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с чешского на английский


  • 1 being

    1) (existence: When did the Roman Empire come into being?) existence, život
    2) (any living person or thing: beings from outer space.) bytost, člověk, tvor
    * * *
    • jsoucno
    • jsouc
    • bytí
    • bytost

    English-Czech dictionary > being

  • 2 for the time being

    (meanwhile: I am staying at home for the time being.) v této chvíli
    * * *
    • prozatím

    English-Czech dictionary > for the time being

  • 3 well-being

    noun (welfare: She is always very concerned about her mother's well-being.) zdraví, blaho
    * * *
    • pohoda

    English-Czech dictionary > well-being

  • 4 all things being equal

    • bez jakýchkoli překvapení

    English-Czech dictionary > all things being equal

  • 5 come into being

    • vzniknout
    • nastat

    English-Czech dictionary > come into being

  • 6 human being

    (a person: Animals may behave like that, but human beings shouldn't.) lidský tvor
    * * *
    • lidská bytost

    English-Czech dictionary > human being

  • 7 Supreme Being

    • Bůh

    English-Czech dictionary > Supreme Being

  • 8 in the making

    (being made or formed at this very moment: A revolution is in the making.) v utváření, ve zrodu
    * * *
    • v procesu tvoření

    English-Czech dictionary > in the making

  • 9 at/in the back of one's mind

    (being vaguely aware of something; deep inside: In the back of her mind she knew she couldn't trust him.) v hloubi mysli

    English-Czech dictionary > at/in the back of one's mind

  • 10 in(to) a huff

    (being or becoming silent because one is angry, displeased etc: He is in a huff; He went into a huff.) mrzutá nálada

    English-Czech dictionary > in(to) a huff

  • 11 in question

    (being talked about: The matter in question can be left till next week.) příslušný, sporný

    English-Czech dictionary > in question

  • 12 in the hands of

    (being dealt with by: This matter is now in the hands of my solicitor.) v rukách

    English-Czech dictionary > in the hands of

  • 13 in(to) a huff

    (being or becoming silent because one is angry, displeased etc: He is in a huff; He went into a huff.) mrzutá nálada

    English-Czech dictionary > in(to) a huff

  • 14 on show

    (being displayed in an exhibition, showroom etc: There are over five hundred paintings on show here.) vystavený

    English-Czech dictionary > on show

  • 15 on view

    (being shown or exhibited: There's a marvellous collection of prints on view at the gallery.) vystavený

    English-Czech dictionary > on view

  • 16 report

    [rə'po:t] 1. noun
    1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) zpráva, referát
    2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) pověsti
    3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) detonace
    2. verb
    1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) hlásit, referovat
    2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) udat, žalovat
    3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) oznámit
    4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) hlásit se
    - reported speech
    - report back
    * * *
    • výpis
    • zpráva
    • zápis
    • příspěvek
    • referát
    • přednést
    • referovat
    • ohlásit
    • oznámit
    • ohlašovat
    • hlásit
    • hlášení

    English-Czech dictionary > report

  • 17 attribute

    1. [ə'tribjut] verb
    1) (to think of as being written, made etc by: The play is attributed to Shakespeare.) přisuzovat
    2) (to think of as being caused by: He attributed his illness to the cold weather.) přisuzovat
    2. noun
    (a quality that is a particular part of a person or thing: Intelligence is not one of his attributes.) (charakteristický) rys, vlastnost
    * * *
    • vlastnost
    • znak
    • přičíst

    English-Czech dictionary > attribute

  • 18 clarity

    1) (the state of being clear or easy to see through: water remarkable for its clarity.) čirost, průzračnost
    2) (the state of being easy to see, hear or understand: She spoke with great clarity.) jasnost
    * * *
    • jasnost
    • čirost

    English-Czech dictionary > clarity

  • 19 deep

    [di:p] 1. adjective
    1) (going or being far down or far into: a deep lake; a deep wound.) hluboký
    2) (going or being far down by a named amount: a hole six feet deep.) hluboký
    3) (occupied or involved to a great extent: He is deep in debt.) hluboko v, utopený v
    4) (intense; strong: The sea is a deep blue colour; They are in a deep sleep.) sytý, hluboký
    5) (low in pitch: His voice is very deep.) hluboký
    2. adverb
    (far down or into: deep into the wood.) hluboko
    - deeply
    - deepness
    - deep-freeze
    3. verb
    (to freeze and keep (food) in this.) zmrazit
    - in deep water
    * * *
    • hlubina
    • hluboko
    • hluboký

    English-Czech dictionary > deep

  • 20 destruction

    1) (the act or process of destroying or being destroyed: the destruction of the city.) ničení, zkáza
    2) (the state of being destroyed; ruin: a scene of destruction.) zničení
    - destructively
    - destructiveness
    * * *
    • záhuba
    • zničení
    • zkáza
    • ničení
    • destrukce

    English-Czech dictionary > destruction

См. также в других словарях:

  • Being and Time — (German: Sein und Zeit , 1927) is a book by German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Although written quickly, and despite the fact that Heidegger never completed the project outlined in the introduction, it remains his most important work and has… …   Wikipedia

  • Being and Nothingness — Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology (French: L Être et le néant : Essai d ontologie phénoménologique ), sometimes subtitled A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology, is a 1943 philosophical treatise by Jean Paul Sartre that… …   Wikipedia

  • Being John Malkovich — movie poster Directed by Spike Jonze Produc …   Wikipedia

  • Being in itself — is the self contained and fully realized Being of objects. It is a term used in early 20th century continental philosophy, especially in the works of Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and the existentialists.Being in itself… …   Wikipedia

  • Being Inc. — Being Inc. Type Private Industry Music, artist development, record production, marketing, audio engineering Founded November 1, 1978 Founder(s) Daiko Nagato Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Being Boiled — «Being Boiled» …   Википедия

  • Being Boiled — The Human League Veröffentlichung Juni 1978 Länge 3:28 Genre(s) New Wave Autor(en) Oakey, Ware …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Being Boring — «Being Boring» Сингл Pet Shop Boys из альбома Behaviour Выпущен 12 ноября 1990 года Формат 7 , 12 , аудиокассета, CD Записан 1990 Жанр …   Википедия

  • Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! — Исполнитель The Beatles Альбом Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Дата выпуска 1 июня 1967 …   Википедия

  • being drawn — being dragged, being pulled, being hauled; being attracted; being evoked; being sketched, being represented; being extracted; being chosen …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Being — Be ing, p. pr. from {Be}. Existing. [1913 Webster] Note: Being was formerly used where we now use having. Being to go to a ball in a few days. Miss Edgeworth. [1913 Webster] Note: In modern usage, is, are, was or were being, with a past… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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