1 profit
1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) lucro, beneficio, ganancia2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) provecho
2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) ganar, sacar provecho; beneficiarse de- profitably
profit n beneficios / gananciastr['prɒfɪt]1 SMALLCOMMERCE/SMALL ganancia, beneficio2 formal use (advantage) provecho\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto make a profit sacar beneficios, tener gananciasto profit from something sacar provecho de algo, beneficiarse de algoto sell something at a profit vender algo con gananciaprofit and loss account cuenta de ganancias y pérdidasprofit ['prɑfət] vi: sacar provecho (de), beneficiarse (de)profit n1) advantage: provecho m, partido m, beneficio m2) gain: beneficio m, utilidad f, ganancia fto make a profit: sacar beneficiosadj.• ganancial adj.n.• ancheta s.f.• aprovechamiento s.m.• beneficio s.m.• comodidad s.f.• ganancia s.f.• granjería s.f.• logro s.m.• lucro s.m.• pro s.m.• provecho s.m.• usufructo s.m.• utilidad s.f.• ventaja s.f.v.• ganar v.• lucrarse v.• sacar provecho v.• servir a v.
I 'prɑːfət, 'prɒfɪtcount & mass nouna) (Busn, Econ) ganancias fpl, beneficios mpl, utilidades fpl (AmL)we made a profit of $2,000 — obtuvimos beneficios or (AmL tb) utilidades de $2.000
profit and loss account — cuenta f de pérdidas y ganancias; (before n)
profit margin — margen m de ganancias or de beneficios or (AmL tb) de utilidades
b) ( advantage) (no pl)
['prɒfɪt]to profit FROM something — sacar* provecho de algo, beneficiarse de algo
1. Na 32% rise in profits — un aumento del 32% en las ganancias or los beneficios
at a profit, to operate at a profit — ser rentable•
to make a profit — obtener ganancias or beneficiosthey made a profit of two million — obtuvieron unas ganancias or unos beneficios de dos millones
to make a profit on or out of sth — obtener beneficios de algo•
to show a profit — registrar beneficios or gananciasinterim 3., trading 2.•
to turn a profit — obtener ganancias or beneficios2) (fig) utilidad f, beneficio mI could see no profit in antagonizing them — no veía qué utilidad or beneficio tenía el enfadarles
to turn sth to (one's) profit — sacar provecho or beneficio de algo2. VI1) (financially) obtener ganancia, obtener beneficio2) (fig)•
to profit by or from sth — aprovecharse de algowe do not want to profit from someone else's misfortunes — no queremos aprovecharnos de las desgracias de otros
3.VT†4.CPDprofit and loss account N — cuenta f de pérdidas y ganancias
profit centre, profit center (US) N — centro m de beneficios
profit margin N — margen m de beneficios
profit motive N — afán m de lucro
profits tax N — (Brit) impuesto m de beneficios
profit warning N — advertencia f de beneficios
* * *
I ['prɑːfət, 'prɒfɪt]count & mass nouna) (Busn, Econ) ganancias fpl, beneficios mpl, utilidades fpl (AmL)we made a profit of $2,000 — obtuvimos beneficios or (AmL tb) utilidades de $2.000
profit and loss account — cuenta f de pérdidas y ganancias; (before n)
profit margin — margen m de ganancias or de beneficios or (AmL tb) de utilidades
b) ( advantage) (no pl)
to profit FROM something — sacar* provecho de algo, beneficiarse de algo
2 profit
profit ['prɒfɪt]1 noun(a) (financial gain) profit m, bénéfice m;∎ to make a profit out of sth faire un bénéfice sur qch;∎ we made a £200 profit on the sale nous avons réalisé un bénéfice de 200 livres sur cette vente;∎ to be in profit être bénéficiaire;∎ to move into profit (business) devenir rentable;∎ to make or to turn out a profit réaliser ou faire un bénéfice ou des bénéfices;∎ £100 clear profit 100 livres de bénéfice net;∎ to show a profit rapporter (un bénéfice ou des bénéfices);∎ the fair didn't show much of a profit la foire n'a pas beaucoup rapporté (de bénéfices);∎ profits were down/up this year les bénéfices ont diminué/augmenté cette année;∎ to sell sth at a profit vendre qch à profit, faire un bénéfice sur la vente de qch;∎ he only writes for profit il n'écrit que pour l'argent;∎ I don't do it for profit je ne le fais pas dans un but lucratif;∎ Commerce profit and loss pertes fpl et profits mpl;∎ Finance profit and loss account, profit and loss form, profit and loss statement compte m de résultat;∎ profit before tax bénéfices mpl avant impôts∎ to turn sth to one's profit, to gain profit from sth tirer profit ou avantage de qch;∎ to do sth for profit faire qch dans un but intéressé;∎ what profit is there in it for her? quel avantage cela présente-t-il pour elle?, qu'est-ce que cela peut lui rapporter?∎ it won't profit you to tell lies cela ne vous servira à rien de mentirprofiter, tirer un profit ou avantage;∎ to profit from or by sth tirer profit ou avantage de qch, profiter de qch;∎ to profit from others' misfortunes tirer profit du malheur des autres;∎ you could well profit by being more careful vous avez tout intérêt à faire plus attention►► Accountancy profit balance solde m bénéficiaire;Accountancy profit centre centre m de profit;Finance profit equation équation f de bénéfice;Finance profit indicator indice m de profit;Finance profit margin marge f bénéficiaire;Finance profit motive motivation f par le profit;Finance profit optimization optimisation f du ou des profits;Finance profit outlook perspectives fpl de profit;Finance profit rate taux m de profit ou de bénéfice;Finance profit squeeze compression f des bénéfices, étranglement m des marges;Finance profit tax impôt m sur les bénéfices;Finance profit warning = annonce d'une baisse prochaine des bénéfices d'une entreprise -
3 ♦ profit
♦ profit /ˈprɒfɪt/n. [uc]1 profitto; beneficio; frutto; giovamento: to turn st. to profit, mettere qc. a profitto; trarre vantaggio da qc.2 (econ., fin., rag.) profitto; guadagno; utile; ricavo: pre-tax profits, utili ante imposte (o al lordo della tassazione); taxable profits, guadagni soggetti a tassazione; net profit, utile netto; gross profit, utile lordo; net profit, profitto netto; healthy profit, profitto consistente; at a profit, vantaggiosamente; ricavando un utile: We sold our farm at a profit, abbiamo guadagnato sulla vendita del podere; to make (o to turn) a profit, ricavare un utile, fare un guadagno; to yield profits, dare profitti; essere redditizio; to reap the profits of, raccogliere i frutti di● profit and loss account, conto profitti e perdite; conto economico □ profit-bearing = profit-making ► sotto (agg.) □ profit forecast, previsione degli utili □ profit graph, diagramma di redditività; profittogramma □ profit-making, (agg.) proficuo; lucrativo; ( di un'azienda) in attivo; (sost.) realizzo di profitti □ profit margin, (econ.) margine di profitto; (rag.) redditività netta delle vendite □ (econ.) profit push, spinta dei profitti □ profit seeking, ricerca del profitto □ profit-sharer, compartecipe agli utili; cointeressato □ profit-sharing, compartecipazione agli utili; interessenza, cointeressenza □ profit squeeze, riduzione degli utili □ ( Borsa) profit-taking, presa di beneficio; vendita di realizzo □ (fisc.) profit tax, imposta sui profitti (spec. di Borsa) □ non-profit (o not-for-profit), che non ha fini (o senza scopo) di lucro; non lucrativo; non profit; ONLUS.(to) profit /ˈprɒfɪt/A v. i.profittare (di); approfittare (di); trarre profitto (da): Many companies profited from slavery during the 18th century, nel Settecento molte aziende trassero profitto dalla schiavitù; We hope to profit from the recent economic recovery, speriamo di approfittare della ripresa economica recenteB v. t.giovare a (q.); esser di profitto a (q.); servire: What can it profit us?, di che profitto può esserci?; a che può giovarci? -
4 profit
profit [ˈprɒfɪt]1. nounprofit m( = gain) to profit from sth tirer profit de qch3. compounds• a non-profit-making organization une organisation à but non lucratif ► profit margin noun marge f bénéficiaire* * *['prɒfɪt] 1.1) Commerce bénéfice m, profit m2.gross/net profit — bénéfice brut/net
transitive verb littér profiter à3.to profit by ou from something — tirer profit de quelque chose
5 profit
'profit 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) fortjeneste, gevinst, profitt2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) utbytte, gagn2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) tjene på, profittere på, ha fordel av- profitablyavanse--------gevinst--------profitt--------vinningIsubst. \/ˈprɒfɪt\/1) fortjeneste, avanse, overskudd, profitt2) gevinst, vinning, utbytte3) nytte, fordel, gagn, utbytteat a great profit med stor fortjeneste, med stort overskuddcrime for profit vinningsforbrytelsecut one's profit nøye seg med lavere fortjenestederive\/gain profit from dra\/ha nytte av, dra\/ha\/høste fordel av, ha utbytte avdo something for profit gjøre noe for fortjenestens\/pengenes skyld gjøre noe for egen vinnings skyldmake a profit gjøre en fortjeneste på• she made a clear profit of £1000make a profit on\/by tjene på, gjøre fortjeneste påmake large profits gi stor fortjeneste gi stort overskudd (be)run at a profit gå med overskuddyield a good profit gi stor fortjenesteIIverb \/ˈprɒfɪt\/1) være til gagn eller nytte (for), gagne, tjene2) hjelpeprofit by\/from dra\/ha nytte av, dra\/ha\/høste fordel av, ha utbytte av, ha glede av, nyte godt av, benytte seg av, utnytte profittere eller tjene påwhat shall it profit a man if... ( bibelsk) hva gagner det et menneske om... -
6 profit
A n1 Comm bénéfice m, profit m ; gross/net profit bénéfice brut/net ; profit and loss pertes et profits ; to make ou turn a profit faire or réaliser un bénéfice (on sur) ; the banks make handsome profits les banques font de jolis bénéfices ; they're only interested in making quick profits tout ce qui les intéresse c'est de faire de l'argent rapidement ; to sell sth at a profit vendre qch à profit or avec un bénéfice ; they sold the house at a profit of £6,000 ils ont réalisé un bénéfice de 6 000 livres sterling en vendant la maison ; to operate at a profit être rentable ; to bring in ou yield a profit rapporter un bénéfice ; there isn't much profit in that line of business nowadays ce genre de métier ne rapporte pas gros aujourd'hui ; with profits insurance policy police f d'assurance avec participation aux bénéfices ;B vtr littér profiter à ; it will profit you nothing to do this cela ne vous profitera en rien de faire cela. -
7 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) dobiček2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) korist2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) imeti dobiček- profitably* * *I [prɔfit]nouneconomy dobiček, korist; (često plural) dohodek, skupiček, čisti dohodek; juridically donos (od zemlje); korist, prednostsmall profits quick returns — majhen, a takojšen dobičekto turn s.th. to profit — obrniti kaj sebi v pridII [prɔfit]1.intransitive verbimeti dobiček, narediti dobiček (by, from s čim); biti koristen;2.transitive verbkoristiti komu (čemu), izkoriščati kaj -
8 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) fortjeneste; profit2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) gavn2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) tjene; profitere- profitably* * *['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) fortjeneste; profit2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) gavn2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) tjene; profitere- profitably -
9 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) lucro2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) proveito2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) lucrar- profitably* * *prof.it[pr'ɔfit] n 1 lucro, ganho, rendimento. they made a profit on it / obtiveram lucro disto. 2 proveito, vantagem, benefício, bem. it’s for your own profit / é para seu próprio bem. • vt+vi 1 aproveitar, tirar proveito de. he profited by an opportunity / ele se aproveitou de uma oportunidade. 2 lucrar, ganhar. 3 beneficiar, favorecer. my teachings profited him / meus ensinamentos lhe foram proveitosos. 4 ser vantajoso ou lucrativo. at a profit of com um lucro de. -
10 profit
profit, haszon to profit: tanul, haszna van, hasznára válik, hasznot húz* * *['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) haszon2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) előny2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) hasznot húz vmiből- profitably -
11 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) profit, beneficiu2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) profit, avantaj2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) a câştiga de pe urma- profitably -
12 profit
profit [ˊprɒfɪt]1. n1) по́льза, вы́года;to make a profit on извле́чь вы́году из
2) ( часто pl) при́быль, дохо́д; бары́ш, нажи́ва;gross (net) profit валова́я (чи́стая) при́быль
;at a profit с при́былью
3) attr.:profit margin разме́р при́были
;profit motive коры́сть; корыстолюби́вые побужде́ния
2. v1) приноси́ть по́льзу, быть поле́зным;it profits little to advise him бесполе́зно дава́ть ему́ сове́ты
2) по́льзоваться, извлека́ть по́льзу, воспо́льзоваться (by — чем-л.)3) получа́ть при́быль -
13 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) hagnaður2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) ávinningur2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) hagnast á- profitably -
14 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) peļņa2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) labums; ieguvums2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) gūt peļņu; pelnīt- profitably* * *ienākums, peļņa; labums; gūt peļņu, pelnīt; gūt labumu, izmantot -
15 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) pelnas2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) nauda2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) gauti pelno, pasinaudoti- profitably -
16 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) zisk, výdělek2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) užitek, prospěch2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) těžit (z)- profitably* * *• užitek• výnos• zisk• profitovat -
17 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) zisk, zárobok2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) osoh2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) ťažiť (z)- profitably* * *• úžitok• zisk• mat zisk -
18 profit
['profit] 1. noun1) (money which is gained in business etc, eg from selling something for more than one paid for it: I made a profit of $8,000 on my house; He sold it at a huge profit.) κέρδος2) (advantage; benefit: A great deal of profit can be had from travelling abroad.) όφελος2. verb((with from or by) to gain profit(s) from: The business profited from its exports; He profited by his opponent's mistakes.) κεδίζω,επωφελούμαι- profitably -
19 profit
/profit/ * danh từ - lợi, lợi ích, bổ ích =to do something to one's profit+ làm gì vì có lợi, làm gì vì thấy bổ ích cho mình - tiền lãi, lợi nhuận =to make a good profit on+ kiếm được nhiều lãi trong (việc gì) =a profit and loss account+ bản tính toán lỗ lãi * ngoại động từ - làm lợi, mang lợi, có lợi =it profited him nothing+ cái đó không có lợi gì cho nó cả * nội động từ - (+ by) kiếm lợi, lợi dụng =to profit by (from) something+ lợi dụng cái gì - có lợi, có ích =it profits little to advise him+ khuyên răn nó cũng chẳng ích gì -
20 profit
- profit
- nприбыль
- contractor's profits
- contractor's profit
- estimated profit
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
См. также в других словарях:
PROFIT — La difficulté, maintes fois soulignée, d’une définition du profit tient à trois types de raisons: en premier lieu, la non concordance du point de vue du comptable (généralement dominé par le souci fiscal) et de celui de l’économiste (préoccupé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Profit — (von lat. profectus „Fortgang, Zunahme, Vorteil“ / Aussprache: [pʀoˈfit]) bezeichnet den Gewinn, d.h. den Überschuss, welcher nach Abzug der Kosten der eingesetzten Mittel von einem Unternehmen, bzw. Unternehmer erzielt wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
profit — Profit. s. m. v. Gain, émolument, advantage, utilité. Grand profit. profit mediocre. profit legitime. profit clair & net. tirer du profit d une affaire. ils ont partagé le profit ensemble. c est un homme qui ne songe qu à son profit, qui est… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
profit — prof·it n 1: gain in excess of expenditures: as a: the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost b: net income from a business, investment, or capital appreciation compare earnings, loss … Law dictionary
profit — PROFÍT, profituri, s.n. Ceea ce reprezintă un folos (material sau spiritual) pentru cineva sau ceva; câştig, beneficiu, avantaj. (Ec.) Venitul adus de capitalul utilizat într o întreprindere, reprezentând diferenţa dintre încasările efective şi… … Dicționar Român
Profit — generally is the making of gain in business activity for the benefit of the owners of the business. The word comes from Latin meaning to make progress, is defined in two different ways, one for economics and one for accounting.Profit may refer to … Wikipedia
profit — pròfīt m <G profíta> DEFINICIJA 1. ekon. količina novca koja se dobije kada se od ukupnog prihoda poduzeća odbiju troškovi svih inputa ili proizvodnih faktora; višak, dobit 2. pren. dobit iz neke situacije (novčana, moralna i sl.) SINTAGMA… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Profit — Pro fit, n. [F., fr. L. profectus advance, progress, profit, fr. profectum. See {Proficient}.] 1. Acquisition beyond expenditure; excess of value received for producing, keeping, or selling, over cost; hence, pecuniary gain in any transaction or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Profit — Sm std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus mndl. profijt, dieses aus frz. profit, dieses aus l. prōfectus Zunahme, Wachstum, Vorteil , dem PPP. von l. prōficere (prōfectum) gewinnen, bewirken, vorwärts kommen , zu l. facere machen und l. prō .… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Profit — Prof it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Profited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Profiting}.] [F. profiter. See {Profit}, n.] To be of service to; to be good to; to help on; to benefit; to advantage; to avail; to aid; as, truth profits all men. [1913 Webster] The word… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Profit — Prof it, v. i. 1. To gain advantage; to make improvement; to improve; to gain; to advance. [1913 Webster] I profit not by thy talk. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To be of use or advantage; to do or bring good. [1913 Webster] Riches profit not in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English