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См. также в других словарях:

  • malady — mal a*dy (m[a^]l [.a]*d[y^]), n.; pl. {Maladies} (m[a^]l [.a]*d[i^]z). [F. maladie, fr. malade ill, sick, OF. also, malabde, fr. L. male habitus, i. e., ill kept, not in good condition. See {Malice}, and {Habit}.] 1. Any disease of the human… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • malady — index disability (physical inability), disease, disorder (abnormal condition), pain Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • malady — late 13c., from O.Fr. maladie sickness, illness, disease (13c.), from malade ill (12c.), from L. male habitus doing poorly, feeling sick, lit. ill conditioned, from male badly (see MAL (Cf. mal )) + habitus, pp. of habere have, hold (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • malady — ailment, disorder, condition, affection, *disease, complaint, distemper, syndrome …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • malady — [n] disease ache, affection, affliction, ailment, attack, blight, bug*, cancer, complaint, condition, contagion, debility, disability, disorder, distemper, epidemic, fever, flu, ill health, illness, infection, infirmity, inflammation, plague,… …   New thesaurus

  • malady — ► NOUN (pl. maladies) ▪ a disease or ailment. ORIGIN from Old French malade ill …   English terms dictionary

  • malady — [mal′ə dē] n. pl. maladies [ME maladie < OFr < malade, sick < VL male habitus, badly kept, out of condition: see MAL & HABIT] a disease; illness; sickness: often used figuratively SYN. DISEASE …   English World dictionary

  • malady — n. (lit.) a fatal; serious; strange malady * * * [ mælədɪ] serious strange malady (lit.) a fatal …   Combinatory dictionary

  • malady — [[t]mæ̱lədi[/t]] maladies 1) N COUNT A malady is an illness or disease. [OLD FASHIONED] He was stricken at twenty one with a crippling malady. Syn: illness 2) N COUNT In written English, people sometimes use maladies to refer to serious problems… …   English dictionary

  • malady — UK [ˈmælədɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms malady : singular malady plural maladies 1) old fashioned an illness 2) formal a serious problem within a society or organization …   English dictionary

  • malady — /mal euh dee/, n., pl. maladies. 1. any disorder or disease of the body, esp. one that is chronic or deepseated. 2. any undesirable or disordered condition: social maladies; a malady of the spirit. [1200 50; ME maladie < OF, equiv. to malade sick …   Universalium

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