1 affectation
[ˌæfek'teɪʃn]nome affettazione f.* * *affectation /æfɛkˈteɪʃn/n.1 [u] affettazione2 posa; finzione.* * *[ˌæfek'teɪʃn]nome affettazione f. -
2 affectation af·fec·ta·tion n
3 conceit
[kən'siːt]1) (vanity) vanità f., presunzione f.; (affectation) leziosaggine f.2) (literary figure) concetto m.* * *[kən'si:t](too much pride in oneself: He's full of conceit about his good looks.) presunzione* * *conceit /kənˈsi:t/n.1 [u] presunzione; vanità3 idea ingegnosa; trovata4 idea bizzarra.* * *[kən'siːt]1) (vanity) vanità f., presunzione f.; (affectation) leziosaggine f.2) (literary figure) concetto m. -
4 gentility
[dʒen'tɪlətɪ]1) ant. (refinement) distinzione f.2) iron. o spreg. (affectation) affettazione f.* * *[‹ən'tiləti](good manners, often to too great an extent: She was laughed at for her gentility.) gentilezza, raffinatezza* * *gentility /dʒɛnˈtɪlətɪ/n. [u]1 nascita elevata; nobiltà d'origini; distinzione2 gentilezza; raffinatezza; modi raffinati: shabby gentility, raffinatezza pretenziosa ( di chi è povero).* * *[dʒen'tɪlətɪ]1) ant. (refinement) distinzione f.2) iron. o spreg. (affectation) affettazione f.
См. также в других словарях:
affectation — Affectation. s. f. v. Passion que l on a pour certaines manieres d agir ou de parler. Affectation vicieuse. affectation de langage. certaine affectation de parler, de marcher, de rire &c. il y a de l affectation en tout ce qu il dit, en tout ce… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
affectation — AFFECTATION. s. f. Attachement vicieux à dire ou à faire certaines choses d une manière singulière. Il y a de l affectation en tout ce qu il fait, en tout ce qu il dit. Affectation marquée. Affectation de langage. Il n y a rien de naturel en elle … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
Affectation — Af fec*ta tion, n. [L. affectatio: cf. F. affectation.] 1. An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false display; artificial show. An affectation of contempt. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] Affectation is an awkward and forced… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
affectation — (n.) studied display, 1540s, from Fr. affectation (16c.) or directly from L. affectationem (nom. affectatio) a striving after, a claiming, noun of action from pp. stem of affectare to strive for (see AFFECT (Cf. affect) (v.2)) … Etymology dictionary
Affectation — (v. lat.), Verstellung, Ziererei … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Affectation — Affectation, Künstelei, Verstellung … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
affectation — index bombast, color (deceptive appearance), false pretense, fustian, histrionics, pretense (ostentation), pretext … Law dictionary
affectation — *pose, air, mannerism Analogous words: *pretense, pretension: pretentiousness, ostenta tion (see corresponding adjectives at SHOWY) Antonyms: artlessness Contrasted words: naturalness, simplicity, ingenuousness, naivete, unsophistication (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
affectation — [n] pretended behavior to make an impression air, airs, appearance, artificiality, facade, false front*, front, going Hollywood*, imitation, insincerity, mannerism, pose, pretense, pretension, pretentiousness, put on, putting on airs*, sham*,… … New thesaurus
affectation — Affectation, Affectatio, Quintil … Thresor de la langue françoyse
affectation — ► NOUN ▪ behaviour, speech, or writing that is artificial and designed to impress … English terms dictionary