Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 repetition

    noun ((an) act of repeating.) opakovanie
    * * *
    • recitácia
    • repríza
    • reprodukcia
    • kópia
    • napodobenie
    • opakovanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition

  • 2 repetition character

    • opakovací znak

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition character

  • 3 repetition factor

    • opakovací faktor

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition factor

  • 4 repetition frequency

    • opakovací kmitocet

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition frequency

  • 5 repetition instruction

    • inštrukcia riadiaca cyklu

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition instruction

  • 6 repetition of items

    • opakovanie položiek

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition of items

  • 7 repetition rate

    • opakovací kmitocet

    English-Slovak dictionary > repetition rate

  • 8 pulse repetition frequenc

    • opakovací kmitocet impulz

    English-Slovak dictionary > pulse repetition frequenc

  • 9 pulse repetition period

    • perióda opakovania impulz

    English-Slovak dictionary > pulse repetition period

  • 10 pulse repetition rate

    • opakovací kmitocet impulz

    English-Slovak dictionary > pulse repetition rate

  • 11 pulse repetition-rate mod

    • modulácia opakovacím kmit

    English-Slovak dictionary > pulse repetition-rate mod

  • 12 after

    1. preposition
    1) (later in time or place than: After the car came a bus.) po
    2) (following (often indicating repetition): one thing after another; night after night.) po
    3) (behind: Shut the door after you!) za
    4) (in search or pursuit of: He ran after the bus.) za
    5) (considering: After all I've done you'd think he'd thank me; It's sad to fail after all that work.) po
    6) ((American: in telling the time) past: It's a quarter after ten.) po
    2. adverb
    (later in time or place: They arrived soon after.) potom, nato
    3. conjunction
    (later than the time when: After she died we moved house twice.) potom, čo...
    - afterthought
    - afterwards
    - after all
    - be after
    * * *
    • ked
    • po
    • podla
    • potom co
    • potom
    • neskôr

    English-Slovak dictionary > after

  • 13 encore

    noun, interjection
    ((a call from an audience for) a repetition of a performance, or (for) a further performance: The audience cried `Encore!'; The singer gave two encores.)
    * * *
    • dožadovat sa
    • opakovat ü
    • opakovanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > encore

  • 14 every

    1) (each one of or all (of a certain number): Every room is painted white; Not every family has a car.) každý
    2) (each (of an indefinite number or series): Every hour brought the two countries nearer war; He attends to her every need.) každý
    3) (the most absolute or complete possible: We have every reason to believe that she will get better.) akýkoľvek
    4) (used to show repetition after certain intervals of time or space: I go to the supermarket every four or five days; Every second house in the row was bright pink; `Every other day' means èvery two days' or `on alternate days'.) každý
    - everyone
    - everyday
    - everything
    - everywhere
    - every bit as
    - every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    - every time
    * * *
    • každá
    • každé
    • každý

    English-Slovak dictionary > every

  • 15 hammer

    ['hæmə] 1. noun
    1) (a tool with a heavy usually metal head, used for driving nails into wood, breaking hard substances etc: a joiner's hammer.) kladivo
    2) (the part of a bell, piano, clock etc that hits against some other part, so making a noise.) kladivko
    3) (in sport, a metal ball on a long steel handle for throwing.) kladivo
    2. verb
    1) (to hit, beat, break etc (something) with a hammer: He hammered the nail into the wood.) zatĺcť kladivom
    2) (to teach a person (something) with difficulty, by repetition: Grammar was hammered into us at school.) vtĺkať
    - give someone a hammering
    - give a hammering
    - hammer home
    - hammer out
    * * *
    • tlct kladivom
    • kladivo
    • kladivko
    • búšit
    • kohútik pušky

    English-Slovak dictionary > hammer

  • 16 hiccup

    1. noun
    1) ((the sound caused by) a sudden brief stopping of the breath caused by eg eating or drinking too much, too quickly.) štikútanie, čkavka
    2) ((in plural) the frequent repetition of this, at intervals of a few seconds: an attack of hiccoughs; I've got the hiccups.) štikútavka
    2. verb
    (to make a hiccup or hiccups.) mať štikútavku
    * * *
    • štikútat
    • štikútanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > hiccup

  • 17 repeat

    [rə'pi:t] 1. verb
    1) (to say or do again: Would you repeat those instructions, please?) opakovať
    2) (to say (something one has heard) to someone else, sometimes when one ought not to: Please do not repeat what I've just told you.) opakovať
    3) (to say (something) one has learned by heart: to repeat a poem.) recitovať
    2. noun
    (something which is repeated: I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television; ( also adjective) a repeat performance.) opakovanie; opakovaný
    - repeatedly
    - repetition
    - repetitive
    - repetitively
    - repetitiveness
    - repeat oneself
    * * *
    • vracat sa
    • viackrát hlasovat
    • znovu zažit
    • zopakovat si
    • zopakovat
    • znovu zakúsit
    • znovu vysielat
    • znovu dodat
    • zreprodukovat
    • urobit ešte raz
    • prídavok
    • prezradit
    • doobjednávka
    • hovorit inde
    • hovorit inému
    • íst dozadu
    • hovorit naspamät
    • byt ešte raz
    • dalšie odvolávanie
    • refrén
    • repetícia
    • raport
    • recitovat
    • opravit
    • povedat ešte raz
    • napodobit
    • opakovaná dodávka
    • opakovaná objednávka
    • opakované císlo
    • opakovaný
    • opakovanie
    • opakovaný vzor
    • opakovat sa
    • opätovne dodat
    • opakovaný motív
    • opakovaný program
    • opakovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > repeat

  • 18 hiccough

    1. noun
    1) ((the sound caused by) a sudden brief stopping of the breath caused by eg eating or drinking too much, too quickly.) štikútanie, čkavka
    2) ((in plural) the frequent repetition of this, at intervals of a few seconds: an attack of hiccoughs; I've got the hiccups.) štikútavka
    2. verb
    (to make a hiccup or hiccups.) mať štikútavku

    English-Slovak dictionary > hiccough

См. также в других словарях:

  • répétition — [ repetisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1377; « copie » 1295; lat. repetitio I ♦ 1 ♦ Fait d être dit, exprimé plusieurs fois. ⇒ redite. « J admirais, dans Andromaque, combien Racine se laisse peu gêner par la répétition des mêmes mots » (A. Gide) . Répétitions… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Repetition — may refer to: Repetition (rhetorical device), rhetorical device Repetition (music), use of repetition in musical compositions Repetition (learning), learning by repetition Repetition, book by the 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard… …   Wikipedia

  • Repetition — Répétition Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Repetition — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Repetition es una balada pop de 1989, el tema fue compuesto por la banda estadounidense Information Society. Esta canción estuvo en el lugar #76 en la Billboard Hot 100,[cita requerida] y es la canción más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Repetition — Rep e*ti tion (r[e^]p [ e] t[i^]sh [u^]n), n. [L. repetitio: cf. F. r[ e]p[ e]tition. See {Repeat}.] 1. The act of repeating; a doing or saying again; iteration. [1913 Webster] I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults, with surplus to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Repetition — (lat. „Wiederholung“) steht: allgemein für eine Wiederholung für ein rhetorisches Stilmittel, siehe Repetitio für die erneute Aufführung eines Bühnenstücks, oder einer Inszenierung, siehe Wiederaufführung das Merkmal einer Registergruppe der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Repetition — нем. [рэпэтицио/н] répétition фр. [рэпэтисьо/н], англ. [рэпити/шн] 1) репетиция, повторение 2) быстрое повторение звука на клавишных инструм …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • répétition — Repetition нем. [рэпэтицио/н] répétition фр. [рэпэтисьо/н], англ. [рэпити/шн] 1) репетиция, повторение 2) быстрое повторение звука на клавишных инструм …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • Repetition — (v. lat. Repetitio), 1) Wiederholung; 2) bes. Wiederholung beim Unterricht; sie ist unentbehrlich, sowohl für den Schüler, um das Vorgetragene od. zu Lernende besser dem Gedächtnisse einzuprägen (daher Repetitĭo est mater studiorum, d.i.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Repetition — (lat.), Wiederholung …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Repetition — Repetitiōn (lat.), Wiederholung …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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