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  • 1 one-sided

    1) (with one person or side having a great advantage over the other: a one-sided contest.) desigual
    2) (representing only one aspect of a subject: a one-sided discussion.) unilateral
    * * *
    [w∧n s'aidid] adj 1 unilateral. 2 parcial. 3 desigual.
    de um lado, parcial, unilateral.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > one-sided

  • 2 one-sided

    1) (with one person or side having a great advantage over the other: a one-sided contest.) unilateral
    2) (representing only one aspect of a subject: a one-sided discussion.) parcial

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > one-sided

  • 3 one-sided

    unilateral; parcial; desigual

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > one-sided

  • 4 one-sided game

    jogo de ação simples

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > one-sided game

  • 5 sided

    [s'aidid] adj de lado. • elemento de composição: many sided de muitos lados, de aplicação múltipla. one-sided de um lado, parcial, unilateral. two-sided/ double-sided de dois lados, de duas faces.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sided

  • 6 one

    1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) um
    2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) um ano
    2. pronoun
    1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) aquele
    2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) uma pessoa
    3. adjective
    1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) um
    2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) um ano
    3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) unidos
    - oneself
    - one-night stand
    - one-off
    - one-parent family
    - one-sided
    - one-way
    - one-year-old
    4. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) com um ano de idade
    - be one up on a person
    - be one up on
    - not be oneself
    - one and all
    - one another
    - one by one
    - one or two
    * * *
    [w∧n] n 1 um, uma. 2 o número um, unidade, o todo. • num 1 um, uma. 2 algum, alguma. 3 o mesmo, a mesma. 4 um certo, um tal. 5 só. 6 único. • pron 1 um, uma. 2 alguém, algum. all one o mesmo. any one, anyone qualquer um. a sly one um espertalhão. as one todos juntos, como um todo. at one de acordo. every one cada um. for one thing em primeiro lugar. I’am one for baseball gosto muito de beisebol. I for one eu por minha parte. it is all one to me para mim tanto faz. I’ve got a million and one things to do tenho mil e uma coisas para fazer. no one ninguém. of all the books this is the one I like most de todos os livros é este o que eu mais aprecio. one after another um de cada vez, um após o outro. one and all a) todos. b) todos juntos. one and only único. one and the same tudo a mesma coisa. one by one um por um. one can never tell nunca se pode dizer (saber). one for one cada um por si. one must work to live precisa-se trabalhar para viver. one of (a group) membro de (um grupo). one Oliveira um tal de Oliveira. one or two uns poucos. one with another na média geral. that one aquele, aquela. that’s a good one esta é boa (piada). the evil one o diabo. the little ones as crianças. this one este, esta. to be in one estar de acordo. to make one a) ser parte ou membro. b) unir-se em casamento. you have one up on him coll você leva vantagem sobre ele.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > one

  • 7 one

    1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) um
    2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) um ano
    2. pronoun
    1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) aquele
    2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) alguém
    3. adjective
    1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) um
    2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) de um ano
    3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) concorde
    - oneself - one-night stand - one-off - one-parent family - one-sided - one-way - one-year-old 4. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) de um ano de idade
    - be one up on a person - be one up on - not be oneself - one and all - one another - one by one - one or two

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > one

  • 8 tambourine

    (a shallow, one-sided drum with tinkling metal discs in the rim, held in the hand and shaken or beaten.) pandeireta
    * * *
    [tæmbər'i:n] n Mus pandeiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tambourine

  • 9 tambourine

    (a shallow, one-sided drum with tinkling metal discs in the rim, held in the hand and shaken or beaten.) pandeiro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tambourine

  • 10 side

    1. noun
    1) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) lado
    2) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) lado
    3) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) lado
    4) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) lado
    5) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) lado
    6) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) lado
    7) (a slope (of a hill): a mountain-side.) encosta
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) aspecto
    9) (a party, team etc which is opposing another: Whose side are you on?; Which side is winning?) lado
    2. adjective
    (additional, but less important: a side issue.) secundário
    - - side
    - - sided
    - sidelong
    - sideways
    - sideburns
    - side effect
    - sidelight
    - sideline
    - sidelines
    - side road
    - sidestep
    - side-street
    - sidetrack
    - sidewalk
    - from all sides
    - on all sides
    - side by side
    - side with
    - take sides
    * * *
    [said] n 1 lado. 2 face. 3 superfície. 4 aspecto, ponto de vista. there are two sides to every question / todas as questões têm dois aspectos. there is a serious side to the question / a questão tem um lado sério. 5 parte, parte lateral. 6 ladeira, fralda de montanha, declive, flanco. 7 partido, grupo de pessoas que está em oposição, Sport adversário. he changed sides / ele mudou de partido. 8 posição, atitude. 9 margem, beira. 10 parte da família, linha de descendentes. • vt+vi tomar partido, favorecer. • adj 1 lateral, de lado. 2 de um lado, num lado. 3 para um lado, em direção a um lado. 4 secundário. at/by my side ao meu lado. classical, modern side divisão clássica, grupo moderno. dark/ shady side lado desagradável. on each side of em cada lado de. (on) either side of dos dois lados de, em ambos os lados de. on every side/ on all sides de todos os lados. on my side da minha parte. on the other side de outro lado. on this side deste lado. side by side ombro a ombro. the bright side o lado agradável. to be on somebody’s side apoiar alguém em situação de crise. to be on the safe side para não correr riscos, por via das dúvidas. to be on the wrong/ dark/ shady side of something estar no lado errado de alguma coisa. to get on the right side of someone agradar alguém. to get on the wrong side of someone desagradar alguém. she is on the wrong (dark) side of thirty / ela já passou dos trinta. to put side on fazer farol, bancar o importante. to shake/split one’s sides with laughing sl ficar com as ilhargas doendo de tanto rir. to side against somebody ficar contra alguém. they sided against me / eles juntaram forças contra mim.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > side

  • 11 square

    [skweə] 1. noun
    1) (a four-sided two-dimensional figure with all sides equal in length and all angles right angles.) quadrado
    2) (something in the shape of this.) quadrado
    3) (an open place in a town, with the buildings round it.) praça
    4) (the resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself: 3 × 3, or 32 = 9, so 9 is the square of 3.) quadrado
    2. adjective
    1) (having the shape of a square or right angle: I need a square piece of paper; He has a short, square body / a square chin.) quadrado
    2) ((of business dealings, scores in games etc) level, even, fairly balanced etc: If I pay you an extra $5 shall we be (all) square?; Their scores are (all) square (= equal).) igual
    3) (measuring a particular amount on all four sides: This piece of wood is two metres square.) quadrado
    4) (old-fashioned: square ideas about clothes.) antiquado
    3. adverb
    1) (at right angles, or in a square shape: The carpet is not cut square with the corner.) em esquadria
    2) (firmly and directly: She hit him square on the point of the chin.) em cheio
    4. verb
    1) (to give a square shape to or make square.) tornar quadrado
    2) (to settle, pay etc (an account, debt etc): I must square my account with you.) acertar
    3) (to (cause to) fit or agree: His story doesn't square with the facts.) ajustar(-se)
    4) (to multiply a number by itself: Two squared is four.) elevar ao quadrado
    - squarely
    - square centimetre
    - metre
    - square root
    - fair and square
    - go back to square one
    - a square deal
    * * *
    [skwɛə] n 1 quadrado. 2 coisa quadrada ou retangular, divisão de tabuleiro de xadrez, vidraça, etc. 3 praça, área (cercada de ruas), quadra. 4 Amer comprimento de um lado de uma praça. 5 largo, parque de uma cidade. 6 tropas colocadas em forma de quadrado. 7 esquadro. 8 (também square number) Math quadrado, segunda potência de um número. 9 fig igualdade, simetria, regularidade, eqüidade, honestidade. 10 medida de área, correspondente a 100 pés quadrados. 11 pessoa antiquada, conservadora. • vt+vi 1 fazer retangular, fazer quadrado, esquadrar. 2 dividir em quadrados. 3 pôr no esquadro, verificar o ângulo. 4 fazer plano, endireitar. 5 ajustar, liquidar (contas). he squared him / ele o pagou, ele liquidou suas dívidas. 6 corresponder, estar de acordo, concordar. 7 Math quadrar, elevar ao quadrado. 8 determinar, colocar em lugar certo, regularizar. I’ll square things / regularizarei o negócio. 9 adaptar, adaptar-se. 10 formar ângulo reto. 11 sl subornar. he squared him / sl ele o subornou. • adj 1 quadrado, retangular, quadrangular, em quadrangular. she has a square chin / ela tem um queixo quadrado. 2 em quadrado, relativo à área, que designa a unidade de área. 3 que forma um angulo de 90°, reto. 4 direito, plano, no nível. 5 líquido, sem sobras, igual. 6 justo, honesto, correto, direito. 7 completo, absoluto. 8 Math ao quadrado, na segunda potência. 9 sólido, forte. 10 sl antiquado, conservador, retrógrado. 11 claro, direto, inequívoco. 12 coll satisfatório, abundante, substancial. I have had a square meal / tive uma refeição reforçada. • adv 1 coll honestamente. 2 em forma quadrada, em ângulos retos. he squared up to her ele se colocou diante dela. he’s square-pushing with her sl ele anda com ela. I got square with him estou quite com ele. like a square peg in a round hole fig uma coisa que não se adapta, como um peixe fora d’água. on the square a) no esquadro. b) coll honesto, justo. that fellow is on the square / sl este camarada está em ordem. out of square irregular, fora do normal. to square away coll estar pronto para entrar em ação. to square off a) dar forma retangular a. b) tomar posição para boxe. to square oneself coll reparar danos, ajustar contas. to square one’s shoulders enfrentar o destino. to square the circle descobrir a quadratura do círculo, fig tentar fazer uma coisa impossível. to square the yards Naut cruzar as vergas. to square up liquidar uma conta. to start from square one começar do princípio, voltar ao começo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > square

  • 12 block

    [blok] 1. noun
    1) (a flat-sided mass of wood or stone etc: blocks of stone.) bloco
    2) (a piece of wood used for certain purposes: a chopping-block.) bloco
    3) (a connected group of houses, offices etc: a block of flats; an office block.) bloco
    4) (a barrier: a road block.) barricada
    5) ((especially American) a group of buildings bounded by four streets: a walk round the block.) quarteirão
    2. verb
    (to make (progress) difficult or impossible: The crashed cars blocked the road.) bloquear
    3. verb
    The ships blockaded the town.) fazer bloqueio
    - blocked
    - block capital/letter
    - blockhead
    * * *
    [blɔk] n 1 bloco (de madeira, de metal, de pedra etc.). 2 obstrução, impedimento. 3 Sport bloqueio do jogo do adversário. 4 Amer quadra, quarteirão. 5 grupo de prédios, bloco de casas. 6 conjunto. 7 secionamento de via férrea. 8 cepo. 9 roldana, moitão, cadernal. 10 molde, forma de chapéu. 11 bloco de papel. 12 sl cabeça. 13 Med obstrução. 14 cadafalso (de guilhotina). • vt+vi 1 impedir a passagem, encher, entupir. 2 bloquear, obstruir. 3 parar, paralisar. 4 montar, moldar ou prensar sobre um bloco, formar um bloco. 5 esboçar, delinear. 6 segurar ou firmar com blocos. 7 bloquear (crédito, moeda). 8 Sport fazer obstrução. 9 Parl impedir, adiar, opor-se a projeto de lei. a chip off the old block fig muito parecido com o pai. to block out/in esboçar, planejar. to block the line bloquear a linha (de estrada de ferro). to knock someone’s block off dar um murro na cabeça de alguém. to put one’s head on the block arriscar o pescoço.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > block

  • 13 diamond

    1) (a very hard, colourless precious stone: Her brooch had three diamonds in it; ( also adjective) a diamond ring.) diamante
    2) (a piece of diamond (often artificial) used as a tip on eg a record-player stylus.) diamante
    3) (a kind of four-sided figure or shape; ♦: There was a pattern of red and yellow diamonds on the floor.) losango
    4) (one of the playing-cards of the suit diamonds, which have red symbols of this shape on them.) ouros
    * * *
    [d'aiəmənd] n 1 diamante, pedra preciosa. 2 brilhante. 3 losango, rombo. 4 diamante: instrumento para cortar vidro. 5 ouros pl (no jogo de cartas). 6 Typogr corpo 4 l/2 m. 7 Amer quadra de beisebol. 8 vidraça em forma de losango. • vt adornar com diamantes. • adj de diamante, diamantino. black diamonds a) diamantes escuros. b) carvão. rough diamonds a) diamante bruto. b) pessoa grosseira porém honesta e boa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > diamond

  • 14 diamond

    1) (a very hard, colourless precious stone: Her brooch had three diamonds in it; ( also adjective) a diamond ring.) diamante
    2) (a piece of diamond (often artificial) used as a tip on eg a record-player stylus.) diamante
    3) (a kind of four-sided figure or shape; ♦: There was a pattern of red and yellow diamonds on the floor.) losango
    4) (one of the playing-cards of the suit diamonds, which have red symbols of this shape on them.) ouros

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > diamond

  • 15 side

    1. noun
    1) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) lado
    2) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) face
    3) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) lado
    4) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) lado
    5) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) lado
    6) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) lado
    7) (a slope (of a hill): a mountain-side.) lado, encosta
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) lado, aspecto
    9) (a party, team etc which is opposing another: Whose side are you on?; Which side is winning?) lado
    2. adjective
    (additional, but less important: a side issue.) secundário
    - - side
    - - sided - sidelong - sideways - sideburns - side effect - sidelight - sideline - sidelines - side road - sidestep - side-street - sidetrack - sidewalk - from all sides - on all sides - side by side - side with - take sides

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > side

  • 16 square

    [skweə] 1. noun
    1) (a four-sided two-dimensional figure with all sides equal in length and all angles right angles.) quadrado
    2) (something in the shape of this.) quadrado
    3) (an open place in a town, with the buildings round it.) praça
    4) (the resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself: 3 × 3, or 32 = 9, so 9 is the square of 3.) quadrado
    2. adjective
    1) (having the shape of a square or right angle: I need a square piece of paper; He has a short, square body / a square chin.) quadrado
    2) ((of business dealings, scores in games etc) level, even, fairly balanced etc: If I pay you an extra $5 shall we be (all) square?; Their scores are (all) square (= equal).) igual, empatado
    3) (measuring a particular amount on all four sides: This piece of wood is two metres square.) quadrado
    4) (old-fashioned: square ideas about clothes.) quadrado
    3. adverb
    1) (at right angles, or in a square shape: The carpet is not cut square with the corner.) em ângulo reto
    2) (firmly and directly: She hit him square on the point of the chin.) em cheio
    4. verb
    1) (to give a square shape to or make square.) tornar quadrado
    2) (to settle, pay etc (an account, debt etc): I must square my account with you.) regrar, acertar
    3) (to (cause to) fit or agree: His story doesn't square with the facts.) enquadrar(-se)
    4) (to multiply a number by itself: Two squared is four.) elevar ao quadrado
    - squarely - square centimetre - metre - square root - fair and square - go back to square one - a square deal

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > square

См. также в других словарях:

  • One-sided — One sid ed, a. 1. Having one side only, or one side prominent. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: Limited to one side; favoring one person or side over another; partial; unjust; unfair; as, a one sided view or statement. [WordNet sense 5] Unguarded and one …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • one-sided — one sid|ed [ ,wʌn saıdəd ] adjective 1. ) something that is one sided is unfair because it shows or considers only one aspect of something: a one sided account of the conflict Advertisements intentionally present a one sided view. 2. ) in a one… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • one-sided — adj 1.) considering or showing only one side of a question, subject etc in a way that is unfair →↑biased, balanced ↑balanced ▪ The newspapers give a very one sided account of the war. 2.) an activity or competition that is one sided is one in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • One-sided — may refer to: One sided argument, variant of the logical fallacy known as special pleading One sided limit, either of the two limits of a function f(x) of a real variable x as x approaches a specified point in calculus One sided overhand bend,… …   Wikipedia

  • one-sided — one sidedly, adv. one sidedness, n. /wun suy did/, adj. 1. considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair: a one sided judgment. 2. with one party, contestant, side, etc., vastly superior; unbalanced; unequal: a one sided… …   Universalium

  • one-sided — one′ sid′ed adj. 1) considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair: a one sided judgment[/ex] 2) with one side far superior or having all the advantage; unequal: a one sided fight[/ex] 3) bio frm bio existing, occurring, or… …   From formal English to slang

  • one-sided — [wun′sīd′id] adj. 1. on, having, or involving only one side 2. larger or more developed on one side; leaning to one side 3. favoring one side; uneven or unfair; prejudiced 4. uneven or unequal [a one sided race] …   English World dictionary

  • one-sided — I adjective biased, colored, discriminatory, exparte, impar, inaequalis, influenced, iniquus, interested, jaundiced, narrow, narrow minded, partial, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, sectarian, slanted, swayed, undetached, undispassionate,… …   Law dictionary

  • one-sided — (adj.) 1833, dealing with one side of a question or dispute, from ONE (Cf. one) + SIDE (Cf. side) (n.). Related: One sidedly; one sidedness …   Etymology dictionary

  • one-sided — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unfairly biased. 2) (of a contest or conflict) grossly unequal. 3) occurring on or having one side only …   English terms dictionary

  • one sided — index ex parte, inequitable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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