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  • 61 New York City

    [ˏnju:ˊjɔ:rksɪtɪ] г. Нью-Йорк, крупнейший город США — 7,3 млн. жителей ( без пригородов). Прозвища: «большое яблоко» [*Big Apple], «имперский город» [*Empire City], «город развлечений» [*Fun City]. Житель: ньюйоркец [New Yorker]. Ассоциации: Манхаттан, Бродвей, Статуя Свободы, Уолл-стрит, штаб-квартира ООН, Бруклин, Брайтон-Бич и др. Хотя формально Нью-Йорк состоит из пяти районов: Манхаттан [*Manhattan], Куинс [*Queens], Бруклин [*Brooklyn], Бронкс [*Bronx] и Ричмонд/Статен-Айленд [Richmond II/*Staten Island], каждый житель Нью-Йорка считает, что центром города, его «сити», является Манхаттан. Напр., жители Флашинга [Flushing] в Куинсе говорят о поездке «в город» [to the city], имея в виду Манхаттан. Некоторые жители Бруклина годами не пересекают Ист-Ривер [*East River] и считают, что они живут в относительно тихом городке вдали от сутолоки «большого города» [Big Town]. А на Статен-Айленде есть фермеры, которые ни разу в жизни не отваживались на путешествие в Манхаттан. Тем не менее, все они считают себя ньюйоркцами и очень гордятся тем районом, в котором живут. Для туристов Нью-Йорк — это Манхаттан, преимущественно центральная его часть, между 34- й и 96-й улицами. В этом относительно небольшом районе сосредоточены самые фешенебельные отели, роскошные рестораны, самые знаменитые театры, кино, музеи, лучшие магазины. Нью-Йорк — это центр большого бизнеса, крупнейший финансовый центр мирового масштаба. Наличие в нём штаб-квартиры ООН делает его и политической столицей мира. Этническая пестрота его населения общеизвестна: есть такие уголки в городе, где не услышишь английского. Нью-Йорк — центр всех средств массовой информации. Из издаваемых ныне трёх ежедневных газет по крайней мере две — «Нью-Йорк таймс» [*‘New York Times’] и «Нью-Йорк дейли ньюс» [‘New York Daily News’] имеют общенациональное распространение. Нью-Йорк — центр культурной жизни США. В творческой жизни невозможно сделать карьеру, не получив признания в Нью-Йорке. В мире театра каждый актёр, драматург, режиссёр, художник, певец, танцор, музыкант и композитор испытывают на себе притягательную силу Бродвея. Живописцы, скульпторы, писатели всех жанров, карикатуристы, куплетисты, мастера и шарлатаны, все устремляют свой взор на Нью-Йорк. Нью-Йорк — центр туризма, американцы считают своим долгом побывать в этом современном Вавилоне, поглазеть на небоскрёбы, походить по фешенебельным и не столь уж фешенебельным магазинам, попробовать экзотические блюда в многочисленных ресторанах и кафе этнических районов — этих островков разных культур [culture islands], и затем, вернувшись домой, ещё раз повторить: «Нью-Йорк интересно посмотреть, но жить там не хочется» [‘New York is a great place to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there’]. Река: Гудзон [*Hudson River]. Районы и кварталы: Манхаттан [*Manhattan], Бруклин [*Brooklyn], Куинс [*Queens], Бронкс [*Bronx], Статен-Айленд [*Staten Island] ( муниципальные районы); Нижний Манхаттан [*Downtown/Lower Manhattan], Средний Манхаттан [*Midtown Manhattan], Верхний Манхаттан [*Uptown II/Upper Manhattan], жилой район Баттери-Парк-Сити [*Battery Park City], Китайский квартал [*Chinatown], Нижний Ист-Сайд [*Lower East Side], район Сохо [*SoHo], Ист-Виллидж [*East Village], Гринвич-Виллидж [*Greenwich Village], «Маленькая Италия» [*Little Italy], район швейной промышленности [*Garment Center], район ювелиров [*Diamond Center], район студий грамзаписи [*Tin Pan Alley], Верхний Ист-Сайд [*Upper East Side], Верхний Вест-Сайд [*Upper West Side], Гарлем [*Harlem], Йорквилл [*Yorkville], Пятая авеню [*Fifth Avenue], Парк-авеню [*Park Avenue], Медисон-авеню [*Madison Avenue], Первая авеню [*First Avenue], Шестая авеню [*Sixth Avenue], Авеню Америк [*Avenue of the Americas], Седьмая авеню [*Seventh Avenue], Лексингтон-авеню [*Lexington Avenue], Коламбус-авеню [*Columbus Avenue], Амстердам-авеню [*Amsterdam Avenue], Вест-Энд-авеню [*West End Avenue], Сентрал-Парк-Вест [*Central Park West], Бродвей [*Broadway]. Улицы: Бауэри [*Bowery], Мотт-стрит [*Mott Street], Малбери-стрит [*Mulberry Street], Четырнадцатая улица [*Fourteenth Street], Бруклинский променад [*Brooklyn Promenade]. Площади: Таймс-Сквер [*Times Square], Вашингтон-Сквер [*Washington Square], Юнион-Сквер [*Union Square], Гранд-Арми-Плаза [*Grand Army Plaza], Коламбус-Сёркл [*Columbus Circle]. Памятники: Статуя Свободы [Statue of Liberty], статуя Хейла [*Nathan Hale’s statue], мавзолей Гранта [*Grant’s Tomb]. Музеи, памятные места: Музей города Нью-Йорка [*Museum of the City of New York], Федеральный зал [*Federal Hall], таверна Фраунсиса [*Fraunces Tavern], Библиотека и музей Нью-Йоркского исторического общества [*New York Historical Society], Американский музей естественной истории [*American Museum of Natural History], Музей американских индейцев [*Museum of the American Indian], Музей Ван-Кортланда [*Van Cortland Museum], коттедж Эдгара По [*Edgar Allan Poe Cottage], Зал славы [*Hall of Fame], планетарий Хайдена [*Hyden Planetarium]. Соборы, церкви: церковь Св. Троицы [Trinity Church], часовня Св. Павла [St. Paul’s Chapel], собор Св. Патрика [*St. Patrick’s Cathedral], собор Св. Иоанна [Cathedral of St. John the Divine], церковь Преображения [Church of the Transfiguration], «Маленькая церковь за углом» [*‘Little church around the corner’]. Здания, небоскрёбы: Центр международной торговли [*World Trade Center], Эмпайр-Стейт-билдинг [*Empire State Building], штаб-квартира ООН [*United Nations Headquarters], Рокфеллеровский центр [*Rockefeller Center], здание «Пан-Американ» [*Pan-American Building], здание компании «Крайслер» [*Chrysler Building], здание компании «Сиграм» [*Seagram Building], здание Фонда Форда [Ford Foundation Building], здание «Си-би-эс» [CBS Building], здание банка «Чейз-Манхаттан» [*Chase Manhattan Building], «Левер-Хаус» [Lever House], «Вулворт» [Woolworth Building], Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа [*New York Stock Exchange], здание муниципалитета [City Hall II], зал «Медисон-Сквер-Гардн» [*Madison Square Garden], Главный почтамт [General Post Office], выставочный зал «Колизей» [Coliseum]. Худ. музеи, выставки: Музей Метрополитен [*Metropolitan Museum of Art], Музей современного искусства [*Museum of Modern Art], Музей Соломона Р. Гуггенхейма [*Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum], Музей американского искусства Уитни [*Whitney Museum of American Art], Коллекция Фрика [*Frick Collection], Клойстерс [*Cloisters], Бронксский художественный музей [Bronx Museum of Art], Бруклинский музей [Brooklyn Museum], Центр тибетского искусства Жака Марше [Jacques Marchais Center for Tibetian Art]. Культурные центры, театры: Линкольновский центр исполнительских искусств [*Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts], Карнеги-Холл [*Carnegie Hall], концертный зал «Симфони-Спейс» [Symphony Space], «Кауфман-Одиториум» [Kaufman Auditorium], «Радио-Сити мюзик-холл» [*Radio City Music Hall], Бруклинская академия музыки [*Brooklyn Academy of Music], Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека [*New York Public Library], Театр «Сёркл-Реп» [Circle Rep], Театр «Манхаттанский театральный клуб» [Manhattan Theatre Club], Нью-Йоркский шекспировский фестиваль [NY Shakespeare Festival], Театр «Ла Мама И-Ти-Си» («Театральный экспериментальный клуб») [La Mama ETC], Театр Жана Кокто [Jean Cocteau Repertory], Театр «Смешной» [Ridiculous Theatrical Company], Театр «Карусель» [Roundabout], Зал Грейс Роджерс [Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium] и др. Учебные заведения, научные центры: Колумбийский университет [*Columbia University], Нью-Йоркский университет [*New York University], колледж Барнарда [Barnard College], Городской колледж Городского университета [City College of City University], колледж Купер-Юнион [Cooper Union], Фордхамский университет [Fordham University], колледж Хантера [Hunter College], Еврейская теологическая семинария Америки [Jewish Theological Seminary of America], Джульярдская школа музыки ( консерватория) [*Juilliard School of Music], Музыкальный колледж Мэнса [Mannes College of Music], Новая школа социальных исследований [New School for Social Research], колледж Куинса [Queens College], Объединённая теологическая семинария [Union Theological Seminary], Университет Иешива [Yeshiva University], Школа дизайна Парсонса [Parsons School of Design], Институт Пратта [Pratt Institut]. Периодические издания: «Нью-Йорк таймс» [*‘New York Times'], «Дейли ньюс» [*‘Daily News']. Парки, зоопарки: Баттери-Парк [*Battery Park], Боулинг-Грин [*Bowling Green], Грамерси-Парк [*Gramercy Park], Центральный парк [*Central Park], парк Риверсайд [*Riverside Park], Бронксский зоопарк [*Bronx Zoo], Нью-Йоркский ботанический сад [*New York Botanical Gardens], зоопарк Статен-Айленда [Staten Island Zoo]. Спорт: ежегодный Нью-Йоркский марафон [Annual New York City Marathon]; стадионы: «Янки» [*Yankee Stadium], «Шей» [*Shea Stadium]; команды: бейсбольные «Метс» [‘Mets'] и «Янки» [*‘Yankees'], баскетбольные «Никс» [‘Knicks'] и «Нетс»/«Сети» [*‘Nets'], футбольные «Джетс»/«Реактивные» [‘Jets'] и «Гиганты» [‘Giants'], по европейскому футболу «Нью-Йорк космос» [‘New York Cosmos'], хоккейные «Айлендерс»/«Островитяне» [‘Islanders'] и «Рейнджерс» [‘Rangers']. Магазины, рынки: универмаги «Мэйси» [*Macy's], «Лорд-энд-Тэйлор» [*Lord and Taylor], «Стернс» [*Stern's], «Альтман» [*Altman, B.], «Блумингдейл» [Bloomingdale's], «Александерс» [*Alexander's], «Абрахам-энд-Страус» [*Abraham and Strauss], ювелирный магазин «Тиффани» [*Tiffany and Company]; магазины грамзаписей «Сэм Гуди» [*Sam Goody's], «Кинг Карол» [King Karol], «Диско-Мэт» [*Disco-Mat], «Тауэр рекордз» [Tower Records]; дорогие магазины одежды «Сакс — Пятая авеню» [*Sack's Fifth Ave], «Бергдорф Гудман» [Bergdorf Goodman]; дешёвый магазин «Стайвесант-Сквер» [Stuyvesant Square Thrift Shop]; обувной магазин «Кенни» [Kenny Shoes]; книжные магазины: «Брентано» [*Brentano's], «Далтон» [Dalton], «Даблдэй» [Doubleday], «Стренд» [Strand], «Риззоли» [Rizzoli], «Скрибнерс» [Scribner's], «Барнс-энд-Ноубл» [Barnes and Noble], «Книжный рынок Готам» [Gotham Book Mart]; магазин фотоаппаратуры «Корвет» [Korvette's]; магазин игрушек «Сворс» [Schwarz]. Отели: «Пьер» [*‘Pierre'], «Ридженси» [*‘Regency'], «Риц-Карлтон» [*‘Ritz-Carlton'], «Плаза» [*‘Plaza'], «Гранд-Хайат» [*‘Grand Hyatt'], «Уолдорф-Астория» [*‘Waldorf-Astoria'], «Нью-Йорк Хилтон» [*‘New York Hilton'], «Шератон-Центр» [*‘Sheraton Centre'], «Холларан-Хаус» [‘Hollaran House'], «Хелмсли-Палас» [*‘Helmsley Palace Hotel'], «Карлайл» [*‘Carlyle'], «Савой-Хилтон» [*‘Savoy-Hilton'], «Парк-Шератон» [*‘Park Sheraton], «Шератон-Рассел» [*‘Sheraton-Russel'], «Шератон-Мотор-Инн» [*‘Sheraton Motor Inn'], «Шератон-Атлантик» [*‘Sheraton Atlantic Hotel'], «Шератон-Терри-Инн» [*‘Sheraton Terry Inn']. Рестораны: «Четыре времени года» [*‘Four Seasons'], «Лютеция» [*‘Lutece'], «Пальма» [*‘Palm'], «Кучерской» [*‘Coach House'], «Русская чайная» [*‘Russian Tea Room'], «Фрэнки и Джонни» [*‘Frankie and Johnny’ II], «У Линди» [*Lindy's], «Павильон» [*‘Le Pavilion'], «Мама Леоне» [*‘Mamma Leone's]. Транспорт: Ж.-д. вокзалы: «Пенсильвания-стейшн» [*Pennsylvania Station (Pensy)], «Гранд-Сентрал» [*Grand Central]; аэропорты: им. Кеннеди [*Kennedy International Airport (J.F.K.)], Ла Гуардия [*La Guardia Airport], Ньюаркский [*Newark Airport]; городские авиавокзалы: Ист-Сайд [*East Side Airlines Terminal] и Вест-Сайд [*West Side Airlines Terminal]; городской вертолётный аэропорт [*Downtown Heliport]; линии метро «Ай-ар-ти» [*Interboro Rapid Transportation System], «Индепендент» [*Independent], «Бруклин — Манхаттан» [*Brooklyn-Manhattan (BMT)]; мосты Веррацано-Нарроус [*Verrazano-Narrows], Бруклинский [*Brooklyn Bridge], Куинсборо [*Queensboro Bridge], Трайборо [*Triborough Bridge], Джорджа Вашингтона [*George Washington Bridge]; туннели: Баттери [*Battery Tunnel], Куинс-Мидтаун [*Queens Midtown Tunnel], Холланд [*Holland Tunnel], Линкольн [*Lincoln Tunnel]. Достопримечательности: о-в Эллис-Айленд [*Ellis Island], о-в Губернаторский [*Governors Island], Кастл- Клинтон [*Castle Clinton]. Фестивали, праздники: празднование китайского Нового Года [Chinese New Year Celebration and Dragon Parade]; праздничное шествие в День Св. Патрика [St. Patrick's Day Parade]; выставка картин под открытым небом в Гринвич-Виллидж [Greenwich Village Outdoor Art Show]; праздничное шествие в День Пуэрто-Рико [Puerto Rican Day Parade]; Шекспировский фестиваль [Shakespeare Festival]; Музыкальный фестиваль доктора Пеппера в Центральном парке [Dr Pepper Central Park Music Festival]; Ньюпортский джазовый фестиваль [Newport Jazz Festival]; итальянский фестиваль Св. Януария [Festival of San Gennaro]; праздничное шествие в День Колумба [Columbus Day Parade]; выставка лошадей [Horse Show]; шествие в День благодарения, организуемое фирмой «Мэйси» [Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade]; церемония включения огней на рождественской ёлке [Christmas Tree Lighting]; Большое рождественское представление [Great Christmas Show]

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > New York City

  • 62 verschlagen

    v/t (unreg.)
    2. (Ball) mishit; die Buchseite verschlagen lose one’s place
    3. (vom Kurs abbringen) throw s.o. off course; verschlagen nach oder in (+ Akk) etc. bring to; verschlagen werden nach oder in (+ Akk) etc. end up in, land in umg.; wohin hat es dich denn verschlagen? umg. where did it cause you to end up?
    4. jemandem den Atem verschlagen take s.o.’s breath away; es verschlug ihm die Sprache he was (left) speechless
    5. Dial. (verprügeln) beat up
    I P.P. verschlagen1
    II Adj. pej. (hinterhältig, unaufrichtig) deceitful, dishonest; verschlagener Blick / Typ shifty look / character
    II Adv. pej.: jemanden verschlagen ansehen give s.o. a shifty look
    * * *
    cunning (Adj.); deceitful (Adj.); dishonest (Adj.); shifty (Adj.); tricky (Adj.); sly (Adj.); wily (Adj.); artful (Adj.)
    * * *
    ver|schla|gen I ptp verschlagen
    vt irreg

    etw mit Brettern verschlágen — to board sth up

    2) (= nehmen) Atem to take away

    das hat mir die Sprache verschlágen — it left me speechless

    3) (= geraten lassen) to bring

    auf eine einsame Insel verschlágen werden — to be cast up on a lonely island

    an einen Ort verschlágen werden — to end up somewhere

    4) (Sport) Ball to mishit
    5) (= verblättern) Seite, Stelle to lose
    6) (dial = verprügeln) to wallop (inf), to thrash
    1) Mensch, Blick, Tier etc sly, artful
    2) (dial = lauwarm) tepid, lukewarm
    * * *
    1) (looking cunning and dishonest: I don't trust him - he has a very shifty look.) shifty
    * * *
    ver·schla·gen *1
    jdm etw \verschlagen to rob sb of sth
    jdm den Atem [o die Sprache] \verschlagen to leave sb speechless
    jdn irgendwohin \verschlagen to lead sb to finish up somewhere
    irgendwohin \verschlagen werden to end up somewhere
    [jdm/sich] die Seite \verschlagen to lose sb's/one's place; Wind to turn [or blow] over the page[s pl]
    etw \verschlagen to mishit sth
    I. adj devious, sly pej
    ein \verschlagener Blick a furtive look
    ein \verschlagenes Grinsen a sly grin pej
    II. adv slyly pej; (verdächtig) shiftily
    \verschlagen grinsen to have a sly grin
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    [jemandem] die Seite verschlagen — lose somebody's place or page

    die Seite verschlagen (im eigenen Buch) lose one's place or page


    jemandem die Sprache od. Rede/den Atem verschlagen — leave somebody speechless/take somebody's breath away

    3) (Ballspiele) mishit < ball>
    II 1. 2.
    adverbial (abwertend): (gerissen) slyly; shiftily
    * * *
    verschlagen1 v/t (irr)
    1. (vernageln) nail up;
    2. (Ball) mishit;
    die Buchseite verschlagen lose one’s place
    3. (vom Kurs abbringen) throw sb off course;
    in (+akk) etc bring to;
    in (+akk) etc end up in, land in umg;
    wohin hat es dich denn verschlagen? umg where did it cause you to end up?
    jemandem den Atem verschlagen take sb’s breath away;
    es verschlug ihm die Sprache he was (left) speechless
    5. dial (verprügeln) beat up
    A. pperf verschlagen1
    B. adj pej (hinterhältig, unaufrichtig) deceitful, dishonest;
    verschlagener Blick/Typ shifty look/character
    B. adv pej:
    jemanden verschlagen ansehen give sb a shifty look
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb

    [jemandem] die Seite verschlagen — lose somebody's place or page

    die Seite verschlagen (im eigenen Buch) lose one's place or page


    jemandem die Sprache od. Rede/den Atem verschlagen — leave somebody speechless/take somebody's breath away

    3) (Ballspiele) mishit < ball>
    II 1. 2.
    adverbial (abwertend): (gerissen) slyly; shiftily
    * * *
    wily adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > verschlagen

  • 63 go

    I [gəu] 1. гл.; прош. вр. went, прич. прош. вр. gone
    а) идти, ехать, двигаться

    We are going too fast. — Мы идём слишком быстро.

    Who goes? Stand, or I fire. — Стой, кто идёт? Стрелять буду.

    The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game. — Малыш решил поиграть в прятки и спрятался за маму.

    Go ahead, what are you waiting for? — Идите вперёд, чего вы ждёте?

    I'll go ahead and warn the others to expect you later. — Я пойду вперёд и предупрежу остальных, что вы подойдёте позже.

    My brother quickly passing him, went ahead, and won the match easily. — Мой брат быстро обогнал его, вышел вперёд и легко выиграл матч.

    As the roads were so icy, the cars were going along very slowly and carefully. — Так как дороги были покрыты льдом, машины продвигались очень медленно и осторожно.

    The deer has gone beyond the trees; I can't shoot at it from this distance. — Олень зашёл за деревья; я не могу попасть в него с этого расстояния.

    You've missed the bus, it just went by. — Ты опоздал на автобус, он только что проехал.

    Let's go forward to the front of the hall. — Давай продвинемся к началу зала.

    I have to go in now, my mother's calling me for tea. — Мне надо идти, мама зовёт меня пить чай.

    The car went into a tree and was severely damaged. — Машина влетела в дерево и была сильно повреждена.

    The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go on. — Полицейские осмотрели машины, а потом пропустили их.

    I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. — Я думаю, с такой простудой тебе лучше сидеть дома.

    It's dangerous here, with bullets going over our heads all the time. — Здесь опасно, пули так и свистят над головами.

    I fear that you cannot go over to the cottage. — Боюсь, что ты не сможешь сходить в этот коттедж.

    I spent a day or two on going round and seeing the other colleges. — Я провёл день или два, обходя другие колледжи.

    This material is so stiff that even my thickest needle won't go through. — Этот материал настолько плотный, что даже моя самая большая игла не может проткнуть его.

    Don't leave me alone, let me go with you! — Не бросай меня, позволь мне пойти с тобой!

    The piano won't go through this narrow entrance. — Фортепиано не пройдёт сквозь этот узкий вход.

    There is no such thing as a level street in the city: those which do not go up, go down. — В городе нет такого понятия как ровная улица: те, которые не идут вверх, спускаются вниз.

    to go on travels, to go on a journey, to go on a voyage — отправиться в путешествие

    He wants me to go on a cruise with him. — Он хочет, чтобы я отправился с ним в круиз.

    в) уходить, уезжать

    Please go now, I'm getting tired. — Теперь, пожалуйста, уходи, я устал.

    I have to go at 5.30. — Я должен уйти в 5.30.

    There was no answer to my knock, so I went away. — На мой стук никто не ответил, так что я ушёл.

    Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? — Почему художник бросил свою семью и уехал жить на остров в тропиках?

    At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. — В конце сцены убийца уходит, заслышав приближение полиции.

    г) пойти (куда-л.), уехать (куда-л.) с определённой целью

    to go to bed — идти, отправляться, ложиться спать

    to go to press — идти в печать, печататься

    You'd better go for the police. — Ты лучше сбегай за полицией.

    д) заниматься (чем-л.); двигаться определённым образом (что-л. делая)

    The bus goes right to the centre of town. — Автобус ходит прямо до центра города.

    The ship goes between the two islands. — Корабль курсирует между двумя островами.

    ж) разг. двигаться определённым образом, идти определённым шагом

    to go above one's ground — идти, высоко поднимая ноги

    а) следовать определённым курсом, идти (каким-л. путем) прям. и перен.

    the man who goes straight in spite of temptation — человек, который идёт не сбиваясь с пути, несмотря на соблазны

    She will never go my way, nor, I fear, shall I ever go hers. — Она никогда не будет действовать так, как я, и, боюсь, я никогда не буду действовать так, как она.

    б) прибегать (к чему-л.), обращаться (к кому-л.)
    3) ходить (куда-л.) регулярно, с какой-л. целью

    When I was young, we went to church every Sunday. — Когда я был маленьким, мы каждое воскресенье ходили в церковь.

    а) идти (от чего-л.), вести (куда-л.)

    The boundary here goes parallel with the river. — Граница идёт здесь вдоль реки.

    б) выходить (куда-л.)

    This door goes outside. — Эта дверь выходит наружу.

    5) происходить, случаться, развиваться, проистекать

    The annual dinner never goes better than when he is in the chair. — Ежегодный обед проходит лучше всего, когда он председательствует.

    The game went so strangely that I couldn't possibly tell. — Игра шла так странно, что и не рассказать.

    The election went against him. — Выборы кончились для него неудачно.

    What has gone of...? — Что стало, что произошло с...?

    Nobody in Porlock ever knew what has gone with him. — Никто в Порлоке так и не узнал, что с ним стало.


    The battery in this watch is going. — Батарейка в часах садится.

    Sometimes the eyesight goes forever. — Иногда зрение теряют навсегда.

    I could feel my brain going. — Я чувствовал, что мой ум перестаёт работать.

    You see that your father is going very fast. — Вы видите, что ваш отец очень быстро сдаёт.

    б) ломаться; изнашиваться ( до дыр)

    The platform went. — Трибуна обрушилась.

    About half past three the foremast went in three places. — Около половины четвёртого фок-мачта треснула в трёх местах.

    The dike might go any minute. — Дамбу может прорвать в любую минуту.

    My old sweater had started to go at the elbows. — Мой старый свитер начал протираться на локтях.

    в) быть поражённым болезнью, гнить (о растениях, урожае)

    The crop is good, but the potato is going everywhere. — Урожай зерновых хорош, а картофель начинает повсюду гнить.

    7) разг. умирать, уходить из жизни

    to go to one's own place — умереть, скончаться

    to go aloft / off the hooks / off the stocks / to (the) pot разг. — отправиться на небеса, протянуть ноги, сыграть в ящик

    Your brother's gone - died half-an-hour ago. — Ваш брат покинул этот мир - скончался полчаса назад.

    Hope he hasn't gone down; he deserved to live. — Надеюсь, что он не умер; он заслужил того, чтобы жить.

    The doctors told me that he might go off any day. — Доктора сказали мне, что он может скончаться со дня на день.

    I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. — Надеюсь, что мир станет лучше, когда меня не будет.

    а) вмещаться, подходить (по форме, размеру)

    The space is too small, the bookcase won't go in. — Здесь слишком мало места, книжный шкаф сюда не войдёт.

    Elzevirs go readily into the pocket. — Средневековые книги-эльзевиры легко входят в карман.

    The thread is too thick to go into the needle. — Эта нитка слишком толста, чтобы пролезть в игольное ушко.

    Three goes into fifteen five times. — Три содержится в пятнадцати пять раз.

    All the good we can find about him will go into a very few words. — Всё хорошее, что мы в нём можем найти, можно выразить в нескольких словах.

    б) соответствовать, подходить (по стилю, цвету, вкусу)

    This furniture would go well in any room. — Эта мебель подойдёт для любой комнаты.

    I don't think these colours really go, do you? — Я не думаю, что эти цвета подходят, а ты как думаешь?

    Oranges go surprisingly well with duck. — Апельсины отлично подходят к утке.

    That green hat doesn't go with the blue dress. — Эта зелёная шляпа не идёт к синему платью.

    в) помещаться (где-л.), постоянно храниться (где-л.)

    This box goes on the third shelf from the top. — Эта коробка стоит на третьей полке сверху.

    This book goes here. — Эта книга стоит здесь (здесь её место).

    He's short, as jockeys go. — Он довольно низкого роста, даже для жокея.

    "How goes it, Joe?" - "Pretty well, as times go." — "Как дела, Джо?" - "По нынешним временам вполне сносно".

    10) быть посланным, отправленным (о письме, записке)

    I'd like this letter to go first class. — Я хотел бы отправить это письмо первым классом.

    11) проходить, пролетать ( о времени)

    This week's gone so fast - I can't believe it's Friday already. — Эта неделя прошла так быстро, не могу поверить, что уже пятница.

    Time goes so fast when you're having fun. — Когда нам весело, время бежит.

    Summer is going. — Лето проходит.

    One week and half of another is already gone. — Уже прошло полторы недели.

    а) пойти (на что-л.), быть потраченным (на что-л.; о деньгах)

    Whatever money he got it all went on paying his debt. — Сколько бы денег он ни получил, всё уходило на выплату долга.

    Your money went towards a new computer for the school. — Ваши деньги пошли на новый компьютер для школы.

    Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent. — На арендную плату должно уходить не более четверти дохода.

    б) уменьшаться, кончаться (о запасах, провизии)

    We were worried because the food was completely gone and the water was going fast. — Мы беспокоились, так как еда уже кончилась, а вода подходила к концу.

    The cake went fast. — Пирог был тут же съеден.

    All its independence was gone. — Вся его независимость исчезла.

    One of the results of using those drugs is that the will entirely goes. — Одно из последствий приёма этих лекарств - полная потеря воли.

    This feeling gradually goes off. — Это чувство постепенно исчезает.

    They can fire me, but I won't go quietly. — Они могут меня уволить, но я не уйду тихо.

    а) издавать (какой-л.) звук

    to go bang — бахнуть, хлопнуть

    to go crash / smash — грохнуть, треснуть

    Clatter, clatter, went the horses' hoofs. — Цок, цок, цокали лошадиные копыта.

    Something seemed to go snap within me. — Что-то внутри меня щёлкнуло.

    Crack went the mast. — Раздался треск мачты.

    Patter, patter, goes the rain. — Кап, кап, стучит дождь.

    The clock on the mantelpiece went eight. — Часы на камине пробили восемь.

    а) иметь хождение, быть в обращении ( о деньгах)
    б) циркулировать, передаваться, переходить из уст в уста

    Now the story goes that the young Smith is in London. — Говорят, что юный Смит сейчас в Лондоне.


    My only order was, "Clear the road - and be damn quick about it." What I said went. — Я отдал приказ: "Очистить дорогу - и, чёрт возьми, немедленно!" Это тут же было выполнено.

    He makes so much money that whatever he says, goes. — У него столько денег, что всё, что он ни скажет, тут же выполняется.

    - from the word Go

    anything goes, everything goes разг. — всё дозволено, всё сойдёт

    Around here, anything goes. — Здесь всё разрешено.

    Anything goes if it's done by someone you're fond of. — Всё сойдёт, если это всё сделано тем, кого ты любишь.

    в) ( go about) начинать (что-л.; делать что-л.), приступать к (чему-л.)

    She went about her work in a cold, impassive way. — Холодно, бесстрастно она приступила к своей работе.

    The church clock has not gone for twenty years. — Часы на церкви не ходили двадцать лет.

    All systems go. — Всё работает нормально.

    She felt her heart go in a most unusual manner. — Она почувствовала, что сердце у неё очень странно бьётся.

    18) продаваться, расходиться (по какой-л. цене)

    to go for a song — идти за бесценок, ничего не стоить

    There were perfectly good coats going at $23! —Там продавали вполне приличные куртки всего за 23 доллара.

    Going at four pounds fifteen, if there is no advance. — Если больше нет предложений, то продаётся за четыре фунта пятнадцать шиллингов.

    This goes for 1 shilling. — Это стоит 1 шиллинг.

    The house went for very little. — Дом был продан за бесценок.

    19) позволить себе, согласиться (на какую-л. сумму)

    Lewis consented to go as high as twenty-five thousand crowns. — Льюис согласился на такую большую сумму как двадцать пять тысяч крон.

    I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket. — Я позволю себе купить билет за пятьдесят долларов.

    20) разг. говорить
    21) эвф. сходить, сбегать ( в туалет)

    He's in the men's room. He's been wanting to go all evening, but as long as you were playing he didn't want to miss a note. (J. Wain) — Он в туалете. Ему туда нужно было весь вечер, но пока вы играли, он не хотел пропустить ни одной нотки.

    22) ( go after)
    а) следовать за (кем-л.); преследовать

    Half the guards went after the escaped prisoners, but they got away free. — На поиски беглецов отправилась половина гарнизона, но они всё равно сумели скрыться.

    б) преследовать цель; стремиться, стараться (сделать что-л.)

    Jim intends to go after the big prize. — Джим намерен выиграть большой приз.

    I think we should go after increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производство.

    в) посещать в качестве поклонника, ученика или последователя
    23) ( go against)
    а) противоречить, быть против (убеждений, желаний); идти вразрез с (чем-л.)

    to go against the grain, go against the hair — вызывать внутренний протест, быть не по нутру

    I wouldn't advise you to go against the director. — Не советую тебе перечить директору.

    It goes against my nature to get up early in the morning. — Рано вставать по утрам противно моей натуре.

    The run of luck went against Mr. Nickleby. (Ch. Dickens) — Удача отвернулась от мистера Никльби.

    б) быть не в пользу (кого-л.), закончиться неблагоприятно для (кого-л.; о соревнованиях, выборах)

    One of his many law-suits seemed likely to go against him. — Он, судя по всему, проигрывал один из своих многочисленных судебных процессов.

    If the election goes against the government, who will lead the country? — Если на выборах проголосуют против правительства, кто же возглавит страну?

    24) ( go at) разг.
    а) бросаться на (кого-л.)

    Our dog went at the postman again this morning. — Наша собака опять сегодня набросилась на почтальона.

    Selina went at her again for further information. — Селина снова набросилась на неё, требуя дополнительной информации.

    The students are really going at their studies now that the examinations are near. — Экзамены близко, так что студенты в самом деле взялись за учёбу.

    25) ( go before)
    а) представать перед (чем-л.), явиться лицом к лицу с (чем-л.)

    When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. — Когда ты выступаешь в суде, ты должен говорить чистую правду.

    б) предлагать (что-л.) на рассмотрение

    Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week. — Совет директоров рассмотрит ваше предложение на следующей неделе.

    26) ( go behind) не ограничиваться (чем-л.)
    27) ( go between) быть посредником между (кем-л.)

    The little girl was given a bar of chocolate as her payment for going between her sister and her sister's boyfriend. — Младшая сестра получила шоколадку за то, что была посыльной между своей старшей сестрой и её парнем.

    28) ( go beyond)
    а) превышать, превосходить (что-л.)

    The money that I won went beyond my fondest hopes. — Сумма, которую я выиграл, превосходила все мои ожидания.

    Be careful not to go beyond your rights. — Будь осторожен, не превышай своих прав.

    б) оказаться трудным, непостижимым (для кого-л.)

    I was interested to hear the speaker, but his speech went beyond me. — Мне было интересно послушать докладчика, но его речь была выше моего понимания.

    I don't think this class will be able to go beyond lesson six. — Не думаю, что этот класс сможет продвинуться дальше шестого урока.

    - go beyond caring
    - go beyond endurance
    - go beyond a joke
    29) (go by / under) называться

    to go by / under the name of — быть известным под именем

    Our friend William often goes by Billy. — Нашего друга Вильяма часто называют Билли.

    He went under the name of Baker, to avoid discovery by the police. — Скрываясь от полиции, он жил под именем Бейкера.

    30) ( go by) судить по (чему-л.); руководствоваться (чем-л.), действовать в соответствии с (чем-л.)

    to go by the book разг. — действовать в соответствии с правилами, педантично выполнять правила

    You can't go by what he says, he's very untrustworthy. — Не стоит судить о ситуации по его словам, ему нельзя верить.

    You make a mistake if you go by appearances. — Ты ошибаешься, если судишь о людях по внешнему виду.

    I go by the barometer. — Я пользуюсь барометром.

    Our chairman always goes by the rules. — Наш председатель всегда действует по правилам.

    31) ( go for)
    а) стремиться к (чему-л.)

    I think we should go for increased production this year. — Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производительность.

    б) выбирать; любить, нравиться

    The people will never go for that guff. — Людям не понравится эта пустая болтовня.

    She doesn't go for whiskers. — Ей не нравятся бакенбарды.

    в) разг. наброситься, обрушиться на (кого-л.)

    The black cow immediately went for him. — Чёрная корова немедленно кинулась на него.

    The speaker went for the profiteers. — Оратор обрушился на спекулянтов.

    г) становиться (кем-л.), действовать в качестве (кого-л.)

    I'm well made all right. I could go for a model if I wanted. — У меня отличная фигура. Я могла бы стать манекенщицей, если бы захотела.

    д) быть принятым за (кого-л.), считаться (кем-л.), сходить за (кого-л.)

    He goes for a lawyer, but I don't think he ever studied or practised law. — Говорят, он адвокат, но мне кажется, что он никогда не изучал юриспруденцию и не работал в этой области.

    е) быть действительным по отношению к (кому-л. / чему-л.), относиться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    that goes for me — это относится ко мне; это мое дело

    I don't care if Pittsburgh chokes. And that goes for Cincinnati, too. (P. G. Wodehouse) — Мне всё равно, если Питсбург задохнётся. То же самое касается Цинциннати.

    - go for broke
    - go for a burton
    32) ( go into)
    а) входить, вступать; принимать участие

    He wanted to go into Parliament. — Он хотел стать членом парламента.

    He went eagerly into the compact. — Он охотно принял участие в сделке.

    The Times has gone into open opposition to the Government on all points except foreign policy. — “Таймс” встал в открытую оппозицию к правительству по всем вопросам, кроме внешней политики.

    take part, undertake
    б) впадать ( в истерику); приходить ( в ярость)

    the man who went into ecstasies at discovering that Cape Breton was an island — человек, который впал в экстаз, обнаружив, что мыс Бретон является островом

    I nearly went into hysterics. — Я был на грани истерики.

    в) начинать заниматься (чем-л. в качестве профессии, должности, занятия)

    He went keenly into dairying. — Он активно занялся производством молочных продуктов.

    He went into practice for himself. — Он самостоятельно занялся практикой.

    Hicks naturally went into law. — Хикс, естественно, занялся правом.

    г) носить (о стиле в одежде; особенно носить траур)

    to go into long dresses, trousers, etc. — носить длинные платья, брюки

    She shocked Mrs. Spark by refusing to go into full mourning. — Она шокировала миссис Спарк, отказываясь носить полный траур.

    д) расследовать, тщательно рассматривать, изучать

    We cannot of course go into the history of these wars. — Естественно, мы не можем во всех подробностях рассмотреть историю этих войн.

    - go into details
    - go into detail
    - go into abeyance
    - go into action
    33) ( go off) разлюбить (что-л.), потерять интерес к (чему-л.)

    I simply don't feel anything for him any more. In fact, I've gone off him. — Я просто не испытываю больше к нему никаких чувств. По существу, я его разлюбила.

    34) ( go over)
    а) перечитывать; повторять

    The schoolboy goes over his lesson, before going up before the master. — Ученик повторяет свой урок, прежде чем отвечать учителю.

    He went over the explanation two or three times. — Он повторил объяснение два или три раза.

    б) внимательно изучать, тщательно рассматривать; проводить осмотр

    We went over the house thoroughly before buying it. — Мы тщательно осмотрели дом, прежде чем купить его.

    I've asked the garage people to go over my car thoroughly. — Я попросил людей в сервисе тщательно осмотреть машину.

    Harry and I have been going over old letters. — Гарри и я просматривали старые письма.

    We must go over the account books together. — Нам надо вместе проглядеть бухгалтерские книги.

    35) ( go through)

    It would take far too long to go through all the propositions. — Изучение всех предложений займёт слишком много времени.

    б) пережить, перенести (что-л.)

    All that men go through may be absolutely the best for them. — Все испытания, которым подвергается человек, могут оказаться для него благом.

    в) проходить (какие-л. этапы)

    The disease went through the whole city. — Болезнь распространилась по всему городу.

    д) осматривать, обыскивать

    The girls were "going through" a drunken sailor. — Девицы обшаривали пьяного моряка.

    е) износить до дыр (об одежде, обуви)
    ж) поглощать, расходовать (что-л.)
    36) ( go to)
    а) обращаться к (кому-л. / чему-л.)

    She need not go to others for her bons mots. — Ей нет нужды искать у других остроумные словечки.

    б) переходить к (кому-л.) в собственность, доставаться (кому-л.)

    The house went to the elder son. — Дом достался старшему сыну.

    The money I had saved went to the doctors. — Деньги, которые я скопил, пошли на докторов.

    The dukedom went to his brother. — Титул герцога перешёл к его брату.

    And the Oscar goes to… — Итак, «Оскар» достаётся…

    в) быть составной частью (чего-л.); вести к (какому-л. результату)

    These are the bones which go to form the head and trunk. — Это кости, которые формируют череп и скелет.

    Whole gardens of roses go to one drop of the attar. — Для того, чтобы получить одну каплю розового масла, нужны целые сады роз.

    This only goes to prove the point. — Это только доказывает утверждение.

    г) составлять, равняться (чему-л.)

    Sixteen ounces go to the pound. — Шестнадцать унций составляют один фунт.

    How many go to a crew with you, captain? — Из скольких человек состоит ваша команда, капитан?

    д) брать на себя (расходы, труд)

    Don't go to any trouble. — Не беспокойтесь.

    Few publishers go to the trouble of giving the number of copies for an edition. — Немногие издатели берут на себя труд указать количество экземпляров издания.

    The tenant went to very needless expense. — Арендатор пошёл на абсолютно ненужные расходы.

    37) ( go under) относиться (к какой-л. группе, классу)

    This word goes under G. — Это слово помещено под G.

    38) ( go with)
    а) быть заодно с (кем-л.), быть на чьей-л. стороне

    My sympathies went strongly with the lady. — Все мои симпатии были полностью на стороне леди.

    б) сопутствовать (чему-л.), идти, происходить вместе с (чем-л.)

    Criminality habitually went with dirtiness. — Преступность и грязь обычно шли бок о бок.

    в) понимать, следить с пониманием за (речью, мыслью)

    The Court declared the deed a nullity on the ground that the mind of the mortgagee did not go with the deed she signed. — Суд признал документ недействительным на том основании, что кредитор по закладной не понимала содержания документа, который она подписала.

    г) разг. встречаться с (кем-л.), проводить время с (кем-л. - в качестве друга, подружки)

    The "young ladies" he had "gone with" and "had feelin's about" were now staid matrons. — "Молодые леди", с которыми он "дружил" и к которым он "питал чувства", стали солидными матронами.

    39) ( go upon)
    а) разг. использовать (что-л.) в качестве свидетельства или отправного пункта

    You see, this gave me something to go upon. — Видишь ли, это дало мне хоть что-то, с чего я могу начать.

    б) брать в свои руки; брать на себя ответственность

    I cannot bear to see things botched or gone upon with ignorance. — Я не могу видеть, как берутся за дела либо халтурно, либо ничего в них не понимая.

    40) (go + прил.)

    He went dead about three months ago. — Он умер около трех месяцев назад.

    She went pale. — Она побледнела.

    He went bankrupt. — Он обанкротился.

    б) продолжать (какое-л.) действие, продолжать пребывать в (каком-л.) состоянии

    We both love going barefoot on the beach. — Мы оба любим ходить босиком по пляжу.

    Most of their work seems to have gone unnoticed. — Кажется, большая часть их работы осталась незамеченной.

    The powers could not allow such an act of terrorism to go unpunished. — Власти не могут допустить, чтобы террористический акт прошёл безнаказанно.

    It seems as if it were going to rain. — Такое впечатление, что сейчас пойдёт дождь.

    Lambs are to be sold to those who are going to keep them. — Ягнята должны быть проданы тем, кто собирается их выращивать.

    42) (go and do smth.) разг. пойти и сделать что-л.

    The fool has gone and got married. — Этот дурак взял и женился.

    He might go and hang himself for all they cared. — Он может повеситься, им на это абсолютно наплевать.

    Oh, go and pick up pizza, for heaven's sake! — Ради бога, пойди купи, наконец, пиццу.

    - go across
    - go ahead
    - go along
    - go away
    - go back
    - go before
    - go by
    - go down
    - go forth
    - go forward
    - go together

    to go back a long way — давно знать друг друга, быть давними знакомыми

    to go short — испытывать недостаток в чём-л.; находиться в стеснённых обстоятельствах

    to go the way of nature / all the earth / all flesh / all living — скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных

    to let oneself go — дать волю себе, своим чувствам

    Go to Jericho / Bath / Hong Kong / Putney / Halifax! — Иди к чёрту! Убирайся!

    - go far
    - go bush
    - go ape
    - go amiss
    - go dry
    - go astray
    - go on instruments
    - go a long way
    - go postal
    - Go to!
    - Go to it!
    - let it go at that
    - go like blazes
    - go with the tide
    - go with the times
    - go along with you!
    - go easy
    - go up King Street
    - go figure
    - go it
    - go the extra mile
    - go to the wall
    2. сущ.; разг.
    1) движение, хождение, ходьба; уст. походка

    He has been on the go since morning. — Он с утра на ногах.

    а) ретивость, горячность ( первоначально о лошадях); напористость, энергичность; бодрость, живость; рвение

    The job requires a man with a lot of go. — Для этой работы требуется очень энергичный человек.

    Physically, he is a wonderful man - very wiry, and full of energy and go. — Физически он превосходен - крепкий, полный энергии и напористости.

    б) энергичная деятельность; тяжелая, требующая напряжения работа

    Believe me, it's all go with these tycoons, mate. — Поверь мне, приятель, это все деятельность этих заправил.

    3) разг. происшествие; неожиданный поворот событий (то, которое вызывает затруднения)

    queer go, rum go — странное дело, странный поворот событий


    Let me have a go at fixing it. — Дай я попробую починить это.

    - have a go
    б) соревнование, борьба; состязание на приз ( в боксе)

    Cost me five dollars the other day to see the tamest kind of a go. There wasn't a knockdown in ten rounds. — На днях я потратил пять долларов, чтобы увидеть самое мирное состязание. За десять раундов не было ни одного нокдауна.

    в) приступ, припадок ( о болезни)
    а) количество чего-л., предоставляемое за один раз
    б) разг. бокал ( вина); порция ( еды)

    "The score!" he burst out. "Three goes o' rum!" (R. L. Stevenson, Treasure Island) — А деньги? - крикнул он. - За три кружки! (пер. Н. Чуковского)

    б) карт. "Мимо" (возглас игрока, объявляющего проход в криббидже)
    7) разг.
    а) успех, успешное дело
    б) соглашение, сделка

    all the go, quite the go — последний крик моды

    first go — первым делом, сразу же

    II [gɔ] сущ.; япон.
    го (настольная игра, в ходе которой двое участников по очереди выставляют на доску фишки-"камни", стремясь окружить "камни" противника своими и захватить как можно большую территорию)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > go

  • 64 caisson

    1) кессон (камера для работы под водой, в водонасыщенных грунтах с избыточным давлением)
    4) свая-колонна, кессонная свая
    5) архит. кессон (художественно оформленное углубление правильной геометрической формы на потолках, внутренних поверхностях арок и сводов, облегчающее их, а также улучшающее акустику помещений)
    - belled caisson - Chicago caisson - drilled-in caisson - floating caisson - open caisson - pneumatic caisson - rolling caisson - sliding caisson - timber caisson
    * * *
    1.   опускной колодец
    2.   кессон
    3.   батопорт, плавучий затвор
    4.   свая-колонна
    5.   архит. кессон ( потолочный)
    - American caisson
    - angled bell end-bearing caisson
    - belled caisson
    - box caisson
    - box-type caisson
    - Chicago caisson
    - closed-end caisson
    - compressed-air caisson
    - concrete caisson
    - cylinder caisson
    - domed bell end-bearing caisson
    - drilled caisson
    - drilled-in caisson
    - drop caisson
    - end-bearing cased caisson
    - floating caisson
    - Gow caisson
    - island caisson
    - land caisson
    - Montee caisson
    - open well caisson
    - open caisson
    - pneumatic caisson
    - sand island caisson
    - straight-shaft caisson
    - traveling caisson

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > caisson

  • 65 अपर _apara

    अपर a. (treated as a pronoun in some senses)
    1 Having nothing higher or superior, unrivalled. matchless; without rival or second (नास्ति परो यस्मात्); स्त्रीरत्नसृष्टिर- परा प्रतिभाति सा मे Ś.2.1; cf. अनुत्तम, अनुत्तर.
    -2 [न पृणाति संतोषयति पृ अच्] (a) Another, other (used as adj. or subst.). वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरो$पराणि Bg.2.22. (b) More, additional; कृतदारो$परान् दारान् Ms.11.5. (c) Second, another Pt.4.37; स्वं केशवो$पर इवाक्रमितुं प्रवृत्तः Mk.5.2 like another (rival) Keśava. (d) Different; other; अन्ये कृतयुगे धर्मास्त्रेतायां द्वापरे$परे Ms. 1.85; Ks.26.235; Pt.4.6 (with gen.). (e) Ordinary, of the middle sort (मध्यम); परितप्तो$प्यपरः सुसंवृतिः Śi. 16.23.
    -3 Belonging to another, not one's own (opp. स्व); यदि स्वाश्चापराश्चैव विन्देरन् योषितो द्विजाः Ms.9.85 of another caste.
    -4 Hinder, posterior, latter, later, (in time space) (opp. पूर्व); the last; पूर्वां सन्ध्यां जपंस्तिष्ठेत्स्वकाले चापरां चिरम् Ms.4.93; रात्रेरपरः कालः Nir.; oft. used as first member of a genitive Tatpuruṣa comp. meaning 'the hind part,' 'latter part or half'; ˚पक्षः the latter half of a month; ˚हेमन्तः latter half of a winter; ˚कायः hind part of the body &c.; ˚वर्षा, ˚शरद् latter part of the rains, autumn &c.
    -5 Following, the next.
    -6 Western; पयसि प्रतित्सुरपराम्बुनिधेः Śi.9.1. पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku. 1.1; Mu.4.21
    -7 Inferior, lower (निकृष्टः); अपरेयमि- तस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम् Bg.7.5.
    -8 (In Nyāya) Non-extensive, not covering too much, one of the two kinds of सामान्य, see Bhāṣā P.8. (परं = अधिकवृत्ति higher अपरम् = न्यूनवृत्ति lower or अधिकदेशवृत्तित्वं परं, अल्पदेशवृत्तित्वं अपरम् Muktā.)
    -9 Distant; opposite. When अपर is used in the singular as a correlative to एक the one, former, it means the other, the latter; एको ययौ चैत्ररथप्रदेशान् सौराज्य- रम्यानपरो विदर्भान् R.5.6; when used in pl. it means 'others', 'and others', and the words generally used as its correlatives are एके, केचित्-काश्चित् &c., अपरे, अन्ये; केचिद् रक्तपटीकृताश्च जटिलाः कापालिकाश्चापरे Pt.4.34; एके समूहुर्बलरेणुसंहतिं शिरोभिराज्ञामपरे महीभृतः Śi.12.45 some-others; शाखिनः केचिदध्यष्ठुर्न्यमाङ्क्षुरपरे$म्बुधौ । अन्ये त्वलङ्घिषुः शैलान् गुहास्त्वन्ये न्यलेषत ॥ केचिदासिषत स्तब्धा भयात्केचिदघूर्णिषुः । उदतारिषुरम्भोधिं वानराः सेतुनापरे Bk. 15.31.33.
    -रः 1 the hind foot of an ele- phant; बद्धापराणि परितो निगडान्यलावीत् Śi.5.48 (Malli. चरमपादाग्राणि).
    -2 An enemy (न पृणाति सन्तोषयति).
    -रा 1 Western direction, the west अपरां च दिशं प्राप्तो वालिना समभिद्रुतः Rām.4.46.18.
    -2 The hind part of an ele- phant.
    -3 Sacred learning, learning the four Vedas with the 6 Aṅgas.
    -4 The womb; the outer skin of the embryo.
    -5 Suppressed menstruation in pregnancy.
    -री Ved. The future, future times; उतापरीभ्यो मघवा विजिग्ये Rv.1.32.13.
    -रम् 1 The future, any thing to be done in future (कार्य); तदेतद्ब्रह्मापूर्वमपरमनन्तम् Bṛi. Ār. Up. (नास्ति अपरं कार्यं यस्य).
    -2 The hind quarter of an elephant.
    -रम् adv. Again, moreover, in future, for the future; अपरं च moreover; अपरेण behind, west of, to the west of (with gen. or acc.). [cf. Goth. afar; Germ. aber, as in aberglauben].
    -Comp. -अग्नि (अग्नी dual)
    1 the southern and western fires (दक्षिण and गार्हपत्य).
    -2 the last fire i. e. used at the funeral ceremony (˚ग्निः).
    -अङ्गम् one of the 8 divisions of गुणीभूतव्यङ्ग्य (the second kind of काव्य) mentioned in K. P.5. In this the व्यङ्ग्य or suggested sense is subordinate to something else; अगूढमपरस्याङ्गम्; अपरस्य रसादेर्वाच्यस्य वा (वाक्यार्थीभूतस्य) अङ्गं रसादि अनुरणनरूपं वा; e. g. अयं स रसनोत्कर्षी पीनस्तनविमर्दनः । नाभ्यूरुजघनस्पर्शी नीवीविस्रंसनः करः ॥ where शृङ्गार is subordi- nate to करुण.
    -अन्त a. living at the western borders.
    (-न्तः) 1 the western border or extremity, the extreme end or term. the western shore.
    -2 (pl.) the country or inhabitants of the western borders near the Sahya mountain; अपरान्तजयोद्यतैः (अनीकैः) R.4.53 Western people. दशार्णाश्चापरान्ताश्च द्विपानां मध्यमा मताः Kau.A.1.2.
    -3 the kings of this country.
    -4 death, Pātañjala Yogadarśana 3.22. ˚ज्ञानम् anticipation of one's end.
    -5 the hind foot of an elephant; मृदुचलदपरान्तोदीरितान्दूनिनादम् Śi.11.7;18.32.
    -6 Islander, inhabitant of an island (द्वीपवासिन्) कोट्यापरान्ताः सामुद्रा रत्नान्युपहरन्तु ते Rām.2.82.8.
    -अन्तकः 1. = ˚अन्तः pl.
    -2 N. of a song; अपरान्तकमुल्लोप्यं मद्रकं प्रकरीं तथा । औवेणकं सरोबिन्दुमुत्तरं गीतकानि च ॥ Y3.113; ˚अन्तिका N. of a metre consisting of 64 mātrās.
    -अपराः, -रे, -राणि another and another, several, various.
    -अपरम् ind. Further and further (उत्तरोत्तरम्); अहं हि वचनं त्वत्तः शुश्रूषुरपरापरम् Mb.5.136.14.
    -अर्धम् the latter or second half.
    -अह्न [fr.अहन् changed to अह्न P.II. 4.29, V.4.88.] the latter part of the day, the after- noon, closing or last watch of the day; Ms.3.278; अपराह्णशीतलतरेण शनैरनिलेन Śi.9.4; ˚तन, ˚ह्णेतन belonging to this time; ˚कृतं P.II.1.45.
    -इतरा the east.
    -कान्य- कुब्ज a. situated in or belonging to the western part of Kānyakubja.
    -कालः later period.
    -गात्रम् a minor limb (hand, foot etc.); कोपप्रसादापरगात्रहस्तः (सुप्तः क्षितौ) रावणगन्धहस्ती) Rām.6.19.1.
    -गोदानम् (also गोडनि or गोडानि) N. of a country to the west of Mahāmeru (according to Buddhistic ideas).
    - a. born later or at the end of the world. (
    -जः) the destroying fire.
    -जनः an inhaditant of the west, the western people.
    -दक्षिणम् ind. in the south-west (belonging to the तिष्ठद्गु class).
    -पक्षः 1 the second or dark half of the month.
    -2 the other or opposite side; a defendant (in law).
    -पञ्चालाः the western Pañchālas.
    -पर a. one and the other, several, various; अपरपराः सार्थाः गच्छन्ति P.VI.1.144. Sk. several caravans go; (अपरे च परे च सकृदेव गच्छन्ति).
    -पाणिनीयाः the pupils of Pāṇini living in the west.
    -प्रणेय a. easily led or influenced by others, docile, tractable.
    -भावः 1 being another or different, differ- ence.
    -2 succession, continuation.
    -रात्रः [अपरं रात्रेः] the latter or closing part of night, the last watch of night (P.V.4.87); उत्थायापररात्रान्ते प्रयताः सुसमाहिताः Bhāg.8.4.24. ˚कृतम् P.II.1.45.
    -लोकः the other world, the next world. Paradise.
    -वक्त्रा, -क्त्रम् N. of a metre.
    -वैराग्यम् a kind of Vairāgya mentioned by Patañjali (दुष्टानुश्राविकविषयवितृष्णस्य वशीकारसंज्ञं वैराग्यम्).
    -सक्थम् the hind thigh.
    -स्वस्तिकम् the western point in the horizon.
    -हैमन a. belonging to the latter helf of winter (P.VII.3.11).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अपर _apara

  • 66 KOMA

    * * *
    (kem; kom or kvam, kómum or kvamúm; kominn), v.
    1) to come (litlu síðarr kómu Finnar aptr heim);
    2) to come, arrive (bréf kómu frá Skúla jarli);
    kom svá, at (it came to pass, that) Bárði var heitit meyjunni;
    3) with dat. of the object, to make to come, to take, bring, carry, etc.;
    hann skyldi koma Þór í Geirröðargarða, he should make Th. come to G.;
    hann kom Þórhaddi heilum yfir ána, he brought Th. safe across the river;
    koma e-m í hel, to put one to death;
    koma e-m til falls, to make one fall;
    koma e-m í sætt við e-n, to reconcile one with another;
    koma sér vel hjá e-m, to bring oneself into favour with, be agreeable to (þeir kómu sér vel við alla);
    koma e-u til leiðar (til vegar), to effect, bring about;
    koma orðum við e-n, to speak with a person (hann gørði sik svá reiðan, at ekki mátti orðum við hann koma);
    4) with preps.:
    koma e-u af sér, to get rid of (allt mun ek til vinna at koma af mér yðvarri reiði);
    koma e-u af, to abolish (Þvi hafði eigi orðit af komitmeði öllu);
    koma at e-m, to come upon one (kómu þessir at honum fyrir Sjólandi með tveim skipum);
    koma at hendi, to happen (mikill vandi er kominn at hendi);
    impers., Gunnarr játaði því, en þá er at kom, vildi hann eigi, G. agreed to it, but when it came to the point he would not;
    koma at e-u, to come at, regain, recover (koma at hamri);
    koma sér at e-u, to bring oneself to (Þ. kom sér ekki at því);
    koma á e-t, to come on, hit (höggit kom á lærit);
    koma e-u á, to bring about, effect (máttu þeir øngum flutningum á koma);
    koma kristni (dat.) á England, to christianize E.;
    koma fram, to come forth, appear, emerge (sigldi E. suðr með landi ok kom fram í Danmörk); to be produced, brought forward (nú mun pat fram koma sem ek sagða);
    koma e-u fram, to bring about, effect (koma fram hefndum);
    koma fyrir e-t, to be an equivalent for (fyrir víg Hjartar skyldi koma víg Kols);
    allt mun koma fyrir eitt, it will all come to the same;
    koma fyrir ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail;
    e-m þykkir fyrir ván komit, at, one thinks it past all hope, that;
    koma e-u fyrir, to destroy (hann kom hverjum hesti fyrir);
    koma í e-t, to come into, enter;
    koma niðr, to come down;
    hann reyndi eptir, hvar G. væri niðr kominn, what had become of G.;
    kom þar niðr tal hennar, at hon sagði honum, hversu, the end of her talk was, that she told him how koma;
    koma hart niðr, to pay dearly for it (ek hafða illa til gört, enda kom ek hart niðr);
    koma saman, to come together, gather (er saman kom liðit); to agree;
    þat kom saman (or ásamt) með þeim, they agreed on it;
    impers., kom þeim vel saman (ásamt), they agreed well;
    koma e-u saman, to bring about, effect;
    koma saman sættum með e-m, to reconcile them;
    koma til e-s, to come to a person or place (jarlinn kom með allan her sinn til Dyflinnar);
    koma till ríkis, to come to, or succeed to, the throne;
    koma til e-s, to cause: þat kemr til þess, at, the reason is, that; to help, avail: koma til lítils, to come to little, be of small avail (= koma fyrir lítit); to concern: þetta mál kemr ekki til þín, this quarrel is no business of thine; þat er til mín kemr, so far as I am concerned; to mean, signify (Þ. kvezk skilja, hvar orð hans kómu til); to be of value: sverð þat, er til kom mörk gulls, that was worth a ‘mark’ of gold; mikit þykkir til e-s koma, one is much thought of, is thought to be of great importance;
    koma til, to be born;
    koma e-m undan, to help one to escape;
    koma undir e-n, to come unto one;
    ef undir oss skal koma kjörit, if we are to choose;
    koma e-m undir, to get one down, overcome one;
    koma upp, to come up;
    tungl kemr upp, the moon rises;
    eldr kom upp, fire broke out;
    kom þá upp af tali þeirra, at, the end of their talk was, that; to come out, become known (kom þat þá upp, at hann hafði beðit hennar);
    koma e-u upp, to open (kerling tekr hörpuna ok vildi upp koma);
    hann mátti lengi eigi orði upp koma, it was long before he could utter a word;
    koma við e-t, to touch (komit var við hurðina);
    þeir kómu við sker, they struck on a reef;
    hann kemr við margar sögur, he appears in many sagas; to be added to (koma þær nætr við hinar fyrri);
    koma við, to fit, be convenient, suit;
    koma e-u við, to employ, make use of (ek mátta eigi boganum við koma); hann kom því við (he brought about), at engi skyldi fara með vápn; urðu þeir at flýja sem því kómu við, all fled that could;
    koma sér við, to bring about, effect, be able to do (ek mun veita þér slíkt lið sem ek má mér við koma); to behave (hversu hann kom sér við í þessum málum);
    koma yfir, to pass over (hvert kveld, er yfir kom);
    5) refl., komast;
    * * *
    pres. sing. kem, kemr, kemr; an older form komr is used constantly in very old and good vellum MSS., as the Kb. of Sæm.; and even spelt keomr or ceomr (in Eluc., Greg., etc.); reflex. komsk, 2nd pers. kømztu ( pervenis), Sdm. 10: pret. kom, kom-k, I came, Skm. 18: 2nd pers. komt, 17, mod. komst: the pret. plur. varies, kvámu being the oldest form; kvómu, often in the MSS.; kómu, as it is still pronounced in the west of Icel.; the usual and latest form is komu, with a short vowel; the spelling of the MSS. cannot always be ascertained, as the word is usually written kumu or qumu: pret. subj. kvæmi and kꝍmi (kæmi): imperat. kom, kom-ðú, proncd, kondu, come thou! pret. infin. kómu ( venisse), Fms. i. 224 (in a verse), Geisli 62:—with suff. neg., pres. kmr-at or kømr-að, Akv. 11, Grág. ii. 141, Gkv. 3. 8; pret. kom-a, kom-að, came not, Ls. 56, Þorf. Karl. (in a verse), Þd. 18; 2nd pers. komtaðu ( non venisti), Am. 99; subj. kømi-a ( non veniret), Gs. 10: reflex., pres. kømsk-at, Grág. ii. 180; pret. komsk-at ( could not come), Am. 3:—a middle form, pres. 1st pers. komum-k (komumsk), Ó. H. 140, 214, Skm. 10, 11; subj. pres. komimk, Ó. H. 85; pret. kømomc, Hbl. 33 (Bugge); part. pass. kominn, see Gramm. p. xix. The preterite forms kvam and kvaminn, used in the Edition of the Sturl. and in a few other mod. Editions without warrant in the MSS., are due to the fact that the Edition of Sturl. was published from a transcript now in the Advocates’ Library in Edinburgh, made by the learned priest Eyjolf á Völlum (died A. D. 1745), who used this spelling: in prehistoric times, before the age of writing, it may be assumed for certain that this verb had a v throughout, as in Gothic: [Ulf. qiman, i. e. qwiman, = ἔρχεσθαι; A. S. cuman; Engl. come; O. H. G. queman; Germ. kommen; Dutch komen; Dan. komme; Swed. komma; Lat. venio, qs. gvenio; the Ormul. spells cumenn, indicating a long root vowel; cp. North. E. coom.]
    A. To come; sá þeirra sem fyrr kæmi, Fms. ix. 373; konungr kom norðr til Túnsbergs, 375; kómu Finnar heim, i. 9; þeir mágar kómu ór hjúkólfi, Sturl. ii. 124; kömr hann á konungs fund, Fms. ix. 221; þá vóru þeir norðan komnir, 308; hér er nú komin ær ein kollótt, Sturl. i. 159, passim.
    2. to become, arrive; bréf kómu frá Skúla jarli, Fms. ix. 375; ef svá síðarliga kömr skip til hlunns, Sks. 28; en er vár kom, Eg. 167; koma at máli við e-n, to have an interview, talk with one, 467; konungi kom njósn, Fms. vii. 57; þá komu honum þau tíðendi, i. 37; þetta kom allt fyrir Ingimar, vii. 114; kom honum þat (it came to him, he got it) fyrir útan fé, en engum kom fyrr, x. 394; hvat sem á bak kemr, whatsoever may befall, Nj. 193; koma e-m at haldi, or í hald, to avail oneself, 192, Fms. x. 413; koma at gagni, to ‘come in useful,’ be of use, Nj. 264; koma at úvörum, to come at unawares, Ld. 132; koma e-m fyrir úvart, id., Fms. xi. 290; koma á úvart, Nj. 236; koma í þörf = koma í gagn, Fms. vii. 14; hvar kom kapp þitt þá? Bs. i. 18; mál koma í dóm, to be brought up for judgment, Fms. vii. 115; líðr vetrinn, kemr þar ( that time comes) er menn fara til Gulaþings, Eg. 340; var þá svá komit, at allir menn vóru sofa farnir, 376; kom svá ( it came to pass) at Bárði var heitið meyjunni, 26; svá kemr, kemr þar, at, it comes to pass. Fb. i. 174, ii. 48, 68; láta koma, to let come, put; síðan létu þeir koma eld í spánuna, Fms. xi. 34.
    3. in greeting; kom heill, welcome! kom heill ok sæll, frændi! Nj. 175: mod. komdu (kondu) sæll! komið þér sælir!
    II. with prepp.; koma á, to hit; ef á kömr, Grág. ii. 7:—koma at, to come to, arrive, happen; láttu at því koma, let it be so, Dropl. 24; kom þat mjök optliga at honum, of sickness, Fms. vii. 150; kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, sleep came upon them, Nj. 104; koma at hendi, to happen; mikill vandi er kominn at hendi, 177, Hom. 80; koma at e-u, to come at, regain, recover; koma at hamri, Þkv. 32:—koma fram, to come forth, appear, stund var í milli er þeir sá framstafninn ok inn eptri kom fram, Fms. ii. 304; engin kom önnur vistin fram, Eg. 549; nú eru öll sóknar-gögn fram komin, Nj. 143: to emerge, hann kom fram í Danmörk, Hkr. i. 210, 277, Ísl. ii. 232, Eg. 23, Landn. 134, Orkn. 152: to arrive, sendimenn fóru ok fram kómu, Fms. xi. 27; reifa mál þau fyrst er fyrst eru fram komin, each in its turn, Grág. i. 64: to be fulfilled, happen, því er á þínum dögum mun fram koma, Ld. 132; nú mun þat fram komit sem ek sagða, Eg. 283; kom nú fram spásagan Gests, Ld. 286; öll þessi merki kómu fram ok fylldusk, Stj. 444; aldrei skal maðr arf taka eptir þann mann er hann vegr, eðr ræðr bana fram kominn, whom he has slain, or whose death he has devised with effect, Grág. ii. 113; staðar-prýði flest fram komin, Bs. i. 146; vera langt fram kominn, mod. áfram kominn, to be ‘in extremis,’ at the point of death, 644; er sú frásögn eigi langt fram komin, this story comes from not far off, i. e. it is derived from first, not second hand, Fms. viii. 5:—koma fyrir, to come as payment, tvau hundrað skyldu koma fyrir víg Snorra (of weregild), Sturl. ii. 158; henni kvaðsk aldri hefnt þykkja Kjartans, nema Bolli kæmi fyrir, Ld. 240; allt mun koma fyrir eitt, it will come to the same, Lv. 11, Nj. 91, Fms. i. 208; koma fyrir ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail, Ísl. ii. 215, Fms. vi. 5:—koma í, to enter, come in, a fisherman’s term; koma í drátt, to hook a fish; at í komi með ykkr Þorbrandssonum, that ye and the Th. come to loggerheads, Eb. 80:—koma með, to come with a thing, to bring; kondu með það, fetch it!—koma til, to come to; vera kann at eigi spillisk þótt ek koma til, Eg. 506; nú er rétt lögruðning til ykkar komin, Nj. 236; koma til ríkis, to come to a kingdom, Eg. 268; þeir létu til hans koma um alla héraðs-stjórn, Fs. 44: to befall, kom svá til efnis, it so happened, Mar.; þeim hlutum sem hafinu kunni opt til at koma, Stj. 105, Sks. 323: to mean, signify, en hvar kom þat til er hann sagði, Ó. H. 87; ef þat kom til annars, en þess er hann mælti, id.: to cause, hygg ek at meir komi þar til lítilmennska, Eb. 172; konungr spurði hvat til bæri úgleði hans, hann kvað koma til mislyndi sína, Fms. vi. 355, Fb. ii. 80, Band. 29 new Ed.: to concern, þetta mál er eigi kom síðr til yðvar en vár, Fms. vii. 130; þetta mál kemr ekki til þín, Nj. 227; þat er kemr til Knúts, Fms. v. 24; þat er til mín kemr, so far as I am concerned, iv. 194; hann kvað þetta mál ekki til sín koma, vi. 100; þeir eru orðmargir ok láta hvervetna til sín koma, meddle in all things, 655 xi. 2: to belong to, skulu þeir gjalda hinum slíka jörð sem til þeirra kemr, proportionally, Jb. 195; kemr þat til vár er lögin kunnum, Nj. 149; sú sök er tylptar-kviðr kömr til, Grág. i. 20; tylptar-kviðar á jafnan á þingi at kveðja, þar sem hann kömr til saka, ii. 37; þá er komit til þessa gjalds ( it is due), er menn koma í akkeris-sát, 408: to help, avail, koma til lítils, to come to little, be of small avail, Nj. 149, Fms. vi. 211; at göra litla fésekt, veit ek eigi hvat til annars kemr, I am not aware what else will do, I believe that will meet the case best, Band. 36 new Ed.; koma til, to ‘come to,’ of a person in a swoon, etc.; veit ek eigi til hvers koma mun sú tiltekja Fb. i. 177, Fms. xi. 103; hvar til þessi svör skulu koma, i. 3; það kemr til, it will all come right; kom þar til með kóngum tveim, two kings came to a quarrel, Skíða R. 48: to be of value, importance, authority, þótti allt meira til hans koma, Fas. i. 16; hvart sem til hans kæmi meira eðr minna, Fms. xi. 76; sverð þat er til kom hálf mörk gulls, Ld. 32; svá fémikill at til kómu tuttugu merkr gulls, Fms. xi. 85; mér þykir lítið til hans koma, I think little of him:—koma saman, to come together, live together, marry, K. Á. 134: to agree, þat kom saman með þeim, they agreed on it, Dropl. 9, Gísl. 41; kom þat ásamt með þeim, id., Fb. i. 168; koma vel ásamt, to agree well, Nj. 25:—koma undir e-n, to come unto one, ef undir oss bræðr skal koma kjörit, if we are to choose, Nj. 192; öll lögmæt skil þau er undir mik koma á þessu þingi, 239: to depend on, það er mikit undir komið, at …, be of importance:—koma upp, to come up, break out; kom þá upp grátr fyrir henni, she burst into tears, Fms. ix. 477; er lúðrar kvæði við, ok herblástr kæmi upp, v. 74; er seiðlætin kómu upp, Ld. 152; eldr kom upp, fire came up, Ölk. 35, (hence elds-uppkoma, an upcome of fire, an eruption); ef nokkut kemr síðan sannara upp, Fms. vii. 121: þá kom þat upp at hann hafði beðit hennar, Eg. 587; kom þat upp af tali þeirra, at …, Fms. vii. 282; þat kom upp ( it ended so) at hverr skyldi vera vin annars, i. 58: to turn up, ek ætla mér góðan kost hvárn sem upp kemr, Eg. 715; mun nú hamingjan skipta hverr upp kemr, 418; at sakar görðisk eða upp kæmi, Grág. i. 27; skaut til Guðs sínu máli, ok bað hann láta þat upp koma er hann sæi at bazt gegni, Ó. H. 195, Stj. 385:—koma við, to touch, hit; sé eigi komið við, if it is not touched, Grág. ii. 65; komit var við hurðina, Fas. i. 30; at þeir skyldi koma við torfuna, Ld. 60; hefi ek aldrei svá reitt vápn at manni, at eigi hafi við komit, Nj. 185; hann kemr við margar sögur, he comes up, appears in many Sagas, Ld. 334; koma þeir allir við þessa sögu síðan, Nj. 30; sem ek kom við (as I mentioned, touched upon) í morgin, Fms. ii. 142; er mestr er, ok úskapligast komi við, Ld. 118: to fit, þat kemr lítt við, ‘tis not meet, it won’t do, Lv. 20; mun ek gefa þér tveggja dægra byr þann er bezt kemr við, Fas. iii. 619: koma við, to land, call; þeir vóru komnir við Ísland, Eg. 128; þeir kómu við Hernar, Nj. 4; þeir kómu suðr við Katanes, 127; þeir kómu við sker ( struck on a skerry) ok brutu stýri sín, Fms. ix. 164; hann hafði komit við hval, he had struck against a whale, Sturl. ii. 164; hence in mod. usage, koma við, to call, make a short stay, also on land: to be added to, tekr heldr at grána gamanit ok koma kveðlingar við, i. 21; koma þær nætr við inar fyrri, Rb. 58; þá koma enn ellefu nætr við, 22:—koma yfir, to overcome, pass over; íss er yfir kömr, Hm. 81; hvert kveld er yfir kom, Finnb. 230; hryggleikr kom yfir, 623. 57; at sá dagr myndi ekki yfir koma, Sks. 111.
    B. With the dat. of the object, to make to come, put, bring, carry; páfa þess, er Kristni (dat.) kom á England, who Christianised England, Íb. 14; koma mönnum til réttrar trúar, Fms. i. 146; koma orðum við e-n, to speak to a person; görðisk hann styggr svá at fáir menn máttu orðum við hann koma, i. e. that no one could come to words with him, Eg. 3; hann görði sik svá reiðan, at ekki mátti orðum við hann koma, Fms. i. 83, xi. 293; koma vélræðum við e-n, to plan against one, Eg. 49; koma flugu í munn e-m, Nj. 64, 68; þú skalt ekki láta í skorta at koma þeim í (málit) með þér, 271; hann skyldi koma Þór í Geirröðar-garða, make Thor come to G., Edda 60; hann kom Þorhaddi heilum yfir ána, he brought Th. safe across the river, Þorst. Síðu H. 181; koma kaupi, to bring about a bargain, Gþl. 415; koma e-m í hel, to put one to death, Anal. 233; koma e-m til falls, to make one fall, Edda 34; koma e-m í sætt, Fs. 9; mun ek koma þér í sætt við konung, Eg. 227; hann kom sér í mikla kærleika við jarlinn, Nj. 268; koma sér í þjónustu, Fs. 84; koma sér vel, to put oneself in favour, be engaging; ek hefi komit mér vel hjá meyjum, Kormak; þeir komu sér vel við alla, Fas. iii. 529, Fs. 96, Nj. 66; koma sér ílla, to make oneself hated; það kemr sér ílla, it is ill seen, unpleasant; as also, það kemr sér vel, a thing is agreeable, acceptable; koma e-u til leiðar, to effect, make, Nj. 250, Eb. 118; koma e-u til vegar, id., Ld. 320; koma tölu á, to put, count on, count, number, Anal. 217; koma friði, sættum á, to bring peace, agreement about: hann kom þeim á flótta, he put them to flight, Fms. vii. 235; tóku þar allt er þeir kómu höndum á, all they could catch, ix. 473; koma e-m ór eldi, Fb. i. 300; tók hann merkit ok kom því (put it, hid it) í millum klæða sinna, Nj. 274: Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, 115; allt þat er bitið var ok blóði kom út á, where it was bitten so as to make blood flow, Fms. vii. 187.
    II. with prepp.; koma e-u fram, to effect; koma fram ferð, máli, Nj. 102; til lítils þætti þat koma, en enginn kvæmi sínu máli fram þótt til alþingis væri stefnt, 149, Fb. ii. 90; þat skal aldri verða at hann komi þessu fram, Eg. 765; ef ek kem hefndum fram, Ld. 262; koma fram lögum við e-n. Eg. 722:—koma e-u á, to bring about, introduce:—koma e-u af, to abolish; þó fékk hann því ekki af komit, Bs. i. 165; koma e-u af sér, to get rid of, Fs. 96, Eb. 40, 41:—koma e-u fyrir, to arrange; koma e-m fyrir, to get a place for one; hann kom honum fyrir í skóla: to destroy (fyrir-koma), hann kom hverjum hesti fyrir, Glúm. 356:—koma e-u upp, to open; áðr ek kom henni upp, before I could open it, Fms. iii. 74; kerling tekr hörpuna ok vildi upp koma ( open), nú fær hón upp komit hörpunni, Fas. i. 233; hann mátti lengi eigi orði upp koma fyrir harmi, it was long before he could speak, utter a word, Fms. vi. 234; sá svarar er mátti máli upp koma, vii. 288:—koma e-m undir, to overthrow one, get one down; varð at kenna afls-munar áðr hann kæmi honum undir, Eb. 172:—koma e-m undan, to make one escape. Fms. vii. 265, 623. 18:—ek ætla at koma mér útan, I think to go abroad, Nj. 261:—koma e-u við, to bring about, effect, to be able to do; ek mun veita þér slíkt sem ek má mér við koma, as I can, Nj.; þú munt öðru koma við en gabba oss, Anal. 77; hann kom því við ( brought about) at engi skyldi fara með vápn, Fms. vii. 240; ef váttum kvæmi við, in a case where witnesses were at hand, Íb. 12; liðit flýði allt þat er því kom við, all that could fled, Eg. 529; Guðmundr hafði almanna-lof hversu hann kom sér við ( how he behaved) þessum málum, Nj. 251; komi þeir til er því koma við, who can, Gþl. 371; menn skyldi tala hljótt ef því kæmi við, Sturl. iii. 147; ef því kemr við, if it is possible, Gþl. 429; urðu þeir at flýja sem því kómu við, Fb. ii. 187; ekki mun oss þetta duga, at hann komi boganum við, Nj. 96.
    C. Reflex. komask, to come to the end, get through, reach, Lat. pervenire; the difference between the active and reflex. is seen from such phrases as, hann kemr ef hann kemst, he will come if he can; or, eg komst ekki á stað, I could not get off; eg komst ekki fyrir íllviðri, I could not come for bad weather; or, to come into a certain state, with the notion of chance, hap, komask í lífs háska, to come into danger of life; komask í skipreika, to be shipwrecked, and the like; Þorfinnr kom öngu hljóði í lúðrinn, ok komsk eigi upp blástrinn, Fms. ix. 30; komask á fætr, to get on one’s legs, Eg. 748; hann komsk við svá búit í ríki sitt, Hkr. i. 76; meina honum vötn eða veðr svá at hann má ekki komask til þess staðar, Grág. i. 496; hann komsk með sundi til lands, Eg. 261; kómusk sauðirnir upp á fjallit fyrir þeim, Nj. 27; ef Gunnarr færi eigi utan ok mætti hann komask, 111; ef maðr byrgir mann inni í húsi, svá at hann má eigi út komask, so that he cannot get out, Grág. ii. 110; en allt fólk flýði með allt lausa-fé er með fékk komisk, with all the property they could carry with them, Fms. i. 153; ek komumk vel annar-staðar út, þótt hér gangi eigi, Nj. 202; komask á milli manna, to get oneself among people, intrude oneself, 168; komsk hann í mestu kærleika við konung, Eg. 12; komask at orði, to come by a word, to express oneself; einsog hann að orði komsk, passim.
    II. with prepp.; komast á, to get into use; það komst á:—komask af, to get off, escape, save one’s life; hann bað menn duga svá at af kæmisk skipit, Fms. x. 98; tveir druknuðu, en hinir kómusk af:—komask at e-u, to get at a thing, procure; mörgum manns-öldrum síðarr komsk at bók þeirri Theodosius, Niðrst. 10; Hrani gat komisk at trúnaði margra ríkra manna, Fms. iv. 62; þú hefir at þessum peningum vel komisk, ‘tis money well gotten, i. 256; eigi skaltú ílla at komask, thou shall not get it unfairly, vii. 124:—komast eptir, to enquire into, get information of:—komask fyrir, to prevent, come in another’s way:—koma hjá e-u, to evade, pass by, escape doing:—komast til e-s, to come towards, and metaph. to have time for a thing, ek komst ekki til þess, I have no time; eg komst ekki til að fara:—komask undan, to escape; allt þat lið er undan komsk, Eg. 261; ekki manns barn komsk undan, Fms. xi. 387; komask undan á flótta, Eg. 11:—komask við, to be able; komusk þeir ekki í fyrstu við atlöguna, Fms. vii. 264; ef hann vill refsa údáða-mönnum, ok má þó við komask, N. G. L. i. 123; brenn allt ok bæl, sem þú mátt við komask, Fær. 64; ef ek viðr of kœmimk, Hbl. 33; þá er ek komumk við, Eg. 319; komask við veðri, to get abroad, Rd. 252; hann lét þat ekki við veðri komask, Fms. vii. 165: to be touched (við-kvæmni), hann komsk við mjök ok felldi tár, iii. 57; eða hann komisk við ( repent) ok hverfi aptr at íllsku sinni, Greg. 41; þá komsk mjök við inn válaði, svá at hann matti eigi lengi orði upp koma fyrir harmi, Fms. vi. 234; þá komsk hón við ákaflega mjök, Clem. 32; með við komnu hjarta, with a touched heart, Bs. i. 561, Karl. 166:—komask yfir e-t, to overcome, get hold of; er hann komsk yfir fét, Bárð. 175.
    D. Part. kominn, in special phrases; inn komni maðr, a new comer, stranger, Gullþ. 47; at kominn, arrived; hinn aðkomni maðr, a guest; at kominn, just come to, on the brink of; kominn at andláti, at dauða, to be at the last gasp; var at komit, at …, it was on the point of happening, that …, Str. 8; vóru þeir mjök at komnir ( much exhausted) svá magrir vóru þeir, Fas. iii. 571:—heill kominn, hail! Blas. 42; vel kominn, welcome! vertu vel kominn! ver með oss vel kominn, Þiðr. 319, Fs. 158; hann bað þá vera vel komna, passim; so also, það er vel komið, ‘it is welcome,’ i. e. with great pleasure, granting a favour:—placed, ertu maðr sannorðr ok kominn nær frétt, Nj. 175; Pétri var svá nær komit, P. was so closely pursued, Fms. ix. 48; ok nú eigi allfjarri yðr komit, xi. 123; svá vel er sá uppsát komin, at …, ix. 368: situated, hann (the hospital) er kominn á fjall upp, is situated on a fell, Symb. 18; útsker þat er komit af þjóðleið, Eg. 369: metaph., vel, ílla kominn, well placed, in good, bad estate; ek þykjumk hér vel kominn; hann var vel til náms kominn, he was in a good place for learning, Bs. i. 153; þat fé er ílla komit er fólgit er í jörðu, Grett. 39 new Ed.; mér þykkir son minn hvergi betr kominn, methinks my son is nowhere better off, in better hands, Fms. vi. 5; lítt ertú nú kominn, Njarð. 376; þykkjumk ek hér vel kominn með þér, Nj. 258:—kominn af, or frá e-m, come of, descended from, Landn., Eb., passim:—kominn á sik vel, in a good state, accomplished, Orkn. 202; hverjum manni betr á sik kominn, Ld. 110; kominn á sik manna bezt, Ísl. ii. 203: vera á legg kominn, to be grown up, Fms. xi. 186; vera svá aldrs kominn, to be of such an age, Fs. 4, 13, Sturl. iii. 100, Fms. xi. 56; hér er allvel á komit, it suits well enough, Bs. i. 531: hann sagði henni hvar þá var komit, how matters stood, Nj. 271, Fms. ii. 152; hann undi vel við þar sem komit var, as it stood, in statu quo, Nj. 22; Sveinn segir honum sem komit var þessu máli, Fms. ii. 159; at svá komnu, as matters stand, Bs. i. 317; málum várum er komit í únýtt efni, Nj. 164, 190:—vera kominn til e-s, to be entitled to, have due to one; ef hann fengi þat er hann var eigi til kominn, Fms. x. 7; þeir er til einskis eru komnir, ix. 248; fá þeir margir af yðr sæmd mikla er til minna eru komnir, en hann, Eg. 111; þeim til sæmdar er til þess er kominn, Sks. 311, rétt komnir til konungdóms, rétt kominn til Noregs, right heir to the kingdom, to Norway, Fms. ix. 332; lézk Sigvaldi nú kominn til ráða við Astríði, xi. 104: fit for, entitled to, hann þótti vel til kominn at vera konungr yfir Danmörk, i. 65: shapen, þetta mál er svá til komit, vii. 130; sagðisk hann eigi verr til manns kominn en Sturla bróðir hans, Sturl.; eigi þóttusk þeir til minna vera komnir fyrir ættar sakir, entitled to less, Eb. 17.
    II. part. pres. komandi, a new comer, stranger, Fbr. 168, Stj. 525: one to come, future generations, verandum ok viðr-komendum, N. G. L. i. 121; allir menn verandi ok eptir-komandi, D. I. i. 3; komendr, pl. guests, comers.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > KOMA

  • 67 SEGJA

    * * *
    (segi, sagða, sagðr), v.
    1) to say, tell (seg þú mér þat, er ek spyr þik);
    þeir sögðu, at þeir skyldu aldri upp gefast, they said they would never yield;
    segja e-m leið, to tell the way, esp. on the sea, to pilot;
    segja tíðendi, to tell news;
    impers. it is told (hér segir frá Birni bunu);
    sem áðr sagði, as was told before;
    segjanda er allt vin sínum, all can be told to a friend;
    2) to say, declare, in an oath;
    ek segi þat guði (Æsi), I declare to God (to the ‘Áss’);
    3) law phrases;
    segja sik í þing, lög, to declare oneself member of a community;
    segja sik ór þingi, lögum, to declare oneself out of, withdraw from, a community;
    segja skilit við konu, to declare oneself separated from, divorce, one’s wife;
    segja fram sök, to declare one’s case;
    segja lög, to recite the law, of the lögsögumaðr;
    4) to signify, mean (þetta segir svá);
    5) with preps., segja e-n af e-u, to declare one off a thing, take it from him;
    segja e-t á e-n, to impose on (bœta at þeim hluta, sem lög segði á hann); to announce (segja á reiði, úsátt sína);
    segja eptir e-m, to tell tales of one;
    segja frá e-u, to tell, relate;
    Unnr, er ek sagða þér frá, U. of whom I told thee;
    segja fyrir e-u, to prescribe (svá var með öllu farit, sem hann hafði fyrir sagt);
    segja fyrir skipi, to bid God-speed to a ship;
    segja e-t fyrir, to predict, foretell (segja fyrir úorðna hluti);
    segja e-u sundr, í sundr, to break up, dissolve (segja sundr friði, frændsemi, hjúskap);
    segja til e-s, to tell, inform of (segit honum ekki til, hvat þér hafit gört við hrossit);
    segja til nafns síns, segja til sín, to tell (give) one’s name;
    segja upp e-t, to pronounce (segja upp dóm, gørð);
    segja upp lög, to proclaim the law (from the law-hill);
    segja e-n upp, to give one up;
    segja upp e-u, to declare at an end (segja upp friði, griðum);
    segja upp þjónustu við e-n, to leave one’s service;
    6) refl., segjast, to declare of oneself;
    hann sagðist þá vaka, he said that he was awake;
    kristnir menn ok heiðnir sögðust hvárir ór lögum annarra, they declared themselves each out of the other’s laws;
    láta (sér) segjast, to let oneself be spoken to, listen to reason;
    impers., e-m segist svá, one’s tale runs so.
    * * *
    pres. segi, segir, segi, pl. segjum, segit, segja; pret. sagði, pl. sögðu; pres. subj. segja; pret. segða, segðir, segði; imperat. seg, segðú; part. sagðr: doubtful forms are sagat, sagaðr, Merl. 2. 4: a pres. indic. seg, segr, ek seg, Grág. i. 64, 134; segr hann, Fms. x. 421; segsk, Grág.i. 159, ii. 57: with a neg. suff. segr-at, Grág. ii. 214; sagðit, Hým. 14; segit-a, tell ye not! Vkv. 21: an older form seggja with a double g is suggested in Lex. Poët. in two or three passages, cp. A. S. secgan, as also seggr; but in Haustl. l. c. the g in ‘sagna’ is soft, and not hard (gg) as in mod. Icel. pronunciation, and sagna would fairly rhyme with segjaandum: [a word common to all Teut. languages, except that, strangely enough, no Goth. form is recorded, for Ulf. renders λαλειν, λέγειν, εἰπειν, by maþljan, quiþan, rodjan; so it may be that the earliest sense was not to say = Lat. dicere, but a limited one, to tell, proclaim; A. S. secgan; Engl. say; Dan. sige; Swed. segja.]
    A. To say, in the oldest poems chiefly,
    I. to tell, report, Lat. narrare, dicere; segðu, imperat. tell thou me! say! Vþm. 11, 13, 15. 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Alm. 10, 12, 14, 16. etc., Skm. 3; segðu mér ór helju ek man ór heimi, Vtkv. 6; atgeirinn sagði ( foretold) manns bana, eins eðr fleiri, Nj. 119; mér segir svá hugr um, my mind tells me, I have a foreboding; eigi segir mér vel hugr um þessa ferð, Ld. 366; sagði honum mjök úvænt hugr um hennar hag, Fms. x. 215; sagðit honum hugr vel þá, Hým. 14; seg oss draum þinn, Nj. 95; hann segir honum greiniliga slíkt er hann spurði, Fms. ii. 99; þessi saga er nú ætlu vér at segja, viii. 1 (see saga); hann spurði hvers synir þeir væri,—þeir sögðu, Nj. 125; fór sveinninn ok sagði til Haralds, Fms. vii. 167; hvat hark var þat?—Honum var sagt, 168; svá hafa spakir menn sagt, Ib. 6; svá sagði Þorkell oss, 5; svá sagði Teitr oss, id.; svá sagði oss Úlfhéðinn Gunnarsson, 9; þenna atburð sagði Teitr oss, at því es Kristni kom á Ísland, 13; en Hallr sagði oss svá, 15; svá sagði hann oss, id.; en honum sagði Þórarinn bróðir hans, 16; es sannliga es sagt, at fyrst færi til Íslands, 4; hvatki er missagt es í fræðum þessum (pref.); þar sagði hann eigi koma dag á vetr, Landn. (pref.); svá segja vitrir menn, … en svá er sagt, 25; svá sagði Sæmundr prestr enn fróði, 27; er svá sagt, at honum hafi flestir hlutir höfðingligast gefnir verit, Nj. 254: of inscriptions, writing, segja þær (the Runes) formála þenna allan, Eg. 390; segja bækr, at …, 625. 88; skal sú skrá hafa sitt mál, er lengra segir, Grág. i. 7: segja leið, to tell the way, to guide, esp. on the sea, to pilot, Fms. xi. 123, Eg. 359 (leið-sögn, leiðsögu-maðr):—to tell, bid, far þú ok seg Agli, at þeir búisk þaðan fimmtán, Nj. 94; hann sendi húskarl at segja Steinari, at hann færði bústað sinn, to tell S. to change his abode, Eg. 749; segðu honum að koma, tell him to come!
    2. with prepp.; segja eptir e-m, to tell tales of one, inform against, Al. 125; hann sagði eptir mér, segðu ekki eptir mér!—s. frá e-u (frá-sögn), to tell, relate, Nj. 96; þar er hón nú, Unnr, er ek sagða þér frá, U., of whom I told thee, 3; eigi má ofsögum segja frá vitsmunum þínum, Ld. 132: s. fyrir, to dictate, Fms. vii. 226, Fb. iii. 533, Nj. 256: to foretel, Rb. 332; s. fyrir úorðna hluti, Fms. i. 76, viii. 5: segja fyrir skipi, to bid Godspeed to a ship (on her first voyage), ix. 480: to prescribe, Ld. 54; þeir sigldu um nóttina, en hann sagði fyrir ( piloted) með viti ok gæfu, Bs. i. 562: s. manni fyrir jörðu, to give notice as to the redemption of an estate, Gþl. 295–297, 301 sqq.:—segja til, to give up; s. til nafns sins, to give one’s name (on being asked), Hbl.; hvat er nafn höfðingja yðvars? Rútr segir til sin. R. told his name (said, my name is R.) Nj. 8; sagði Örnólfr til svá-felldra itaka, Dipl. i. 1; skal ek hér fá þér sæmd ok virðing, þá er þú kannt mér sjálfr til s., Eg. 312.
    3. impers. it is told: hér hefsk Landnáma-bok, ok segir í hinum fyrsta kapitula, hversn, Landn. 24: hér segir frá Birni bunu, 39; segir nokkut af hans orrostum, Fms. viii. 3; sem segir í sögu hans, i. 4 (see saga); sem áðr sagði, … sem sagði fyrr, as was told before, x. 382, 410.
    II. to say, pronounce, declare; eg seg þat Guði, I declare to God (in an oath, cp. Engl. ‘so help me, God’), Grág. i. 64, 134; ok segi ek þat Æsi, Glúm. 388.
    2. so in the law phrases, segja sik í þing, lög, and the like, to declare oneself in a community, to enter a community under the law; as also, segja sik ór þingi, lögum, to declare oneself out of, to withdraw from, a community, Grág. and the Sagas passim; segja skilit við konu, to declare oneself separated from, to divorce one’s wife, Nj. 50; segja þing laust, to declare a meeting at an end, Grág, i. 116:—segja lög, to say the law, used of the speaker’s (lögsögu-maðr) decisions; syni Erlings segi ek engi lög, i. e. I give no sentence for him, Fms. ix. 331: iron., sögðu sverð þeirra ein lög öllum Svíum, ii. 315; s. prófan (á) málum, K. Á. 216; s. dóm, to give sentence.
    3. with prepp.; s. e-n af e-n, to ‘declare a person off a thing,’ i. e. take it from him; hann sagði Vastes af drottningar-dómi ok öllu því ríki, Sks. 462; þá er hann þegar sagðr af lærðra manna tign, 694; skipta svá miklum ríkdómi, ok segja hann af einhverjum ok til annars, i. e. to take it from one and give it to another, Fms. ix. 330; þann dag segja lög mann at aptni af griði, Grág. i. 146; s. e-n afhendan, to declare a person off one’s hands, give him up, Fs. 34:—s. e-t á, to announce:þú skalt segja á reiði mína, Nj. 216; s. á úsátt sína, 256; bæta at þeim hluta sem lög segði á hann, as the law declared, imposed, Fms. x. 152:—s. aptr, to break up, dissolve; s. friði aptr, N. G. L. i. 103:—segja sundr = segja aptr, s. sundr griðum, frændsemi, Fms. ix. 276, x. 133, Fas. ii. 136:—s. fram, to say, pronounce, esp. of pleading, to read; s. fram sök and the like, Grág., Nj. passim:—s. fyrir, see l. 2:—s. upp, to pronounce; er hann hafði þenna kost upp sagðan, Fms. xi. 284: segja upp görð, dóm, sætt, to pronounce sentence, as a judge or umpire, Grág., Nj. Band. 12, passim; s. upp lög, to proclaim the law from the law-hill (the act was called upp-saga), Ib. 17, Bs. i. 25; at hann segði upp lögin, Nj. 164: s. e-n upp, to give one up, Sturl. iii. 181 C: segja e-u upp, to declare at an end; segja upp friði, griðum, Fms. x. 133; segja upp þjónustu við e-n, to leave one’s service, Hkr. iii. 68. to speak, talk; skaut konungr á erendi, talaði hátt ok hvellt ok segir svá—þat er …, Fms. i. 215; ‘þenna kost viljum vér,’ segir Skapti, Nj. 150; ‘frauva,’ segir hann, ‘þat er satt er þú mælir,’ Fms. x. 421. 2. in a dialogue: segir hann, segir hón, says he, says she, etc.; ‘Kenni ek víst,’ segir Otkell,—‘Hverr á,’ segir Skamkell; ‘Melkólfr þræll,’ segir Otkell,—‘Kenna skulu þá fleiri,’ segir Skamkell, ‘en vit tveir,’ 75; Gunnarr mælti—‘Veiztú hvat þér mun verða at bana?’—‘Veit ek,’ segir Njáll,—‘Hvat?’ segir Gunnarr;—‘Þat sem allir munn sízt ætla,’ segir Njáll, 85; and so in countless instances.
    IV. to signify, mean; þetta segir svá, Fms. viii. 239; ‘fiat voluntas tua,’ þat segir svá, ‘verði þinn vili,’ Hom. 157.
    B. Reflex. to declare of oneself; hann sagðisk þá vaka, he said that he was awake, Nj. 153; sagðisk Haraldr vilja leggja við hann vináttu, Fms. i. 53; þeir sem sögðusk segja fyrir úvorðna hluti, 76; at þú sér annarr en þú segisk, Fas. ii. 544, freq. esp. in mod. usage, for the old writers in this case prefer kveðsk, káðusk (from kveða).
    II. as a law phrase, þú segsk í þing með Áskatli goða, Nj. 231; maðr skal segjask í þing með goða þeim er hann vill, Grág. i. 159; nefndu hvárir vátta, Kristnir menn ok heiðnir, ok sögðusk hvárir ór lögum annarra, Nj. 164 (Id. 11, Bs. i. 22); hón sagðisk í ætt sína, she told her origin, i. e. she was exactly like her parents, Njarð. 382: impers. phrase, e-m segisk svá, one’s tale runs so; honum sagðisk svá til, his story runs; or, honum segist vel, he speaks well; honum sagðist vél í dag, he preached well to-day! það segist á e-u, there is a penalty on it, ‘tis not allowed; láta sér segjask. to let oneself be spoken to, be reasonable, Am. 29, and in mod. usage.
    III. part., sönnu sagðr, convicted of, Sdm. 25; Jupiter vill vita hvárt hann er sönnu sagðr, if the charge is true, Bret. 12: gerund., in the saying, segjanda er allt vin sínum, all can be said to a friend, one can open one’s, heart to him. Eg. 330.
    IV. pass. it is said; svá segisk, at …, Fms. i. 98; þessi kvikendi segjask augnafull umhverfis, Hom. 48; hann segisk ( is said to be, Lat. dicitur) skapaðr ór jörðn, Eluc. 21; segist í hverri viku sálu-messa, Dipl. i. 8; Zabulon, þat má hér segjast bygging, Stj.; ef nokkut riptist eðr af segðist, Dipl. iii. 11; segist þetta með öngu móti aptr, cannot be refuted, Fms. ix. 476, Hom. 154; af sögðum bæjum, aforesaid, Vm. 84; fyrr-sagðr, aforesaid; but this passive is unclassical, being taken from the Latin, and rare even in mod. usage.
    V. segendr, part. pl. (seggendr, with a double g. Haustl.), sayers, reporters; sjáendr eða segendr, Grág. ii. 88. segjands-saga, u, f. a hearsay tale; skoluð ér hér vera ok sjá þau tíðendi er hér görask, er yðr þá eigi segjanz-saga til, þvíat ér skolut frá segja ok yrkja um síðan, Ó. H. 206; hence the mod. það er segin saga, a told tale, a thing of course [cp. Fr. ca va sans dire].

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SEGJA

  • 68 to

    to [tu:, tə]
    ► When to is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg apply to, set to, look up the verb. When to is part of a set combination, eg nice to, of help to, look up the adjective or noun.
       a. (direction, movement) à
    à + le = au, à + les = aux.
    to it ( = there) y
    I liked the exhibition, I went to it twice j'ai aimé l'exposition, j'y suis allé deux fois
       b. ( = towards) vers
       c. (home, workplace) chez
    to + feminine country/area en
    to England/France en Angleterre/France
    to Brittany/Provence en Bretagne/Provence
    to Sicily/Crete en Sicile/Crète
    to Louisiana/Virginia en Louisiane/Virginie
    en is also used with masculine countries beginning with a vowel.
    to Iran/Israel en Iran/Israël
    to + masculine country/area au
    to Japan/Kuwait au Japon/Koweït
    to the Sahara/Kashmir au Sahara/Cachemireto + plural country/group of islands aux
    to the United States/the West Indies aux États-Unis/Antillesto + town/island without article à
    to London/Lyons à Londres/Lyon
    to Cuba/Malta à Cuba/Malte
    is this the road to Newcastle? est-ce que c'est la route de Newcastle ?
    it is 90km to Paris ( = from here to) nous sommes à 90 km de Paris ; ( = from there to) c'est à 90 km de Paris
    planes to Heathrow les vols mpl à destination de Heathrowto + masculine state/region/county dans
    to Texas/Ontario dans le Texas/l'Ontario
    to Sussex/Yorkshire dans le Sussex/le Yorkshire
    dans is also used with many départements.
    to the Drôme/the Var dans la Drôme/le Var
       e. ( = up to) jusqu'à
       f. ► to + person (indirect object) à
    ► When a relative clause ends with to, a different word order is required in French.
    ► When translating to + pronoun, look up the pronoun. The translation depends on whether it is stressed or unstressed.
       i. ( = concerning) that's all there is to it ( = it's easy) ce n'est pas plus difficile que ça
    you're not going, and that's all there is to it ( = that's definite) tu n'iras pas, un point c'est tout
       j. ( = of) de
    ► A preposition may be required with the French infinitive, depending on what precedes it: look up the verb or adjective.
    ► The French verb may take a clause, rather than the infinitive.
    well, to sum up... alors, pour résumer...
    we are writing to inform you... nous vous écrivons pour vous informer que...
    to is not translated when it stands for the infinitive.
    he'd like me to come, but I don't want to il voudrait que je vienne mais je ne veux pas
    yes, I'd love to oui, volontiers
    (plural to-dos)
    * * *
    1. [tə], devant une voyelle [tʊ, tuː], emphatique [tuː]

    he looked up to see... — en levant les yeux, il a vu...

    the youngest to dole or la plus jeune à faire

    ‘did you go?’ - ‘no I promised not to’ — ‘tu y es allé?’ - ‘non j'avais promis de ne pas le faire’

    ‘are you staying? ’ - ‘I want to but...’ — ‘tu restes?’ - ‘j'aimerais bien mais...’

    it is difficult to do something — il est difficile de faire quelque chose; ( expressing wish)

    oh to be able to stay in bed!hum ô pouvoir rester au lit!

    1) ( in direction of) à [shops, school]; ( with purpose of visiting) chez [doctor's, dentist's]; ( towards) vers
    2) ( up to) jusqu'à

    to the end/this day — jusqu'à la fin/ce jour

    to me/my daughter it's just a minor problem — pour moi/ma fille ce n'est qu'un problème mineur

    5) (in toasts, dedications) à

    to prosperity — à la prospérité; ( on tombstone)

    7) (in relationships, comparisons)
    10) ( belonging to) de

    personal assistant to the director — assistant/-e m/f du directeur

    11) ( on to) [tied] à; [pinned] à [noticeboard etc]; sur [lapel, dress]

    to his surprise/dismay — à sa grande surprise/consternation

    3. [tuː]
    adverb (colloq) ( closed) fermé

    that's all there is to it — ( it's easy) c'est aussi simple que ça; ( not for further discussion) un point c'est tout

    what a to-do! — (colloq) quelle histoire! (colloq)

    what's it to you? — (colloq) qu'est-ce que ça peut te faire?

    English-French dictionary > to

  • 69 часть

    ( конструкции) detail, fraction, island, part, portion, proportion, quantity
    * * *
    часть ж.
    1. part, piece; ( доля) portion, fraction
    частя́ми — portion-wise
    восстана́вливать часть ( ремонтом) — recondition a part
    подбира́ть ча́сти (друг к дру́гу), напр., по разме́ру — match parts for, e. g., size
    подгоня́ть [пригоня́ть] ча́сти (друг к дру́гу) — mate [match] parts
    2. (машины, агрегата) section, units
    3. ( уравнения) member, side
    в пра́вой ча́сти уравне́ния — on [in] the right side of the equation
    4. ( элемент) стр. member, part
    часть автофотоаппара́та, ка́мерная — camera body
    часть фотоаппарата́, объекти́вная — lens cone
    быстроизна́шиваемые ча́сти — wearing parts
    весова́я часть — part by weight
    взаимозаменя́емые ча́сти маш.interchangeable parts
    ча́сти в компле́кте — assorted parts, a kit of parts
    часть высо́кого давле́ния ( паровой турбины) — high-pressure section
    выступа́ющая часть — prominent [projecting] part, part extending over smth.; мн. ( корабля) appendages
    за́дняя часть — rear part; ( кузова мобиля) afterbody
    запасны́е ча́сти — spare [replacement] parts, spares
    пополня́ть запасны́е ча́сти — replenish (the block of) spares
    зара́мочная часть ( карты) — ( по бокам) edge; ( сверху и снизу) border, margin
    зара́мочная, восто́чная часть — right-hand edge of a map sheet
    зара́мочная, за́падная часть — left-hand edge of a map sheet
    зара́мочная, се́верная часть — top border [margin] of a map sheet
    зара́мочная, ю́жная часть — bottom border [margin] of a map sheet
    испари́тельная часть ( котлоагрегата) — evaporating section
    часть кома́нды, а́дресная вчт.address part of an instruction
    часть кома́нды, модифици́руемая вчт.indexing part of an instruction
    часть ко́мплексного числа́, действи́тельная — real part of a complex number
    часть ко́мплексного числа́, мни́мая — imaginary part of a complex number
    кормова́я часть ( судна) — stern
    часть крыла́, консо́льная — outboard wing
    часть крыла́, корнева́я — wing root
    часть крыла́, ожива́льная — ogive
    часть крыла́, отъё́мная — detachable part
    часть крыла́, пере́дняя — leading edge assembly
    часть крыла́, хвостова́я — [tailing] edge assembly
    часть крыла́, головна́я — forebody, nose (part)
    часть, кормова́я — afterbody
    часть носова́я — forebody, nose (part)
    с заострё́нной носово́й [m2]ча́стью— sharp-nosed
    с зату́пленной носово́й ча́стью — blunt-nosed
    часть локомоти́ва, экипа́жная — locomotive underframe
    материа́льная часть — material, equipment, physical facilities
    неподви́жная часть — stationary [static] part
    неразде́льная часть (чего-л. [m2]) — integral part (of smth.)
    голо́вка явля́ется неразде́льной ча́стью болта́ — the head is an integral part of a bolt
    нераствори́мая часть — insoluble part
    несу́щая часть ( конструкции) — load-carrying [load-bearing] part, load-carrying [load-bearing] member
    часть ни́зкого давле́ния ( паровой турбины) — low-pressure section
    носова́я часть ( судна) — bow
    часть обмо́тки, лобова́я эл.coil end
    опо́рная часть ( конструкции) — bearing part, bearing member
    отде́лочная часть — finishing part
    пере́дняя часть — front, forepart
    часть пове́рхности нагре́ва (ве́рхняя радиацио́нная) — top section of a radiant heating surface
    часть пове́рхности нагре́ва, горя́чая — hot section of a heating surface
    подви́жная часть ( измерительного прибора) — movement, moving element
    крепи́ть подви́жную часть на ке́рнах в подпя́тниках — mount the movement on pivots and jewel bearings [jewels]
    крепи́ть подви́жную часть на растя́жке — support the moving element on taut bands [on taut suspensions]
    подфюзеля́жная часть ав.belly section
    часть по́езда, хвостова́я — tail piece of a train
    часть пото́ка, вышерасполо́женная — upstream flow
    часть пото́ка, нижерасполо́женная — downstream flow
    прое́зжая часть доро́ги — roadway
    часть произведе́ния, мла́дшая — minor product
    часть произведе́ния, ста́ршая — major product
    прото́чная часть — ( гидротурбины) setting; ( парового котла) flow passage
    рабо́чая часть кали́бра — gauging member of a gauge
    рабо́чая часть шкалы́ — the effective range of a scale
    разро́зненные ча́сти — odd parts
    ре́жущая часть ( врубовой машины) — cutting end, cutting unit
    сме́нная часть — replacement part
    соедини́тельная часть — connector, connecting piece; мн. fittings
    часть сопла́, расширя́ющаяся — divergent [expanding] section of a nozzle
    часть сопла́, сужа́ющаяся — convergent section of a nozzle
    соплова́я часть ( двигателя) — nozzle end
    составна́я часть — ( сама входит в состав другой) component (part), constituent (part); ( обычно смесей) ingredient
    часть сре́днего давле́ния ( паровой турбины) — intermediate-pressure section
    часть то́плива, горю́чая — combustible matter of a fuel, dry-mineral-matter-free fuel; ракет. fuel component of a propellant
    часть то́плива, минера́льная — mineral matter of a fuel
    часть уравне́ния — side of an equation
    перенести́, напр. из ле́вой ча́сти уравне́ния в пра́вую — transpose a term from, e. g., the left-hand to the right-hand side
    приравня́ть, напр. ле́вую часть уравне́ния к нулю́ — equate e. g., the left-hand side to zero, set the left-hand side equal to zero
    часть уравне́ния, пра́вая — right(-hand) side of an equation, right(-hand) [second] member of an equation
    часть фюзеля́жа, за́дняя — rear fuselage
    часть фюзеля́жа, носова́я — forward [front] fuselage
    хвостова́я часть
    с зату́пленной хвостово́й ча́стью — blunt-based
    с клинови́дной хвостово́й ча́стью — wedge-tail(ed)
    2. ( котла) cooler parts
    ходова́я часть ( автомобиля) — driving gear, undercarriage
    часть числа́, дро́бная — fractional part of a number
    часть числа́, це́лая — integral part of a number
    часть числа́, цифрова́я — mantissa (of a floating point calculation)
    часть ши́ны, бегова́я — tread section of a tyre
    часть ши́ны, бортова́я — head (section) of a tyre
    часть ши́ны, плечева́я — shoulder section of a tyre
    часть ште́псельного разъё́ма, отве́тная — mating (part of a) connector
    часть электри́ческого соедини́теля, ви́лочная — plug connector
    часть электри́ческого соедини́теля, перехо́дная — connector adapter
    часть электри́ческого соедини́теля, розе́точная — socket connector

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > часть

  • 70 tip

    A n
    1 ( end) (of stick, branch, shoot, leaf, sword, pen, shoe, nose, tongue, finger, wing) bout m, pointe f ; (of tail, feather, cue) bout m ; (of ski, spire, island, landmass) pointe f ; to stand on the tips of one's toes être sur la pointe des pieds ; at the southernmost tip of Italy à la pointe la plus au sud de l'Italie ;
    2 ( protective cover on end) (of cane, umbrella) pointe f ; ( of shoe heel) bout m (ferré) ;
    3 GB ( waste dump) ( for rubbish) décharge f ; ( at mine) crassier m ;
    4 GB ( mess) fouillis m ; his office is a tip son bureau est un vrai fouillis ;
    5 ( gratuity) pourboire m ; to give/leave a tip donner/laisser un pourboire ; a £5 tip 5 livres de pourboire ;
    6 ( hint) truc m, conseil m ; sewing/safety tips conseils pour la couture/de sécurité ; a tip for doing ou on how to do un conseil pour faire ; I'll give you a tip, let me give you a tip un conseil d'ami ; take a tip from me, take my tip suis mon conseil ; take a tip from your sister prends exemple sur ta sœur ;
    7 ( in betting) tuyau m ; to have a hot tip for sth avoir un bon tuyau pour qch .
    B - tipped (dans composés) silver-/pink-/spiky-tiped à bout argenté/rose/pointu.
    1 (tilt, incline) incliner [object, bowl, seat] ; to tip sth forward/back/to one side incliner qch vers l'avant/vers l'arrière/sur le côté ; to tip sth onto its side mettre qch sur le côté ; to tip one's chair back se balancer sur sa chaise ; to tip sb off his ou her chair faire tomber qn de sa chaise ; to tip one's hat soulever son chapeau (to sb pour saluer qn) ; to tip the scales at 60 kg peser 60 kilos ;
    2 (pour, empty) to tip sth into/onto/out of sth verser qch dans/sur/de qch ; to tip sth upside down retourner qch ; to tip sth down the sink verser qch dans l'évier ; to tip sth away jeter qch ;
    3 fig (push, overbalance) to tip sth over 50% faire passer à qch la barre des 50% ; to tip the economy into recession faire basculer l'économie dans la récession ; to tip sb over the edge ( mentally) faire basculer qn ; to tip the balance ou scales faire pencher la balance (in favour of en faveur de) ; to tip the result the other way inverser les résultats ;
    4 (throw away, dump) [person, lorry] déverser [waste] ; to tip sth by the roadside/in the countryside déverser qch le long de la route/dans la campagne ; to tip sth into a pit verser qch dans un trou ;
    5 (forecast, predict) to tip sb/sth to win prédire que qn/qch va gagner ; to tip sb as the next president prédire que qn sera le prochain président ; to tip sb for a job prédire que qn aura un poste ; to be tipped as a future champion/for promotion être donné comme futur champion/candidat à une promotion ; to be tipped for the top se voir prédire un avenir brillant ;
    6 ( give money to) donner un pourboire à [waiter, driver] ; to tip sb £5 donner 5 livres de pourboire à qn ; how much should I tip (the porter)? combien dois-je laisser de pourboire (au porteur)? ;
    7 ( put something on the end of) recouvrir le bout de [sword, cane, heel] (with avec) ; to tip sth with red paint peindre le bout de qch en rouge ; to be tipped with red paint avoir le bout peint en rouge ; to tip an arrow with poison empoisonner la pointe d'une flèche ;
    8 Sport (touch, gently push) to tip the ball over the net/past the goalkeeper frapper la balle délicatement pour l'envoyer de l'autre côté du filet/dans le but.
    D vi ( p prés etc - pp-)
    1 ( tilt) [seat, object] s'incliner ; to tip forward/back/onto one side pencher vers l'avant/vers l'arrière/sur le côté ;
    2 fig [balance, scales] pencher (in favour of sb, in sb's favour en faveur de qn).
    tip down GB dial:
    it ou the rain is tipping (it) down il tombe des cordes .
    tip off:
    tip off [sb], tip [sb] off avertir, donner un tuyau à [person, police] ; to tip sb off about sth avertir qn de qch ; to be tipped off être averti.
    tip out:
    tip out [sth], tip [sth] out vider [drawer, contents].
    tip over:
    tip over [chair, cupboard] basculer ; [cup, bucket, stack, pile] se renverser ;
    tip over [sth], tip [sth] over faire basculer [chair, cupboard] ; renverser [bucket, cup, stack, pile].
    tip up:
    tip up s'incliner, se pencher ;
    tip up [sth], tip [sth] up incliner [cup, bottle] ; pencher [chair, wardrobe].

    Big English-French dictionary > tip

  • 71 for

    1. preposition
    1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle von

    what is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?

    2) (in defence, support, or favour of) für

    be for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun

    it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    3) (to the benefit of) für
    4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zu

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen

    what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?

    5) (being the motive of) für; (having as purpose) zu

    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    work for a livingfür den Lebensunterhalt arbeiten

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    7) (to reach) nach

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    8) (to be received by) für

    that's Jim for youdas sieht Jim mal wieder ähnlich

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough... for — genug... für

    too... for — zu... für

    there is nothing for it but to do somethinges gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun

    10) (to the amount of)

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    things don't look very promising for the businesswas die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen

    12) (as being) für

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all... — trotz...

    for all that,... — trotzdem...

    16) (on account of the hindrance of) vor (+ Dat.)

    for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...

    17) (so far as concerns)

    for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...

    for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...

    18) (considering the usual nature of) für
    19) (during) seit

    we've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    20) (to the extent of)

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it(coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)

    2. conjunction
    (since, as proof) denn
    * * *
    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) für
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) nach
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) für
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) nach
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) für
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) für
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) für
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?)
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) dafür
    10) (because of: for this reason.) wegen, aus
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) für
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) für
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) für
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) für
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) trotz
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) denn
    * * *
    [fɔ:ʳ, fəʳ, AM fɔ:r, fɚ]
    I. conj ( liter or dated) denn
    II. prep
    1. (intended to be given to) für + akk
    I bought a new collar \for my dog ich habe ein neues Halsband für meinen Hund gekauft
    this is a birthday present \for you hier ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dich
    there are government subsidies available \for farmers für Bauern gibt es Zuschüsse vom Staat
    to vote \for sb/sth für jdn/etw stimmen
    they voted \for independence in a referendum sie haben sich in einem Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen
    to be \for sb/sth für jdn/etw sein
    his followers are still \for him seine Anhänger unterstützen ihn noch immer
    to be \for a good cause für einen guten Zweck sein
    to be all \for sth ganz für etw akk sein
    to be \for doing sth dafür sein, dass etw getan wird
    are you \for banning smoking in public places? sind Sie dafür, das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit zu verbieten?
    3. (regarding sb) für + akk
    I'm happy \for you that it finally worked out ich freue mich für dich, dass es endlich geklappt hat
    you're not making it easy \for me to tell you the truth du machst es mir nicht gerade einfach, dir die Wahrheit zu sagen
    the coffee was too strong \for me der Kaffee war mir zu stark
    luckily \for me, I already had another job zu meinem Glück hatte ich bereits eine andere Stelle
    the admiration she felt \for him soon died ihre Bewunderung für ihn war schnell verflogen
    is this seat high enough \for you? ist Ihnen dieser Sitz hoch genug?
    I feel sorry \for her sie tut mir leid
    to feel nothing but contempt \for sb/sth nichts als Verachtung für jdn/etw empfinden
    to be concerned \for sb/sth um jdn/etw besorgt sein
    to feel \for sb mit jdm fühlen
    as \for me was mich betrifft [o angeht]
    Jackie's already left and, as \for me, I'm going at the end of the month Jackie ist schon weg, und was mich angeht, ich gehe Ende des Monats
    4. (regarding sth) für + akk
    how are you doing \for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?
    \for my part was mich betrifft
    \for all I know möglicherweise
    \for all I know, he could have left the country möglicherweise hat er schon das Land verlassen
    to be responsible \for sth für etw akk verantwortlich sein
    to prepare \for sth sich akk auf etw akk vorbereiten
    5. (comparing) für + akk
    the summer has been quite hot \for England für England war das ein ziemlich heißer Sommer
    to be too big/fast \for sb/sth zu groß/schnell für jdn/etw sein
    she's very mature \for her age sie ist für ihr Alter schon sehr reif
    the weather is warm \for the time of year für diese Jahreszeit ist das Wetter mild
    he's quite thoughtful \for a child of 8 für einen Achtjährigen ist er ziemlich rücksichtsvoll
    6. (to get, have)
    oh \for something to drink! hätte ich doch bloß etwas zu trinken!
    oh \for a strong black coffee! und jetzt einen starken schwarzen Kaffee!
    he did it \for the fame er tat es, um berühmt zu werden
    even though he's in this \for the money, we still need him auch wenn er es nur wegen des Geldes tut, wir brauchen ihn
    she's eager \for a chance to show that she's a capable worker sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin ist
    demand \for money Bedarf m an Geld
    to send \for the doctor den Arzt holen
    to apply \for a job sich akk um eine Stelle bewerben
    to have a need \for sth etw brauchen
    to look \for a way to do sth nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, etw zu tun
    to ask \for sth um etw akk bitten
    7. (on behalf of, representing) für + akk
    he's an agent \for models and actors er ist Agent für Models und Schauspieler
    next time you see them, say hi \for me grüß sie von mir, wenn du sie wieder siehst
    the messenger was there \for his boss der Bote war in Vertretung seines Chefs dort
    to do sth \for sb etw für jdn tun
    to do sth \for oneself etw selbst tun
    8. (as ordered by) für + akk
    to do sth \for sb/sth etw für jdn/etw tun
    they had to do extra work \for their boss sie mussten noch zusätzliche Arbeiten für ihren Chef erledigen
    I have some things to do \for school ich muss noch etwas für die Schule machen
    9. (employed by) bei + dat
    she is a tutor \for the Open University sie ist Tutorin an der Fernuniversität
    to work \for sb/sth bei jdm/etw [o für jdn/etw] arbeiten
    10. (purpose, aim) für + akk
    what's that \for? wofür ist das?
    that's useful \for removing rust damit kann man gut Rost entfernen
    that's not \for eating das ist nicht zum Essen
    a course \for beginners in Russian ein Russischkurs für Anfänger
    \for your information zu Ihrer Information
    \for the record der Ordnung halber
    the spokesman told the press \for the record that the president was in good health der Sprecher sagte der Presse für das Protokoll, der Präsident sei bei guter Gesundheit
    for rent/sale zu vermieten/verkaufen
    bikes \for rent Räder zu vermieten
    to be not \for sale unverkäuflich sein
    to wait \for sb/sth auf jdn/etw warten
    to wait \for sb to do sth darauf warten, dass jd etw tut
    to do sth \for sth/sb etw für etw/jdn tun
    what did you do that \for? wozu hast du das getan?
    what do you use these enormous scissors \for? wozu brauchst du diese riesige Schere?
    he is taking medication \for his heart condition er nimmt Medikamente für sein Herz
    you need to move closer \for me to hear you du musst ein bisschen näher herkommen, damit ich dich hören kann
    11. (because of) wegen + gen; (out of) aus + dat; (with) vor + dat
    I don't eat meat \for various reasons ich esse aus verschiedenen Gründen kein Fleisch
    I could dance and sing \for joy! ich könnte vor Freude tanzen und singen!
    he apologized \for being late er entschuldigte sich wegen seiner Verspätung
    Bob was looking all the better \for his three weeks in Spain nach seinen drei Wochen Spanien sah Bob viel besser aus
    how are you?fine, and all the better \for seeing you! wie geht's? — gut, und jetzt wo ich dich sehe, gleich noch viel besser!
    I could not see \for the tears in my eyes ich konnte vor Tränen in den Augen gar nicht sehen
    if it hadn't been \for him, we wouldn't be here right now ( form) ohne ihn wären wir jetzt nicht hier
    \for fear of sth aus Angst vor etw dat
    \for lack of sth aus Mangel an etw dat
    to be arrested \for murder wegen Mordes verhaftet werden
    \for that [or this] reason aus diesem Grund
    to be famous \for sth für etw akk berühmt sein
    to love sb \for sth jdn für etw akk lieben
    she loves him just \for being himself sie liebt ihn einfach dafür, dass er so ist, wie er ist
    12. (as destination) nach + dat
    this train is \for Birmingham dieser Zug fährt nach Birmingham
    he made \for home in a hurry er eilte schnell nach Hause
    just follow signs \for the town centre folgen Sie einfach den Schildern in die Innenstadt
    to go \for sb [with one's fists] [mit den Fäusten] auf jdn losgehen
    to run \for sb/sth zu jdm/etw laufen
    I had to run \for the bus ich musste laufen, um den Bus noch zu kriegen
    13. (meaning)
    to be \for sth für etw akk stehen
    A is \for ‘airlines’ A steht für ‚Airlines‘
    to stand \for sth etw bedeuten, für etw akk stehen
    what does the M.J. stand \for? María José? was bedeutet M.J.? María José?
    what's the Spanish word \for ‘vegetarian’? was heißt ‚Vegetarier‘ auf Spanisch?
    14. (in return, exchange) für + akk
    she paid a high price \for loyalty to her boss sie hat einen hohen Preis für die Loyalität zu ihrem Chef gezahlt
    that's \for cheating on me! das ist dafür, dass du mich betrogen hast!
    how much did you pay \for your glasses? wie viel hast du für deine Brille gezahlt?
    a cheque \for £100 eine Scheck über 100 Pfund
    not \for a million dollars [or \for all the world] um nichts in der Welt
    I wouldn't go out with him \for a million dollars ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen
    to do sth \for nothing etw umsonst machen
    to buy/sell sth \for 100 euro/a lot of money etw für 100 Euro/viel Geld kaufen/verkaufen
    you can buy a bestseller \for about £6 Sie bekommen einen Bestseller schon für 6 Pfund
    to trade sth \for sth etw gegen etw akk [ein]tauschen
    15. (with a period of time) für + akk; (ongoing) seit + dat
    I'm just going to sleep \for half an hour ich lege mich mal eine halbe Stunde schlafen
    he was jailed \for twelve years er musste für zwölf Jahre ins Gefängnis
    my father has been smoking \for 10 years mein Vater raucht seit 10 Jahren
    \for the next two days in den beiden nächsten Tagen
    \for a bit/while ein bisschen/eine Weile
    play here \for a while! spiel doch mal ein bisschen hier!
    I'm just going out \for a while ich gehe mal kurz raus fam
    \for eternity/ever bis in alle Ewigkeit
    this pact is \for ever dieser Pakt gilt für immer und ewig
    \for the moment im Augenblick
    \for a time eine Zeit lang
    \for a long time seit Langem
    I hadn't seen him \for such a long time that I didn't recognize him ich hatte ihn schon so lange nicht mehr gesehen, dass ich ihn nicht erkannte
    \for some time seit Längerem
    \for the time being für den Augenblick, vorübergehend
    16. (a distance of)
    \for a kilometre/mile einen Kilometer/eine Meile
    he always jogs \for 5 kilometres before breakfast er joggt immer 5 Kilometer vor dem Frühstück
    17. (at a certain date, time, occasion) für + akk
    he booked a table at the restaurant \for nine o'clock er reservierte in dem Restaurant einen Tisch für neun Uhr
    they set their wedding date \for September 15 sie setzten ihre Hochzeit für den 15. September fest
    I need some money \for tonight ich brauche etwas Geld für heute Abend
    what did you buy him \for Christmas? was hast du ihm zu Weihnachten gekauft?
    he arrived at 8.00 \for dinner at 8.30 er kam um acht zu dem für halb neun verabredeten Abendessen
    to invite sb \for dinner/lunch jdn zum Abendessen/Mittagessen einladen
    \for the first time zum ersten Mal
    \for the [very] last time zum [aller]letzten Mal
    \for the first/second time running im ersten/zweiten Durchlauf
    18. (despite) trotz + gen
    , ungeachtet +gen geh
    \for all that trotz alledem
    \for all his effort, the experiment was a failure das Experiment war trotz all seiner Anstrengungen ein Fehlschlag
    19. (per) für + akk
    there is one teacher \for every 25 students in our school in unserer Schule kommt auf 25 Schüler ein Lehrer
    \for every cigarette you smoke, you take off one day of your life mit jeder Zigarette, die du rauchst, verkürzt sich dein Leben um einen Tag
    to repeat sth word \for word etw Wort für Wort wiederholen
    20. (the duty of)
    to [not] be \for sb to do sth [nicht] jds Sache sein, etw zu tun
    it's not \for me to tell her what to do es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, ihr vorzuschreiben, was sie zu tun hat
    the decision is not \for him to make die Entscheidung liegt nicht bei ihm
    21. (as) für + akk
    she thought it \for a lie but didn't say anything sie hielt es für gelogen, sagte aber nichts
    I \for one am sick of this bickering ich für meinen Teil habe genug von diesem Gezänk
    \for Africa SA ( fam) Unmengen + gen
    I've got homework \for Africa ich habe noch jede Menge Hausaufgaben fam
    to be [in] \for it ( fam) Schwierigkeiten bekommen
    you're in \for it! jetzt bist du dran! fam
    \for crying out loud um Himmels willen
    an eye \for an eye Auge um Auge
    that's Jane/Mark/etc. \for you so ist Jane/Mark/etc. eben!, das sieht Jane/Mark/etc. mal wieder ähnlich!, das ist wieder mal typisch für Jane/Mark/etc.!
    that's children \for you! so sind Kinder eben!
    that's/there's sth \for you ( pej)
    there's gratitude \for you! und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit! fam
    there's manners \for you! das sind [mir] ja schöne Manieren! iron fam
    * * *
    I [fɔː(r)]
    1. prep
    1) (intention) für; (purpose) zu, für; (destination) nach

    clothes for childrenKleidung f für Kinder, Kinderkleidung f

    what for? — wofür?, wozu?

    what did you do that for? —

    a room for working in/sewing — ein Zimmer zum Arbeiten/Nähen

    a bag for carrying books (in) — eine Tasche, um Bücher zu tragen

    fit for nothing —

    ready for anything —

    this will do for a hammerdas kann man als Hammer nehmen

    to leave for the USAin die USA or nach Amerika abreisen

    he swam for the shore — er schwamm auf die Küste zu, er schwamm in Richtung Küste


    (indicating suitability) it's not for you to ask questions — Sie haben kein Recht, Fragen zu stellen

    it's not for me to say — es steht mir nicht zu, mich dazu zu äußern


    (= representing, instead of) I'll speak to her for you if you like —

    I need someone to make up my mind for me — ich brauche jemanden, der die Entscheidung für mich trifft

    she works for a bank (in the bank) — sie arbeitet bei or in einer Bank; (outside the bank) sie arbeitet für eine Bank

    4) (= in defence, in favour of) für

    I'm all for itich bin ganz or sehr dafür

    I'm all for helping him —


    (= with regard to) anxious for sb — um jdn besorgt

    as for him/that — was ihn/das betrifft

    warm/cold for the time of year — warm/kalt für die Jahreszeit

    6) (= because of) aus

    he did it for fear of being left — er tat es aus Angst, zurückgelassen zu werden

    he is famous for his jokes/his big nose — er ist für seine Witze bekannt/wegen seiner großen Nase berühmt

    do it for metu es für mich

    7) (= in spite of) trotz (+gen or (inf) +dat)

    for all that, you should have warned me — Sie hätten mich trotz allem warnen sollen

    8) (= in exchange) für

    to pay four euros for a ticketvier Euro für eine Fahrkarte zahlen

    he'll do it for ten pounds —


    (= in contrast) for every job that is created, two are lost — für jede Stelle, die neu geschaffen wird, gehen zwei verloren

    10) (in time) seit; (with future tense) für

    I had/have known her for years — ich kannte/kenne sie schon seit Jahren

    he won't be back for a weeker wird erst in einer Woche zurück sein

    can you get it done for Monday/this time next week? — können Sie es bis or für Montag/bis in einer Woche fertig haben?

    for a while/time — (für) eine Weile/einige Zeit


    (distance) the road is lined with trees for two miles — die Straße ist auf or über zwei Meilen mit Bäumen gesäumt


    (with verbs) to pray for peace — für den or um Frieden beten

    → vbs
    13) (after n: indicating liking, aptitude etc) für

    his knack for saying the wrong thing — sein Talent, das Falsche zu sagen


    (with infin clauses) for this to be possible — damit dies möglich wird

    it's easy for him to do it — für ihn ist es leicht, das zu tun, er kann das leicht tun

    I brought it for you to see — ich habe es mitgebracht, damit Sie es sich (dat) ansehen können

    the best thing would be for you to leave — das Beste wäre, wenn Sie weggingen

    their one hope is for him to return — ihre einzige Hoffnung ist, dass er zurückkommt


    (phrases) to do sth for oneself — etw alleine tun

    2. conj
    3. adj pred
    (= in favour) dafür

    17 were for, 13 against — 17 waren dafür, 13 dagegen

    II abbr frei Bahn
    * * *
    for [fɔː(r); unbetont fə(r)]
    A präp
    1. allg für:
    it was very awkward for her es war sehr peinlich für sie, es war ihr sehr unangenehm;
    he spoilt their holidays (bes US vacation) for them er verdarb ihnen den ganzen Urlaub;
    she brought a letter for me to sign sie brachte mir einen Brief zur Unterschrift
    2. für, zugunsten von:
    a gift for him ein Geschenk für ihn;
    this letter is for me dieser Brief ist an mich;
    for and against für und wider; academic.ru/69264/speak_for">speak for 1
    3. für, (mit der Absicht) zu, um (… willen):
    apply for the post sich um die Stellung bewerben;
    die for a cause für eine Sache sterben;
    come for dinner zum Essen kommen
    4. (Wunsch, Ziel) nach, auf (akk):
    a claim for sth ein Anspruch auf eine Sache;
    the desire for sth der Wunsch oder das Verlangen nach etwas;
    call for sb nach jemandem rufen;
    wait for sth auf etwas warten;
    oh, for a car! ach, hätte ich doch nur ein Auto!
    b) (bestimmt) für oder zu:
    tools for cutting Werkzeuge zum Schneiden, Schneidewerkzeuge;
    the right man for the job der richtige Mann für diesen Posten
    6. (Mittel) gegen:
    treat sb for cancer jemanden gegen oder auf Krebs behandeln;
    there is nothing for it but to give in es bleibt nichts (anderes) übrig, als nachzugeben
    8. (als Entgelt) für, gegen, um:
    I sold it for £10 ich verkaufte es für 10 Pfund
    9. (im Tausch) für, gegen:
    10. (Betrag, Menge) über (akk):
    a postal order for £2
    11. (Grund) aus, vor (dat), wegen:
    for this reason aus diesem Grund;
    die for grief aus oder vor Gram sterben;
    weep for joy aus oder vor Freude weinen;
    I can’t see for the fog ich kann nichts sehen wegen des Nebels oder vor lauter Nebel;
    she couldn’t speak for laughing sie konnte vor (lauter) Lachen nicht sprechen
    12. (als Strafe etc) für, wegen:
    13. dank, wegen:
    were it not for his energy wenn er nicht so energisch wäre, dank seiner Energie;
    if it wasn’t for him wenn er nicht wäre, ohne ihn; he would never have done it, if it hadn’t been for me talking him into it wenn ich ihn nicht dazu überredet hätte
    14. für, in Anbetracht (gen), im Hinblick auf (akk), im Verhältnis zu:
    he is tall for his age er ist groß für sein Alter;
    it is rather cold for July es ist ziemlich kalt für Juli;
    for a foreigner he speaks English fairly well für einen Ausländer spricht er recht gut Englisch
    15. (Begabung, Neigung) für, (Hang) zu:
    an eye for beauty Sinn für das Schöne
    16. (zeitlich) für, während, auf (akk), für die Dauer von, seit:
    for a week eine Woche (lang);
    come for a week komme auf oder für eine Woche;
    for hours stundenlang;
    for a ( oder some) time past seit längerer Zeit;
    for a long time past schon seit Langem;
    not for a long time noch lange nicht;
    the first picture for two months der erste Film in oder seit zwei Monaten;
    for months ahead auf Monate (hinaus)
    17. (Strecke) weit, lang:
    run for a mile eine Meile (weit) laufen
    18. nach, auf (akk), in Richtung auf (akk):
    the train for London der Zug nach London;
    the passengers for Rome die nach Rom reisenden Passagiere;
    start for Paris nach Paris abreisen;
    now for it! Br umg jetzt (nichts wie) los oder drauf!, jetzt gilt’s!
    19. für, anstelle von (oder gen), (an)statt:
    20. für, in Vertretung oder im Auftrag oder im Namen von (oder gen):
    act for sb in jemandes Auftrag handeln
    21. für, als:
    books for presents Bücher als Geschenk;
    they were sold for slaves sie wurden als Sklaven verkauft;
    take that for an answer nimm das als Antwort
    22. trotz (gen oder dat), ungeachtet (gen):
    for all that trotz alledem;
    for all his wealth trotz seines ganzen Reichtums, bei allem Reichtum;
    for all you may say sage, was du willst
    23. as for was … betrifft:
    as for me was mich betrifft oder an(be)langt;
    as for that matter was das betrifft;
    for all I know soviel ich weiß;
    for all of me meinetwegen, von mir aus
    24. nach adj und vor inf:
    it is too heavy for me to lift es ist so schwer, dass ich es nicht heben kann;
    it is impossible for me to come es ist mir unmöglich zu kommen, ich kann unmöglich kommen;
    it seemed useless for me to continue es erschien mir sinnlos, noch weiterzumachen
    25. mit s oder pron und inf:
    it is time for you to go home es ist Zeit, dass du heimgehst; es ist Zeit für dich heimzugehen;
    it is for you to decide die Entscheidung liegt bei Ihnen;
    a) es ist nicht deine Sache zu inf,
    b) es steht dir nicht zu inf;
    he called for the girl to bring him some tea er rief nach dem Mädchen und bat es, ihm Tee zu bringen;
    don’t wait for him to turn up yet wartet nicht darauf, dass er noch auftaucht;
    there is no need for anyone to know es braucht niemand zu wissen
    that’s a wine for you das ist vielleicht ein Weinchen, das nenne ich einen Wein
    27. US nach:
    B konj denn, weil, nämlich
    * * *
    1. preposition
    1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle von

    what is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?

    2) (in defence, support, or favour of) für

    be for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun

    it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt

    4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zu

    they invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen

    what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?

    6) (to obtain, win, save)

    take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen

    run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.

    7) (to reach) nach

    set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen

    be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein

    have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben

    enough... for — genug... für

    too... for — zu... für

    there is nothing for it but to do something — es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun

    cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund

    11) (to affect, as if affecting) für

    things don't look very promising for the business — was die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus

    it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut

    it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen

    12) (as being) für

    I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil

    13) (on account of, as penalty of) wegen

    famous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas

    jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien

    were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage

    for all... — trotz...

    for all that,... — trotzdem...

    for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)

    but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...

    for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...

    for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...

    19) (during) seit

    we've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen

    we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang

    sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen

    walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen


    be for it(coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)

    2. conjunction
    (since, as proof) denn
    * * *
    als konj.
    denn konj.
    für konj.
    nach konj.
    zu konj.

    English-german dictionary > for

  • 72 abandonar

    1 to leave (place).
    María abandonó la habitación rápidamente Mary abandoned the room quickly.
    2 to leave (person).
    3 to give up (estudios).
    abandonó la carrera en el tercer año she dropped out of university in her third year, she gave up her studies in her third year
    4 to abandon, to desert, to forsake, to bail out on.
    Pedro abandonó a su familia Peter abandoned his family.
    Silvia abandonó sus sueños por Pedro Silvia abandoned her dreams for Peter.
    5 to quit, to cease trying, to desist, to give up.
    María abandonó Mary quit.
    6 to check out on.
    * * *
    1 (desamparar) to abandon, forsake
    2 (lugar) to leave, quit
    3 (actividad) to give up, withdraw from
    4 (traicionar) to desert
    5 (renunciar) to relinquish, renounce
    6 (descuidar) to neglect
    7 DEPORTE (retirarse) to withdraw from
    1 (descuidarse) to neglect oneself, let oneself go
    2 (entregarse) to give oneself up (a, to)
    3 (ceder) to give in
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=dejar abandonado) [+ cónyuge, hijo] to abandon, desert; [+ animal, casa, posesiones] to abandon; [+ obligaciones] to neglect

    la abandonó por otra mujerhe abandoned o deserted her for another woman

    2) (=marcharse de) [+ lugar, organización] to leave
    3) (=renunciar a) [+ estudios, proyecto] to give up, abandon; [+ costumbre, cargo] to give up; [+ privilegio, título] to renounce, relinquish

    hemos abandonado la idea de montar un negociowe have given up o abandoned the idea of starting a business

    si el tratamiento no da resultado lo abandonaremos — if the treatment doesn't work, we'll abandon it

    4) [buen humor, suerte] to desert
    2. VI
    1) (Atletismo) [antes de la prueba] to pull out, withdraw; [durante la prueba] to pull out, retire
    2) (Boxeo) to concede defeat, throw in the towel * o (EEUU) sponge
    3) (Ajedrez) to resign, concede
    4) (Inform) to quit
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (frml) < lugar> to leave
    b) <familia/bebé> to leave, abandon; <marido/amante> to leave; <coche/barco> to abandon
    2) fuerzas to desert
    a) <actividad/propósito/esperanza> to give up

    abandonó la lucha — he gave up the fight, he abandoned the struggle

    abandonar los estudios — to drop out of school/college

    b) (Dep) <carrera/partido> to retire, pull out
    abandonar vi (Dep)
    a) (antes de la carrera, competición) to withdraw, pull out
    b) (iniciada la carrera, competición) to retire, pull out; ( en ajedrez) to resign; (en boxeo, lucha) to concede defeat
    abandonarse v pron

    abandonarse a algoa vicios/placeres to abandon oneself to something

    2) ( en el aspecto personal) to let oneself go
    * * *
    = abandon, abort, drop, eschew, give up, quit, relinquish, stop, leave + wandering in, forsake, sweep aside, desert, opt out of, scrap, pull back, ditch, surrender, bail out, bargain away, dump, maroon, flake out, leave by + the wayside, get away, desist, go + cold turkey, walk out on, walk out, jump + ship.
    Ex. The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.
    Ex. It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    Ex. Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.
    Ex. However, most contributors to the debate about the future of SLIS have eschewed practicalities in favour of sweeping and dramatic generalizations.
    Ex. If support for quality cataloging is not going to be given, I think we should give it up entirely.
    Ex. If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.
    Ex. The Library will consider relinquishing them only when there is strong assurance that their transfer would not adversely affect the library community.
    Ex. Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex. It is our professional duty to help the reader, leading him from author to author, book to book, with enough sure-footed confidence that he is guided up the literary mountain and not left wandering in the viewless foothills because of one's own incompetence.
    Ex. Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex. The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.
    Ex. Recently, however, libraries have deserted the individual and have pandered too much to the needs of the general public.
    Ex. The author takes a critical look at the UK government's education policy with regard to schools' ' opting out' of local government control.
    Ex. There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex. To pull back now would make both her and him look bad.
    Ex. It is time that higher education institutions accepted the wisdom of collaboration and ditched, once and for all, the rhetoric of competition = Ya es hora de que las instituciones de enseñanza superior acepten la colaboración y rechacen, de una vez por todas, la competitividad.
    Ex. Instead the two ecclesiastical disputes which arose from Diocletian's decree to surrender scriptures must be seen as more disastrous to Christian unity than the destruction of libraries.
    Ex. In the article ' Bailing out' 9 of the 10 librarians interviewed admitted that they were trying to get out of librarianship partly due to unrealistic expectations learned in library school.
    Ex. Reduced support is a fact of life, and librarians cannot bargain away their budget pressures.
    Ex. The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex. A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex. She seeks to recontextualize those events that history has estranged, destroyed or capriciously left by the wayside.
    Ex. Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.
    Ex. One of them sputtered and gesticulated with sufficient violence to induce us to desist.
    Ex. Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex. There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    Ex. At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop's address.
    Ex. A new study suggests that up to 40% of currently employed individuals are ready to jump ship once the economy rebounds.
    * abandonar el barco = abandon + ship.
    * abandonar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * abandonar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * abandonar los servicios de Alguien = drop out.
    * abandonarse = go to + seed.
    * abandonarse a = abandon + Reflexivo + to.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abandonar (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * abandonar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * abandonar un lugar = quit + Lugar.
    * estudiante de bachiller que abandona los estudios = high-school dropout.
    * estudiante universitario que abandona los estudios = college dropout.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (frml) < lugar> to leave
    b) <familia/bebé> to leave, abandon; <marido/amante> to leave; <coche/barco> to abandon
    2) fuerzas to desert
    a) <actividad/propósito/esperanza> to give up

    abandonó la lucha — he gave up the fight, he abandoned the struggle

    abandonar los estudios — to drop out of school/college

    b) (Dep) <carrera/partido> to retire, pull out
    abandonar vi (Dep)
    a) (antes de la carrera, competición) to withdraw, pull out
    b) (iniciada la carrera, competición) to retire, pull out; ( en ajedrez) to resign; (en boxeo, lucha) to concede defeat
    abandonarse v pron

    abandonarse a algoa vicios/placeres to abandon oneself to something

    2) ( en el aspecto personal) to let oneself go
    * * *
    = abandon, abort, drop, eschew, give up, quit, relinquish, stop, leave + wandering in, forsake, sweep aside, desert, opt out of, scrap, pull back, ditch, surrender, bail out, bargain away, dump, maroon, flake out, leave by + the wayside, get away, desist, go + cold turkey, walk out on, walk out, jump + ship.

    Ex: The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.

    Ex: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    Ex: Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.
    Ex: However, most contributors to the debate about the future of SLIS have eschewed practicalities in favour of sweeping and dramatic generalizations.
    Ex: If support for quality cataloging is not going to be given, I think we should give it up entirely.
    Ex: If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.
    Ex: The Library will consider relinquishing them only when there is strong assurance that their transfer would not adversely affect the library community.
    Ex: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.
    Ex: It is our professional duty to help the reader, leading him from author to author, book to book, with enough sure-footed confidence that he is guided up the literary mountain and not left wandering in the viewless foothills because of one's own incompetence.
    Ex: Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex: The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.
    Ex: Recently, however, libraries have deserted the individual and have pandered too much to the needs of the general public.
    Ex: The author takes a critical look at the UK government's education policy with regard to schools' ' opting out' of local government control.
    Ex: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
    Ex: To pull back now would make both her and him look bad.
    Ex: It is time that higher education institutions accepted the wisdom of collaboration and ditched, once and for all, the rhetoric of competition = Ya es hora de que las instituciones de enseñanza superior acepten la colaboración y rechacen, de una vez por todas, la competitividad.
    Ex: Instead the two ecclesiastical disputes which arose from Diocletian's decree to surrender scriptures must be seen as more disastrous to Christian unity than the destruction of libraries.
    Ex: In the article ' Bailing out' 9 of the 10 librarians interviewed admitted that they were trying to get out of librarianship partly due to unrealistic expectations learned in library school.
    Ex: Reduced support is a fact of life, and librarians cannot bargain away their budget pressures.
    Ex: The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex: A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex: She seeks to recontextualize those events that history has estranged, destroyed or capriciously left by the wayside.
    Ex: Guards in the lead car of the convoy threw their doors open and ran for cover, screaming, 'Get away, get away'.
    Ex: One of them sputtered and gesticulated with sufficient violence to induce us to desist.
    Ex: Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex: There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    Ex: At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop's address.
    Ex: A new study suggests that up to 40% of currently employed individuals are ready to jump ship once the economy rebounds.
    * abandonar el barco = abandon + ship.
    * abandonar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * abandonar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * abandonar los servicios de Alguien = drop out.
    * abandonarse = go to + seed.
    * abandonarse a = abandon + Reflexivo + to.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abandonar (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * abandonar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * abandonar un lugar = quit + Lugar.
    * estudiante de bachiller que abandona los estudios = high-school dropout.
    * estudiante universitario que abandona los estudios = college dropout.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.

    * * *
    abandonar [A1 ]
    1 ( frml); ‹lugar› to leave
    el público abandonó el teatro the audience left the theater
    se le concedió un plazo de 48 horas para abandonar el país he was given 48 hours to leave the country
    miles de personas abandonan la capital durante el verano thousands of people leave the capital in the summer
    las tropas han comenzado a abandonar el área the troops have started to pull out of o leave the area
    abandonó la reunión en señal de protesta he walked out of the meeting in protest
    2 ‹persona›
    abandonó a su familia he abandoned o deserted his family
    lo abandonó por otro she left him for another man
    abandonó al bebé en la puerta del hospital she abandoned o left the baby at the entrance to the hospital
    abandonar a algn A algo to abandon sb TO sth
    decidió volver, abandonando al grupo a su suerte he decided to turn back, abandoning the group to its fate
    3 ‹coche/barco› to abandon
    B «fuerzas» to desert
    las fuerzas lo abandonaron y cayó al suelo his strength deserted him and he fell to the floor
    la suerte me ha abandonado my luck has run out o deserted me
    nunca lo abandona el buen humor he's always good-humored, his good humor never deserts him
    C ‹actividad/propósito› to give up
    abandonó los estudios she abandoned o gave up her studies
    ¿vas a abandonar el curso cuando te falta tan poco? you're not going to drop out of o give up the course at this late stage, are you?
    abandonó la lucha he gave up the fight, he abandoned the struggle
    ha abandonado toda pretensión de salir elegido he has given up o abandoned any hopes he had of being elected
    abandonó la terapia he gave up his therapy, he stopped having therapy
    ■ abandonar
    ( Dep)
    1 (antes de iniciarse la carrera, competición) to withdraw, pull out
    2 (una vez iniciada la carrera, competición) to retire, pull out; (en ajedrez) to resign; (en boxeo, lucha) to concede defeat, throw in the towel
    (descuidarse): desde que tuvo hijos se ha abandonado since she had her children she's let herself go
    no te abandones y ve al médico don't neglect your health, go and see the doctor
    B (entregarse) abandonarse A algo ‹a vicios/placeres› to abandon oneself TO sth
    se abandonó al ocio she gave herself up to o abandoned herself to a life of leisure
    se abandonó al sueño he gave in to o succumbed to sleep, he let sleep overcome him, he surrendered to sleep
    * * *


    abandonar ( conjugate abandonar) verbo transitivo
    a) (frml) ‹ lugar to leave

    b)familia/bebé to leave, abandon;

    marido/amante to leave;
    coche/barco to abandon;

    2 [ fuerzas] to desert
    a)actividad/propósito/esperanza to give up;

    abandonar los estudios to drop out of school/college

    b) (Dep) ‹carrera/partido to retire from, pull out of

    verbo intransitivo (Dep)
    a) (en carrera, competición) to pull out

    (en boxeo, lucha) to concede defeat
    abandonarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( entregarse) abandonarse a algo ‹a vicios/placeres› to abandon oneself to sth
    2 ( en el aspecto personal) to let oneself go
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (irse de) to leave, quit: tenemos que vernos hoy, porque mañana abandono Madrid, we've got to see eachother today because I'm leaving Madrid tomorrow
    2 (a una persona, a un animal) to abandon
    abandonar a alguien a su suerte, to leave someone to his fate
    3 (un proyecto, los estudios) to give up
    4 Dep (retirarse de una carrera) to drop out of
    (un deporte) to drop
    II vi (desfallecer) to give up: los resultados no son los esperados, pero no abandones, the results aren't as good as we expected, but don't give up
    ' abandonar' also found in these entries:
    - botar
    - plantar
    - back away
    - cast aside
    - caution
    - desert
    - drop
    - forsake
    - free
    - give up on
    - habit
    - idea
    - jettison
    - leave
    - quit
    - retire
    - scrap
    - stand by
    - throw in
    - walk out
    - ditch
    - give
    - maroon
    - stick
    - vacate
    - walk
    * * *
    1. [lugar] to leave;
    [barco, vehículo] to abandon;
    abandonó la sala tras el discurso she left the hall after the speech;
    abandonó su pueblo para trabajar en la ciudad she left her home town for a job in the city;
    abandonar el barco to abandon ship;
    ¡abandonen el barco! abandon ship!;
    abandonar algo a su suerte o [m5] destino to abandon sth to its fate;
    los cascos azules abandonarán pronto la región the UN peacekeeping troops will soon be pulling out of the region
    2. [persona] to leave;
    [hijo, animal] to abandon;
    abandonó a su hijo she abandoned her son;
    abandonar a alguien a su suerte o [m5] destino to abandon sb to their fate;
    ¡nunca te abandonaré! I'll never leave you!
    3. [estudios] to give up;
    [proyecto] to abandon;
    abandonó la carrera en el tercer año she dropped out of university in her third year, she gave up her studies in her third year;
    han amenazado con abandonar las negociaciones they have threatened to walk out of the negotiations;
    han amenazado con abandonar la liga they have threatened to pull out of the league;
    abandonar la lucha to give up the fight
    4. [sujeto: suerte, buen humor] to desert;
    lo abandonaron las fuerzas y tuvo que retirarse his strength gave out and he had to drop out;
    nunca la abandona su buen humor she never loses her good humour
    1. [en carrera, competición] to pull out, to withdraw;
    [en ajedrez] to resign; [en boxeo] to throw in the towel;
    abandonó en el primer asalto his corner threw in the towel in the first round;
    una avería lo obligó a abandonar en la segunda vuelta a mechanical fault forced him to retire on the second lap
    2. [rendirse] to give up;
    no abandones ahora que estás casi al final don't give up now you've almost reached the end
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 lugar leave; a alguien abandon; a esposa, hijos desert; objeto abandon, dump
    2 idea give up, abandon; actividad give up, drop
    II v/i DEP pull out
    * * *
    1) dejar: to abandon, to leave
    2) : to give up, to quit
    abandonaron la búsqueda: they gave up the search
    * * *
    1. (una persona) to abandon / to leave [pt. & pp. left]
    2. (un sitio) to leave
    3. (una actividad) to give up [pt. gave; pp. given]
    4. (una competición) to withdraw [pt. withdraw; pp. withdrawn]

    Spanish-English dictionary > abandonar

  • 73 dejar

    1 to leave, to put.
    dejó los papeles en la mesa he put o left the papers on the table
    deja el abrigo en la percha put your coat on the hanger
    he dejado la moto muy cerca I've left o parked my motorbike nearby
    Ricardo dejó a Ilse Richard left Ilse.
    Fuss dejó a Ricardo en la escuela Fuss left=dropped off Richard at school.
    Dejé mi trabajo anterior I left my former job.
    El viejo le dejó su dinero a su hijo The old man left his money to his son.
    2 to leave (abandonar) (casa, trabajo, país).
    dejar algo por imposible to give something up as a lost cause
    dejar a alguien atrás to leave somebody behind
    su marido la ha dejado her husband has left her
    te dejo, tengo que irme I have to leave you now, I must go
    3 to leave out.
    dejar algo por o sin hacer to fail to do something
    dejó lo más importante por resolver he left the most important question unresolved
    4 to forget (about).
    ¡déjame, que tengo trabajo! leave me alone, I'm busy!
    déjame tranquilo o en paz leave me alone o in peace
    déjalo, no importa forget it, it doesn't matter
    5 to leave behind, to clear out of, to leave.
    Missy dejó su bolso en su apuro Missy left behind her purse in the rush.
    6 to be given, to inherit, to receive.
    Se me dejó dinero en el testamento I was given money in the will.
    7 to let, to allow to.
    Dejé al perro salir a la calle I allowed the dog to go outside.
    8 to be allowed to.
    Se nos dejó ir We were allowed to go.
    9 to be left.
    Se nos dejó asombrados We were left astonished.
    10 to quit, to give up, to abandon, to relinquish.
    Ella dejó y se fue She quitted and left.
    11 to lend, to lend out.
    * * *
    1 (colocar) to leave, put
    2 (abandonar - persona, lugar) to leave; (- hábito, cosa, actividad) to give up
    3 (permitir) to allow, let
    4 (prestar) to lend
    5 (ceder) to give
    6 (producir dinero) to bring in, make
    7 (producir humo, ceniza) to produce, leave
    8 (esperar) to wait
    9 (aplazar) to put off
    10 (omitir) to leave out, omit
    12 (legar) to bequeath, leave
    1 dejar de + inf (cesar - voluntariamente) to stop + gerund, give up + gerund; (- involuntariamente) to stop + gerund
    2 no dejar de + inf not to fail to + inf
    3 dejar + past participle
    1 (abandonarse) to neglect oneself, let oneself go
    2 (olvidar) to forget, leave behind
    3 (permitir) to let oneself, allow oneself to
    1 (cesar) to stop
    dejar algo por imposible to give up on something
    dejar caer to drop
    dejar en paz to leave alone
    dejar frío,-a figurado to leave cold
    dejar mal a alguien to make somebody look bad
    dejar plantado,-a a alguien to stand somebody up
    dejar preocupado,-a to worry
    dejarse caer to drop, fall 2 (en casa de alguien) to drop in
    dejarse llevar por alguien to be influenced by somebody
    dejarse llevar por algo to get carried away with something
    dejarse oír (gen) to be heard 2 (gritar) to make oneself heard
    dejarse sentir el frío/verano/invierno to feel the cold/summer/winter
    * * *
    4) let
    5) allow, permit
    - dejarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones dar importancia, dar ejemplo, dar las gracias, dar clases, dar a conocer, dar a entender, darse prisa, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=poner, soltar) to leave

    dejé 1.500 euros de entrada — I put down 1,500 euros as a deposit

    dejar algo [aparte] — to leave sth aside

    dejar [atrás] — [+ corredor, vehículo adelantado, competidor] to leave behind

    se vino de Holanda, dejando atrás a su familia — he came over from Holland, leaving his family behind

    dejar algo a un [lado] — to set sth aside

    2) [al desaparecer, morir] to leave
    3) (=guardar)

    ¿me habéis dejado algo de tarta? — have you left {o} saved me some cake?

    4) (=abandonar)
    a) [+ actividad, empleo] to give up

    dejar la [bebida] — to give up drink, stop drinking

    b) [+ persona, lugar] to leave
    c) [en coche] to drop off

    ¿te dejo en tu casa? — shall I drop you off at your place?

    5) (=no molestar)

    deja ya el ordenador, que lo vas a romper — leave the computer alone, you're going to break it

    déjame, quiero estar solo — leave me be, I want to be alone

    ¡déjalo! — (=¡no hagas eso!) stop it!; (=no te preocupes) forget it!, don't worry about it!

    dejar [así] las cosas — to leave things as they are

    ¡déjame [en paz]!, ¡déjame [tranquilo]! — leave me alone!

    6) (=posponer)

    dejar algo [para] — to leave sth till

    7) (=prestar) to lend

    ¿me dejas diez euros? — can you lend me ten euros?

    ¿me dejas el coche? — can I borrow the car?, will you lend me the car?

    8) (=permitir) + infin to let

    dejar pasar a algn — to let sb through {o} past

    dejar que ({+ subjun})

    dejar que las cosas vayan de mal en peor — to let things go {o} allow things to go from bad to worse

    9) [indicando resultado]
    + adj

    me dejó confundido — she left me confused, she confused me

    dejar algo [como nuevo], me han dejado el abrigo como nuevo — my coat was as good as new when it came back from them

    10) (=producir)
    [+ dinero]
    11) dejar que (=esperar)

    deja que me toque la lotería y verás — just wait till I win the lottery, then you'll see

    12) (=omitir) to leave out, forget
    VERBO INTRANSITIVO [con una actividad]

    deja, ya lo hago yo — leave it, I'll do it

    deja, yo lo pago — no {o} it's all right, I'll pay for it

    dejar de hacer algo [por un momento] to stop doing sth; [por una temporada] to give up doing sth, stop doing sth

    cuando deje de llover — when it stops raining, when the rain stops

    ¡déja de hacer eso! — stop that!

    yo dejé de ir hace muchos años — I gave up {o} stopped going years ago

    no puedo dejar de fumar — I can't give up {o} stop smoking

    cuando murió su padre dejó de comer — when her father died she stopped eating {o} she went off her food

    no dejar de ({+ infin})

    no dejes de visitarlos — don't fail to visit them, make sure you visit them

    DEJAR Dejar en el sentido de prestar se puede traducir al inglés empleando borrow o lend. Borrow se usa cuando el sujeto es quien pide (significa tomar prestado) y lend cuando el sujeto es quien da (significa dejar prestado): ¿Me dejas tus botas de esquiar? Can I borrow your ski boots? o Can you lend me your ski boots? ¿Me podrías dejar tu reloj? Could I borrow your watch? o Could you lend me your watch? NOTA: Borrow y lend no se utilizan normalmente con cosas que no pueden trasladarse de un sitio a otro: ¿Me dejas tu casa de campo este fin de semana? Can I use your house in the country this weekend? Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( en lugar determinado) to leave

    lo dejé en recepción/en la mesa — I left it in reception/on the table

    ¿cuánto se deja de propina? — how much do you leave as a tip?

    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa — leave her alone, it wasn't her fault

    dejar mucho que desearto leave a great deal to be desired

    b) ( olvidar) to leave
    c) ( como herencia) to leave
    a) <marca/mancha/huella> to leave
    b) < ganancia> to produce
    3) ( abandonar) <novia/marido> to leave; < familia> to leave, abandon; < trabajo> to give up, leave; < lugar> to leave
    4) (+ compl)
    a) ( en cierto estado) to leave

    el avión/bus nos dejó — (Col, Ven) we missed the plane/bus

    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos — he let me have it for 1,000 pesos

    dejar algo/a alguien estar — to let something/somebody be (colloq), to leave something/somebody alone; lado 5)

    b) (CS)
    a) ( posponer) leave

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora — don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) <espacio/margen> to leave
    6) ( permitir)

    dejar algo/a alguien + inf — to let something/somebody + inf

    déjalo entrar/salir — let it/him in/out

    ¿me dejas ir? — will you let me go?

    dejar que algo/alguien + subj — to let somebody/something + inf


    dejar caer< objeto> to drop; < comentario> to let... drop

    a) ( cesar)

    dejar de + inf — to stop -ing

    deja de llorar/importunarme — stop crying/bothering me

    b) (omitir, no hacer)

    dejar de + inf: no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues make sure you write as soon as you get there; no dejes de recordarles que... be sure to remind them that...; es algo que no deja de sorprenderme — it's something I still find surprising

    dejarse v pron
    a) ( abandonarse) to let oneself go

    dejarse + inf: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him; se deja convencer fácilmente he's easily persuaded; dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music; no te dejes, tú también pégale (AmL exc RPl) don't just take it, hit him back (colloq); nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you; dejarse estar (AmL): no te dejes estar you'd better do something; si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato — if we don't get our act together we'll lose the contract

    2) <barba/bigote> to grow
    3) (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave

    me dejé el dinero en casa — I left my/the money at home

    4) dejarse de (fam)

    déjate de lamentaciones/de rodeos — stop complaining/beating about the bush

    * * *
    = cease, dump, leave, let, forsake, put down, drop off, maroon, flake out, let + go of, go + cold turkey, leave off, walk out on.
    Ex. After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.
    Ex. The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex. Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
    Ex. If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.
    Ex. Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex. The implication is that these are books to be picked up, looked at, leafed through and put down again.
    Ex. That they received regular visits from people who dropped off packages on a regular basis along with money.
    Ex. A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex. For one, large areas of city were in the hands of the Mafia, who was not eager to let got of their vested interests.
    Ex. Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex. This book takes up the thread where Volume One left off.
    Ex. There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a Alguien atónito = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien boquiabierto = leave + Nombre + gagging, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien colgado = hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien embarazada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en estado = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en la cuneta = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien en la estacada = leave + Alguien + in the lurch, hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * dejar a Alguien estupefacto = leave + Nombre + speechless, astound, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien inconsciente = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien patidifuso = make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien plantado = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien preñada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe como pueda = leave + Alguien + to sink or swim.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las arregle solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien sin sentido = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar a Alguien sin un duro = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar abierta la posibilidad de que = leave + open the possibility that.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar a la posteridad = bequeath to + posterity.
    * dejar al descubierto = lay + bare.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al azar = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al criterio de Alguien = leave + Nombre + up to.
    * dejar Algo aparcado = put + Nombre + on ice, put + Nombre + on mothballs.
    * dejar Algo completamente destrozado = leave + Nombre + in shambles.
    * dejar Algo para otro día = take + a rain cheque.
    * dejar a oscuras = cut out + light.
    * dejar aparte = leave + aside.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.
    * dejar atónito = stun, astound.
    * dejar atrás = leave + behind, outstrip, outpace, outdistance, leave + Nombre + behind, leave by + the wayside, move on from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar bastante que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar caer = drop, dump.
    * dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.
    * dejar caer un indirecta = drop + a hint.
    * dejar ciego = blind.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, hammer + home + message, make + plain, send + a clear signal that.
    * dejar claro que = make + the point that.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar constancia de = record.
    * dejar de = cease to, relax + the grip on.
    * dejar de actualizar el catálogo = close down + catalogue.
    * dejar de circular = drop out of + circulation.
    * dejar de existir = be no more.
    * dejar de fumar = stop + smoking, quit + smoking, smoking cessation.
    * dejar de funcionar = go down, cease to + function, go + belly up, flake out, go + dead, pack up.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar de hacer sufrir = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.
    * dejar de + Infinitivo = skip + Gerundio, give up + Gerundio, stop + Gerundio.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * dejar de percatarse de = become + blind to.
    * dejar de pie = leave + standing.
    * dejar de publicarse = cease + publication.
    * dejar de remar = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * dejar desamparado = leave + Nombre + out in the cold, leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de ser actual = date.
    * dejar de ser popular = outlive + Posesivo + popularity.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * dejar desguarnecido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de sonreír = extinguish + smile.
    * dejar desprotegido = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar desvalido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de trabajar temporalmente = career break.
    * dejar de ver = become + blind to.
    * dejar dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.
    * dejar el agua correr = let bygones be bygones.
    * dejar el hábito = kick + the habit.
    * dejar el nido = fly + the nest, leave + the nest.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar en adobo = marinade.
    * dejar en blanco = leave + blank.
    * dejar encargado = leave in + charge.
    * dejar en el dique seco = mothball.
    * dejar en evidencia = call + Posesivo + bluff.
    * dejar en garantía = pledge.
    * dejar en herencia = bequeath.
    * dejar en la cuneta = ditch.
    * dejar en la estacada = leave + Nombre + high and dry, be left out on a limb.
    * dejar en libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar en prenda = pledge.
    * dejar en remojo = steep.
    * dejar en ridículo = make + a joke of, put + Nombre + to shame.
    * dejar en segundo plano = overshadow.
    * dejar en suspenso = put into + abeyance.
    * dejar en testamento = will.
    * dejar entrever = provide + a glimpse of, hint, insinuate, hint at, give + a hint, intimate.
    * dejar escapar a Alguien = let + Nombre + escape.
    * dejar espacio para = leave + room for.
    * dejar estupefacto = stagger.
    * dejar frío a Alguien = knock + Nombre + cold.
    * dejar frío y vacío = leave + Nombre + cold and empty.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar huérfano = orphan.
    * dejar incompleto = leave + unfinished.
    * dejar inconsciente = overcome, knock + the hell out out of, leave + unconscious.
    * dejar indefenso = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar intacto = leave + intact, leave + untouched.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * dejar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + the matter + rest, let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar la tierra en barbecho = let + farmland lie fallow.
    * dejar libertad para + Infinitivo = leave + Nombre + free to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar limpio a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar lisiado = lame.
    * dejarlo a la discreción de = leave + it to the discretion of.
    * dejarlo en paz = give + it a rest, let + it drop.
    * dejarlo para última hora = leave + it until the last minute.
    * dejar los campos en barbecho = let + fields lie fallow.
    * dejar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * dejar marcado = scar.
    * dejar margen = allow + margin.
    * dejar mella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar para cuando = move to + a time when.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * dejar pasmado = stagger.
    * dejar paso = step + aside.
    * dejar paso (a) = give + way (to).
    * dejar pelado a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar perplejo = puzzle, mystify, perplex, stump, blow + Posesivo + mind, bewilder, nonplus.
    * dejar plantado = walk out on.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se vaya = let + Nombre + go.
    * dejar que desear = leave + something + to be desired, leave + a bit to be desired.
    * dejar que se pudra = leave to + rot.
    * dejar que + Subjuntivo = allow + Infinitivo.
    * dejar rastro = leave + a trace.
    * dejarse arrastrar = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse arrastrar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.
    * dejarse el pellejo = play out + Posesivo + skin, work + Posesivo + butt off, sweat + blood, slog + Posesivo + guts out, give + Posesivo + all.
    * dejarse el pellejo trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse embaucar = get + sucked in.
    * dejarse engañar = fall for, get + sucked in.
    * dejarse guiar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse la piel = sweat + blood, work + Posesivo + butt off, slog + Posesivo + guts out, play out + Posesivo + skin.
    * dejarse la piel trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.
    * dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).
    * dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.
    * dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse ver = have + visibility.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin palabras = leave + Nombre + speechless, nonplus.
    * dejar sin poder = disempower.
    * dejar sin protección = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar sitio (a) = make + room (for), make + way (for).
    * dejar solo = leave + Alguien + alone, leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar su impronta en = set + Posesivo + stamp on.
    * dejar tiempo = free up + time.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * dejar tirado = strand, walk out on.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar tras sí = leave + behind.
    * dejar una cicatriz = scar.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression, leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una impresión = leave with + the impression, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar una marca = leave + Posesivo + mark.
    * dejar una pista = leave + a trace.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un cargo = resign + office, step down from + Posesivo + position, leave + office.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * dejar un hueco = leave + gap.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un reguero de = leave + a trail of.
    * dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar vacante = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vacío = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vulnerable = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre/Reflexivo + vulnerable.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desapareder sin dejar rastro = vanish into + thin air.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * golpear a Alguien hasta dejarlo inconsciente = beat + Nombre + unconscious.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + de = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + of = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstressed, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persuadir a Alguien para que deje Algo = lure away from.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sistema + dejar de funcionar = system + crash.
    * vive y deja vivir = live and let live.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( en lugar determinado) to leave

    lo dejé en recepción/en la mesa — I left it in reception/on the table

    ¿cuánto se deja de propina? — how much do you leave as a tip?

    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa — leave her alone, it wasn't her fault

    dejar mucho que desearto leave a great deal to be desired

    b) ( olvidar) to leave
    c) ( como herencia) to leave
    a) <marca/mancha/huella> to leave
    b) < ganancia> to produce
    3) ( abandonar) <novia/marido> to leave; < familia> to leave, abandon; < trabajo> to give up, leave; < lugar> to leave
    4) (+ compl)
    a) ( en cierto estado) to leave

    el avión/bus nos dejó — (Col, Ven) we missed the plane/bus

    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos — he let me have it for 1,000 pesos

    dejar algo/a alguien estar — to let something/somebody be (colloq), to leave something/somebody alone; lado 5)

    b) (CS)
    a) ( posponer) leave

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora — don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) <espacio/margen> to leave
    6) ( permitir)

    dejar algo/a alguien + inf — to let something/somebody + inf

    déjalo entrar/salir — let it/him in/out

    ¿me dejas ir? — will you let me go?

    dejar que algo/alguien + subj — to let somebody/something + inf


    dejar caer< objeto> to drop; < comentario> to let... drop

    a) ( cesar)

    dejar de + inf — to stop -ing

    deja de llorar/importunarme — stop crying/bothering me

    b) (omitir, no hacer)

    dejar de + inf: no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues make sure you write as soon as you get there; no dejes de recordarles que... be sure to remind them that...; es algo que no deja de sorprenderme — it's something I still find surprising

    dejarse v pron
    a) ( abandonarse) to let oneself go

    dejarse + inf: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him; se deja convencer fácilmente he's easily persuaded; dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music; no te dejes, tú también pégale (AmL exc RPl) don't just take it, hit him back (colloq); nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you; dejarse estar (AmL): no te dejes estar you'd better do something; si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato — if we don't get our act together we'll lose the contract

    2) <barba/bigote> to grow
    3) (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave

    me dejé el dinero en casa — I left my/the money at home

    4) dejarse de (fam)

    déjate de lamentaciones/de rodeos — stop complaining/beating about the bush

    * * *
    = cease, dump, leave, let, forsake, put down, drop off, maroon, flake out, let + go of, go + cold turkey, leave off, walk out on.

    Ex: After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.

    Ex: The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex: Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
    Ex: If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.
    Ex: Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex: The implication is that these are books to be picked up, looked at, leafed through and put down again.
    Ex: That they received regular visits from people who dropped off packages on a regular basis along with money.
    Ex: A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex: For one, large areas of city were in the hands of the Mafia, who was not eager to let got of their vested interests.
    Ex: Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex: This book takes up the thread where Volume One left off.
    Ex: There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a Alguien atónito = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien boquiabierto = leave + Nombre + gagging, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien colgado = hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien embarazada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en estado = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en la cuneta = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien en la estacada = leave + Alguien + in the lurch, hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * dejar a Alguien estupefacto = leave + Nombre + speechless, astound, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien inconsciente = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien patidifuso = make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien plantado = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien preñada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe como pueda = leave + Alguien + to sink or swim.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las arregle solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien sin sentido = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar a Alguien sin un duro = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar abierta la posibilidad de que = leave + open the possibility that.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar a la posteridad = bequeath to + posterity.
    * dejar al descubierto = lay + bare.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al azar = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al criterio de Alguien = leave + Nombre + up to.
    * dejar Algo aparcado = put + Nombre + on ice, put + Nombre + on mothballs.
    * dejar Algo completamente destrozado = leave + Nombre + in shambles.
    * dejar Algo para otro día = take + a rain cheque.
    * dejar a oscuras = cut out + light.
    * dejar aparte = leave + aside.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.
    * dejar atónito = stun, astound.
    * dejar atrás = leave + behind, outstrip, outpace, outdistance, leave + Nombre + behind, leave by + the wayside, move on from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar bastante que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar caer = drop, dump.
    * dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.
    * dejar caer un indirecta = drop + a hint.
    * dejar ciego = blind.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, hammer + home + message, make + plain, send + a clear signal that.
    * dejar claro que = make + the point that.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar constancia de = record.
    * dejar de = cease to, relax + the grip on.
    * dejar de actualizar el catálogo = close down + catalogue.
    * dejar de circular = drop out of + circulation.
    * dejar de existir = be no more.
    * dejar de fumar = stop + smoking, quit + smoking, smoking cessation.
    * dejar de funcionar = go down, cease to + function, go + belly up, flake out, go + dead, pack up.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar de hacer sufrir = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.
    * dejar de + Infinitivo = skip + Gerundio, give up + Gerundio, stop + Gerundio.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * dejar de percatarse de = become + blind to.
    * dejar de pie = leave + standing.
    * dejar de publicarse = cease + publication.
    * dejar de remar = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * dejar desamparado = leave + Nombre + out in the cold, leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de ser actual = date.
    * dejar de ser popular = outlive + Posesivo + popularity.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * dejar desguarnecido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de sonreír = extinguish + smile.
    * dejar desprotegido = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar desvalido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de trabajar temporalmente = career break.
    * dejar de ver = become + blind to.
    * dejar dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.
    * dejar el agua correr = let bygones be bygones.
    * dejar el hábito = kick + the habit.
    * dejar el nido = fly + the nest, leave + the nest.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar en adobo = marinade.
    * dejar en blanco = leave + blank.
    * dejar encargado = leave in + charge.
    * dejar en el dique seco = mothball.
    * dejar en evidencia = call + Posesivo + bluff.
    * dejar en garantía = pledge.
    * dejar en herencia = bequeath.
    * dejar en la cuneta = ditch.
    * dejar en la estacada = leave + Nombre + high and dry, be left out on a limb.
    * dejar en libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar en prenda = pledge.
    * dejar en remojo = steep.
    * dejar en ridículo = make + a joke of, put + Nombre + to shame.
    * dejar en segundo plano = overshadow.
    * dejar en suspenso = put into + abeyance.
    * dejar en testamento = will.
    * dejar entrever = provide + a glimpse of, hint, insinuate, hint at, give + a hint, intimate.
    * dejar escapar a Alguien = let + Nombre + escape.
    * dejar espacio para = leave + room for.
    * dejar estupefacto = stagger.
    * dejar frío a Alguien = knock + Nombre + cold.
    * dejar frío y vacío = leave + Nombre + cold and empty.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar huérfano = orphan.
    * dejar incompleto = leave + unfinished.
    * dejar inconsciente = overcome, knock + the hell out out of, leave + unconscious.
    * dejar indefenso = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar intacto = leave + intact, leave + untouched.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * dejar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + the matter + rest, let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar la tierra en barbecho = let + farmland lie fallow.
    * dejar libertad para + Infinitivo = leave + Nombre + free to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar limpio a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar lisiado = lame.
    * dejarlo a la discreción de = leave + it to the discretion of.
    * dejarlo en paz = give + it a rest, let + it drop.
    * dejarlo para última hora = leave + it until the last minute.
    * dejar los campos en barbecho = let + fields lie fallow.
    * dejar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * dejar marcado = scar.
    * dejar margen = allow + margin.
    * dejar mella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar para cuando = move to + a time when.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * dejar pasmado = stagger.
    * dejar paso = step + aside.
    * dejar paso (a) = give + way (to).
    * dejar pelado a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar perplejo = puzzle, mystify, perplex, stump, blow + Posesivo + mind, bewilder, nonplus.
    * dejar plantado = walk out on.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se vaya = let + Nombre + go.
    * dejar que desear = leave + something + to be desired, leave + a bit to be desired.
    * dejar que se pudra = leave to + rot.
    * dejar que + Subjuntivo = allow + Infinitivo.
    * dejar rastro = leave + a trace.
    * dejarse arrastrar = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse arrastrar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.
    * dejarse el pellejo = play out + Posesivo + skin, work + Posesivo + butt off, sweat + blood, slog + Posesivo + guts out, give + Posesivo + all.
    * dejarse el pellejo trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse embaucar = get + sucked in.
    * dejarse engañar = fall for, get + sucked in.
    * dejarse guiar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse la piel = sweat + blood, work + Posesivo + butt off, slog + Posesivo + guts out, play out + Posesivo + skin.
    * dejarse la piel trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.
    * dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).
    * dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.
    * dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse ver = have + visibility.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin palabras = leave + Nombre + speechless, nonplus.
    * dejar sin poder = disempower.
    * dejar sin protección = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar sitio (a) = make + room (for), make + way (for).
    * dejar solo = leave + Alguien + alone, leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar su impronta en = set + Posesivo + stamp on.
    * dejar tiempo = free up + time.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * dejar tirado = strand, walk out on.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar tras sí = leave + behind.
    * dejar una cicatriz = scar.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression, leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una impresión = leave with + the impression, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar una marca = leave + Posesivo + mark.
    * dejar una pista = leave + a trace.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un cargo = resign + office, step down from + Posesivo + position, leave + office.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * dejar un hueco = leave + gap.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un reguero de = leave + a trail of.
    * dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar vacante = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vacío = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vulnerable = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre/Reflexivo + vulnerable.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desapareder sin dejar rastro = vanish into + thin air.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * golpear a Alguien hasta dejarlo inconsciente = beat + Nombre + unconscious.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + de = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + of = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstressed, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persuadir a Alguien para que deje Algo = lure away from.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sistema + dejar de funcionar = system + crash.
    * vive y deja vivir = live and let live.

    * * *
    ■ dejar (verbo transitivo)
    1 dejar en un lugar
    2 olvidar
    3 como herencia
    4 depositar: persona
    1 dejar: marca, mancha etc
    2 Comercio
    C abandonar: novia, marido etc
    1 en cierto estado
    2 dejar algo dicho
    1 posponer
    2 reservar, guardar
    F prestar
    1 permitir
    2 esperar
    1 dejar paso
    2 dejar caer
    ■ dejar (verbo intransitivo)
    A deja/dejen
    1 dejar de: omitir, no hacer
    2 dejar de: cesar
    ■ dejarse (verbo pronominal)
    A abandonarse
    1 dejarse la barba etc
    2 dejarse + infinitivo
    C olvidar
    D dejarse de
    1 (en un lugar) to leave
    ¿dónde dejaste el coche? where did you leave the car?
    déjamelo en recepción leave it in reception for me
    deja ese cuchillo, que te vas a cortar put that knife down, you'll cut yourself
    dejé un depósito I put down o left a deposit
    ¿cuánto se suele dejar de propina? how much do you normally leave as a tip?
    dejémoslo, no quiero discutir por eso let's forget o drop it, I don't want to argue about it
    déjalo ya, no le pegues más that's enough o stop it now, don't hit him any more
    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa leave her alone o let her be, it wasn't her fault
    dejar que desear: la calidad deja bastante/mucho que desear the quality leaves rather a lot/much to be desired
    2 (olvidar) to leave
    dejó el paraguas en el tren she left her umbrella on the train
    3 (como herencia) to leave
    le dejó sus alhajas a su nieta she left her jewels to her granddaughter
    4 (depositar) ‹persona› to drop, drop … off
    dejó a los niños en el colegio she dropped the children (off) at school
    1 ‹marca/mancha/huella› to leave
    deja un gusto amargo en la boca it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth
    deja viuda y tres hijos he leaves a widow and three children
    2 ( Comercio):
    no deja mucho margen it does not have a very high profit margin
    ese tipo de negocio deja mucho dinero that type of business is very lucrative o yields high returns
    C (abandonar) ‹novia/marido› to leave; ‹familia› to leave, abandon; ‹trabajo› to give up, leave; ‹lugar› to leave
    lo dejó por otro she left him for another man
    quiere dejar el ballet he wants to give up ballet dancing
    no quería dejar esa casa donde había sido tan feliz he didn't want to leave that house where he had been so happy
    te dejo, que tengo que arreglarme I must go, I have to get ready
    D (+ compl)
    dejé la ventana abierta I left the window open
    su muerte los dejó en la miseria his death left them in absolute poverty
    su respuesta me dejó boquiabierta I was astonished by her reply
    ese estilo de cine me deja frío that sort of movie leaves me cold
    el golpe lo dejó inconsciente the blow knocked o rendered him unconscious
    dejar los garbanzos en remojo leave the chickpeas to soak
    dejo el asunto en tus manos I'll leave the matter in your hands
    me dejó esperando afuera she left me waiting outside
    el avión/bus nos dejó (Col, Ven); we missed the plane/bus
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!
    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos he let me have it for 1,000 pesos
    quiero dejar esto bien claro I want to make this quite clear, I want this to be quite clear
    dejando aparte la cuestión de … leaving aside the question of …
    dejó atrás a los otros corredores she left the other runners behind
    dejar algo/a algn estar to let sth/sb be ( colloq), to leave sth/sb alone
    (CS): dejar algo dicho to leave a message
    dejó dicho que lo llamaran he left a message for them to call him
    ¿quiere dejar algo dicho? do you want to leave a message?
    1 (posponer) leave
    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now
    dejemos los platos para mañana let's leave the dishes until tomorrow
    2 (reservar, guardar) to leave
    deja tus chistes para otro momento save your jokes for some other time
    dejen un poco de postre para Gustavo leave some dessert for Gustavo
    deja un margen leave a margin
    F ( Esp fam) (prestar) (+ me/te/le etc) to lend
    he salido sin dineroyo te puedo dejar algo I've come out without any money — I can lend you some o let you have some
    1 (permitir) dejar algo/a algn + INF to let sth/sb + INF
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?, can I go?
    déjame entrar/salir let me in/out
    siempre lo han dejado hacer lo que le da la gana they've always allowed him to do o let him do just as he pleases
    deja correr el agua let the water run, run the water
    tú déjame hacer a mí y no te preocupes you leave it to me and don't worry
    sacar del horno y dejar reposar remove from the oven and leave to stand
    dejar que algo/algn + SUBJ to let sth/sb + INF
    dejó que lo eligiera ella he let her choose, he left the choice to her
    déjame que te ayude let me help you
    no dejes que se queme la carne don't let the meat burn
    2 (esperar) dejar que algo/algn + SUBJ:
    dejar que espese la salsa allow the sauce to thicken, wait until the sauce thickens
    deja que se tranquilice un poco primero wait for him to calm down o let him calm down a bit first
    ¡deja que te agarre y vas a ver! just you wait till I get my hands on you!
    dejar paso to make way
    dejen paso a la ambulancia let the ambulance through, make way for the ambulance
    hay que dejar paso a las nuevas ideas we have to make way for new ideas
    dejar caer ‹objeto› to drop;
    ‹comentario› to let … drop
    dejó caer la noticia de que se casaba she let it drop that she was getting married
    ■ dejar
    deja/dejen: deja, me toca pagar a mí no, no, it's my turn to pay
    toma lo que te debía — deja, deja here, this is what I owed you — no, it doesn't matter o no, forget it o no, please
    dejen, no se preocupen look, leave it, don't bother
    1 (omitir, no hacer) dejar DE + INF:
    no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues don't forget to write o make sure you write as soon as you get there
    no deja de llamar ni un solo día he telephones every day without fail
    no dejes de recordarles que … be sure to remind them that …
    no por eso voy a dejar de decir lo que siento that won't stop me from saying what I feel
    yo no puedo dejar de sacar mis propias conclusiones I can't help but draw my own conclusions
    no deja de sorprenderme que haya venido a disculparse I still find it surprising that he came to apologize
    lo que hagan o dejen de hacer es cosa suya whatever they do or don't do is their business
    por no dejar ( Chi fam); for the sake of it
    2 (cesar) dejar DE + INF to stop -ING
    deja de llorar/importunarme stop crying/bothering me
    creía que habías dejado de fumar I thought you had given up smoking
    A (abandonarse) to let oneself go
    se ha dejado mucho desde que enviudó he's let himself go terribly since he lost his wife
    1 ‹barba/bigote› to grow
    quiero dejarme el pelo largo I want to grow my hair long
    2 dejarse + INF:
    se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him
    no me voy a dejar convencer tan fácilmente I am not going to be persuaded that easily
    quería besarla, pero ella no se dejó he wanted to kiss her but she wouldn't let him
    se dejó llevar por la música she let herself be carried o swept along by the music
    se dejó abatir por el desánimo she succumbed to despondency
    no te dejes, tú también pégale ( AmL exc RPl); don't just take it, hit him back ( colloq)
    ¿qué tal el postre? — se deja comer ( fam hum); what's the dessert like? — it's not bad o I've tasted worse ( colloq hum)
    de vez en cuando se dejaba caer por el club he used to drop by o into the club now and then
    nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you
    dejarse estar: no te dejes estar you'd better do something
    si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato if we don't get our act together o get a move on we'll lose the contract, if we don't do something, we'll lose the contract ( colloq)
    C ( fam) (olvidar) to leave
    me dejé el dinero en casa I left my/the money at home
    déjate de rodeos y dime la verdad stop beating about the bush and tell me the truth
    a ver si se dejan de perder el tiempo why don't you stop wasting time
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    dejar algo
    dejar ( conjugate dejar) verbo transitivo

    dejó a los niños en el colegio she dropped the children (off) at school;
    dejar un recado to leave a message;
    dejar propina to leave a tip;
    deja ese cuchillo put that knife down;
    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa leave her alone, it wasn't her fault;
    dejar mucho que desear to leave a great deal to be desired
    b) ( olvidar) ‹dinero/objeto to leave;

    ¡déjalo! forget it!

    a)mancha/huella/sabor to leave

    b) ganancia to produce;

    3 ( abandonar) ‹novia/marido to leave;
    familia to leave, abandon;
    trabajo to give up, leave;
    lugar to leave;

    4 (+ compl) ( en cierto estado) to leave;

    me dejó esperando afuera she left me waiting outside;
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!;
    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos he let me have it for 1,000 pesos;
    See also→ lado 3

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) ‹espacio/margen/comida to leave

    ( permitir)
    dejara algo/algn hacer algo to let sth/sb do sth;

    déjalo entrar let it/him in;
    deja correr el agua let the water run;
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?;
    dejar que algo/algn haga algo to let sb/sth do sth;
    déjame que te ayude let me help you;
    See Also→ caer 1, See Also→ paso 1 b
    verbo intransitivo dejar de hacer algo to stop doing sth;
    dejar de fumar to give up o to stop smoking;

    no dejes de escribirme make sure you write to me
    dejarse verbo pronominal


    dejarse hacer algo: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him;

    se deja influir fácilmente he's easily influenced;
    dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music;
    dejarse estar (AmL);

    ( descuidarse) to be careless;
    ( abandonarse) to let oneself go
    2barba/bigote to grow
    3 dejarse de hacer algo to stop doing sth;

    4 (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave
    1 verbo transitivo
    1 (poner en un sitio una cosa) to leave: déjalo donde estaba, leave it where it was
    no sé dónde dejé las llaves, I don't know where I left my keys
    (a una persona en un lugar) to drop off
    2 (prestar) to lend: ¿me dejas tu blusa?, may I borrow your blouse?
    3 (abandonar a un niño) to abandon
    (romper relaciones con) to leave: Carmen dejó a su novio, Carmen broke up with her boyfriend
    (una actividad) to give up: dejó de bailar, she gave up dancing
    dejar el trabajo, to leave one's job
    (desistir) to give up: lo dejé por imposible, I gave it up
    4 (autorizar, dar permiso) to let, allow: no sé si le dejarán viajar solo, I don't know if they'll let her travel unaccompanied
    dejar entrar/salir, to let in/out ➣ Ver nota en let 5 (no molestar) to leave sb alone: deja a mamá, que está descansando, leave mummy alone, she's having a rest
    6 (producir beneficios) to produce
    7 (aplazar) dejaron la visita para otro día, they put the visit off for another day
    8 (+ adjetivo: en un estado) to make
    dejar cansado, to make (sb) tired
    dejar preocupado/satisfecho, to worry/satisfy
    II v aux ( dejar de + infinitivo) to stop, give up: no deja de hablar de él, she never stops talking about him
    no dejes de llamar para avisarme, don't forget to call me
    de pronto dejó de respirar, suddenly he stoped breathing ➣ Ver nota en give y stop
    ♦ Locuciones: déjame en paz, leave me alone
    dejar dicho, to leave a word o a message
    dejar fuera, (excluir, no tener en cuenta) to leave out, omit
    dejar mucho que desear, to leave a lot to be desired: su examen dejó mucho que desear, his exam performance left a lot to be desired
    ' dejar' also found in these entries:
    - aplanar
    - aturdir
    - barbecho
    - betún
    - cabida
    - cabo
    - caer
    - callar
    - clara
    - claro
    - colgada
    - colgado
    - consistir
    - Cristo
    - dejarse
    - descendencia
    - descolgar
    - desconectarse
    - despedirse
    - desplumar
    - destartalar
    - destilar
    - desvelar
    - deteriorarse
    - enseñar
    - entrever
    - estacada
    - estampar
    - franquear
    - hoy
    - huella
    - imprimir
    - miel
    - olvidar
    - palmo
    - petrificar
    - piedra
    - pieza
    - plantar
    - plantificar
    - poltrona
    - prenda
    - rastro
    - reñir
    - reposo
    - respirar
    - sabor
    - salirse
    - señal
    - admit
    - advance
    - advise
    - allow
    - astound
    - black out
    - blind
    - boggle
    - bowl over
    - break off
    - brew
    - brush aside
    - burner
    - butt out
    - cease
    - chuck in
    - cold
    - come off
    - consider
    - cripple
    - cut
    - cut off
    - cut out
    - dangle
    - dent
    - device
    - disable
    - dismiss
    - drop
    - drop off
    - drop out
    - dump
    - end
    - fool
    - forward
    - fox
    - free
    - gear
    - give
    - give up
    - gripping
    - imprint
    - jack in
    - jilt
    - keep
    - keep in
    - keep out
    - knock out
    - lay down
    * * *
    1. [poner] to leave, to put;
    dejó los papeles en la mesa he put o left the papers on the table;
    deja el abrigo en la percha put your coat on the hanger;
    he dejado la moto muy cerca I've left o parked my motorbike nearby;
    deja el jarrón, que lo vas a romper put that vase down or you'll break it;
    su compañero le dejó un balón perfecto y sólo tuvo que rematar a gol his team-mate played a perfect ball for him and all he had to do was tap it in
    2. [olvidar] to leave;
    dejé el paraguas en el cine I left my umbrella at the movies
    3. [encomendar]
    dejarle algo a alguien to leave sth with sb;
    le dejé los niños a mi madre I left the children with my mother
    4. Esp [prestar]
    dejar algo a alguien to lend sb sth, to lend sth to sb;
    ¿me dejas un paraguas? could you lend me an umbrella?;
    ¿nos dejarás tu casa el próximo verano? will you let us use your house next summer?
    5. [abandonar] [casa, trabajo, país] to leave;
    [tabaco, estudios] to give up; [familia] to abandon;
    dejé la fiesta a medianoche I left the party at midnight;
    dejó el tenis cuando empezó la universidad she gave up tennis when she started university;
    dejó lo que estaba haciendo para ayudarla he stopped o dropped what he was doing to help her;
    te dejo, que si no pierdo el autobús I have to leave you now, or I'll miss the bus;
    su marido la ha dejado her husband has left her;
    lo dejó por un hombre más joven she left him for a younger man;
    dejar a alguien en algún sitio [con el coche] to drop sb off somewhere;
    el avión dejó a treinta pasajeros en la primera escala thirty passengers got off (the plane) at the first stopover;
    dejar atrás a alguien to leave sb behind;
    es muy inteligente y ha dejado atrás al resto de la clase she's very intelligent and has left the rest of the class behind (her), she's very intelligent and is way ahead of the rest of the class;
    dejó atrás al resto de corredores he left the other runners behind o in his wake;
    dejar algo por imposible to give sth up as a lost cause
    6. [posponer] to leave;
    dejemos esto para la próxima reunión let's leave this matter until the next meeting;
    dejamos el viaje para diciembre we put off the journey until December;
    no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy don't put off till o leave for tomorrow what you can do today
    7. [permitir]
    dejar a alguien hacer algo to let sb do sth, to allow sb to do sth;
    no me dejan salir, estoy castigado I'm being kept in as a punishment;
    dejar entrar/salir a alguien to let sb in/out;
    sus gritos no me dejaron dormir his cries prevented me from sleeping;
    déjame a mí, que tengo más experiencia let me do it, I'm more experienced;
    déjame a mí, yo me encargo de preparar la comida leave it to me, I'll get dinner;
    deja que tu hijo venga con nosotros let your son come with us;
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?, can I go?;
    dejar correr algo to leave sth be;
    dejar pasar o [m5] escapar algo to let sth slip;
    dejó pasar tres semanas he let three weeks go by;
    el resultado final no deja lugar a dudas the final result leaves no room for doubt
    8. [reservar]
    deja algo de café para mí leave some coffee for me;
    deja algo para los demás leave some for the others;
    deja tus críticas para una mejor ocasión save your criticisms for another time
    9. [legar] to leave;
    dejar algo a alguien to leave sth to sb;
    10. [reportar] to bring;
    el negocio les deja varios millones al año the business brings them several million a year
    11. [omitir] to leave out;
    la cocina déjala de momento, ahora hay que limpiar el baño leave the kitchen for the moment, I want you to clean the bathroom now;
    dejemos aparte las introducciones y comencemos la negociación let's dispense with the introductions and get straight down to the negotiations;
    dejar algo por o [m5] sin hacer to fail to do sth;
    dejó lo más importante por resolver he left the most important question unresolved
    12. (en imperativo) [olvidar] to forget (about);
    déjalo, no importa forget it, it doesn't matter
    13. (en imperativo) [no molestar] to leave alone o in peace;
    ¡déjame, que tengo trabajo! leave me alone, I'm busy!;
    déjame tranquilo o [m5] en paz leave me alone o in peace;
    ¡deja a tu padre, está durmiendo! leave your father alone o in peace, he's sleeping!;
    déjalo estar leave it as it is, let it be
    14. (+ infinitivo)
    dejó adivinar sus intenciones she allowed her intentions to be guessed;
    lo dejó caer she dropped it;
    dejó caer que no se presentaría a las próximas elecciones he let it drop that he wouldn't be standing at the next election;
    dejó escapar una magnífica oportunidad she missed an excellent opportunity, she allowed an excellent opportunity to slip by
    15. [indica resultado] to leave;
    deja un sabor agridulce it has a bittersweet aftertaste;
    la lejía ha dejado marcas en la ropa the bleach has left stains on the clothes;
    el examen me dejó agotado I was left exhausted by the exam;
    ¡no me dejes así, cuéntame qué pasó! don't leave me guessing, tell me what happened!;
    yo dejaría la pared tal y como está I'd leave the wall as it is;
    tu comportamiento deja bastante/mucho que desear your behaviour leaves something/a lot to be desired;
    dejar algo hecho to get sth done;
    te lo dejaré hecho para el lunes I'll get it done for you by Monday;
    dejar algo como nuevo to leave sth as good as new
    16. [esperar a]
    dejar que to wait until;
    dejó que acabara de llover para salir he waited until it had stopped raining before going out;
    retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar o [m5] que se enfríe remove from the heat and allow to cool;
    deja que se calme un poco, y entonces háblale wait until she calms down a bit before you talk to her
    1. [parar]
    dejar de hacer algo to stop doing sth;
    dejó de llover it stopped raining, the rain stopped;
    ha dejado de fumar/beber he's stopped smoking/drinking;
    no deja de venir ni un solo día he never fails to come;
    poco a poco dejaron de llamarse they gradually stopped phoning one another;
    no deja de ser extraño que haga tanto calor en esta época del año it really is most strange for it to be so hot at this time of year
    2. (en negativo) [indica promesa]
    no dejar de to be sure to;
    ¡no dejes de escribirme! be sure to write to me!;
    no dejes de avisarnos si tienes algún problema be sure to tell us if you have any problem
    3. (en imperativo) [indica negación]
    deja, ya subo yo las maletas leave the cases, I'll bring them up;
    deje, señora, ya lo hago yo allow me, madam, I'll do it;
    ¿vas a volver a correr la maratón? – ¡deja, deja! ya tuve suficiente con la del año pasado are you going to run the marathon again? – don't! last year was more than enough
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 leave; estudios give up, quit fam ;
    dejar mucho que desear leave a lot to be desired;
    dejar algo para mañana leave sth until tomorrow;
    dejémoslo aquí let’s leave it here;
    ¡déjalo! persona leave him alone!; asunto drop it!
    2 ( permitir) let, allow;
    déjale marcharse let him go;
    dejar que algo ocurra let sth happen, allow sth to happen
    3 ( prestar) lend
    4 beneficios yield
    déjame en la esquina drop me at the corner;
    dejar caer algo drop sth
    II v/i
    1 ( parar)
    dejar de hacer algo stop doing sth;
    dejar de fumar give up smoking, stop o quit smoking;
    no deja de fastidiarme he keeps (on) annoying me;
    no puedo dejar de pensar en ellos I can’t stop thinking about them
    no dejes de visitarnos be sure to visit us
    * * *
    dejar vt
    1) : to leave
    2) abandonar: to abandon, to forsake
    3) : to let be, to let go
    4) permitir: to allow, to permit
    dejar vi
    dejar de : to stop, to quit
    dejar de fumar: to quit smoking
    * * *
    dejar vb
    1. (en general) to leave [pt. & pp. left]
    2. (abandonar una actividad) to give up [pt. gave; pp. given]
    3. (permitir) to let [pt. & pp. let]
    4. (prestar) to lend [pt. & pp. lent]
    ¿me dejas este libro? can you lend me this book? / can I borrow this book?
    dejar caer to drop [pt. & pp. dropped]
    dejar de (involuntariamente) to stop [pt. & pp. stopped] (voluntariamente) to give up [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!

    Spanish-English dictionary > dejar

  • 74 uppi

    1) up;
    sitja uppi, to sit up;
    hafa uppi øxina, to lift the axe;
    standa uppi, to be left standing (þeir, er þá stóðu uppi);
    to lie ashore, of a ship;
    var uppi röst mikil á firðinum, the current rose high;
    eiga vef uppi, to have a loom up, to be at work weaving;
    vera snemma uppi, to be up early;
    láta e-t uppi, to come forth with;
    2) vera uppi, to live (í þeira manna minnum, er þá vóru uppi);
    to be at an end, gone (var uppi hverr peningr);
    * * *
    adv. [Ulf. jupa; Dan. oppe], up, upon, above, cp. niðr and niðri, framm and frammi; sitja uppi, Nj. 220; jarl sat uppi, sate up, of a sick person. Fms. ix. 245; hafa uppi öxina. to lift, Nj. 19; hann grét uppi yfir honum, he wept, bent up over him. Fms. x. 174; þar stendr skip uppi, to lie ashore, Nj. 259; var uppi röst mikil á firðinum, the current rose high, Fms. xi. 145; seglit var u., the sail was up, Ld. 76; eiga vef uppi, to have a loom up, to be at work, weaving. Fms. xi. 49; borð eru uppi, x. 19, Hkr. ii. 192 (see borð); boginn má eigi einart uppi standa, cp. ‘neque semper arcum tendit Apollo,’ 623. 19; vera snemma uppi, to be up early, Fms. ix. 504; árla dags er uppi sá, Skíða R.: often with other prepositions, á uppi or uppi á, upon; á hjálminn uppi, Fms. xi. 133; þar u. á hellunni, Nj. 14; standa þar á uppi, 155; á heiðum uppi, Grág. ii. 352; uppi í; uppi í músina, Fms. i. 45; uppi í Meðaldal, 57; uppi með ánni, Nj. 154.
    II. metaph., láta e-t uppi, to come forthwith, Grág.; heiman-fylgja skal uppi vera við erfingja, is to be discharged, N. G. L. i. 49; hafa e-t uppi, to take forth, Nj. 32; hafa úróa uppi, to shew, Fms. ix. 270; skyldi uppi vera rannsökun, a ransacking was up, i. e. was to take place, Ld. 44.
    2. vera uppi, to be ‘all up,’ at an end; vóru uppi allar örvarnar, Fms. viii. 140; var u. hverr penningr, every penny gone, vi. 299; nú munu uppi sögur þínar, it will be all up with thy stories, 355.
    3. þeim er þá stóðu uppi, who were left, Hkr. i. 210; þessir vóru allir uppi ( lived) á einn tíma, Ísl. ii. 209: þat man æ uppi meðan Ísland er byggt, Landn. 149, v. l.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > uppi

  • 75 Howe, Frederick Webster

    b. 28 August 1822 Danvers, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 25 April 1891 Providence, Rhode Island, USA
    American mechanical engineer, machine-tool designer and inventor.
    Frederick W.Howe attended local schools until the age of 16 and then entered the machine shop of Gay \& Silver at North Chelmsford, Massachusetts, as an apprentice and remained with that firm for nine years. He then joined Robbins, Kendall \& Lawrence of Windsor, Vermont, as Assistant to Richard S. Lawrence in designing machine tools. A year later (1848) he was made Plant Superintendent. During his time with this firm, Howe designed a profiling machine which was used in all gun shops in the United States: a barrel-drilling and rifling machine, and the first commercially successful milling machine. Robbins \& Lawrence took to the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, England, a set of rifles built on the interchangeable system. The interest this created resulted in a visit of some members of the British Royal Small Arms Commission to America and subsequently in an order for 150 machine tools, jigs and fixtures from Robbins \& Lawrence, to be installed at the small-arms factory at Enfield. From 1853 to 1856 Howe was in charge of the design and building of these machines. In 1856 he established his own armoury at Newark, New Jersey, but transferred after two years to Middletown, Connecticut, where he continued the manufacture of small arms until the outbreak of the Civil War. He then became Superintendent of the armoury of the Providence Tool Company at Providence, Rhode Island, and served in that capacity until the end of the war. In 1865 he went to Bridgeport, Connecticut, to assist Elias Howe with the manufacture of his sewing machine. After the death of Elias Howe, Frederick Howe returned to Providence to join the Brown \& Sharpe Manufacturing Company. As Superintendent of that establishment he worked with Joseph R. Brown in the development of many of the firm's products, including machinery for the Wilcox \& Gibbs sewing machine then being made by Brown \& Sharpe. From 1876 Howe was in business on his own account as a consulting mechanical engineer and in his later years he was engaged in the development of shoe machinery and in designing a one-finger typewriter, which, however, was never completed. He was granted several patents, mainly in the fields of machine tools and firearms. As a designer, Howe was said to have been a perfectionist, making frequent improvements; when completed, his designs were always sound.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven; repub. 1926, New York, and 1987, Bradley, 111. (provides biographical details).
    R.S.Woodbury, 1960, History of the Milling Machine, Cambridge, Mass, (describes Howe's contribution to the development of the milling machine).

    Biographical history of technology > Howe, Frederick Webster

  • 76 tauchen

    I v/i
    2. (ist) (untertauchen) submerge; U-Boot: auch dive; bes. kurz oder teilweise: dip; die Sonne tauchte unter den Horizont the sun dipped ( oder sank) beneath ( oder below) the horizon
    3. (hat oder ist) (unter Wasser schwimmen) ohne Gerät: (skin-)dive; mit Gerät: (scuba-)dive; er kann zwei Minuten tauchen he can stay under (water) for two minutes
    4. (ist) (in etw. hineintauchen) sink, disappear, merge, fade (in + Akk into); ins Dunkel tauchen fade into ( oder disappear in[to]) the darkness
    5. (ist) (auftauchen) emerge, appear, come up ( aus out of oder from); Schwimmer etc., schnell: auch bob up; eine Insel tauchte aus dem Meer an island emerged ( oder detached itself) from the surrounding sea
    II v/t (hat) dip (in + Akk in[to]); länger: immerse ( oder bathe) (in); (Person) mit Gewalt: duck; länger: hold under; wir haben ihn tüchtig getaucht umg. we gave him a good ducking; die Landschaft wurde in goldenes Licht getaucht the countryside was bathed in (a) golden light ( oder radiance)
    * * *
    das Tauchen
    (Sport) diving; skin diving
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    * * *
    1) (to plunge headfirst into water or down through the air: He dived off a rock into the sea.) dive
    2) (an act of diving: She did a beautiful dive into the deep end of the pool.) dive
    3) (to throw oneself down (into deep water etc); to dive: He plunged into the river.) plunge
    * * *
    nt kein pl diving
    * * *
    1) auch mit sein dive ( nach for)

    er kann zwei Minuten [lang] tauchen — he can stay under water for two minutes

    2) mit sein (eintauchen) dive; (auftauchen) rise; emerge
    * * *
    A. v/i
    nach for)
    2. (ist) (untertauchen) submerge; U-Boot: auch dive; besonders kurz oder teilweise: dip;
    die Sonne tauchte unter den Horizont the sun dipped ( oder sank) beneath ( oder below) the horizon
    er kann zwei Minuten tauchen he can stay under (water) for two minutes
    4. (ist) (in etwas hineintauchen) sink, disappear, merge, fade (
    in +akk into);
    ins Dunkel tauchen fade into ( oder disappear in[to]) the darkness
    5. (ist) (auftauchen) emerge, appear, come up (
    aus out of oder from); Schwimmer etc, schnell: auch bob up;
    eine Insel tauchte aus dem Meer an island emerged ( oder detached itself) from the surrounding sea
    B. v/t (hat) dip (
    in +akk in[to]); länger: immerse ( oder bathe) (in); (Person) mit Gewalt: duck; länger: hold under;
    wir haben ihn tüchtig getaucht umg we gave him a good ducking;
    die Landschaft wurde in goldenes Licht getaucht the countryside was bathed in (a) golden light ( oder radiance)
    * * *
    1) auch mit sein dive ( nach for)

    er kann zwei Minuten [lang] tauchen — he can stay under water for two minutes

    2) mit sein (eintauchen) dive; (auftauchen) rise; emerge
    * * *
    (U-Boot) v.
    to dive v.
    to submerge v. (als Sport) v.
    to skin-dive v. (mit Gerät) v.
    to scuba-dive v. (nach) v.
    to dive (for) v. v.
    to dip (in, into) v.
    to immerse v.
    to plunge v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > tauchen

  • 77 na

    praep. 1. (wskazuje na kontakt z powierzchnią) [znajdować się] on
    - na stole/kanapie/krześle on the table/sofa/chair
    - na ścianie/drzwiach on the wall/door
    - na Ziemi/Księżycu on the Earth/Moon
    - na niebie in the sky
    - na jeziorze/rzece on the lake/river
    - na morzu at sea
    - na zdjęciu/obrazie (jako temat) in a photo/picture
    - na środku czegoś in the middle a. centre of sth
    - na początku/końcu czegoś at the beginning/end of sth
    - rana na nodze a wound on a a. in the leg
    - mieć na sobie marynarkę/płaszcz to be wearing a jacket/coat
    - nosiła pierścionek na małym palcu, a na szyi korale she had a ring on her little finger and beads (a)round her neck
    - włóż płaszcz na sweter put your coat on over your sweater
    2. (wskazuje na pomieszczenie, miejsce) at, in
    - na stadionie at the stadium
    - na korytarzu in the corridor
    - na ulicy in the street, outside
    - na ulicy Klonowej in a. on Klonowa Street
    - na dworcu/przystanku autobusowym at the station/bus stop
    - na staromiejskim rynku in the Old Town marketplace
    - na wschodzie/południu in the East/South
    - na Bliskim Wschodzie in the Middle East
    - na Ukrainie/Węgrzech in (the) Ukraine/in Hungary
    - na Śląsku/Mazowszu in Silesia/Mazovia
    - na wyspie/Borneo on an island/in Borneo
    - na wsi in the country
    - na uniwersytecie at (the) university/in the university
    - na wykładzie/przedstawieniu at a lecture/performance
    - na górze/dole (wysokość) at the top/bottom; (w budynku) upstairs/downstairs
    3. (wskazuje na kierunek) [pójść, prowadzić] to
    - na plażę/bagna to the beach/marshes
    - na stację/salę operacyjną to the station/the operating theatre
    - na Łotwę/Pomorze to Latvia/Pomerania
    - na Sycylię/Krym to Sicily/the Crimea
    - wyprawa na Mount Everest an expedition to Mount Everest
    - wspinać się na Giewont to climb Giewont
    - robotnicy wylegli na ulice workers took to the streets
    - dostał się na uniwersytet/prawo he entered university a. was admitted to university/he entered the law department
    - poszła na zebranie/koncert she went to a meeting/concert
    - iść/skręcać na północ/wschód to go/turn north/east
    - okna wychodzą na południe/na ogród the windows face south/look onto the garden
    - na północ/wschód od czegoś to the north/east of sth
    - na górę/dół (wyżej/niżej) up/down; (w budynku) upstairs/downstairs
    - patrzeć na kogoś to look at sb
    - postawić wazon na stół a. na stole to put a vase on the table
    - ładować meble na ciężarówkę to load furniture onto a lorry
    - przenosić się z miejsca na miejsce to move from place to place
    4. (wskazuje na odcinek czasu) for
    - wyjechać na tydzień/dwa dni to go away for a week/two days
    - na krótko for a bit a. a short while
    - na zawsze forever, for ever
    - muszę was na chwilę zostawić I’ll have to leave you for a moment
    - ptaki odleciały na zimę the birds have flown off for the winter
    - na pół godziny przed odlotem samolotu half an hour before the plane’s departure
    5. (wskazuje na termin) przygotuję ten referat na środę I’ll prepare the paper for Wednesday
    - miałeś zrobić tłumaczenie na wczoraj you were supposed to finish the translation by yesterday
    - przesuńmy zebranie na jutro let’s postpone the meeting till tomorrow
    - masz przyjść na drugą/lunch you must come at two/for lunch
    - jestem z nim umówiony na siedemnastą/na piątego stycznia I’m seeing him at 5 p.m./on January the fifth
    6. (wskazuje na okazję) for
    - na tę okazję for the occasion
    - sukienka na specjalne okazje a dress for special occasions
    - zjeść coś na śniadanie/lunch to have a. eat sth for breakfast/lunch
    - kupić komuś prezent na urodziny to buy sb a present for his/her birthday
    - zaprosić kogoś na imieniny/wigilię to invite sb to one’s name day party/for Christmas Eve
    - pójść na wesele/pogrzeb to go to a wedding/funeral
    - pocałować/pomachać komuś na pożegnanie to kiss/wave sb goodbye
    7. (z nazwami środków lokomocji) na nartach/rowerze on skis/on a bike
    - policjanci na koniach policemen on horseback
    - jechać na rowerze to cycle, to ride a bike
    - latać na lotni to go hang-gliding
    - jeździć na łyżwach/wrotkach to skate a. go skating/to (roller) skate a. go (roller) skating
    - chodzić/stać na rękach to walk/stand on one’s hands
    - skakać na jednej nodze to hop on one foot
    - zjechał na nartach ze zbocza he skied down the slope
    - dziecko poruszało się na pupie po całym pokoju the baby shuffled around the room on his/her bottom
    8. (wskazujące na podporę) on
    - stolik na kółkach a table on a. with wheels
    - pantofle na wysokim obcasie highheeled shoes
    - pantofle na płaskim obcasie low-heeled shoes, flats US
    - fotel/konik na biegunach a rocking chair/horse
    - spodnie na szelkach/pasku trousers with braces/with a belt
    - prowadzić psa na smyczy to lead a dog on a leash
    - leżeć na brzuchu/plecach to lie on one’s stomach/back
    - oprzeć się na łokciu/na lasce to lean on one’s elbow/a cane
    9. (z nazwami narzędzi, urządzeń, instrumentów) on
    - na komputerze/kalkulatorze on a computer/calculator
    - pisać na maszynie to type, to write on a typewriter
    - uszyć sukienkę na maszynie to machine(-sew) a dress
    - grać na skrzypcach/fortepianie to play (on) the violin/piano
    - zagrać jakąś melodię na skrzypcach/fortepianie to play a tune on the violin/piano
    10. (wskazuje na sposób) pranie na sucho dry-cleaning
    - jajka na twardo/miękko hard-boiled/soft-boiled eggs
    - usmażyć coś na maśle/oleju to fry sth in butter/oil
    - ten rosół jest na wołowinie, nie na kurczaku this is beef broth, not chicken broth
    - nalewka na wiśniach cherry brandy
    - sprzedawać coś na sztuki/tuziny to sell sth by the piece/dozen
    - kupić coś na raty to pay for sth by a. in instalments
    - pomalować coś na niebiesko/zielono to paint sth blue/green
    - ubierać się na biało/czarno to dress in white/black
    - „podawać na zimno/gorąco” ‘serve cold/hot’
    - zrobiła się na Marylin Monroe pot. she dolled herself up like Marylin Monroe pot.
    - (ona) uczy się na piątki she always gets top marks
    11. (wskazuje na przeznaczenie) for
    - mięso na befsztyki/zupę meat for steak/soup
    - butelka na mleko a milk bottle
    - materiał na sukienkę dress material
    - stojak na buty a shoe rack
    - syrop na kaszel cough syrup
    - koncert na skrzypce i fortepian a concerto for violin and piano
    - dom na sprzedaż a house for sale
    - sztućce/stół na cztery osoby cutlery/a table for four (people)
    - brała krople na serce she took drops for her heart
    - nie mam już miejsca na książki I don’t have any more room for books
    - na dokończenie tego mieliśmy tylko dwie godziny we only had two hours to finish it
    - nie trać czasu na głupstwa don’t waste time on trifles
    - brakuje pieniędzy na zasiłki there’s a shortage of money for benefits
    12. (wskazuje na cel) for
    - zabrali go do szpitala na operację they took him to hospital for an operation
    - poszedł na egzamin he went to take a. went off for his exam
    - idę do znajomych na brydża I’m going to my friends to play (some) bridge a. for a game of bridge
    - umówmy się na piwo let’s meet for a beer
    - muszę pójść na zakupy I have to do some a. go shopping
    - na co chcesz pójść (do kina)? what (film) would you like to see?
    - wybrać się na grzyby/ryby to go mushroom picking/fishing
    - skoczył do wody jemu/jej na ratunek he jumped into the water to save him/her
    13. (wskazuje na skutek) to, into
    - podarł spodnie na strzępy he tore his trousers to shreds
    - wazon rozbił się na kawałki the vase smashed to pieces
    - porąbał drewno na kawałki he chopped the wood into pieces
    - pokrój mięso na plastry/kawałki cut the meat into slices/chunks
    - gips strwardniał na kamień the plaster set as hard as rock
    - przerobiła sukienkę na spódnicę she turned the dress into a skirt
    - przebudowali piwnicę na sklep they converted the cellar into a shop
    - rodzice wychowali go na uczciwego człowieka his parents brought him up to be an honest man
    14. (wskazuje na przyczynę) at
    - na czyjąś prośbę/zaproszenie at sb’s request/invitation
    - na czyjś rozkaz at sb’s order
    - na widok kogoś/czegoś at the sight of sb/sth
    - na dźwięk dzwonka wyskoczył z wanny at the sound of the bell he jumped out of the bath
    - na myśl o tym zrobiło mu się słabo he felt faint at the (very) thought of it
    - śledztwo rozpoczęto na wniosek poszkodowanego the investigation was opened at the request of the injured party
    - na nasz apel zgłosiło się wielu ochotników many volunteers responded to our appeal
    - oskarżeni utrzymują, że strzelali na rozkaz the accused claim that they were ordered to shoot
    - chorować na grypę to be ill with flu
    - przystanek na żądanie a request stop GB, a flagstop US
    15. (w pomiarach, obliczeniach) 100 kilometrów na godzinę a hundred kilometres per a. an hour
    - dwa razy na tydzień/rok twice a week/year
    - jeden student na dziesięciu one student in ten a. out of ten
    - na jedno miejsce było sześciu kandydatów there were six candidates per place
    - bieg na 100 metrów the 100 metres sprint
    - głęboki/długi na sześć metrów six metres deep/long
    - podszedłem do niego na odległość kilku kroków I came to within several steps of him
    - poziom wody podniósł się na wysokość pierwszego piętra the level of the water rose up to the first floor
    - jak na swoje lata, jest w doskonałej formie he’s in excellent form for his years
    - jak na emeryta, ma spore dochody for a pensioner he has quite a large income
    - pomidory, jak na krajowe, są znakomite for Polish tomatoes they’re delicious
    - suma, jak na owe czasy, ogromna a huge sum for a. in those days a. times
    - na ówczesne warunki (for) the way things were at the time; for the conditions prevailing at that time książk.
    - na co? what for?
    - na co ci ołówek? what do you need a pencil for?
    - i na co wam to było? what did you have to do that for?
    - na odwal (się) pot. a. na odpieprz (się) posp. [zrobiony, wykonany] any old how pot.
    * * *
    (+acc) ( kierunek) to

    na plażę/wieś — to the beach/country

    na Węgry/Kubę — to Hungary/Cuba

    wchodzić (wejść perf) na drzewo — to climb a tree

    na zachód/północ — west/north, westward(s)/northward(s)

    wpadać (wpaść perf) na kogoś — to bump into sb ( okres)

    na 5 minut przed na+loc five minutes before... ( termin)

    na czwartą( zrobić coś) by four (o'clock); ( przyjść) at four (o'clock) ( okazja)

    na sztuki/tuziny — by the piece/the dozen

    na ratyon hire purchase (BRIT) lub installments (US)

    na czyjąś prośbę/zaproszenie — at sb's request/invitation

    na czyjś sygnał/życzenie — on sb's signal/wish

    chory na grypęill lub sick (US) with flu ( miara)

    jeden na dziesięć — one in ten, one out of ten

    malować (pomalować perf) coś na biało — to paint sth white ( przeznaczenie)

    kosz na śmiecidustbin (BRIT), garbage can (US)

    jechać na wakacje/wycieczkę — to go on holiday/a trip

    iść na wykład/koncert — to go to a lecture/concert ( z przysłówkami)

    * * *
    + Loc.
    1. ( miejsce) on, at, in ( często nie tłumaczony jako przyimek); na stole on the table; na ścianie on the wall; na górze/na dole up/down; at the top/bottom ( czegoś of sth); (= na piętrze/na parterze) upstairs/downstairs; na ulicy on the street; Br. in the street; na Siódmej Ulicy on Seventh Street; Br. in Seventh Street; na Pennsylvania Avenue pod numerem 10 Br. at 10 Pennsylvania Avenue; na Alasce/Litwie in Alaska/Lithuania; na deszczu (out) in the rain; na dworze (= na zewnątrz) outside, outdoors; na koniu on a horse, on horseback; na korytarzu in the corridor; na palcu/głowie on one's finger/head; mieć mnóstwo spraw na głowie przen. have a lot on one's mind l. shoulders; na początku/końcu czegoś at the beginning/end of sth; na polu in the field; na uniwersytecie/poczcie at the university/post office; na zachodzie in the west.
    2. ( sytuacja) gdybym był na twoim miejscu if I were you, if I were in your shoes.
    3. (= podczas) at, during, on; na zebraniu/koncercie at a meeting/concert; na wakacjach on vacation; Br. on holiday; na wycieczce on a trip l. excursion; spędzać czas na czytaniu spend one's time reading.
    4. ( środek lokomocji) on; jechać na koniu ride (on) a horse; jeździć na nartach ski, go skiing; jeździć na rowerze ride (on) a bicycle, ride a bike.
    5. ( ruch lub pozycja ciała) on; chodzić na rękach walk on one's hands; leżeć na boku lie on one's side; na nogach (t. przen. = w dobrej kondycji) on one's feet.
    6. ( instrument) on; grać na skrzypcach/fortepianie play the violin/piano; grać melodię na fortepianie play a tune on the piano.
    7. ( narzędzie) pisać na maszynie type, typewrite; robić na drutach knit.
    9. (po czasownikach l. przymiotnikach) oszczędzać na czymś economize on sth; wprawiać się na czymś cut one's teeth on sth; wychowany na czymś brought up l. raised on sth.
    + Acc.
    1. (kierunek l. cel) to, toward(s), on, upon ( często nie tłumaczony jako przyimek); na Alaskę/Litwę to Alaska/Lithuania; na stolicę (o celu marszu, operacji wojskowej) toward l. on the capital; na górę/na dół up/down; ( po schodach) upstairs/downstairs; na pocztę/dworzec kolejowy to the post office/railroad station; na ulicę (out) into the street; na zachód west, westward(s); wyjść na ulicę (euf. = zacząć uprawiać prostytucję) go on the streets.
    2. (po czasownikach l. przymiotnikach) chory na głowę (pot. = szalony) sick in the head, brainsick; chorować l. cierpieć na coś suffer from sth; cieszyć się na coś look forward to sth; krzyczeć na kogoś shout at sb; patrzeć na kogoś/coś look at sb/sth; zanosi się na deszcz it's going to rain; zły na kogoś/coś angry at/with sb/sth.
    3. ( stan) postawić kogoś na nogi przen. put sb on their feet (again).
    4. ( okres) for; na chwilę for a moment, for a while; na miesiąc for a month.
    5. (termin, wyznaczony czas) (dokładnie) na czas (right) on time; obiad będzie na piątą dinner will be (ready) at five; umówić się na środę agree to meet on Wednesday, schedule an appointment for Wednesday; wracam na Wielkanoc I'll be back l. returning for Easter; zrobię to na jutro I'll do it for tomorrow.
    6. (napęd, zasilanie) silnik na benzynę gasoline engine; zegar na baterię battery-powered clock.
    7. ( przeznaczenie) kosz na śmieci waste-paper basket; materiał na sukienkę dress material; koncert na fortepian muz. piano concerto; skrzynka na listy mailbox; Br. letter-box.
    8. ( sposób) with, by; walczyć na miecze fight with swords; kupować na raty buy on installments; kupować/sprzedawać na sztuki buy/sell by the piece.
    9. ( miara) 100 kilometrów na godzinę a hundred kilometers an hour/per hour; szeroki na dwa metry two meters wide; raz na rok once a year.
    10. (przyczyna, bodziec) on, upon, at, to; co ty na to? what do you say?, what would you say to that?; na żądanie on demand; na czyjąś prośbę/czyjś rozkaz on l. at sb's request/order; na widok kogoś/czegoś at the sight of sb/sth; na wieść o wypadku upon the news of the accident; odpowiedzieć na pytanie answer a question.
    11. ( podział) into, in; drzeć coś na kawałki tear sth into l. to pieces; dzielenie włosa na czworo przen. hair-splitting; dzielić/łamać/składać coś na pół divide/break/fold sth in half.
    12. ( dzielenie liczb) sto na dziesięć one hundred (divided) by ten.
    13. ( wymiary) pięć na dziesięć cali five by ten inches.
    14. ( cel) to, for, into; być przyjętym na (Uniwersytet) Yale be accepted at l. by Yale (University); dostać się na wydział chemii get into the chemistry department; iść na przyjęcie/zebranie go to a party/meeting; iść na ryby go fishing; iść na spacer go for a walk; jechać na wycieczkę go on an excursion; wyskoczyć na miasto go out, go into town.
    15. ( w utarych zwrotach) na dobitkę to crown it all, to top it (all) off, on top of all that; na domiar złego to make matters worse; na przykład for example, for instance; jak na złość ironically; na zakończenie finally; na złamanie karku at breakneck speed l. pace, helter-skelter.
    16. ( w równoważnikach zdań) na pomoc! help!; na koń! mount up!; na zdrowie! ( toast) cheers!; ( odpowiedź na kichnięcie) bless you!
    z przysłówkami, przymiotnikami i wyrazami nieodmiennymi
    2. ( okres) for; na długo/krótko for a long/short time; na zawsze forever.
    3. ( sposób) na czczo on an empty stomach; na leżąco lying (down), reclining, prone; jajko na twardo hard-boiled egg; na wznak on the back.
    4. ( relacje przestrzenne) na zewnątrz (czegoś) outside (sth); na wprost (straight) on l. ahead; (= naprzeciw) opposite; na zachód/lewo ( o położeniu) to the west/left ( od czegoś of sth).
    5. ( w utartych zwrotach) wszystko na nic/na próżno (it's) all for nothing/in vain.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > na

  • 78 mosca

    1 fly.
    aflojar o soltar la mosca (figurative) to cough up, to fork out
    estar con o tener la mosca detrás de la oreja (informal) to be suspicious o distrustful
    ¿qué mosca te ha picado? (informal figurative) what's up with you?
    mosca muerta (informal figurative) slyboots, hypocrite
    mosca tse-tsé tsetse fly
    2 money.
    * * *
    1 fly
    2 (barba) tuft
    aflojar/soltar la mosca familiar to fork out money, cough up
    caer como moscas to drop like flies
    estar mosca familiar (sospechar) to be suspicious 2 (estar enfadado) to be cross
    no se oía una mosca you could have heard a pin drop
    por si las moscas just in case
    ¿qué mosca te (le, etc) ha picado? familiar what's bugging you (him, etc)?
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=insecto) fly

    pescar a la mosca — to fish with a fly, fly-fish

    asarse las moscas —

    - mandar a algn a capar moscas
    - ¿qué mosca te/le ha picado?

    mosca artificial[en pesca] fly

    mosca azul, mosca blanca — whitefly

    mosca de España — Spanish fly, cantharides

    mosca drosofila — drosophila, fruit fly

    2) * (=pesado) pest
    3) (=dinero) dough *
    4) (=barba) small goatee beard
    5) pl moscas (=centellas) sparks

    moscas volantes — spots before the eyes, floaters

    6) Méx * (=parásito) sponger *
    ADJ INV Esp
    * * *
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (Esp fam) ( preocupado) uneasy, edgy (colloq); ( enfadado) sore (AmE colloq), cross (BrE colloq)
    b) (Ven fam) ( alerta) alert
    a) (Zool) fly

    caer como moscasto drop o fall like flies

    es incapaz de matar una moscashe wouldn't harm o hurt a fly

    estar con la mosca en or detrás de la oreja — to be wary, be on one's guard

    papar moscas — (fam) to mooch around (colloq)

    por si las moscas — (fam) just in case (colloq)

    ¿qué mosca te/le ha picado? — (fam) what's got into o what's up with you/him? (colloq)

    sentirse como mosca en leche — (Andes fam) to feel like a fish out of water

    venir or acudir como moscas — to swarm round like flies; ver tb mosquita

    b) ( para pescar) fly
    2) (Esp fam) ( dinero) dough (colloq)
    masculino y femenino (Ur fam) freeloader (colloq), sponger (BrE colloq)
    * * *
    = fly [flies, -pl.].
    Ex. From 'Huckleberry Finn' to 'Catcher in the Rye', from 'Coral Island' to 'The Lord of the Flies,' from 'Aesop's Fables' to 'Animal Farm': we can all find family trees for dozens of books.
    * caer como moscas = drop like + flies.
    * incapaz de matar una mosca = wouldn't hurt a fly.
    * mosca de la fruta = fruit fly.
    * mosca negra = black fly.
    * oír una mosca = hear a pin drop.
    * pesca con mosca = fly fishing.
    * por si las moscas = just in case, on spec.
    * * *
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (Esp fam) ( preocupado) uneasy, edgy (colloq); ( enfadado) sore (AmE colloq), cross (BrE colloq)
    b) (Ven fam) ( alerta) alert
    a) (Zool) fly

    caer como moscasto drop o fall like flies

    es incapaz de matar una moscashe wouldn't harm o hurt a fly

    estar con la mosca en or detrás de la oreja — to be wary, be on one's guard

    papar moscas — (fam) to mooch around (colloq)

    por si las moscas — (fam) just in case (colloq)

    ¿qué mosca te/le ha picado? — (fam) what's got into o what's up with you/him? (colloq)

    sentirse como mosca en leche — (Andes fam) to feel like a fish out of water

    venir or acudir como moscas — to swarm round like flies; ver tb mosquita

    b) ( para pescar) fly
    2) (Esp fam) ( dinero) dough (colloq)
    masculino y femenino (Ur fam) freeloader (colloq), sponger (BrE colloq)
    * * *
    = fly [flies, -pl.].

    Ex: From 'Huckleberry Finn' to 'Catcher in the Rye', from 'Coral Island' to 'The Lord of the Flies,' from 'Aesop's Fables' to 'Animal Farm': we can all find family trees for dozens of books.

    * caer como moscas = drop like + flies.
    * incapaz de matar una mosca = wouldn't hurt a fly.
    * mosca de la fruta = fruit fly.
    * mosca negra = black fly.
    * oír una mosca = hear a pin drop.
    * pesca con mosca = fly fishing.
    * por si las moscas = just in case, on spec.

    * * *
    1 ( Esp fam) (preocupado) uneasy, edgy ( colloq); (enfadado) sore ( AmE colloq), mad ( AmE), cross ( BrE colloq)
    2 ( Ven fam) (alerta) alert
    hay que estar mosca you have to be alert o ( colloq) keep on your toes
    1 ( Zool) fly
    no se oía ni una mosca you could have heard a pin drop ( colloq)
    caer como moscas to go down o drop o fall like flies
    es incapaz de matar una mosca she wouldn't harm o hurt a fly
    estar con la mosca en or detrás de la oreja to be wary, be on one's guard
    ir de mosca ( Méx): atrás del trolebús iban dos muchachos de mosca two boys were hanging off the back of the trolleybus
    papar moscas ( fam); to mooch around ( colloq)
    por si las moscas ( fam); just in case ( colloq), just to be on the safe side ( colloq)
    ¿qué mosca te/le ha picado? ( fam); what's got into o what's up with you/him? ( colloq), what's eating you/him? ( colloq)
    sentirse como mosca en leche ( Col fam); to feel like a fish out of water
    venir or acudir como moscas to swarm round like flies
    mosca húmeda or mojada
    wet fly
    dry fly
    mosca tsé-tsé or tsetsé
    ( Med) tsetse, tsetse fly
    B ( fam) (dinero) dough ( colloq), dosh ( BrE colloq)
    afloja la mosca cough up ( colloq)
    C ( Ven fam) (escolta) escort
    (Ur fam)
    freeloader ( colloq), sponger ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    mosca sustantivo femenino
    no se oía ni una mosca you could have heard a pin drop (colloq);

    por si las moscas (fam) just in case (colloq)
    I sustantivo femenino
    1 (insecto) fly
    2 fam fig (dinero) cash, dough
    aflojar la mosca, to stump up
    3 fam (recelo) estar con la mosca (detrás de la oreja), to smell a rat, to be suspicious
    II adj (estar) (enfadado) annoyed
    (inquieto) worried
    (intrigado) suspicious
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar ¿qué mosca le ha picado?, what's biting him?
    familiar por si las moscas, just in case

    ' mosca' also found in these entries:
    - volar
    - pescar
    - peso
    - por
    - eat
    - fly
    - flyweight
    - pin
    - blue
    - house
    * * *
    adj inv
    1. [en boxeo]
    peso mosca flyweight
    2. Esp Fam
    estar mosca [con sospechas] to smell a rat;
    estoy mosca con su oferta, no me inspira confianza there's something fishy about his offer, I don't trust it
    3. Esp Fam
    estar mosca [enfadado] to be in a mood;
    está mosca conmigo she's in a mood with me;
    está mosca porque se ha vuelto a estropear el ordenador he's in a mood because the computer's broken again
    4. Ven Fam [alerta] on the ball;
    para ganar dinero hay que estar muy mosca if you want to make money you've got to be on the ball
    [en boxeo] flyweight
    1. [insecto] fly
    mosca escorpión scorpion fly;
    mosca de la fruta fruit fly;
    Fam Fig mosca muerta:
    con lo mosca muerta que parecía y el novio tan guapo que se ha buscado she's a dark horse, you'd never have thought she'd end up with a good-looking boyfriend like that;
    parece una mosca muerta he looks very innocent;
    mosca tse-tsé tsetse fly
    2. [en pesca] fly
    3. RP Fam [dinero] dough;
    estoy sin mosca I'm flat broke, Br I'm skint
    4. Comp
    aflojar o [m5] soltar la mosca to cough up, to fork out;
    cazar moscas to twiddle one's thumbs;
    estar con o [m5] tener la mosca detrás de la oreja to be suspicious o distrustful;
    no se oía ni una mosca you could have heard a pin drop;
    ¿qué mosca te ha picado? what's up with you?, who's rattled your cage?;
    por si las moscas just in case;
    Méx Fam
    viajar de mosca = to ride for free on a bus by clinging to the outside of it
    Ven Fam watch it!
    * * *
    f fly;
    mosca muerta fam hypocrite;
    estar mosca fam smell a rat fam ;
    tener la mosca detrás de la oreja fam smell a rat fam ;
    por si las moscas fam just to be on the safe side;
    ¿qué mosca te ha picado? what’s biting you?;
    aflojar la mosca fam pay up, cough up fam ;
    caer o
    morir como moscas fig drop like flies;
    estar papando moscas fam be miles away fam ;
    no es capaz de matar una mosca he wouldn’t hurt a fly
    * * *
    mosca nf
    1) : fly
    mosca común : housefly
    * * *
    mosca n fly [pl. flies]

    Spanish-English dictionary > mosca

  • 79 DAGR

    (gen. dags, dat. degi; pl. dagar), m.
    1) day;
    at kveldi skal dag leyfa, at eventide shall the day be praised;
    dagr kemr upp í austri, sezt í vestri, the day rises in the east, sets in the west;
    öndverðr dagr, the early day, forenoon;
    miðr dagr, midday;
    hallandi dagr, declining day;
    at kveldi dags, síð dags, late in the day;
    sannr sem dagr, true as day;
    í dag, today;
    á (or um) daginn, during the day;
    sama dags, the same day;
    annan dag, the next day;
    annars dag, another day;
    hindra dags, the day after, tomorrow;
    dag frá degi, hvern dag frá öðrum, from day to day;
    dag eptir dag, day after day;
    nótt ok dag, night and day;
    dögunum optar, more times than there are days, over and over again;
    á deyjanda degi, on one’s death-day;
    2) pl., days, times;
    ef aðrir dagar (better days) koma;
    góðir dagar, happy days;
    3) esp. pl., lifetime;
    á dögum e-s, um daga e-s, in the days of, during or in the reign of;
    eptir minn dag, when I am dead (gaf honum alla sína eign eptir sinn dag);
    mátti hann eigi lengr gefa en um sína dagi, than for his lifetime;
    ráða (taka) e-n af dögum, to put to death.
    * * *
    m., irreg. dat. degi, pl. dagar: [the kindred word dœgr with a vowel change from ó (dóg) indicates a lost root verb analogous to ala, ól, cp. dalr and dælir; this word is common to all Teutonic dialects; Goth. dags; A. S. dag; Engl. day; Swed.-Dan. dag; Germ. tag; the Lat. dies seems to be identical, although no interchange has taken place]
    I. a day; in different senses:
    1. the natural day:—sayings referring to the day, at kveldi skal dag leyfa, at eventide shall the day be praised, Hm. 80 ; allir dagar eiga kveld um síðir; mörg eru dags augu, vide auga; enginn dagr til enda tryggr, no day can be trusted till its end; allr dagr til stefnu, Grág. i. 395, 443, is a law phrase,—for summoning was lawful only if performed during the day; this phrase is also used metaph. = ‘plenty of time’ or the like: popular phrases as to the daylight are many—dagr rennr, or rennr upp, and kemr upp, the day rises, Bm. 1; dagr í austri, day in the east, where the daylight first appears; dagsbrún, ‘day’s brow,’ is the first streak of daylight, the metaphor taken from the human face; lysir af degi, it brightens from the day, i. e. daylight is appearing; dagr ljómar, the day gleams; fyrir dag, before day; móti degi, undir dag, about daybreak; komið at degi, id., Fms. viii. 398; dagr á lopti, day in the sky; árla, snemma dags, early in the morning, Pass. 15. 17; dagr um allt lopt, etc.; albjartr dagr, hábjartr d., full day, broad daylight; hæstr dagr, high day; önd-verðr d., the early day = forenoon, Am. 50; miðr dagr, midday, Grág. i. 413, 446, Sks. 217, 219; áliðinn dagr, late in the day, Fas. i. 313; hallandi dagr, declining day; at kveldi dags, síð dags, late in the day, Fms. i. 69. In the evening the day is said to set, hence dag-sett, dag-setr, and dagr setzt; in tales, ghosts and spirits come out with nightfall, but dare not face the day; singing merry songs after nightfall is not safe, það kallast ekki Kristnum leyft að kveða þegar dagsett er, a ditty; Syrpuvers er mestr galdr er í fólginn, ok eigi er lofat at kveða eptir dagsetr, Fas. iii. 206, Ísl. Þjóðs. ii. 7, 8: the daylight is symbolical of what is true or clear as day, hence the word dagsanna, or satt sem dagr, q. v.
    2. of different days; í dag, to-day, Grág. i. 16, 18, Nj. 36, Ld. 76, Fms. vi. 151; í gær-dag, yesterday; í fyrra dag, the day before yesterday, Háv. 50; í hinni-fyrra dag, the third day; annars dags, Vígl. 23, Pass. 50. I; hindra dags, the hinder day, the day after to-morrow, Hm. 109; dag eptir dag, day after day, Hkr. ii. 313; dag frá degi, from day to day, Fms. ii. 230; hvern dag frá öðrum, id., Fms. viii. 182; annan dag frá öðrum. id., Eg. 277; um daginn, during the day; á dögunum. the other day; nótt ok dag, night and day; liðlangan dag, the ‘life-long’ day; dögunum optar, more times than there are days, i. e. over and over again, Fms. x. 433; á deyjanda degi, on one’s day of death, Grág. i. 402.
    β. regu-dagr, a rainy day: sólskins-dagr, a sunny day; sumar-dagr, a summer day; vetrar-dagr, a winter day; hátíðis-dagr, a feast day; fegins-dagr, a day of joy; dóms-dagr, the day of doom, judgment day, Gl. 82, Fms. viii. 98; hamingju-dagr, heilla-dagr, a day of happiness; gleði-dagr, id.; brúðkaups-dagr, bridal-day; burðar-dagr, a birthday.
    3. in pl. days in the sense of times; aðrir dagar, Fms. i. 216; ek ætlaða ekki at þessir dagar mundu verða, sem nú eru orðnir, Nj. 171; góðir dagar, happy days, Fms. xi. 286, 270; sjá aldrei glaðan dag (sing.), never to see glad days.
    β. á e-s dögum, um e-s daga eptir e-s daga, esp. of the lifetime or reign of kings, Fms.; but in Icel. also used of the lögsögumaðr, Jb. repeatedly; vera á dögum, to be alive; eptir minn dag, ‘after my day,’ i. e. when I am dead.
    γ. calendar days, e. g. Hvíta-dagar, the White days, i. e. Whitsuntide; Hunda-dagar, the Dog days; Banda-dagr, Vincula Petri; Höfuð-dagr, Decap. Johannis; Geisla-dagr, Epiphany; Imbru-dagar, Ember days; Gang-dagar, ‘Ganging days,’ Rogation days; Dýri-dagr, Corpus Christi; etc.
    4. of the week-days; the old names being Sunnu-d. or Drottins-d., Mána-d., Týs-d., Öðins-d., Þórs-d., Frjá-d., Laugar-d. or Þvátt-d. It is hard to understand how the Icel. should be the one Teut. people that have disused the old names of the week-days; but so it was, vide Jóns S. ch. 24; fyrir bauð hann at eigna daga vitrum mönnum heiðnum, svá sem at kalla Týrsdag Óðinsdag, eðr Þórsdag, ok svá um alla vikudaga, etc., Bs. i. 237, cp. 165. Thus bishop John (died A. D. 1121) caused them to name the days as the church does (Feria sccunda, etc.); viz. Þriði-d. or Þriðju-d., Third-day = Tuesday, Rb. 44, K. Þ. K. 100, Ísl. ii. 345; Fimti-d., Fifth-dayThursday, Rb. 42, Grág. i. 146, 464, 372, ii. 248, Nj. 274; Föstu-d., Fast-day = Friday; Miðviku-d., Midweek-day = Wednesday, was borrowed from the Germ. Mittwoch; throughout the 12th and 13th centuries, however, the old and new names were used indiscriminately. The question arises whether even the old names were not imported from abroad (England); certainly the Icel. of heathen times did not reckon by weeks; even the word week (vika) is probably of eccl. Latin origin (vices, recurrences). It is curious that the Scandinavian form of Friday, old Icel. Frjádagr, mod. Swed.-Dan. Fredag, is A. S. in form; ‘Frjá-,’ ‘Fre-,’ can hardly be explained but from A. S. Freâ-, and would be an irregular transition from the Norse form Frey. The transition of ja into mod. Swed.-Dan. e is quite regular, whereas Icel. ey (in Frey) would require the mod. Swed.-Dan. ö or u sound. Names of weekdays are only mentioned in Icel. poems of the 11th century (Arnór, Sighvat); but at the time of bishop John the reckoning by weeks was probably not fully established, and the names of the days were still new to the people. 5. the day is in Icel. divided according to the position of the sun above the horizon; these fixed traditional marks are called dags-mörk, day-marks, and are substitutes for the hours of modern times, viz. ris-mál or miðr-morgun, dag-mál, há-degi, mið-degi or mið-mundi, nón, miðr-aptan, nátt-mál, vide these words. The middle point of two day-marks is called jafn-nærri-báðum, in modern pronunciation jöfnu-báðu, equally-near-both, the day-marks following in the genitive; thus in Icel. a man asks, hvað er fram orðið, what is the time? and the reply is, jöfnubáðu miðsmorguns og dagmála, half-way between mid-morning and day-meal, or stund til (to) dagmála; hallandi dagmál, or stund af ( past) dagmálum; jöfnu-báðu hádegis og dagmúla, about ten or half-past ten o’clock, etc. Those day-marks are traditional in every farm, and many of them no doubt date from the earliest settling of the country. Respecting the division of the day, vide Pál Vídal. s. v. Allr dagr til stefnu, Finnus Johann., Horologium Island., Eyktamörk Íslenzk (published at the end of the Rb.), and a recent essay of Finn Magnusson.
    II. denoting a term, but only in compounds, dagi, a, m., where the weak form is used, cp. ein-dagi, mál-dagi, bar-dagi, skil-dagi.
    III. jis a pr. name, Dagr, (freq.); in this sense the dat. is Dag, not Degi, cp. Óðinn léði Dag (dat.) geirs síns, Sæm. 114.
    COMPDS: dagatal, dagsbrun, dagshelgi, dagsljós, dagsmark, dagsmegin, dagsmunr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DAGR

  • 80 UM

    * * *
    older umb, prep. with acc. and dat.
    I. with acc.
    1) around (slá hring um e-n);
    2) about, all over (hárit féll um hana alla); um allar sveitir, all over the country; mikill um herðar, large about the shoulders, broad-shouldered; liggja um akkeri, to ride at anchor;
    3) of proportion; margir voru um einn, many against one; um einn hest voru tveir menn, two men to each horse;
    4) round, past, beyond, with verbs denoting motion (sigla vestr um Bretland); leggja um skut þessu skipi, to pass by this ship; ríða um tún, to pass by a place;
    5) over, across, along (flytja e-n um haf); kominn um langan veg, come from a long way off; ganga um gólf, to cross the floor (but also to walk up and down the floor); slá, er lá um þvert skipit, a beam that lay athwart the ship; um kné sér, across the knee; e-t er hœgt um hönd, gives little trouble, is ready to hand;
    6) of time, during, in the course of (um messuna, um þingit, um sumarit); þat var um nótt, by night; um nætr sem um daga, by night as well as day; lengra en fara megi um dag, in the course of one day;
    7) at a point of time (hann kom at höllinni um drykkju); um þat, at that time, then; um þat er, when (um þat, er vér erum allir at velli lagðir);
    8) of, about, in regard to a thing; bera um e-t, dœma um e-t, to bear witness, judge about; tala um e-t, to speak of; annast um e-t, to attend to; sviðr um sik, wise of oneself; hvárr um sik, each for himself; var mart vel um hann, he had many good qualities;
    9) e-m er ekki um e-t, one does not like (var honum ekki um Norðmenn); with infin., honum er ekki um at berjast í dag, he has no liking to fight to-day; er þér nökkut um, at vér rannsökum þik ok hús þín, have you any objection that we …?; e-m er mikit (lítil) um e-t, one likes it much, little (Guðrúnu var lítil um þat); sá, er mönnum væri meira um, whom people liked better; e-m finnst mikit um e-t, one is much pleased umwith, has a high opinion of (konungi fannst mikit um list þá ok kurteisi þá, er þar var á öllu);
    10) because of, for; öfunda e-n um e-t, to envy one for a thing; verða útlagt um e-t, to be fined for a transgression; um sakleysi, without cause;
    11) beyond, above; margir fengu eigi hlaupit um röst, more than one mile; hafa vetr um þrítugt, to be thirty-one; e-m um afl, um megn, beyond one’s strength, more than one can do (þetta mál er nökkut þér um megn); kasta steini um megn sér, to overstrain oneself; um of, too much, excessive (þótti mörgum þetta um of); um alla menn fram or um fram alla menn, above all men (hón unni honum um alla menn fram); e-m er e-t um hug, one has no mind for, dislikes (ef þér er nökkut um hug á kaupum við oss);
    12) over, across; detta, falla um e-t, to stumble over (féll bóandinn um hann);
    13) by; draugrinn hafði þokat at Þorsteini um þrjár setur, by three seats;
    14) about; þeir sögðu honum, hvat um var at vera, what it was about, how matters stood; hvat sem um þat er, however that may be; eiga e-t um at vera, to be troubled about a thing (lætr sem hann eigi um ekki at vera); var fátt um með þeim, they were not on good terms;
    15) ellipt., ef satt skal um tala, if the truth must be told; þannig sem atburðr hefir orðit um, as things have turned out;
    16) as adv., gekk um veðrit, veered round, changed; ríða (sigla) um, to ride (sail) by; langt um, far beyond, quite; fljótit var langt um úfœrt (úreitt), quite impassable; um liðinn, passed by, of time; á þeirri viku, er um var liðin, in the past umweek;
    II. with dat.
    1) over, esp. poet.; sitja um borðum = sitja yfir borðum; sá es um verði glissir, he that gabbles over a meal;
    2) of time, by; um dögum, um nóttum, by day, by night; um sumrum, haustum, vetrum, várum, in the summer, etc.; um vetrum ok sumrum, both winter and summer.
    * * *
    umb, of, prep. (sounded umm); umb is used in the oldest vellums (the Eluc., Greg., Miracle-book, Jb.), and occurs now and then in later vellums (e. g. Orkn. 218, Fms. x. 378, xi. 63, 64), perh. from being a transcript of an old vellum; in rhymes, umb, tr umbu, Fms. viii. (in a verse of A. D. 1184); for of see ‘of’ at p. 462, col. 2: [A. S. ymbe; Germ. um; um and yfir (q. v.) are identical.]
    A. Around; silki-hlað um höfuð, Ld. 188; um höfuð henni, 36; hafa um sik belti, Nj. 91, 184; um herðar sér, Ld. 56; leggja linda umb kistu, leggja lindann umb enn vanheila mann, Bs. i. 337; gyrða um sik, Sks.; beta strengi um ásenda … festa endana um steina, Nj. 115; vefjask um fótinn, Fms. iv. 335; upp um herðarnar, Eg. 580; göra garð of engi, Grág. ii. 288; lykja um akra ok eng, Eg. 529; skjóta um hann skjaldborg, Nj. 274; slá hring um e-n, 275, Eg. 88; fara í hring um skipit, Ld. 56; taka um hönd e-m, Ó. H. 176; þar var poki um útan, Ld. 188; honum vefsk tunga um höfuð, Nj. 160; vefsk tunga um tönn (see tönn) … strjúka dúki um augu, Fms. v. 326, Fs. 114 (in a verse); sjó, er fellr um heim allan, Róm. 193: Aðils jarl féll ok mart manna um hann, Eg. 297; tjalda um skip sín, Fms. xi. 63; hafa um sik ( about oneself) fjölmenni, Eg. 12, 38; selit var gört um einn ás, Ld. 280.
    II. about, all over, denoting the surface; manna-ferð um héraðit, Ld. 257; fylgja þeim um einn skóg, Karl. 348; hann hafði goðorð suðr um Nesin, Ísl. ii. 207; herja um Skotland, Írland, Fms. i. 23; næfrum var þakt um ræfrit, Eg. 90; dæma för úmögum um þat þing, Grág. i. 127; flýja hingað ok þangat um eyjarnar, Fms. vii. 43; um allar sveitir, all over the country, Boll. 362; kunnigt er mér um allt Ísland, Nj. 32; of allan Noreg, Fms. x. 118; um alla Svíþjóð, Ó. H. 17; um allt ríki sitt, Eg. 278; sitja um mitt landit, about the midland, Fms. i. 26; um miðjan skóginn er smáviði, Eg. 580; sjá um alla veröld, Ó. H. 202; kominn um langan veg, come a long way off, Stj. 366, Skv. 8; of lopt ok um lög, Hkv. 1. 21; fátt kom um lengra, farther off, Fb. ii. 303; hárit féll um hana alla, Landn. 151, Fas. i. 244; hárit hékk ofan um bringu, Fas. ii. 518: mikill um herðar, large about the shoulders, broad-shouldered, Nj. 200; þykkr um bóga, þeim manni er beit á of garðinn, Grág. ii. 286; skalat hann verja um bóstað hans, 222; kveðja um þann vetvang, 106; kveðja búa heiman um þann stað, i. 130, 355: liggja um strengi, Ld. 76; or liggja um akkeri, to ride at anchor, Eg. 261, 374, Fms. ii. 5, ix. 45, x. 351.
    2. of proportion; margir vóru um einn, too many against one, Ld. 156; þar vóru fjórir of einn ( four to one) mót Hákoni, Fms. x. 382; eigi minni liðs-munr, en sex mundi vera um Hákonar mann einn, i. 43; um einn hest vóru tveir menn, two men to each horse, vii. 295; sex menn sé um sáld, Grág. ii. 402: Hrafn var mjök einn um sitt, kept for himself, Fs. 29; malit hefi ek mitt of leiti? Gs. 16.
    III. off, past, beyond (cp. yfir), with verbs denoting motion; fara … suðr um Stað, Eg. 12; norðr um Stað, Fms. vii. 7; sigla vestr um Bretland, Nj. 281; er þeir kómu fram um Bjarkey, Ó. H. 137; norðr um Jaðar, 182; austan um Foldina, Eg. 81; út um Eldey, Eb. 108; austr um búðina, Nj. 231; ríða um þá þrjá bæi, Grág. i. 432; hann hljóp um þá, ok í fjall upp, passed them by, Landn. 89; sigla svá um oss fram, Orkn. 402; leggja um skut þessu skipi, to pass by this ship, Fms. x. 346; leita langt um skamt fram, Nj. 207 (cp. Lat. quod petis hic est); vaða jörð upp um klaufir, Ld. 336; fram um stafn, Landn. 29; aptr um stafn, Fms. x. 266; honum var úhægt at höggva um bríkina, Sturl. iii. 219; ríða um tún, to pass by a place, Ísl. ii. 252; neðan um sáðlandit, Nj. 82; fara of engi manns, Grág. ii. 277; fara um góð héruð, Landn. 37; ganga upp um bryggjuna, Eg. 195; ganga um stræti, by the road, Korm. 228; róa út um sund, Eg. 385; kominn um langan veg, 410; þeim dropum er renna um þekjuna, Fms. i. 263.
    2. over, across, along; sá er annan dregr um eldinn, Fms. i. 305; skyldi ganga um gólf at minnum öllum, to cross the flood, Eg. 253; but also to walk up and down the floor, 247; bera öl um eld, to bear the ale across the fire, Fms. vi. 442; slá um þvert skipit, Nj. 44; sigla vestr um haf, Fms. i. 22; ríða vestr um ár, austr um ár, Nj. 10, 99; suðr um sæ, Eg. 288; flytja e-n um haf, Nj. 128; austan um Kjöl, Ó. H.; sunnan um fjall, Fms. x. 3; suðr um fjall, Eg. 476; um þvera stofu, Fms. vi. 440; um þvera búð, Grág. i. 24; um þvert nesit, Fms. xi. 65; um öxl, round or across the shoulder, Ld. 276; um kné sér, across the knee, Eg. 304: the phrase, mér er e-ð um hönd, difficult to lay hand on, hard, not easy; and again, hægt um hönd, giving little trouble, easy to lay hand on; ykkr er þat hægst um hönd, easiest for you, Nj. 25; þegar eg vil er hægt um hönd, heima á Fróni at vera, Núm.; kastaði (the mail) um söðul sinn, across the saddle, Grett. 93 A.
    IV. with adverbs denoting direction, upp um, út um, niðr um, ofan um, inn um, fram um, with acc. or ellipt.; sær féll út ok inn of nökkvann, Edda 36; loginn stóð inn um ræfrit, Eg. 239; hann var kominn upp um ský, Fms. i. 137; út um bringuna, Ld. 150; hann gékk út of Miðgarð, Edda 35; ganga út um dyrr, Eg. 420; fara út um glugg, Fms. ix. 3; út um glugginn, Ld. 278; láta sér um munn fara, to pass out of the mouth, Háv. 51; ferr orð er um munn líðr, Sturl. i. 207.
    B. Temp. during, in the course of, cp. Engl. that spring, that summer; um messuna, Fms. x. 109; um þingit, Eg. 765; um sex ár, Stj.; um vetrinn, Eg. 168; of sumarit, Fms. x. 93; um sumarit, Nj. 4; um várit, Eg. 42; um nótt, Grág. i. 115; þat var um nótt, by night, Ld. 152; hann mátti eigi sofa um nætr, Nj. 210; sofa um nóttina, 7; vera þar um nóttina, 252; lengra enn fara megi um dag, in the course of one day, Grág. i. 89; um daginn, for the rest of the day, Ld. 42; um morna, Landn. (in a verse), Ó. H. 44; um nætr sem um daga, by night as well as day, Sks. 20 new Ed.; um allar aldir, Edda; um alla daga, all day long, Skm. 4; um alla sína daga, all his days, Hom. 114; allt um hans æfi, Eg. 268; um aldr, for ever, passim; um tíma, for a while, Mar.; um hríð, um stund, for a while, see stund, hríð; um … sakar, a while, see sök (A. III. 2); um samt, altogether, Sks. 113 B.
    2. above, beyond; standa um várþing, Grág. i. 103; um hálfan mánuð, Fms. ix. 526, v. l.; um viku, above a week.
    3. at a point of time, at; hann kom at höllinni um drykkju, Nj. 269; of matmál, at meal time, Grág. i. 261; um dagmál, um náttmál, einnhvern dag um þingit, Ld. 290; eitt hvert sinn um haustið, Nj. 26; þat var of vár, Fms. x. 389; um várit urðu mikil tíðendi, 2; þeir höfðu verit á sundi um daginn, Ld. 130; opt um daga, Edda 39; um daginn, the other day: um þat, when; um þat er þrír vetr eru liðnir, Ld. 146; um þat þessir eru bættir, Eg. 426; um þat lýkr, when the end is there, in the end, Fas. ii. 361; ef ek kom eigi aptr um þat, then, at that time, Fms. ii. 58; um þat er vér erum allir at velli lagðir, Eg. 426; um sinn, once, see sinni B, p. 530; um síðir, at last, see síð (II); um leið, at the same time; hér um bil, about so and so; um allt, of allt, always; Kristinn dóin má um allt sækja, at all times, N. G. L. ii. 154; nokkrum sinnum, ok hefir mér ofallt íllt þótt, Fms. v. 205 (see ávallt, p. 47, col. 2).
    C. Metaph. usages, of, about, in regard to a thing, Lat. de; halda vörð á um e-t, Eg. ch. 27; annask um e-t, to attend to, Nj. 75, Glúm. 342, Kormak; gefa gaum at um e-t, to give heed to, Ó. H. 215; bera um e-t, dæma um e-t, to bear witness, judge about, Nj. 100; tala um e-t, to speak of, 40; þræta um e-t, to quarrel about; spyrja um e-t, to speer or ask about, 110; göra, yrkja um e-n, Fms. x. 378; halda njósn um e-t, Eg. 72; nefna, búa um mál, Nj. 86; um alla ráða-görð, 101; stefna e-m um e-t, Grág. i. 175, 313, Nj. 87; vera til eptir-máls um e-t, passim; frækinn um allt, in everything, 89; bera gæfu til um e-t, Eg. 76; kappsamr of allt, þeir hyggja þat lög um þat mál, Grág. i. 9; eitt ráð myndi honum um þat sýnask, Nj. 79; kunna hóf at um ágirni sína, Ó. H. 131; þat er um þat átan, er …, N. G. L. i. 19; þau tíðendi er görzk höfðu um ferðir Egils ok stórvirki, Eg. 686; stór úfarar görask of menn þessa, Fms. xi. 151; aumligt er um e-t, Hom. 159 (Ed.); seinkaðisk of svörin, 623. 16; mikit er um fyrirburði slíka, Nj. 119; þá var hvíld á um bardagann, 248; hann telzk undan um förina, Fms. xi. 69; ruðning um kviðinn, Nj.; misfangi um mark, a mistake as to a mark, Grág.; binda um heilt, to bind up a sound limb, Ld. 206: gróa um heilt, to become sound, be healed, Fms. xi. 87, Al. 120; ganga um beina, to attend; leita e-s í um mein hennar, Eg. 565; veita tilkall um arf, Eg.; leita um sættir, grið, Nj. 92; selja laun um liðveizlu, 214: in inscriptions of chapters, um so and so, = Lat. de; um viðrtal Njáls ok Skarphéðins, um misfanga ok um mark, um bæjar bruna, Nj., Grág., Fms.; göra mikit um sik, to make a great fuss, Fb. i. 545; görði mikit um sik ok var sjálfhælinn, Grett. 133 A: vera vel um sik ( of good quality) ok vinsæll, Fms. xi. 118; mey er ok vissa vænsta ok bezt um sik, 104; at hón væri í engum hlut verri um sik, Hkr. ii. 129; sviðr um sik, wise of oneself, Hm. 102; auga blátt ok snart ok vel um sik, Mag. 7; hvárr um sik, each for himself, one by one, Dipl. ii. 11; vér staðfestum þessa articulos hvern um sik ok sér hverja, 13; þykki mér þat undarligt um svá vitran mann, of a man so wise, Eg. 20; var mart vel um hann, he had many good qualities, Rb. 364; þat mátti vera um röskvan mann, Fms. vii. 227.
    2. ganga um sýslur manna, to go about or upon men’s business, as an overseer. Eg. 2; ganga um beina, to attend, see beini.
    3. e-m er mikit (ekki) um e-t, to like, dislike; Guðrúnu var lítið um þat … lítið ætla ek þeim um þat bræðrum, at …, Ld. 246, 264, Fms. ii. 81; var honum ekki um Norðmenn, Hkr. i. 128; Þórði kvaðsk ekki vera um manna-setur, Ld. 42; er þér nökkut um ( hast thou any objection?), at vér rannsakim þik ok hús þin, Gísl. 53; sá er mönnum væri meira um, whom people liked more, Fms, ix. 36; ef þór er mikit um ráða-hug við mik, if thou art much bent on it, xi. 4.
    4. búa um eitt lyndi, to be of one mind, Jb. 396; búa um nægtir, grun, skoll, búa um heilt, see búa (A. II); búa um hvílu, to make a bed; búa um okkr, Nj. 201 (see búa B. I. 2. γ); setjask um kyrt, to settle oneself to rest, take rest, Fas. ii. 530; or sitja um kyrt.
    II. because of, for, Lat. ob; öfunda e-n um e-t ( invidere a-i a-d), Nj. 168; reiðask um e-t, um hvat reiddusk goðin þá, Bs. i. 22; telja á e-n of e-t, to blame one for a thing, Nj. 52; berja e-n íllyrðum um slikt, 64; lágu margir á hálsi honum þat, Fms. xi. 336; týna aldri um óra sök, Skv. 3. 49; verða útlagr um e-t, to be fined for a transgression, Grág. i. 16; dæmdr fjörbaugs-maðr um spellvirki, 129; maðr vegr mann um konu, if a man slays a person for [ violating] his wife, 61; um sakleysi, without cause, Nj. 106, 270, Bs. i. 19.
    III. beyond, above; fimm hundruð gólfa ok um ( plus) fjórum togum, Gm. 24; kistan var eigi um vættar höfga, Bs. i. 712; margir fengu eigi hlaupit um röst, Karl. 351; lítið um tuttugu menn, Sturl. i. 183; hann var ekki um tvítugan, Róm. 327; hafa vetr um þrítugt, to be one beyond thirty, i. e. thirty-one, Sturl. i. 183: freq. in mod. usage, hafa tvo um þrítugt ( thirty-two), átta um fertugt ( forty-eight), tvo um fimtugt ( fifty-two), einn um áttrætt ( eighty-one); sá dagr, sem um vikur fullar er í árinu, Rb. 128: at yðr verði þat ekki um afl, beyond your strength, more than one can do, Band. 21 new Ed.; um megn, id., Fms. viii. 62; þetta mál er nökkut þér um megn, vi. 18; kasta steini um megn sér, to overstrain oneself: um of, excessive; þótti mörgum þetta um of, Vígl. 18: um fram (q. v.), beyond; um alla menn fram, above all men, Ld. 20, Fms. v. 343; um alla hluti fram, above all things; um þat fram sem ykkr var lofat, Sks.: um hug; vera e-t um hug, to have no mind for, dislike; ef þér er nökkut um hug á kaupum við oss, Nj. 24.
    IV. turned over, in exchange; skipta um, snúa um, venda um, see skipta III and snúa A. III.
    V. over, across; detta, falla um e-t, to stumble over; hverr féll um annan, of heaps of slain. Eg. 24; fÉll bóandinn um hann, Nj. 96; detta um stein, þúfu, to stumble over a stone, mound; glotta um tönn, see tönn.
    VI. by; draugrinn hafði þokat at Þorsteini um þrjár setur, by three seats, Fb. i. 417; hefja upp of faðm saman, by a fathom, Grág. ii. 336; minka um helming, to decrease by one half; hverr um sik, each by himself, Rétt. 114.
    VII. about; eiga e-t um at vera, to be troubled about a thing; þeir sögðu honum hvat um var at vera, what it was about, Hrafn. 18; sem engi ótti væri um at vera, no danger, Fms. iv. 57; eiga ekki um at vera, iii. 156; or, eiga um ekki at vera, Gísl. 30; eiga vandræði, fjölskyldi um at vera, Fms. vi. 378, xi. 78; hann segir honum um hvat vera er, what was the matter? Gísl. 36; þann sagði þvílíkt er hann hafði um at vera, Krok.; var fátt um með þeim, they were on cold terms, Nj. 2; var þá ekki lítið um, there was no little fuss about it, Bárð. 174; mikit er um þá maðrinn býr, mart hefir hann að hugsa, a ditty.
    VIII. ellipt., til marks um, Nj. 56; þykkir honum vænkask um, Fms. xi. 135; þann mála-búnað at hann verðr sekr um, Nj. 88; ef satt skal um tala, 105; mér hefir tvennt um sýnzk, 3; menn ræddu um at vánt væri skip hans, 282; hér má ek vel svara þér um, 33; hann brá dúki um, Fms. x. 382; enda er þá djöfullinn um (about, lurking) at svíkja þann mann, Hom. 159; þannig sem atburðr hefir orðit um, as things have turned out, Fms. xi. 64; ekki er við menn um at eiga, this is no dealing with men (but with trolls or devils), Nj. 97.
    IX. with adverbs; í hring útan um, all round, Eg. 486; gékk um Veðrit, veered round, changed, Bs. i. 775; ríða um, to ride by, Eg. 748; sigla um, to sail by, Fms. x. 23; er konungr færi norðan ok suðr um, Eg. 53; langt um, far beyond, quite; fljótið var langt um úfært, quite impassable, Nj. 63, 144; þessi veðr eru langt um úfær, Grett. 181 new Ed.; cp. mod. það er langt um betra, by far better; kring-um, all around, see A.V.
    2. um liðinn, passed by, of time; á þeirri viku er um var liðin, in the past week, Ísl. ii. 332.
    A. Local, over, Lat. super; but almost entirely confined to poets, sitja um matborði (of Hkr. iii. 109) = sitja yfir matborði, Fms. viii. 51; um verði, over the table, Hm. 30; sitja of (= yfir) skörðum hlut, Ó. H. 150; sá er tvá húskarla á, ok um sjálfum sér, two house-carles besides himself, Grág. (Kb.) i. 10; um alda sonum, Fm. 16; er ek hafðak veldi of héruðum þessum, Clem. 35; hár söngr of svírum, Hornklofi; nema þér syngi um höfði, Hkv. 2; sitja um sínum ver, Vsp.; er ek sat soltin um Sigurði, Gkv. 2. 11; opin-spjallr um e-u, … þagmælskr um þjóðlygi (dat.), Ad. 1; um styrkum ættar stuðli, 12; ægis-hjálm bar ek um alda sonum, meðan ek um menjum lák, Fm. 16; gól um hánum, Vsp.; úlfr þaut um hræfi, Ó. H. (in a verse); see ‘of,’ prep., p. 462, col. 2, and yfir.
    B. Of time, by; um dögum, by day, Fms. vi. 98, ix. 48; um nóttum, by night, vii. 166; um haustum, in the autumn, Eb. 216; bæði um haustum ok várum, both in autumn and spring, Sks. 235 B; um sumrum, Fms. vi. 255; um sumrum herjuðu þeir í Noreg, Eb. 3; þakt með ísum um vetrum ok sumrum, both winter and summer, Sks. 181 B; opt um vetnim, Eg. 4; þeir liggja úti hvert sumar, en um vetrum eru þeir heima, Fms. xi. 97. This use with dat. is obsolete in mod. prose.

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