1 refinement
[rɪ'faɪnmənt]1) (elegance) raffinatezza f.2) (improvement) raffinamento m., miglioramento m.* * *1) (good manners, good taste, polite speech etc.) raffinatezza2) ((an) improvement: to make refinements.) miglioria* * *refinement /rɪˈfaɪnmənt/n. [uc]2 raffinatezza; ricercatezza: refinement of taste, raffinatezza di gusti; the refinements of luxury, le ricercatezze del lusso* * *[rɪ'faɪnmənt]1) (elegance) raffinatezza f.2) (improvement) raffinamento m., miglioramento m. -
2 refinement
Surface treatment, surface finish(ing), refinementTrattamento m superficiale, finissagio mDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > refinement
3 refinement re·fine·ment n
[rɪ'faɪnmənt](of person, language) raffinatezza, finezza, (in machine, system) miglioramento -
4 over-refinement
over-refinement► to overrefine -
5 gentility
[dʒen'tɪlətɪ]1) ant. (refinement) distinzione f.2) iron. o spreg. (affectation) affettazione f.* * *[‹ən'tiləti](good manners, often to too great an extent: She was laughed at for her gentility.) gentilezza, raffinatezza* * *gentility /dʒɛnˈtɪlətɪ/n. [u]1 nascita elevata; nobiltà d'origini; distinzione2 gentilezza; raffinatezza; modi raffinati: shabby gentility, raffinatezza pretenziosa ( di chi è povero).* * *[dʒen'tɪlətɪ]1) ant. (refinement) distinzione f.2) iron. o spreg. (affectation) affettazione f. -
6 nicety
['naɪsətɪ]nome (subtle detail) sottigliezza f., precisione f.the social niceties — (refinement) i convenevoli sociali
* * *- plural niceties - noun (a precise or delicate detail.) accuratezza, precisione* * *nicety /ˈnaɪsətɪ/n.1 [u] accuratezza; esattezza; precisione; meticolosità; scrupolosità: nicety of judgement, accuratezza di giudizio2 [u] l'essere esigente; incontentabilità; raffinatezza di gusti3 [u] l'essere complesso, intricato; delicatezza; difficoltà: a question of great nicety, una faccenda di grande delicatezza5 (pl.) cose buone: the niceties of life, le cose buone della vita ( anche per un bimbo o un animale: dolcetti, carezze, grattatine, ecc.)● to a nicety, esattamente; in modo preciso; alla perfezione, a puntino: I cannot judge the distance to a nicety, non sono in grado di valutare esattamente la distanza □ ( di capo di vestiario, ecc.) to fit to a nicety, stare a pennello.* * *['naɪsətɪ]nome (subtle detail) sottigliezza f., precisione f.the social niceties — (refinement) i convenevoli sociali
7 (to) overrefine
(to) overrefine, over-refine /əʊvərɪˈfaɪn/A v. t.1 (tecn.) raffinare troppoB v. i.(fig.) andare per il sottile; sottilizzare; guardare al pelo nell'uovo (fig.)overrefinement, over-refinementn. [uc]1 (tecn.) raffinazione eccessiva2 (fig.) rifinitura eccessiva; rileccatura. -
8 (to) overrefine
(to) overrefine, over-refine /əʊvərɪˈfaɪn/A v. t.1 (tecn.) raffinare troppoB v. i.(fig.) andare per il sottile; sottilizzare; guardare al pelo nell'uovo (fig.)overrefinement, over-refinementn. [uc]1 (tecn.) raffinazione eccessiva2 (fig.) rifinitura eccessiva; rileccatura. -
9 refine
[rɪ'faɪn] 1.1) ind. raffinare [oil, sugar]2.to refine upon — perfezionare, migliorare
* * *1) (to make (a substance eg sugar) pure by taking out dirt, waste substances etc: Oil is refined before it is used.) raffinare2) (to improve: We have refined our techniques considerably since the work began.) migliorare•- refined- refinement
- refinery* * *[rɪ'faɪn] 1.1) ind. raffinare [oil, sugar]2.to refine upon — perfezionare, migliorare
10 surface treatment
Surface treatment, surface finish(ing), refinementTrattamento m superficiale, finissagio mDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > surface treatment
11 surface finishing
Surface treatment, surface finish(ing), refinementTrattamento m superficiale, finissagio mDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > surface finishing
12 surface finish(ing)
Surface treatment, surface finish(ing), refinementTrattamento m superficiale, finissagio mDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > surface finish(ing)
См. также в других словарях:
Refinement — may refer to:* Equilibrium refinement, the identification of actualized equilibria in game theory * Program refinement, the verifiable transformation of a formal specification into source code which can be compiled into an executable program *… … Wikipedia
Refinement — Re*fine ment (r?*f?n ment), n. [Cf. F. raffinement.] 1. The act of refining, or the state of being refined; as, the refinement or metals; refinement of ideas. [1913 Webster] The more bodies are of kin to spirit in subtilty and refinement, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
refinement — UK US /rɪˈfaɪnmənt/ noun ► [U] PRODUCTION the process of making a substance pure: »The refinement of raw opium yields other drugs, such as morphine. ► [C or U] a small change that improves something: »These refinements have increased the machine… … Financial and business terms
refinement — [n1] cleansing clarification, cleaning, depuration, detersion, distillation, draining, filtering, processing, purification, rarefaction, rectification; concept 165 Ant. corruption, dirtying, pollution refinement [n2] cultivation, civilization… … New thesaurus
refinement — index amendment (correction), amenity, civilization, clarification, courtesy, decorum, development ( … Law dictionary
refinement — (n.) 1610s, act or process of refining, from REFINE (Cf. refine) + MENT (Cf. ment). Meaning fineness of feeling is from 1708 … Etymology dictionary
refinement — *culture, cultivation, breeding Analogous words: suavity, urbanity (see corresponding adjectives at SUAVE): courtesy, politeness, civility (see corresponding adjectives at CIVIL): *elegance, grace, dignity Antonyms: vulgarity … New Dictionary of Synonyms
refinement — ► NOUN 1) the process of refining. 2) an improvement or clarification brought about by the making of small changes. 3) cultured elegance or superior taste … English terms dictionary
refinement — [ri fīn′mənt] n. 1. a) a refining or being refined b) the result of this 2. delicacy or elegance of language, speech, manners, etc.; polish; cultivation 3. a development; improvement; elaboration 4. a fine distinction; subtlety … English World dictionary
refinement — noun 1 improvement to/on sth; process of improving sth ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, great ▪ A greater refinement of the categorization is possible. ▪ extra, further ▪ constant … Collocations dictionary
refinement — re|fine|ment [rıˈfaınmənt] n 1.) an improvement, usually a small one, to something ▪ The new model has a number of refinements. 2.) something which is an improved ↑version of an existing product, system etc refinement of ▪ The new theory is a… … Dictionary of contemporary English