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  • 1 ἰού

    ἰού or [full] ἰοῦ (v. sub fin.), Interj., a loud cry expressive of sorrow, joy, or surprise,
    1 of grief of annoyance, usu. twice repeated,

    ἰοὺ ἰού D.19.209

    ; ἰ. ἰ. δύστηνος or δύστηνε, S.Tr. 1143, OT 1071; ἰ. ἰ. βοᾶν, κεκραγέναι, Ar.Nu. 543, Pax 345: c. gen.,

    ἰ. ἰ. τῶν.. κιγκλίδων Jul. Caes. 330d

    : rarely once, φῦ ( φεῦ codd.),

    ἰ. τῆς ἀσβόλου Ar.Th. 245

    ; or thrice, Id. Pax 110: with other Interj.,

    ἰ. ἰ. ὢ ὢ κακά A.Ag. 1214


    ἰ. ἰ. πόπαξ Id.Eu. 143

    2 of joyful surprise, hallo!, hurrah!, Id.Ag.25, E.Cyc. 464, 576, Ar.Eq. 1096, Pl.R. 432d, Grg. 499b, Smp. 223a. (Sch.Ar. Pax 345, 316 says that ἰοὺ ἰού is of woe, ἰοῦ ἰοῦ of joy: the rule is not observed in codd. In [dialect] Att. Poets it sts. stands extra versum, A.Ag.25, Ar.Nu.1.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἰού

  • 2 ιού

    indeclform (exclam)

    Morphologia Graeca > ιού

  • 3 ἰού

    indeclform (exclam)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰού

  • 4 ἰού

    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰάομαι
    j: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic)
    j: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic)
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰόομαι
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg
    become: pres imperat mp 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    ἰός 1
    arrow: masc gen sg
    ἰός 1
    arrow: neut gen sg
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰός 2
    poison: masc gen sg
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰόω
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg
    become: pres imperat mp 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    indeclform (exclam)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰού

  • 5 ἰοῦ

    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰάομαι
    j: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic)
    j: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic)
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰόομαι
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg
    become: pres imperat mp 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    ἰός 1
    arrow: masc gen sg
    ἰός 1
    arrow: neut gen sg
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰός 2
    poison: masc gen sg
    ἰ̱οῦ, ἰόω
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg
    become: pres imperat mp 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (homeric ionic)
    indeclform (exclam)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἰοῦ

  • 6 Ίου

    masc gen sg
    fem gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ίου

  • 7 Ἴου

    masc gen sg
    fem gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ἴου

  • 8 ίου

    violet: neut gen sg
    ἴ̱ου, ἰόω
    become: imperf ind act 3rd sg
    become: pres imperat act 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ίου

  • 9 ἴου

    violet: neut gen sg
    ἴ̱ου, ἰόω
    become: imperf ind act 3rd sg
    become: pres imperat act 2nd sg
    become: imperf ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἴου

  • 10 Ἰού

    the moon: fem acc dual
    the moon: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    the moon: fem voc dual

    Morphologia Graeca > Ἰού

  • 11 Ἰοῦ

    the moon: fem acc dual
    the moon: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    the moon: fem voc dual

    Morphologia Graeca > Ἰοῦ

  • 12 ναίου

    ναίω 1
    dwell: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    ναίω 1
    dwell: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    ναίω 2
    dwell: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    ναίω 2
    dwell: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    νᾱΐου, νήιος
    masc /neut gen sg (doric)
    νᾱΐου, νήιος
    masc /fem /neut gen sg (doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > ναίου

  • 13 πόπαξ

    πόπαξ, Interj.
    A = πόποι:

    ἰού, ἰού, πόπαξ A.Eu. 143


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πόπαξ

  • 14 οὐαί

    οὐαί (LXX; cp. הוֹי, אוֹי and Lat. vae; En; TestAbr B 9, 16 [Stone p. 74]; TestJob 22:2; 53:2; ParJer 9:8; ApcEsdr. But also Epict. 3, 19, 1; ibid. and 3, 22, 32 οὐαί μοι; Vi. Aesopi W 37 οὐαὶ τῇ ἀτυχίᾳ; POxy 413, 184f οὐαί σοι, ταλαίπωρε … οὐαί σοι• οὐαί μοι. Schwyzer II 143; B-D-F §4, 2a; ALowe, The Origin of οὐαί: Hermathena 105, ’67, 34–39. Loanw. in rabb.).
    interjection denoting pain or displeasure, woe, alas
    w. dat. of pers. or thing concerning whom (which) pain is expressed (s. above; oft. LXX; cp. Jos., Bell. 6, 306 αἰαὶ Ἱεροσολύμοις) οὐαί σοι Χοραζίν, οὐαί σοι Βηθσαϊδά(ν) Mt 11:21; Lk 10:13 (cp. Jer 13:27).—Mt 18:7b; 23:13–16, 23, 25, 27, 29 (on the severe tone in these pass. s. ASaldarini, Understanding Matthew’s Vitriol, BRev 13/2, ’97, 32–39, 45); 24:19; 26:24; Mk 13:17; 14:21; Lk 21:23; 22:22; 1 Cl 46:8 (Mt 26:24); Hv 4, 2, 6; D 1:5; GPt 7:25; GJs 20:1 (codd.).—Doubled for emphasis (Am 5:16.—Procop. Soph., Ep. 36 and 62 ἰοὺ ἰού=alas, alas!): three times w. dat. foll. Rv 8:13 v.l.—οὐαὶ διʼ οὗ ἔρχεται (=τούτῳ διʼ οὗ ἐρχ.) Lk 17:1; cp. 2 Cl 13:2; ITr 8:2.—W. ὅτι foll. to give the reason Lk 6:24f; 11:42–44, 47, 52; also vs. 46, only w. the difference that here οὐαί follows: ὑμῖν τοῖς νομικοῖς οὐαί, ὅτι. Cp. Jd 11; 2 Cl 17:5; B 6:2, 7 (Is 3:9).—W. the prep. ἀπό foll., also to give the reason: οὐαὶ τῷ κόσμῳ ἀπὸ τῶν σκανδάλων Mt 18:7a; w. ὅταν foll. Lk 6:26.—The transition to the next group is marked by οὐαὶ ὑμῖν, οἱ ἐμπεπλησμένοι vs. 25a.
    w. the nom. and article as a voc.: οὐαὶ οἱ γελῶντες νῦν Lk 6:25b (cp. Am 5:18; Hab 2:6, 12; Zeph 2:5). οὐαὶ οὐαὶ ἡ πόλις ἡ μεγάλη Rv 18:10, 16, 19 (to Greeks such interjection would suggest nemesis, cp. Hes., Op. 200f). οὐαὶ οἱ συνετοί 4:11 (Is 5:21). Also without the art. οὐαὶ τυφλοὶ μὴ ὁρῶντες Ox 840, 31f (Unknown Sayings 36–49).
    w. acc. of pers. (B-D-F §190, 2; Rob. 1193; cp. Lat. vae me) Rv 12:12. οὐαί repeated three times 8:13 (the reason for the ‘woe’ is introduced by ἐκ).
    a state of intense hardship or distress, woe, subst. (Ezk 2:10; 7:26; Kephal. I 105, 3) indecl. (B-D-F §58; Rob. 302) οὐαί μοί ἐστιν 1 Cor 9:16 (cp. Hos 9:12). As a fem. ἡ οὐαί woe, calamity Rv 9:12a; 11:14ab. Pl. ἔρχεται ἔτι δύο οὐαί 9:12b (the lack of agreement in number [B-D-F §136, 5] as Hes., Theog. 321 τῆς δʼ [of the Chimaera] ἦν τρεῖς κεφαλαί. The schol. on Hes. explains this characteristic as Doric; for critique of B-D-F s. PKatz, TLZ 82, ’57, 112).—DELG. M-M. EDNT. Spicq.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > οὐαί

  • 15 Ιούστου

    Ἰού̱στου, Ἰοῦστος
    masc gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ιούστου

  • 16 Ἰούστου

    Ἰού̱στου, Ἰοῦστος
    masc gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ἰούστου

  • 17 Ιούστω

    Ἰού̱στῳ, Ἰοῦστος
    masc dat sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ιούστω

  • 18 Ἰούστῳ

    Ἰού̱στῳ, Ἰοῦστος
    masc dat sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Ἰούστῳ

  • 19 βουγαίου

    βουγᾱΐου, βουγάιος
    bully: masc gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > βουγαίου

  • 20 δαίου

    δᾱΐου, δάιος
    hostile: masc /neut gen sg
    δαίω 1
    duno óti: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    δαίω 1
    duno óti: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    δαίω 2
    divide: pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    δαίω 2
    divide: imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic doric)
    pres imperat act 2nd sg
    imperf ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic)

    Morphologia Graeca > δαίου

См. также в других словарях:

  • ἰού — hallo! indeclform (exclam) …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ιού — Βλ. λ. Ιηού. * * * ἰού και ἰοῡ (Α) (σχετλιαστ. επιφών. συν. επαναλαμβανόμενο) 1. κραυγή λύπης, αλίμονο, οίμοι* («ἰοὺ ἰοὺ βοᾱν κεκραγέναι», Αριστοφ.) 2. κραυγή εκπλήξεως ή θαυμασμού («ἰού ἰοὺ ὡς πανοῡργος εἶ», Πλάτ.) 3. κραυγή χαράς («ἰοὺ ἰού,… …   Dictionary of Greek

  • ἰοῦ — ἰ̱οῦ , ἰάομαι j imperf ind mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic) ἰάομαι j pres imperat mp 2nd sg (attic epic ionic) ἰ̱οῦ , ἰόομαι become imperf ind mp 2nd sg ἰόομαι become pres imperat mp 2nd sg ἰόομαι become imperf ind mp 2nd sg (homeric ionic) ἰός 1… …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • Ἰοῦ — Ἰώ the moon fem acc dual Ἰώ the moon fem nom/voc/acc dual Ἰώ the moon fem voc dual …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • Ἴου — Ἴης masc gen sg Ἴος fem gen sg …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • ἴου — ἴον violet neut gen sg ἴ̱ου , ἰόω become imperf ind act 3rd sg ἰόω become pres imperat act 2nd sg ἰόω become imperf ind act 3rd sg (homeric ionic) …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • Μουσείο, Αρχαιολογικό Ίου — Το Αμοιροδάκειο Mέγαρο, στο οποίο στεγάζεται η αρχαιολογική συλλογή της Ίου, είναι από τα λιγοστά νεοκλασικά κτίρια της Xώρας. Xτίστηκε στις αρχές του 20ού αι., από την οικογένεια Aμοιραδάκη, που είχε αναπτύξει εμπορικές δραστηριότητες στην… …   Dictionary of Greek

  • αργού ιού, νόσος του- — Ομάδα ασθενειών, που εκδηλώνεται μετά από μήνες ή και χρόνια από την προσβολή από έναν ιό …   Dictionary of Greek

  • πλύνιον — ίου, τὸ, Α [πλυνός] υποκορ. τού πλυνός …   Dictionary of Greek

  • στλεγγίδιον — ίου, τὸ, Α [στλεγγίς, ίδος] υποκορ. μικρή στλεγγίδα …   Dictionary of Greek

  • Ἰούστου — Ἰού̱στου , Ἰοῦστος masc gen sg …   Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

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