1 aboveboard
2 aboveboard
[əˌbʌv'bɔːd] 1. прил.открытый, честный, прямойHis conduct was throughout honest and aboveboard. — Его поведение было во всех отношениях честным и открытым.
Syn:2. нареч.открыто, честно, прямо ( первоначально - о положении рук карточного игрока поверх стола)Syn: -
3 aboveboard
above-board честноaboveboard честно -
4 aboveboard
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > aboveboard
5 aboveboard
6 aboveboard
[əˌbʌv'bɔːd]2) Техника: палубный -
7 aboveboard
[ə`bʌvbɔəd]открытый, честный, прямойоткрыто, честно, прямоАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > aboveboard
8 aboveboard
9 aboveboard
безупре́чный, че́стный -
10 aboveboard
1. a честный, открытый, прямой2. adv честно, открыто, прямоСинонимический ряд:1. artless (adj.) artless; genuine; guileless; ingenuous2. frank (adj.) candid; direct; forthright; frank; open; overt; plain dealing; sincere; straight; straightforward; unequivocal3. honest (adj.) honest; honorable; reputable; upright4. openly (other) candidly; frankly; guilelessly; honestly; openly; overtly; sincerely; unequivocally5. straightforwardly (other) out in the open; plainly; publicly; straightforwardlyАнтонимический ряд:corrupt; deceitful; devious -
11 above
above [əˊbʌv]1. adv1) наверху́; вы́ше2) наве́рх;a staircase leading above ле́стница (веду́щая) наве́рх
;from above све́рху
3) вы́ше, ра́ньше;as stated above как ска́зано вы́ше
2. prep1) над;above my head над мое́й голово́й
;above board = aboveboard 2
;above ground = aboveground 2
;2) свы́ше, бо́льше3) вы́ше;above suspicion вне подозре́ний
;it is above me э́то вы́ше моего́ понима́ния
;above measure сверх ме́ры
4) ра́ньше, до (в книге, документе и т.п.)◊above all пре́жде всего́, гла́вным о́бразом, в основно́м; бо́льше всего́
3. a упомя́нутый вы́ше;the above facts вышеупомя́нутые фа́кты
4. n (the above) вышеупомя́нутое -
12 fair and square
(тж fair and aboveboard) че́стно и справедли́воThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > fair and square
13 fair and square
1. adj phrчестный, справедливый, прямойThat wouldn't be right. No, sir, it just wouldn't be fair and square. (E. Caldwell, ‘Jackpot’, ‘Kneel to the Rising Sun’) — Это было бы неправильно. Да, сэр, это было бы несправедливо и нечестно.
Well, if it's working all right to suit you, then you ought to pay me what you owe me for fixing it for you, Clyde. That's fair and square. We had a bargain about that, anyway. (E. Caldwell, ‘Close to Home’, ch. 17) — Ведь если радиоприемник работает и вы им довольны, вы должны заплатить мне за то, что я починил его, Клайд. Это будет по-честному. Мы же с вами договорились.
2. adv phr...I always give the good Lord His due. Him and me has always been fair and square with each other. (E. Caldwell, ‘Tobacco Road’, ch. II) —...я всегда воздавал должное милосердному Богу. У нас с ним всегда все было по-хорошему.
1) честно, справедливо, прямоWell, sir, it deeply grieves me that we've failed to reach an agreement and must come into conflict... I will promise you one thing - that we fight you fair and square, with everything open and aboveboard. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Northern Light’, part I, ch. 5) — Ну, сэр, как ни печально, мы не смогли прийти к дружескому соглашению и предотвратить неизбежный теперь конфликт... я обещаю вам одно: мы будем вести борьбу честную и открытую.
I got the horse from him all fair and square, didn't I? (D. Cusack and F. James, ‘Come in Spinner’, ‘Wednesday’) — Но мне его лошадь досталась честным путем, разве это не так?
But in the final analysis, the responsibility for safety rests fair and square on the employers. (‘Labour Monthly’) — В конечном счете ответственность за технику безопасности лежит целиком и полностью на предпринимателях.
The financial burden ought to be borne fair and square by the home government. (Suppl) — Финансовое бремя должны полностью нести местные власти.
14 candid
1. a искренний, откровенный; чистосердечный, прямойto he candid — говорить прямо ; ничего не скрывать
2. a как есть; честныйcandid photograph — фото «без лести»
3. a арх. беспристрастный4. a уст. белый, светлый; ясныйСинонимический ряд:1. clear (adj.) clear; lucent; lucid; pellucid; pure; transparent; unadulterated2. fair (adj.) dispassionate; equal; equitable; fair; honorable; honourable; impartial; impersonal; indifferent; just; nondiscriminatory; nonpartisan; objective; square; unbiased; uncolored; undistinctive; unprejudiced; unprepossessed; upright3. frank (adj.) aboveboard; above-board; blunt; direct; forthright; frank; ingenuous; man-to-man; open; openhearted; plainspoken; single; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; straight; straightforward; unconcealed; undisguised; undissembled; undissembling; unmannered; unreserved; unvarnished4. genuine (adj.) artless; earnest; genuine; guileless; honest; naive; sincere; truthful5. plain (adj.) extemporaneous; impromptu; informal; plain; spontaneous; unpretentious; unprompted; unrehearsedАнтонимический ряд:biased; close; cloudy; concealed; deceitful; designing; disingenuous; dull; evasive; hidden; impure; insincere; intriguing; mysterious; posed; prejudiced -
15 forthright
1. a книжн. откровенный, прямолинейный; честный2. a арх. прямой3. adv прямо4. adv решительно5. adv арх. сразу, тут жеСинонимический ряд:1. candid (adj.) blunt; bold; candid; free; open-hearted; outspoken; sincere; to the point; up front2. frank (adj.) aboveboard; direct; frank; honest; man-to-man; open; openhearted; plain; plain dealing; plainspoken; single; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; straight; straightforward; straight-shooting; unconcealed; undisguised; undissembled; undissembling; unmannered; unreserved; unvarnishedАнтонимический ряд: -
16 honest
1. a честныйpoor but honest — беден, но честен
honest employment — честный труд; честное занятие
an honest living — честно заработанные средства к существованию; честный заработок
2. a правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный3. a добросовестный; верныйan honest effort — добросовестные усилия, честная попытка
4. a настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированныйhonest goods — доброкачественные товары, натуральная продукция
5. a скромный, простой; обычныйthe ascription of their failure to lack of money is not honest — относить их неудачу за счёт недостатка средств просто нечестно
6. a арх. целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная7. a уст. добрый, почтенный, достойныйmy honest gentleman — почтенный джентльмен, сударь; почтеннейший; любезнейший
born of poor but honest parents — рождён от бедных, но почтенных родителей
honest graft — «честная коррупция»
honest to God, honest to goodness — действительно; по чести говоря; клянусь!
8. adv прост. честное слово; ей-богу9. adv поэт. поистинеhonest true — верный, преданный
Синонимический ряд:1. pure (adj.) chaste; decent; pure; virginal; virtuous2. real (adj.) genuine; heartfelt; heart-whole; hearty; real; unadulterated; unaffected; undesigning; undissembled; unfeigned3. sincere (adj.) aboveboard; above-board; candid; direct; forthright; frank; ingenuous; open; plainspoken; sincere; straight; straightforward; undisguised; unreserved4. truthful (adj.) conscientious; ethical; fair; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; just; moral; right; righteous; scrupulous; true; trustworthy; truthful; upright; upstanding; veracious; worthyАнтонимический ряд:corrupt; counterfeit; deceitful; deceptive; delusive; devious; dishonest; dishonourable; disingenuous; faithless; false; fraudulent; hypocritical; ignoble; improper -
17 openly
1. adv открыто, откровенно2. adv публично; общеизвестноhe is openly known for a scoundrel — всем известно, что он негодяй
Синонимический ряд:1. accessibly (other) accessibly; operatively; practicably; publicly; usably2. barely (other) barely; nakedly3. doubtfully (other) ambiguously; doubtfully; dubiously; equivocally; indecisively; precariously; problematically; queasily; shadily; shakily; suspiciously; uncertainly; uneasily; unstably4. flagrantly (other) blatantly; brazenly; carelessly; flagrantly; immodestly; shamelessly; unblushingly; unconcernedly; wantonly5. frankly (other) artlessly; candidly; directly; forthrightly; frankly; honestly; in the open; naively; openheartedly; outright; outspokenly; plainly; readily; straightforwardly; truthfully; unreservedly; willingly; without reserve6. obnoxiously (other) obnoxiously; pronely; sensitively; susceptibly7. patently (other) patently8. straightforwardly (other) aboveboard; out in the open; plainly; straightforwardly -
18 overtly
1. adv открыто, публично; несекретно2. adv явно, очевидноСинонимический ряд:openly (other) aboveboard; above-board; candidly; frankly; guilelessly; honestly; openly; sincerely; unequivocally -
19 plain dealing
1. прямота, честностьthey are blunt and they require plain dealing of others — они откровенны и требуют прямоты от других
straight dealing — честность, честное ведение дел
2. прямой, откровенныйСинонимический ряд:straightforward (adj.) aboveboard; forthright; straight; straightforward -
20 plainly
1. adv ясно, чётко, отчётливо2. adv ясно, очевидноplainly I was not wanted — ясно, что меня не ждали
3. adv просто, скромно4. adv прямо, откровенноСинонимический ряд:1. just (adj.) but; just; merely; only; purely; simply; totally; utterly2. austerely (other) austerely; simply; unostentatiously; unpretentiously3. bluntly (other) baldly; bluntly; brusquely; explicitly; expressly; flatly; outright; outspokenly; point-blank; straight from the shoulder; straight out4. clearly (other) apparently; clearly; conspicuously; distinctly; evidently; manifestly; obviously; openhandedly; palpably; patently; unambiguously; unequivocally; unmistakably; visibly5. discreetly (other) discreetly; dryly; modestly6. frankly (other) aboveboard; candidly; directly; forthrightly; frankly; openheartedly; openly; out in the open; publicly; straightforwardly; unreservedly7. ordinarily (other) ordinarily; routinely; usually8. straightly (other) neatly; purely; straightly9. unattractively (other) unattractively
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Aboveboard — A*bove board , adv. Above the board or table. Hence: in open sight; without trick, concealment, or deception. Fair and aboveboard. Burke. [1913 Webster] Note: This expression is said by Johnson to have been borrowed from gamesters, who, when they … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aboveboard — [adj] candid forthright, frank, honest, open, overt, right on*, square, straight, straightforward, straight from shoulder*, true, trustworthy, truthful, up front*, veracious; concept 404 Ant. deceitful, devious, lying, shady, underhanded… … New thesaurus
aboveboard — [ə buv′bôrd΄, ə buv′bôrd′] adv., adj. [ ABOVE + BOARD (table): orig. a card player s term for cards in plain view] without dishonesty or concealment [be open and aboveboard with me] … English World dictionary
aboveboard — index bona fide, candid, direct (forthright), ethical, honest, ingenuous, irreprehensible, moral … Law dictionary
aboveboard — (adj.) 1610s, from ABOVE (Cf. above) and BOARD (Cf. board) (n.1). A figurative expression borrowed from gamesters, who, when they put their hands under the table, are changing their cards. [Johnson] … Etymology dictionary
aboveboard — *straightforward, forthright Analogous words: open, *frank, candid: honest, *upright, scrupulous: *fair, impartial, just: ingenuous, unsophisticated, artless (see NATURAL) Antonyms: underhand, underhanded Contrasted words: furtive, covert … New Dictionary of Synonyms
aboveboard — I adjective without concealment or deception; honest their business was open and aboveboard straightforward in all his business affairs • Syn: ↑straightforward • Similar to: ↑straight, ↑square … Useful english dictionary
aboveboard — /euh buv bawrd , bohrd /, adv., adj. in open sight; without tricks, concealment, or disguise: Their actions are open and aboveboard. [1610 20; ABOVE + BOARD; so called from the requirement of keeping the hands above the table or board in order to … Universalium
aboveboard — adjective Above the board or table. Hence: in open sight; without trick, concealment, or deception. Fair and aboveboard. See Also: above board … Wiktionary
aboveboard — Synonyms and related words: artless, authentic, before one, bona fide, face to face, fair and square, forthright, foursquare, genuine, good faith, in broad daylight, in open court, in plain sight, in plain view, in public, in public view, in the… … Moby Thesaurus
aboveboard — a|bove|board [ ə bʌv,bɔrd ] adjective completely honest and legal: The transaction was totally aboveboard, so there was no reason to question it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English