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  • 1 ezkutatu

    1. ( gorde, kukutu, izkutatu) to hide; lurpean \ezkutatu zuen pistola he hid the pistol in the ground
    a. to cover, conceal; Maitek bi eskuez bere sabeltxoa ezkutzen zuen Maite covered her little belly with both her hands
    b. (irud.) to conceal, hide; egia \ezkutatu to {hide || conceal} the truth; zerbait ezkutatzen didazu you're hiding something from me; bihotzeko oinazea \ezkutatu nahirik wishing to hide the torment in her heart; bere higuina \ezkutatuz concealing her revulsion da/ad.
    a. to hide; non \ezkutatu zara? i. ( orain arte) where have you been hiding? ii. ( une honetan) where are you hiding?
    b. to hide, conceal o.s., steal away; sasi artean \ezkutatu ziren they hid among the brambles; sasi artean \ezkutaturik zebiltzan they were lurking in the bushes
    2. ( desagertu) to hide away; hori esanda, gizona \ezkutatu zitzaien having said that, the man hid from them

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezkutatu

  • 2 ezkutatu

    esconder, ocultar

    Glosario Euskera Español > ezkutatu

  • 3 ezkutatu

    to hide, to conceal

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > ezkutatu

  • 4 терять


    Русско-баскский словарь > терять

  • 5 gorde

    [from Rom. "guardare"] io. hidden, secret; faxista \gorde bat a crypto fascist | a closet fascist; gela \gorde bat a hidden room du/ad.
    1. ( zerbait toki estalian ezarri, e.a.) to keep, put away, put by, store away
    2. (- (r)ekin gelditu) to keep; badaukazu gordetzea you can keep it
    3. ( zaindu) to protect, watch over; Jainkoak \gorde gaitzala honelako zorigaitzetatik God protect us from such misfortunes
    b. ( leku bat norbaitentzat, e.a.) to save, reserve; eserlekurik onenak \gordeko dizkizuet I'll save the best seats for you
    c. ( txartela, sarrera) to reserve, book
    4. ( ez galdu, mantendu) to preserve, maintain ; zergatik ez \gorde, galduxe dugunok, "egin dezake" eta "egin lezake" direlakoen arteko bereizkuntza? why not maintain the distinctions between "egin dezake" and "egin lezake" which have become somewhat lost; Gutenbergen bibliatik \gorde diren ale bakanak the few copies of Gutenberg's bible that have been preserved
    a. ( promesa) to keep
    b. ( agindua) to keep, carry out
    c. ( legea) to observe, respect
    a. to hide; ikasle baten etxean isilik \gordeta hidden away in a student's house
    b. (irud.) malkoak \gorde ezinik unable to hide his tears; ezin zuen haserrea \gorde she couldn't hold her temper da/ad.
    1. ( ezkutatu) to hide, steal away; ihes egitea lortu zutenak mendietan \gorde ziren those who managed to escape hide in the mountains; non \gordeko naiz? where shall I hide?
    2. (irud.) eguzkia hodeien artean \gorde zen the sun hid away behind the clouds

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gorde

  • 6 zoko

    a. ( gelari d.) corner; gauden, bada, goxo-goxo etxe-\zokoan inoren bila abiatu let us be, then, comfortable in a corner of our homes without going out to fetch anyone; \zokora bota zuten it was thrown into a corner; deadarrari eman zion eta etxeko \zokorik \zokoenean ezkutatu ziren she blew on the horn and they hid away in every nook and cranny in the house
    b. ( altzariari d., e.a.) corner; armairu-\zokoetan in the corners of the cupboard
    c. ( bazter bat) spot, place; Jatsun bada \zoko bat Beleburu esaten diotena In Jatsu there's a place they call Beleburu; Euskal Herriko \zoko batean in a corner of the Basque Country
    d. (irud.) estatistikak — nahiz sarritan sukalde-\zokoko estatistikak izan — aspaldi agertu ziren linguisten lanetan statistics — quite often home-spun statistics — made their way into linguistic works long ago; nor eta zu, Josetxo, bazter hauetan. \zoko argi! Josetxo, you of all people, in these parts. Who would have believed that!
    a. corner, nook; ontziko \zoko batean ezkutatu zen he hid away in a corner of the ship; plazara atera nahi zuten euskara etxe-\zokotik they wanted to get Basque out of the confines of the home and into society; bizitza ez da maiz aski ihespiderik gabeko \zoko galdua baizik life is often no more than a lost waystation without any way out; \zokoz \zoko ibili to skulk around; \zokoan bizi dira i. they live out of the way ii. (irud.) they're {obscure || un-known}
    b. haunt, retreat; Parisko "Auzo Latina" \zokoz beteta dago Paris' Latin Quarter is full of haunts
    c. gure barrengo \zoko ilunak aztertzen ditugunean when we delve into the dark recesses of our inner selves
    3. [ izenen aurrean ] \zoko-usaina dago hemen it's stuffy in here; \zoko-gustua duten patatak stale-tasting potatoes io.
    1. hidden, concealed; mendi-hegal \zoko batean on a hidden mountain slope; Orzaize ez da hain \zokoa Orzaize is not so hidden away; orain \zoko eta eztuku zaizkigunak ikusteko those which are now hidden and concealed from our view
    2. (H) (B) mast support

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zoko

  • 7 baztertu

    a. to leave out, omit, exclude
    b. (gizarteko taldea, alderdi politikoa, e.a.) to marginalize, exclude
    d. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    e. (aukera, hautakizun) to discard, exclude
    f. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    a. (beste herriratu, aberritik bidali, kanporatu) to exile, banish, expel
    b. Kristau. Elizatik \baztertu to {expel || excommunicate} from the Church
    2. not to count on
    3. (alderatu) to keep out
    b. to keep off; handik begiak \baztertu ezinik unable to keep his eyes off her
    4. to do without; badaukat holako jakia baztertzea I can do without such food; ez daukagu jan-edanak baztertzerik we can't {do || go} without food and drink
    5. (ezkutatu) to hide, put away
    6. (galarazi, ekidin) to avoid, avert, impede; holako istripuak baztertzeko, bidea konpondu behar da in order to prevent accidents, the road must be repaired
    7. (txokoratu) to put away (in a corner) ; liburu horiek \baztertu zituzten they put those books away
    a. to depose, oust, unseat
    b. kargotik \baztertu to remove from office
    9. (agindu, lege) to break, go against
    10. aurpegia ez zuen \baztertu he didn't turn his face da/ad.
    1. to withdraw, retreat, retire (- ra: to) ; soldaduak mendietara \baztertu ziren the soldiers withdrew into the hills
    a. \baztertu pixka bat! move over a little!
    b. (umeei, kalean daudela, espaloira joateko esaten zaiena) \baztertu! get over to the {right || left} | keep to the side! ; haiei lekua uztearren horma ondora \baztertu nintzen I scooted over towards the wall to make room for them
    3. (alderatu) bidetik \baztertu to go astray, stray off the path

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > baztertu

  • 8 estali

    1. cover; euria ari zuen eta \estalirik gabe ziren umeak it was raining and the children were {out in the open || without shelter}
    2. (irud.) (kanpoaldea) outside; \estali ederra du baina ezer ere ez azpian (s)he's beautiful on the outside but there's absolutely nothing inside io.
    a. covered; zurezko zubi \estaliak wooden covered bridges
    b. ( estadioa, e.a.) indoor; futbol-zelai \estali football field
    2. ( sekretu) secret; ate \estali secret door; arrazoi \estali batengatik on account of a mysterious reason du/ad.
    a. ( oro.) to cover; e-r e-z \estali to \estali sth with sth; aurpegia \estali duten emakumeak women who cover their faces ; begiak eskuekin \estali zitutzen they covered their eyes with their hands; garai hartako artistek beren irudien gorputzak piku-hostz estaltzen zituzten artists from that time covered the bodies of their figures with fig leaves; urrezko xaflaz \estalitako horma a guilded wall
    b. (irud.) to covered ; gorputza zauriz \estalia a body {covered || riddled} with wounds
    a. to hide, conceal; ez zi-tuen ez hitzak leundu ez gorrotoak \estali she neither minced her words nor concealed her hatred; ez da ezer \estalirik agertuko ez denik there is nothing that is hidden that won't be revealed; bere zikoiztasuna estaltzearren so as to conceal his stinginess; estaltzen duk arrats guziez eta goizetan agertzen you steal away every evening and turn up every morning
    b. ( lapurra, gaizkileak) to harbour (GB), harbor (USA)
    3. ( inoren hutsa edo egite makurra izkutatu) to cover up; bere hutsegitea, estaltzen, edertzen edo zuritzen duena the one that covers up, embellish or explain away his mistake; gobernuak eskadalua \estali nahi zuen the government wanted to cover up the scandal
    4. Met. to become overcast; gaur goiz partean hodei ugarik \estaliko dute zerugaina eguraldi nabarmen ilunduz in the morning skies will become overcast, making the weather visibly darker 5
    a. (Biol.) to mate with; behia estaltzera eraman to take a cow to stud
    b. hitz itsusia. to fuck hitz itsusia., screw hitz itsusia.
    6. (Kaz.) to cover
    7. ( beharrak, premiak, e.a.) to meet, cover; bere premiak estaltzeko ekarri zuen dirua he brought money to cover his needs
    8. ( zuloa) to cover over; bide zahar horietan dauden zuloak harriz estaltzen dituzte holes are covered up with stones along that old route
    9. ( ukatu) to renounce, forswear da/ad.
    1. to cover o.s.; zer jango dugu, zer edango dugu, zerekin \estaliko gara? what shall we eat, what shall we drink, with what shall we cover ourselves?
    2. to hide away, steal away; eguzkia hodei artean \estali zen the sun stole away amid the clouds; gurdia zuhaitzen artetik \estali zen the cart disappeared into the trees

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > estali

  • 9 ezabatu

    [from Rom. *effasiare, cf. Fr. "effacer"] du/ad.
    1. ( idatzitakoa, e.a.)
    a. ( oro.) to erase, wipe away; hondarrean idazten dena laster ezabatzen da what's written in sand is soon wiped away
    b. ( marrak jarriaz) to cross out; zerrandako zenbait \ezabaturik agertzen dira some on the list appear crossed out
    c. Inform. to delete
    a. to wipe out, obliterate, remove, do away with; haren hilketaren aztarna guztiak ezabatzeko in order to {obliterate || remove} all traces of his murder; naziotasuna ukatzen digutenek, logika osoaz Eskola Nazionala eraikitzeko eskubidea \ezabatu nahi digute those who deny us our nationhood logically wish to do away with the right for us to build our National School
    b. to wipe away; haurtzaroko orbainak gaztaroak ezabatzen ditu the scars of childhood are wiped away by one's youth
    3. ( ezkutatu, gorde) Arkaismoa. to keep, hold in; bere haserrea ezabatzen badoa he's holding his anger in da/ad. Arkaismoa. to hide away, steal away, vanish; hori esan eta \ezabatu zen aingerua the angel said that and vanished

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezabatu

  • 10 gerizatu

    1. ( babestu) to protect, shield; eguzkitsu sutsu honetarik gerizatzeko beste itzalperik ez baduzu if you do not have any other shady spot to shield yourself from the hot sun; egiaren arabera dabilena \gerizatuko dut etsaien erasoetatik I will protect the one who goes by the truth from the attacks of his enemies
    2. ( estali, ezkutatu) to hide

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gerizatu

  • 11 hitz

    a. ( oro.: berba) word; \hitz andana luze bat a whole slew of words; \hitz ezkutatu password ; \hitz merkeak dira they're mere words; \hitzak neurtu to mind one's words ; hitzez \hitz literally; \hitzez eta \hitzekin gabiltzan borrokan in the fight we've been waging about words and with them
    b. ( hitzaren adierazpide idatzia) word; zazpi letrako \hitza a seven-lettered word
    c. Mus. \hitzak words
    d. (esa.) \hitz batean in a word ; \hitz batean esango dizut I've give it to you in a nutshell; \hitz batez unanimously; \hitz bi bukatzeko in a nutshell, to sum it up ; \hitz gorri swear word, cuss word ; \hitz zuriez jendea liluratu to sweet-talk people
    3. (Gram.) (H. Jak.)
    a. word; \hitz elkartu compound word; \hitz eratorri derived word ; \hitz ikasi, \hitz jaso learned word; euskal \hitzak Basque words
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \hitz elkarketa word composition
    a. (Pol.) ( hizpidea) floor, right to speak; besteak \hitza dauka the other one has the floor
    b. (esa.) horretan dute azken \hitza they have the last word on that
    a. talking
    b. word; Jainkoaren H\hitza the Word of God
    6. ( agindua) word, promise; \hitza bete to keep one's word: \hitza eman to give one's word; \hitza jan to go back on one's word | to eat one's words; \hitzari eutsi to stick to one's word
    7. ( hitzarmen, akordioa) agreement; \hitz bereko izan to be in agreement; beste \hitzeko izan to be in disagreement
    8. (erl.) Jakinduriaren \hitza Word of Wisdom

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hitz

  • 12 itzalperatu

    1. to go into the shade, go to a shady spot
    2. ( ezkutatu) to go into hiding

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itzalperatu

  • 13 itzalpetu

    1. ( zuhaitz batek) shade, provide shade
    2. ( babestu) to protect, put under one's protection
    3. ( ezkutatu) to hide, conceal
    4. ( ilundu) to darken, obscure

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itzalpetu

  • 14 kokatu

    1. ( bere tokian ezarri, jarri) to place, set; gauzak bere tokietan \kokatu to put things away; azkenean Hungarian \kokatu zuten fabrika berria in the end they set up the factory in Hungary
    b. (irud.) jakin nahi zuten euskara non koka zitekeen Europako hizkuntzen artean they wanted to know where Basque could be placed among the languages of Europe; gizakiok gorrotoa eta indarkeria geure errai-erraietan \kokatuta ditugu we humans harbour hate and violence deep within our guts
    2. ( eseki, zintzilikatu) to hand, suspend
    3. ( harri bitxia) to mount da/ad.
    1. ( pausatu, adib. txori bat adarrean) to perch, land; hazi hura, zuhaitz egiten da; halako moldez txoriak etortzen baitira haren adarretan kokatzera that seed becomes a tree big enough for the birds to come and roost in its branches
    2. to get stuck; hortz artean \kokatu zait haragi puxka bat I've got a piece of meat stuck between my teeth; zintzurrean hezur bat \kokatu zitzaion a bone got stuck in his throat
    3. ( finkatu) to settle down; munduan zehar ibilia zen baina azkenean Samoan \kokatu zen he had travelled the world over but in the end he settled in Samoa; Portugaletik bidaliak izan ondoren Brasilen \kokatu ziren zenbait jesuslagun after being expelled from Portugal some Jesuits settled in Brasil
    a. to seat, hold; gela honetan ez dago tokirik ehun lagun kokatzeko in this room there isn't enough room to {hold || seat} one hundred people; \kokatu al da? is there enough room?; koka-ahala (I) jam-packed; elizan bada jende koka-ahala people are packed in the church
    b. to be included; horretan kokatzen da prezio osoa the whole price is included in that
    a. batu, loditu
    b. ( bere hondakinak) to settle
    6. ( ezkutatu, gorde) to hide away
    7. ( aurkitu) to be located; Ulan Bator Mongolian \kokaturik dago Ulan Bator is located in Mongolia
    8. ( arma) to jam
    b. ( hizketan) to be at a loss for words
    9. Met. ( elurra) to settle

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kokatu

  • 15 kukutu

    du/ad. to cover up, hide da/ad.
    1. ( ezkutatu) to hide out, hide
    2. to crouch, squat down

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kukutu

  • 16 murgildu

    1. to plunge; eskua uretan \murgildu zuen he plunged his hand into the water
    2. (irud.) bere herriaren historian murgiltzea lortu zuen he managed to plunge deep into his town's history da/ad.
    a. ( pulunpatu) to dive; Pello larrubizirik \murgildu zen putzuan Pello dived naked into the pool; itsasoan \murgildu to dive into the sea
    b. ( hondoratu) to sink
    c. (irud.) (ezkutatu) to hide away; bidezidor abarotsu batean \murgildu ziren they hid away along a shady path
    d. ( arranoa, belatza) to swoop down
    e. (irud.) bekatuzko itsasoan \murgildu zirenak those who plunged themselves into a sea of sin
    2. to sink, submerge; itsaspekontzia itsasoan \murgildu zen the submarine submerged into the sea
    3. (irud.)
    a. atseginetan \murgildu to become lost in the persuit of pleasure; aspaldiko oroitzapenetan \murgildurik {lost || stuck fast} in the memories of long ago
    b. ( egiteko batean) to become immersed in; gogoetan \murgildurik she was engrossed in her thoughts; lanean \murgilduta dago he's immersed in his work; irakurketan \murgildurik zegoen he was {lost || absorbed || engrossed} in reading

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > murgildu

  • 17 ostendu

    du/ad. to conceal, hide; hilotza basoan \ostendu zuten they hid the body in the wood; leku \ostenduan zeuden they were in a hidden area da/ad.
    1. ( ezkutatu) to hide, become concealed; eguzkia \ostendu zenean when the sun hid away
    2. Zah. (atzeratu) to fall behind

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ostendu

  • 18 ostu

    [from *on(o)stu] du/ad.
    1. ( lapurtu, ebatsi) to steal
    2. (B) ( ezkutatu) to conceal, hide away; eskua \ostu zuen he concealed his hand

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ostu

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