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  • 61 coarse

    رَدِيء \ bad, worse, worst: (of men and their acts) not good; evil: Bad boys are punished, not of good quality He speaks very bad English. coarse: (of material) rough; not fine or smooth: coarse cloth; coarse sand. ill: of things (only with a few nouns and in compounds) bad: Ill health; ill feeling; ill effects. poor: of bad quality; weak: poor soil; a poor attempt. rotten: bad: a rotten trick (cruel; unkind); a rotten idea (foolish; useless). vile: very nasty: a vile smell.

    Arabic-English glossary > coarse

  • 62 ill

    رَدِيء \ bad, worse, worst: (of men and their acts) not good; evil: Bad boys are punished, not of good quality He speaks very bad English. coarse: (of material) rough; not fine or smooth: coarse cloth; coarse sand. ill: of things (only with a few nouns and in compounds) bad: Ill health; ill feeling; ill effects. poor: of bad quality; weak: poor soil; a poor attempt. rotten: bad: a rotten trick (cruel; unkind); a rotten idea (foolish; useless). vile: very nasty: a vile smell.

    Arabic-English glossary > ill

  • 63 poor

    رَدِيء \ bad, worse, worst: (of men and their acts) not good; evil: Bad boys are punished, not of good quality He speaks very bad English. coarse: (of material) rough; not fine or smooth: coarse cloth; coarse sand. ill: of things (only with a few nouns and in compounds) bad: Ill health; ill feeling; ill effects. poor: of bad quality; weak: poor soil; a poor attempt. rotten: bad: a rotten trick (cruel; unkind); a rotten idea (foolish; useless). vile: very nasty: a vile smell.

    Arabic-English glossary > poor

  • 64 rotten

    رَدِيء \ bad, worse, worst: (of men and their acts) not good; evil: Bad boys are punished, not of good quality He speaks very bad English. coarse: (of material) rough; not fine or smooth: coarse cloth; coarse sand. ill: of things (only with a few nouns and in compounds) bad: Ill health; ill feeling; ill effects. poor: of bad quality; weak: poor soil; a poor attempt. rotten: bad: a rotten trick (cruel; unkind); a rotten idea (foolish; useless). vile: very nasty: a vile smell.

    Arabic-English glossary > rotten

  • 65 vile

    رَدِيء \ bad, worse, worst: (of men and their acts) not good; evil: Bad boys are punished, not of good quality He speaks very bad English. coarse: (of material) rough; not fine or smooth: coarse cloth; coarse sand. ill: of things (only with a few nouns and in compounds) bad: Ill health; ill feeling; ill effects. poor: of bad quality; weak: poor soil; a poor attempt. rotten: bad: a rotten trick (cruel; unkind); a rotten idea (foolish; useless). vile: very nasty: a vile smell.

    Arabic-English glossary > vile

  • 66 worst

    أَسْوَأ الجَميع \ worst: most bad; most badly: He’s the worst player in the team. He plays worst when he is in a bad temper. \ أَسْوَأ جُزء مِن \ worst: the worst part of sth.: The worst of the illness is past. \ الأَرْدَأ \ worst: most bad; most badly: He’s the worst player in the team. He plays worst when he is in a bad temper. \ الأَسْوَأ \ worst: most bad; most badly: He’s the worst player in the team. He plays worst when he is in a bad temper.

    Arabic-English glossary > worst

  • 67 أسوأ

    أَسْوَأ \ worse: more bad; more badly: Murder is worse than stealing. It is a worse crime. You write even worse than I do. \ الأَسْوَأ \ worst: most bad; most badly: He’s the worst player in the team. He plays worst when he is in a bad temper. \ أَسْوَأ جُزء مِن \ worst: the worst part of sth.: The worst of the illness is past. \ أَسْوَأ الجَميع \ worst: most bad; most badly: He’s the worst player in the team. He plays worst when he is in a bad temper. \ أَسْوَأ حالاً \ worse: more ill: I felt ill yesterday and I feel worse today. \ See Also صحة (صِحَّةً)‏ \ أَسْوَأ من أن يُعْرَف أو يُوصَف \ nameless: too terrible to describe or name: They were guilty of nameless crimes.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أسوأ

  • 68 خبيث

    خَبِيث \ crafty: skilful at deceiving. cunning: clever (usu. in a bad sense); good at deceiving: a cunning trick; a cunning businessman. evil: (of people) bad; harmful: She has an evil mind. malicious: (of people) showing malice; (of things) caused by malice: malicious damage. malign: evil. naughty: (of children and their behaviour) bad; troublesome. roguish: full of playful tricks: The girl gave the boy a roguish smile. sly: deceitful. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. wicked: bad; evil: a wicked murderer; a wicked deed. \ خَبِيثُ الطَّعْمِ \ foul: (of smell or taste) very bad. \ خَبِيثُ الطَّويّة \ spiteful: showing spite.

    Arabic-English dictionary > خبيث

  • 69 ذو

    ذُو \ with: having: Look at that man with the big feet!. of: used after a noun; forming an adjectival phrase: a man of wealth (a wealthy man). \ ذُو أَرْجُل \ - legged: used in compounds, showing the number or kind of legs: a four-legged animal. \ ذُو إِشْعاع (ذَرِّي)‏ \ radioactive: (applied to metals like Radium and Uranium that are used for scientific explosions, also to material that is touched by the effects of such an explosion) able to give off dangerous waves, which can harm living things: radioctive dust. \ ذُو ثِيَابٍ قذِرة وَرَثَّة \ scruffy: not at all neat or clean: a scruffily dressed little boy. \ ذُو حلاقَة نَظِيفة \ clean-shaven: (of a man) with all hair on the face shaved off. \ ذُو حُنْكَة \ statesmanlike: having the qualities of a statesman. \ See Also حَصَافَة سِيَاسِيَّة \ ذُو ذَوْقٍ رَفِيع \ refined: (of a person; his manners, speech, etc.) very polite; unnaturally polite. \ ذُو رائِحَةٍ عَطِرة \ scented: having a pleasant scent: a sweet-scented flower; scented soap. \ ذو رُوحٍ رياضيّة (شَخْص)‏ \ sportsman: a sporting person, who is equally generous whether he wins or loses. \ ذُو سُلوك \ - mannered: having certain (good or bad) manners: Your son is very well-mannered. \ ذُو شأنٍ \ important: of great interest; having a great effect; serious; powerful: an important event; an important official. \ ذُو شَأنٍ \ significant: having a serious meaning; important. \ See Also خطر (خَطِر)‏ \ ذُو شِفاه \ - lipped: (in compounds) describing sb.’s lips: thick-lipped. \ ذُو صَرِير \ squeaky: making squeaks: a squeaky voice; a squeaky door. \ ذُو طَبيعَةٍ مَرِحَة \ jovial: merry; very cheerful (esp. of sb. who is always so, by nature). \ ذُو طولٍ \ tall: (of people, trees, buildings, poles, etc., in other cases use high) of greater height than most others; of certain height: My wife is not tall. She is five feet tall. \ See Also ارتفاعٍ معيَّن \ ذُو عَزْم \ determined: having a firm purpose; having the will to succeed: We’re determined to fight. We shall make a determined attempt to reach the mountain top. \ ذُو عَقْل \ - minded: having a certain sort of mind: We’re determined to fight. We shall make a determined attempt to reach the mountain top. \ ذُو عَلاقَةٍ بالأحداث الجارِيَة \ topical: of general interest at the present moment. \ ذُو فَرْو \ furry: like or covered with fur. \ ذُو قِمَّةٍ عالِيَةٍ \ peaked: (of a mountain, etc.) having a sharp point. \ ذُو قِيمة \ worth: (with while) good enough to deserve the time or trouble or money that is spent on it: Our visit was worthwile. worthwhile: worth the time or trouble or money that is spent on it: It was a worthwhile visit. \ ذُو مَبْدَأ \ moral: naturally right in behaviour (compared with immoral): a very moral man. \ See Also مستقيم (مُسْتَقِيم)، خلوق (خَلُوق)‏ \ ذُو مِزاج مُعَيَّن \ - tempered: (in compounds) having a certain kind of temper: a bad-tempered dog. \ ذُو مَسَامّ \ porous: (of a substance) that allows liquids to pass slowly through it. \ ذُو مَعْنًى \ significant: having a serious meaning; important. \ See Also مَغْزًى أو دَلالَة \ ذُو مِهْنَة حُرَّة \ self-employed: working independently, not for an employer. \ ذُو نُدُوب \ scarred: having marks from old wounds: a scarred face. \ ذُو نُفوذ \ influential: having influence; powerful: He was an influential politician. He was influential in getting several new laws passed. \ See Also سلطة (سُلْطَة)‏ \ ذُو نَوْعِيَّة سَيِّئَة \ bad, worse, worst: not of good quality: He speaks very bad English.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ذو

  • 70 سمعة

    سُمْعَة \ fame: being well known and important: He won fame as a poet. name: fame; the good or bad qualities by which one is publicly known: He has made a name for himself in sport. That family has a bad name (its members are known to have bad characters). reputation: a good or bad name; sb.’s position in public opinion: His reputation (as a scientist) was ruined by one foolish mistake. repute: sb.’s position in public opinion in general: I know him by repute, but I’ve never met him. She is a writer of repute (a well-known and respected one). \ See Also شهرة (شُهْرَة)‏ \ سُمْعَة حَسَنة \ credit: honour that is gained by being or doing sth.; sth. that brings a person honour: His success is a credit to him and to his teacher. You must give him credit for trying, even if he failed. He took all the credit for his brother’s work.

    Arabic-English dictionary > سمعة

  • 71 سوء

    سُوء \ malnutrition: bad feeding with too little food, or food that is the wrong sort; the poor condition of health resulting from this: Thousands of people in the world suffer from malnutrition. \ See Also نَقْص التَّغْذِية \ سُوء اسْتعمال \ abuse: an unjust custom; a wrong use: a bad ruler’s abuse of his power. \ سُوء حَظّ \ misfortune: bad fortune; a very bad thing which happens by chance. \ سُوء فَهْم \ misunderstanding: incorrect understanding that causes annoyance or confusion: There was a misunderstanding about the date of the meeting. \ See Also سُوء تَفَاهُم

    Arabic-English dictionary > سوء

  • 72 شنيع

    شَنِيع \ bad, worse, worst: (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. beastly: very nasty. ghastly: terrible; very unpleasant: a ghastly accident. hideous: very ugly. horrible: unkind, ugly or unpleasant: a horrible smell. monstrous: very evil; unbearably wrong: What a monstrous idea! Monstrous cruelty. shocking: surprising and unpleasant; very bad: shocking behaviour; shocking weather. \ See Also مُرِيع، فظيع (فَظيع)، بشع (بَشِع)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > شنيع

  • 73 صيت

    صِيْت \ name: fame; the good or bad qualities by which one is publicly known: He has made a name for himself in sport. That family has a bad name (its members are known to have bad characters). renown: fame. reputation: a good or bad name; sb.’s position in public opinion: His reputation (as a scientist) was ruined by one foolish mistake. repute: sb.’s position in public opinion in general: I know him by repute, but I’ve never met him She is a writer of repute (a well-known and respected one).

    Arabic-English dictionary > صيت

  • 74 قاس

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث( خبيثجامد( جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع( شنيعوحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ( غليظ)‏ \ قاسٍ (إنْسَان)‏ \ brute: a cruel person. \ See Also فَظّ \ قَاسٍ جدًّا \ scathing: severely faultfinding; bitterly unkind in one’s blame: a scathing report. \ قَاسٍ كالصَّخْر \ rocky: full of rocks; as hard as rock: a rocky coast. \ See Also صخري (صَخْرِيّ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > قاس

  • 75 austere

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > austere

  • 76 brutal

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > brutal

  • 77 callous

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > callous

  • 78 cruel

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > cruel

  • 79 fierce

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > fierce

  • 80 grim

    قَاسٍ \ austere: (of people) severe, self-controlled and serious: He always has an austere expression, and never smiles. bad, (worse, worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad accident; a bad cold. brutal: having no feeling; cruel: a brutal war; a brutal act of violence. callous: (of the skin) hardened and thick. cruel: liking to hurt others; unkind; causing pain: It is cruel to lock up a child. He struck her a cruel blow. fierce: (of people, their actions and feelings) violent: a fierce attack; a fierce hatred. grim: very serious; ready to suffer or to make others suffer; not yielding; merciless: he faced his enemy with a grim smile. hard: firm; not soft: as hard as iron, not gentle; unkind; demanding complete obedience He’s a hard father. He’s hard on his children. harsh: (of people and punishments) hard; cruel. inhuman: cruel; lacking natural human kindness. merciless: showing no mercy. relentless: pitiless. rigid: stiff; not bending unable to bend. ruthless: merciless; pitiless: a ruthless enemy. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe illness; a severe judge. stern: severe demanding obedience: stern treatment; a stern father. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. tough: not easily cut or torn or broken: tough meat; tough glass. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. virulent: very harmful to the health; poisonous; full of hate: a virulent disease; a virulent political speech. \ See Also عنيف، خبيث (خبيث)، جامد (جامد)، عديم الشفقة، صارم (صَارِم)، مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، شنيع (شنيع)، وحشي (وَحْشِيّ)، غليظ (غليظ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > grim

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  • Bad Dürkheim — Bad Dürkheim …   Wikipedia

  • Bad Erlach — Bad Erlach …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee — Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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