1 biology
2 biology
3 biology
4 biology
(the science of living things: human biology; ( also adjective) a biology lesson.) (de) biologie- biologically - biologist - biological warfare -
5 marine biology
6 soil biology
7 cell
cell [sel]1 noun(a) (in prison) cellule f;∎ he spent the night in the cells il a passé la nuit en cellule;∎ she was released after two days in the cells elle a été relâchée après deux jours de cellule(b) (of monk, hermit) cellule f(d) Electricity élément m (de pile)Biology cellulaire►► Biology cell division division f cellulaire;Biology cell membrane membrane f cellulaire;Biology cell structure structure f cellulaire;Biology cell wall paroi f cellulaire -
8 dominant
9 male
male [meɪl]1. adjective2. noun3. compounds* * *[meɪl] 1.1) Biology, Zoology mâle m2) ( man) homme m; hum mâle m2.1) Biology, Zoology mâle2) ( of men) [population, role, trait] masculin; [company] des hommesmale singer — chanteur m
male student — étudiant m
3) Electricity mâle -
10 marine
marine [məˈri:n]1. adjective[plant, animal] marin ; [products] de la mer2. noun3. compounds* * *[mə'riːn] 1.1) ( soldier) fusilier m marinthe Marines — les marines mpl
2) ( navy)2.adjective [mammal, biology] marin; [explorer, life] sous-marin; [insurance, law, transport] maritime•• -
11 sample
sample [ˈsα:mpl]1. nouna. [+ food, wine] goûter ; [+ lifestyle] goûter àb. [+ opinion] sonder• the newspaper has sampled public opinion on the proposal le journal a fait un sondage sur cette proposition* * *['sɑːmpl], US ['sæmpl] 1.1) (of product, fabric, rock etc) échantillon m2) Medicine, Biology ( of individual for analysis) prélèvement m; ( one of many kept in lab) échantillon m3) Ecology, Biology ( of water etc) prélèvement m4) (of public, population) panel m, échantillon m2.noun modifiersample bottle/packet — échantillon m
2) ( representative) [ question] type3.sample prices — prix mpl donnés à titre d'exemple
transitive verb1) goûter (à) [food, wine]2) ( test) essayer [products]; sonder [opinion, market] -
12 bacteriological
bacteriological [bæk‚tɪərɪə'lɒdʒɪkəl]Biology bactériologiqueUn panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > bacteriological
13 bisexual
14 bud
1 noun∎ the trees are in bud les arbres bourgeonnent(b) (of flower) bouton m;∎ the roses are in bud les roses sont en bouton►► bud vase soliflore m -
15 chromosome
16 coralline
coralline ['kɒrəlaɪn]1 noun(a) Mineralogy coralline f(a) Mineralogy corallien, corailleux(b) (pinkish-red) corallin►► coralline limestone calcaire m corallien;Biology coralline zone (in the ocean) zone f des bryozoaires (30 à 100 m) -
17 culture
culture ['kʌltʃə(r)]1 noun(a) (civilization, learning) culture f;∎ popular/youth culture culture f populaire/des jeunes;∎ a man of culture un homme cultivé ou qui a de la culture;∎ to have no culture être inculte(b) (ethos, environment)∎ the system breeds a culture of nepotism ce système favorise le copinage à tous les niveaux;∎ the culture of violence inherent in some forms of nationalism la violence inhérente à certaines formes de nationalisme;∎ a society characterized by a culture of individualism une société où l'individualisme règne en maître∎ physical culture culture f physique►► culture gap fossé m culturel;Biology culture medium milieu m de culture;culture shock choc m culturel; -
18 endoplasmic
Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > endoplasmic
19 exude
exude [ɪg'zju:d]∎ she exudes health elle respire la santé;∎ he exudes (an air of) confidence/well-being/charm un halo de confiance en soi/de bien-être/de charme se dégage de tout son être -
20 factor
factor ['fæktə(r)]∎ age is an important factor l'âge joue un rôle important;∎ a determining factor un facteur décisif ou déterminant;∎ the human factor le facteur humain;∎ the safety factor le facteur de sécurité;∎ the chill factor le coefficient de froid∎ sales increased by a factor of ten les ventes sont dix fois plus élevées, l'indice des ventes est dix fois plus haut;∎ Economics factor of production facteur m de production(c) (in suntan cream) indice m;∎ factor 6 indice 6►► factor analysis analyse f factorielle;Biology factor 8 facteur m VIII(add to calculation) inclure
См. также в других словарях:
Biology — • The science on life and living organisms Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Biology Biology † … Catholic encyclopedia
Biology — Gir … Википедия
Biology — adulticide amygdala hijack assisted migration beehacker biofraud biometrics biomimicry bionomics … New words
Biology — Bi*ol o*gy, n. [Gr. bi os life + logy: cf. F. biologie.] The science of life; that branch of knowledge which treats of living matter as distinct from matter which is not living; the study of living tissue. It has to do with the origin, structure … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biology — biology, philosophy of … Philosophy dictionary
biology — 1819, from Gk. bios life (see BIO (Cf. bio )) + LOGY (Cf. logy). Suggested 1802 by German naturalist Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (1776 1837), and introduced as a scientific term that year in French by Lamarck … Etymology dictionary
biology — ► NOUN 1) the scientific study of living organisms. 2) the plants and animals of a particular area. 3) the features of a particular organism or class of organisms. DERIVATIVES biologist noun … English terms dictionary
biology — [bī äl′ə jē] n. [< Fr or Ger: Fr biologie < Ger; coined (1802) by G. Reinhold (Treviranus), Ger physiologist < Gr bios (see BIO ) + logia, LOGY] 1. the science that deals with the origin, history, physical characteristics, life processes … English World dictionary
Biology — For other uses, see Biology (disambiguation). Biology deals with the study of the many varieties of living organisms. Cloc … Wikipedia
biology — /buy ol euh jee/, n. 1. the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, esp. with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior. 2. the living organisms of a region: the biology of Pennsylvania. 3. the… … Universalium
biology — [[t]baɪɒ̱ləʤi[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Biology is the science which is concerned with the study of living things. Derived words: biologist [[t]baɪɒ̱ləʤɪst[/t]] plural N COUNT ...biologists studying the fruit fly. 2) N UNCOUNT: the N of n, supp N The… … English dictionary