvata;
    andᅠ = paramâ̱tman, ātman, adhyātma, pradhāna, kshetra-jña, tattva) AV. ṠBr. Mn. MBh. etc.. (IW. 9, 83 etc..) ;
    n. the class of men who are the repositories andᅠ communicators of sacred knowledge, the Brāhmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brāhman) AV. TS. VS. ṠBr. Mn. BhP. ;
    food Naigh. II, 7 ;
    wealth ib. 10 ;
    final emancipation L. ;
    m. ( brahmán), one who Prays, a devot orᅠ religious man, a Brāhman who is a knower of Vedic texts orᅠ spells, one versed in sacred knowledge RV. etc. etc.
    <cf. Lat., flāmen>;
    N. of Bṛihas-pati (as the priest of the gods) RV. X, 141, 3 ;
    one of the 4 principal priests orᅠ Ṛitvijas (the other three being the Hotṛi, Adhvaryu andᅠ Udgātṛi;
    the Brahman was the most learned of them andᅠ was required to know the 3 Vedas, to supervise the, sacrifice andᅠ to set right mistakes;
    at a later period his functions were based especially on the Atharva-veda) RV. etc. etc.;
    Brahmā. orᅠ the one impersonal universal Spirit. manifested as a personal Creator andᅠ as the first of the triad of personal gods (= prajā-pati q.v.;
    he never appears to have become an object of general worship, though he has two temples in India seeᅠ RTL. 555 etc.. ;
    his wife is Sarasvatī ib. 48) TBr. etc. etc.;
    = brahmaṇaāyuḥ, a lifetime of Brahmā. Pañcar. ;
    an inhabitant of Brahmā. 's heaven Jātakam. ;
    the sun L. ;
    N. of Ṡiva Prab. Sch. ;
    the Veda (?) PārGṛ. ;
    the intellect (= buddhi) Tattvas. ;
    N. of a star, δ Aurigae, Sūryat.;
    a partic. astron. Yoga L. ;
    N. of the 9th Muhūrta L. ;
    (with Jainas) a partic. Kalpa Dharmaṡ. ;
    N. of the servant of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L. ;
    of a magician Rājat.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ब्रह्मन्

  • 14 युद्धकाण्ड

    n. « battle-section»

    N. of the 6th book of Vālmīki's Rāmāyaṇa;
    of the 6th book of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa;
    of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > युद्धकाण्ड

  • 15 रामगीता

    f. N. of a ch. of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa (in which spiritual knowledge is shown to be better than ritualistic observances;

    alsoᅠ pl.);
    of a ch. of the SkandaP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > रामगीता

  • 16 सुन्दरकाण्ड

    n. a beautiful stalk Vās. ;

    « beautiful section»
    N. of the 5th book of the Rāmâyaṇa andᅠ of the Adhyātma-rāmâyaṇa

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सुन्दरकाण्ड

См. также в других словарях:

  • Adhyatma Ramayana — is an ancient Sanskrit work extolling the spiritual virtues of the story of Ramayana. It comprises around 4200 verses, is embedded in Brahmānda Purana and is considered to be authored by Ved Vyasa. Literally meaning Spiritual Ramayana, Adhyatma… …   Wikipedia

  • Adhyatma Villa — (Семиньяк,Индонезия) Категория отеля: 5 звездочный отель Адрес: Jl. Drupadi, Gg. Dama …   Каталог отелей

  • Adhyatma yoga — (sanskrit Adhy au sujet de , en direction de et atma le soi ) signifie le yoga en direction du Soi. Issu de la tradition philosophique Hindoue[1], il a été transmis par Swami Prajnanpad à des disciples indiens ainsi qu à Arnaud Desjardins,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya — is a non profit organization in India, founded by Sri Sacchidanandendra Saraswati for the interpretation of Indian culture by stimulating the study and practice of Adhyatma Vidya. Primarily aimed at advocating the doctrine of Advaita vedanta,… …   Wikipedia

  • adhyatma —    See Vedanta …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Siddharameshwar Maharaj — Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj (Kannada) (1888 1936) [http://www.enlightened spirituality.org/Nisargadatta Maharaj.html Nisargadatta Maharaj Biography] enlightened spirituality.org] was one of the head gurus of the Inchegeri Sampradaya founded by… …   Wikipedia

  • Arnaud Desjardins — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Desjardins. Arnaud Desjardins, né le 18 juin 1925 à Paris et mort le 10 août 2011 à Grenoble, est un auteur, réalisateur à l ORTF de 1952 à 1974 et l un des premiers occidentaux à faire… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nisargadatta Maharaj — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Born 17 April 1897(1897 04 17) Bombay (Mumbai), Maharashtra …   Wikipedia

  • Digambar Terapanth — Jainism This article is part of a series on Jainism Prayers and Vows …   Wikipedia

  • Arnaud Desjardins — Born Date|18|June|1925, Arnaud Desjardins, director of the ORTF from 1952 to 1974, was one of the first practitioners of Eastern religion to be discovered in France, working on televised documentaries with many great spiritual traditions unknown… …   Wikipedia

  • Brahmanda Purana — Brahmanda Purana, one of the major eighteen Puranas, a Hindu religious text, is considered as the eighteenth Purana in almost all the lists of the Puranas, and it once contained the Aadhyatma Ramayana. This text deals with the origin of the… …   Wikipedia

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