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с португальского на английский


  • 1 busy

    ['bizi] 1. adjective
    1) (having a lot (of work etc) to do: I am very busy.) ocupado
    2) (full of traffic, people, activity etc: The roads are busy; a busy time of year.) movimentado
    3) ((especially American) (of a telephone line) engaged: All the lines to New York are busy.) ocupado
    2. verb
    ((sometimes with with) to occupy (oneself) with: She busied herself preparing the meal.) ocupar-se
    * * *
    [b'izi] vt 1 ocupar, manter ocupado, pôr a trabalhar. he busied himself / ele ocupou-se. 2 estar ocupado. • adj 1 ocupado, atarefado. a busy day / um dia de muito trabalho. he is busy / ele está ocupado. the children are busy at work with their lessons / as crianças estão trabalhando nas suas lições. 2 ocupado (telefone). the line is busy at the moment / a linha (telefônica) está ocupada no momento. 3 ativo. 4 metido, intrometido. as busy as a bee ativo como uma abelha. busy idleness ocupação fútil. busy streets ruas movimentadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busy

  • 2 busy

    ['bizi] 1. adjective
    1) (having a lot (of work etc) to do: I am very busy.) ocupado
    2) (full of traffic, people, activity etc: The roads are busy; a busy time of year.) movimentado
    3) ((especially American) (of a telephone line) engaged: All the lines to New York are busy.) ocupado
    2. verb
    ((sometimes with with) to occupy (oneself) with: She busied herself preparing the meal.) ocupar-se com

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > busy

  • 3 busy

    ativo, ocupado, atarefado

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > busy

  • 4 busy as a bee

    busy as a bee
    diligente como uma abelha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busy as a bee

  • 5 busy idleness

    busy idleness
    ocupação fútil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busy idleness

  • 6 busy streets

    busy streets
    ruas movimentadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busy streets

  • 7 busy/engaged line

    busy/engaged line
    Teleph linha ocupada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busy/engaged line

  • 8 as busy as a bee

    as busy as a bee
    ativo como uma abelha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > as busy as a bee

  • 9 busywork

    [b'iziwə:k] n atividade improdutiva apenas para manter alguém ocupado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > busywork

  • 10 hard at it

    (busy doing (something): I've been hard at it all day, trying to get this report finished.) atarefado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hard at it

  • 11 hard at it

    (busy doing (something): I've been hard at it all day, trying to get this report finished.) atarefado com

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hard at it

  • 12 as

    [æz] 1. conjunction
    1) (when; while: I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go.) enquanto
    2) (because: As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.) porque
    3) (in the same way that: If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.) como
    4) (used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case: As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.) como
    5) (though: Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.) embora
    6) (used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person: Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.) assim como
    2. adverb
    (used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) tão
    3. preposition
    1) (used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example: The bread was as hard as a brick.) como
    2) (like: He was dressed as a woman.) como
    3) (with certain verbs eg regard, treat, describe, accept: I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.) como
    4) (in the position of: He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.) como
    - as if / as though
    - as to
    * * *
    [æz, əz] adv 1 tão, igualmente, tanto quanto, do mesmo grau ou modo, equivalente. I haven’t known him as long as you / eu não o conheço há tanto tempo quanto você. I am as clever as he / sou tão inteligente quanto ele. 2 como por exemplo. • conj 1 como, quão, quanto, assim como, tal como, conforme. it looked as if they were really fighting / parecia como se eles lutassem de fato. 2 enquanto, ao passo que, no momento em que, quando. 3 porque, visto que, já que, porquanto, como. as you weren’t there, I left a message / como você não estava lá, deixei um recado. 4 se bem que, ainda que, embora, contanto que, conquanto que. 5 em resultado do que, em conseqüência do que. • prep como, na qualidade de. we all respect him as a writer / nós todos o respeitamos na qualidade de escritor. let me tell you as a friend / deixe-me dizer-lhe como amigo. • pron 1 que, quem, qual. 2 como. as a rule usualmente, em geral. as... as tão... como, tanto quanto. as ever como sempre. as far I am concerned quanto a mim, no que me concerne. as follows como segue. as for me quanto a mim. as from... válido desde... (as) heavy as lead pesado como chumbo. as if, as though como se (após os verbos com o sentido de "parecer"). as is no estado em que se encontra. as I see it, as I understand it! no meu ponto de vista. as it is/ was nestas circunstâncias, de todo jeito, de qualquer forma. as it rained visto que chovia. as it were por assim dizer, de certo modo. as long as enquanto, visto que, já que. as many as tantos quantos. as of, as from a partir de. as of next week I’ll be retired a partir da semana que vem estarei aposentado. as regards no que diz respeito. as requested conforme pedido. as soon as assim que, logo que. as soon as possible o mais cedo possível. as usual como de costume. as yet até agora. as you were! Mil última forma! be so kind as to do it queira fazê-lo, por favor. busy as a bee diligente como uma abelha. classical books as the plays of Racine livros clássicos como os dramas de Racine. do as you wish faça como quiser. he as well as she ele como ela, tanto ele quanto ela, ambos. he went so far as to say... ele chegou a ponto de afirmar... his position as a banker sua posição como banqueiro. she smiled as she did it ela sorriu ao fazê-lo. such as como por exemplo. twice as large duas vezes maior. we may as well tell her podemos contar-lhe do mesmo jeito, não há razão para não dizer a ela.
    [æs] n (pl asses) asse: antiga moeda de cobre dos romanos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > as

  • 13 barrier

    1) (something put up as a defence or protection: a barrier between the playground and the busy road.) barreira
    2) (something that causes difficulty: His deafness was a barrier to promotion.) barreira
    * * *
    [b'æriə] n 1 barreira, obstáculo. 2 grade, separação. 3 paliçada, estacada. 4 limite, confim. 5 linha divisória. 6 Electr separador. 7 Hist liça: arena de torneio. • vt+vi 1 barrier off excluir. 2 barrier in cercar, fechar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > barrier

  • 14 be

    ['bi: ɡi:]
    ( abbreviation) (Bachelor of Engineering; first degree in Engineering.)
    * * *
    [bi:] v aux (ps was, pl were, pp been). 1 ser, existir, viver, ser realidade. it is mine, his / é meu, seu. it is my father’s / pertence a meu pai. she is everything to me / ela é tudo para mim. 2 ter lugar, acontecer, realizar-se. when is it to be? / quando será? 3 permanecer, ficar, continuar. 4 igualar, representar, significar. 5 estar, encontrar-se. to be at work / estar no trabalho. to be busy / estar ocupado. to be careful / ser cuidadoso. to be in a hurry / estar com pressa. he is at the advanced group / ele é do grupo dos adiantados. 6 visitar. • interj be! seja! am I to understand that...? significa isto que...? as it is de qualquer maneira. as it were por assim dizer. be that as it may seja como for. five years were to pass cinco anos teriam de passar. here you are coll aqui está. he was a long time about it ele levou muito tempo para isto. he was to have written ele devia ter escrito. how are we to go on? como vamos continuar?, que será de nós? how are you? como vai? how is this? o que significa isto? how long have you been in England? quanto tempo faz que está na Inglaterra? how much is this dress? quanto custa este vestido? how was it that he did not come? por que ele não veio? I am for leaving sou de opinião que devemos partir. if I were to do it se eu o fizesse. I must be off tenho de ir. in a moment the dog was upon him em um instante o cachorro estava em cima dele. it is above me isto foge à minha alçada. it is for him to excuse himself ele é quem deve pedir desculpas. it is for you to decide a decisão cabe a você. it’s up to you isso é com você. it will be for him to say ele terá de decidir. I was rewarded fui recompensado. let me be! deixe-me em paz! Mrs. Jones that is to be a futura senhora Jones. she lived to be 90 ela viveu 90 anos. that is to say quer dizer. that’s him all over isto é típico dele. the book is being printed/ is printing o livro está sendo impresso. the house is to let a casa está para alugar. the might-have-beens as oportunidades perdidas. there you are! aí está! to be able ser capaz, poder. to be in a) estar em casa. b) estar no poder. to be like parecer-se com. to be long demorar-se. to be of no use ser imprestável. to be out a) não estar em casa. b) estar errado. to be out of one’s mind estar fora de si. to be over acabar. to be short (of something) não ter o suficiente, estar faltando. to be up estar no fim. to be worthwhile valer a pena. we must take things as they are temos de aceitar as coisas como são. we shall be examined tomorrow teremos exame amanhã. what are you about? o que você quer fazer? what is he to be? o que ele será? what is, is good o que é, é bom. what is it? o que houve?, o que há com você? what was he to do? o que ele havia de fazer? when it was time quando a hora havia chegado. you are not to do that você não deve fazer isto. you have been (and gone) and done it coll você o fez realmente. you were not late, were you? você não chegou atrasado, não é? you were not to open the door não era para você abrir a porta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be

  • 15 bee

    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) abelha
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) reunião
    - beeswax
    - a bee in one's bonnet
    - make a bee-line for
    * * *
    [bi:] n 1 Ent abelha. 2 fig trabalhador diligente. as busy as a bee / ocupadíssimo. 3 Amer reunião para fins de trabalho ou de divertimento. 4 idéia fixa, noção absurda. he has a bee in his bonnet / ele está com uma idéia fixa, ele está cismado (com alguma coisa). queen bee abelha-rainha. swarm of bees enxame de abelhas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bee

  • 16 bustle

    1. verb
    ((often with about) to busy oneself (often noisily or fussily): She bustled about doing things all day.) apressar-se
    2. noun
    (hurry, fuss or activity.) pressa
    * * *
    [b'∧səl] n alvoroço, barulho. • vt+vi 1 apressar-se, alvoroçar-se. 2 apressar, fazer trabalhar depressa.
    [b'∧səl] n Fashion anquinhas, ancas postiças.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bustle

  • 17 engaged

    1) (bound by promise (especially to marry): She became engaged to John.) comprometido
    2) ((with in) employed or occupied: She is engaged in social work.) envolvido
    3) (busy; not free; occupied: Please come if you are not already engaged for that evening; The room / telephone line is engaged.) ocupado
    * * *
    [ing'eid9d] adj 1 comprometido. 2 ocupado, atarefado. 3 utilizado, usado, empregado. the line is engaged / a linha (telefônica) está ocupada. 4 contratado, ajustado. 5 noivo, prometido para casamento. 6 envolvido, interessado. 7 Arch parcialmente embutido em uma parede (coluna). 8 Mech engrenado, engatado. 9 envolvido em combate.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > engaged

  • 18 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) livre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) livre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generoso
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) franco
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) livre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) livre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) livre
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) libertar
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) livrar(-se)
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabalhar por conta própria
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    [fri:] vt (ps e pp freed) 1 livrar, libertar, emancipar, soltar, pôr em liberdade. 2 resgatar, desobrigar, isentar, eximir. 3 desembaraçar, desobstruir, franquear, abrir. • adj 1 livre, independente, autônomo. you are free to do what you want / você tem toda liberdade para fazer o que deseja. 2 liberto, emancipado, que pode dispor de sua pessoa. it is free for you to go / você pode ir, se quiser. 3 espontâneo, voluntário. I am free to confess / estou pronto a confessar. 4 discricionário, arbitrário. 5 solto, desprendido, desatado, não fixo. the ship is free of the harbour / o navio encontra-se fora das águas do porto. 6 em liberdade, absolvido, inocente. he was set free / ele foi posto em liberdade. 7 desimpedido, desobstruído. 8 desocupado, vago. 9 permitido, lícito. 10 desembaraçado. 11 descoberto, aberto. 12 acessível, público, aberto (porto). 13 gratuito, grátis, franco. 14 isento, dispensado. 15 generoso, liberal, pródigo, profuso. 16 abundante, copioso, ilimitado, irrestrito. 17 não convencional, sem cerimônia. he was very free with me / ele tomou muitas liberdades comigo. 18 não textual, não ao pé da letra. 19 franco, sincero, ingênuo, cândido, que fala com franqueza. 20 atrevido, licencioso, descomedido, indecente, imoral, libertino. 21 desenfreado, descuidado. 22 Naut favorável. 23 Bot que não estão aderentes entre si. 24 Chem puro, simples (elemento). • adv grátis, gratuitamente. carriage free transporte pago. duty free isento de taxa alfadengária. for free coll grátis. free alongside ship (abreviatura: FAS) posto no costado do navio. free and easy natural, despreocupado, sem cerimônia. free and unencumbered sem hipoteca, não hipotecado. free cost gratuito. free from damage incólume, não avariado. free from disease livre de doença. free from restraint livre de restrições, desimpedido. free of care despreocupado, sem preocupações. free of charge (abreviatura: FOC) livre de despesas, franco. free of crowds and noise longe das multidões e do barulho. free of debt sem dívidas. free of duty sem taxa alfandegária. free on board (abreviatura: FOB) livre de despesas de transporte. free on quay (abreviatura: FOQ) entregue no cais sem despesa. free on rails (abreviatura: FOR) livre de despesas até ser posto no trem. free on truck (abreviatura: FOT) posto no caminhão livre de despesas. it runs free Tech corre em vazio. of my own free will de minha livre e espontânea vontade. post free porte pago. to feel free sentir-se à vontade. to free of limpar (um lugar) de, livrar-se de (alguém). to have ones’ hands free ter as mãos vazias. toll free isento de taxa, chamada telefônica grátis. to make free with explorar, usar de liberdade, tratar desrespeitosamente. to make someone free of something dar a alguém o direito de usar ou partilhar algo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > free

  • 19 grunt

    1. verb
    1) (to make a low, rough sound: The pigs grunted when the farmer brought their food.) grunhir
    2) ((of people) to say in a way that sounds like grunting: He grunted that he was too busy to talk to me.) resmungar
    2. noun
    (a low, rough sound: a grunt of disapproval.) resmungo
    * * *
    [gr∧nt] n 1 grunhido. 2 Ichth roncador: peixe da família dos Hemulídeos. • vt+vi 1 grunhir. 2 resmungar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grunt

  • 20 hectic

    (very busy; rushed: Life is hectic these days.) agitado
    * * *
    [h'ektik] n Med héctica, tísica. • adj 1 corado. 2 febril. 3 coll muito excitado, agitado. 4 héctico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hectic

См. также в других словарях:

  • busy — bus‧y [ˈbɪzi] adjective 1. a telephone that is busy is being used; = engaged Bre 2. someone who is busy is working and is not available: • Mr Bullon is busy right now can you phone back after lunch? busy with • I ve been busy with customers all… …   Financial and business terms

  • Busy — may refer to: * Busy, Doubs, a commune in France * Mr. Busy, a Mr. Men character * Little Miss Busy, a Little Miss character * Busy Bee, an American rapper * Busy Philipps, an American film actress * Everett M. Busy Arnold, an American comic… …   Wikipedia

  • Busy — Busy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Busy — Bus y (b[i^]z z[y^]), a. [OE. busi, bisi, AS. bysig; akin to D. bezig, LG. besig; cf. Skr. bh[=u]sh to be active, busy.] 1. Engaged in some business; hard at work (either habitually or only for the time being); occupied with serious affairs; not… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • busy — busy, industrious, diligent, assiduous, sedulous mean actively engaged or occupied in work or in accomplishing a purpose or intention. Busy may imply nothing more than that the person or thing referred to is not idle, that is, that he is at work… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Busy P — Pedro Winter (* 1975 in Paris als Pierre Winter) ist ein französischer Electro House DJ, Produzent, Manager und Inhaber von Ed Banger Records. Er managt Daft Punk, Justice, Cassius und Cosmo Vitelli. Unter dem Namen Busy P ist Winter selbst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • busy — [biz′ē] adj. busier, busiest [ME busi < OE bisig, occupied, diligent; akin to Du bezig: seen only in LowG & E] 1. occupied in some activity; at work; not idle 2. full of activity; characterized by much action or motion 3. a) in use at the… …   English World dictionary

  • Busy — Bus y (b[i^]z z[y^]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Busied} (b[i^]z z[i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Busying}.] [AS. bysgian.] To make or keep busy; to employ; to engage or keep engaged; to occupy; as, to busy one s self with books. [1913 Webster] Be it thy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Busy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Busy País …   Wikipedia Español

  • busy — busy·ness; un·busy; busy; busy·body·ism; …   English syllables

  • busy — [adj1] engaged, at work active, already taken*, assiduous, at it*, buried, diligent, employed, engaged, engrossed, having a full plate*, having enough on one’s plate*, having fish to fry*, having many irons in the fire*, hustling, in a meeting,… …   New thesaurus

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