1 addressee
noun (the person to whom a letter etc is addressed.) mottaker, adressatsubst. \/ˌædreˈsiː\/adressat, mottaker -
2 address
1. ə'dres verb1) (to put a name and address on (an envelope etc): Address the parcel clearly.) adressere2) (to speak or write to: I shall address my remarks to you only.) henvende seg til2. ( American) 'ædres noun1) (the name of the house, street, town etc where a person lives: His address is 30 Main St, Edinburgh.) adresse2) (a speech: He made a long and boring address.) tale•adresse--------tale--------tiltaleIsubst. \/əˈdres\/, amer. også: \/ˈædres\/1) ( på brev e.l.) adresse2) ( EDB) adresse3) (offentlig, høytidelig) tale, foredrag4) ( gammeldags) dyktighet5) ( gammeldags) måte å uttrykke seg på, omgangsformaddress bus ( EDB) adressebussaddresses ( gammeldags) oppvartning, frieridebate on the Address trontaledebattform\/term of address tiltaleformforwarding address ettersendingsadressenotification of address melding om adresseforandring, flyttemeldingIIverb \/əˈdres\/1) rette, stile til2) henvende seg til, snakke til, tale til3) titulere, tiltale4) adressere, skrive adresse på5) (om sak, problem) ta fatt på6) ( EDB) adressere7) ( handel) konsignere, sende varer (til kommisjonær for salg)address oneself to henvende seg til gå i gang med, ta fatt på en oppgave
См. также в других словарях:
addressee — ad‧dress‧ee [ˌædreˈsiː, əˌdreˈsiː] noun [countable] TRANSPORT the person or organization that a letter or package is addressed to * * * addressee UK US /ˌædresˈiː/ noun [C] ► the person whose name or address is written on a letter or package:… … Financial and business terms
Addressee — Ad dress*ee , n. One to whom anything is addressed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
addressee — index inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
addressee — (n.) 1810; see ADDRESS (Cf. address) (v.) + EE (Cf. ee) … Etymology dictionary
addressee — The person or organization to whom a mailpiece is addressed as shown in the delivery address … Glossary of postal terms
addressee — ☆ addressee [a΄dres ē′, ə dres΄ē′ ] n. the person to whom mail, etc. is addressed … English World dictionary
Addressee — In linguistics, an addressee is an intended direct recipient of the speaker s communication. A listener is either an addressee or a bystander.Second person pronouns refer to an addressee or a group including an addressee. An inclusive first… … Wikipedia
addressee — UK [ˌædreˈsiː] / US [ˌædreˈsɪ] noun [countable] Word forms addressee : singular addressee plural addressees formal the person that a letter or parcel is addressed to … English dictionary
addressee — [[t]æ̱dresi͟ː[/t]] addressees N COUNT: usu the N in sing The addressee of a letter or parcel is the person or company that it is addressed to. [FORMAL] … English dictionary
addressee — address ► NOUN 1) the details of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. 2) Computing a number identifying a location in a data storage system or computer memory. 3) a formal speech. ► VERB 1) write someone s name and… … English terms dictionary
addressee — noun Date: 1810 one to whom something is addressed … New Collegiate Dictionary