1 juntarse
1 (unirse) to join, get together; (ríos, caminos) to meet2 (acercarse) to squeeze up■ juntaos un poco que no quepo squeeze up, I can't get in4 (amancebarse) to move in ( con, with), start living together* * ** * *VPR1) (=reunirse)a) [para una cita] to get together, meet uppor la tarde nos juntamos todos para jugar a las cartas — in the afternoons we all get together o meet up to play cards
juntarse con algn — to get together with sb, meet up with sb
a veces se juntan con otros matrimonios y salen por ahí — they sometimes get together o meet up with other couples and go out somewhere
b) [en asamblea, trabajo] to meetc) [sin citarse] to come togetheren el estadio se juntarán hoy bastantes figuras del fútbol — many famous figures in football will come together in the stadium today
en la sala apenas se juntaron dos docenas de personas — less than two dozen people assembled in the hall
se juntaron más de cinco mil personas para oírlo — more than five thousand people assembled o came together to listen to him
2) (=unirse)juntarse a o con algn — to join up with sb
salimos de París por la mañana y en Calais se nos juntó Pedro — we left Paris in the morning and Pedro joined up with us o met up with us in Calais
se juntó a otros dos músicos para crear un nuevo grupo — he joined up with two other musicians to create a new band
3) (=arrimarse) [varias personas] to move closer togethersi te juntas un poco más cabremos todos en el banco — if you move up a bit we can all get on the bench
4) (=relacionarse) [pareja] to get togetherjuntarse con algn — [gen] to mix with sb; [en pareja] to get together with sb
no me gusta que te juntes con esa gente — I don't like you going round o mixing with those people
5) (=ocurrir a la vez) to come togetheren su poesía se juntan elementos tradicionales y renovadores — traditional and new elements come together in his poetry
se te va a juntar el desayuno con la comida — you'll be having breakfast at the same time as your lunch
6) [empresas, asociaciones] to mergeambas coordinadoras se juntaron en una organización central — both coordinating committees merged to form a centralized organization
7) [líneas, caminos] to meet, join8) (Zool) to mate, copulate* * *(v.) = be togetherEx. 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they' re together' = "Siento mucho admitirlo", ella añadió mientras su cara se arrugaba dibujándose en ella una sonrisa de complicidad, "algunos de mis mejores amigos son bibliotecarios y no puedo entender cómo critican a otros colegas suyos cuando se jutan".* * *(v.) = be togetherEx: 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they' re together' = "Siento mucho admitirlo", ella añadió mientras su cara se arrugaba dibujándose en ella una sonrisa de complicidad, "algunos de mis mejores amigos son bibliotecarios y no puedo entender cómo critican a otros colegas suyos cuando se jutan".
* * *
■juntarse verbo reflexivo
1 (aproximarse, unirse) to join
(converger) to meet
2 (congregarse) to gather: nos juntaremos en tu casa, we'll meet at your house
' juntarse' also found in these entries:
- andar
- juntar
- unir
- bunch together
- bunch up
- get in with
- meet
- rally round
- together
- get
- hang
* * *vpr1. [ríos, caminos] to meet;aquí se junta la A-1 con la M-40 this is where the A-1 joins o meets the M-402. [reunirse] to get together;se juntó con el resto de la familia para cenar she got together with the rest of the family for dinner3. [arrimarse]si nos juntamos un poco, cabremos mejor if we squeeze up a bit, we'll all be able to fit in;juntaos algo más, que no salís todos move together a bit or you won't all be in the photolos jóvenes ya no se casan sino que se juntan young people don't get married any more, they just live together5. [coincidir] to coincide ( con with);se junta su boda con nuestras vacaciones her wedding clashes o coincides with our Br holidays o US vacation;¡caramba, se nos junta todo! God, it never rains but it pours!;se junta el hambre con las ganas de comer it's one thing on top of another6. [copular] to copulate, to mate* * *v/r1 ( reunirse) meet, assemble3:juntarse con alguien socialmente mix with s.o.* * *vr1) : to join together2) : to socialize, to get together* * *juntarse vb1. (ponerse juntos) to move closer together2. (reunirse) to get together -
2 juntarse
• band together• come together• grow thin• grow too big• join on• merge -
3 juntarse a
• join on to -
4 juntarse a
v.to join on to, to join. -
5 juntarse con
v.to meet with, to fall in with.* * ** * *(v.) = kick + it withEx. Come share a beverage, listen to some good tunes and kick it with us.* * *(v.) = kick + it withEx: Come share a beverage, listen to some good tunes and kick it with us.
6 juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer
(v.) = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pairEx. The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.Ex. On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.Ex. They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.* * *(v.) = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pairEx: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.
Ex: On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.Ex: They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.Spanish-English dictionary > juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer
7 juntarse en grupo
• band together -
8 juntarse en grupos
• flock paper• flock wool -
9 juntarse más
• crowd together -
10 juntarse más
v.1 to crowd together, to close up.Los chicos se juntaron más The boys crowded together.2 to be made to crowd together.Se nos junta más We are made to crowd together. -
11 volver a juntarse
• re-join -
12 juntar
v.1 to put together.poco a poco ha juntado una valiosa colección de cuadros she has gradually put together a valuable collection of paintingsjuntaron todos los departamentos en un solo edificio they brought all the departments together in a single building2 to join, to connect, to piece together, to put together.Elsa junta los cables Elsa joins the wires.3 to assemble, to bunch up, to bring together, to combine.Ellos juntaron un equipo ganador They assembled a winning team.4 to gather together, to get together, to pull together.Ellos juntaron varios candidatos They gathered together several candidates* * *2 familiar (coleccionar) to collect3 (reunir - dinero) to raise; (- gente) to gather together1 (unirse) to join, get together; (ríos, caminos) to meet2 (acercarse) to squeeze up■ juntaos un poco que no quepo squeeze up, I can't get in4 (amancebarse) to move in ( con, with), start living together* * *verb1) to unite2) assemble, collect3) gather4) pool•- juntarse- juntarse con* * *1. VT1) (=colocar juntos) to put togetherjuntar dinero — (=ahorrar) to save, save up; (=reunir fondos) to raise funds, fundraise
2) (=reunir) [+ amigos, conocidos] to get together; [+ participantes, concursantes] to bring together¿cómo consiguió el director juntar tantas estrellas en una misma película? — how did the director manage to bring together so many stars o get so many stars together in one film?
la final ha juntado a los dos mejores equipos del mundo — the final has brought together the two best teams in the world
3) (=coleccionar) [+ sellos, objetos] to collect4) (=entornar) [+ puerta, ventana] to push to2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( unir) <pies/manos/camas> to put... togetherb) ( reunir)2.juntar monedas/sellos — (esp AmL) to collect coins/stamps
juntarse v pron1) personasa) ( acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto — get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture
b) ( reunirse) to get togetherjuntarse con alguien — to join somebody, meet up with somebody
c) ( relacionarse)juntarse con alguien: yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sort; se empezó a juntar con malas compañías — she fell into bad company
d) ( como pareja) to live together2)a) desgracias/sucesos to come togetherb) carreteras/conductos to meet, join* * *= assemble, piece together, bundle, pool, put together.Ex. In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex. The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.----* Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.* juntarse = be together.* juntarse con = kick + it with.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* juntar sin solapar = butt together.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( unir) <pies/manos/camas> to put... togetherb) ( reunir)2.juntar monedas/sellos — (esp AmL) to collect coins/stamps
juntarse v pron1) personasa) ( acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto — get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture
b) ( reunirse) to get togetherjuntarse con alguien — to join somebody, meet up with somebody
c) ( relacionarse)juntarse con alguien: yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sort; se empezó a juntar con malas compañías — she fell into bad company
d) ( como pareja) to live together2)a) desgracias/sucesos to come togetherb) carreteras/conductos to meet, join* * *= assemble, piece together, bundle, pool, put together.Ex: In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.
Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex: The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.* Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.* juntarse = be together.* juntarse con = kick + it with.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* juntar sin solapar = butt together.* * *juntar [A1 ]vt1 (unir) ‹pies/manos/camas› to put … togethersi juntamos dos mesas, cabremos todos if we put two tables together we'll all be able to fit roundcomo faltó un profesor, juntaron dos clases one teacher was away so they combined two classes o put two classes togetherjunta los verdes con los azules put the green ones and the blue ones together2(reunir): junta las fichas y ponlas en la caja collect up the counters and put them in the boxtendrás que juntar fuerzas para decírselo you'll have to pluck up courage to tell himestán juntando (dinero) para el viaje they are saving (up) for the tripme va a llevar tiempo juntar el dinero it's going to take me some time to get the money together o to raise the moneyjunta monedas/sellos ( esp AmL); she collects coins/stamps3(cerrar): junta la puerta push the door to■ juntarseA «personas»1 (acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture2 (reunirse) to get togethertenemos que juntarnos un día para tomar una copa we must get together for a drink one of these daysse juntó con nosotros en Caracas he met up with us o joined us in Caracasnos juntamos para comprarle un regalo we got o ( BrE) clubbed together to buy her a present¡vaya dos que se han juntado! what a pair!3 (relacionarse) juntarse CON algn:yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sortse empezó a juntar con malas compañías she fell into bad companyno me junto más contigo ( leng infantil); I'm not playing with you any more4(como pareja): no se podían casar, así que se juntaron they couldn't get married so they started living togetherse volvieron a juntar they got back together againB1 «desgracias/sucesos» to come together¡este mes se nos ha juntado todo! this month it's just been one thing after anotherse juntó el accidente del niño con lo de la mudanza their son's accident came right on top of the move o came just as they were moving house2 «carreteras/conductos» to meet, join* * *
juntar ( conjugate juntar) verbo transitivo
‹ dinero› to save (up);◊ juntar sellos (esp AmL) to collect stamps
juntarse verbo pronominal
1 [ personas]
c) ( como pareja) to live together;
juntar verbo transitivo
1 (unir) to join, put together: juntaremos las sillas, we'll put the chairs together
(ensamblar) to assemble
2 (reunir a personas) quiere juntar a toda la familia, she wants to get all her family together
(reunir animales) to round up
4 (coleccionar) to collect
5 (una cantidad de dinero) to raise
' juntar' also found in these entries:
- reunir
- amontonar
- connect
- gather
- join
- join up
- piece together
- pool
- put together
- throw together
- collect
- hoard
- piece
- put
* * *♦ vt1. [unir] to put together;junta los pies put your feet together;como no cabíamos todos, decidimos juntar las mesas as we didn't all fit, we decided to push the tables together;junté los cables con cinta aislante I tied the wires together with some insulating tape2. [reunir] to put together;[cromos, sellos, monedas] to collect; [fondos] to raise; [personas] to bring together;poco a poco ha juntado una valiosa colección de cuadros she has gradually put together a valuable collection of paintings;he ido juntando dinero todo el año para las vacaciones I've been saving up all year for my Br holidays o US vacation;juntaron todos los departamentos en un solo edificio they brought all the departments together in a single building* * *v/t1 put together; bienes collect, accumulate2 gente gather together* * *juntar vt1) unir: to unite, to combine, to put together2) reunir: to collect, to gather together, to assemble3) : to close partwayjuntar la puerta: to leave the door ajar* * *juntar vb2. (unir) to join together3. (reunir) to get together -
13 andar
m.1 gait, walk.tener andares de to walk like2 way of walking, walking, gait, pace.v.1 to walk (caminar). (especially peninsular Spanish)¿fuiste en autobús o andando? did you go by bus or on foot?, did you go by bus or did you walk?andar por la calle to walk in the streetRicardo anduvo por las calles Richard walked along the streets.María anduvo el muelle Mary walked the dock.2 to work, to go.el reloj no anda the clock has stoppedlas cosas andan mal things are going badlylos negocios andan muy bien business is going very wellEl motor anda bien The engine is working well.3 to be.¿qué tal andas? how are you (doing)?andar preocupado to be worriedcreo que anda por el almacén I think he is somewhere in the warehouseandar haciendo algo to be doing somethinganda explicando sus aventuras he's talking about his adventuresandar tras algo/alguien to be after something/somebodyde andar por casa basic, rough and ready (explicación, método)mi ropa de andar por casa my clothes for wearing around the houseAnda triste He is sad.Ella anda visitando a su prima She is visiting her cousin.4 to go, to travel.anduvimos 15 kilómetros we walked (for) 15 kilometers5 to wear. ( Central American Spanish)6 to carry. ( Central American Spanish)7 to have, to be using.Anda una pistola He has a gun.8 to be wearing, to wear.Anda una bonita corbata He is wearing a nice tie.* * *Past IndicativeImperfect SubjunctiveFuture Subjunctive* * *1. verb1) to walk2) function, work, run•2. noun m.* * *1. VI1) (=ir a pie) to walk; (=moverse) to move; (=viajar) to travel aroundvinimos andando — we walked here, we came on foot
andar tras algo/algn — to be after sth/sbandar tras una chica — to be o chase after a girl
2) (=funcionar) to go, workel reloj no anda — the clock won't go, the clock isn't working
¿cómo anda esto? — how does this work?
3) * (=estar) to beandar alegre — to be o feel cheerful
andar bien de salud — to be well, be in good health
andamos mal de dinero — we're badly off for money, we're short of money
¿cómo andan las cosas? — how are things?
¿cómo anda eso? — how are things going?
¿qué tal andas? — how are you?
¿cómo andas de tabaco? — how are you off for cigarettes?
de andar por casa, ropa de andar por casa — clothes for wearing around the house4) (=rebuscar)¡no andes ahí! — keep away from there!
5)• andar a, siempre andan a gritos — they're always shouting
andan a la greña o a la gresca — they're at each other's throats
6)• andar con algn — to go around with sb
7)• andar en — (=estar implicado en) to be involved in
andar en pleitos — to be engaged o involved in lawsuits
¿en qué andas? — what are you up to?
8)• andar haciendo algo — to be doing sth
¿qué andas buscando? — what are you looking for?
9)• andar por (=rondar) —
el pueblo anda por los 1.000 habitantes — the village has about 1,000 inhabitants
10)andando el tiempo —
un niño que, andando el tiempo, sería rey — a child who, in time, would become king
11) [exclamaciones]¡anda! — (=¡no me digas!) well I never!; (=¡vamos!) come on!
¡anda!, no lo sabía — well I never, I didn't know that!
anda, dímelo — go on, tell me
anda, no me molestes — just stop annoying me, will you?
anda, no te lo tomes tan a pecho — come on, there's no need to take it to heart like that
¡anda, anda! — come on!
¡ándale (pues)! — Méx * (=apúrese) come on!, hurry up!; (=adiós) cheerio!; (=gracias) thanks!; [encontrando algo] that's it!
¡andando! — right, let's get on with it!
andando, que todavía hay mucho que hacer — let's get moving, there's still a lot to do
¡anda ya!, anda ya, no nos vengas con esnobismos — come on, don't be such a snob-dile que te gusta -¡anda ya, para que me suba el precio! — "tell her you like it" - "oh sure, so she can charge me more!"
2. VT1) (=recorrer a pie) [+ trecho] to walkme conocía muy bien el camino por haberlo andado varias veces — I knew the path very well, as I'd been down o walked it several times before
3.See:* * *I 1.verbo intransitivo1)a) (esp Esp) ( caminar) to walk¿has venido andando? — did you come on foot?, did you walk?
a poco andar — (Chi) before long
b) (Col, CS, Ven) (ir) to goandá a pasear (RPl fam) — get lost! (colloq)
c) (AmL)andar a caballo/en bicicleta — to ride (a horse/a bicycle)
2) (marchar, funcionar) to workel coche anda de maravilla — the car's running o (BrE) going like a dream
3) (+ compl)a) ( estar) to be¿cómo andas? — how are you?, how's it going? (colloq)
¿quién anda ahí? — who's there?
¿cómo andamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?
andar + ger — to be -ing
anda buscando pelea — he's out for o he's looking for a fight
lo andan buscando — they are looking for him o (colloq) are after him
quien mal anda, mal acaba — if you live like that, you're bound to come to a bad end
b)andar con alguien — ( juntarse) to mix with somebody; ( salir con) to go out with somebody
4) ( rondar)andar por algo: andará por los 60 (años) — he must be around o about 60
5)andar detrás de or tras alguien/algo — (buscar, perseguir) to be after somebody/something
6)a)andar con algo — (esp AmL fam) con revólver/dinero to carry something; con traje/sombrero to wear something
no me gusta que andes con cuchillos — I don't like you playing with o messing around with knives
b) ( revolver)andar en algo — to rummage o poke around in something
7) ( en exclamaciones)a) (expresando sorpresa, incredulidad)anda! mira quién está aquí! — well, well! look who's here!
b) (expresando irritación, rechazo)anda! déjame en paz! — oh, leave me alone!
c) ( instando a hacer algo)préstamelo, anda — go on, lend it to me!
ándale, no seas sacón — (Méx fam) go on, don't be chicken (colloq)
2.andando, que se hace tarde! — let's get a move on, it's getting late!
andar vt1) ( caminar) to walkhe andado muchos caminos — (liter) I have trodden many paths (liter)
2) (AmC) ( llevar)3.siempre ando shorts — I always go around in o wear shorts
andarse v pron1)andarse con algo: ése no se anda con bromas he's not one to joke; ándate con cuidado — take care, be careful
2) (en imperativo) (AmL) ( irse)IIándate luego — get going o get a move on (colloq)
* * *= tread, walking.Nota: Nombre.Ex. E. M. Forster fashions a homoerotic subjectivity in his novel 'Where Angels Fear to Tread'.Ex. Some physiotherapists argue that baby walkers delay independent walking, and encourage abnormal gait and posture, and urge toy libraries to exclude them from their provision.----* andando = on foot.* andar a caballo entre... y = tread + the line between... and.* andar a la caza de = tout for, gun for.* andar al antojo de Uno = roam + freely.* andar apurado de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar a tientas = kiss + in the dark, grope (for/toward).* andar a tientas y a ciegas = grope (for/toward).* andar a traspiés = stumble.* andar a tropezones = stumble.* andar a zancadas = stride.* andar camino trillado = tread + well-worn ground.* andar como un reloj = fit as a fiddle.* andar con = be in with.* andar con arrogancia = swagger, strut.* andar con cuidado = tread + lightly, tread + softly, tread + carefully.* andar con los hombros caídos = slouch.* andar con pesadez = trudge.* andar con pies de plomo = tread + warily.* andar de arriba para abajo = pace.* andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.* andar de prisa = patter.* andar de puntillas = tiptoe.* andar despacio = saunter.* andar de un lado para otro = pace.* andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.* andar encorbado = slouch.* andar encorbado, encorbarse, andar con los hombros caídos, sentarse encorbad = slouch.* andar escaso de = be short of.* andar escaso de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar escondido = abscond.* andar falto de = be short of.* andar falto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar mal = feel under + the weather, be under the weather.* andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.* andar pisando fuerte = go from + strength to strength, make + a big impact.* andar pisando huevos = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.* andar por = move about, walk (a)round, hike.* andar por ahí = go + (a)round, be out and about, get out and about.* andar por la cuerda floja = walk + the tight wire, walk + the tightrope.* andar por los cuarenta = be fortyish.* andar por los treinta = be thirtyish.* andar por terreno peligroso = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* andar por terreno resbaladizo = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* andarse con cuidado = tread with + care.* andarse con dilaciones = procrastinate.* andarse con mucho cuidado = tread + the thin line between... and.* andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* andarse con pies de plomo = walk on + eggshells.* andarse con rodeos = mince + words, go round in + circles, beat about/around + the bush.* andarse por las ramas = mince + words.* andar siempre detrás de las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].* andar sin prisa = mosey.* andar suavemente = pad.* andar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* ande yo caliente, ríase la gente = cry all the way to the bank, laugh all the way to the bank.* a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.* a pocos minutos andando = within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.* bebé que empieza a andar = toddler.* conducir o andar con cuidado debido a la dificultad existente = navigate.* dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.* echar a andar = implement, leg it.* edad en la que un niño aprende a andar = toddlerhood.* el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.* el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.* llegar andando pausadamente = stroll into + view.* máquina de andar o correr estática = treadmill.* modo de andar = gait.* no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.* no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.* no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.* no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.* raqueta de andar por la nieve = snowshoe.* si se parece a un pato, anda como un pato y grazna como un pato, entonces es = If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.* * *I 1.verbo intransitivo1)a) (esp Esp) ( caminar) to walk¿has venido andando? — did you come on foot?, did you walk?
a poco andar — (Chi) before long
b) (Col, CS, Ven) (ir) to goandá a pasear (RPl fam) — get lost! (colloq)
c) (AmL)andar a caballo/en bicicleta — to ride (a horse/a bicycle)
2) (marchar, funcionar) to workel coche anda de maravilla — the car's running o (BrE) going like a dream
3) (+ compl)a) ( estar) to be¿cómo andas? — how are you?, how's it going? (colloq)
¿quién anda ahí? — who's there?
¿cómo andamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?
andar + ger — to be -ing
anda buscando pelea — he's out for o he's looking for a fight
lo andan buscando — they are looking for him o (colloq) are after him
quien mal anda, mal acaba — if you live like that, you're bound to come to a bad end
b)andar con alguien — ( juntarse) to mix with somebody; ( salir con) to go out with somebody
4) ( rondar)andar por algo: andará por los 60 (años) — he must be around o about 60
5)andar detrás de or tras alguien/algo — (buscar, perseguir) to be after somebody/something
6)a)andar con algo — (esp AmL fam) con revólver/dinero to carry something; con traje/sombrero to wear something
no me gusta que andes con cuchillos — I don't like you playing with o messing around with knives
b) ( revolver)andar en algo — to rummage o poke around in something
7) ( en exclamaciones)a) (expresando sorpresa, incredulidad)anda! mira quién está aquí! — well, well! look who's here!
b) (expresando irritación, rechazo)anda! déjame en paz! — oh, leave me alone!
c) ( instando a hacer algo)préstamelo, anda — go on, lend it to me!
ándale, no seas sacón — (Méx fam) go on, don't be chicken (colloq)
2.andando, que se hace tarde! — let's get a move on, it's getting late!
andar vt1) ( caminar) to walkhe andado muchos caminos — (liter) I have trodden many paths (liter)
2) (AmC) ( llevar)3.siempre ando shorts — I always go around in o wear shorts
andarse v pron1)andarse con algo: ése no se anda con bromas he's not one to joke; ándate con cuidado — take care, be careful
2) (en imperativo) (AmL) ( irse)IIándate luego — get going o get a move on (colloq)
* * *= tread, walking.Nota: Nombre.Ex: E. M. Forster fashions a homoerotic subjectivity in his novel 'Where Angels Fear to Tread'.
Ex: Some physiotherapists argue that baby walkers delay independent walking, and encourage abnormal gait and posture, and urge toy libraries to exclude them from their provision.* andando = on foot.* andar a caballo entre... y = tread + the line between... and.* andar a la caza de = tout for, gun for.* andar al antojo de Uno = roam + freely.* andar apurado de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar a tientas = kiss + in the dark, grope (for/toward).* andar a tientas y a ciegas = grope (for/toward).* andar a traspiés = stumble.* andar a tropezones = stumble.* andar a zancadas = stride.* andar camino trillado = tread + well-worn ground.* andar como un reloj = fit as a fiddle.* andar con = be in with.* andar con arrogancia = swagger, strut.* andar con cuidado = tread + lightly, tread + softly, tread + carefully.* andar con los hombros caídos = slouch.* andar con pesadez = trudge.* andar con pies de plomo = tread + warily.* andar de arriba para abajo = pace.* andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.* andar de prisa = patter.* andar de puntillas = tiptoe.* andar despacio = saunter.* andar de un lado para otro = pace.* andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.* andar encorbado = slouch.* andar encorbado, encorbarse, andar con los hombros caídos, sentarse encorbad = slouch.* andar escaso de = be short of.* andar escaso de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar escondido = abscond.* andar falto de = be short of.* andar falto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.* andar mal = feel under + the weather, be under the weather.* andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.* andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.* andar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.* andar pisando fuerte = go from + strength to strength, make + a big impact.* andar pisando huevos = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.* andar por = move about, walk (a)round, hike.* andar por ahí = go + (a)round, be out and about, get out and about.* andar por la cuerda floja = walk + the tight wire, walk + the tightrope.* andar por los cuarenta = be fortyish.* andar por los treinta = be thirtyish.* andar por terreno peligroso = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* andar por terreno resbaladizo = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* andarse con cuidado = tread with + care.* andarse con dilaciones = procrastinate.* andarse con mucho cuidado = tread + the thin line between... and.* andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* andarse con pies de plomo = walk on + eggshells.* andarse con rodeos = mince + words, go round in + circles, beat about/around + the bush.* andarse por las ramas = mince + words.* andar siempre detrás de las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].* andar sin prisa = mosey.* andar suavemente = pad.* andar tramando algo malo = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* ande yo caliente, ríase la gente = cry all the way to the bank, laugh all the way to the bank.* a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.* a pocos minutos andando = within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.* bebé que empieza a andar = toddler.* conducir o andar con cuidado debido a la dificultad existente = navigate.* dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.* echar a andar = implement, leg it.* edad en la que un niño aprende a andar = toddlerhood.* el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.* el movimiento se demuestra andando = actions speak louder than words.* llegar andando pausadamente = stroll into + view.* máquina de andar o correr estática = treadmill.* modo de andar = gait.* no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.* no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.* no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.* no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.* no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.* raqueta de andar por la nieve = snowshoe.* si se parece a un pato, anda como un pato y grazna como un pato, entonces es = If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.* * *viAla niña ya anda the little girl's already walkinganda encorvado he stoops, he walks with a stoopel perrito venía andando detrás de ella the little dog was coming along o walking along behind herse acercó andando de puntillas she tiptoed up to him, she went up to him on tiptoes¿has venido andando? did you come on foot?, did you walk?a poco andar ( Chi); before long2 (Col, CS, Ven) (ir) to goanda a comprar el periódico go and buy the newspaperanduvo de aquí para allá intentando encontrarla he went all over the place trying to find herandá a pasear ( fam) or ( vulg) a la mierda ( RPl) get lost! ( colloq), go to hell! (sl), piss off! ( BrE sl)3fue a andar a caballo al parque she went horseriding o riding in the parklos domingos salen a andar en bicicleta they go cycling on Sundays, they go for bike rides on Sundays ( colloq)está aprendiendo a andar en bicicleta she's learning to ride a bicycleB (marchar, funcionar) to workel tocadiscos no anda the record player's not workingel coche anda de maravilla the car's running o ( BrE) going like a dreamC (+ compl)1 (estar) to be¿cómo andas? how are you?, how's it going? ( colloq), how are things? ( colloq), what's up? ( AmE colloq)¿cómo andas de calcetines? how are you for o ( BrE) how are you off for socks?¿cómo andamos de tiempo? how are we doing for time?no anda muy bien de salud he isn't very wellando enfermo I'm illanda un poco tristón he's (looking) a bit gloomysiempre anda con prisas he's always in a hurryanda siempre muy arregladita she's always very well turned-outno andes descalza don't walk o go around without your shoes on¿quién anda ahí? who's there?¿y Manolo? — creo que anda por América what about Manolo? — I think he's in America somewhere¿dónde andan mis calcetines? where have my socks got(ten) o gone to? ( colloq), what's happened to my socks?andar + GER to be -INGanda buscando pelea he's out for o he's looking for a fightla policía lo anda buscando the police are looking for him o ( colloq) are after himquien mal anda, mal acaba if you live like that, you're bound to come to a bad end2 (juntarse) andar CON algn to mix WITH sbno me gusta la gente con la que andas I don't like the people you're mixing with o ( colloq) you're hanging around withdime con quién andas y te diré quién eres you can tell a man o a man is known by the company he keeps3(salir con): andar CON algn to go out WITH sbD (rondar) andar POR algo:andará por los 60 (años) he must be around o about 60E andar DETRáS DE or TRAS algn/algo (buscar, perseguir) to be AFTER sb/sthese sólo anda detrás de tu dinero he's only after your moneyandan tras la fama y la riqueza they are looking for o ( colloq) they are out for fame and fortuneF1 ( fam) andar CON algo (llevar) ‹con revólver/dinero› to carry sth; ‹contraje/sombrero› to wear sthsabes que no me gusta que andes con cuchillos you know I don't like you playing with o messing around with knives2 (revolver) andar EN algo to rummage o poke o ferret around IN sthno me andes en el bolso don't go rummaging o poking o ferreting around in my bag1(expresando sorpresa, incredulidad): ¡anda! ¡qué casualidad! well! o good heavens! o good grief! what a coincidence!¡anda! ¡mira quién está aquí! well, well! o hey! look who's here!2(expresando irritación, rechazo): ¡anda! ¡déjame en paz! oh, leave me alone!¡anda! no me vengas con excusas come on! o come off it! I don't want to hear your excuses ( colloq)¡anda! ¡se me ha vuelto a olvidar! damn! I've forgotten it again! ( colloq)3(instando a hacer algo): préstamelo, anda go on, lend it to me!anda, déjate de tonterías come on, stop being silly!¡anda! or ( Méx) ¡ándale! or ( Col) ¡ándele! que llegamos tarde come on o get a move on o let's get moving, we'll be late! ( colloq)¡vamos, andando, que se hace tarde! come on, let's get a move on, it's getting late!■ andarvtA (caminar) to walktuvimos que andar un buen trecho we had to walk a fair distanceBsiempre ando shorts en casa I always go around in o wear shorts at home■ andarseA andarse CON algo:ése no se anda con bromas he's not one to joke around o not one for jokesándate con cuidado take care, be carefulB ( en imperativo)ándate luego, no vayas a llegar tarde get going o get a move on, otherwise you'll be late ( colloq)A (modo de andar) gait, walkun viejo de andar pausado an old man with an unhurried gait o walktiene andares de princesa she walks like a princess, she has the bearing o deportment of a princess ( frml)1 (viajes) travels (pl)en mis andares por Sudamérica on my travels through South America2 (aventuras) adventures (pl)* * *
andar 1 ( conjugate andar) verbo intransitivo
◊ ¿has venido andando? did you come on foot?, did you walk?b) (AmL):◊ andar a caballo/en bicicleta to ride (a horse/a bicycle)
2 (marchar, funcionar) to work;◊ el coche anda de maravilla the car's running o (BrE) going like a dream
3 (+ compl)
◊ ¿cómo andas? how are you?, how's it going? (colloq);
¿quién anda por ahí? who's there?;
anda en Londres he's in London;
anda buscando pelea he's out for o he's looking for a fight;
me anda molestando (AmL fam) he keeps bothering meb) andar con algn ( juntarse) to mix with sb;
( salir con) to go out with sb;
c) andar detrás de or tras algn/algo (buscar, perseguir) to be after sb/sth
4 ( rondar):◊ andará por los 60 (años) he must be around o about 60
5 andar con algo (esp AmL fam) ‹con revólver/dinero› to carry sth;
‹con traje/sombrero› to wear sth
6 ( en exclamaciones)a) (expresando sorpresa, incredulidad):◊ ¡anda! ¡qué casualidad! good heavens! what a coincidence!;
¡anda! ¡mira quién está aquí! well, well! look who's here!b) (expresando irritación, rechazo):◊ ¡anda! ¡déjame en paz! oh, leave me alone!;
¡anda! ¡se me ha vuelto a olvidar! damn! I've forgotten it again! (colloq)c) ( instando a hacer algo):◊ préstamelo, anda go on, lend it to me!;
¡ándale (Méx) or (Col) ándele que llegames tarde! come on, we'll be late! (colloq)
verbo transitivo
1 ( caminar) to walk
2 (AmC) ( llevar):
siempre ando shorts I always wear shorts
andarse verbo pronominal
1 andarse con algo:
ándate con cuidado take care, be careful
2 ( en imperativo) (AmL) ( irse):
ándate luego get going, get a move on (colloq)
andar 2 sustantivo masculino,◊ andares sustantivo masculino plural
gait, walk
I verbo intransitivo
1 to walk
2 (moverse) to move
3 (funcionar) to work: este reloj no anda bien, this clock doesn't keep good time
4 (aproximarse a una cantidad) andará por los cincuenta, she's about fifty
5 (realizar una acción: + gerundio) anda contando por ahí tu vida y milagros, he's telling everybody all about you
6 (estar) ¿cómo andamos de tiempo?, how are we off for time?
tus llaves tienen que andar por casa, your keys must be somewhere in the house
7 (llevar consigo) LAm to have on, to carry/take with oneself: la llave la andaba con él a todas partes, he carried the key with him everywhere he went
II vtr (recorrer) to walk: andaré el tortuoso camino que lleva a tu casa, I'll walk the winding road that leads to your door
andar m, andares mpl walk sing, gait sing
' andar' also found in these entries:
- bicicleta
- boca
- casa
- cien
- dinero
- echar
- escasa
- escaso
- gatas
- greña
- holgada
- holgado
- juego
- peculiar
- puntilla
- reconocer
- soltarse
- tienta
- torpe
- torpeza
- anduve
- bien
- caballo
- caminar
- cojo
- compañía
- corto
- descaminado
- desgarbado
- gata
- gatear
- mal
- nube
- ojo
- paso
- badly
- barefoot
- blunder
- bustle
- crawl
- down
- drag
- even
- gait
- grope
- heavily
- large
- loose
- mooch
- mope about
- mope around
- move about
- move around
- pad about
- pad around
- pick
- plod
- pound
- prance
- pressed
- pussyfoot
- run
- scramble
- short
- slouch
- slouch about
- slouch around
- slow
- stall
- steadily
- stoop
- stride
- tiptoe
- toddler
- tout
- tramp
- trek
- trip along
- upright
- waddle
- walk
- walking pace
- walking shoes
- blink
* * *♦ vi[moverse] to move;¿fuiste en autobús o andando? did you go by bus or on foot?, did you go by bus or did you walk?;andar por la calle to walk in the street;andar deprisa/despacio to walk quickly/slowly;andar a gatas to crawl;andar de puntillas to tiptoetodo se andará all in good time2. [funcionar] to work, to go;la nueva moto anda estupendamente the new motorbike is running superbly;el reloj no anda the clock has stopped;las cosas andan mal things are going badly;los negocios andan muy bien business is going very well3. [estar] to be;¿qué tal andas? how are you (doing)?;no sabía que habían operado a tu padre – ¿qué tal anda? I didn't know your father had had an operation, how is he (getting on o doing)?;¿dónde anda tu hermano? no lo he visto desde hace meses what's your brother up to these days? I haven't seen him for months;creo que anda por el almacén I think he's somewhere in the warehouse;andar en boca de todos to be on everyone's lips;desde que tiene novia, andar muy contento ever since he got a girlfriend he's been very happy;ando muy ocupado I'm very busy at the moment;¿cómo andas de dinero? how are you (off) for money?;andamos muy mal de dinero we're very short of money, we're very badly off for money;¡date prisa, que andamos muy mal de tiempo! hurry up, we haven't got much time!, hurry up, we're late!;de andar por casa [explicación, método] basic, rough and ready;mi ropa de andar por casa my clothes for wearing around the house;hice un apaño de andar por casa y ya funciona I patched it up myself and it works again now;ande yo caliente, ríase la gente I'm quite happy, I don't care what other people think;quien mal anda mal acaba everyone gets their just deserts[papeleos, negocios] to be busy with;anda metido en pleitos desde el accidente ever since the accident he's been busy fighting legal battles¿quién ha andado en mis papeles? who has been messing around with my papers?con esa chulería, David anda buscándose problemas David's asking for trouble, always being so cocky;en ese país andan a tiros in that country they go round shooting one another;andan a voces todo el día they spend the whole day shouting at each other;anda echando broncas a todos he's going round telling everybody off;anda explicando sus aventuras he's talking about his adventures;andar a vueltas con algo to be having trouble with sth;RP¡andá a saber! who knows!anda por ahí con una jovencita he's running around with a young girl;anda con gente muy poco recomendable she mixes with o goes around with a very undesirable crowd;dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres birds of a feather flock together8.andar por [alcanzar, rondar] to be about;anda por los sesenta he's about sixty;debe de andar por el medio millón it must be o cost about half a million♦ vt1. [recorrer] to go, to travel;anduvimos 15 kilómetros we walked (for) 15 kilometres♦ nm1. [modo de caminar] gait, walk;andares [de persona] gait;tiene andares de modelo she walks like a model2. [transcurso]con el andar del tiempo, comprenderás todo mejor you'll understand everything better with the passing of time* * *I v/i1 ( caminar) walk;andando on foot;¡andando! come on!, move it! fam2 ( funcionar) work3:andar alegre/triste be happy/sad;andar bien/mal do well/badly;andar bien/mal de algo have a lot of/be short of sth;andar con cuidado be careful;andar con alguien mix with s.o., hang out with s.o. fam ;andar en algo ( buscar) rummage in sth;andar en el cajón rummage around in the drawer;andar en opor los 30 años be around 30;andar tras algo be after sth fam ;andar haciendo algo be doing sth;andar a golpes, andar a palos be always fighting;andar a una work together;II v/t walkIII m:andares gait, walk* * *andar {6} vi1) caminar: to walk2) ir: to go, to travel3) funcionar: to run, to functionel auto anda bien: the car runs well4) : to rideandar a caballo: to ride on horseback5) : to beanda sin dinero: he's brokeandar vt: to walk, to travelandar nm: walk, gait* * *andar vb1. (caminar) to walk2. (moverse) to go3. (funcionar) to work / to go4. (estar) to be¿cómo andas? how are you?¿cómo andas de tu resfriado? how's your cold?¿por dónde anda Enrique? where's Enrique?¿quién anda por ahí? who's there? -
14 unir
v.1 to join (juntar) (pedazos, habitaciones).unió los dos palos con una cuerda he joined o tied the two sticks together with a piece of stringEllos unieron las telas They joined the fabrics.Ellos unieron los equipos They merged the teams.2 to connect, to link (comunicar) (ciudades, terminales, aparatos).El cable une la tubería The wire connects the tubing.3 to combine.en su obra une belleza y técnica her work combines beauty with techniqueunir algo a algo to add something to something4 to draw together, to assemble, to unify.El amor une a las personas Love draws people together.* * *1 (juntar) to unite, join, join together2 (combinar) to combine (a, with)3 (enlazar) to link (a, to)\unirse en matrimonio formal to unite in marriage* * *verbto unite, join, link- unirse- unirse a* * *1. VT1) (=acercar)a) [+ grupos, tendencias, pueblos] to uniteb) [sentimientos] to unitea nuestros dos países los unen muchas más cosas de las que los dividen — there are far more things that unite our two countries than divide them
c) [lazos] to link, bindlos lazos que unen ambos países — the ties that bind o link both countries
2) (=atar) [contrato] to bindcon el periódico me unía un mero contrato — I was bound to the newspaper by nothing more than a simple contract
el jugador ha rescindido el contrato que lo unía al club — the player has terminated the contract binding him to the club
3) (=asociar, agrupar) to combineuniendo los dos nombres resulta un nuevo concepto — a new concept is created by combining the two nouns
el esquí de fondo une dos actividades: montañismo y esquí — cross-country skiing combines two activities: mountaineering and skiing
decidieron unir sus fuerzas para luchar contra el crimen — they decided to join forces in the fight against crime
ha logrado unir su nombre al de los grandes deportistas de este siglo — he has won a place among the great sporting names of this century
5) [+ objetos, piezas] [gen] to join, join together; [con pegamento, celo] to stick together; [con clavos, puntas] to fasten togethervan a tirar el tabique para unir el salón a la cocina — they are going to knock together the lounge and the kitchen
6) (Culin) [+ líquidos] to mix; [+ salsa] to blend7) (Com) [+ compañías, intereses] to merge2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < cables> to join; (con cola, pegamento) to stick... together; < esfuerzos> to combinelos unió en matrimonio — (frml) he joined them in matrimony (frml)
b) sentimientos/intereses to uniteunida sentimentalmente a... — (period) romantically involved with...
c) <características/cualidades/estilos> to combine3) ( fusionar) <empresas/organizaciones> to merge4) < salsa> to mix2.unirse v pron1)a) ( aliarse) personas/colectividades to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común — they joined forces o united in a common cause
b) características/cualidades to combine3) ( fusionarse) empresas/organizaciones to merge* * *= aggregate, bridge, connect, join together, link, marry, string, unite, confound, piece together, weld into/together, splice, bundle, pool, band, bind + Nombre + together, knit, knit, federate, conjoin, cement.Ex. You have attempted to aggregate the UDC class number incorrectly.Ex. BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex. Plainly, it is not always the case that there is a connection between farming and spelling, and many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected.Ex. A portfolio is a container for holding loose materials, e.g. paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and similar materials, consisting of two covers joined together at the back.Ex. These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex. At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex. There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.Ex. It has become increasingly difficult to unite both categories in one union and demands for a trade union of library employees have been raised.Ex. The confounding of opposites is also common though, again, care has to be taken to see that we do not confound two subjects on which extensive literature exists.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.Ex. A filmloop is a short length of film enclosed in a cassette and with the end of the film spliced on to the beginning so that it requires no rewinding.Ex. CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex. The author advises banding retention policies to focus on a few clear options.Ex. People value the public library highly as an educational and community resource and the library acts as an 'information junction' to bind the community together.Ex. I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex. I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex. The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex. The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex. An in-house bulletin may serve to cement firm relationships with the library's personnel.----* conseguir unir = rally.* unir a = tie (to), couple with.* unir esfuerzos = join + hands.* unir fuerzas = join + forces, pool + forces.* unir inextricablemente = interweave.* unir mediante espigas = tenon.* unir mediante hiperenlaces = hotlink [hot-link].* unir mediante mortaja = mortise.* unirse = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + one.* unirse a = ally with, join, hop on, join + Posesivo + ranks.* unirse a una conversación = chime in.* unirse en matrimonio = tie + the knot.* unir sin solapar = butt together.* volverse a unir a = rejoin.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < cables> to join; (con cola, pegamento) to stick... together; < esfuerzos> to combinelos unió en matrimonio — (frml) he joined them in matrimony (frml)
b) sentimientos/intereses to uniteunida sentimentalmente a... — (period) romantically involved with...
c) <características/cualidades/estilos> to combine3) ( fusionar) <empresas/organizaciones> to merge4) < salsa> to mix2.unirse v pron1)a) ( aliarse) personas/colectividades to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común — they joined forces o united in a common cause
b) características/cualidades to combine3) ( fusionarse) empresas/organizaciones to merge* * *= aggregate, bridge, connect, join together, link, marry, string, unite, confound, piece together, weld into/together, splice, bundle, pool, band, bind + Nombre + together, knit, knit, federate, conjoin, cement.Ex: You have attempted to aggregate the UDC class number incorrectly.
Ex: BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex: Plainly, it is not always the case that there is a connection between farming and spelling, and many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected.Ex: A portfolio is a container for holding loose materials, e.g. paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and similar materials, consisting of two covers joined together at the back.Ex: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex: At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex: There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.Ex: It has become increasingly difficult to unite both categories in one union and demands for a trade union of library employees have been raised.Ex: The confounding of opposites is also common though, again, care has to be taken to see that we do not confound two subjects on which extensive literature exists.Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.Ex: A filmloop is a short length of film enclosed in a cassette and with the end of the film spliced on to the beginning so that it requires no rewinding.Ex: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex: The author advises banding retention policies to focus on a few clear options.Ex: People value the public library highly as an educational and community resource and the library acts as an 'information junction' to bind the community together.Ex: I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex: I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex: The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex: The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex: An in-house bulletin may serve to cement firm relationships with the library's personnel.* conseguir unir = rally.* unir a = tie (to), couple with.* unir esfuerzos = join + hands.* unir fuerzas = join + forces, pool + forces.* unir inextricablemente = interweave.* unir mediante espigas = tenon.* unir mediante hiperenlaces = hotlink [hot-link].* unir mediante mortaja = mortise.* unirse = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + one.* unirse a = ally with, join, hop on, join + Posesivo + ranks.* unirse a una conversación = chime in.* unirse en matrimonio = tie + the knot.* unir sin solapar = butt together.* volverse a unir a = rejoin.* * *unir [I1 ]vtA1«persona»: unió los trozos con un pegamento she stuck the pieces together with glueunió los cables con cinta aislante he joined the wires with insulating tapeha unido dos estilos muy diferentes he has combined two very different stylesunamos nuestros esfuerzos let us combine our efforts2 «sentimientos/intereses» to unitelos unía el deseo de … they were united by their desire to …los une su afición al deporte their love of sport binds them together o acts as a bond between them o unites themel amor que nos une the love which unites usunida sentimentalmente a … ( period); romantically involved with …3 ‹características/cualidades› unir algo A algo to combine sth WITH sthune a su inteligencia una gran madurez he combines intelligence with great maturityB (comunicar) to linkla nueva carretera une los dos pueblos the new road links the two townsel puente aéreo que une las dos ciudades the shuttle service which runs between o links the two citiesC ‹salsa› to mix■ unirseA1 (aliarse) «personas/colectividades» to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común they joined forces o united in a common causelos dos países se unieron en una federación the two countries joined together to form a federationse unieron en matrimonio they were married, they were joined in matrimony ( frml)varias empresas se unieron para formar un consorcio several companies joined together o came together o combined to form a consortiumunirse A algo:se unió a nuestra causa he joined our cause2 «características/cualidades» to combineen él se unen la ambición y el orgullo ambition and pride come together o combine in him, he combines ambition with pridea su belleza se une una gran simpatía her beauty is combined with a very likable personalityB (juntarse) «caminos» to converge, meetdonde el tráfico del oeste se une con el del norte where traffic from the west converges with o meets traffic from the north* * *
unir ( conjugate unir) verbo transitivo
(con cola, pegamento) to stick … together;
‹ esfuerzos› to combine
unir algo a algo to combine sth with sth
2 ( comunicar) ‹ lugares› to link
3 ( fusionar) ‹empresas/organizaciones› to merge
unirse verbo pronominal
1 ( aliarse) [personas/colectividades] to join together;
2 ( juntarse) [ caminos] to converge, meet
3 ( fusionarse) [empresas/organizaciones] to merge
unir verbo transitivo
1 (cables, conexiones) to join, unite
2 (esfuerzos, intereses) to join
(asociar, fusionar) unieron sus empresas, they merged their companies
3 (comunicar) to link: ese camino une las dos aldeas, that path links the two villages
' unir' also found in these entries:
- casar
- empalmar
- fundir
- juntar
- ligar
- remachar
- vincular
- cement
- connect
- couple
- join
- join up
- link
- neither
- screw together
- stick together
- unite
- yoke
- amalgamate
- bring
- marry
- reunite
- splice
- unify
* * *♦ vt1. [juntar] [pedazos, piezas, habitaciones] to join;[empresas, estados, facciones] to unite; Informát [archivos] to merge;unió los dos palos con una cuerda he joined o tied the two sticks with a piece of string;debemos unir fuerzas we must combine forcesles une una fuerte amistad they are very close friends, they share a very close friendship;les une su pasión por la música they share a passion for music;los lazos que nos unen the ties that bind us;Formalunir a dos personas en (santo) matrimonio to join two people in (holy) matrimony3. [comunicar] [ciudades, terminales, aparatos] to connect, to link;la línea férrea que une la capital a o [m5] con la costa the railway o US railroad between o which links the capital and the coast4. [combinar] to combine;en su obra une belleza y técnica her work combines beauty with technique;unir algo a algo [añadir] to add sth to sth;a la desinformación hay que unir también el desinterés de la gente in addition to the lack of information, we have to take into account people's lack of interest5. [mezclar] to mix o blend in;una la mantequilla con el azúcar cream together the butter and the sugar* * *v/t1 join2 personas unite3 características combine ( con with)4 ciudades link* * *unir vt1) juntar: to unite, to join, to link2) combinar: to combine, to blend* * *unir vb1. (juntar) to join2. (comunicar) to link3. (relacionar) to unite -
15 unirse
* * *VPR1) (=cooperar) [para proyectos importantes] to join together, come together, unite; [en problemas puntuales] to join forceslos sindicatos se han unido en la lucha contra el paro — the trade unions have joined together o come together o united in the fight against unemployment
si nos unimos todos, seremos más fuertes — if we all join together o come together o unite, we will be stronger
ambas empresas se han unido para distribuir sus productos en Asia — the two companies have joined forces to distribute their products in Asia
todos los partidos se unieron para mostrar su rechazo a la violencia — all the parties joined together o were united in their rejection of violence
2) (=formar una unidad) [empresas, instituciones] to mergetres cajas de ahorro se unen para crear un nuevo banco — three savings banks are merging to make a new bank
unirse a —a) [+ movimiento, organización, expedición] to joinlos taxistas se han unido a la huelga de camioneros — the taxi drivers have joined the lorry drivers' strike
b) [problemas, características, estilos]a este atraso económico se une un paro estructural — this economic underdevelopment is compounded by structural unemployment
a la maravillosa cocina se une un servicio muy eficiente — the wonderful cooking is complemented by very efficient service
c) [+ propuesta, iniciativa] to support4)• unirse con — to join together with, combine with
se unieron con los demócratas para formar una coalición — they joined together o combined with the democrats to form a coalition
5) [líneas, caminos] to meet* * *(v.) = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + oneEx. A co-operative group may come together to generate a union catalogue.Ex. The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.Ex. This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.Ex. The really good news is that we can stand up as one and that all we have to do is make a noise about it.* * *(v.) = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + oneEx: A co-operative group may come together to generate a union catalogue.
Ex: The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.Ex: This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.Ex: The really good news is that we can stand up as one and that all we have to do is make a noise about it.* * *
■unirse verbo reflexivo
1 (para defender un derecho, causa, etc) to join forces: se unió a los partisanos, she joined the partisans
2 (juntarse) to join: a la situación de guerra se unió la carestía, the war situation was aggravated by shortages
' unirse' also found in these entries:
- sumarse
- adherir
- empatar
- integrar
- plegar
- unir
- join
- merge
- unite
- band
- combine
- force
- get
- rally
* * *vpr1. [juntarse] [personas, empresas, grupos] to join together;[factores, circunstancias] to come together;se unieron para derrocar al gobierno they joined together o joined forces to bring down the government;en él se unen rapidez y habilidad he combines speed with skill;a la falta de interés se unió el mal tiempo the lack of interest was compounded by the bad weather;unirse a algo/alguien to join sth/sb;también ellos se han unido a la huelga they too have joined the strike;¡únete a la fiesta! join in the party!;2. [encontrarse] [líneas, caminos] to meet* * *v/r join together;unirse a join* * *vr1) : to join together2) : to combine, to mix together3)unirse a : to joinse unieron al grupo: they joined the group* * *unirse vb to join -
16 comer
v.1 to eat (ingerir alimentos).no come carne casi nunca she hardly ever eats meat¡a comer, chicos! lunch is/dinner's/etc ready, children!dar de comer to feed2 to take, to capture.me comió un alfil he took one of my bishops3 to eat up.les come la envidia they're eaten up with envyeso me come mucho tiempo that takes up a lot of my time* * *1 to eat2 (tomar) to have3 (color) to fade4 (corroer) to corrode6 (en ajedrez) to take, capture1 eating1 to eat3 (color) to fade4 (el mar, la tierra) to swallow\comer como un pajarito familiar not to eat enough to feed a sparrowcomer como una lima / comer como un regimiento / comer por cuatro familiar to eat like a horsecome con los ojos his (her, your, etc) eyes are bigger than his (her, your, etc) bellycomerse a alguien a besos figurado to smother somebody with kissescomerse a alguien con los ojos figurado to look at somebody lovinglycomerse algo con los ojos familiar to devour something with one's eyescomerse las uñas to bite one's nails¿con qué se come eso? familiar what the heck is that?dar de comer to feedechar de comer (a los animales) to feed (the animals)me come la envidia figurado I'm green with envyno tener qué comer not to have enough to live onser de buen comer to be a good eatersin comerlo ni beberlo familiar without having had anything to do with it* * *verb* * *1. VT1) [+ comida] to eat¿quieres comer algo? — would you like something to eat?
sin comerlo ni beberlo —
sin comerlo ni beberlo, me vi envuelto en un caso de contrabando de drogas — without really knowing how, I found myself involved in a drug smuggling case
coco I, 2), tarro 2)ha recibido una herencia sin comerlo ni beberlo — he's come into an inheritance without having done anything to deserve it
2) (=almorzar) to have for lunch, eat for lunch3) (=hacer desaparecer)•
comer terreno, la derecha les está comiendo terreno — the right is gaining ground on them4) (=destruir, consumir)le come la envidia por dentro — she is eaten up o consumed with envy
5) (=escocer)6) (Ajedrez) to take2. VI1) (=ingerir alimento) to eat¿qué hay para comer? — what have we got to eat?, what is there to eat?
¡come y calla! — shut up and eat your food! *
comer de algo — (=tomar comida) to eat sth; (=vivir) to live off sthcomer con los ojos —
siempre comes con o por los ojos — your eyes are bigger than your stomach
2) (=tomar la comida principal) esp Esp [a mediodía] to have lunch; LAm [por la noche] to have dinner3)• dar de comer — to feed
4) And***comer a algn — to screw sb ***
3.See:* * *I 1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( tomar alimentos) to eateste niño no me come nada — (fam) this child won't eat anything (colloq)
comer como un sabañón or (Esp) una lima or (Méx) un pelón de hospicio — (fam) to eat like a horse
b)darle de comer al gato/al niño — to feed the cat/the kid
come y calla! — shut up and do as you're told
2)a) ( tomar una comida) to eatsalir a comer (fuera) — to go out for a meal, to eat out
¿qué hay de comer? — ( a mediodía) what's for lunch?; ( por la noche) what's for dinner o supper?
b) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almorzar) to have lunch, have dinner (BrE colloq)c) (esp AmL) ( cenar) to have dinner2.comemos a las nueve — we have o eat dinner at nine
comer vt1) <fruta/verdura/carne> to eatno puedo comer chocolate — I can't have o eat chocolate
¿puedo comer otro? — can I have another one?
mira el suéter, me lo comió la polilla — look at my sweater, the moths have been at it
como un cáncer que le come las entrañas — (liter) like a cancer gnawing away at his insides
sin comerlo ni beberlo — (Esp)
me llevé el castigo sin comerlo ni beberlo — I got punished even though I didn't have anything to do with it
¿(y) eso con qué se come? — (Esp fam) what on earth's that? (colloq)
2) (fam) ( hacer desaparecer) comerse 33) (en ajedrez, damas) to take3.comerse v pron1) ( al escribir) <acento/palabra> to leave off; <línea/párrafo> to miss out; ( al hablar) < letra> to leave off; < palabra> to swallow2)a) (enf) < comida> to eatestá para comérsela — (fam) she's really tasty (colloq)
se lo come la envidia — he's eaten up o consumed with envy
comerse a alguien vivo — (fam) to skin somebody alive (colloq)
b) (fam) ( ser muy superior) to surpass, overshadow3) (enf) (fam) ( hacer desaparecer)a) acido/óxido to eat away (at); polilla/ratón to eat away (at)b) inflación/alquiler <sueldo/ahorros> to eat away atel colegio de los niños se come casi todo el sueldo — almost all my salary goes on the children's school fees
4) (Col fam) ( poseer sexualmente) to have (colloq)IImasculino eatinguna persona de buen comer — someone who enjoys his/her food
* * *= eat, graze (on), dine, munch, nosh.Ex. Even the fearsome shark knows enough not to drive away the pilot fish while it eats, nor does it make a meal of the pilot fish when food is scarce.Ex. Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.Ex. They drove from the airport to the restaurant where he was to dine with the president of the 'Friends of the Library' group.Ex. People engage in a wide range of activities in libraries, from lively dialog while munching sandwiches and sipping soda, to flirting and caressing, to the more traditional activities of reading and information searching.Ex. Several hundred fans noshed on gourmet sandwiches, pizza, pasta and fancy chips and dips.----* comer a dos carrillos = stuff + Posesivo + face.* comer Algo para matar el gusanillo = eat + Comida + to keep + Nombre + going.* comer carroña = scavenging.* comer como una lima = eat like + a horse.* comer como un animal = eat like + an animal.* comer como una vaca = eat like + a horse.* comer como un pajarito = eat like + a bird.* comer como un sabañón = eat like + a horse.* comer con apetito = eat with + appetite.* comer en casa = eat in.* comer fuera = eat out.* comerse = make + a meal of, prey on/upon, chew up.* comerse Algo vivo = eat + Nombre + alive.* comerse con los ojos = ogle.* comerse el tarro = dwell on/upon.* comerse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* comerse los restos de = scavenge.* comerse los restos dejados por otro = scavenge.* comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.* como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.* dar de comer = feed.* descanso para comer = meal break.* estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.* ganas de comer = appetite.* hora de comer = mealtime [meal time].* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* lugar para comer = eating facility.* morder la mano del que + dar de comer = bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre.* naranja de comer = eating orange.* no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.* salir a comer = eat out.* ser muy delicado para comer = be a picky eater.* ser muy melindroso para comer = be a picky eater.* ser muy tiquismiquis para comer = be a picky eater.* sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.* sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.* somos lo que comemos = we are what we eat.* tú te lo guisas, tú te lo comes = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.* * *I 1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( tomar alimentos) to eateste niño no me come nada — (fam) this child won't eat anything (colloq)
comer como un sabañón or (Esp) una lima or (Méx) un pelón de hospicio — (fam) to eat like a horse
b)darle de comer al gato/al niño — to feed the cat/the kid
come y calla! — shut up and do as you're told
2)a) ( tomar una comida) to eatsalir a comer (fuera) — to go out for a meal, to eat out
¿qué hay de comer? — ( a mediodía) what's for lunch?; ( por la noche) what's for dinner o supper?
b) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almorzar) to have lunch, have dinner (BrE colloq)c) (esp AmL) ( cenar) to have dinner2.comemos a las nueve — we have o eat dinner at nine
comer vt1) <fruta/verdura/carne> to eatno puedo comer chocolate — I can't have o eat chocolate
¿puedo comer otro? — can I have another one?
mira el suéter, me lo comió la polilla — look at my sweater, the moths have been at it
como un cáncer que le come las entrañas — (liter) like a cancer gnawing away at his insides
sin comerlo ni beberlo — (Esp)
me llevé el castigo sin comerlo ni beberlo — I got punished even though I didn't have anything to do with it
¿(y) eso con qué se come? — (Esp fam) what on earth's that? (colloq)
2) (fam) ( hacer desaparecer) comerse 33) (en ajedrez, damas) to take3.comerse v pron1) ( al escribir) <acento/palabra> to leave off; <línea/párrafo> to miss out; ( al hablar) < letra> to leave off; < palabra> to swallow2)a) (enf) < comida> to eatestá para comérsela — (fam) she's really tasty (colloq)
se lo come la envidia — he's eaten up o consumed with envy
comerse a alguien vivo — (fam) to skin somebody alive (colloq)
b) (fam) ( ser muy superior) to surpass, overshadow3) (enf) (fam) ( hacer desaparecer)a) acido/óxido to eat away (at); polilla/ratón to eat away (at)b) inflación/alquiler <sueldo/ahorros> to eat away atel colegio de los niños se come casi todo el sueldo — almost all my salary goes on the children's school fees
4) (Col fam) ( poseer sexualmente) to have (colloq)IImasculino eatinguna persona de buen comer — someone who enjoys his/her food
* * *= eat, graze (on), dine, munch, nosh.Ex: Even the fearsome shark knows enough not to drive away the pilot fish while it eats, nor does it make a meal of the pilot fish when food is scarce.
Ex: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.Ex: They drove from the airport to the restaurant where he was to dine with the president of the 'Friends of the Library' group.Ex: People engage in a wide range of activities in libraries, from lively dialog while munching sandwiches and sipping soda, to flirting and caressing, to the more traditional activities of reading and information searching.Ex: Several hundred fans noshed on gourmet sandwiches, pizza, pasta and fancy chips and dips.* comer a dos carrillos = stuff + Posesivo + face.* comer Algo para matar el gusanillo = eat + Comida + to keep + Nombre + going.* comer carroña = scavenging.* comer como una lima = eat like + a horse.* comer como un animal = eat like + an animal.* comer como una vaca = eat like + a horse.* comer como un pajarito = eat like + a bird.* comer como un sabañón = eat like + a horse.* comer con apetito = eat with + appetite.* comer en casa = eat in.* comer fuera = eat out.* comerse = make + a meal of, prey on/upon, chew up.* comerse Algo vivo = eat + Nombre + alive.* comerse con los ojos = ogle.* comerse el tarro = dwell on/upon.* comerse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* comerse los restos de = scavenge.* comerse los restos dejados por otro = scavenge.* comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.* como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.* dar de comer = feed.* descanso para comer = meal break.* estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.* ganas de comer = appetite.* hora de comer = mealtime [meal time].* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* lugar para comer = eating facility.* morder la mano del que + dar de comer = bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre.* naranja de comer = eating orange.* no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.* salir a comer = eat out.* ser muy delicado para comer = be a picky eater.* ser muy melindroso para comer = be a picky eater.* ser muy tiquismiquis para comer = be a picky eater.* sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.* sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.* somos lo que comemos = we are what we eat.* tú te lo guisas, tú te lo comes = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.* * *viA1 (tomar alimentos) to eatno tengo ganas de comer I'm not hungry o I don't feel like eating anythingno hay nada para comer there's nothing to eatlas palomas comían de su mano the pigeons were eating out of o from her handel sueldo apenas si les alcanza para comer he hardly earns enough to feed themcomer como un pajarito ( fam); to eat like a bird2dar de comer to feedtodavía hay que darle de comer (en la boca) we still have to spoonfeed himdarle de comer al gato to feed the cattengo que darles de comer a los niños I have to get the kids something to eat, I have to feed the kidsnos dieron de comer muy bien they fed us very wellni siquiera nos dieron de comer they didn't even give us anything to eatdarle a algn de comer aparte ( fam); to treat sb with kid glovesB1(tomar una comida): todavía no hemos comido we haven't eaten yet, we haven't had lunch ( o dinner etc) yethace mucho tiempo que no salimos a comer (fuera) we haven't been out for a meal o eaten out for ages¿dónde comieron anoche? where did you go for dinner o have dinner last night?no queremos comer en el hotel we don't want to have our meals in the hotel o to eat at the hotel¡niños, a comer! lunchtime ( o dinnertime etc), children!¿qué hay de comer? (a mediodía) what's for lunch?; (por la noche) what's for dinner o supper?aquí se come muy bien the food here is very gooddonde comen dos, comen tres there's always room for one more at the tablenos invitaron a comer they asked us to lunchcomemos a las nueve we have o eat dinner at ninenos invitaron a comer they asked o invited us to dinner■ comervtA ‹fruta/verdura/carne› to eatcomo mucha fruta I eat a lot of fruitno puedo comer chocolate I can't have o eat chocolatecome un poco de queso have a little cheesetienes que comer todo lo que te sirvan you must eat (up) everything they give you¿puedo comer otro? can I have another one?no tienen qué comer they don't have anything to eatnadie te va a comer ( fam); nobody's going to bite your head off, nobody's going to eat youmira el suéter, me lo comió la polilla look at my sweater, the moths have been at it o it's really moth-eatencomo un cáncer que le come las entrañas ( liter); like a cancer gnawing away at his insidessin comerlo ni beberlo or sin comerla ni beberla: me llevé el castigo sin comerlo ni beberlo I got punished even though I didn't have anything to do with it o any part in it¿(y) eso con qué se come? ( fam); what on earth's that? ( colloq), what's that when it's at home? ( BrE colloq)B ( fam)(hacer desaparecer): ese peinado le come mucho la cara that hairstyle hides half her faceestos zapatos me comen los calcetines my socks keep slipping down with these shoesestos gastos nos han empezado a comer los ahorros these expenses have started eating into our savingsel alquiler me come la mitad del sueldo the rent swallows up half my salary, half my salary goes on the rentsi seguimos así nos va a comer la mugre if we go on like this we'll be swallowed up by dirtC (en ajedrez, damas) to take■ comerseA ‹acento/palabra›te has comido todos los acentos you've left off o forgotten o ( BrE) missed off all the accentsme comí dos líneas I missed out o skipped two linesse comen la `s' final they don't pronounce the final `s', they leave off o drop the final `s'se come la mitad de las palabras he swallows o he doesn't pronounce half his wordsB1 ( enf) ‹comida› to eatcómetelo todo eat it all upse lo comió de un bocado he gulped it down in one gono te comas las uñas don't bite your nails¿se te ha comido la lengua el gato? ( fam); have you lost your tongue?, has the cat got your tongue? ( colloq)se lo come la envidia he's eaten up o consumed with envysi se entera mi madre me come viva if my mother finds out she'll skin me alive o have my guts for garters o make mincemeat of me ( colloq)2 (estrellarse contra) ‹árbol/poste› to smash o crash into3 (ser muy superior) to surpass, overshadownadando y corriendo, él se come a su hermano ( fam); he can beat his brother hollow at swimming and running ( colloq), he knocks spots off his brother when it comes to swimming and running ( colloq)C ( fam)(hacer desaparecer): el sol se ha ido comiendo los colores de la alfombra the sun has faded the colors in the carpetel mar se ha comido casi toda la arena the sea has washed away nearly all the sandel ácido se come el metal the acid eats into o eats away the metalel colegio de los niños se me come casi todo el sueldo almost all my salary goes on the children's school fees, the children's school fees eat up almost all of my salaryeatinguna persona de buen comer someone who enjoys his/her foodel arte del buen comer the art of good eatingel comer es como el rascar, todo es cuestión de empezar once you start eating, you don't want to stop* * *
comer ( conjugate comer) verbo intransitivo
este niño no me come nada (fam) this child won't eat anything (colloq);
dar(le) de comer a algn (en la boca) to spoonfeed sb;
darle de comer al gato/al niño to feed the cat/the kid;
salir a comer (fuera) to go out for a meal, to eat out;
¿qué hay de comer? ( a mediodía) what's for lunch?;
( por la noche) what's for dinner o supper?
verbo transitivo
◊ ¿puedo comer otro? can I have another one?;
no tienen qué comer they don't have anything to eat
comerse verbo pronominal
‹línea/párrafo› to miss out
‹ palabra› to swallow
2 ( enf) ‹ comida› to eat;
comerse las uñas to bite one's nails
3 (fam) ( hacer desaparecer)
[polilla/ratón] to eat away (at)
I verbo transitivo
1 to eat
2 (en el parchís, etc) to take
3 (estrechar) ese corte de pelo te come la cara, that haircut makes your face look thinner
ese mueble te come mucho salón, that piece of furniture makes your living room look smaller
II verbo intransitivo to eat: hay que darle de comer al perro, we have to feed the dog
♦ Locuciones: familiar comer como una lima, to eat like a horse
familiar comer el coco/tarro a alguien, to brainwash somebody
sin comerlo ni beberlo, le pusieron una sanción, although he has nothing to do with it, he was disciplined
' comer' also found in these entries:
- aire
- algo
- alimentar
- carrillo
- cosa
- dar
- deshora
- después
- empezar
- emplazar
- enana
- enano
- estomacal
- exacerbar
- exigua
- exiguo
- gana
- hambre
- hasta
- hincharse
- jambar
- le
- leguminosa
- menda
- mierda
- picar
- reserva
- rollo
- sabañón
- saciedad
- saque
- sopor
- tarde
- tarro
- terminar
- tragar
- troglodita
- tutiplén
- a
- acabar
- ansia
- apretujado
- austero
- barato
- barbaridad
- bueno
- carta
- chocolate
- de
- avoid
- before
- bolt
- brisk
- buffet
- company
- conscious
- craving
- crunch
- cut out
- digestion
- directive
- eat
- eat out
- entertain
- fancy
- feed
- feeding
- finish
- for
- forage
- free rein
- full
- go
- go out
- good
- grab
- grain
- guzzle
- have
- hour
- invite
- just
- leftovers
- linger
- lunch
- lunchtime
- mealtime
- mop
- nosh
- out
- overwhelming
- pick at
- plate
- plough through
- process
- put away
- spoon-feed
- spot
* * *♦ vt1. [alimentos] to eat;no come carne casi nunca she hardly ever eats meat;¿quieres comer algo? would you like something to eat?;no tengas miedo, nadie te va a comer don't be afraid, nobody's going to eat you;ni come ni deja comer he's a dog in the manger;Famsin comerlo ni beberlo: sin comerlo ni beberlo, le hicieron jefe he became boss through no merit of his own;sin comerlo ni beberlo, nos encontramos en la bancarrota through no fault of our own, we went bankrupt2. Esp, Méx [al mediodía] to have for lunch;esp Andes [a la noche] to have for dinner;hoy hemos comido pescado we had fish today3. [en juegos de mesa] to take, to capture;me comió un alfil he took one of my bishops4. [consumir] to eat up;tus gastos nos comen casi todo mi sueldo your expenses eat up almost all of my salary;esta estufa come mucha leña this stove uses o gets through a lot of wood;los come la envidia they're eaten up with envy;eso me come mucho tiempo that takes up a lot of my time;me están comiendo los mosquitos the mosquitoes are eating me alive♦ vi1. [ingerir alimentos] to eat;ahora no tengo ganas de comer I don't feel like eating o I'm not hungry right now;comer fuera, salir a comer to eat out;yo llevaré la bebida, tú compra las cosas de comer I'll get the drink, you buy the food;comer a la carta to eat à la carte;¡a comer, chicos! lunch is/dinner's/ etc ready, children!;¡come y calla! shut up and eat your dinner!;dar de comer al perro to feed the dog;no sé qué darles de comer a mis hijos esta noche I don't know what to give the children to eat this evening;en ese restaurante dan de comer muy bien the food is very good in that restaurant;Famser de buen comer to have a healthy appetite;Figtener qué comer to have enough to live on;Famcomer a dos carrillos to stuff one's face;comer y callar beggars can't be choosers;Famdar o [m5]echar de comer aparte a alguien: a mi profesor hay que darle o [m5] echarle de comer aparte you have to be careful how you deal with my teacher, because you never know how he's going to react;donde comen dos comen tres there's always room for one more at the table2. Esp, Méx [al mediodía] to have lunch;¿qué hay de comer? what's for lunch?;en casa comemos a las tres we have lunch at three o'clock at home;hemos quedado para comer we've arranged to meet for lunch;comer fuera, salir a comer to go out for lunch* * *dar de comer a alguien feed s.o.;no tienen qué comer they haven’t a thing to eat;sin comerlo ni beberlo fam all of a sudden* * *comer vt1) : to eat2) : to consume, to eat up, to eat intocomer vi1) : to eat2) cenar: to have a meal3)dar de comer : to feed* * *comer vb¿comes pescado? do you eat fish?2. (al mediodía) to have lunch -
17 ganas
f.pl.desire.pres.indicat.2nd person singular (tú) present indicative of spanish verb: ganar.* * *= urge, thirst.Ex. The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.Ex. The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.----* con ganas = with gusto.* con ganas de pelear = on the warpath.* dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.* de mala gana = reluctantly, grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly.* ganas de aventura = thirst for adventure.* ganas de comer = appetite.* hacer lo que a Uno le de la gana = get away with + murder.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.* no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.* quitar las ganas de = kill + the momentum.* sentir las ganas de = get + the urge to.* sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.* sin ganas = half-heartedly.* tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.* tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.* * *= urge, thirst.Ex: The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
Ex: The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.* con ganas = with gusto.* con ganas de pelear = on the warpath.* dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.* de mala gana = reluctantly, grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly.* ganas de aventura = thirst for adventure.* ganas de comer = appetite.* hacer lo que a Uno le de la gana = get away with + murder.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.* no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.* quitar las ganas de = kill + the momentum.* sentir las ganas de = get + the urge to.* sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.* sin ganas = half-heartedly.* tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.* tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.* * *ganas npl¿tienes ganas de salir? do you feel like going out? -
18 hambre
f.1 hunger (apetito).tener hambre to be hungrymatar el hambre to satisfy one's hungermorir o morirse de hambre to be starving, to be dying of hunger (literalmente) to be starving (tener mucha hambre)pasar hambre to starvehambre canina ravenous hunger2 famine (epidemia).* * *(Takes el in singular)1 hunger, starvation, famine\entretener el hambre figurado to stave off hungerhambre y sed de justicia figurado hunger and thirst for justicematar de hambre a alguien to starve somebody to deathmatar el hambre figurado to stave off hungermorirse de hambre to die of starvation, be starvingpasar hambre to be hungry, go hungryser más listo,-a que el hambre figurado to be a cunning devilser un,-a muerto,-a de hambre peyorativo to be a good-for-nothingtener hambre to be hungrysalario de hambre starvation wages plural* * *noun f.1) famine2) hunger•* * *SF1) (=necesidad de comer) hunger•
estar con hambre — to be hungryvengo con mucha hambre — I'm terribly hungry, I'm starving *
dar hambre a algn — to make sb hungry•
entrar hambre, me está entrando hambre — I'm starting to feel hungry, I'm getting hungry•
matar de hambre a algn — to starve sb to death•
morir de hambre — to die of hunger, starve to death•
quedarse con hambre, se han quedado con hambre — they are still hungry•
tener hambre — to be hungrymuerto, salariotener un hambre canina o de lobo — to be ravenous, be ravenously hungry
2) (=escasez general) famine3) (=deseo)tener hambre de justicia/triunfos — to be hungry for justice/victory
* * *femenino‡1)a) ( sensación) hungerme muero de hambre — (fam) I'm starving (colloq)
matar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going; ser más listo que el hambre (fam) to be razor sharp (colloq); tengo/tiene un hambre canina I/he could eat a horse (colloq); a buen hambre no hay pan duro — beggars can't be choosers
b) ( como problema)2) (liter) (ansia, deseo)* * *= starvation, hunger.Ex. This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.Ex. This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).----* con hambre de poder = power-hungry.* con un poco de hambre = peckish.* despertar el hambre = work up + an appetite.* engañar el hambre = keep + the wolves from the door.* entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.* huelga de hambre = hunger strike.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.* más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.* matar de hambre = starve to + death.* morir de hambre = starve to + death, die of + hunger, starve of + hunger.* morirse de hambre = starve.* muerto de hambre = poverty-stricken, starving.* padecer hambre = suffer from + hunger.* pan para hoy y hambre para mañana = rob Peter to pay Paul.* pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.* retortijón de hambre = hunger pang, pang of hunger.* sentir hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.* tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.* tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* * *femenino‡1)a) ( sensación) hungerme muero de hambre — (fam) I'm starving (colloq)
matar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going; ser más listo que el hambre (fam) to be razor sharp (colloq); tengo/tiene un hambre canina I/he could eat a horse (colloq); a buen hambre no hay pan duro — beggars can't be choosers
b) ( como problema)2) (liter) (ansia, deseo)* * *= starvation, hunger.Ex: This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.
Ex: This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).* con hambre de poder = power-hungry.* con un poco de hambre = peckish.* despertar el hambre = work up + an appetite.* engañar el hambre = keep + the wolves from the door.* entrar hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.* huelga de hambre = hunger strike.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.* más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.* matar de hambre = starve to + death.* morir de hambre = starve to + death, die of + hunger, starve of + hunger.* morirse de hambre = starve.* muerto de hambre = poverty-stricken, starving.* padecer hambre = suffer from + hunger.* pan para hoy y hambre para mañana = rob Peter to pay Paul.* pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.* retortijón de hambre = hunger pang, pang of hunger.* sentir hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.* tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.* tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.* * *f‡A1 (sensación) hungertengo hambre I'm hungrytengo hambre de algo dulce ( fam); I feel like something sweetel ejercicio da hambre exercise makes you hungryme muero de hambre or tengo un hambre que me muero I'm starving ( colloq)allí la gente se muere de hambre people are starving to death therematar el hambre: comió unas galletas para matar el hambre he ate some cookies to keep him going o to stop him feeling hungry o ( colloq) to keep the wolf from the doorse ha juntado el hambre con las ganas de comer or se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer ( hum); one is as bad as the other, they're two of a kind, they're a right pair ( colloq)tengo/tiene un hambre canina I'm/he's ravenous, I/he could eat a horse ( colloq)a buen hambre no hay pan duro or ( RPl) cuando hay hambre no hay pan duro or ( Col) a buen hambre no hay mal pan beggars can't be choosers2(como problema): el hambre hungeruna campaña contra el hambre a campaign against hungerpagan sueldos de hambre they pay starvation wagesB ( liter) (ansia, deseo) hambre DE algo:tienen hambre de justicia they hunger for o after justicesu insaciable hambre de riqueza/poder his insatiable desire o hunger for wealth/powersu hambre de cariño her hunger o longing for affection* * *
hambre feminine noun taking masculine article in the singular
pasar hambre to go hungry;
morirse de hambre to starve to death;
me muero de hambre (fam) I'm starving (colloq)b) ( como problema)
hambre sustantivo femenino
1 (apetito) hunger: tengo mucha hambre, I'm very hungry
2 (inanición) starvation: miles de personas mueren de hambre, thousands of people are starving
(mal, desgracia) famine: el hambre asola el país, famine is ravaging the country
3 fig (deseo intenso) hunger: tiene hambre de victoria, she's hungering for victory o she's thirsty for victory
♦ Locuciones: ser más listo que el hambre, to be as smart as they come
se juntaron el hambre y las ganas de comer, they are one and alike
' hambre' also found in these entries:
- aguzar
- canina
- canino
- consigo
- de
- desfallecer
- el
- engañar
- feroz
- gana
- huelga
- impasible
- matar
- morir
- morirse
- muerta
- muerto
- no
- paliar
- quitar
- saciar
- secuela
- solitaria
- tener
- aplacar
- bárbaro
- bestial
- calmar
- consumido
- entrar
- horroroso
- insatisfecho
- mucho
- padecer
- pobre
- sentir
- un
- bet
- expect
- famine
- famished
- how
- hunger
- hunger strike
- hungry
- pang
- peckish
- ravenous
- starvation
- starve
- starving
- strike
- feel
- go
- half-
- horse
- stricken
- subsistence
* * *1. [apetito] hunger;[inanición] starvation;tener hambre to be hungry;me ha entrado hambre I'm starting to feel hungry, I'm getting hungry;prepara una buena cena, que venimos con hambre make sure there's plenty for dinner because we'll be hungry when we arrive;me voy a tomar un yogur para entretener o [m5] engañar el hambre I'm going to have a yoghurt to keep me going (until my next meal);matar el hambre to satisfy one's hunger;Fignos mataban de hambre they had us on a starvation diet;[tener mucha hambre] to be starving;pasar hambre to starve;durante la posguerra, la población pasó mucha hambre in the years after the war, people often went hungry;me he quedado con hambre I'm still hungry;se juntan el hambre con las ganas de comer it's one thing on top of another;ser más listo que el hambre to be nobody's fool;a buen hambre no hay pan duro, RP [m5] cuando hay hambre no hay pan duro [de comida] hunger is the best sauce;[de mujeres, placeres] beggars can't be choosers hambre canina ravenous hunger2. [problema] famine;el problema del hambre en la región the problem of famine in the area;una campaña contra el hambre a campaign against hungerse destaca por su hambre de justicia his hunger for justice sets him apart;su hambre de poder es insaciable his hunger o thirst for power is insatiable* * *f hunger;tener hambre be hungry;tener un hambre canina be ravenous;pasar hambre be starving;morirse de hambre fig be starving;* * *hambre nf1) : hunger2) : starvation3)tener hambre : to be hungry4)dar hambre : to make hungry* * *hambre n (en general) hungerTambién existen los términos starvation que se refiere al sufrimiento o a la muerte provocados por el hambre y famine que es la falta extrema de alimentos que afecta a un gran número de personasse murió de hambre she starved to death / she died of starvation¿tienes hambre? are you hungry? -
19 aglomerarse
pron.v.to agglomerate, form a mass.* * *1 (acumularse) to agglomerate, amass2 (gente) to crowd* * *VPR (=juntarse) to agglomerate, form a mass; (=apiñarse) to crowd together* * *(v.) = crowd, mill around, clump together, be out in force, come out in + force, swarmEx. Titles on alternative medicine are now crowding US bookshelves.Ex. The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds.Ex. From time to time, fluff your comforter up to keep the feathers from clumping together or hang it out on the clothesline for a quick freshen-up.Ex. Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.Ex. The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.Ex. Nearby workers rescued a man after he swatted one bee and was swarmed by others that stung him more than 200 times.* * *(v.) = crowd, mill around, clump together, be out in force, come out in + force, swarmEx: Titles on alternative medicine are now crowding US bookshelves.
Ex: The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds.Ex: From time to time, fluff your comforter up to keep the feathers from clumping together or hang it out on the clothesline for a quick freshen-up.Ex: Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.Ex: The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.Ex: Nearby workers rescued a man after he swatted one bee and was swarmed by others that stung him more than 200 times.* * *
aglomerarse ( conjugate aglomerarse) verbo pronominal
to crowd (together)
■aglomerarse verbo reflexivo to gather: los niños se aglomeraban en la puerta del colegio, the children congregated around the entrance to the school
' aglomerarse' also found in these entries:
* * *vprto mass o gather together* * *v/r crowd together* * *vr: to crowd together -
20 agruparse
pron.v.to form a group; to gather, to come together, to cluster.* * *1 to group together, form a group2 (asociarse) to associate* * ** * *VPR (Pol) to form a group; (=juntarse) to gather together, come together ( en torno a round)* * *(v.) = band together, cluster, team, partnerEx. For example, a group of neighbors bands together to buy their food in larger quantities so they can get it at a cheaper price.Ex. He added that in the early days of the city's development, the different ethnic groups had clustered in well-defined colonies.Ex. Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.Ex. The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.* * *agruparse (con)(v.) = team up (with)Ex: Blackwells, for example, has teamed up with the highly successful CARL Uncover service in the US.
(v.) = band together, cluster, team, partnerEx: For example, a group of neighbors bands together to buy their food in larger quantities so they can get it at a cheaper price.
Ex: He added that in the early days of the city's development, the different ethnic groups had clustered in well-defined colonies.Ex: Information Today, Inc. and I are teaming to create a series of articles to be published in Computers in Libraries which will provide user ratings of library automation software.Ex: The article 'Let's partner as patriots' maintains that in recent years some people have begun to view the public library as an anachronism.* * *
■agruparse verbo reflexivo
1 (reunirse varias personas) to group together, form a group
2 (formar una sociedad) to associate
' agruparse' also found in these entries:
bunch together
- bunch up
- cluster
- gather round
- group
* * *vpr1. [congregarse] to gather;varios curiosos se agruparon en torno al accidentado a crowd of onlookers gathered around the accident victim2. [unirse] to form a group;se agrupan en dos categorías diferentes they fall into two different categories* * *v/r form a group, gather* * *agruparse vb to get into groups
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
juntarse — {{#}}{{LM SynJ23626}}{{〓}} {{CLAVE J23055}}{{\}}{{CLAVE}}{{/}}{{\}}SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS:{{/}} {{[}}juntar(se){{]}} {{《}}▍ v.{{》}} = {{<}}1{{>}} agrupar • amontonar • acumular • aglomerar • aglutinar • reunir • aunar • congregar • acopiar ≠… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
juntarse — pop. Amancebarse; hacer vida marital un hombre y una mujer … Diccionario Lunfardo
juntarse — De juntar . (vpr.) (col.) (Muchos sitios) Estar en buena relación con alguien. Como este servidor se junta mucho con él es por lo que desearía que se me pegase algo de lo mucho bueno que tiene, sobre todo su nobleza (DFNJ) … Diccionario Jaén-Español
juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer — pop. Reunión de dos o más personas que padecen del mismo vicio o tienen los mismos defectos (LS.) … Diccionario Lunfardo
juntarse quico con caco — pop. Alusión o dos personas, una peor que la otra … Diccionario Lunfardo
juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer — ► locución coloquial Se usa para expresar la coincidencia de dos o más personas en la manera de ser, pensar o comportarse … Enciclopedia Universal
juntarse con — v. asociarse, tener relación con. ❙ «Dijo que él no se junta con reaccionarios...» Pedro Vergés, Sólo cenizas hallarás (bolero), 1980, RAE CREA. ❙ «...qué ambiente frecuenta, si se droga o se junta con gente que lo haga...» Jaume Ribera, La… … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"
arrejuntarse — juntarse … Colombianismos
amenizar — juntarse para pasarlo bien; distraerse y disfrutar en compañía de otro; cf. happy hour, viernes chico; después de la oficina, nos juntamos algunos amigos en el bar de un hotel para amenizar un rato , veámonos con las chiquillas después de la pega … Diccionario de chileno actual
ayuntarse — juntarse; hacerse amigos; iniciar amorío; comenzar noviazgo; cf. enganchar, aliarse, pololear, encamarse, yunta; esos dos se ayuntaron el año pasado , me gusta ayuntarme con un mino de vez en cuando, pero me ataco pronto y lueguito quiero mi… … Diccionario de chileno actual
alcanzar — (Del lat. vulgar *incalceare < in, en + calx, calcis, talón.) ► verbo transitivo 1 Llegar a juntarse con una persona o una cosa que va delante o ponerse a su altura: ■ alcanzaron al fugitivo en mitad del parque. SE CONJUGA COMO cazar SINÓNIMO… … Enciclopedia Universal