1 addressee
noun (the person to whom a letter etc is addressed.) destinatariotr[ædre'siː]1 destinatario,-an.• consignatario s.m.• destinatario s.m.[ˌædre'siː]N destinatario(-a) m / f ; (Comm) consignatario(-a) m / f"postage to be paid by the addressee" — "a franquear en destino"
2 addressee
nCOMP&DP destinatario m -
3 addressee
s.1 destinatario(a).2 interpelado. -
4 destinatario
(de giro, transferencia) payee
destinatario,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino
1 (de una carta) addressee
2 (de una mercancía, carga) consignee ' destinatario' also found in these entries: Spanish: destinataria - don - para - con English: for - receiver - recipient - addressee -
5 address
1. ə'dres verb1) (to put a name and address on (an envelope etc): Address the parcel clearly.) poner la dirección, dirigir2) (to speak or write to: I shall address my remarks to you only.) dirigir a
2. ( American) 'ædres noun1) (the name of the house, street, town etc where a person lives: His address is 30 Main St, Edinburgh.) dirección, señas2) (a speech: He made a long and boring address.) discurso, alocución•address n dirección / señaswhat's your address? ¿cuál es tu dirección?tr[ə'dres]■ is that your business address or your home address? ¿es ésta su dirección profesional o particular?2 (speech) discurso, alocución nombre femenino1 (tackle) abordar2 (speak to) dirigirse a3 (use title etc) llamar■ they addressed him as "your highness' lo llamaron "su alteza"■ you will address me as "sir' me llamarás "señor"4 (letter) poner la dirección en■ the letter didn't arrive because it was wrongly addressed la carta no llegó porque llevaba la dirección mal puesta\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto address oneself to somebody dirigirse a alguiento address oneself to something aplicarse a algoaddress book libro de direccionesform of address tratamientoaddress [ə'drɛs] vt1) : dirigirse a, pronunciar un discurso anteto address a jury: dirigirse a un jurado2) : dirigir, ponerle la dirección ato address a letter: dirigir una cartaaddress [ə'drɛs, 'æ.drɛs] n1) speech: discurso m, alocución f2) : dirección f (de una residencia, etc.)n.(§ pl.: addresses) = petición s.f. (Computing)n.(§ pl.: addresses) = dirección (Informática) s.f.n.n.(§ pl.: addresses) = membrete s.m. (Indication)n.(§ pl.: addresses) = seña s.f. (Location)n.• dirección s.f. (Speech)n.(§ pl.: addresses) = alocución s.f.• discurso s.m.• habla s.f.v.• dirigir v.• enderezar v.• interpelar v.
I 'ædres, ə'dres1)a) (of house, offices etc) dirección f, señas fplthey're no longer at this address — ya no viven aquí; (before n)
address book — libreta f de direcciones
b) ( Comput) dirección f2) c ( speech) discurso m, alocución f (frml)3)
1. ə'dres1) (AmE also) 'ædres \<\<mail\>\> ponerle* la dirección a2)a) ( speak to) \<\<person\>\> dirigirse* a; \<\<assembly\>\> pronunciar un discurso anteb)to address somebody AS something: they address her as ``madam'' — la llaman ``madam''
c) ( direct) (frml) \<\<question/remark\>\> dirigir*to address something to somebody — dirigir* algo a alguien
3) (deal with, confront) \<\<problem/issue\>\> tratar
v refla) ( speak to)to address oneself to somebody — dirigirse* a alguien
b) ( turn one's attention to) (frml)[ǝ'dres]to address oneself to something — dedicarse* a algo
1. Nbusiness 2., forwarding, home 4.2) (=speech) discurso m ; (=lecture) conferencia fpublicelection address — (=speech) discurso m electoral; (=leaflet) carta f de propaganda electoral
3) (Parl etc) petición f, memorial m4) (=title)5) (Comput) dirección fabsolute/relative address — dirección f absoluta/relativa
6) † (=skill) destreza f, habilidad f8)to pay one's addresses to — † hacer la corte a, pretender a
2. VT1) [+ letter] (=direct) dirigir (to a); (=put address on) poner la dirección enthis is addressed to you — esto viene con or a su nombre
2) [+ person]a) (=speak to) dirigirse aare you addressing me? — ¿se está usted dirigiendo a mí?
b) (=make a speech to) [+ audience] pronunciar un discurso anteto address the House — (Parl) pronunciar un discurso en el Parlamento
c)to address sb as "tú" — tratar a algn de "tú", tutear a algn
d)to address o.s. to — [+ person] dirigirse a; [+ problem, task] aplicarse a
3) [+ remarks] dirigir4) [+ problem] abordar3.CPDaddress book N — librito m de direcciones, agenda f
address commission N — (Comm) comisión que se paga al agente fletador por su tarea de embarque
address label N — etiqueta f para la dirección
* * *
I ['ædres, ə'dres]1)a) (of house, offices etc) dirección f, señas fplthey're no longer at this address — ya no viven aquí; (before n)
address book — libreta f de direcciones
b) ( Comput) dirección f2) c ( speech) discurso m, alocución f (frml)3)
1. [ə'dres]1) (AmE also) ['ædres] \<\<mail\>\> ponerle* la dirección a2)a) ( speak to) \<\<person\>\> dirigirse* a; \<\<assembly\>\> pronunciar un discurso anteb)to address somebody AS something: they address her as ``madam'' — la llaman ``madam''
c) ( direct) (frml) \<\<question/remark\>\> dirigir*to address something to somebody — dirigir* algo a alguien
3) (deal with, confront) \<\<problem/issue\>\> tratar
v refla) ( speak to)to address oneself to somebody — dirigirse* a alguien
b) ( turn one's attention to) (frml)to address oneself to something — dedicarse* a algo
6 destinataria
destinatario,-a sustantivo masculino y femenino
1 (de una carta) addressee
2 (de una mercancía, carga) consignee -
7 ría
Del verbo reír: ( conjugate reír) \ \
ría es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativoMultiple Entries: reír ría
reír ( conjugate reír) verbo intransitivo to laugh; verbo transitivo ‹gracia/chiste› to laugh at reírse verbo pronominal to laugh; ríase a carcajadas to guffaw; ríase DE algo/algn to laugh at sth/sb
ría sustantivo femenino ria (long, narrow, tidal inlet)
I verbo intransitivo to laugh: me hace reír, he makes me laugh
echarse a reír, to burst out laughing
II vt to laugh at: no le rías las gracias al niño, don't humour the boy
ría f Geog ria ' ría' also found in these entries: Spanish: adversario - agrario - alimenticio - ambulatorio - anticuario - antirreglamentario - arancelario - arbitrario - arrendatario - autoritario - bancario - becario - beneficiario - bibliotecario - binario - canario - circulatorio - complementario - comunitario - contradictorio - contrario - culinario - destinatario - diario - difamatorio - dignatario - disuasivo - divisorio - ejidatario - eliminatorio - emisario - empresario - estrafalario - extraordinario - ferroviario - funcionario - giratorio - hereditario - hipotecario - honorario - hospitalario - humanitario - imaginario - incendiario - innecesario - insatisfactorio - intermediario - introductorio - involuntario - legendario English: addressee - adversary - aquarium - arsonist - auditorium - beneficiary - borrower - civil - clerk - contract - convict - coowner - crematorium - criterion - curator - entrepreneur - equilibrium - executor - fitter - flier - foreign - go - hard - home - impresario - intermediary - joint - librarian - loyalist - Member - mercenary - millionaire - minister - official - operator - opponent - owner - partisan - payee - personal - prison - promoter - proprietor - realtor - recipient - registrar - revolutionary - sanatorium - scholar - secretary
См. также в других словарях:
addressee — ad‧dress‧ee [ˌædreˈsiː, əˌdreˈsiː] noun [countable] TRANSPORT the person or organization that a letter or package is addressed to * * * addressee UK US /ˌædresˈiː/ noun [C] ► the person whose name or address is written on a letter or package:… … Financial and business terms
Addressee — Ad dress*ee , n. One to whom anything is addressed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
addressee — index inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
addressee — (n.) 1810; see ADDRESS (Cf. address) (v.) + EE (Cf. ee) … Etymology dictionary
addressee — The person or organization to whom a mailpiece is addressed as shown in the delivery address … Glossary of postal terms
addressee — ☆ addressee [a΄dres ē′, ə dres΄ē′ ] n. the person to whom mail, etc. is addressed … English World dictionary
Addressee — In linguistics, an addressee is an intended direct recipient of the speaker s communication. A listener is either an addressee or a bystander.Second person pronouns refer to an addressee or a group including an addressee. An inclusive first… … Wikipedia
addressee — UK [ˌædreˈsiː] / US [ˌædreˈsɪ] noun [countable] Word forms addressee : singular addressee plural addressees formal the person that a letter or parcel is addressed to … English dictionary
addressee — [[t]æ̱dresi͟ː[/t]] addressees N COUNT: usu the N in sing The addressee of a letter or parcel is the person or company that it is addressed to. [FORMAL] … English dictionary
addressee — address ► NOUN 1) the details of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. 2) Computing a number identifying a location in a data storage system or computer memory. 3) a formal speech. ► VERB 1) write someone s name and… … English terms dictionary
addressee — noun Date: 1810 one to whom something is addressed … New Collegiate Dictionary