Перевод: с английского на латышский

с латышского на английский


  • 1 scrabble

    (a kind of word-building game.)
    * * *
    skribelēt, kricelēt; rakņāties

    English-Latvian dictionary > scrabble

  • 2 scraggy

    (unattractively thin: a scraggy neck.) tievs; kārns
    * * *
    noliesējis, izdēdējis; liess

    English-Latvian dictionary > scraggy

  • 3 scramble

    ['skræmbl] 1. verb
    1) (to crawl or climb quickly, using arms and legs: They scrambled up the slope; He scrambled over the rocks.) rāpties
    2) (to move hastily: He scrambled to his feet.) Viņš pietrūkās kājās.
    3) ((with for) to rush, or struggle with others, to get: The boys scrambled for the ball.) cīnīties; plūkties
    4) (to distort (a telephone message etc) so that it can only be received and understood with a special receiver.) aizšifrēt (telefona ziņu)
    2. noun
    ((sometimes with for) an act of scrambling; a rush or struggle: There was a scramble for the best bargains.) cīniņš; plūkšanās
    - scrambled eggs
    - scrambled egg
    * * *
    rāpšanās; kautiņš; juceklis; motobraukšanas sacīkstes; rāpties; ložņāt; cīnīties; izdarīt steigā; izkaisīt; sakult

    English-Latvian dictionary > scramble

  • 4 scratch

    [skræ ] 1. verb
    1) (to mark or hurt by drawing a sharp point across: The cat scratched my hand; How did you scratch your leg?; I scratched myself on a rose bush.) []skrāpēt; ieskrāpēt
    2) (to rub to relieve itching: You should try not to scratch insect bites.) kasīt
    3) (to make by scratching: He scratched his name on the rock with a sharp stone.) iekasīt; iegriezt
    4) (to remove by scratching: She threatened to scratch his eyes out.) izskrāpēt
    5) (to withdraw from a game, race etc: That horse has been scratched.) izsvītrot no (dalībnieku) saraksta
    2. noun
    1) (a mark, injury or sound made by scratching: covered in scratches; a scratch at the door.) skramba; ieskrāpējums
    2) (a slight wound: I hurt myself, but it's only a scratch.) skramba
    3) (in certain races or competitions, the starting point for people with no handicap or advantage.) kopējs/vienlaicīgs starts
    - scratchiness
    - scratch the surface
    - start from scratch
    - up to scratch
    * * *
    skramba; švīkāšana; čirkstēšana; kasīšanās; starta līnija; sacīkšu dalībnieks bez handikapa; spreijas; nauda; ieskrambāt; kasīt; kasīties; čirkstēt; izsvītrot no dalībnieku saraksta; uzšvīkāt; atteikties; steigā savākts

    English-Latvian dictionary > scratch

  • 5 scroll

    (a roll of paper or parchment with writing on it.) (papirusa, pergamenta) tīstoklis
    * * *
    rullis; spirāle; spirālveida līnija; plakanvītne; rotāt vītnēm

    English-Latvian dictionary > scroll

  • 6 scrap

    I 1. [skræp] noun
    1) (a small piece or fragment: a scrap of paper.) gabaliņš; strēmele
    2) ((usually in plural) a piece of food left over after a meal: They gave the scraps to the dog.) (ēdiena) atliekas
    3) (waste articles that are only valuable for the material they contain: The old car was sold as scrap; ( also adjective) scrap metal.) lūžņi
    4) (a picture etc for sticking into a scrapbook.) izgriezums; uzlīme
    2. verb
    (to discard: They scapped the old television set; She decided to scrap the whole plan.) izmest; aizsviest; atteikties no
    - scrappily
    - scrappiness
    - scrapbook
    - scrap heap
    II 1. [skræp] noun
    (a fight: He tore his jacket in a scrap with another boy.) cīniņš; plūkšanās
    2. verb
    (to fight: The dogs were scrapping over a bone.) kauties; plēsties
    * * *
    gabaliņš, gabals; strēmele; atliekas, atkritumi; izgriezums; sīkums, nieks; metāllūžņi; kautiņš; izsviest; nodot metāllūžņos; kauties

    English-Latvian dictionary > scrap

См. также в других словарях:

  • skræk — sb., ken, i sms. skræk , fx skrækeksempel, skrækvision; til skræk og advarsel …   Dansk ordbog

  • SKR — steht für: Standardkontenrahmen in der Buchführung System der Kleinrechner der früheren Länder des RGW SKR (Roller), einen Maxiscooter des italienischen Rollerherstellers Piaggio Skr steht für: das Währungskürzel für die Schwedische Krone skr.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • skræve — skræ|ve vb., r, de, t; skræve over noget; skræve ud (gå med lange skridt) …   Dansk ordbog

  • skr — schwedische Krone. * * * skr = schwedische Krone …   Universal-Lexikon

  • škȑt — prid. 〈odr. ī, komp. škȑtijī〉 1. {{001f}}koji je pretjerano uzdržljiv u trošenju i davanju, pretjerano štedljiv, tvrd na novcu, opr. rastrošan 2. {{001f}}pren. a. {{001f}}oskudan, siromašan po kvaliteti, plodnosti, nedovoljan po sadržaju,… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • skræl — sb., len, ler, lerne; kartoflerne serveres med skræl …   Dansk ordbog

  • skræv — sb., et, skræv, ene (sted på kroppen hvor benene mødes) …   Dansk ordbog

  • skrævs — adv.; på skrævs …   Dansk ordbog

  • Skr. — Skr. abbr. Sanskrit. * * * …   Universalium

  • Skr — or Skrt or Skt abbrev. Sanskrit * * * Common Semitic noun *šikar , intoxicating drink. cider, from Greek sikera, from a Semitic source akin to Hebrew šēkār, Akkadian šikaru, intoxicating drink. * * * …   Universalium

  • skr. — skr. 〈Abk. für〉 schwedische Krone …   Universal-Lexikon

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