41 cantar
m.1 poem (literature).eso es otro cantar that's another story2 song, lay.Su cantar era muy original His song was very original.v.1 to sing.Elsa canta canciones de cuna Elsa sings lullabies.Elsa canta en la ducha Elsa sings in the shower.2 to sing (persona, ave).3 to call (out).4 to talk (informal) (confesar).5 to stink (informal) (apestar). (peninsular Spanish)le cantan los pies he has smelly feet6 to stick out like a sore thumb (informal). (peninsular Spanish)7 to sing to.María le canta al bebé Mary sings to the baby.* * *1 to sing4 (en juegos de naipes) to call■ el hombre cantó todo lo que sabía sobre el asesinato a la policía the man told the police everything he knew about the murder1 to sing2 (pájaros) to sing, chirp; (insectos) to chirp3 familiar (confesar) to spill the beans, talk, confess4 familiar (oler mal) to stink1 song\cantar como una almeja familiar to stick out like a sore thumbcantarlas claras familiar to tell somebody straightcantarle a alguien las cuarenta familiar to give somebody a piece of one's mindcantarle a alguien las verdades figurado to give somebody a piece of one's minden menos que canta un gallo familiar in a flash, before you could say Jack Robinson¡eso es otro cantar! familiar that's a totally different thing, that's a different kettle of fishser coser y cantar familiar to be as easy as pie, be child's playcantar de gesta chanson de gesteCantar de los Cantares Song of Songs, Song of Solomon* * *verb* * *1. VI1) (Mús) to singen esa región hablan cantando — (fig) they talk in a singsong way in that region
voz 2), b)los monjes cantaban en la abadía — the monks chanted o sang in the abbey
2) [pájaro] to sing; [gallo] to crow; [cigarra, grillo] to chirp3) liter (=alabar) to sing of, sing the praises oflos poetas que le cantan a la mar — the poets who sing of o sing the praises of the sea
4) ** (=revelar) to spill the beans *; [a la policía] to squeal *5) ** (=oler mal) to stink *, reekte cantan los pies — your feet really stink * o reek
2. VT1) [+ canción] to sing; [+ mantra, canto gregoriano] to chant; [+ misa] to sing, say; [+ número de lotería] to call out- cantar a algn las cuarentasu madre le cantó las cuarenta cuando llegó a casa — his mother gave him a piece of her mind when he got home *
cantar victoria —
es muy pronto para cantar victoria, la crisis política continúa — it is too early to claim victory, the political crisis continues
- creo que ya está solucionado -no cantes victoria — "I think it's sorted out" - "don't speak too soon" o "don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)"
2) liter [+ mérito, belleza] to praise, eulogize3) (=revelar) to confess3. SM1) (=canción) song; (Rel) chant2) (Literat)gallo I, 1)cantar de gesta — chanson de geste, epic poem
* * *I 1.verbo transitivo1)a) < canción> to singcantárselas claras a alguien — (fam)
se las canté claras — I gave it to her o told her straight (colloq)
b) ( en béisbol) to call2) (liter) ( ensalzar) to sing the praises of, extol the virtues of3) (RPl fam) ( pedirse)2.canto la cama de arriba — bags I o bags the top bunk (colloq)
cantar vi1)a) (Mús) to sing2)a) (fam) ( confesar) to talk (colloq)b) (Jueg) to declarec) (anunciar, pregonar)3) (Esp fam) ( apestar) to stink (colloq)IImasculino poem ( gen set to music)eso es otro cantar! — that's another matter, that's a different kettle of fish
* * *= chant, sing.Ex. Finally, add the mass confusion wrought by the sudden appearance of a new technology in the library, with its practitioners chanting acronymic prayers, seemingly derived from a mushroom ritual.Ex. It is hoped that by the year 2000 there will not be a chorus of unemployed librarians singing 'Where have all the libraries gone?'.----* cantar a grito pelado = belt out.* cantar a pleno pulmón = belt out.* cantar las alabanzas = sing + Posesivo + praises.* cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.* cantar victoria = claim + victory, speak too soon.* cantar victoria antes de tiempo = speak too soon.* coser y cantar = plain sailing, walkover.* no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.* ser otro cantar = be a different kettle of fish.* tan fácil como coser y cantar = as simple as ABC.* * *I 1.verbo transitivo1)a) < canción> to singcantárselas claras a alguien — (fam)
se las canté claras — I gave it to her o told her straight (colloq)
b) ( en béisbol) to call2) (liter) ( ensalzar) to sing the praises of, extol the virtues of3) (RPl fam) ( pedirse)2.canto la cama de arriba — bags I o bags the top bunk (colloq)
cantar vi1)a) (Mús) to sing2)a) (fam) ( confesar) to talk (colloq)b) (Jueg) to declarec) (anunciar, pregonar)3) (Esp fam) ( apestar) to stink (colloq)IImasculino poem ( gen set to music)eso es otro cantar! — that's another matter, that's a different kettle of fish
* * *= chant, sing.Ex: Finally, add the mass confusion wrought by the sudden appearance of a new technology in the library, with its practitioners chanting acronymic prayers, seemingly derived from a mushroom ritual.
Ex: It is hoped that by the year 2000 there will not be a chorus of unemployed librarians singing 'Where have all the libraries gone?'.* cantar a grito pelado = belt out.* cantar a pleno pulmón = belt out.* cantar las alabanzas = sing + Posesivo + praises.* cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.* cantar victoria = claim + victory, speak too soon.* cantar victoria antes de tiempo = speak too soon.* coser y cantar = plain sailing, walkover.* no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.* ser otro cantar = be a different kettle of fish.* tan fácil como coser y cantar = as simple as ABC.* * *vtA1 ‹canción› to sing2(anunciar, pregonar): los niños cantaban las tablas de multiplicar the children were reciting o chanting their times tablescántame las cifras read o shout the figures out to me ( colloq)3 (en béisbol) to callB ( liter) (ensalzar) to sing the praises of, extol the virtues ofel tan cantado mar the oft-praised sea ( liter)C ( fam) (delatar, descubrir) to give away¿te dejó plantada? — te lo canté he stood you up? — what did I tell you? o I warned youel Cantar de los Cantares the Song of Songs o of Solomonel Cantar del Mío Cid the ballad of El Cidcantárselas claras a algn ( fam): se las canté claras I gave it to her o told her straight ( colloq)E■ cantarviA1 ( Mús) to singhabla cantando she has a singsong voice o a lilt in her voice3 «agua/fuente» to babbleB2 ( Jueg) to declare3(anunciar, pregonar): canta, que yo anoto read it out, I'll write it downlas cifras cantan por sí solas the figures speak for themselvespoem ( gen set to music)¡eso es otro cantar! that's another o a different matter, that's a different kettle of fishCompuesto:chanson de geste* * *
cantar ( conjugate cantar) verbo transitivo ‹ canción› to sing
verbo intransitivo
1a) (Mús) to sing
[ gallo] to crow;
[cigarra/grillo] to chirp, chirrup
2 (fam) ( confesar) to talk (colloq)
■ sustantivo masculino
poem ( gen set to music)
cantar 1 verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo
1 Mús to sing: me gusta cantar, I like singing
2 familiar (tener mal olor) to stink
3 (llamar la atención) to attract attention
4 familiar (saltar a la vista, ser evidente) to be clear
5 argot (confesar) to sing, spill the beans
♦ Locuciones: cantarle a alguien las cuarenta, to give sb a good telling off
en menos que canta un gallo, in a flash
cantar 2 sustantivo masculino
1 song, chant
2 Lit poem
un cantar de gesta, an epic poem
♦ Locuciones: familiar ser algo otro cantar, to be a totally different thing
' cantar' also found in these entries:
- cante
- canto
- coger
- coser
- dar
- desgarrada
- desgarrado
- determinada
- determinado
- embargar
- infinitud
- misa
- permitirse
- victoria
- bajo
- bien
- coro
- estupendo
- lindo
- mal
- público
- as
- belt out
- burst into
- chant
- crow
- gurgle
- horn
- hum
- innate
- sailing
- sharp
- sing
- sing along
- sing out
- sing up
- singing
- song
- soon
- teach
- away
- burst
- harmonize
- perform
- squeal
- to
- yodel
* * *cantar1 nmpoem;Fameso es otro cantar that's another storyel Cantar de los Cantares [en la Biblia] the Song of Songs;cantar de gesta chanson de geste, = medieval heroic narrative poem (e.g. “El Cid”)♦ vt1. [canción] to sing2. [bingo, línea, el gordo] to call (out);cántame los números y yo los escribo you call out the numbers and I'll write them down;RP Famte canté que tu madre no te dejaría ir I TOLD you your mother wouldn't let you go;Famcantar las cuarenta a alguien to give sb a piece of one's mind;RP Famcantar la justa a alguien to give it to sb straight up;cantar victoria to claim victory4. [alabar] to praise;no se cansa de cantar la belleza del lugar he never tires of singing the praises of the beauty of the place♦ vi1. [persona] to sing2. [ave] to sing;[gallo] to crow; [insecto] to chirpcantar de plano to make a full confessionle cantan los pies he has smelly feetese traje rojo canta mucho that red suit really draws attention to you;canta un montón que estás nervioso it's really obvious that you're nervous;Carlos y yo cantábamos en una fiesta tan elegante Carlos and I really stood out at that posh party6. Esp Fam [portero]les metieron un gol porque el portero cantó they conceded a goal because the goalkeeper blundered8. Am Fam [escoger]¡canté primero para la ducha! Br bags I get the first shower!, US dibs on the first shower!* * *I v/i1 sing2 popde delincuente squeal popII v/t singIII m:ése es otro cantar fig fam that’s a different story* * *cantar v: to singcantar nm: song, ballad* * *cantar vb2. (insecto, pájaro pequeño) to chirp -
42 no pegar ni con cola
(no entonar) to be totally wrong, look totally out of place 2 (ser increíble) to be impossible to believe* * *(v.) = stick out like + a sore thumbEx. Many of us disabled can't help sticking out like a sore thumb -- it goes with the territory.* * *(v.) = stick out like + a sore thumbEx: Many of us disabled can't help sticking out like a sore thumb -- it goes with the territory.
43 tache
tache [ta∫]1. feminine nouna. ( = salissure) stain• tu t'es fait une tache you've got a mark on your shirt (or dress or tie etc)• sans tache [vie, réputation] spotlessb. ( = moucheture) [de fruit, peau] mark ; [de plumage, pelage] spot• faire tache [bâtiment] to stick out like a sore thumbc. (Painting) spot2. compounds* * *taʃtache d'encre — gén ink stain; ( sur un manuscrit) ink blot
faire tache — fig to stick out like a sore thumb
sans tache — [réputation] spotless
3) ( altération) ( sur un fruit) mark; ( sur la peau) blotch, mark4) ( note de couleur) ( petite) spot; ( plus grande) patch•Phrasal Verbs:••* * *taʃ nf1) (= marque) stain, mark, [peinture] splash2) [couleur, lumière] spot3)faire tache d'huile — to spread, to gain ground
* * *tache nf1 lit ( salissure) stain; tache d'encre gén ink stain; ( sur un manuscrit) ink blot; tache de graisse/d'huile grease/oil stain; tache d'humidité damp patch; tache de sang bloodstain; résister aux taches to be stain-resistant; tu as fait une tache à ton pantalon you've got a stain on your trousers; tu as fait une tache sur la table you've made a mark on the table; faire tache fig to stick out like a sore thumb;2 fig ( souillure) stain, blot (à on); sans tache [réputation, honnêteté] spotless, unblemished; [vie] blameless;4 ( note de couleur) ( petite) spot; ( plus grande) patch; les taches du léopard the leopard's spots; taches de lumière/d'ombre patches of light/of shade; les affiches sont les seules taches de couleur the posters are the only splashes of colourGB.tache jaune Anat yellow spot; tache de naissance birthmark; tache originelle taint of original sin; tache solaire Astron sunspot; tache de vin gén wine stain; Anat strawberry mark; tache de vieillesse liver spot; taches de rousseur or son freckles.faire tache d'huile to spread like wildfire.[taʃ] nom féminin1. [marque] staintache de graisse grease stain ou marktache de rousseur ou de son freckle6. ASTRONOMIE[coloration anormale] spotsans tache locution adjectivale1. [fruit] unblemished2. [réputation] spotless -
44 tâche
tache [ta∫]1. feminine nouna. ( = salissure) stain• tu t'es fait une tache you've got a mark on your shirt (or dress or tie etc)• sans tache [vie, réputation] spotlessb. ( = moucheture) [de fruit, peau] mark ; [de plumage, pelage] spot• faire tache [bâtiment] to stick out like a sore thumbc. (Painting) spot2. compounds* * *taʃtache d'encre — gén ink stain; ( sur un manuscrit) ink blot
faire tache — fig to stick out like a sore thumb
sans tache — [réputation] spotless
3) ( altération) ( sur un fruit) mark; ( sur la peau) blotch, mark4) ( note de couleur) ( petite) spot; ( plus grande) patch•Phrasal Verbs:••* * *taʃ nf1) (= marque) stain, mark, [peinture] splash2) [couleur, lumière] spot3)faire tache d'huile — to spread, to gain ground
* * *tache nf1 lit ( salissure) stain; tache d'encre gén ink stain; ( sur un manuscrit) ink blot; tache de graisse/d'huile grease/oil stain; tache d'humidité damp patch; tache de sang bloodstain; résister aux taches to be stain-resistant; tu as fait une tache à ton pantalon you've got a stain on your trousers; tu as fait une tache sur la table you've made a mark on the table; faire tache fig to stick out like a sore thumb;2 fig ( souillure) stain, blot (à on); sans tache [réputation, honnêteté] spotless, unblemished; [vie] blameless;4 ( note de couleur) ( petite) spot; ( plus grande) patch; les taches du léopard the leopard's spots; taches de lumière/d'ombre patches of light/of shade; les affiches sont les seules taches de couleur the posters are the only splashes of colourGB.tache jaune Anat yellow spot; tache de naissance birthmark; tache originelle taint of original sin; tache solaire Astron sunspot; tache de vin gén wine stain; Anat strawberry mark; tache de vieillesse liver spot; taches de rousseur or son freckles.faire tache d'huile to spread like wildfire.[taʃ] nom fémininassigner une tâche à quelqu'un to give somebody a task ou a job ou a piece of work to dofaciliter/compliquer la tâche à quelqu'un to make things easier/more complicated for somebody3. INFORMATIQUE taskà la tâche locution adjectivaleà la tâche locution adverbiale -
45 бросаться в глаза
1) General subject: hit the eye, stick out a mile, stick out like a sore thumb, strike eye, strike the eye, burst upon the eye, stare in the face, catch the eye, stand out like a sore thumb, jumps out at you, be striking, strike one's eye, arrest one's attention, glare2) Colloquial: stand out a mile, stick out3) Jargon: run it out, hot like fire4) Makarov: come to the front5) Taboo: stand out like a shit-house in the fog -
46 обращать на себя внимание
1) General subject: make a spectacle of oneself, make oneself conspicuous, make oneself conspicuous (поведением, наружностью, одеждой), stick out like a sore thumb, thrust oneself forward, call attention to oneself, stick out (... One particular case that sticks out is that of a Jamaican drug dealer who overstayed for more than 8 years.), stand out (What stands out in the report is the... - Обращает на себя внимание...), stand out like a sore thumb2) American English: grandstand3) Makarov: (чьё-л.) come under noticeУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > обращать на себя внимание
47 grell
I Adj.1. Farbe: garish, loud, very bright2. Ton: shrill, piercing4. fig. Kontrast etc.: starkII Adv.: grell gegen etw. abstechen form a glaring contrast to s.th., stick out like a sore thumb against s.th. umg.; grell beleuchtet oder leuchtend blindingly bright, glaring* * *(Farbe) flashy; brash; loud; garish;(Geräusch) shrill;(Licht) glaring; dazzling; lurid* * *grẹll [grɛl]1. adjStimme, Schrei, Ton shrill, piercing; Licht, Sonne glaring, dazzling; Farbe garish, gaudy, loud; Kleidung, Mode loud, flashy; Gegensatz sharp; (stärker) glaring; (fig) Inszenierung, Szene lurid2. adv(= sehr hell) scheinen brightly; (= schrill) shrilly; (= auffallend) garishlygrell leuchten — to be garish
grell klingen/tönen — to sound shrill
ihre Stimme klang grell — her voice sounded shrill
* * *1) harsh2) (unpleasantly bright; too bright: the glaring sun; glaring colours.) glaring3) garishly4) (unpleasantly bright or showy: His shirts are very garish.) garish5) luridly6) ((too) brightly coloured or vivid: a lurid dress/painting/sky.) lurid* * *[ˈgrɛl]I. adj1. (sehr hell) dazzling, glaring2. (schrill klingend) shrill, piercing3. (sehr intensiv) bright, brilliant4. (Aufsehen erregend) flashy, loudII. adv1. (sehr hell) dazzlingly\grell beleuchtet dazzlingly lit2. (schrill)\grell klingen [o tönen] to sound shrill [or piercing]* * *1.3) (schrill) shrill, piercing <cry, voice, etc.>2.1) (hell) with glaring or dazzling brightness2) (schrill) shrilly; piercingly* * *A. adj1. Farbe: garish, loud, very bright2. Ton: shrill, piercing4. fig Kontrast etc: starkB. adv:grell gegen etwas abstechen form a glaring contrast to sth, stick out like a sore thumb against sth umg;leuchtend blindingly bright, glaring* * *1.1) (hell) glaring, dazzling <light, sun, etc.>3) (schrill) shrill, piercing <cry, voice, etc.>2.1) (hell) with glaring or dazzling brightness2) (schrill) shrilly; piercingly* * *(Farbe) adj.loud adj. adj.garish adj.gaudy adj.glaring adj.lurid adj. adv.garishly adv.gaudily adv.glaringly adv.luridly adv. -
48 как бельмо на глазу
part.gener. (àíãë.: offend the eye, stick out like a sore thumb) silma riivama, (àíãë.: offend the eye, stick out like a sore thumb) pilku riivamaРусско-эстонский универсальный словарь > как бельмо на глазу
49 groß
big; tall; great; large; grand; heavyset* * *[groːs]1. ADJEKTIVcomp ordm;er ['grøːsɐ] superl ordm;te(r, s) ['grøːstə]1) big; Fläche, Raum, Haus, Hände big, large; Höhe, Breite great; Größe, Tube, Dose, Packung etc large; (TYP ) Buchstabe capitalein ganz großes Haus/Buch — a great big house/book
der große ( Uhr)zeiger — the big or minute hand
x ist größer als 10 (Math) — x is greater than 10
ein 2 Hektar großes Grundstück — a 2-hectare plot of land
ein Loch größer machen — to make a hole bigger
ein großes Bier, ein Großes (inf) — ≈ a pint (of beer) (Brit), a large beer
die große Masse (fig) — the vast majority
2) = hoch, hochgewachsen taller ist 1,80 Meter groß — he's one metre (Brit) or meter (US) eighty (tall)
unsere Große — our eldest or oldest (daughter); (von zweien) our elder daughter
unser Großer — our eldest or oldest ( son); (von zweien) our elder son
mit etw groß geworden sein — to have grown up with sth
er ist ein großes Kind — he's a big or a great big (inf) baby
4) zeitlich Verzögerung, Rede big, longdie große Pause (Sch) — the long or lunch break
die großen Ferien — the summer holidays (Brit) or holiday (US)
5) = beträchtlich, wichtig, bedeutend great; Erfolg, Enttäuschung, Hoffnung, Eile great, big; Gewinn, Ereignis big; Katastrophe, Schreck terrible; Summe large; Geschwindigkeit higher hat Großes geleistet — he has achieved great things
die größten Erfindungen unseres Jahrhunderts — the greatest inventions of our century
ein großer Dichter wie Goethe — a great poet like Goethe
eine große Dummheit machen — to do something very or really stupid
er ist kein großer Esser (inf) — he's not a big eater
eine der größeren Firmen — one of the major companies
die großen Fragen unserer Zeit — the great or big questions of our time
das große Ganze — the broader or wider view
vor meinem Haus war or herrschte ein großer Lärm — there was a lot of noise outside my house
ich habe große Lust zu verreisen — I'd really like to go away (on holiday (Brit) or vacation (US))
sie hatte große Lust, sich zu verkleiden — she really wanted to get dressed up
einen großen Namen haben — to be a big name
ich bin kein großer Redner (inf) — I'm no great speaker
ich bin kein großer Opernfreund (inf) — I'm not a great opera fan
im größten Regen/Schneesturm — in the middle of a downpour/snowstorm
große Worte machen — to use grand words
6) = großartig, bewundernswert iro greatdas ist or finde ich ganz groß (inf) — that's really great (inf)
7) in Eigennamen GreatAlfred/Friedrich der Große — Alfred/Frederick the Great
8) MUS2. ADVERBcomp ordm; er, superl am ordm;ten1)groß machen (baby-talk) — to do number two (baby-talk), to do a poo (Brit baby-talk)
groß daherreden (inf) — to talk big (inf)
See:2)3)was ist das schon groß? (inf) — big deal! (inf), so what? (inf)
was soll man da schon groß machen/sagen? (inf) — what can you do/say?
er hat sich nicht gerade groß für unsere Belange eingesetzt (inf) — he didn't exactly put up a big fight for us
ich habe mich nie groß um Politik gekümmert (inf) — I've never been a great one for politics (inf)
ich kümmere mich nicht groß darum (inf) — I don't take much notice
ganz groß rauskommen (inf) — to make the big time (inf)
* * *1) (large in size: a big car.) big2) (very large, larger etc than average: a great crowd of people at the football match.) great3) (great in size, amount etc; not small: a large number of people; a large house; a large family; This house is too large for two people.) large4) (fairly large: His income is quite sizeable, now that he has been promoted.) sizeable5) ((of people and thin or narrow objects such as buildings or trees) higher than normal: a tall man/tree.) tall6) ((of people) having a particular height: John is only four feet tall.) tall7) (great or large: He won by a wide margin.) wide* * *<größer, größte>[ˈgro:s]I. adjin \großen/größeren Formaten/Größen in large/larger formats/sizes2. (hoch aufragend) longein \großer Kirchturm/Mast/Turm a high church steeple/pylon/tower3. (hoch gewachsen) Mensch talldu bist \groß geworden you've grownwie \groß bist du? how tall are you?er ist 1,78 m \groß he is 5 foot 10 [or 1.78m] [tall]ein \großer Baum/eine \große Vase a tall tree/vaseauf \große[r] Fahrt on a long journeydie \große Pause SCH mid-morning break5. (älter) big, elder, olderdas ist Anita, unsere G\große this is Anita, our eldestwenn ich \groß bin... when I'm grown up...mein \großer Bruder/meine \große Schwester my elder brother/my elder sisterG\groß und Klein young and old [alike]6. (mengenmäßig)im G\großen einkaufen to buy in bulkdie \große Masse most [or the majority] of the peopleein \großer Teil der Bevölkerung a large part of the population7. (erheblich, beträchtlich) greatwas für eine \große Freude! how delightful!du redest ganz \großen Unsinn you're talking complete rubbishwas ist denn das für ein \großer Lärm auf der Straße? what's all that noise in the street?macht doch nicht so einen \großen Lärm! don't make so much noise!\große Angst haben to be terribly afraid [or frightened]ein \großer Aufstieg a meteoric riseeine \große Beeinträchtigung a major impairmentein \großer Betrag a large amounteine \große Dummheit sheer stupidityein \großer Durchbruch/Reinfall a major breakthrough/disastereine \große Enttäuschung a great [or deep] [or profound] disappointmentmit \großer Geschwindigkeit at high [or great] speed\großen Hunger haben to be terribly hungry\großes Leid great [or deep] [or profound] sorrowein \großer Misserfolg an abject [or a dismal] failure\große Nachfrage a big demandeine \große Preissteigerung a massive price rise [or increase]ein \großer Schrecken a nasty fright\große Schwierigkeiten serious [or real] trouble\große Wut unbridled fury\großer Zorn deep [or profound] anger8. (bedeutend) greatetwas/nichts G\großes something/nothing greatsie hat in ihrem Leben nichts G\großes geleistet she never achieved anything great [or major] in her life, she did not achieve great things in her lifemit diesem Gemälde hat sie etwas G\großes geschaffen she has created something great [or profound] with this paintingein \großer Konzern/ein \großes Unternehmen a leading [or major] group/company9. (besonders gut) bigim Meckern ist sie ganz \groß she's quite good at moaningich bin kein \großer Esser/Trinker I'm not a big eater/drinkerich bin kein \großer Redner I'm no [or not a] great speaker10. (in Eigennamen)▪ ... der G\große... the GreatFriedrich der G\große Frederick the Great11. (großes Glas) large, bignach den drei \großen Bier war ich ziemlich angeheitert I felt quite merry fam [or fam tipsy] after three pints [of beer]12.▶ im G\großen und Ganzen [gesehen] on the whole, by and largeich habe nur \großes Geld I haven't any change on me; s.a. kleinII. advwas ist da jetzt schon \groß dabei! big deal! famer hat sich aber nicht gerade \groß für uns eingesetzt! he didn't exactly do very much [or put himself out much] for us!was soll man da schon \groß sagen? you can't really say very muchich habe mich nie \groß für Politik interessiert I've never been particularly interested in politics\groß einsteigen to go in for sth in a big waysie ist ganz \groß in die Politik eingestiegen she's gone into politics in a big way2. (von weitem Ausmaß)\groß angelegt large-scaleeine \groß angelegte Offensive a full-scale offensive [or attack3. MODE4. (nicht klein)5.* * *1.größer, größt... Adjektiv1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large < pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes
eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second
ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please
2) (eine bestimmte Größe aufweisend)1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area
sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall
doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...
3) (älter) big <brother, sister>seine größere Schwester — his elder sister
unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son
4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>[mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]
die Großen — (Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children
Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]
5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>die großen Ferien — (Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.
die große Pause — (Schulw.) [mid-morning] break
große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs
eine große Auswahl — a wide selection or range
7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love
ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day
große Worte — grand or fine words
die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]
die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman
10) (bedeutend) great, major < artist, painter, work>Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl
11) (wesentlich)die große Linie/der große Zusammenhang — the basic line/the overall context
in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline
im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole
ein großes Herz haben — be great-hearted
13) (ugs.): (großspurig)2.1)groß geschrieben werden — (fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized
groß machen — (Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)
2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly4) (ugs.): (großartig)sie steht ganz groß da — she has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)
* * *A. adj1. big (besonders gefühlsbetont); Haus, Fläche etc: large; Land: vast; Baum, Gebäude etc: (hoch) tall; (riesig) huge; Person: tall;ein großes Gebäude a big(, tall) building;der Große Ozean GEOG the Pacific (Ocean);die Großen Seen GEOG the Great Lakes;große Zehe big toe;großer Buchstabe capital letter;Gut mit großem G good with a capital G;wir sprechen hier von Geiz mit einem großen G fig, pej we’re talking about meanness with a capital M here;groß machen/müssen kinderspr do/have to do big jobs2. an Ausmaß, Intensität, Wert etc: great; Fehler, Lärm, Unterschied etc: auch big; Entfernung: great, long; Geschwindigkeit: high; Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen etc: intense; Kälte: auch severe; Verlust: heavy; Wissen: extensive, wide; (tief) profound; MUS, Intervall, Terz: major; Angeber, Angsthase, Feigling etc: terrible, dreadful;wir waren zu Hause eine große Familie we were a large family;große Ferien summer holiday(s), long vacation;zu meiner großen Freude to my great joy ( oder pleasure);wie komme ich an das große Geld? umg how do I get into the big money?;großes Glück haben be very lucky;großen Hunger haben be very hungry; stärker: be starving;große Mehrheit great majority;große Pause long (mid-morning) break;ein Fest im großen Rahmen a celebration on the grand scale;große Schritte machen make great progress;zum großen Teil largely, for the most part;3. mit Maßangabe:wie groß ist er? how tall is he?;er ist … groß he’s … (tall); das Grundstückist 600 m2groß is 600 metres (US -ers) square;gleich groß Personen: the same height, as tall as each other; Flächen, Kleidungsstücke etc: the same size;so groß wie ein Fußballfeld the size of a football pitch (US soccer field);war dreimal so groß wie der der Konkurrenz was three times that of our rivalsgroße Schwester big sister;groß werden Kinder: grow up;zu groß werden für outgrow sth, get too big for;er ist nur ein großes Kind he’s just a big baby;Groß und Klein young and old5. fig Augenblick, Entdeckung, Erfolg, Tag, Tat etc: great; (bedeutend) major, important; (großartig) grand, magnificent; Pläne, Ziele: great, grand, big; Künstler, Dichter etc: great;große Worte big words;Friedrich der Große Frederick the Great;Karl der Große Charlemagne;die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen iron play the great lady/lord;große Reden schwingen iron talk big;Groß und Klein standesmäßig: high and low6. (allgemein, wesentlich) broad, general;den großen Zusammenhang erkennen see the big picture;im großen Ganzen overall;in großen Zügen in broad outline7. umg (gut):das war ganz groß! that was really great!;große Klasse she’s really good ( oder she’s brilliant) at arithmetic;im Angeben/Geldausgeben ist er (ganz) groß iron he’s very good at showing off/spending money;ich bin kein großer Freund von Partys/Suppe I’m not a great one for parties/soup, I’m not particularly fond of parties/soup;er ist ein großer Schweiger/kein großer Esser he’s not a great talker/eater8. (edel):in großer Aufmachung Bericht etc: prominently featured, splashed across the page; Person: in full dress;B. adv1. big;groß gedruckt in large letters ( oder print);groß gemustert with a large pattern;groß kariert large-checked;er sah mich nur groß an he just stared at me;groß und breit dastehen umg, unübersehbar: stand out; stärker: stick out like a sore thumb; → auch großschreiben, großgebaut etc2. (aufwändig):groß angelegt Aktion etc: large-scale, full-scale;groß ausgehen umg have a real night out;jemanden/etwas groß herausbringen umg pull out all the stops for sb/sth, give sb/sth a tremendous build-up3. umg:groß auftreten act big;groß daherreden talk big5. (gut):groß in Form in great form;beim Publikum groß ankommen be a big hit with the audience;ganz groß dastehen (Erfolg haben) do brilliantly6. umg:er kümmert sich nicht groß darum he doesn’t really bother about it;was ist schon groß dabei? so what?, US auch (so) what’s the big deal?;was gibt es da groß zu sagen? what can you say?;was gibt’s da noch groß zu fragen? is there really anything more we need to ask?;was kann das schon groß kosten? it can’t be very expensive, can it?;was war los? -was soll schon groß gewesen sein? what do you think happened?* * *1.größer, größt... Adjektiv1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large <pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes
eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second
ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please
1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area
sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall
doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...
3) (älter) big <brother, sister>unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son
4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>[mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]
die Großen — (Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children
Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]
5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>die großen Ferien — (Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.
die große Pause — (Schulw.) [mid-morning] break
große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs
eine große Auswahl — a wide selection or range
7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love
ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day
große Worte — grand or fine words
[k]eine große Rolle spielen — [not] play a great or an important part
die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]
9) nicht präd. (glanzvoll) grand <celebration, ball, etc.>die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman
10) (bedeutend) great, major <artist, painter, work>Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl
11) (wesentlich)die große Linie/der große Zusammenhang — the basic line/the overall context
in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline
im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole
13) (ugs.): (großspurig)2.große Reden schwingen od. (salopp) Töne spucken — talk big (coll.)
1)groß geschrieben werden — (fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized
groß machen — (Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)
2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly4) (ugs.): (großartig)sie steht ganz groß da — she has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)
* * *adj.ample adj.big adj.capital adj.great adj.heavyset adj.large adj.sizable adj.tall adj. adv.largely adv.sizably adv. -
50 oko
I oka; oczy; gen pl oczu; dat pl oczom; instr pl oczami lub oczyma; nt( narząd wzroku) eye; ( wzrok) (eye)sightna pierwszy rzut oka — at first glance lub sight, on the face of it
w oczach — ( z każdą chwilą) rapidly
z zamkniętymi lub zawiązanymi oczami — ( bezbłędnie) with one's eyes closed; ( bez namysłu) without thinking
iść (pójść perf) gdzie oczy poniosą — to go and never look back
mieć dobre oko — to have a good eye; ( mieć dobry wzrok) to have good eyes
mieć kogoś/coś przed oczami — to have sb/sth before one's (very) eyes
mieć kogoś/coś na oku — to keep an eye on sb/sth
mieć oczy otwarte na oko — +acc to keep an eye out for
mieć oko na oko — +acc to have an lub one's eye on
nie spuszczać kogoś/czegoś z oka — to keep an eye on sb/sth
nie zmrużyć ( perf) oka — not to sleep a wink
otworzyć komuś oczy na oko — +acc to open sb's eyes to
patrzeć krzywym okiem na oko — +acc to frown upon, to look askance at
pilnować kogoś/czegoś jak oka w głowie — to keep a close eye on sb/sth
pożerać kogoś/coś oczami — to devour sb/sth with one's eyes
przymykać (przymknąć perf) na coś oczy — to turn a blind eye to sth
puszczać (puścić perf) do kogoś (perskie) oko — to wink at sb
rzucać się (rzucić się perf) w oczy — to stand out, to be conspicuous
dobrze/źle mu patrzy z oczu — he has a kind/forbidding look in his eyes
II oka; oka; ntPi razy oko — pot roughly, more or less
pawie oko — peacock's eye, ocellus
* * *n.1. ( narząd wzroku) eye, optic (arch.); piwne/brązowe/niebieskie oczy hazel/brown/blue eyes; podbite oko black eye, shiner, mouse; bystre oko sharp l. keen eye; mieć bystre oko be sharp l. keen eyed l. eyesighted; zaczerwienione oko reddish eye; kocie oczy ( na drodze) cat's eyes; kocie oko min. cat's eye; tygrysie oko min. tiger's eye; dno oka anat. eyegrounds, fundus of the eye; oko cyklonu meteor. bull's eye, the eye of the storm; sokole oko eagle eye; maślane oczy filmy eyes; wprawne oko practiced eye; w mgnieniu oka in a blink of an eye, in a twinkling, in a flash l. crack; na pierwszy rzut oka at first glance; coś widać na pierwszy rzut oka sth can be seen at first glance; bez zmrużenia oka without batting an eye; na moich oczach before l. under my eyes, in front of my very eyes; słabnąć l. niknąć w oczach ( o człowieku) be fading away, be wasting away; ale masz oko! good eye!; cieszący oko easy on the eye; cieszyć oko please the eye; klapki na oczach blinders, tunnel vision; klapki na oczy ( konia) blinders; Br. blinkers; w moich oczach to jest nic niewarte it's not worth a penny in my eyes l. to my mind; z zamkniętymi oczami with one's eyes closed; pożerać kogoś oczami devour sb with one's eyes; patrzeć na coś krzywym okiem frown upon sth, look askance at sth; być komuś solą w oku be a thorn in sb's side l. flesh, be the stone in sb's shoe; (szkolić się) pod okiem instruktora (train) under the supervision of the instructor; ciemno, choć oko wykol the night is inky black; rzucać się w oczy stick out a mile, stick out like a sore thumb; spędza mi to sen z oczu I can't get it out of my mind; czytam w twoich oczach, że... I can see l. read it in your eyes that...; dobrze ci z oczu patrzy you have a kind look in your eyes; iść, gdzie oczy poniosą go and never look back, walk and don't look back; jak okiem sięgnąć as far as the eye can see; mieć oczy wokół głowy have eyes at the back of one's head; zrobiło mi się ciemno przed oczami I was seeing spots before my eyes; mam to na oku I'm keeping a (sharp) eye on it; mieć coś na oku (np. o pracy) set sights on sth; mam babcię ciągle przed oczyma I can still see grandma before my eyes; miej oczy i uszy otwarte! keep your eyes and ears open!; powiedzieć l. wygarnąć komuś prawdę w oczy tell sb the truth to his/her face, speak the truth to sb's face; wspominać kogoś/coś z łezką w oku think softly l. affectionately l. nostalgically about sb/sth, think about sb/sth with affection; mydlić komuś oczy pull the wool over sb's eyes, throw dust in sb's eyes; nawet nie mrugnął okiem he didn't flicker an eyelid; nie mogłem od niej oderwać oczu I couldn't take my eyes off her; nie mogę spojrzeć jej w oczy I can't look her in the eye/face; mieć oko na coś keep one's eyes open l. peeled l. skinned for sth; nie spuszczaj z oka dzieci keep your eye on the children, keep a close eye l. watch on the children; podbić komuś oko give sb a black eye l. a shiner; własnym oczom nie wierzę! I can't believe my eyes!; nie zmrużyłem oka I didn't sleep a wink; otworzyć szeroko oczy open one's eyes wide; widzieć kątem oka see sth out of the corner of one's eye; strzec kogoś/czegoś jak oka w głowie keep a close eye on sb/sth; rzut oka na coś glimpse at sth; kiedy ty wreszcie przejrzysz na oczy? when will you finally take the blinds off?; przewracać oczami turn up l. roll one's eyes; robić do kogoś perskie oko give sb the eye, give sb a glad eye, make eyes at sb; kłamać w żywe oczy lie through one's teeth, lie in one's throat; na piękne oczy on trust; w cztery oczy in private; rozmawiać z kimś w cztery oczy talk heart to heart to sb, talk eye to eye; rzuć na to okiem have l. take a look l. glance at it, please; cast an eye over it, please; gołym okiem with the naked eye; stanąć z kimś oko w oko stand face to face with sb, confront sb eyeball to eyeball; stracić kogoś z oczu lose sight of sb; spuścić oczy lower one's eyes, cast one's eyes down; spojrzeć prawdzie w oczy face the truth; wake up and smell the coffee; see things for what they really are; świecić oczami za kogoś blush for sb, take the rap; widzieć coś gołym okiem see sth with the naked eye; widzieć coś na własne oczy see sth with one's own eyes; widzieć coś oczami duszy see sth in one's mind's eyes; wpaść komuś w oko catch sb's fancy l. eye, take l. tickle l. catch sb's fancy; zamknąć oczy close one's eyes, breathe one's last; przymykać na coś oczy turn a blind eye to sth; zejdź mi z oczu! get out of my sight!; oczy mi się kleją I have heavy eyes l. eyelids; pi razy oko sth in the neighborhood of, more or less; pasuje to jak pięść do oka it's like a square peg in a round hole; oczy wychodzą mu na wierzch ( ze zdziwienia) his eyes popped out; oko ci zbieleje it'll leave you open-mouthed; kruk krukowi oka nie wykole crows don't pick crows' eyes; dog does not eat dog; oko za oko, ząb za ząb an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; pańskie oko konia tuczy the eye of the master does more work than both his hands; prawda w oczy kole the greater the truth, the greater the libel; strach ma wielkie oczy fear has big eyes; czego oko nie widzi, tego sercu nie żal what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over; what the eye sees not, the heart craves not.3. ( w sieci rybackiej) mesh.4. żegl. ( wachta) watch, lookout.5. żegl. ( pętla na linie) eye-splice, loop.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > oko
51 odstawać
( o uszach) to protrude; ( odróżniać się) to stand out* * *ipf.- aję -ajesz, - waj1. (= oddzielać się, sterczeć) protrude, jut out, stick out.2. (= nie pasować, różnić się) stand out; odstawać od otoczenia stick out like a sore thumb.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > odstawać
52 rzucać
impf ⇒ rzucić* * *1. (-cam, -casz); perf - cić; vt(piłkę, kamień) to throw; (cień, kostkę, spojrzenie) to throw, to cast; (rodzinę, dom) to abandon, to desert; (chłopaka, dziewczynę) to drop, to jilt; (palenie, wódkę, pracę) to quit; (uwagę, słówko) to throw in2. vi(o autobusie, o samochodzie) to tossrzucać czar lub urok — to cast a spell
* * *ipf.1. + Acc. l. Ins. (= ciskać) throw, cast; ( z dużą siłą) fling, hurl; ( jak najdalej w danym kierunku) project; (piłkę baseballową, kamień) pitch; (= podrzucać) toss; (= zrzucać) dash, dump, chuck ( sth somewhere); rzucać piłkę do kogoś throw a ball to sb; rzucać piłką w kogoś throw a ball at sb; rzucać karty na stół ( kończąc grę) chuck in one's hand; rzucać kośćmi cast l. roll dice; rzucać monetą toss l. flip a coin ( o coś for sth); rzucać kotwicę żegl. cast l. drop anchor; rzucać młotem sport put the shot.2. przen. rzucać cień na kogoś/coś cast a shadow on sb/sth; rzucać coś w kąt (= przestać się zajmować czymś) cast sth aside; rzucać gromy na kogoś/coś thunder against sb/sth; rzucać komuś kłody pod nogi put a spoke in sb's wheel; rzucać komuś rękawicę fling l. throw down the gauntlet to sb; rzucać (w kogoś) mięsem pot. hurl abuse at sb; rzucać obelgi hurl insults; rzucać światło na coś cast l. throw l. shed light on sth; rzucać snop światła na coś project l. throw a beam of light on l. onto sth; ten fakt rzuca (nowe) światło na sprawę this fact sheds a new light on the issue; rzucać przezrocze na ekran project a slide on a screen; rzucać komuś ukradkowe spojrzenie cast a furtive glance at sb; rzucać słowa na wiatr speak idly; rzucać myśl l. pomysł come up with an idea.3. (= wywoływać jakiś stan) rzucać na kogoś oskarżenia throw accusations at sb; rzucać na kogoś podejrzenie throw suspicion on sb; rzucać na kogoś oszczerstwa cast aspersions on sb; rzucać na kogoś czary cast a spell on sb; rzucać klątwę na kogoś put a curse on l. upon sb; rel. pronounce an anathema upon sb; rzucać pierwszy kamień Bibl. (= rozpoczynać oskarżenia) cast the first stone.4. (= potrząsać, poruszać gwałtownie) jerk, throw about, fling about, toss (about); ( o pojeździe) (= szarpać, trząść się) jerk, jolt, bump; rzucać głową toss l. jerk one's head; rzucać rękami trash about with one's arms; samochód rzucał na wyboistej drodze the car jolted on the bumpy road.5. (= przewracać, szarpać) rzucać kogoś na ziemię fling l. hurl sb to the ground; rzucać kimś o coś fling l. hurl sb against sth; rzucać kogoś na kolana (przen. (= upokorzyć, podporządkować sobie)) bring sb to his l. her knees; rzucać kogoś na głęboką wodę (przen. (= postawić przed kimś trudne zadanie)) throw l. pitch sb in at the deep end; fale rzucały statkiem na wszystkie strony the waves tossed the ship to and fro.6. (= wysyłać, wyprawiać) rzucać oddziały do walki send troops into battle; rzucać coś na rynek launch sth on the market; rzucać swój kraj w wir wojny precipitate one's country into war.7. (= porzucać) abandon, forsake, desert; pot. drop, chuck (in), jack (in); rzucić żonę/męża abandon one's wife/husband; rzucić rodzinę/przyjaciół forsake one's friends/family; rzuciła swojego chłopaka she chucked her boyfriend; rzuciłem robotę I chucked in my job; rzucę to wszystko w diabły pot. I'm going to jack it all in.8. (= zrywać z nałogiem) give ( sth) up; pot. kick ( sth); rzucać palenie/picie give up smoking/drinking.10. (= przerzucać) throw; rzucać most przez rzekę throw a bridge across the river.11. pot. (= podawać) chuck; rzuć mi gazetę chuck me the paper.ipf.1. (= skakać w dół) plunge, jump, throw o.s.; rzucać się z urwiska do morza plunge over a cliff into the sea.2. (= kierować się gdzieś pędem) dart, dash, rush, start, lunge, fling o.s., hurl o.s.; rzucić się do ucieczki bolt; dart away; make a bolt l. dash l. run for it; rzucać się do walki fling o.s. into battle; rzucać się naprzód leap forward, lunge forward; rzucać się komuś na pomoc rush to sb's rescue.3. rzucać się w oczy stand out; be conspicuous; pot. stick out (like a sore thumb); stick out a mile.4. (= miotać się) toss about l. around, jerk about l. around.5. (= atakować) throw o.s. l. one's weight (na kogoś/coś at sb/sth); go (na kogoś/coś at l. for sb/sth); ( o drapieżniku) pounce (na kogoś/coś on l. upon sb/sth); rzucać się komuś do gardła go at sb's throat; rzucił się na nią z nożem he went for her with a knife; rzucać się na wroga go at the enemy; rzucać się z motyką na słońce przen. bite off more than one can chew.6. (= padać, przypadać ciałem) rzucać się komuś w ramiona fling o.s. into sb's arms; rzucać się na kolana go down on one's knees; rzucać się do czyichś stóp throw o.s. to sb's feet.7. pot. (= sprzeciwiać się, awanturować się) kick up a fuss l. row l. stink; nie rzucaj się! take it easy!8. pot. rzucać się na coś (= oddawać się czemuś z zapałem) pitch into sth; rzuciliśmy się na jedzenie we pitched into the food.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > rzucać
53 groß;
größer, am größtenI Adj.1. big (bes. gefühlsbetont); Haus, Fläche etc.: large; Land: vast; Baum, Gebäude etc.: (hoch) tall; (riesig) huge; Person: tall; Großer Bär oder Wagen ASTRON. Great Bear, Ursa Major fachspr.; ein großes Gebäude a big(, tall) building; der Große Ozean GEOG. the Pacific (Ocean); die Großen Seen GEOG. the Great Lakes; große Zehe big toe; großer Buchstabe capital letter; Gut mit großem G good with a capital G; wir sprechen hier von Geiz mit einem großen G fig., pej. we’re talking about meanness with a capital M here; groß machen / müssen Kinderspr. do / have to do big jobs2. an Ausmaß, Intensität, Wert etc.: great; Fehler, Lärm, Unterschied etc.: auch big; Entfernung: great, long; Geschwindigkeit: high; Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen etc.: intense; Kälte: auch severe; Verlust: heavy; Wissen: extensive, wide; (tief) profound; MUS., Intervall, Terz: major; Angeber, Angsthase, Feigling etc.: terrible, dreadful; ( auf) groß stellen (Heizung, Herd etc.) set on high, turn up; großes Bier large one, Brit. etwa pint, Am. 16 ouncer; wir waren zu Hause eine große Familie we were a large family; große Ferien summer holiday(s), long vacation; zu meiner großen Freude to my great joy ( oder pleasure); großes Geld umg. (Scheine) notes Pl., Am. bills Pl.; (viel Geld) a lot of money; wie komme ich an das große Geld? umg. how do I get into the big money?; großes Glück haben be very lucky; großen Hunger haben be very hungry; stärker: be starving; große Mehrheit great majority; große Pause long (mid-morning) break; ein Fest im großen Rahmen a celebration on the grand scale; große Schritte machen make great progress; zum großen Teil largely, for the most part; eine große Zahl von a large number of, a great many; Liebe, Mode etc.3. mit Maßangabe: wie groß ist er? how tall is he?; er ist... groß he’s... (tall); das Grundstück ist 600 m2 groß is 600 met|res (Am. -ers) square; das Zimmer ist drei mal fünf Meter groß is five met|res (Am. -ers) square ( oder each way); gleich groß Personen: the same height, as tall as each other; Flächen, Kleidungsstücke etc.: the same size; so groß wie ein Fußballfeld the size of a football pitch (Am. soccer field); unser Umsatz war dreimal so groß wie der der Konkurrenz was three times that of our rivals4. (erwachsen) grown-up; (älter) big; große Schwester big sister; groß werden Kinder: grow up; zu groß werden für outgrow s.th., get too big for; er ist nur ein großes Kind he’s just a big baby; Groß und Klein young and old5. fig. Augenblick, Entdeckung, Erfolg, Tag, Tat etc.: great; (bedeutend) major, important; (großartig) grand, magnificent; Pläne, Ziele: great, grand, big; Künstler, Dichter etc.: great; große Politik national (bzw. international) politics, the political big time umg.; große Worte big words; Friedrich der Große Frederick the Great; Karl der Große Charlemagne; die große Dame / den großen Herrn spielen iro. play the great lady / lord; große Reden schwingen iro. talk big; Groß und Klein standesmäßig: high and low6. (allgemein, wesentlich) broad, general; die große Linie verfolgen follow the main lines, stick to the basic ( oder broad) principles; den großen Zusammenhang erkennen see the big picture; im großen Ganzen overall; in großen Zügen in broad outline7. umg. (gut): das war ganz groß! that was really great!; im Rechnen ist sie ganz groß oder große Klasse she’s really good ( oder she’s brilliant) at arithmetic; im Angeben / Geldausgeben ist er ( ganz) groß iro. he’s very good at showing off / spending money; ich bin kein großer Tänzer etc. I’m not much of a dancer etc.; ich bin kein großer Freund von Partys / Suppe I’m not a great one for parties / soup, I’m not particularly fond of parties / soup; er ist ein großer Schweiger / kein großer Esser he’s not a great talker / eater9. (aufwändig) Empfang, Fest etc.: big, lavish; in großer Aufmachung Bericht etc.: prominently featured, splashed across the page; Person: in full dress; in großer Garderobe in full dress; Auge, Bahnhof, Glocke etc., Große1, Große2, größer, größt...II Adv.1. big; groß gebaut oder gewachsen Person: big; groß gedruckt in large letters ( oder print); groß gemustert with a large pattern; groß kariert large-checked; er sah mich nur groß an he just stared at me; groß und breit dastehen umg., unübersehbar: stand out; stärker: stick out like a sore thumb; groß geschrieben werden fig. rank very high, be a high priority, be considered very important; (begehrt sein) be very much in demand; bei ihm wird Pünktlichkeit groß geschrieben auch he sets great store by punctuality2. (aufwändig): groß angelegt Aktion etc.: large-scale, full-scale; groß ausgehen umg. have a real night out; jemanden / etw. groß herausbringen umg. pull out all the stops for s.o. / s.th., give s.o. / s.th. a tremendous build-up3. umg.: groß angeben talk big; um einzuschüchtern: throw one’s weight around ( oder about); groß auftreten act big; groß daherreden talk big4. (edel) denken, handeln etc.: nobly5. (gut): groß in Form in great form; beim Publikum groß ankommen be a big hit with the audience; ganz groß dastehen (Erfolg haben) do brilliantly6. umg.: er kümmert sich nicht groß darum he doesn’t really bother about it; was ist schon groß dabei? so what?, Am. auch (so) what’s the big deal?; was gibt es da groß zu sagen? what can you say?; was gibt’s da noch groß zu fragen? is there really anything more we need to ask?; was kann das schon groß kosten? it can’t be very expensive, can it?; was war los? - was soll schon groß gewesen sein? what do you think happened? -
54 wół
m (G wołu) ox- □ wół piżmowy Zool. musk ox- napisane wołami pot. written in a large scrawl- ryczeć jak wół to sob one’s heart out- wołami trzeba ich ciągnąć do czegoś pot. they are dragging their feet a. heels on sth- wół roboczy pot. workhorse, drudge* * *oxwół roboczy — (przen) drudge
* * *ma-o- Gen. -u ox; wół piżmowy zool. musk-ox ( Ovibos moschatus); wół roboczy drudge; pracowity jak wół extremely hardworking; harować jak wół work like a horse, work like a dog; to pasuje jak wół do karety it's like a square peg in a round hole; jest tu jak wół napisane it's all here down in black and white; zapomniał wół, jak cielęciem był the old cow thinks she was never a calf.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > wół
55 cola
f.1 tail.2 train.3 queue (fila) (British).4 bottom.están a la cola del mundo civilizado en cuanto a inversiones educativas they have the worst record in the civilized world as regards investment in educationir a la cola del pelotón to be one of the backmarkerstener o traer cola (informal) to have serious consequences o repercussions5 glue (pegamento).6 cola (bebida).7 willy (British), peter (United States) (informal) (penis).8 bum (British), butt (United States) (informal) (nalgas). ( Latin American Spanish)9 line, row, queue, tail of a list.10 wallpaper paste.11 cauda.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: colar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: colar.* * *1 (gen) tail2 (de vestido) train; (de chaqueta) tail3 (fila) queue, US line\a la cola at the back, at the rearestar en la cola figurado to be the lasthacer cola to queue up, US stand in lineponerse en la cola to get into the queue, US get in linetraer cola familiar to have serious consequencesvagón de cola rear coach————————1 (pegamento) glue\no pega ni con cola familiar it doesn't match at all————————1 (árbol) cola* * *noun f.1) tail2) line3) glue* * *ISF1) [de animal, avión, cometa] tailtraer cola —
la decisión del árbitro va a traer cola — this is not the last we will hear of the referee's decision
cola de caballo — (=en el pelo) pony tail; (=planta) horsetail
cola de milano, cola de pato — (Téc) dovetail
cola de rata — (Pesca) fly line
2) [de frac] tail; [de vestido] train3) (=hilera) queue, line (EEUU)se formó una cola de dos kilómetros debido al accidente — a two-kilometre tailback formed because of the accident
¡a la cola! — get in the queue!, get in line! (EEUU)
hacer cola — to queue (up), line up (EEUU)
ponerse a la cola — to join o get into the queue, join o get into the line (EEUU)
4) (=parte final) [de manifestación] tail end, back; [de carrera] backel ciclista estaba en o a la cola del pelotón — the cyclist was at the back of o at the tail end of the pack
los equipos en la cola de la tabla — the teams at the foot o bottom of the table
estamos a la cola de las sociedades civilizadas — we are at the bottom of the league of civilized societies
5) * (=pene) willy *, weenie (EEUU) *6) Ven(Aut)IIpedir cola — to ask for a lift o ride (EEUU)
SF (=pegamento) glue, gum; [para decorar] sizepintura a la cola — distemper; (Arte) tempera
IIIno pegar ni con cola —
SF1) (=planta) cola, kola2) (=bebida) cola, Coke ®3) And (=refresco) fizzy drinkIV* SM Chile poof **, queer *** * *I1)a) (de un animal, pez) tailtraer or tener cola — to have repercussions
b) ( de vestido) train; ( de frac) tails (pl)d) (RPl fam) ( nalgas) bottom (colloq)e) (Esp fam) ( pene) weenie (AmE colloq), willy (BrE colloq)2)a) (fila, línea) line (AmE), queue (BrE)no hay mucha cola — there isn't much of a line o queue
hacer cola — to line up (AmE), to queue (up) (BrE)
a la cola! — get in line! o in the queue!
brincarse or saltarse la cola — (Méx) to jump the line o queue
b) (de una clasificación, carrera)en lo que se refiere a la investigación estamos a la cola — as far as research is concerned, we are at the bottom of the pile o the league (colloq)
3) ( pegamento) glueno pegar ni con cola: esos colores no pegan ni con cola those colors just don't go together; aquí no pega ni con cola — it just doesn't look right here (colloq)
4) ( bebida) Coke®, cola5) (Ven) (Auto)IIdarle la cola a alguien — to give somebody a lift o a ride
masculino (Chi fam & pey) fag (AmE colloq & pej), poof (BrE colloq & pej)* * *I1)a) (de un animal, pez) tailtraer or tener cola — to have repercussions
b) ( de vestido) train; ( de frac) tails (pl)d) (RPl fam) ( nalgas) bottom (colloq)e) (Esp fam) ( pene) weenie (AmE colloq), willy (BrE colloq)2)a) (fila, línea) line (AmE), queue (BrE)no hay mucha cola — there isn't much of a line o queue
hacer cola — to line up (AmE), to queue (up) (BrE)
a la cola! — get in line! o in the queue!
brincarse or saltarse la cola — (Méx) to jump the line o queue
b) (de una clasificación, carrera)en lo que se refiere a la investigación estamos a la cola — as far as research is concerned, we are at the bottom of the pile o the league (colloq)
3) ( pegamento) glueno pegar ni con cola: esos colores no pegan ni con cola those colors just don't go together; aquí no pega ni con cola — it just doesn't look right here (colloq)
4) ( bebida) Coke®, cola5) (Ven) (Auto)IIdarle la cola a alguien — to give somebody a lift o a ride
masculino (Chi fam & pey) fag (AmE colloq & pej), poof (BrE colloq & pej)* * *cola11 = tail, train.Ex: At first he tried self-treatment by rubbing it with the tail of a cat, but eventually gave in and consulted a local physician.
Ex: This floor-length wedding dress is made of fine apple green taffeta, high waisted, with a small train, and the bodice lined with coarse white linen.* ciervo de cola blanca = white-tailed deer.* cola de caballo = ponytail, pigtails.* cola de discos = disc queue.* cola de documentos reservados y disponibles = held-document-available queue.* cola de espera = queue.* cola de impresión = print queue.* cola de los rezagados, la = trailing edge, the.* cola de reclamaciones = recall queue.* cola de tráfico = tailback.* con cola = caudate.* con cola espesa = bushy-tailed.* con cola tupida = bushy-tailed.* formar una cola = form + queue.* gestor de colas de impresión = print spooler.* hacer cola = queue up.* piano de cola = grand piano.* poner en cola = queue.* poner en cola de espera = place + in queue.* ponerse en cola = queue up, line up.* procesar una cola de espera = clear + queue.* sin cola = ecaudate.* viento de cola = tailwind.cola22 = size, adhesive, glue.Ex: The sheets of paper were dipped by handfuls into hot size, a solution of animal gelatine made from vellum or leather shavings boiled in water, to make them relatively impermeable.
Ex: A covering material of fast, even colour, was eventually produced that was impervious to the adhesive with which it was stuck to the boards.Ex: The solution was found to be a composition of glue and treacle which could be cast at first on to a cloth backing and later directly on to the roller stock.* cola de alumbre = alum sizing.* cola de colofonia = rosin size.* cola de piel de conejo = rabbit-skin glue.* encuadernación en cola = perfect binding, adhesive binding.* no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.* * *cola1A1 (de un animal, pez) tailtraer or tener cola: este asunto va a traer cola this is going to have repercussionsno lo van a olvidar, te aseguro que esto va a traer cola they aren't going to forget it easily, I'll bet we haven't heard the last of it yetel que tiene cola de zacate no puede jugar con lumbre (AmC, Méx); people who live in glass houses should not throw stones3 (de un avión) tail; (de un cometa) tailCompuestos:ponytaildovetail, dovetail jointBpodemos esperar, no hay mucha cola we could wait, there isn't much of a line o queuetuvimos que hacer cola durante dos horas we had to wait in line o we had to queue for two hours¡a la cola! get in line!, get in the queue!pónganse a la cola por favor please join the (end of the) line o queuebrincarse or saltarse la cola ( Méx); to push in ( colloq), to cut the line ( AmE), to jump the queue ( BrE)2(de una clasificación, carrera): un partido entre dos equipos en la cola a game between two bottom-of-the-league teams o two teams at the bottom of the divisionen lo que se refiere a la investigación científica estamos a la cola as far as scientific research is concerned, we are at the bottom of the pile o the league ( colloq)a la cola del pelotón at the tail end of the groupC (pegamento — para papeles) glue, gum; (— para madera) glueno pegar ni con cola: esa falda y esa blusa quedan fatal, no pegan ni con cola that skirt and blouse look terrible, they just don't go togetheresos cuadros aquí no pegan ni con cola those paintings just don't look right o ( colloq) don't go in hereCompuestos:wood glue o adhesive● cola de contacto/impactocontact/impact adhesivefish glue, isinglass ( tech)D (bebida) Coke®, colarefresco de cola cola drinkE¿me puedes dar la cola? can you give me a lift o a ride?cola2* * *
cola sustantivo femenino
1a) (Zool) tail;
( de frac) tails (pl)
2 ( fila) line (AmE), queue (BrE);◊ hacer cola to line up (AmE), to queue (up) (BrE);
pónganse a la cola por favor please join the (end of the) line o queue;
brincarse la cola (Méx) to jump the line o queue;
a la cola del pelotón at the tail end of the group
4 (Ven) (Auto):
darle la cola a algn to give sb a lift o a ride
cola 1 sustantivo femenino
1 (de animal, de un avión) tail
2 (peinado) ponytail
3 (de un vestido) train
4 (fila) queue, US line: hicimos cola durante una hora, we were queuing for an hour
5 (final) bottom, a la cola, at the back o rear
♦ Locuciones: familiar traer cola, to have consequences
cola 2 sustantivo femenino (pegamento) glue
' cola' also found in these entries:
- coleta
- piano
- prensil
- su
- turno
- vagón
- vez
- colar
- coletazo
- formar
- interminable
- kilométrico
- mover
- pegado
- pegar
- peludo
- recoger
- unir
- viento
catch 22
- Coke
- fizz
- flick
- formula
- glue
- grand
- grand piano
- join
- line
- line up
- paste
- ponytail
- pop-top
- queue
- stick
- stick together
- superglue
- swish
- tail
- ticket
- tie on
- train
- whisk
- brush
- caboose
- day
- diet
- guard
- hitch
- pony
- wear
* * *cola nf1. [de mamífero, pez] tail2. [de ave] tail3. [de avión, cometa] tail;Bol, RPtener cola de paja to be feeling guilty4. [de vestido de novia] train5. [parte final] [de clase, lista] bottom;[de desfile] end;el país está a la cola del mundo civilizado en cuanto a inversiones educativas the country has the worst record in the civilized world as regards investment in education;ir a la cola del pelotón to be one of the backmarkers6. [fila] Br queue, US line;llegué el último y me tuve que poner a la cola I was the last to arrive, so I had to join the end of the Br queue o US line;¡a la cola! go to the back of the Br queue o US line!Informát cola de impresión print queue7. [pegamento] glue;Famno pegar ni con cola: esa chaqueta y esos pantalones no pegan ni con cola that jacket and those trousers clash horribly;esos pantalones no pegan ni con cola en una fiesta tan formal those trousers are totally inappropriate for such a formal docola de pescado fish gluesus declaraciones tendrán o [m5] traerán cola his statement won't be the end of it o won't be the last we hear of it;RPcomer cola to suffer a setback10. [árbol]cola tree11. [sustancia excitante] cola;una bebida de cola a cola drinkpedir cola to hitchhike* * *1 f ( pegamento) glue2 ftraer cola have repercussions;estar a la cola be in last place2 de gente line, Brqueue;hacer cola stand in line, Br queue (up)3 L.Am. famde persona butt fam, Brbum fam3 f BOT cola, kola;nuez de cola cola nut, kola nut* * *cola nf1) rabo: tailcola de caballo: ponytail2) fila: line (of people)hacer cola: to wait in line3) : cola, drink4) : train (of a dress)5) : tails pl (of a tuxedo)6) pegamento: glue* * *cola n1. (de animal) tail2. (fila) queue3. (pegamento) glue4. (de tren) rear5. (de vestido) train -
56 parche
m.1 patch.2 poultice (emplasto).3 botch job (chapuza).pres.subj.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: parchar.* * *1 patch\poner un parche a algo to patch something up* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=pieza) patch; [para un ojo] eye patch2) [provisional] temporary remedy, stopgap solution3) (Med) (=cataplasma) poultice; Chile (=tirita) sticking plaster, Band-Aid ® (EEUU)4) (Mús) (=piel de tambor) drumhead; (=tambor) drum* * *a) ( remiendo) patcheso es poner parches al problema — that's just papering over the cracks
ojo or oído al parche! — (fam) watch out! (colloq)
b) ( para un ojo) (eye) patch; ( en herida) patchcolocarse el parche antes de la herida — (Chi fam) to take precautions
c) ( en la piel) mark, blotchd) ( del tambor) drumhead* * *= patch, poultice, sticking plaster, fix, quick fix, bug fix, kludge, stopgap [stop-gap], band aid, band-aid solution.Ex. The article 'Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.Ex. The article 'The application of Carbopol poultices on paper objects' discusses the characteristics and ageing process of Carbopol gels in relation to their application on paper.Ex. The article in question is entitled 'The world and sticking plasters: or, how can we help developing countries?'.Ex. A technological fix which prevents people from sending mail to more than a fixed number of people at once is needed.Ex. The author calls for more market research rather than just tinkering or applying fashionable cosmetic quick fixes.Ex. The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.Ex. The article 'The elegant kludge' describes Windows 95 new features and points out some of the architectural anachronisms from the earlier Windows 3.1.Ex. The author describes the role of CD-ROM technology as both temporary stopgap and long term solution to the problem of direct access to online databases.Ex. This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.Ex. This decision is frequently a short-term band-aid solution with negative long-term implications.----* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* parche ocular = eye patch [eyepatch].* parche para el ojo = eye patch [eyepatch].* poner parches = patch up, patch.* * *a) ( remiendo) patcheso es poner parches al problema — that's just papering over the cracks
ojo or oído al parche! — (fam) watch out! (colloq)
b) ( para un ojo) (eye) patch; ( en herida) patchcolocarse el parche antes de la herida — (Chi fam) to take precautions
c) ( en la piel) mark, blotchd) ( del tambor) drumhead* * *= patch, poultice, sticking plaster, fix, quick fix, bug fix, kludge, stopgap [stop-gap], band aid, band-aid solution.Ex: The article 'Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.
Ex: The article 'The application of Carbopol poultices on paper objects' discusses the characteristics and ageing process of Carbopol gels in relation to their application on paper.Ex: The article in question is entitled 'The world and sticking plasters: or, how can we help developing countries?'.Ex: A technological fix which prevents people from sending mail to more than a fixed number of people at once is needed.Ex: The author calls for more market research rather than just tinkering or applying fashionable cosmetic quick fixes.Ex: The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.Ex: The article 'The elegant kludge' describes Windows 95 new features and points out some of the architectural anachronisms from the earlier Windows 3.1.Ex: The author describes the role of CD-ROM technology as both temporary stopgap and long term solution to the problem of direct access to online databases.Ex: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.Ex: This decision is frequently a short-term band-aid solution with negative long-term implications.* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* parche ocular = eye patch [eyepatch].* parche para el ojo = eye patch [eyepatch].* poner parches = patch up, patch.* * *A1 (remiendo) patchle puse unos parches en los codos I put patches on the elbowsla nueva ley sólo le pone parches al problema the new law only papers over the cracksestar como un parche to stick out like a sore thumbser un parche to be an eyesore2 (para un ojo) eye patch, patch3 (en la piel) mark, blotchtenía dos parches de color en las mejillas her cheeks were flushedCompuestos:contraceptive patchnicotine patchtransdermal patchB (del tambor) drumheadC ( Inf) patch* * *
parche sustantivo masculino
parche sustantivo masculino
1 patch
2 Med (cataplasma) plaster: lleva un parche de nicotina, she wears a nicotine patch
3 pey (chapuza, pegote) botch-up: no se trata de que le pongas un parche, sino de que rehagas el artículo, it's not a question of making the best of a bad job, it's more a question of re-writing the whole article again
' parche' also found in these entries:
- rodillera
- nicotine
* * *parche nm1. [de tela, goma] patch;poner un parche a algo to put a patch on sth;Fam Chile parche curita Br sticking plaster, US Band-Aid®;parche de nicotina nicotine patch;2. [en el ojo] eyepatch3. [emplasto] poultice4. [solución transitoria] makeshift solution;la ley es sólo un parche al problema de la inmigración this law merely provides a makeshift solution to the problem of immigration;la empresa sobrevive poniendo parches a sus problemas the company survives by papering over the cracks5. Informát patch6. [piel de tambor] drumhead7. [tambor] drum* * *m* * *parche nm: patch* * * -
57 afsteken
1 [sterk uitkomen] stand out♦voorbeelden:die fabrieken steken lelijk af tegen het landschap • the factories stick out like a sore thumb against the landscapeII 〈 overgankelijk werkwoord〉1 [doen ontbranden/afgaan] let off2 [uitspreken] deliver3 [door steken verwijderen] cut off/away4 [afbakenen] mark off/out♦voorbeelden:2 een speech afsteken • deliver/make a speecheen heideveld afsteken • remove the turf -
58 pas|ować1
impf Ⅰ vt (dopasowywać) to fit [okna, ramy] Ⅱ vi 1. (być opowiednim) to suit (do czegoś sth); (harmonizować) to match (do czegoś sth); to harmonize (do czegoś with sth); (wpasować się) to blend, to slot- ten stół pasuje do pokoju the table suits the room- stół nie pasuje do reszty mebli the table doesn’t match the rest of the furniture- do mięsa pasuje czerwone wino red wine goes well with meat- ta bluzka nie pasuje mi do spódnicy the blouse doesn’t match my skirt- spodnie i marynarka nie pasują do siebie the trousers and the jacket don’t match- Adam i Maria świetnie do siebie pasują/zupełnie do siebie nie pasują Adam and Maria are a perfect match/are not suited for a. to each other2. (odpowiadać rozmiarem) [ubranie, but] to fit (na kogoś/coś sb/sth)- ta sukienka na mnie nie pasuje the dress doesn’t fit me- płaszcz pasował jak ulał the coat was a perfect fit- prześcieradło nie pasowało na łóżko the sheet didn’t fit the bed- klucz pasuje do zamka the key fits the lock- te kawałki do siebie nie pasują these pieces don’t fit together3. pot. (być typowym) to mi do niego nie pasuje! it’s not like him! 4. pot. (zadowalać) to suit- poniedziałek mi pasuje Monday suits me- to mi pasuje it’s okay with me pot.■ coś mi tu nie pasuje pot. something is wrong hereThe New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > pas|ować1
59 как бельмо на глазу
1) General subject: a thorn in one's flesh, be an eyesore, stick out like a sore thumb2) French: bete noire3) Set phrase: a thorn in someone's sideУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > как бельмо на глазу
60 колоть глаза
General subject: be thorn in ones side, stick out like a sore thumb
См. также в других словарях:
stick out like a sore thumb — (informal) To be painfully obvious, noticeable, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑sore * * * stick/stand/out like a sore thumb phrase to be very noticeable because of being different Any stranger to the town sticks out like a sore thumb … Useful english dictionary
stick out like a sore thumb — {v. phr.} To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. * /When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb./ … Dictionary of American idioms
stick out like a sore thumb — {v. phr.} To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. * /When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb./ … Dictionary of American idioms
stick out like a sore thumb — If something sticks or stands out like a sore thumb, it is clearly and obviously different from the things that are around it … The small dictionary of idiomes
stick out like a sore thumb — stand/stick out like a sore thumb if someone or something sticks out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they are very different from the other people or things around them. Everyone else was in jeans and casual gear and I had my… … New idioms dictionary
stick out like a sore thumb — in. to be very obvious. □ That zit really sticks out like a sore thumb. □ Do you think I would stick out like a sore thumb at the party if I wear this coat? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
stick out like a sore thumb — ► stand (or stick) out like a sore thumb be quite obviously different. Main Entry: ↑sore … English terms dictionary
stick out like a sore thumb — If something sticks or stands out like a sore thumb, it is clearly and obviously different from the things that are around it. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If something sticks out like a sore thumb, it is very obvious or visible in… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
stick out like a sore thumb — not fit or blend, look out of place The ugly painting stuck out like a sore thumb in the art gallery … English idioms
stick out like a sore thumb — verb Be very noticeably different, especially in a negative way; to be particularly obtrusive, conspicuous, blatant, or prominent; to attract undue attention or notice. With that guilty smile of his, he stuck out like a sore thumb … Wiktionary
stick\ out\ like\ a\ sore\ thumb — v. phr. To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb … Словарь американских идиом