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  • 1 baztertu

    a. to leave out, omit, exclude
    b. (gizarteko taldea, alderdi politikoa, e.a.) to marginalize, exclude
    d. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    e. (aukera, hautakizun) to discard, exclude
    f. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    a. (beste herriratu, aberritik bidali, kanporatu) to exile, banish, expel
    b. Kristau. Elizatik \baztertu to {expel || excommunicate} from the Church
    2. not to count on
    3. (alderatu) to keep out
    b. to keep off; handik begiak \baztertu ezinik unable to keep his eyes off her
    4. to do without; badaukat holako jakia baztertzea I can do without such food; ez daukagu jan-edanak baztertzerik we can't {do || go} without food and drink
    5. (ezkutatu) to hide, put away
    6. (galarazi, ekidin) to avoid, avert, impede; holako istripuak baztertzeko, bidea konpondu behar da in order to prevent accidents, the road must be repaired
    7. (txokoratu) to put away (in a corner) ; liburu horiek \baztertu zituzten they put those books away
    a. to depose, oust, unseat
    b. kargotik \baztertu to remove from office
    9. (agindu, lege) to break, go against
    10. aurpegia ez zuen \baztertu he didn't turn his face da/ad.
    1. to withdraw, retreat, retire (- ra: to) ; soldaduak mendietara \baztertu ziren the soldiers withdrew into the hills
    a. \baztertu pixka bat! move over a little!
    b. (umeei, kalean daudela, espaloira joateko esaten zaiena) \baztertu! get over to the {right || left} | keep to the side! ; haiei lekua uztearren horma ondora \baztertu nintzen I scooted over towards the wall to make room for them
    3. (alderatu) bidetik \baztertu to go astray, stray off the path

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > baztertu

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