Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 severe

    1) ((of something unpleasant) serious; extreme: severe shortages of food; a severe illness; Our team suffered a severe defeat.) sério
    2) (strict or harsh: a severe mother; severe criticism.) severo
    3) ((of style in dress etc) very plain: a severe hairstyle.) severo
    - severity
    * * *
    [siv'iə] adj 1 severo, austero, rigoroso, áspero, duro. 2 sério, grave. 3 simples, sem adorno. 4 violento, forte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > severe

  • 2 severe

    1) ((of something unpleasant) serious; extreme: severe shortages of food; a severe illness; Our team suffered a severe defeat.) grave
    2) (strict or harsh: a severe mother; severe criticism.) severo
    3) ((of style in dress etc) very plain: a severe hairstyle.) austero
    - severity

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > severe

  • 3 severe

    sério, severo

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > severe

  • 4 severe

    severo, sério, grave, rígido, difícil

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > severe

  • 5 reprimand

    1. verb
    ((especially of a person in authority) to speak or write angrily or severely to (someone) because he has done wrong; to rebuke: The soldier was severely reprimanded for being drunk.) repreender
    2. noun
    (angry or severe words; a rebuke: He was given a severe reprimand.) repreensão
    * * *
    [r'eprima:nd; r'eprimænd] n reprimenda, repreensão, admoestação. • vt repreender, censurar, admoestar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reprimand

  • 6 shock

    I 1. [ʃok] noun
    1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) abalo
    2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) choque
    3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) choque
    4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) choque
    2. verb
    (to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) chocar
    - shocking
    - shockingly
    - shock-absorber
    II [ʃok] noun
    (a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) trunfa
    * * *
    [ʃɔk] n 1 choque, impacto, encontro, colisão. the walls stood the shock / os muros resistiram ao impacto. 2 distúrbio, abalo. I got the shock of my life / fiquei seriamente chocado. 3 Med choque, colapso. 4 coll paralisia. 5 golpe, desgosto, dissabor. 6 choque elétrico, descarga elétrica. 7 Mil ataque, choque de tropas. • vt 1 chocar-se, colidir, ir de encontro, abalar, bater. 2 surpreender, horrorizar, escandalizar, ofender, melindrar, ferir. he was shocked at or by her behaviour / ele ficou chocado com o comportamento dela. 3 dar choque elétrico.
    [ʃɔk] n meda: pilha de molhos de trigo ou milho no campo, montão de gavelas. • vt+vi juntar em medas, empilhar.
    [ʃɔk] n massa de pêlo ou de cabelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shock

  • 7 reprimand

    1. verb
    ((especially of a person in authority) to speak or write angrily or severely to (someone) because he has done wrong; to rebuke: The soldier was severely reprimanded for being drunk.) repreender
    2. noun
    (angry or severe words; a rebuke: He was given a severe reprimand.) reprimenda

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > reprimand

  • 8 shock

    I 1. [ʃok] noun
    1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) choque
    2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) choque
    3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) abalo
    4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) choque
    2. verb
    (to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) chocar
    - shocking - shockingly - shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun
    (a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) emaranhado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > shock

  • 9 acute

    1) ((of a disease etc) severe but not lasting very long: They think his illness is acute rather than chronic.) agudo
    2) (very great: There is an acute shortage of teachers.) intenso
    3) (quick-witted: As a businessman, he's very acute.) perspicaz
    4) ((of the senses) keen: acute hearing.) agudo
    5) (high, shrill s high sound.)
    - acutely
    - acuteness
    * * *
    [əkj'u:t] adj agudo: 1 pontiagudo, aguçado, afiado. 2 severo, crítico. 3 repentino. 4 vívido, penetrante, arguto, sensitivo. 5 intenso, forte, pungente (dor). 6 alto (som), estridente. 7 acentuado: assinalado com acento agudo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acute

  • 10 awful

    1) (very great: an awful rush.) terrível
    2) (very bad: This book is awful; an awful experience.) horrível
    3) (severe: an awful headache.) forte
    - awfulness
    * * *
    ['ɔ:ful] adj 1 terrível, tremendo, horrível, horroroso, medonho. 2 coll muito ruim, excessivamente grande ou feio. 3 impressionante. 4 arch respeitável, merecedor de veneração, sublime.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > awful

  • 11 bad

    comparative - worse; adjective
    1) (not good; not efficient: He is a bad driver; His eyesight is bad; They are bad at tennis (= they play tennis badly).) mau
    2) (wicked; immoral: a bad man; He has done some bad things.) mau
    3) (unpleasant: bad news.) mau
    4) (rotten: This meat is bad.) estragado
    5) (causing harm or injury: Smoking is bad for your health.) mau
    6) ((of a part of the body) painful, or in a weak state: She has a bad heart; I have a bad head (= headache) today.) doente
    7) (unwell: I am feeling quite bad today.) mal
    8) (serious or severe: a bad accident; a bad mistake.) grave
    9) ((of a debt) not likely to be paid: The firm loses money every year from bad debts.) não pago
    - badness
    - badly off
    - feel bad about something
    - feel bad
    - go from bad to worse
    - not bad
    - too bad
    * * *
    [bæd] n o que é ruim, qualidade má, quer física ou moral. • adj (compar worse, sup worst) 1 ruim, mau, inferior. 2 malvado, perverso, iníquo. 3 desagradável, incômodo, dolorido, pungente. 4 desfavorável, inoportuno. 5 ofensivo, injurioso. bad language / linguagem de baixo calão, palavrões. 6 sem valor, imprestável. 7 defeituoso, imperfeito, falho. 8 falso, não-válido. bad coin / moeda falsa. 9 estragado, podre. 10 Amer hostil, perigoso, assassino. bad blood / coll ser hostil, zangado. 11 nocivo, prejudicial. 12 enfermo, adoentado. bad finger / dedo ferido ou doente. she is very bad / ela está muito doente, ela está passando mal. 13 triste, pesaroso. 14 severo, intenso forte: a bad cold / um forte resfriado. act in bad faith agir desonestamente, de má fé. feel bad about estar aborrecido ou envergonhado. from bad to worse de mal a pior. he feels bad about sl ele fica zangado ou sentido. he had a bad time of it ele passou mal. he is badly off ele está em má situação (financeira). he went to the bad coll ele perdeu-se. I am in his bad books não sou cotado com ele. in a bad temper zangado, mal-humorado. I take the bad with the good tomo as coisas como são. not bad coll não é mau, serve. not a bad joke / uma boa piada. that is too bad é pena. that is very bad isto é muito mau. to make the best of a bad job fazer o melhor possível em circunstâncias difíceis. 3 £ to the bad (side of the account) 3 libras esterlinas de prejuízo. with a bad grace de má vontade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bad

  • 12 badly

    comparative - worse; adverb
    1) (not well, efficiently or satisfactorily: He plays tennis very badly.) mal
    2) (to a serious or severe extent: He badly needs a haircut; The dress is badly stained.) muito
    * * *
    [b'ædli] adv 1 mal, não bem. 2 coll muitíssimo, urgentemente. he badly wants his tea / ele deseja muito o seu chá. 3 de maneira ruim, com maldade, perversamente. 4 coll muito, ardentemente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > badly

  • 13 brutal

    adjective (very cruel or severe: a brutal beating.) brutal
    * * *
    [br'u:təl] adj brutal, cruel, selvagem, animalesco, desumano.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brutal

  • 14 chest

    I [ est] noun
    (the part of the body between the neck and waist, containing the heart and the lungs: a severe pain in his chest.) peito
    II [ est] noun
    (a large, strong wooden or metal box: The sheets were kept in a wooden chest.) arca
    * * *
    [tʃest] n 1 peito, tórax, caixa torácica. I must get it off my chest / tenho de desafogar-me (ou abrir-me), preciso desabafar. 2 caixa, arca, caixão, baú. 3 Tech caixa de válvula. 4 cofre, tesouro. 5 fundos, dinheiro em cofre. chest of drawers cômoda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chest

  • 15 cold

    [kəuld] 1. adjective
    1) (low in temperature: cold water; cold meat and salad.) frio
    2) (lower in temperature than is comfortable: I feel cold.) frio
    3) (unfriendly: His manner was cold.) frio
    2. noun
    1) (the state of being cold or of feeling the coldness of one's surroundings: She has gone to live in the South of France because she cannot bear the cold in Britain; He was blue with cold.) frio
    2) (an illness with running nose, coughing etc: He has a bad cold; She has caught a cold; You might catch cold.) constipação
    - coldness
    - cold-blooded
    - cold war
    - get cold feet
    - give someone the cold shoulder
    - give the cold shoulder
    - in cold blood
    * * *
    [kould] n 1 frio, temperatura baixa. 2 tempo frio. 3 sensação de frio, calafrio. 4 resfriado, catarro, resfriamento. I caught, took a cold / peguei um resfriado, resfriei-me. he has a cold / ele está resfriado. • adj 1 frio, de temperatura baixa. 2 frígido, gélido. 3 sl morto. 4 inconsciente, inerte. 5 impassível, indiferente, insensível. 6 reservado, sério. 7 inexpressivo, desinteressante. 8 fraco, imperceptível. 9 azul, verde, cinzento (não de cor viva). 10 desanimador. 11 desapaixonado, imparcial. 12 nu, cru (fatos). a bad, severe, violent cold um resfriado violento, sério. a cold look um olhar indiferente. cold bend test Tech ensaio de flexão a frio. cold comfort consolo pouco satisfatário. cold scent Hunt rasto velho ou fraco. he was left out in the cold fig ele foi ignorado, foi deixado de lado. in cold blood a sangue frio. it makes my blood run cold dá-me arrepios. that leaves me cold isto me é indiferente. to be out cold estar inconsciente. to get (become) cold ficar frio, esfriar. to put on cold storage fig deixar ficar, deixar como está. to throw cold water on pôr água na fervura, desencorajar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cold

  • 16 colic

    (severe pain in the abdomen.) cólica
    * * *
    [k'ɔlik] n Med cólica. • adj cólico, relativo ao cólon.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > colic

  • 17 commute

    1) (to travel regularly between two places, especially between home in the suburbs and work in the city.) viajar diariamente
    2) (to change (a criminal sentence) for one less severe: His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.) comutar
    * * *
    [kəmj'u:t] vt+vi 1 comutar: a) trocar, intercambiar, substituir, permutar. the death sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life / a sentença de morte foi comutada para prisão perpétua. b) atenuar, reduzir. c) Electron comutar, inverter (a direção de uma corrente). 2 viajar diariamente de casa para o trabalho e de volta para casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > commute

  • 18 drastic

    (violent, severe and having a wide effect: At this point they decided to take drastic action.) drástico
    * * *
    [dr'æstik] adj 1 drástico, enérgico, de ação violenta, eficaz, eficiente. 2 Med muito purgativo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drastic

  • 19 dysentery

    (an infectious disease with severe diarrhoea.) disenteria
    * * *
    [d'isəntəri] n Med disenteria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dysentery

  • 20 ease

    [i:z] 1. noun
    1) (freedom from pain or from worry or hard work: a lifetime of ease.) sossego
    2) (freedom from difficulty: He passed his exam with ease.)
    3) (naturalness: ease of manner.) facilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to free from pain, trouble or anxiety: A hot bath eased his tired limbs.) aliviar
    2) ((often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc: The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town.) abrandar
    3) (to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position: They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.) ajeitar
    - easiness
    - easy
    3. interjection
    (a command to go or act gently: Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast.) calma!
    - easy-going
    - at ease
    - easier said than done
    - go easy on
    - stand at ease
    - take it easy
    - take one's ease
    * * *
    [i:z] n 1 bem-estar físico ou espiritual, tranqüilidade, sossego, ócio. 2 alívio, conforto, despreocupação, comodidade. 3 naturalidade, facilidade, franqueza, desembaraço. • vt+vi 1 aliviar, livrar da dor ou preocupação, consolar, reconfortar, atenuar. 2 diminuir, minorar. 3 tranqüilizar, acalmar. 4 mover(-se) vagarosa e cuidadosamente. 5 soltar, relaxar, afrouxar. 6 facilitar. at ease a) à vontade, em paz. I feel at my ease here / aqui eu me sinto à vontade, em casa. b) Mil descansar (posição). ill at ease embaraçado, constrangido, pouco à vontade. take your ease esteja à vontade. to ease off, ease up abrandar, suavizar, desprender, saltar. to live at ease viver sem preocupações. to put (set) a person at his ease tranqüilizar, reconfortar alguém, fazer sentir-se à vontade. with ease facilmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ease

См. также в других словарях:

  • sévère — [ sevɛr ] adj. • fin XIIe; lat. severus 1 ♦ (Personnes) Qui n admet pas qu on manque à la règle; prompt à punir ou à blâmer. ⇒ dur, exigeant, strict, fam. vache. Des parents sévères. Le juge s est montré très sévère. ⇒ impitoyable. « elle était… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Severe — Sévère (chanteuse) Sévère est une rappeuse française d origine congolaise, née le 10 février 1982 à Strasbourg. Sommaire 1 Son d la rue Meufia 2 Parcours 3 Notes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • severe — severe, stern, austere, ascetic can all mean given to or characterized by strict discipline and firm restraint. Severe is applicable to persons and their looks, acts, thoughts, and utterances or to things (as laws, penalties, judgments, and… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Severe — Se*vere , a. [Compar. {Severer}; superl. {Severest}.] [L. severus; perhaps akin to Gr. ??? awe, ??? revered, holy, solemn, Goth. swikns innocent, chaste: cf. F. s[ e]v[ e]re. Cf. {Asseverate}, {Persevere}.] 1. Serious in feeling or manner;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • severe — SEVERE. adj. de t. g. Rigide, qui exige une extreme regularité, & pardonne peu ou point. Un Prince severe. Juge severe. severe censeur. ce pere est trop severe envers ses enfans. Il se dit aussi des choses. Vertu severe. punition severe. il fit… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • severe — [sə vir′] adj. severer, severest [< MFr < OFr < L severus, prob. < se , apart (see SECEDE) + IE base * wer , (to be) friendly > OE wær, faith, pledge, bond (of friendship)] 1. harsh, strict, or highly critical, as in treatment;… …   English World dictionary

  • severe — I adjective acrimonious, afflictive, agonizing, astringent, austere, austerus, bearish, brutal, censorious, churlish, coercive, cold, condemnatory, critical, cruel, despotic, difficult, domineering, dour, drastic, durus, exacting, excruciating,… …   Law dictionary

  • Sévère — Ancien nom de baptême correspondant au latin Severus (= sérieux, sévère), popularisé par un empereur romain, puis par divers saints …   Noms de famille

  • severe — 1540s, from Fr. sévère, from L. severus (see SEVERITY (Cf. severity)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • severe — [adj1] uncompromising, stern astringent, austere, biting, caustic, close, cold, cruel, cutting, disapproving, dour, earnest, firm, flinty, forbidding, grave, grim, hard, hardnosed*, harsh, inconsiderate, inexorable, inflexible, iron handed,… …   New thesaurus

  • severe — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of something bad, undesirable, or difficult) very great; intense. 2) strict or harsh. 3) very plain in style or appearance. DERIVATIVES severely adverb severity noun. ORIGIN Latin severus …   English terms dictionary

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