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  • 1 שרי

    שְׁרֵי, שְׁרָא, שְׁרֵאch. sam( Hif. הִשְׁרָה to cause to rest), 1) to untie, unharness; to disengage, dismiss. Targ. O. Gen. 24:32 וש׳ גמליא (ed. Berl. וש׳ מן ג׳; Y. ושָׁ׳ זממי ג׳ Pa.; h. text ויפתח). Targ. Job 30:11. Targ. O. Ex. 3:5 (h. text של); a. fr.Pes.113a שְׁרִי כיסך פתח שפיך untie thy purse (to receive the money), open thy bag (to deliver the goods), i. e. sell for cash. Snh.98a כולהון שְׁרוֹ ואסירי … איהן ש׳ חדוכ׳ all of them untie and tie up (their sores) at once (untie all of them, and then tie them up), but he unties and ties up one at a time. Pesik. R. s. 22 (read:) שַׁרְתַּנְהוֹן … ע״ג סודרא she untied them (the two Denars), and placed them on the shawl. Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. אתת … ושַׁרְתוּןוכ׳ (fr. שרה, cmp. חֲמֵי) when prayer time came, he untied them (the coins), and gave them to R. H.; (read:) קטר פורתיה לפורתיה ויהבון לשמעיה ושרתון וערק he tied his (R. Hs) share to his own, and gave them to his servant, but he (the servant) untied them and ran away. Y.Meg.IV, 75b bot. שְׁרוֹן ליהוכ׳, v. סַפְרוּתָא. Y.Keth.XII, 35a שרון גרמון ומנוניה they dismissed themselves (resigned their office) and appointed him (Hillel) in their place; a. fr.ש׳ תיגרא to solve a dispute, to settle or decide a case. Ned.62a שְׁרוּ לי תיגראי ברישא take my case up first. Yeb.100a שָׁרֵינָאוכ׳, v. תִּגְרָא I; a. e. 2) to allow, permit; to forgive; to absolve (= h. הִתִּיר). Targ. Y. Num. 30:3. Targ. Y. II Gen. 22:14. Targ. Y. II Num. 14:20; a. fr.Kidd.13b הוא אסרה והוא שַׁרְתָהּ (Rashi שרי לה) he tied her (by marrying her), and he untied her (through his death, that she can dispose of herself). Y.Ber.II, 5b אינון שַׁרְיָין ואינון אסרין do the same men permit and forbid? Y.Snh.VII, end, 25d (read:) שַׁרְיִי מה דעבדתין אמרה ליה לי נא שַׁרְיָיה undo what thou hast done (by charm); said she to him, I will not undo. Bab. ib. 99a ש׳ ליה מריהוכ׳ the Lord forgive R. Hillel. Ab. Zar.37a וקרו לן בית דינא שָׁרְיָא and they might call us a permitting court (of lax practice). Ib. כי שְׁרִיתוּהָ לאלתר שריתוהוכ׳ when you permitted her (to marry again), did you permit her to marry at once ? Ib. וקרו ליה יוסף שריא and they called him Joseph the permitter. Ib. אנא נמי שְׁרָאִי אחריתי Ms. M. (ed. אנא שרא, corr. acc.) I also permitted another thing (which was forbidden heretofore); a. v. fr.Part. pass. שָׁרֵי, שַׁרְיָא; f. שַׁרְיָא. Targ. II Esth. 3:8 יומא ש׳ a permitted day (free for trade).Bets.3b לדידיאפי׳ … ש׳ according to my opinion it is permitted even on the first day. Ib. 22a אפי׳ בשבת ש׳ it is permitted even on the Sabbath. Ned.62a ש׳ ליה לאינו לאודועיוכ׳ a man is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where they do not know him; a. fr. 3) (to loosen the girdle,) to sit down for a meal; trnsf. to start, begin. Targ. Deut. 16:9 (O. ed. Berl. תְּשָׁרֵי, Pa.). Targ. II Esth. 3:7; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 1 כמה דשְׁרִין למיכל (רבתי) (ed. Wil. דשְׁרוֹ) when they sat down to eat. Y.Dem.I, 21d bot.; Y.Shek.V, 48d top שַׁרְיַית מנהקה (not שוריית) she began to bray; a. fr.Trnsf. (cmp. meanings of b. h. יָאַל Hif.) to consent, be willing. Targ. Josh. 7:7. Ib. 17:12. Targ. Job 6:9; 28; a. fr. 4) to encamp, dwell, rest. Targ. 1 Sam. 26:5. Targ. Num. 2:2, sq. Targ. Ex. 40:35. Targ. Ps. 16:8, sq.; a. fr.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a חמריא שרוןוכ׳ ass-drivers took lodging in an inn. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד מירוש׳) רבתי אשכח … שרון יתביןוכ׳ he found men that had taken lodging there, and sat eating and drinking. Y.Sabb.XIV, 14c bot. ע״י דהוה ש׳ תמןוכ׳ because he lived there (in Babylonia) Gen. R. s. 20 ויתיר … שרי, v. פָּרָא II. Snh.39a כל בי … שָׁרְיָא the Shechinah dwells wherever ten persons are assembled; a. fr. Pa. שָׁרֵי same, 1) to untie, loosen. Targ. Ps. 30:12 (ed. Wil. Pe.). Targ. Job 12:18 (ed. Wil. מַשְׁרֵי Af.); a. e. 2) to begin. Targ. O. Deut. 1:5 (Y. שוֹרֵי Poel). Ib. 2:24 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Ib. 25. Targ. Jer. 4:31; a. fr.Targ. Prov. 13:12 דמְשָׁרֵי למעדריה (not משדי, v. Pesh. a. LXX) who begins to help himself (h. text תחלת ממשכה!). 3) to cause to rest, v. infra. Af. אַשְׁרֵי 1) to untie, v. supra. 2) to cause to encamp or dwell, to let rest. Targ. Gen. 2:15. Targ. Jer. 7:7. Targ. Ps. 23:2. Ib. 74:2 Ms. (ed. Pa.); a. fr.Sabb.67a הסנה … א׳ קודשאוכ׳ O thornbush! not because thou art higher than all other trees did the Lord let his Presence rest upon thee Koh. R. to III, 9, end כל … לא מַשְׁרִיןוכ׳ (in the hereafter) they allow every one to dwell only with his fellow tradesmen; ib. beg. מתרין (corr. acc.); a. e. Ithpa. אִשְׁתָּרֵי, Ithpe. אִישְׁתְּרֵי, אִישְּׁרֵי 1) to be untied, loosened. Targ. Is. 5:27.Lev. R. s. 14, v. חֲבִילָא II; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Yeb.106a כי היכי דתִישְׁתְּרִי לעלמא in order that she may be free to marry again. Bets.2b יו״ט בעלמא תשתרי let it be permitted for use on any other Holy Day (not followed by the Sabbath); a. e. 3) to be begun, begin. Targ. Y. Gen. 37:17. Targ. Ps. 119:96, v. שַׁכְלֵל.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a מישרי נבח בהון (prob. to be read: אישרי) he began to bark at them; ib. מישרי מתרתר, v. תַּרְתֵּר(Lev. R. s. 13 אשתריתין, v. שְׁתַר.

    Jewish literature > שרי

  • 2 שרא

    שְׁרֵי, שְׁרָא, שְׁרֵאch. sam( Hif. הִשְׁרָה to cause to rest), 1) to untie, unharness; to disengage, dismiss. Targ. O. Gen. 24:32 וש׳ גמליא (ed. Berl. וש׳ מן ג׳; Y. ושָׁ׳ זממי ג׳ Pa.; h. text ויפתח). Targ. Job 30:11. Targ. O. Ex. 3:5 (h. text של); a. fr.Pes.113a שְׁרִי כיסך פתח שפיך untie thy purse (to receive the money), open thy bag (to deliver the goods), i. e. sell for cash. Snh.98a כולהון שְׁרוֹ ואסירי … איהן ש׳ חדוכ׳ all of them untie and tie up (their sores) at once (untie all of them, and then tie them up), but he unties and ties up one at a time. Pesik. R. s. 22 (read:) שַׁרְתַּנְהוֹן … ע״ג סודרא she untied them (the two Denars), and placed them on the shawl. Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. אתת … ושַׁרְתוּןוכ׳ (fr. שרה, cmp. חֲמֵי) when prayer time came, he untied them (the coins), and gave them to R. H.; (read:) קטר פורתיה לפורתיה ויהבון לשמעיה ושרתון וערק he tied his (R. Hs) share to his own, and gave them to his servant, but he (the servant) untied them and ran away. Y.Meg.IV, 75b bot. שְׁרוֹן ליהוכ׳, v. סַפְרוּתָא. Y.Keth.XII, 35a שרון גרמון ומנוניה they dismissed themselves (resigned their office) and appointed him (Hillel) in their place; a. fr.ש׳ תיגרא to solve a dispute, to settle or decide a case. Ned.62a שְׁרוּ לי תיגראי ברישא take my case up first. Yeb.100a שָׁרֵינָאוכ׳, v. תִּגְרָא I; a. e. 2) to allow, permit; to forgive; to absolve (= h. הִתִּיר). Targ. Y. Num. 30:3. Targ. Y. II Gen. 22:14. Targ. Y. II Num. 14:20; a. fr.Kidd.13b הוא אסרה והוא שַׁרְתָהּ (Rashi שרי לה) he tied her (by marrying her), and he untied her (through his death, that she can dispose of herself). Y.Ber.II, 5b אינון שַׁרְיָין ואינון אסרין do the same men permit and forbid? Y.Snh.VII, end, 25d (read:) שַׁרְיִי מה דעבדתין אמרה ליה לי נא שַׁרְיָיה undo what thou hast done (by charm); said she to him, I will not undo. Bab. ib. 99a ש׳ ליה מריהוכ׳ the Lord forgive R. Hillel. Ab. Zar.37a וקרו לן בית דינא שָׁרְיָא and they might call us a permitting court (of lax practice). Ib. כי שְׁרִיתוּהָ לאלתר שריתוהוכ׳ when you permitted her (to marry again), did you permit her to marry at once ? Ib. וקרו ליה יוסף שריא and they called him Joseph the permitter. Ib. אנא נמי שְׁרָאִי אחריתי Ms. M. (ed. אנא שרא, corr. acc.) I also permitted another thing (which was forbidden heretofore); a. v. fr.Part. pass. שָׁרֵי, שַׁרְיָא; f. שַׁרְיָא. Targ. II Esth. 3:8 יומא ש׳ a permitted day (free for trade).Bets.3b לדידיאפי׳ … ש׳ according to my opinion it is permitted even on the first day. Ib. 22a אפי׳ בשבת ש׳ it is permitted even on the Sabbath. Ned.62a ש׳ ליה לאינו לאודועיוכ׳ a man is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where they do not know him; a. fr. 3) (to loosen the girdle,) to sit down for a meal; trnsf. to start, begin. Targ. Deut. 16:9 (O. ed. Berl. תְּשָׁרֵי, Pa.). Targ. II Esth. 3:7; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 1 כמה דשְׁרִין למיכל (רבתי) (ed. Wil. דשְׁרוֹ) when they sat down to eat. Y.Dem.I, 21d bot.; Y.Shek.V, 48d top שַׁרְיַית מנהקה (not שוריית) she began to bray; a. fr.Trnsf. (cmp. meanings of b. h. יָאַל Hif.) to consent, be willing. Targ. Josh. 7:7. Ib. 17:12. Targ. Job 6:9; 28; a. fr. 4) to encamp, dwell, rest. Targ. 1 Sam. 26:5. Targ. Num. 2:2, sq. Targ. Ex. 40:35. Targ. Ps. 16:8, sq.; a. fr.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a חמריא שרוןוכ׳ ass-drivers took lodging in an inn. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד מירוש׳) רבתי אשכח … שרון יתביןוכ׳ he found men that had taken lodging there, and sat eating and drinking. Y.Sabb.XIV, 14c bot. ע״י דהוה ש׳ תמןוכ׳ because he lived there (in Babylonia) Gen. R. s. 20 ויתיר … שרי, v. פָּרָא II. Snh.39a כל בי … שָׁרְיָא the Shechinah dwells wherever ten persons are assembled; a. fr. Pa. שָׁרֵי same, 1) to untie, loosen. Targ. Ps. 30:12 (ed. Wil. Pe.). Targ. Job 12:18 (ed. Wil. מַשְׁרֵי Af.); a. e. 2) to begin. Targ. O. Deut. 1:5 (Y. שוֹרֵי Poel). Ib. 2:24 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Ib. 25. Targ. Jer. 4:31; a. fr.Targ. Prov. 13:12 דמְשָׁרֵי למעדריה (not משדי, v. Pesh. a. LXX) who begins to help himself (h. text תחלת ממשכה!). 3) to cause to rest, v. infra. Af. אַשְׁרֵי 1) to untie, v. supra. 2) to cause to encamp or dwell, to let rest. Targ. Gen. 2:15. Targ. Jer. 7:7. Targ. Ps. 23:2. Ib. 74:2 Ms. (ed. Pa.); a. fr.Sabb.67a הסנה … א׳ קודשאוכ׳ O thornbush! not because thou art higher than all other trees did the Lord let his Presence rest upon thee Koh. R. to III, 9, end כל … לא מַשְׁרִיןוכ׳ (in the hereafter) they allow every one to dwell only with his fellow tradesmen; ib. beg. מתרין (corr. acc.); a. e. Ithpa. אִשְׁתָּרֵי, Ithpe. אִישְׁתְּרֵי, אִישְּׁרֵי 1) to be untied, loosened. Targ. Is. 5:27.Lev. R. s. 14, v. חֲבִילָא II; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Yeb.106a כי היכי דתִישְׁתְּרִי לעלמא in order that she may be free to marry again. Bets.2b יו״ט בעלמא תשתרי let it be permitted for use on any other Holy Day (not followed by the Sabbath); a. e. 3) to be begun, begin. Targ. Y. Gen. 37:17. Targ. Ps. 119:96, v. שַׁכְלֵל.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a מישרי נבח בהון (prob. to be read: אישרי) he began to bark at them; ib. מישרי מתרתר, v. תַּרְתֵּר(Lev. R. s. 13 אשתריתין, v. שְׁתַר.

    Jewish literature > שרא

  • 3 שְׁרֵי

    שְׁרֵי, שְׁרָא, שְׁרֵאch. sam( Hif. הִשְׁרָה to cause to rest), 1) to untie, unharness; to disengage, dismiss. Targ. O. Gen. 24:32 וש׳ גמליא (ed. Berl. וש׳ מן ג׳; Y. ושָׁ׳ זממי ג׳ Pa.; h. text ויפתח). Targ. Job 30:11. Targ. O. Ex. 3:5 (h. text של); a. fr.Pes.113a שְׁרִי כיסך פתח שפיך untie thy purse (to receive the money), open thy bag (to deliver the goods), i. e. sell for cash. Snh.98a כולהון שְׁרוֹ ואסירי … איהן ש׳ חדוכ׳ all of them untie and tie up (their sores) at once (untie all of them, and then tie them up), but he unties and ties up one at a time. Pesik. R. s. 22 (read:) שַׁרְתַּנְהוֹן … ע״ג סודרא she untied them (the two Denars), and placed them on the shawl. Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. אתת … ושַׁרְתוּןוכ׳ (fr. שרה, cmp. חֲמֵי) when prayer time came, he untied them (the coins), and gave them to R. H.; (read:) קטר פורתיה לפורתיה ויהבון לשמעיה ושרתון וערק he tied his (R. Hs) share to his own, and gave them to his servant, but he (the servant) untied them and ran away. Y.Meg.IV, 75b bot. שְׁרוֹן ליהוכ׳, v. סַפְרוּתָא. Y.Keth.XII, 35a שרון גרמון ומנוניה they dismissed themselves (resigned their office) and appointed him (Hillel) in their place; a. fr.ש׳ תיגרא to solve a dispute, to settle or decide a case. Ned.62a שְׁרוּ לי תיגראי ברישא take my case up first. Yeb.100a שָׁרֵינָאוכ׳, v. תִּגְרָא I; a. e. 2) to allow, permit; to forgive; to absolve (= h. הִתִּיר). Targ. Y. Num. 30:3. Targ. Y. II Gen. 22:14. Targ. Y. II Num. 14:20; a. fr.Kidd.13b הוא אסרה והוא שַׁרְתָהּ (Rashi שרי לה) he tied her (by marrying her), and he untied her (through his death, that she can dispose of herself). Y.Ber.II, 5b אינון שַׁרְיָין ואינון אסרין do the same men permit and forbid? Y.Snh.VII, end, 25d (read:) שַׁרְיִי מה דעבדתין אמרה ליה לי נא שַׁרְיָיה undo what thou hast done (by charm); said she to him, I will not undo. Bab. ib. 99a ש׳ ליה מריהוכ׳ the Lord forgive R. Hillel. Ab. Zar.37a וקרו לן בית דינא שָׁרְיָא and they might call us a permitting court (of lax practice). Ib. כי שְׁרִיתוּהָ לאלתר שריתוהוכ׳ when you permitted her (to marry again), did you permit her to marry at once ? Ib. וקרו ליה יוסף שריא and they called him Joseph the permitter. Ib. אנא נמי שְׁרָאִי אחריתי Ms. M. (ed. אנא שרא, corr. acc.) I also permitted another thing (which was forbidden heretofore); a. v. fr.Part. pass. שָׁרֵי, שַׁרְיָא; f. שַׁרְיָא. Targ. II Esth. 3:8 יומא ש׳ a permitted day (free for trade).Bets.3b לדידיאפי׳ … ש׳ according to my opinion it is permitted even on the first day. Ib. 22a אפי׳ בשבת ש׳ it is permitted even on the Sabbath. Ned.62a ש׳ ליה לאינו לאודועיוכ׳ a man is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where they do not know him; a. fr. 3) (to loosen the girdle,) to sit down for a meal; trnsf. to start, begin. Targ. Deut. 16:9 (O. ed. Berl. תְּשָׁרֵי, Pa.). Targ. II Esth. 3:7; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 1 כמה דשְׁרִין למיכל (רבתי) (ed. Wil. דשְׁרוֹ) when they sat down to eat. Y.Dem.I, 21d bot.; Y.Shek.V, 48d top שַׁרְיַית מנהקה (not שוריית) she began to bray; a. fr.Trnsf. (cmp. meanings of b. h. יָאַל Hif.) to consent, be willing. Targ. Josh. 7:7. Ib. 17:12. Targ. Job 6:9; 28; a. fr. 4) to encamp, dwell, rest. Targ. 1 Sam. 26:5. Targ. Num. 2:2, sq. Targ. Ex. 40:35. Targ. Ps. 16:8, sq.; a. fr.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a חמריא שרוןוכ׳ ass-drivers took lodging in an inn. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד מירוש׳) רבתי אשכח … שרון יתביןוכ׳ he found men that had taken lodging there, and sat eating and drinking. Y.Sabb.XIV, 14c bot. ע״י דהוה ש׳ תמןוכ׳ because he lived there (in Babylonia) Gen. R. s. 20 ויתיר … שרי, v. פָּרָא II. Snh.39a כל בי … שָׁרְיָא the Shechinah dwells wherever ten persons are assembled; a. fr. Pa. שָׁרֵי same, 1) to untie, loosen. Targ. Ps. 30:12 (ed. Wil. Pe.). Targ. Job 12:18 (ed. Wil. מַשְׁרֵי Af.); a. e. 2) to begin. Targ. O. Deut. 1:5 (Y. שוֹרֵי Poel). Ib. 2:24 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Ib. 25. Targ. Jer. 4:31; a. fr.Targ. Prov. 13:12 דמְשָׁרֵי למעדריה (not משדי, v. Pesh. a. LXX) who begins to help himself (h. text תחלת ממשכה!). 3) to cause to rest, v. infra. Af. אַשְׁרֵי 1) to untie, v. supra. 2) to cause to encamp or dwell, to let rest. Targ. Gen. 2:15. Targ. Jer. 7:7. Targ. Ps. 23:2. Ib. 74:2 Ms. (ed. Pa.); a. fr.Sabb.67a הסנה … א׳ קודשאוכ׳ O thornbush! not because thou art higher than all other trees did the Lord let his Presence rest upon thee Koh. R. to III, 9, end כל … לא מַשְׁרִיןוכ׳ (in the hereafter) they allow every one to dwell only with his fellow tradesmen; ib. beg. מתרין (corr. acc.); a. e. Ithpa. אִשְׁתָּרֵי, Ithpe. אִישְׁתְּרֵי, אִישְּׁרֵי 1) to be untied, loosened. Targ. Is. 5:27.Lev. R. s. 14, v. חֲבִילָא II; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Yeb.106a כי היכי דתִישְׁתְּרִי לעלמא in order that she may be free to marry again. Bets.2b יו״ט בעלמא תשתרי let it be permitted for use on any other Holy Day (not followed by the Sabbath); a. e. 3) to be begun, begin. Targ. Y. Gen. 37:17. Targ. Ps. 119:96, v. שַׁכְלֵל.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a מישרי נבח בהון (prob. to be read: אישרי) he began to bark at them; ib. מישרי מתרתר, v. תַּרְתֵּר(Lev. R. s. 13 אשתריתין, v. שְׁתַר.

    Jewish literature > שְׁרֵי

  • 4 שְׁרָא

    שְׁרֵי, שְׁרָא, שְׁרֵאch. sam( Hif. הִשְׁרָה to cause to rest), 1) to untie, unharness; to disengage, dismiss. Targ. O. Gen. 24:32 וש׳ גמליא (ed. Berl. וש׳ מן ג׳; Y. ושָׁ׳ זממי ג׳ Pa.; h. text ויפתח). Targ. Job 30:11. Targ. O. Ex. 3:5 (h. text של); a. fr.Pes.113a שְׁרִי כיסך פתח שפיך untie thy purse (to receive the money), open thy bag (to deliver the goods), i. e. sell for cash. Snh.98a כולהון שְׁרוֹ ואסירי … איהן ש׳ חדוכ׳ all of them untie and tie up (their sores) at once (untie all of them, and then tie them up), but he unties and ties up one at a time. Pesik. R. s. 22 (read:) שַׁרְתַּנְהוֹן … ע״ג סודרא she untied them (the two Denars), and placed them on the shawl. Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. אתת … ושַׁרְתוּןוכ׳ (fr. שרה, cmp. חֲמֵי) when prayer time came, he untied them (the coins), and gave them to R. H.; (read:) קטר פורתיה לפורתיה ויהבון לשמעיה ושרתון וערק he tied his (R. Hs) share to his own, and gave them to his servant, but he (the servant) untied them and ran away. Y.Meg.IV, 75b bot. שְׁרוֹן ליהוכ׳, v. סַפְרוּתָא. Y.Keth.XII, 35a שרון גרמון ומנוניה they dismissed themselves (resigned their office) and appointed him (Hillel) in their place; a. fr.ש׳ תיגרא to solve a dispute, to settle or decide a case. Ned.62a שְׁרוּ לי תיגראי ברישא take my case up first. Yeb.100a שָׁרֵינָאוכ׳, v. תִּגְרָא I; a. e. 2) to allow, permit; to forgive; to absolve (= h. הִתִּיר). Targ. Y. Num. 30:3. Targ. Y. II Gen. 22:14. Targ. Y. II Num. 14:20; a. fr.Kidd.13b הוא אסרה והוא שַׁרְתָהּ (Rashi שרי לה) he tied her (by marrying her), and he untied her (through his death, that she can dispose of herself). Y.Ber.II, 5b אינון שַׁרְיָין ואינון אסרין do the same men permit and forbid? Y.Snh.VII, end, 25d (read:) שַׁרְיִי מה דעבדתין אמרה ליה לי נא שַׁרְיָיה undo what thou hast done (by charm); said she to him, I will not undo. Bab. ib. 99a ש׳ ליה מריהוכ׳ the Lord forgive R. Hillel. Ab. Zar.37a וקרו לן בית דינא שָׁרְיָא and they might call us a permitting court (of lax practice). Ib. כי שְׁרִיתוּהָ לאלתר שריתוהוכ׳ when you permitted her (to marry again), did you permit her to marry at once ? Ib. וקרו ליה יוסף שריא and they called him Joseph the permitter. Ib. אנא נמי שְׁרָאִי אחריתי Ms. M. (ed. אנא שרא, corr. acc.) I also permitted another thing (which was forbidden heretofore); a. v. fr.Part. pass. שָׁרֵי, שַׁרְיָא; f. שַׁרְיָא. Targ. II Esth. 3:8 יומא ש׳ a permitted day (free for trade).Bets.3b לדידיאפי׳ … ש׳ according to my opinion it is permitted even on the first day. Ib. 22a אפי׳ בשבת ש׳ it is permitted even on the Sabbath. Ned.62a ש׳ ליה לאינו לאודועיוכ׳ a man is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where they do not know him; a. fr. 3) (to loosen the girdle,) to sit down for a meal; trnsf. to start, begin. Targ. Deut. 16:9 (O. ed. Berl. תְּשָׁרֵי, Pa.). Targ. II Esth. 3:7; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 1 כמה דשְׁרִין למיכל (רבתי) (ed. Wil. דשְׁרוֹ) when they sat down to eat. Y.Dem.I, 21d bot.; Y.Shek.V, 48d top שַׁרְיַית מנהקה (not שוריית) she began to bray; a. fr.Trnsf. (cmp. meanings of b. h. יָאַל Hif.) to consent, be willing. Targ. Josh. 7:7. Ib. 17:12. Targ. Job 6:9; 28; a. fr. 4) to encamp, dwell, rest. Targ. 1 Sam. 26:5. Targ. Num. 2:2, sq. Targ. Ex. 40:35. Targ. Ps. 16:8, sq.; a. fr.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a חמריא שרוןוכ׳ ass-drivers took lodging in an inn. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד מירוש׳) רבתי אשכח … שרון יתביןוכ׳ he found men that had taken lodging there, and sat eating and drinking. Y.Sabb.XIV, 14c bot. ע״י דהוה ש׳ תמןוכ׳ because he lived there (in Babylonia) Gen. R. s. 20 ויתיר … שרי, v. פָּרָא II. Snh.39a כל בי … שָׁרְיָא the Shechinah dwells wherever ten persons are assembled; a. fr. Pa. שָׁרֵי same, 1) to untie, loosen. Targ. Ps. 30:12 (ed. Wil. Pe.). Targ. Job 12:18 (ed. Wil. מַשְׁרֵי Af.); a. e. 2) to begin. Targ. O. Deut. 1:5 (Y. שוֹרֵי Poel). Ib. 2:24 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Ib. 25. Targ. Jer. 4:31; a. fr.Targ. Prov. 13:12 דמְשָׁרֵי למעדריה (not משדי, v. Pesh. a. LXX) who begins to help himself (h. text תחלת ממשכה!). 3) to cause to rest, v. infra. Af. אַשְׁרֵי 1) to untie, v. supra. 2) to cause to encamp or dwell, to let rest. Targ. Gen. 2:15. Targ. Jer. 7:7. Targ. Ps. 23:2. Ib. 74:2 Ms. (ed. Pa.); a. fr.Sabb.67a הסנה … א׳ קודשאוכ׳ O thornbush! not because thou art higher than all other trees did the Lord let his Presence rest upon thee Koh. R. to III, 9, end כל … לא מַשְׁרִיןוכ׳ (in the hereafter) they allow every one to dwell only with his fellow tradesmen; ib. beg. מתרין (corr. acc.); a. e. Ithpa. אִשְׁתָּרֵי, Ithpe. אִישְׁתְּרֵי, אִישְּׁרֵי 1) to be untied, loosened. Targ. Is. 5:27.Lev. R. s. 14, v. חֲבִילָא II; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Yeb.106a כי היכי דתִישְׁתְּרִי לעלמא in order that she may be free to marry again. Bets.2b יו״ט בעלמא תשתרי let it be permitted for use on any other Holy Day (not followed by the Sabbath); a. e. 3) to be begun, begin. Targ. Y. Gen. 37:17. Targ. Ps. 119:96, v. שַׁכְלֵל.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a מישרי נבח בהון (prob. to be read: אישרי) he began to bark at them; ib. מישרי מתרתר, v. תַּרְתֵּר(Lev. R. s. 13 אשתריתין, v. שְׁתַר.

    Jewish literature > שְׁרָא

  • 5 שְׁרֵא

    שְׁרֵי, שְׁרָא, שְׁרֵאch. sam( Hif. הִשְׁרָה to cause to rest), 1) to untie, unharness; to disengage, dismiss. Targ. O. Gen. 24:32 וש׳ גמליא (ed. Berl. וש׳ מן ג׳; Y. ושָׁ׳ זממי ג׳ Pa.; h. text ויפתח). Targ. Job 30:11. Targ. O. Ex. 3:5 (h. text של); a. fr.Pes.113a שְׁרִי כיסך פתח שפיך untie thy purse (to receive the money), open thy bag (to deliver the goods), i. e. sell for cash. Snh.98a כולהון שְׁרוֹ ואסירי … איהן ש׳ חדוכ׳ all of them untie and tie up (their sores) at once (untie all of them, and then tie them up), but he unties and ties up one at a time. Pesik. R. s. 22 (read:) שַׁרְתַּנְהוֹן … ע״ג סודרא she untied them (the two Denars), and placed them on the shawl. Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. אתת … ושַׁרְתוּןוכ׳ (fr. שרה, cmp. חֲמֵי) when prayer time came, he untied them (the coins), and gave them to R. H.; (read:) קטר פורתיה לפורתיה ויהבון לשמעיה ושרתון וערק he tied his (R. Hs) share to his own, and gave them to his servant, but he (the servant) untied them and ran away. Y.Meg.IV, 75b bot. שְׁרוֹן ליהוכ׳, v. סַפְרוּתָא. Y.Keth.XII, 35a שרון גרמון ומנוניה they dismissed themselves (resigned their office) and appointed him (Hillel) in their place; a. fr.ש׳ תיגרא to solve a dispute, to settle or decide a case. Ned.62a שְׁרוּ לי תיגראי ברישא take my case up first. Yeb.100a שָׁרֵינָאוכ׳, v. תִּגְרָא I; a. e. 2) to allow, permit; to forgive; to absolve (= h. הִתִּיר). Targ. Y. Num. 30:3. Targ. Y. II Gen. 22:14. Targ. Y. II Num. 14:20; a. fr.Kidd.13b הוא אסרה והוא שַׁרְתָהּ (Rashi שרי לה) he tied her (by marrying her), and he untied her (through his death, that she can dispose of herself). Y.Ber.II, 5b אינון שַׁרְיָין ואינון אסרין do the same men permit and forbid? Y.Snh.VII, end, 25d (read:) שַׁרְיִי מה דעבדתין אמרה ליה לי נא שַׁרְיָיה undo what thou hast done (by charm); said she to him, I will not undo. Bab. ib. 99a ש׳ ליה מריהוכ׳ the Lord forgive R. Hillel. Ab. Zar.37a וקרו לן בית דינא שָׁרְיָא and they might call us a permitting court (of lax practice). Ib. כי שְׁרִיתוּהָ לאלתר שריתוהוכ׳ when you permitted her (to marry again), did you permit her to marry at once ? Ib. וקרו ליה יוסף שריא and they called him Joseph the permitter. Ib. אנא נמי שְׁרָאִי אחריתי Ms. M. (ed. אנא שרא, corr. acc.) I also permitted another thing (which was forbidden heretofore); a. v. fr.Part. pass. שָׁרֵי, שַׁרְיָא; f. שַׁרְיָא. Targ. II Esth. 3:8 יומא ש׳ a permitted day (free for trade).Bets.3b לדידיאפי׳ … ש׳ according to my opinion it is permitted even on the first day. Ib. 22a אפי׳ בשבת ש׳ it is permitted even on the Sabbath. Ned.62a ש׳ ליה לאינו לאודועיוכ׳ a man is permitted to make himself known (as a scholar) in a place where they do not know him; a. fr. 3) (to loosen the girdle,) to sit down for a meal; trnsf. to start, begin. Targ. Deut. 16:9 (O. ed. Berl. תְּשָׁרֵי, Pa.). Targ. II Esth. 3:7; a. fr.Lam. R. to I, 1 כמה דשְׁרִין למיכל (רבתי) (ed. Wil. דשְׁרוֹ) when they sat down to eat. Y.Dem.I, 21d bot.; Y.Shek.V, 48d top שַׁרְיַית מנהקה (not שוריית) she began to bray; a. fr.Trnsf. (cmp. meanings of b. h. יָאַל Hif.) to consent, be willing. Targ. Josh. 7:7. Ib. 17:12. Targ. Job 6:9; 28; a. fr. 4) to encamp, dwell, rest. Targ. 1 Sam. 26:5. Targ. Num. 2:2, sq. Targ. Ex. 40:35. Targ. Ps. 16:8, sq.; a. fr.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a חמריא שרוןוכ׳ ass-drivers took lodging in an inn. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד מירוש׳) רבתי אשכח … שרון יתביןוכ׳ he found men that had taken lodging there, and sat eating and drinking. Y.Sabb.XIV, 14c bot. ע״י דהוה ש׳ תמןוכ׳ because he lived there (in Babylonia) Gen. R. s. 20 ויתיר … שרי, v. פָּרָא II. Snh.39a כל בי … שָׁרְיָא the Shechinah dwells wherever ten persons are assembled; a. fr. Pa. שָׁרֵי same, 1) to untie, loosen. Targ. Ps. 30:12 (ed. Wil. Pe.). Targ. Job 12:18 (ed. Wil. מַשְׁרֵי Af.); a. e. 2) to begin. Targ. O. Deut. 1:5 (Y. שוֹרֵי Poel). Ib. 2:24 (O. ed. Vien. Pe.). Ib. 25. Targ. Jer. 4:31; a. fr.Targ. Prov. 13:12 דמְשָׁרֵי למעדריה (not משדי, v. Pesh. a. LXX) who begins to help himself (h. text תחלת ממשכה!). 3) to cause to rest, v. infra. Af. אַשְׁרֵי 1) to untie, v. supra. 2) to cause to encamp or dwell, to let rest. Targ. Gen. 2:15. Targ. Jer. 7:7. Targ. Ps. 23:2. Ib. 74:2 Ms. (ed. Pa.); a. fr.Sabb.67a הסנה … א׳ קודשאוכ׳ O thornbush! not because thou art higher than all other trees did the Lord let his Presence rest upon thee Koh. R. to III, 9, end כל … לא מַשְׁרִיןוכ׳ (in the hereafter) they allow every one to dwell only with his fellow tradesmen; ib. beg. מתרין (corr. acc.); a. e. Ithpa. אִשְׁתָּרֵי, Ithpe. אִישְׁתְּרֵי, אִישְּׁרֵי 1) to be untied, loosened. Targ. Is. 5:27.Lev. R. s. 14, v. חֲבִילָא II; a. e. 2) to be permitted. Yeb.106a כי היכי דתִישְׁתְּרִי לעלמא in order that she may be free to marry again. Bets.2b יו״ט בעלמא תשתרי let it be permitted for use on any other Holy Day (not followed by the Sabbath); a. e. 3) to be begun, begin. Targ. Y. Gen. 37:17. Targ. Ps. 119:96, v. שַׁכְלֵל.Y.Ter.VIII, 46a מישרי נבח בהון (prob. to be read: אישרי) he began to bark at them; ib. מישרי מתרתר, v. תַּרְתֵּר(Lev. R. s. 13 אשתריתין, v. שְׁתַר.

    Jewish literature > שְׁרֵא

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