21 head
1. noun1) Kopf, der; Haupt, das (geh.)head first — mit dem Kopf zuerst/voran
head over heels in love — bis über beide Ohren verliebt (ugs.)
lose one's head — (fig.) den Kopf verlieren
be unable to make head or tail of something/somebody — aus etwas/jemandem nicht klug werden
2) (mind) Kopf, derin one's head — im Kopf
enter somebody's head — jemandem in den Sinn kommen
two heads are better than one — (prov.) zwei Köpfe sind besser als einer
I've got a good/bad head for figures — ich kann gut rechnen/rechnen kann ich überhaupt nicht
not quite right in the head — (coll.) nicht ganz richtig [im Kopf] (ugs.)
have got it into one's head that... — fest [davon] überzeugt sein, dass...
the first thing that comes into somebody's head — das erste, was jemandem einfällt
3) (person)a or per head — pro Kopf
playback/erasing head — Wiedergabe-/Löschkopf, der
head of government — Regierungschef, der/-chefin, die
head of state — Staatsoberhaupt, das
11) see academic.ru/33986/headmaster">headmaster; headmistress2. attributive adjectivehead waiter — Oberkellner, der
3. transitive verbhead office — Hauptverwaltung, die; (Commerc.) Hauptbüro, das
1) (provide with heading) überschreiben; betiteln3) (direct)4) (Footb.) köpfen5) (overtake and stop)4. intransitive verbhead somebody/something [off] — jemanden/etwas abdrängen
head for London — [Flugzeug, Schiff:] Kurs auf London nehmen; [Auto:] in Richtung London fahren
head towards or for somebody/the buffet — auf jemanden/das Buffet zusteuern
you're heading for trouble — du wirst Ärger bekommen
* * *[hed] 1. noun1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) der Kopf2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) der Kopf3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) die Kopflänge4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) das (Ober-)Haupt; Ober...5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) der Kopf6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) die Quelle7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) oberes Ende8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) die Spitze9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) die Begabung10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) der Leiter12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) die Landspitze13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) die Blume2. verb1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) an erster Stelle stehen2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) leiten3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) zusteuern4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) betiteln•- -headed- header
- heading
- heads
- headache
- headband
- head-dress
- headfirst
- headgear
- headlamp
- headland
- headlight
- headline
- headlines
- headlong
- head louse
- headmaster
- head-on
- headphones
- headquarters
- headrest
- headscarf
- headsquare
- headstone
- headstrong
- headwind
- above someone's head
- go to someone's head
- head off
- head over heels
- heads or tails? - keep one's head
- lose one's head
- make head or tail of
- make headway
- off one's head* * *[hed]I. NOUNfrom \head to foot [or toe] von Kopf bis Fußto bow one's \head den Kopf senkento nod one's \head mit dem Kopf nickento shake one's \head den Kopf schüttelnto put ideas into sb's \head jdm Flausen in den Kopf setzenwhat put that idea into your \head? wie kommst du denn darauf?to need a clear \head to do sth einen klaren Kopf brauchen, um etw zu tunto have a good \head for sth für etw akk begabt seinshe's got a good \head for figures sie kann gut mit Zahlen umgehento clear one's \head einen klaren Kopf bekommento get sb/sth out of one's \head sich dat jdn/etw aus dem Kopf schlagenI can't get that man out of my \head dieser Mann geht mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopfto use one's \head seinen Verstand benutzena \head of broccoli/cauliflower ein Brokkoli/Blumenkohla \head of cabbage ein Kohlkopf ma \head of lettuce ein Salatto be a \head taller than sb [um] einen Kopf größer sein als jdto win by a \head mit einer Kopflänge Vorsprung gewinnen5. no pl (top, front part)the \head of the bed das Kopfende des Bettesat the \head of the table am Kopf[ende] des Tisches6. (blunt end) of a nail, pin, screw Kopf m; (end of tool) of a hammer Haupt nt, Kopf m; of a screwdriver Griff m; of tape, photographic film Anfang mthe \head of a match der Streichholzkopfthe \head of the family das Familienoberhaupta \head of state ein Staatsoberhaupt nt\heads or tails? Kopf oder Zahl?you have to pour the beer slowly so there isn't too big a \head on it man muss das Bier langsam einschenken, damit es nicht zu viel Schaum gibtthe \head of a river/stream ein Fluss-/Bachoberlauf m13. (accumulated amount)\head of steam Dampfdruck mthe \head of a boil/a pimple der Eiterpfropf einer Beule/eines Pickels17.▶ to not be able to make \head [n]or tail of sth aus etw dat nicht schlau [o klug] werden, sich dat auf etw akk keinen Reim machen können▶ to bring sth to a \head (carry sth too far) etw auf die Spitze treiben; (force a decision) etw forcieren [o zur Entscheidung bringen]▶ to bury one's \head in the sand, to have one's \head buried in the sand den Kopf in den Sand stecken▶ to do sth over sb's \head etw über jds Kopf hinweg tun▶ to get [or put] one's \head down BRIT (concentrate) sich akk [ganz auf eine Sache] konzentrieren; (sleep) sich akk aufs Ohr hauen fam▶ to get sth into one's \head etw begreifenwhen will you get it into your thick \head that...? wann geht es endlich in deinen sturen Kopf [o kapierst du endlich], dass...? fam▶ to give sb their \head jdn gewähren lassen, jdm seinen Willen lassen▶ to go over sb's \head über jds Kopf hinweg handeln▶ to go to sb's \head praise, success jdm zu Kopf steigen pej; alcohol, wine jdm in den [o zu] Kopf steigen▶ to have an old [or wise] \head on young shoulders für sein Alter ziemlich erwachsen [o reif] sein▶ to keep a cool \head einen kühlen Kopf bewahren▶ to keep one's \head einen klaren Kopf bewahren▶ to be off one's \head ( fam: be crazy, silly) übergeschnappt [o von allen guten Geistern verlassen] sein fam; (stoned) total zu[gedröhnt] [o zugekifft] sein slBen must be off his \head if he thinks Dad'll give him the money Ben kann nicht ganz bei Trost sein, wenn er glaubt, Dad würde ihm das Geld geben▶ to be [or go] over sb's \head über jds Horizont gehen▶ to put one's \heads together die Köpfe zusammenstecken▶ \heads will roll Köpfe werden rollenthe dog started barking its \head off der Hund begann, wie verrückt zu bellen▶ to have one's \head screwed on [right [or the right way]] ein patenter Mensch sein▶ to be \head and shoulders above sb/sth jdm/etw haushoch überlegen seinII. ADJECTIVEattr leitende(r, s)\head cook Küchenchef(in) m(f)\head office Zentrale fIII. TRANSITIVE VERB1. (be at the front of)▪ to \head sth etw anführenthe procession was \headed by the Queen die Queen ging der Prozession voran2. (be in charge of)to \head a firm/an organization eine Firma/Organisation leiten [o führen▪ to \head sth etw überschreiben [o mit einer Überschrift versehen]the article wasn't \headed der Artikel hatte keine Überschrift4. FBALLto \head the ball den Ball köpfen5. HORTto \head a tree einen Baum kappento \head home sich akk auf den Heimweg machento \head along a path einen Weg entlanglaufen3. (go toward)he \headed straight for the fridge er steuerte direkt auf den Kühlschrank zuto \head for disaster auf eine Katastrophe zusteuernto be \heading into [some] rough times schweren Zeiten entgegengehen* * *in cpds (= top, senior) Ober-* * *head [hed]A v/t2. voran-, vorausgehen (dat)3. (an)führen, leiten:a commission headed by ein Ausschuss unter der Leitung von4. lenken, steuern, dirigieren:a) um-, ablenken,b) abfangen,c) eine Gefahr etc abwenden, ein Gespräch etc abbiegen5. übertreffen6. einen Fluss etc (an der Quelle) umgehen7. mit einem Kopf etc versehen8. einen Titel geben (dat), betiteln9. die Spitze bilden von (oder gen)11. Fußball: den Ball köpfen:head away wegköpfen;head in einköpfen12. head upa) ein Fass ausböden,b) Wasser aufstauenB v/i1. a) gehen, fahren ( beide:for nach):be heading back auf dem Rückweg sein3. (mit der Front) liegen nach:4. (einen Kopf) ansetzen (Gemüse etc)5. sich entwickeln6. entspringen (Fluss)7. Fußball:head clear mit dem oder per Kopf klären;head in einköpfen;head wide vorbeiköpfenC adj1. Kopf…2. Spitzen…, Vorder…, an der Spitze stehend oder gehend3. Chef…, Haupt…, Ober…, Spitzen…, führend, oberst(er, e, es), erst(er, e, es):head cook Chefkoch m;head nurse Oberschwester fD s1. Kopf m:2. poet und fig Haupt n:head of the family Haupt der Familie, Familienvorstand m, -oberhaupt;3. Kopf m, Verstand m, auch Begabung f:he has a (good) head for languages er ist sehr sprachbegabt;head for figures Zahlengedächtnis n;have a good head for heights schwindelfrei sein;two heads are better than one zwei Köpfe wissen mehr als einer4. Spitze f, höchste Stelle, führende Stellung:at the head of an der Spitze von (od gen)5. a) (An)Führer(in), Leiter(in)b) Vorstand m, Vorsteher(in)c) Chef(in):head of government Regierungschefd) SCHULE Direktor m, Direktorin fa) oberer Absatz (einer Treppe)b) Kopf(ende) m(n) (eines Bettes, der Tafel etc)c) Kopf m (einer Buchseite, eines Briefes, eines Nagels, einer Stecknadel, eines Hammers, eines Golfschlägers etc)d) SCHIFF Topp m (Mast)7. Kopf m (einer Brücke oder Mole), oberes oder unteres Ende (eines Sees etc), Boden m (eines Fasses)8. a) Kopf m, Spitze f, vorderes Ende, Vorderteil m/nb) SCHIFF Bug mc) SCHIFF Toilette f (im Bug)9. Kopf m, (einzelne) Person:one pound a head ein Pfund pro Kopf oder Person10. (pl head) Stück n:50 head of cattle 50 Stück Vieh11. Br Anzahl f, Herde f, Ansammlung f (besonders Wild)12. Höhepunkt m, Krise f: → Bes Redew13. (Haupt-)Haar n:a beautiful head of hair schönes, volles Haar14. BOTa) (Salat- etc) Kopf m, Köpfchen n (kopfig gedrängter Blütenstand)15. ANAT Kopf m (vom Knochen oder Muskel)16. MED Durchbruchstelle f (eines Geschwürs etc)17. Vorgebirge n, Landspitze f, Kap n18. pl Vorderseite f (einer Münze):heads or tails? Wappen od Zahl?19. JAGD Geweih n:a deer of the first head ein fünfjähriger Hirsch21. Br Rahm m, Sahne f22. Quelle f (eines Flusses)23. a) Überschrift f, Titelkopf mb) Abschnitt m, Kapitel nc) (Haupt)Punkt m (einer Rede etc):the head and front das Wesentliche24. Abteilung f, Rubrik f, Kategorie f25. TYPO (Titel)Kopf m26. LING Oberbegriff m28. TECHa) Stauwasser nb) Staudamm m, -mauer f29. PHYS, TECHa) Gefälle n, Gefällhöhe fb) Druckhöhe fc) (Dampf-, Luft-, Gas) Druck md) Säule f, Säulenhöhe f (zur Druckmessung):head of water Wassersäule30. TECHa) Spindelkopf m (einer Fräsmaschine)b) Spindelbank f (einer Drehbank)c) Support m (einer Bohrbank)e) Saugmassel f (Gießerei)f) Kopf-, Deckplatte f, Haube f31. MUSc) Kopf m (einer Violine etc)32. Verdeck n, Dach n (einer Kutsche etc)b) …fan m:talk above sb’s head über jemandes Kopf hinweg reden;by head and shoulders an den Haaren (herbeiziehen), gewaltsam;(by) head and shoulders um Haupteslänge (größer etc), weitaus;head and shoulders above the rest den anderen turm- oder haushoch überlegen;from head to foot von Kopf bis Fuß;go off one’s head umg überschnappen;on one’s head auf dem Kopf stehend;on this head in diesem Punkt;out of one’s own heada) von sich aus, allein,b) auf eigene Verantwortung over sb’s head über jemandes Kopf hinweg;go over sb’s head to do sth jemanden übergehen und etwas tun;a) kopfüber (die Treppe hinunterstürzen),b) bis über die oder beide Ohren (verliebt sein) be head over heels in debt bis über die Ohren in Schulden sitzen oder stecken;bring to a head zum Ausbruch oder zur Entscheidung bringen;bury one’s head in the sand den Kopf in den Sand stecken;call for sb’s head jemandes Kopf fordern;go for a walk to clear one’s head um einen klaren Kopf zu bekommen;b) fig zur Entscheidung oder Krise kommen, sich zuspitzen cry one’s head off umg sich die Augen ausweinen oder aus dem Kopf weinen;it never entered his head to help her es kam ihm nie in den Sinn, ihr zu helfen;he’d forget his head if it wasn’t screwed on umg der würde sogar seinen Kopf vergessen, wenn er nicht angeschraubt wäre;gather head überhandnehmen;give a horse its head einem Pferd die Zügel schießen lassen;his name has gone out of my head mir ist sein Name entfallen;he has a good head on his shoulders er ist ein kluger Kopf;hold sth in one’s head etwas behalten, sich etwas merken;hold one’s head upa) den Kopf hoch halten,b) fig seine Selbstachtung nicht verlieren keep one’s head kühlen Kopf bewahren, die Nerven behalten;keep one’s head above water sich über Wasser halten (a. fig);a) etwas über den Haufen werfen umg,b) einer Sache ein Ende bereiten, Schluss machen mit etwas laugh one’s head off umg sich fast oder halb totlachen;let sb have his head jemandem seinen Willen lassen;it lies on my head es wird mir zur Last gelegt;lose one’s head den Kopf oder die Nerven verlieren;make head (gut) vorankommen, Fortschritte machen;I cannot make head or tail of it ich kann daraus nicht schlau werden, ich kann damit nichts anfangen;put sth into sb’s head jemandem etwas in den Kopf setzen;put sth out of one’s head sich etwas aus dem Kopf schlagen;they put their heads together sie steckten die Köpfe zusammen;run in sb’s head jemandem im Kopf herumgehen;take the head die Führung übernehmen;take sth into one’s head sich etwas in den Kopf setzen;talk sb’s head off umg jemandem ein Loch in den Bauch reden;turn sb’s head jemandem den Kopf verdrehen; → bang1 B 1, cloud A 1, knock B 1, roll B 1, swelled head, swollen head, top1 A 1hd abk1. hand2. head* * *1. noun1) Kopf, der; Haupt, das (geh.)mind your head! — Vorsicht, dein Kopf!; (on sign) Vorsicht - geringe Durchgangshöhe!
head first — mit dem Kopf zuerst/voran
lose one's head — (fig.) den Kopf verlieren
be unable to make head or tail of something/somebody — aus etwas/jemandem nicht klug werden
2) (mind) Kopf, dertwo heads are better than one — (prov.) zwei Köpfe sind besser als einer
I've got a good/bad head for figures — ich kann gut rechnen/rechnen kann ich überhaupt nicht
not quite right in the head — (coll.) nicht ganz richtig [im Kopf] (ugs.)
have got it into one's head that... — fest [davon] überzeugt sein, dass...
the first thing that comes into somebody's head — das erste, was jemandem einfällt
3) (person)a or per head — pro Kopf
5) in pl. (on coin)6) (working end etc.; also Mus.) Kopf, derplayback/erasing head — Wiedergabe-/Löschkopf, der
7) (on beer) Blume, diehead of government — Regierungschef, der/-chefin, die
head of state — Staatsoberhaupt, das
11) see headmaster; headmistress2. attributive adjectivehead waiter — Oberkellner, der
3. transitive verbhead office — Hauptverwaltung, die; (Commerc.) Hauptbüro, das
1) (provide with heading) überschreiben; betiteln2) (stand at top of) anführen [Liste]; (lead) leiten; führen [Bewegung]3) (direct)4) (Footb.) köpfen4. intransitive verbhead somebody/something [off] — jemanden/etwas abdrängen
head for London — [Flugzeug, Schiff:] Kurs auf London nehmen; [Auto:] in Richtung London fahren
head towards or for somebody/the buffet — auf jemanden/das Buffet zusteuern
* * *n.Chef- präfix.Haupt Häupter n.Kopf ¨-e m. v.an der Spitze stehen ausdr. -
22 face
feis 1. noun1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) ansikt2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) overflate, forside3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) stuss, stuff2. verb1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) vende (ut) mot, stå like overfor2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) snu/vende seg mot, stå med fronten mot3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) avfinne seg med, akseptere konsekvensene av•- - faced- facial
- facing
- facecloth
- facelift
- face-powder
- face-saving
- face value
- at face value
- face the music
- face to face
- face up to
- in the face of
- lose face
- make/pull a face
- on the face of it
- put a good face on it
- save one's faceansikt--------blikk--------fjes--------geip--------grimaseIsubst. \/feɪs\/1) ansikt, fjes2) ansiktsuttrykk, oppsyn, mine, grimase, utseende3) prestisje4) (over)flate5) forside, fremside, fasade (på bygning)6) avers (på mynt e.l.), medalje7) rettside, utside, overside, ytterside8) urskive, tallskive9) landskapsform, terreng, topografi10) bane (på hammer eller ambolt)11) egg (på kniv e.l.)13) ( gruvedrift) bruddsted15) ( på stein eller klippe) side16) ( tannlegefag) tyggeflate17) ( militærvesen) front (av formasjon)face to face ansikt til ansiktfall (flat) on one's face ( også overført) falle pladask, falle rett i bakken, mislykkes totalt, gå på trynetfly in the face of gå rakt på, rase rett imot ( overført) trosse, sette seg opp motfull face forfraget face (amer., slang) oppnå respekt, status, få anerkjennelseget out of someone's face slutte å irritere noen, slutte å plage noenhave the face to være frekk nok tilher\/his face is her\/his fortune hun\/han lever på sitt utseendein somebody's face rett (opp) i ansiktet\/fjeset på noenlike for nesen på noenin (the) face of (stilt) overfor, ansikt til ansikt medpå tross av, til tross forkeep a straight \/serious face holde maskenlie on one's face ligge på magenlong face lang i ansiktet, lang i maskenlook somebody in the face se noen rett i øynenelose face miste ansikt, tape ansiktmake\/pull a face skjære ansikter, skjære grimasermake a long face bli lang i maskenmake\/pull faces (at) gjøre grimaser (til)off his\/her face støvle full, helt kanonpull a face gjøre grimaserpull a long face bli lang ansiktetput a bold\/brave face on it gjøre gode miner til slett spillput the best face one can on it holde masken så godt man kan fremstille saken som man best kansave (one's) face redde skinnet, redde sitt eget skinnset one's face against sette seg tvert imotshow one's face vise seg, stikke hodet innshut your face! ( slang) hold kjeft!tell something to someone's face si noe rett opp i ansiktet til noenthat puts a new face on the matter det forandrer saken, det setter saken i et nytt lysto somebody's face rett (opp) i ansiktet på noen, åpent, slik at noen ser\/hører detwipe one's face tørke seg i ansiktetwipe something off the face of the earth eller wipe something off the map utslette noe (fullstendig)IIverb \/feɪs\/1) vende ansiktet mot, vende fronten mot, stå\/være vendt (ut) mot, se mot, ha forsiden mot, ligge motvende seg mot noen\/vende ansiktet mot noen• in which direction does the house face?2) ( også overført) stå overfor, møte, stå foran, stå ansikt til ansikt med3) møte (modig), trosse, se i øynene, gjøre front mot• face dangers\/the enemy• let's face it - he is...vi må erkjenne at han... \/ man kan ikke komme fra at han...4) legge med billedsiden opp (spillekort, brev e.l.)5) ( tekstilfag) forsyne med slag, besette, kante6) forsterke, sko, fôre7) kle, belegge8) ( bygg) forblende, fôre9) ( mekanikk) overflatebehandle, sletthøvle, jevne, avrette (en flate), planere, skjerpe (om stein)10) farge, tilsette fargestoff (om te)11) ( militærvesen) la gjøre front mot, la foreta en vendingabout face! helt om!• right\/left about face!(helt) høyre\/venstre om!be faced by bli møtt avbe faced with stå\/være stilt overfor, ha utsikt til, ha foran segface about\/round snu seg helt rundtface down konfrontere tvinge i senk, kue, undertrykkeface it out stå på, ikke gi segface on to ha utsikt overface out klare, få bukt medface the consequences ta konsekvenseneface the music bli konfrontert med de ubehagelige konsekvensene av sine handlingerface towards ha blikket rettet mot, se motface up to møte (modig), se i øynene ta stilling til, ta tak i• face up to the fact that...bøye seg for, forsone seg med, stå for -
23 wall
[wo:l] 1. noun1) (something built of stone, brick, plaster, wood etc and used to separate off or enclose something: There's a wall at the bottom of the garden: The Great Wall of China; a garden wall.) muro2) (any of the sides of a building or room: One wall of the room is yellow - the rest are white.) parede2. verb((often with in) to enclose (something) with a wall: We've walled in the playground to prevent the children getting out.) murar- walled- - walled
- wallpaper 3. verb(to put such paper on: I have wallpapered the front room.) pôr papel de parede- have one's back to the wall
- up the wall* * *[wɔ:l] n 1 parede, muro, paredão. 2 fort muralha (também walls). 3 fig barreira, muro. I am up against a brick wall / fig tenho uma montanha (de dificuldades) na minha frente. • vt 1 prover, cercar, dividir ou proteger com parede ou muro, murar, emparedar. 2 fort fortificar. blind dead wall parede sem janelas ou portas. to drive up the wall fazer subir as paredes, deixar muito irritado. to have one’s back to the wall estar encurralado, estar em um beco sem saída. to knock/ bang one’s head against a brick wall tentar o impossível, dar murro em ponta de faca. to wall up fechar com parede. walls have ears as paredes têm ouvidos. -
24 wall
[wo:l] 1. noun1) (something built of stone, brick, plaster, wood etc and used to separate off or enclose something: There's a wall at the bottom of the garden: The Great Wall of China; a garden wall.) zid2) (any of the sides of a building or room: One wall of the room is yellow - the rest are white.) stena2. verb((often with in) to enclose (something) with a wall: We've walled in the playground to prevent the children getting out.) ograditi z zidom- walled- - walled
- wallpaper 3. verb(to put such paper on: I have wallpapered the front room.) obložiti s tapetami- have one's back to the wall
- up the wall* * *I [wɔ:l]1.nounstena, zid (tudi figuratively); (trdnjavsko) obzidje; plural military utrdbe, nasip, okop; ločilna stena, pregraja, bariera; del pločnika ob ziduwithin the walls — znotraj zidov, v notranjosti mesta, figuratively znotraj (nekega področja)within four walls figuratively strogo zaupnowith one's back to the wall figuratively v težavnem položaju, v škripcihto be up against a brick wall figuratively ne moči (iti) naprejto give s.o. the wall — odstopiti komu prostor, da lahko gre ob zidu (kot počastitev), figuratively pustiti komu prednostto go to the wall figuratively biti pritisnjen ob zid, biti premagan, podleči, propasti; pasti pod stečajto meet a dead wall figuratively ne naleteti na razumevanjeto paint the devil on the wall figuratively slikati vraga na zidto run one's head against a wall figuratively hoteti z glavo skoz zid, skušati napraviti nekaj nemogočegato see through brick wall figuratively biti zelo bisterto send s.o. to the wall — pritisniti koga ob zid, pognati koga v škripceto take the wall of s.o. — ne odstopiti komu mesta ob zidu; imeti prednost pred kom;2.adjectivestenski; zidniwall crane technical konzolno dvigalowall fruit agronomy špalirsko sadjewall game sport vrsta nogometa (v Etonu)wall lizard zoology sivi kuščarwall newspaper — stenski časopis, stenčaswall painting — stensko slikarstvo, slika na zidu, freskaWall Street (W.S.) American finančna četrt v New Yorku; figuratively moč ameriškega kapitala (denarja, financ)wall tree agronomy špalirno drevowall walk — pokrit hodnik na grajskem, mestnem zidu za obramboII [wɔ:l]transitive verbobdati, utrditi z zidom ( a town — mesto); figuratively obkrožiti, obkoliti, zapreti -
25 face
1. n лицо, физиономия2. n морда3. n выражение лица4. n разг. гримасаto make a face — сделать гримасу, гримасничать
5. n внешний видon the face of — судя по внешнему виду; на первый взгляд
on the face of it you are guilty — похоже на то, что вы виновны
the idea is absurd on the face of it — на первый взгляд, эта мысль кажется абсурдной
outer face — внешняя сторона; лицевая сторона
face of the battlefield — картина сражения, вид поля боя
6. n аспект, сторона7. n разг. наглость, нахальствоbrazen face — наглость, бесстыдство
8. n поверхность; внешняя сторона9. n лицевая сторона, лицо; правая сторонаpoker face — бесстрастное, каменное лицо
10. n циферблат11. n престиж; репутация; достоинствоloss of face — унижение; потеря престижа
12. n разг. личность, человек с именем, знаменитость13. n сл. детина, «лоб»14. n амер. сл. белый15. n геом. грань16. n фас, грань17. n тех. поверхность, торецlateral face — боковая поверхность; боковой фасад
18. n тех. срез; фаска19. n тех. горн. забой, плоскость забоя; лаваface cut — забойка, вруб
20. n полигр. очко21. n полигр. шрифт, рисунок шрифта; гарнитура шрифта, шрифтlight face — светлое начертание; светлый шрифт
heavy face — жирное начертание; жирный шрифт
black face — жирное начертание; жирный шрифт
fat face — жирное начертание; жирный шрифт
22. n полигр. ширина23. n полигр. тлв. экранflat face — плоскоэкранный; плоский экран
24. n полигр. тех. боёк25. n полигр. тех. передняя грань26. n полигр. спец. облицовкаto show a false face — притворяться, лицемерить
in the face of day — не скрываясь, открыто; среди бела дня
to fly in the face — держаться вызывающе, бравировать, бросать вызов
to fly in the face of facts — игнорировать факты, пренебрегать фактами
27. v находиться лицом к28. v быть обращённым кface up — быть готовым; встретить смело
dead-pan face — каменное лицо, лицо как у истукана
to face a charge — быть обвинённым, подвергнуться обвинению
29. v смотреть в лицоa face peppered with freckles — лицо, усыпанное веснушками
wooden face — деревянное лицо, лицо без всякого выражения
30. v встречать смело; смотреть в лицо без страхаa face that denotes energy — лицо, которое дышит энергией
31. v сталкиваться лицом к лицу32. v отделывать33. v облицовывать34. v полировать; обтачивать35. v повёртывать лицом вверхa face scarred by smallpox — лицо, обезображенное оспой
long face — унылое, мрачное лицо; вытянутая физиономия
36. v воен. скомандовать поворотthe captain faced his company left — капитан скомандовал роте «налево»
37. v подкрашиватьСинонимический ряд:1. appearance (noun) appearance; appearances; guise; seeming; semblance; showing; simulacrum2. cheek (noun) assumption; brashness; brass; brazenness; cheek; cheekiness; confidence; effrontery; familiarity; gall; nerve; presumption; presumptuousness; temerity3. front (noun) aspect; dial; facade; front; kisser; map4. grimace (noun) grimace; moue; mouth; mouthing; mow; mug5. look (noun) cast; countenance; expression; features; look; muzzle; phiz; physiognomy; superficies; surface; top; view; visage6. makeup (noun) makeup; maquillage; paint; war paint7. mask (noun) cloak; color; coloring; colour; colouring; cover; disguise; disguisement; false front; frontage; frontal; gloss; mask; masquerade; muffler; pretence; pretense; pretext; put-on; show; veil; veneer; window dressing; window-dressing8. reputation (noun) dignity; image; name; prestige; reputation; self-respect; standing; status9. beard (verb) beard; brave; challenge; dare; defy; look; oppose; outdare; outface; venture10. cover (verb) cover; decorate; overlay; plaster; refinish; remodel; veneer11. engage (verb) accost; affront; close; confront; encounter; engage; front; look on; meet; meet with; run into; take on12. sheathe (verb) clad; coat; sheathe; side; skinАнтонимический ряд:absence; back; crouch; fear; humility; inside; interior; rear; refuse; retreat; shrink; sneak; strip; withdraw -
26 course
1. ряд2. ход; пробег; путь3. слой4. курс, маршрут, трассаgut course — курс, по которому сдать экзамен ничего не стоит
5. водоток; русловый поток6. геод. направление линии7. азимут и длина линииband course — выступающий ряд кладки, поясок, сандрик
8. цоколь; нижний ряд кирпичной кладки; бетонное основаниеbarge course — верхний ряд кирпичей, образующий карниз стены
9. слой основания дорожной одежды10. слой раствора11. подстилающий слой основания12. горизонтальный ряд13. выступающий ряд кладки, поясок; сандрик14. декоративный дощатый поясок вокруг деревянного домаwhen I go out I lock the door as a matter of course — когда я выхожу из дому, я обязательно запираю дверь
15. ряд кладки поверх карниза16. выступающий ряд кирпичей, поясок; сандрикbrick-on-edge course — ряд кирпичей, уложенных на ребро
brick-on-end course — ряд кирпичей, поставленных вертикально
damp-proof course — гидроизоляционный слой; гидроизоляционная прокладка
eaves course — нижний ряд черепицы или кровельных плиток; карнизный ряд
lintel course — ряд кирпичей в рядовой перемычке, рядовая перемычка
oversailing course — выступающий ряд кладки, поясок
racking course — слой щебня, распределяемый и уплотняемый при расклинцовке пропитываемого дорожного основания
soldier course — ряд кирпичей, поставленных вертикально
string course — выступающий ряд кладки, поясок
upright course — ряд кирпичей, поставленных вертикально
27 Kirtley, Matthew
[br]b. 6 February 1813 Tanfield, Co. Durham, Englandd. 24 May 1873 Derby, England[br]English locomotive engineer, responsible for the introduction of the brick arch in fireboxes.[br]At the age of 13, Kirtley was a pupil of George Stephenson on the Stockton \& Darlington Railway. He subsequently became a fireman and then a driver of locomotives: he drove the first locomotive to enter London on the London \& Birmingham Railway. When the Midland Railway was formed in 1844 he was appointed Locomotive Superintendent. Ever since the Act of Parliament for the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway had required that its locomotives consume their own smoke (probably as a reaction to the clouds of black smoke emitted by steamboats at Liverpool), the usual fuel for locomotives had been coke. Early multi-tubular boilers, with their small fireboxes and short tubes, were in any case unsuitable for coal because they did not allow the burning gases sufficient time to combust properly. Many engineers attempted to solve the problem with weird and complex boiler designs. Kirtley and Charles Markham, who was working under him, succeeded by inserting a deflector plate above the firedoor and an arch of firebricks in the front of the firebox: this helped to maintain the high temperatures needed and lengthened the route by which the gases travelled. The brick arch and deflector plate became the usual components of locomotive fireboxes, and expensive coke was replaced as fuel by coal.[br]Further ReadingJ.Marshall, 1978, A Biographical Dictionary of Railway Engineers, Newton Abbot: David \& Charles.E.L.Ahrons, 1927, The British Steam Railway Locomotive 1825–1925, London: The Locomotive Publishing Co. (describes the brick arch and Kirtley's locomotives).PJGR -
28 face
1. сущ.
1) а) лицо;
лик to look smb. in the face ≈ смотреть кому-л. в глаза to powder one's face ≈ пудрить лицо to press one's face (against a window) ≈ прижиматься лицом( к окну) beautiful, handsome, pretty face ≈ хорошенькое, красивое лицо familiar face ≈ знакомое лицо oval face ≈ овальное лицо round face ≈ круглое лицо ruddy face ≈ румяное лицо ugly face ≈ некрасивое лицо face down ≈ лицом вниз I would never say that to her face. ≈ Я бы никогда не сказал ей это в глаза. to bring face to face ≈ сводить лицом к лицу to come face to face, meet face to face ≈ встречаться лицом к лицу to keep a straight face ≈ сохранять невозмутимый вид to laugh in smb.'s face ≈ смеяться кому-л. в лицо black in the face ≈ багровый( от гнева, усилий и т. п.) full face ≈ анфас half face ≈ в профиль straight face ≈ бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо in the face of б) морда животного ∙ Syn: visage, countenance, features, facial features, physiognomy;
mug, pan
2) а) выражение лица angry face ≈ злой вид funny face ≈ забавный вид happy face ≈ счастливое лицо (лицо счастливого человека) sad, long face ≈ печальный, мрачный вид to keep a serious face ≈ сохранять серьезное выражение лица, сохранять внешнюю серьезность б) гримаса Don't make a face at me. ≈ Не строй мне рожи. to draw faces, make faces, pull a face, pull faces ≈ корчить рожи Syn: expression, aspect, look, countenance, air;
grimace, pout
3) внешний вид Pioneers cleared the forest and changed the face of the countryside. ≈ Пионеры очистили лес и изменили внешний вид местности. on the face of it ≈ судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд Syn: appearance, look, semblance, external aspect
4) репутация, лицо, престиж, достоинство The scandal was hushed up in an effort to save face. ≈ Скандал замяли, чтобы спасти репутацию. to lose face ≈ ударить лицом в грязь, быть униженным, потерять престиж to save face ≈ не ударить лицом в грязь, спасти репутацию/престиж, не уронить достоинства Syn: reputation, good name, dignity, repute, image, prestige, self-respect
5) передняя, лицевая сторона, лицо ( медали, ткани и т. п.) I scratched the face of my belt buckle. ≈ Я поцарапал пряжку пояса. Syn: front surface, obverse side, principal side, finished side, facade, frontage, forepart
6) циферблат
7) спорт струнная поверхность( теннисной ракетки)
8) разг. нахальство, наглость, дерзость;
самоуверенность After forgetting my lines, I didn't have the face to go back on stage. ≈ После того, как я забыл слова роли, у меня не хватило наглости снова выйти на сцену. to show a face ≈ держаться вызывающе, нагло Syn: nerve, boldness, daring, pluck, self-assurance, mettle, spunk, confidence, bravado, grit;
cheek, front, sand, brass, gall, effrontery, impudence
9) воен. фас
10) а) облицовка б) макияж put one's face on Syn: make-up
11) геом. грань
12) тех.( лобовая) поверхность;
срез, фаска
13) горн. забой;
плоскость забоя
14) полигр. очко (литеры)
15) строит. ширина (доски) ∙ it's written all over his face ≈ это у него на лбу написано in the face of serious difficulties ≈ перед лицом серьезных трудностей to disappear from the face of the earth ≈ исчезать с лица земли to fly in the face of smth ≈ кинуться на что-л. to set one's face against ≈ (решительно) противиться чему-л. to open one's face ≈ заговорить, перестать отмалчиваться to travel on one's face, to run one's face ≈ использовать привлекательную внешность для достижения цели before smb.'s face ≈ перед (самым) носом у кого-л.
2. гл.
1) а) стоять лицом к( чему-л.) ;
смотреть в лицо, в глаза The opponents faced each other across the chessboard. ≈ Оппоненты сояли лицом друг к другу у классной доски. Syn: encounter, confront, meet face to face, turn toward, look toward б) выходить, быть обращенным ( в определенную сторону) to face east ≈ быть обращенным на восток;
"выходить" на восточную сторону to face page 20 ≈ к странице 20 (о рисунке) Syn: front on, give toward, overlook
2) смело смотреть в лицо, смело встречать to face the facts ≈ прямо смотреть в лицо фактам I could not face going there alone. ≈ Я не мог поехать туда один.
3) а) бросать в лицо (кому-л.) to face smb. with irrefutable evidence ≈ бросать кому-л. в лицо неопровержимые улики б) сталкиваться лицом к лицу (с чем-л.) to be faced with the necessity ≈ столкнуться с необходимостью
4) а) покрывать, отделывать The cabinet is faced with a walnut veneer. ≈ Шкаф отделан ореховым шпоном. б) обкладывать, облицовывать( камнем) ∙ Syn: surface, cover, coat, overlay
5) подкрашивать (чай) ∙ face about face down face off face out face up face the music face the knocker лицо, физиономия - * massage массаж лица - * angle( антропологоия) лицевой угол - black /blue,red/ in the * багровый (от гнева, напряжения и т. п.) морда (животного) выражение лица - * of a dying calf глуповато-меланхолическое выражение лица - his * fell у него вытянулась физиономия - straight * бесстрастное /ничего не выражающее/ лицо, "маска" - to straighten one's * пытаться принять невозмутимый вид, успокоиться, перестать смеяться - to keep a straigt *, to keep one's * straight сохранять невозмутимое /бесстрастное/ выражение;
удерживаться от смеха - to make /to pull, to weer/ a long * иметь огорченный /печальный, кислый, мрачный, разочарованный/ вид - to read people's *s быть хорошим физиономистом (разговорное) гримаса - to make /to pull/ a * сделать гримасу, гримасничать - to make *s корчить /строить/ рожи - to make /to pull/ a pitiful * скорчить постную физиономию - to make a wry * скорчить рожу внешний вид - on /upon/ the * of (it) судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд - upon the * of the document если исходить из буквального смысла документа - on the * of it you are guilty похоже на то, что вы виновны - the idea is absurd on the * of it на первый взгляд эта мысль кажется абсурдной - to carry a /the/ * (of) казаться( кем-л., чем-л.) - this version carries no * of probability эта версия лишена правдоподобия /маловероятна/ - to carry on its * быть совершенно очевидным /ясным/ аспект, сторона (вопроса) (разговорное) наглость, нахальство - to have the * (to say smth.) иметь наглость (сказать что-л.) - to show a * нахально /нагло, вызывающе/ держаться поверхность, внешняя сторона - * of a door сторона двери (внешняя или внутренняя) - * of a racket( спортивное) струнная поверхность /ударная часть/ ракетки поверхность (земли, воды) - on the * of the earth на земле, на свете, в целом мире - from /off/ the * of the earth с лица земли - the north * of the mountain северный склон горы лицевая сторона, лицо (ткани, игральных карт, медали и т. п.) ;
правая сторона - to lie on its * лежать обратной стороной кверху - put your cards on the table * down положите ваши карты рубашкой вверх циферблат фасад - the * of the building is covered with ivy фасад дома зарос плющом престиж;
достоинство - (the) loss of * унижение;
потеря престижа /доброго имени/ - to lose * быть униженным;
потерять престиж - to save (one's) * избежать позора, спасти свою репутацию /свой престиж/, не уронить своего достоинства (разговорное) личность, человек с именем, знаменитость (сленг) детина, "лоб" (математика) грань (в геометрии) фас, грань (кристалла) (техническое) (лобовая) поверхность, торец;
фаска (военное) фас (горное) забой, плоскость забоя;
лава - * cut забойка, вруб (полиграфия) очко (литеры) ;
шрифт, рисунок шрифта;
гарнитура шрифта, шрифт ширина ( доски) (телевидение) экран( трубки) (техническое) уровень (жидкости) (техническое) (плоский) боек( молота) (техническое) облицовка - * brick облицовочный кирпич > in /to/ smb.'s * в лицо, в глаза, открыто;
в присутствии кого-л. > it's written all over his * это у него на лбу написано > to laugh in smb.'s * смеяться в лицо кому-л.;
открыто смеяться над кем-л. > to look full in /into/ the * of smb. смотреть прямо в лицо /в глаза/ кому-л. > to be unable to look smb. in the * стыдиться взглянуть в лицо кому-л. > to cast /to fling, to throw/ smth. in smb.'s * бросать что-л. в лицо кому-л. > at /in, on/ the first * с первого взгляда;
на первый взгляд > to bear /to carry, to have/ two *s under one hood, to have two *s быть двуличным, лицемерным;
быть двусмысленным > to show a false * притворяться, лицемерить > before smb.'s * перед носом у кого-л. > in the * of перед лицом;
открыто, на глазах;
вопреки, наперекор;
под угрозой > to act in the * of direct orders действовать вопреки прямому приказу > to succeed in the * of many difficulties добиться успеха несмотря на все трудности > in the * of day /of the sun/ не скрываясь, открыто;
среди бела дня > * to * лицом к лицу;
лично, наедине > let's get together and talk the whole thing over * to * давайте встретимся и потолкуем обо всем лично > to open one's * (американизм) открыть рот, заговорить > to fly in the * (of) держаться вызывающе, бравировать, бросать вызов( кому-л.) > to fly in the * of facts игнорировать факты, пренебрегать фактами > to fly in the * of nature действовать вопреки законам природы > to set one's * against smb., smth. решительно воспротивиться кому-л., чему-л.;
бороться с кем-л., чем-л.;
относиться враждебно к кому-л., чему-л. > to put a bold * on smth. казаться уверенным в чем-л., не растеряться > to put a good * on smth. делать довольное лицо по поводу чего-л. малоприятного;
изображать что-л. в наилучшем виде, истолковывать что-л. в благоприятном свете > to put a new * on smth. представить что-л. в новом /другом/ свете > to run one's *, to travel on one's * (американизм) использовать приятную внешность, чтобы добиться продвижения, кредита и т. п.;
выезжать на хорошеньком личике > to stare smb. in the * бросаться в глаза, быть очевидным /явным/;
быть неминуемым /неотвратимым/ > death stared him in the * он был на пороге /на волосок от/ смерти > to fall on one's * провалиться( с треском) ;
потерпеть фиаско > a * as long as a fiddle унылое /мрачное/ лицо > the * is the index of the mind лицо - зеркало души > a fair * may hide a foul heart за приятной внешностью может скрываться низкая душонка > a good * is a letter of recommendation хорошее /приятное/ лицо - лучшая рекомендация находиться лицом к - they sat so as to * each other они сидели друг против друга /лицом друг к другу/ - the man now facing me человек, который сейчас находится передо мной - stand facing the light станьте лицом к свету быть обращенным к - the house *d eastwards дом выходил фасадом на восток - my window *s the street мое окно выходит на улицу - the picture *s page 7 рисунок к странице 7 смотреть в лицо - I can't * him now я не могу показаться ему на глаза - to * away отвернуться встречать (что-л.) смело;
смотреть в лицо (чему-л.) без страха - to * the ordeal стойко выдержать испытание - to * the facts смотреть в лицо фактам - to * danger мужественно встретить опасность - I can't * the disgrace of a failure я не смогу перенести позор провала - you'll have to * it yourself вам самому придется с этим справиться сталкиваться лицом к лицу (с чем-л.) - to be *d with a difficulty встретиться /столкнуться/ с трудностью - to be *d with bankruptcy оказаться перед угрозой банкротства - he was suddenly *d with the necessity of... он внезапно очутился перед необходимостью... - the problem now facing us проблема, стоящая сейчас перед нами отделывать (платье) - to * a coat with gold braid отделать мундир золотым галуном облицовывать - to * a building with marble облицевать здание мрамором - to * a table with rose-wood veneering фанеровать стол розовым деревом полировать;
обтачивать - this stone has not been properly *d этот камень плохо отполирован повертывать лицом вверх (игральную карту) (военное) скомандовать поворот - the captain *d his company left капитан скомандовал роте "налево" - right *! направо! подкрашивать (чай) > to * the knocker просить милостыню у дверей > to * the music храбро встречать трудности /неприятности/;
держать ответ, расплачиваться за свои действия ~ value номинальная стоимость( монеты, марки и т. п.) ;
to accept( или to take) (smth.) at its face value принимать( что-л.) за чистую монету back ~ вчт. невидимая поверхность before (smb.'s) ~ перед (самым) носом (у кого-л.) bold ~ выделительный шрифт bold ~ полигр. жирный шрифт ~ гримаса;
to draw (или to make) faces корчить рожи elite ~ вчт. элитная печать face: to set one's face (against smth.) (решительно) противиться (чему-л.) ~ уст. вид спереди;
фасад ~ внешний вид;
on the face of it судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд;
to put a new face on представить все в новом свете;
придать другой вид;
to put a bold face on не растеряться ~ встречать смело;
смотреть в лицо без страха;
to face the facts смотреть в лицо фактам;
учитывать реальные обстоятельства ~ выражение лица;
a sad (или long) face печальный, мрачный вид ~ геом. грань ~ гримаса;
to draw (или to make) faces корчить рожи ~ горн. забой;
плоскость забоя ~ лицо;
физиономия ~ наглость;
to have the face (to say) иметь наглость (сказать что-л.) ;
to show a face вызывающе держаться ~ обкладывать, облицовывать (камнем) ~ облицовка ~ отделывать (платье) ~ полигр. очко (литеры) ~ передняя, лицевая сторона, лицо (медали и т. п.) ;
правая сторона (ткани;
тж. face of cloth) ~ тех. (лобовая) поверхность;
срез, фаска ~ подкрашивать (чай) ;
face about воен. поворачиваться кругом;
face down осадить;
запугать ~ полировать;
обтачивать ~ сталкиваться (с необходимостью) ;
наталкиваться( на трудности и т. п.) ;
to face a task стоять перед необходимостью решать задачу;
выполнить требование ~ стоять лицом (к чему-л.) ;
смотреть в лицо;
быть обращенным в определенную сторону;
to face page 20 к странице 20 (о рисунке) ~ спорт. струнная поверхность (теннисной ракетки) ;
to fling (или to cast, to throw) (smth.) in (smb.'s) face бросать в лицо ~ воен. фас;
right about face! направо кругом! ~ циферблат ~ стр. ширина (доски) ~ сталкиваться (с необходимостью) ;
наталкиваться (на трудности и т. п.) ;
to face a task стоять перед необходимостью решать задачу;
выполнить требование ~ card фигура( в картах) to ~ reality считаться( с реальной) действительностью;
to face danger подвергаться опасности ~ out выполнить (что-л.) ~ out не испугаться, выдержать смело ~ стоять лицом (к чему-л.) ;
смотреть в лицо;
быть обращенным в определенную сторону;
to face page 20 к странице 20 (о рисунке) to ~ reality считаться (с реальной) действительностью;
to face danger подвергаться опасности ~ встречать смело;
смотреть в лицо без страха;
to face the facts смотреть в лицо фактам;
учитывать реальные обстоятельства to ~ the music держать ответ, расплачиваться;
to face the knocker просить милостыню у дверей to ~ the music встречать, не дрогнув, критику или трудности to ~ the music держать ответ, расплачиваться;
to face the knocker просить милостыню у дверей ~ to ~ лицом к лицу ~ to ~ наедине, без посторонних to: ~ prep указывает на близость, соприкосновение( с чем-л.), соседство к, в;
shoulder to shoulder плечо к плечу;
face to face лицом к лицу ~ up быть готовым встретить (to) ~ up примириться( с чем-л.) неприятным (to) ~ value номинальная стоимость( монеты, марки и т. п.) ;
to accept (или to take) (smth.) at its face value принимать (что-л.) за чистую монету value: face ~ видимая, кажущаяся ценность face ~ нарицательная цена face ~ номинал face ~ номинальная, нарицательная стоимость face ~ номинальная стоимость ~ спорт. струнная поверхность (теннисной ракетки) ;
to fling (или to cast, to throw) (smth.) in (smb.'s) face бросать в лицо black( или blue, red) in the ~ обагровый (от гнева, усилий и т. п.) ;
full face анфас;
half face в профиль black (или blue, red) in the ~ обагровый (от гнева, усилий и т. п.) ;
full face анфас;
half face в профиль ~ наглость;
to have the face (to say) иметь наглость (сказать что-л.) ;
to show a face вызывающе держаться in the ~ of вопреки;
in (или to) (smb.'s) face открыто, в лицо, в глаза;
to laugh in (smb.'s) face открыто смеяться (над кем-л.) in the ~ of вопреки;
in (или to) (smb.'s) face открыто, в лицо, в глаза;
to laugh in (smb.'s) face открыто смеяться (над кем-л.) in the ~ of перед лицом to open one's ~ амер. заговорить, перестать отмалчиваться;
it's written all over his face = это у него на лбу написано straight ~ бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо;
to keep a straight face сохранять невозмутимый вид in the ~ of вопреки;
in (или to) (smb.'s) face открыто, в лицо, в глаза;
to laugh in (smb.'s) face открыто смеяться (над кем-л.) to save one's ~ спасти репутацию, престиж;
избежать позора;
to lose face потерять престиж the man now facing me человек, который находится передо мной;
my windows face the sea мои окна выходят на море the man now facing me человек, который находится передо мной;
my windows face the sea мои окна выходят на море ~ внешний вид;
on the face of it судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд;
to put a new face on представить все в новом свете;
придать другой вид;
to put a bold face on не растеряться to open one's ~ амер. заговорить, перестать отмалчиваться;
it's written all over his face = это у него на лбу написано pica ~ вчт. печать с плотностью 10 символов на дюйм poker ~ разг. бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо ~ внешний вид;
on the face of it судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд;
to put a new face on представить все в новом свете;
придать другой вид;
to put a bold face on не растеряться ~ внешний вид;
on the face of it судя по внешнему виду;
на первый взгляд;
to put a new face on представить все в новом свете;
придать другой вид;
to put a bold face on не растеряться ~ воен. фас;
right about face! направо кругом! ~ выражение лица;
a sad (или long) face печальный, мрачный вид to save one's ~ спасти репутацию, престиж;
избежать позора;
to lose face потерять престиж face: to set one's face (against smth.) (решительно) противиться (чему-л.) ~ наглость;
to have the face (to say) иметь наглость (сказать что-л.) ;
to show a face вызывающе держаться straight ~ бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо;
to keep a straight face сохранять невозмутимый вид to travel on (или to run) one's ~ амер. использовать располагающую внешность для достижения цели;
выезжать на смазливой мордочке type ~ вчт. начертание шрифта -
29 fling
1. noun1) (fig.): (attempt)have a fling at something, give something a fling — es mit etwas versuchen
2) (fig.): (indulgence)2. transitive verb,1) werfenfling back one's head — den Kopf zurückwerfen
fling something away — (lit. or fig.) etwas fortwerfen
fling on one's jacket — [sich (Dat.)] die Jacke überwerfen
2) (fig.)fling somebody into jail — jemanden ins Gefängnis werfen
3. reflexive verb,fling caution to the winds/fling aside one's scruples — alle Vorsicht/seine Skrupel über Bord werfen
1)fling oneself in front of/upon or on to something — sich vor/auf etwas (Akk.) werfen
2) (fig.)fling oneself into something — sich in etwas (Akk.) stürzen
* * *[fliŋ] 1. past tense, past participle - flung; verb1) (to throw with great force: He flung a brick through the window.) schleudern2) (to rush: He flung out of the house.) stürzen2. noun(a lively Scottish dance: They danced a Highland fling.) schottischer Tanz* * *[flɪŋ]to give sth a \fling [or to take a \fling at [doing] sth] es mit etw dat versuchento take a \fling at a novel/writing sich akk an einem Roman/als Schriftsteller versuchento have a \fling with sb mit jdm etw haben euph famI had a few \flings in my younger days als ich noch jünger war, hatte ich ein paar GeschichtenHighland F\fling Schottentanz mII. vt<flung, flung>1. (throw)▪ to \fling sb/sth jdn/etw werfen [o schleudern]could you \fling the paper over here? könntest du mal die Zeitung rüberwerfen?to \fling a door/window open eine Tür/ein Fenster aufstoßen [o aufreißen]to \fling sb to the ground jdn zu Boden werfento \fling sb into prison jdn ins Gefängnis werfen [o fam stecken2. (move part of body)▪ to \fling sth etw werfenthey flung their arms [a]round each other sie sind sich [o einander] um den Hals gefallento \fling one's arms round sb's neck jdm die Arme um den Hals werfento \fling one's head back den Kopf in den Nacken werfento \fling oneself at sb's feet sich akk vor jds Füße werfenshe flung herself into bed sie ließ sich ins Bett fallento \fling oneself in front of a train sich akk vor einen Zug werfen▪ to \fling sth at sb accusations, insults jdm etw entgegenschleudern [o an den Kopf werfen]to \fling sth in sb's teeth jdm etw an den Kopf werfen [o ins Gesicht sagen* * *[flɪŋ] vb: pret, ptp flung1. nto give sth a fling — sich an etw (dat) versuchen, etw (aus)probieren
youth must have its fling — die Jugend muss sich austoben
3) (inf= relationship)
to have a fling (with sb) — eine Affäre (mit jdm) haben, etwas mit jdm haben (inf)4)See:= Highland flingschleudernto fling one's arms round sb's neck —
to fling a coat round one's shoulders — sich (dat) einen Mantel über die Schulter(n) werfen
to fling oneself out of the window/off a bridge — sich aus dem Fenster/von einer Brücke stürzen
to fling oneself into a chair/to the ground — sich in einen Sessel/auf den Boden werfen
you shouldn't just fling yourself at him (fig inf) — du solltest dich ihm nicht so an den Hals werfen
* * *fling [flıŋ]A s1. Wurf m:give sth a fling etwas wegwerfen;(at) full fling mit voller Wucht2. Ausschlagen n (des Pferdes)3. a) Flirt mb) Beziehung f:just the usual flings nur das Übliche;it was just a fling es war nichts Ernstes;have one’s ( oder a) fling sich austoben, (einmalig auch) auf den Putz hauen, über die Stränge schlagen, (über einen längeren Zeitraum auch) sich die Hörner abstoßen4. umg Versuch m:5. fig Hieb m, Stichelei f:B v/t prät und pperf flung [flʌŋ]at nach):fling open (to) eine Tür etc aufreißen (zuschlagen);she flung him an angry look sie warf ihm einen wütenden Blick zu;fling one’s arms (a)round sb’s neck jemandem die Arme um den Hals werfen, jemandem um den Hals fallen;fling o.s. at sba) sich auf jemanden werfen oder stürzen,b) fig sich jemandem an den Hals werfen;fling o.s. into sb’s arms sich jemandem in die Arme werfen (a. fig);fling o.s. into a chair sich in einen Sessel werfen;2. poet aussenden, -strahlen, -strömen3. a) eine Bemerkung etc heraus-, hervorstoßenC v/i1. eilen, stürzen ( beide:out of the room aus dem Zimmer)* * *1. noun1) (fig.): (attempt)have a fling at something, give something a fling — es mit etwas versuchen
2) (fig.): (indulgence)2. transitive verb,1) werfenfling something away — (lit. or fig.) etwas fortwerfen
fling on one's jacket — [sich (Dat.)] die Jacke überwerfen
2) (fig.)3. reflexive verb,fling caution to the winds/fling aside one's scruples — alle Vorsicht/seine Skrupel über Bord werfen
1)fling oneself in front of/upon or on to something — sich vor/auf etwas (Akk.) werfen
2) (fig.)fling oneself into something — sich in etwas (Akk.) stürzen
* * *v.(§ p.,p.p.: flung)= schleudern v.werfen v.(§ p.,pp.: warf, geworfen) -
30 head
hed 1. noun1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) hode2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) hode, sinn, hjerne3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) hodelengde4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) (stats)overhode, hoved-, over-5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) hode, øverste del6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) kilde, utspring7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) øverste del/trinn, (bord)ende8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) fremste del, spiss9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) hode10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) rektor, skolestyrer11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) pr. person/kuvert/snute12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) nes, odde, pynt13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) skum(hatt)2. verb1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) lede, stå øverst/fremst/først2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) stå i spissen for3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) sette kursen mot, gå (noe) i møte4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) sette som overskrift5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) heade, nikke, skalle•- - headed- header
- heading
- heads
- headache
- headband
- head-dress
- headfirst
- headgear
- headlamp
- headland
- headlight
- headline
- headlines
- headlong
- head louse
- headmaster
- head-on
- headphones
- headquarters
- headrest
- headscarf
- headsquare
- headstone
- headstrong
- headwind
- above someone's head
- go to someone's head
- head off
- head over heels
- heads or tails?
- keep one's head
- lose one's head
- make head or tail of
- make headway
- off one's headforstand--------leder--------sjef--------tittel--------åndIsubst. \/hed\/1) hode, skalle• get this into your head!dette må du ha klart for deg!, få dette inn i hodet!2) ( overført også) forstand, vett• use your head!3) ( overført også) liv4) sjef, leder, direktør, overhode, hovedmann5) rektor6) ledelse, spiss, front, tet (også militærvesen)7) person, individ8) stykke9) antall, bestand10) øverste del, topp, spiss, hode, kapittel, kapitélhun sto først\/øverst på listenhedersplassen, øverst ved bordet, ved bordenden11) hodeende, hodegjerde12) kilde, utspring13) hode, krone• the head of a nail \/ a hammer \/ an axe15) forside (av mynt)16) ( på hjortedyr) horn, krone17) skum, skumhatt18) fløtelag (som legger seg oppå melk)20) modenhet, (tiltagende) styrke\/kraft21) rubrikk, overskrift, tittel22) hovedpunkt, hovedavsnitt, moment, kapittelpå dette punkt \/ i denne sak \/ i dette henseende23) kategori24) framdel, forreste del, fremre del, spiss26) ( brukes ofte i egennavn) odde, nes29) ( gruvedrift) stollbe at the head of something stå i spissen for noebang one's head against a brick\/stone wall ( overført) renne hodet\/pannen mot en murbite\/snap somebody's head off være forbannet på noenbring matters to a head tvinge frem en avgjørelse, fremkalle en kriseby a head med et hode \/ en hodehøyde, med en hodelengdeby the head and ears etter hårene umotivertcome into one's head slå en, falle en inncome\/draw\/gather\/grow to a head gå mot krise, tilspisse segcrowned head kronet hode, monarkdo it \/ work it out in one's head regne det ut i hodetdrag in by the head and shoulders ta opp helt umotivert (i samtale)eat one's head off ( hverdagslig) spise seg stappmett, lange i segenter one's head falle en inndet falt meg aldri inn, jeg tenkte aldri på detfall head over heels falle hodestupsfly head over heels fly hals over hodefrom head to heel\/foot fra topp til tå, fra isse til fotsålegather head samle krefter, komme til krefterget it into one's head få det for seg, få den idé• whatever put that into your head?hvordan kom du på den tanken\/idéen?get\/put it out of your head! slå det fra deg!, glem det!, slå tanken ut av hodet!get one's head down (britisk, hverdagslig) sovne (inn), legge seg konsentrere seg om (en oppgave)give somebody head (vulgært, praktisere munnsex på) suge noen, sokke noen, slikke noengive somebody his head ( overført) gi noen frie tøyler, gi noen frie hender, gi noen fritt spilleromgive the horse his head gi hesten frie tøyler\/tømmergo off one's head bli galgo to one's head gå til hodet på noen, gjøre noen innbilsk( om alkohol) gi rusvirkning, gå til hodet på noenhave \/ not have a head for something ha\/mangle sans for noe, være flink\/dårlig til noeha forretningssans\/forretningsteft• he has a good\/poor head for figureshan er flink\/dårlig med talljeg tåler ikke å være i høyden, jeg har lett for å bli svimmel i høydenhave an old head on young shoulders være moden for sin alderhave ones' head turned by sucess la suksessen gå en til hodetbe head and shoulders above rage høyt overkollegaene når ham ikke til skulderen, han rager høyt over sine kollegaerhead and shoulders portrait portrett i halvfigur, brystbildehead first\/foremost falle på hodet, falle på nesen, gå på hodet, gå på nesenhead of a cask bunn av en tønne \/ et fata head of flax linhår (om meget lyshåret barn), lyslugghead of hair hår(vekst)head of the river ( sport) best i kapproingenhead over heels eller over head and ears til opp over øreneheads I win, tails you lose! ( spøkefullt) du har ikke en sjanse!heads or tails? krone eller mynt?heads will roll ( overført) hodene kommer til rulleit gave me a head ( hverdagslig) jeg fikk hodepine\/tømmermenn av detkeep head against holde stand motkeep one's head bevare fatningen, holde hodet kaldtkeep one's head above water holde hodet over vannetlaugh\/scream one's head off ( hverdagslig) le seg i hjel, le seg fordervetlay\/put heads together stikke hodene sammenlie head to foot\/tail ligge andføttes (dvs. med føttene vendt mot hverandre)lose one's head miste hodet, miste livet, bli halshogget ( overført) miste hodet, miste fatningen, bli sint, bli hisssigmake\/gain head gå\/rykke frem, avansere, gjøre fremskrittmake head against gjøre motstand mot, sette seg tvert imotmake head upon få forsprang påmake something up out of one's own head finne på noe selvnot make head or tail of something ( hverdagslig) ikke begripe et kvekk av noeoff one's head ( hverdagslig) sprø, opprørt, opphissetoff the top of one's head ( hverdagslig) uforberedt, på stående foton one's head ( hverdagslig) som ingenting, som fot i hose, ingen sakon your own head be it! det må du ta på din egen kappe!, det må du stå til regnskap for!, det må du ta ansvaret for!over somebody's head ( overført) over noens forstand, over hodet på noen• it is\/goes over my headgå forbi noen, til fortrengsel for noen• they paid £20 a head apoor head dårlig forstandpull one's head in ikke stikke nesen sin i, passe sine egne sakerput something into somebody's head innbille noen noeput something out of somebody's head få noen til å gi opp tanken på noe, få noen fra noeraise one's head ( overført) reise hodet (igjen), rette ryggenroar one's head off le seg fordervet, le seg i hjelshake one's head over something riste på hodet av noestand at the head of the poll ha fått flest stemmertake it into one's head få det for segtalking head (amer., hverdagslig) forklaring: nyhetsoppleser eller annen person på TV som bare har hodet synlig på skjermen• he's not just a talking head, he's a good journalist, toohan er ikke bare nyhetsoppleser, han er en god journalist ogsåtalk somebody's head off ( hverdagslig) snakke hull i hodet på noenturn head over heels slå kollbøtte, slå stiftturn someone's head gjøre noen svimmel gjøre noen innbilsktwo heads are better than one to hoder tenker bedre enn ett, det lønner seg å samarbeideunder the head of under rubrikken(with) head to wind vindrettyou cannot expect an old head on young shoulders ungdom og visdom følges sjeldenIIverb \/hed\/1) være anfører for, lede, stå i spissen for, gå i spissen for2) gi overskrift, gi tittel, rubrisere, ordne i rubrikker• a document headed «Most important»et dokument med overskriften «Svært viktig3) gå foran, gå forbi4) overtreffe, overgå, slå5) vende, styre6) ( fotball) nikke, skalle, heade7) sette hode på (i ulike betydninger)8) ( også head down) beskjære i toppen (f.eks. et tre)9) innhente (ved å ta en snarvei)11) rykke frem mot, stevne frem mot, gå i mot, møte, angripe, seile mot12) styre, sette kurs, holde kurs, ha kurs, ligge an• how does the ship head?13) (spesielt amer.) ha sitt utspring (om elv)headed for på vei mot, på vei tilbe headed for styre mot, sette kursen mothead for\/towards styre mot, sette kurs mot, holde kurs mot, ha kurs motvære på (god) vei mothead off styre\/lede i en annen retningstanse, sperre veien for( overført) avverge, forhindrehead the bill ( overført) være den største attraksjonenhead the list stå øverst på listenhead the table ha hedersplassen, sitte øverst ved bordetIIIadj. \/hed\/1) hoved-2) første, viktigste, ledende3) over-overlærer, rektor4) mot-head boy den flinkeste i klassen (eller på skolen), duksen i klassen (eller på skolen) -
31 head
[hed] 1. noun1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) glava2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) pamet3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) dolžina glave4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) glava; glaven5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) glava, glavica6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) izvir7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) vrh8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) čelo9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) nadarjenost10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) predstojnik11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) na osebo12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) rt13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) pena2. verb1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) biti na čelu2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) voditi3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) iti proti4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) nasloviti5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) udariti z glavo•- - headed- header
- heading
- heads
- headache
- headband
- head-dress
- headfirst
- headgear
- headlamp
- headland
- headlight
- headline
- headlines
- headlong
- head louse
- headmaster
- head-on
- headphones
- headquarters
- headrest
- headscarf
- headsquare
- headstone
- headstrong
- headwind
- above someone's head
- go to someone's head
- head off
- head over heels
- heads or tails?
- keep one's head
- lose one's head
- make head or tail of
- make headway
- off one's head* * *I [hed]adjectiveglavni, na čeluBritish English head boy — najboljši dijak v razreduhead waiter — glavni natakar, plačilniII [hed]nounglava; dolžina glave (pri konjskih dirkah); pamet, razum, nadarjenost; vodja, voditelj, predstojnik; šolski direktor, -ica; glava kovanca; glava, vrh, gornji del, vzglavje (strani, postelje, knjige, pisma, stopnišča itd); glava žeblja, kladiva, bucike; višek, kriza; pena na pivu, mleku; rogovje (srnjadi); oseba, komad, kos, glava (živine); stržen čira; izvir reke; zajezena voda; pritisk pare zraka, plina, vode; predgorje, rt; familiarly plačilni, glavni natakar; streha na vozu; glavna točka (govora), poglavje (knjige), rubrika, stolpič (v časopisu); economy postavka (v računu, fakturi), kategorija; slang latrinaabove one's head — težko razumljivo, prepametno za kogaby a short head — za dolžino nosu, figuratively z majhno prednostjothe head and front — bistvo, politics glava zarote, vodja uporafrom head to foot — od nog do glave, popolnomahead first ( —ali foremost) — z glavo naprej, figuratively nepremišljenohead over heels — narobe, do ušes, na vrat na nosover one's head — viseč nad glavo (nevarnost); težko razumljivoout of one's own head — sam od sebe, sam, na lastnem zeljnikutwo heads are better than one — kolikor glav, toliko mislislang King's (Queen's) head — poštna znamkahead, cook and bottle washer — kdor s svojim vedenjem poudarja svojo veljavofiguratively on your head be it! — naj gre na tvojo glavo, ti si odgovorenten head of cattle — deset glav živine;Z glagoli: to beat s.o.'s head off — prekositi kogafiguratively to break one's head — glavo si razbijatito carry one's head high — nositi glavo pokonci, biti ponosento come to a head — priti do krize, zaostriti semedicine zagnojiti se, dozoreti (čir); slang to do a thing on one's head — igraje kaj napravitito drag in by the head and ears — s silo privleči, za ušesa privlečito give s.o. his head figuratively popustiti uzdeto get s.th. through one's head — doumeti, razumeti kajto go over s.o.'s head — biti pretežko za kogato go to s.o.'s head — v glavo stopitithis horse eats his head off — ta konj več pojé, kot je vredento have a head — imeti "mačka"to have one's head in the clouds figuratively živeti v oblakih, sanjaritito have a head like a sieve — imeti glavo kot rešeto, biti pozabljivfiguratively to keep one's head above water — obdržati se nad vodo, životaritito knock s.th. on the head — onemogočiti kajto lay ( —ali put) heads together — glave stikati, posvetovati seto let s.o. have his head — pustiti komu delati po svoji glavito lie on s.o.'s head — biti komu v bremeI cannot make head or tail of — ne razumem, ne vidim ne repa ne glaveto make head — izbiti na čelo, napredovatito put s.th. into s.o.'s head — vtepsti komu kaj v glavoto put s.th. into one's head — vtepsti si kaj v glavoto put s.th. out of s.o.'s head — izbiti komu kaj iz glaveto put s.th. out of one's head — izbiti si kaj iz glaveto run in s.o.'s head — vrteti se komu po glavito take s.th. into one's head — v glavo si kaj vtepstito talk over s.o.'s head — za koga preučeno govoritito talk s.o.'s head off — utruditi koga z nenehnim govorjenjemto talk through the back of s.o.'s head — neprestano v koga govoritito throw o.s. at the head of — obesiti se komu za vratto turn s.o.'s head — glavo komu zmešatito work one's head off — pretegniti se od dela, garatiheads I win, tails you lose — izgubiš v vsakem primeruIII [hed]1.transitive verbvoditi, biti na čelu, priti na čelo; zapovedovati; prekositi, prekašati; obiti (reko) pri izviru; dati naslov, glavo (pismu itd.); obrezati, odsekati vrh (stebla, krošnjo drevesa); upreti se, nasprotovati, postaviti se po robu; obrniti proti; sport udariti žogo z glavo;2.intransitive verb -
32 face
1) лицо
2) грань
3) забой
4) забойный
5) лицевать
6) лицевая поверхность
7) лицевой
8) облицовывать
9) пласть
10) торец
11) торцевать
12) торцовать
13) циферблат
14) экран
15) личной
16) торцовый
17) облицовочный
18) встречать
19) встретить
– active face
– blade face
– blast the face
– boundary face
– breakage face
– bulb face
– cleavage face
– coal face
– continuous face
– cutter face
– cutter-loading face
– dead face
– disk face
– double face
– downstream face
– end face
– even face
– face brick
– face center
– face conveying
– face conveyor
– face development
– face edge
– face equipment
– face finish
– face guard
– face mask
– face milling
– face mold
– face of a hammer
– face of brick
– face of crystal
– face of polyhedron
– face of weld
– face operator
– face plane
– face plate
– face shield
– face support
– face team
– face template
– face up a contact
– face value
– face worker
– face workpiece
– gear face
– inner face
– instrument face
– lateral face
– manless face
– mining face
– oblique face
– plough face
– raise face
– reserve face
– rill face
– root face
– side face
– single face
– slanting face
– undercut face
– unit face
– upstream face
– valve-seat face
– waveguide face
– working face
33 construction
1) строительство; стройка; постройка;2) конструкция; сооружение; строение; здание•- construction of diagram - construction of penetration macadam - construction of traffic facilities - adobe construction - agricultural building construction - airfield construction - air-supported construction - airtight construction - aseismic constructions - avalanche-protection construction - balanced construction of plywood - balloon frame construction - basic construction - BBS construction - beam and girder construction - bearing-wall construction - block construction - brick construction - bridge construction - building construction - cable constructions - cage construction - capital construction - carry-over construction - cast-in-place construction - cast-in-situ constructions - catenary construction - civil engineering construction - civilian construction - completion of construction - complex construction - composite construction - concrete construction - concrete-bent construction - contract construction - cost of construction - cross-wall construction - dam construction - date of completion of construction - delay in construction - delay in the construction of a project - double-skin construction - dry construction - dry-wall construction - dust-tight construction - environment-oriented home construction - fast construction - feasibility of the construction of a project - fill construction - fireproof construction - fixed period of construction - frame construction - fully-prefabricated construction - girderless construction - glued construction - high-rise construction - hipped-plate construction - hollow-wood construction - housing construction - hydraulic engineering construction - incombustible construction - incompleted construction project - individual housing construction - industrial building construction - industrialized construction - industrialized construction with apartments modules - integrated construction - laminated construction - large-panel constructions - large-sized block constructions - layer-built construction - levee construction - lift-slab construction - lightweight construction - load-carrying construction - lumber construction - lumber core construction - masonry construction - metal construction - methods of construction - mixed construction - modular construction - municipal construction - multiply construction - mushroom construction - mushroom slab construction - non-fireproof construction - ordinary construction - organization of construction - pace of construction - pan construction - panel construction - panelled construction - partially-prestressed composite construction - period of construction - plastic construction - plated construction - platform frame construction - pneumatic construction - portable unit construction - post-and-beam construction - posttensioned construction - power and water supply of the construction - power plant construction - pre-assembled member construction - precast construction - precast and cast-in-situ construction - precast concrete construction - precast panel construction - prefabricated construction - prefabricated demountable constructions - preload construction of tank - pre-posttensioned concrete construction - prestressed constructions - pretensioned concrete constructions reinforced with wires - pretensioned concrete constructions - project construction - protected metal construction - rammed earth construction - rammed loam construction - region of construction - reinforced brick construction - reinforced concrete construction - reinforced masonry construction - road construction - road-mix construction - sandwich construction - section construction - sectional construction - shell construction - simple in construction - skeleton construction - slow-burning construction - space grid constructions - stage construction - steel construction - steel-frame construction - steel-plate constructions - stone constructions - supporting construction - suspended constructions - temporary construction - thin-shell construction - thin-slab construction - thin-wall construction - total-prefabricated construction - two-dimensional construction - under construction - unit construction - urban construction - veneered construction - wall-bearing construction - water-front construction - welded construction - winter building construction - wood construction -
34 end
1) конец, окончание, завершение || кончать(ся); заканчивать(ся); завершать(ся) || концевой, конечный2) край, оконечность; концевая часть; наконечник3) торец, торцевая поверхность; торцевая стенка4) крышка; дно; днище ( ёмкости) || устанавливать крышку или дно; мн. ч. концы (донышко и крышка жестяной консервной банки)5) головка (напр. шатуна)6) разрушение; гибель7) ребро; лезвие ( инструмента)8) горн. забой ( подготовительный)9) остаток; крайняя фракция ( начальная или конечная)10) мн. ч. основные нити, основа ( ткани)12) матем. предел•end of core life — конец кампании активной зоны ( ядерного реактора)end of dislocation — выход дислокаций ( на поверхность)end of lock — голова судоходного шлюзаabnormal end of task — вчт. аварийное прекращение( выполнения) задания-
abutting ends
air end
approach end
back end of fuel cycle
back end
ball end
ballpoint lever end
basic end
batten ends
battered rail end
beet end
belly end
bent ends
big end
bitter end
blind end
blunt end
boot end
bottom end
box end
box pipe end
built-in end
business end
butt end
butted fiber end
cap end
capped end
cast-steel underframe end
charge end
cleared end
cold end
commutator end
conditioning end
connecting rod end
control cable end
corrugated steel end
coupler shank rear end
crop end
crosscut end
cutting end
dead end
deal ends
delivery end
development end
discharge end
dished end
drawing end
drive end
driven end
drop end
dry end
dull ends
egg end
electrode end
entry end
exit end
externally upset end
eye end
far end
feed end
feeder end
female end of pipe
fining end
finishing end
fixed end
flared end
flat-seat nozzle end
front end of the fuel cycle
front end
fully framed end
gable end
gate end
gathering end
graphite end
head end
heavy ends
hinged end
hipped end
hot end
internally upset end
joint end
lapped ends
leading end
lean end of column
light ends
loading end
male end of pipe
melting end
near end
nose end
outlet end
outshore end of breakwater
pin pipe end
piped end
piston ring end
plain pipe end
pointed end
port end
preinsulated terminal end
pusher end
rear end
receiving end
reeling end
reference end
refining end
return end
rod end
roof end
round end
running end
sealed end
seed end
sending end
shank end
shield end
shoreward end of breakwater
shorted end
shouldered end
siding end
sleeper head end
soldered end
spigot end
standing-off end
stub end
sugar end
switch rail end
tail end
terminal end
throw-off end
top end
trailing end
upstream end
valve stem end
warm end
waste end
wear end
wire end
wobbler end
working end -
35 furnace
1) печь2) топка, топочная камера5) термостат ( в хроматографии)•-
anode-drop furnace
Pulse furnace
acid furnace
acid open-hearth furnace
air furnace
air tempering furnace
Ajax furnace
all-basic furnace
all-electric furnace
all-radiant furnace
annealing furnace
annular furnace
arc furnace
ash fusion furnace
asphalt furnace
assay furnace
bakeout furnace
barrel-type furnace
basic furnace
basic open-hearth furnace
basic oxygen furnace
batch-type furnace
batch furnace
bath-type furnace
bath furnace
bell-type furnace
belt furnace
belt-charged blast furnace
belt-heating furnace
bifurcated furnace
biscuit furnace
black furnace
blackening furnace
blast furnace
bogie hearth furnace
bogie furnace
bogie-type furnace
boiler furnace
boosted furnace
bottom-electrode arc furnace
bottom-fired walking-beam furnace
box furnace
brick furnace
bung-type roof furnace
burnout furnace
calcining furnace
car furnace
carborundum furnace
carburizing furnace
catalyst furnace
catenary arch furnace
catenary furnace
cathode-ray furnace
cellulating furnace
ceramic furnace
chamber furnace
channel-gasification furnace
circular furnace
closed-top furnace
coal-fired furnace
coil-heating furnace
coiling furnace
cold top furnace
cold-charged furnace
combined direct flame-radiant tube furnace
compartment furnace
consumable electrode arc furnace
continuous annealing furnace
continuous furnace
continuous pack-and-pair heating furnace
continuous single-strand furnace
conveyortype furnace
conveyor furnace
copper blast furnace
copper-smelting furnace
coreless-type induction furnace
coreless induction furnace
core-type induction furnace
corner-fired furnace
cracking furnace
cross-fired furnace
crucible furnace
crucible melting furnace
crystal growing furnace
crystal-pulling furnace
cupelling furnace
cupel furnace
cupola furnace
cyaniding furnace
cyclone furnace
descaling furnace
devitrification furnace
diffusion furnace
direct resistance furnace
direct-arc conducting hearth furnace
direct-arc furnace
direct-fired furnace
direct-fired reducing furnace
divided furnace
double-bed furnace
double-crown furnace
double-end fired furnace
double-hearth furnace
down-draft furnace
downshot-type furnace
downward-fired furnace
drip furnace
dry-bottom furnace
dry furnace
EB furnace
electric furnace
electric pig-iron furnace
electric pit-type heating furnace
electric resistance furnace
electric steel furnace
electric-tube furnace
electrode-hearth arc furnace
electrolytic furnace
electron beam furnace
electroslag remelting furnace
enameling furnace
enamel furnace
end-fired furnace
epitaxial furnace
equalizing furnace
equiflux furnace
fagoted iron furnace
ferroalloy furnace
fired top and bottom furnace
firing furnace
fixed furnace
fixed open-hearth furnace
fixed roof-type furnace
flame furnace
flash furnace
flat glass furnace
flattening furnace
fluid-bed furnace
forging furnace
Fourcault tank furnace
frit furnace
front-door furnace
front-fired furnace
gantry-type furnace
garbage furnace
gas chamber furnace
gas furnace
gas-fired radiant tube furnace
gas-reforming furnace
glass furnace
glass-bending furnace
glass-foam furnace
glass-melting furnace
glazing furnace
gradient furnace
graphite rod melting furnace
hand-rabbled furnace
hardening furnace
hearth furnace
heating furnace
heat-treatment furnace
Heroult electric arc furnace
high-frequency furnace
high-frequency induction furnace
high-frequency steel furnace
high-temperature solar furnace
high-top pressure blast furnace
holding furnace
holding-melting furnace
hood-type annealing furnace
horizontal ring furnace
hot air furnace
ignition furnace
immersed electrode salt-bath furnace
immersion-burner furnace
immersion furnace
in-and-out furnace
independent-arc furnace
indirect resistance furnace
indirect-arc furnace
induction crucible furnace
induction low-frequency furnace
induction melting furnace
induction-arc furnace
induction furnace
induction-stirred furnace
ingot heating furnace
iron-and-steel furnaces
iron-melting furnace
LD furnace
lift-and-swing-aside roof furnace
lift-coil induction furnace
lift-off bell-type furnace
lift-off bell furnace
liquid-ball furnace
low-frequency furnace
low-shaft furnace
low-thermal mass furnace
Maerz-Boelens furnace
malleable annealing furnace
Martin furnace
matting furnace
mechanically rabbled furnace
melting furnace
mesh belt conveyor furnace
Miguet furnace
moving belt furnace
muffle furnace
multiple-bedded furnace
multistack annealing furnace
multistage furnace
nitriding furnace
nonferrous melting furnace
nonoxidizing annealing furnace
normalizing furnace
oil-fired furnace
one-zone furnace
open gas furnace
open-flame furnace
open-hearth furnace
open-hearth rolling furnace
open-top furnace
opposed-firing furnace
ore furnace
ore-smelting furnace
overburdened furnace
oxidation furnace
permeable-lining furnace
petroleum furnace
pipe furnace
pit-type furnace
pit furnace
plasmarc furnace
plate-glass furnace
plate furnace
porcelain-enamel furnace
positive pressure furnace
pot furnace
pot-and-muffle furnace
preheating furnace
pressure-fired furnace
printing furnace
producer furnace
protective gas furnace
pulverized-coal dry-ash furnace
pulverized-coal furnace
pulverized-coal slag-tap furnace
pusher-type furnace
pusher furnace
quartz-melting furnace
quartz furnace
quenching furnace
rabbling furnace
radiant tubular furnace
radiation furnace
reaction furnace
recirculation forced convection furnace
recirculation furnace
rectangular hood furnace
recuperative continuous furnace
recuperative furnace
refining furnace
reforming furnace
regenerative furnace
removable cover furnace
resistance arc furnace
resistance element salt-bath furnace
resistance furnace
resistance tube furnace
resistance-heated pot-type furnace
resistance-heating muffle furnace
resistor furnace
resistor melting furnace
reverberating furnace
ring furnace
roasting furnace
rocking arc furnace
rocking furnace
rocking resistor furnace
Rohn furnace
roller-hearth furnace
roof lance furnace
rotary hearth furnace
rotating-bath furnace
rotor furnace
runout-body furnace
salt furnace
sealed quench furnace
self-powered furnace
semirotary melting furnace
shaft furnace
shaft-coking furnace
sheet-glass furnace
sheet furnace
shelf furnace
short annealing furnace
side-charged furnace
side-port furnace
singeing furnace
single furnace
single pot furnace
single-cell furnace
single-stack annealing furnace
sintering furnace
sinter furnace
skull furnace
slag-drip furnace
slagging-bottom furnace
slag-tap furnace
sloping hearth furnace
smelting furnace
solar furnace
soldering furnace
Solvex cracking furnace
spark-gap converter furnace
stationary open-hearth furnace
steel-making furnace
steel furnace
strand-type furnace
stress-relieving furnace
submerged-arc furnace
supercharged furnace
sweat furnace
symmetric LD furnace
tandem furnace
tangentially fired furnace
tank furnace
three-cell furnace
three-phase ore-smelting furnace
three-storied furnace
through-type retort furnace
tile furnace
tilling furnace
tilting open-hearth furnace
tipping furnace
top hat annealing furnace
top-charge furnace
top-fired heating furnace
toughening furnace
tower-type furnace
traveling hearth furnace
triple-bell furnace
triple-fired furnace
tube furnace
twin furnace
underfeed furnace
upshot fired furnace
upshot furnace
vacuum furnace
vacuum-arc-refining furnace
vacuum-induction furnace
versatile bar furnace
vertical pull-through furnace
VIM furnace
walking beam furnace
warm-air furnace
water-cooled furnace
water-cooled infrared furnace
water-jacketed furnace
water-jacket furnace
water-walled furnace
wet-bottom furnace
wind furnace
zinc-distillation furnace
zone melting furnace -
36 head
[hed] nto bow one's \head den Kopf senken;to nod one's \head mit dem Kopf nicken;to shake one's \head den Kopf schüttelnto put ideas into sb's \head jdm Flausen in den Kopf setzen;what put that idea into your \head? wie kommst du denn darauf?;to need a clear \head to do sth einen klaren Kopf brauchen, um etw zu tun;to have a good \head for sth für etw akk begabt sein;she's got a good \head for figures sie kann gut mit Zahlen umgehen;to clear one's \head einen klaren Kopf bekommen;I can't get that man out of my \head dieser Mann geht mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf;to use one's \head seinen Verstand benutzena hundred \head of cattle einhundert Stück Vieh;a \head of broccoli/ cauliflower ein Brokkoli/Blumenkohl;a \head of cabbage ein Kohlkopf m;a \head of lettuce ein Salatto be a \head taller than sb [um] einen Kopf größer sein als jd;to win by a \head mit einer Kopflänge Vorsprung gewinnenthe \head of the bed das Kopfende des Bettes;at the \head of the table am Kopf[ende] des Tischesof a screwdriver Griff m;the \head of a match der Streichholzkopfthe \head of the family das Familienoberhaupt;a \head of state ein Staatsoberhaupt nt\heads or tails? Kopf oder Zahl?you have to pour the beer slowly so there isn't too big a \head on it man muss das Bier langsam einschenken, damit es nicht zu viel Schaum gibt\head of steam Dampfdruck m;the \head of a boil/ a pimple der Eiterpfropf einer Beule/eines PickelsPHRASES:to have one's \head in the clouds in höheren Regionen schweben ( hum)to be \head over heels in love bis über beide Ohren verliebt sein ( fam)to fall \head over heels in love with sb sich akk bis über beide Ohren in jdn verlieben;to bury one's \head in the sand;to have one's \head buried in the sand den Kopf in den Sand stecken;to be \head and shoulders above sb/ sth jdm/etw haushoch überlegen sein;to not be able to make \head [n]or tail of sth aus etw dat nicht schlau [o klug] werden, sich dat auf etw akk keinen Reim machen können;\heads I win, tails you lose ( you lose) ich gewinne auf jeden Fall;to keep a cool \head einen kühlen Kopf bewahren;to bang [or knock] sb's \heads together jdm den Kopf zurechtrücken;to bring sth to a \head ( carry sth too far) etw auf die Spitze treiben;( force a decision) etw forcieren [o zur Entscheidung bringen];to come to a \head sich akk zuspitzen;to do sth over sb's \head etw über jds Kopf hinweg tun;to get [or put] one's \head down ( Brit) ( concentrate) sich akk [ganz auf eine Sache] konzentrieren;to get sth into one's \head etw begreifen;when will you get it into your thick \head that...? wann geht es endlich in deinen sturen Kopf [o kapierst du endlich], dass...? ( fam)to give sb their \head jdn gewähren lassen, jdm seinen Willen lassen;to go over sb's \head über jds Kopf hinweg handeln;to go to sb's \head praise, success jdm zu Kopf steigen ( pej) alcohol, wine jdm in den [o zu] Kopf steigen;to keep one's \head einen klaren Kopf bewahren;to keep one's \head down den Kopf einziehen, auf Tauchstation gehen ( hum)to put one's \heads together die Köpfe zusammenstecken;\heads will roll Köpfe werden rollen;the dog started barking its \head off der Hund begann, wie verrückt zu bellen;to have taken sth into one's \head sich dat etw in den Kopf gesetzt haben;to be off one's \head (fam: be crazy, silly) übergeschnappt [o von allen guten Geistern verlassen] sein ( fam) ( stoned) total zu[gedröhnt] [o zugekifft] sein (sl)Ben must be off his \head when he thinks Dad'll give him the money Ben kann nicht ganz bei Trost sein, wenn er glaubt, Dad würde ihm das Geld geben;attr, inv leitende(r, s);\head cook Küchenchef(in) m(f);\head office Zentrale f;1) ( be at the front of)to \head sth etw anführen;the procession was \headed by the Queen die Queen ging der Prozession voran2) ( be in charge of)to \head sth etw überschreiben [o mit einer Überschrift versehen];the article wasn't \headed der Artikel hatte keine Überschrift4) fballto \head the ball den Ball köpfen5) hortto \head a tree einen Baum kappen vito \head home sich akk auf den Heimweg machen;to \head along a path einen Weg entlanglaufen3) ( go toward)to \head for sth auf dem Weg zu etw dat sein;he \headed straight for the fridge er steuerte direkt auf den Kühlschrank zu;to \head for disaster auf eine Katastrophe zusteuern;to \head into sth auf etw akk zusteuern;to be \heading into [some] rough times schweren Zeiten entgegengehen -
37 door
1. n дверьfrom door to door — от двери к двери; из дома в дом
2. n дом, квартира, помещениеin doors, within door — в помещении
out of door, without doors — на открытом воздухе; на улице, на дворе
next door — в соседнем доме, по соседству; неподалёку; поблизости, рядом
3. n входchurch door — церковное крыльцо, вход в церковь
4. n путь, дорогаhis attitude closed the door to further negotiations — его позиция отрезала путь к дальнейшим переговорам
5. n дверца6. n тех. заслонка7. n дверной проёмout of door — не к месту, неуместно
rabbeted door leaf — дверное полотно, собранное в шпунт
door sill — дверной порог; нижний брус дверной коробки
Синонимический ряд:1. access (noun) access; adit; admission; admittance; entree; ingress; way2. entrance (noun) aperture; door opening; doorway; entrance; entranceway; entry; entryway; gate; gateway; hatch; hatchway; inlet; opening; passage; portal; postern -
38 veneer
1. n шпон; однослойная фанера2. n кирпичная облицовка; облицовочные плиты; защитное покрытие3. n внешний лоск; маска, видимость; налёт показного4. n геол. поверхностный слой отложений5. v обшивать фанерой; фанеровать6. v облицовывать7. v придавать внешний лоск; придавать видимость; маскироватьpaganism veneered with Christianity — язычество, прикрываемое христианством
Синонимический ряд:1. coat (noun) coat; covering; layer2. facing (noun) coating; cover; exterior layer; facing; surface treatment; surfacing; thin covering; thin layer; wrapper3. mask (noun) cloak; color; coloring; colour; colouring; disguise; disguisement; facade; face; false front; front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; mere show; muffler; outward display; pretence; pretense; pretension; pretext; put-on; semblance; show; superficial appearance; veil; window dressing; window-dressing4. palliate (verb) blanch over; colour; extenuate; gild; gloss; gloss over; gloze over; palliate; prettify; sugarcoat; varnish; white; whiten; whitewash -
39 beam
2) машиностр. поперечина; траверса4) машиностр. балансир5) горн. верхняк6) возд. лонжерон7) мор. бимс8) ширина судна9) траверз ( направление)11) наводить по лучу12) главный лепесток ( диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч13) навой ( основовязальной машины)14) швейн. ударник ( вырубочного пресса)•beam for sheet piles — насадка шпунтовой стенки,beam is 25 m long between supports — пролет балки составляет 25 м;beam on waterline — ширина судна по ватерлинии,beam overall — габаритная ширина судна,beam over deck — ширина судна по палубе,beam over foils — ширина судна по крыльям,to built in a beam at one end — заделывать балку одним концов,to capture the beam — захватывать луч ( курсового маяка);to clamp a beam — закреплять коромысло,to follow the beam — выдерживать направление по лучу ( курсового маяка),to hinge a beam to support — опирать балку шарнирно;to intercept the beam — выходить на ось луча ( курсового маяка),to steady a beam — арретировать (останавливать) коромысло,-
accelerated beam
accelerator beam
aiming beam
anchorage beam
angle beam
angular beam
annular beam
antiparallel beams
arched beam
astigmatic beam
asymmetrical beams
asymmetrical beam
asymmetrical lower beam
asymmetrically flared beam
axle beam
back beam
beam of variable cross section
beavertail beam
betlehem beam
bidirectional beam
binding beam
body bolster beam
bogie beam
bond beam
bottom beam
box-section beam
box beam
brake beam
breast beam
brick beam
bridge beam
bridle beam
broad-flanged beam
broad-radiation pattern beam
bucket beam
buffer beam
built-in beam
built-up beam
bumper beam
bunched electron beam
bunched beam
camber beam
cambered beam
cantilever beam
cased beam
cathode beam
channel beam
channeled beam
charged beam
city beam
Clarke beam
coherent light beam
collapsible beam
collimated beam
combination beam
composite beam
compound beam
concentrated beam
conically scanned beam
constrained beam
continuous beam
continuous wing beam
contour beam
convergent beam
cosecant-squared beam
counter propagating beams
crane runway beam
crane beam
crownblock beam
dam beam
deck beam
deep beam
defocused beam
density-modulated beam
diffraction-limited beam
diffuse beam
directed beam
directional beam
directive beam
divergent beam
doubly reinforced beam
downward beam
dragon beam
drop beam
E beam
edge beam
electron beam
elevating beam
emergent beam
engine mount beam
erasing beam
even-arm beam
extreme beam
false beam
fanning beam
fan-shaped beam
fascia beam
fender beam
fiber spinning beam
fiberglass beam
fish-bellied beam
fixed beam
fixed tie beam
fixed-ended beam
flat-top beam
flitched beam
floor beam
focused beam
folding beam
fork beam
framing beam
free-ended beam
free beam
front-axle beam
gantry beam
glide slope beam
glued laminated beam
graduated beam
grating beam
grillage beam
guidance beam
hammer beam
hatch way beam
hatch-end beam
haunched beam
high beam
high-directivity beam
highly bunched beam
high-velocity beam
hinged beam
hold beam
hold-down beam
hollow beam
homogeneous beam
illuminating beam
image beam
incident beam
injected beam
intensity-modulated beam
intermediate beam
ion beam
jesting beam
joggle beam
junior beam
keyed beam
king-posted beam
laced beam
laser beam
lifting beam
light beam
load beam
locked-on beam
longitudinal beam
loom beam
low-altitude beam
lower beam
low-velocity beam
main beam
main landing gear beam
marginal beam
midship beam
modulated beam
molded beam
molecular beam
monochromatic beam
monoenergetic beam
monorail beam
multilobed beam
multispan beam
needle beam
negative beam
neutral beam
nonreentrant beam
nonuniform beam
object-bearing beam
object beam
off-axis beam
off-path beam
on-axis beam
optical beam
O-type beam
outermost beam
overhanging beam
panting beam
parallel flange beam
paraxial beam
passing beam
pencil beam
photon beam
pile beam
pin-ended beam
plane-polarized beam
play-off beam
polarized beam
port beam
portable beam
positive beam
pressure beam
prestressed concrete beam
primary beam
probe beam
propped cantilever beam
propped beam
pulsed guidance beam
pumping beam
pump beam
pusher beam
quasi-monochromatic beam
queen-trussed beam
radar beam
radio beam
reading beam
recording beam
reentrant beam
reference beam
reflected beam
refracted beam
register beam
relativistic beam
restrained beam
return beam
rigid beam
ring beam
ripper beam
riveted beam
roof beam
rotary support beam
rotary beam
sandwich beam
scanning beam
scattered beam
scene beam
secondary beam
section beam
sector-shaped beam
shallow beam
sharp beam
sheet beam
shifting beam
simple beam
single beam
skeleton-form triangular beam
slasher beam
slay beam
sliding batch beam
soldier beam
space-coherent beam
spandrel beam
spatially coherent beam
spent beam
spider beam
spinning beam
split beam
spot beam
spreader beam
spring beam
squinted beam
stanchion beam
standard beam
starboard beam
statically determinate beam
statically indeterminate beam
steered beam
stiffening beam
stop beam
straining beam
strut-framed beam
supporting beam
swing beam
tamping beam
temporal coherent beam
test beam
thermal beam
through beam
tie beam
top-trolley beam
toroidal beam
torque divider installation beam
towing beam
transverse beam
traveling hatchway beam
traveling hatch beam
trussed beam
ultrasonic beam
undecked beam
unidirectional beam
uniform beam
uniform-strength beam
universal beam
variable-elevation beam
variable-shape beam
walking beam
wall beam
wave beam
way beam
wear beam
web beam
welded beam
wide-angle beam
wide beam
wide-flange beam
wooden beam
writing beam
X-ray beam
zee beam -
40 course
2) курс, направление; маршрут || прокладывать курс; двигаться по маршруту3) движение по определённой линии || двигаться по определённой линии4) простирание (пласта, залежи)5) горн. выработка6) горн. распределять воздух по выработкам7) гидр. русло8) геод. направление и длина линии9) метал. слой футеровки10) ряд (кладки, черепичной кровли) || класть ряд (кирпичей, черепицы); слой ( покрытия)12) трик. петельный ряд•courses per inch — плотность по вертикали ( число рядов на один дюйм);to alter ( to change) the course for... — изменять курс на...;to deviate from the course — отклоняться от курса;to get on the course — выходить на заданный курс, ложиться на заданный курс;to maintain the course — выдерживать заданный курс;to plot the course — прокладывать курс ( на карте);to put on the course — выходить на заданный курс;to roll on the course — выводить на заданный курс;to select the course — выбирать курс;course of brickwork — ряд кирпичной кладкиcourse of headers — тычковый ряд кладки-
air course
arbitrary flight course
asphalt base course
asphalt binder course
asphalt leveling course
back course
back localizer course
barge course
base course
beacon course
bearing course
bed course
bedding course
belt course
binder course
blocking course
bond course
brick course
collision courses
compass course
creasing course
crown course
cushion course
cylinder course
dampproof course
dog-tooth course
double eaves course
draw course
empty course
false course
footing course
front localizer course
grade course
great circle course
grid course
gyrocompass course
gyro course
hand-hold courses
header course
intake air course
intermediate course
lacing course
leveling course
linking course
localizer course
locking courses
looping courses
loose course
magnetic course
measured mile course
measured course
opposite course
plinth course
raking course
raveling courses
reciprocal course
return air course
ring course
roving course
runway base course
runway drainage course
runway wearing course
selected course
separating course
setup course
sill course
slack course
snow course
soldier course
split course
stretcher course
tank course
tight course
trial course
true course
tumbling course
waste courses
water course
wearing course
См. также в других словарях:
Front Line (arcade game) — Front Line is a military combat themed arcade game released in 1982 by Taito Corporation.The original arcade version consists of a joystick, a single button (other than the player one and player two start buttons), and a rotary dial that can be… … Wikipedia
Brick — For other uses, see Brick (disambiguation). An old brick wall in English bond laid with alternating courses of headers and stretchers … Wikipedia
brick and tile — ▪ building material Introduction structural clay products, manufactured as standard units, used in building construction. The brick, first produced in a sun dried form at least 6,000 years ago and the forerunner of a wide range of… … Universalium
Brick (film) — Infobox Film name = Brick caption = Theatrical Poster director = Rian Johnson producer = Ram Bergman Mark G. Mathis co producer = Susan Dynner writer = Rian Johnson starring = Joseph Gordon Levitt Emilie de Ravin Nora Zehetner Matt O Leary Lukas… … Wikipedia
Thick as a Brick — Infobox Album Name = Thick as a Brick Type = Album Artist = Jethro Tull Released = March 3, 1972 (UK) May 10, 1972 (US) Recorded = December 1971 at Morgan Studios, London Genre = Progressive rock Length = 43:50 (22:45 LP side 1; 21:05 LP side 2)… … Wikipedia
Craighill Channel Upper Range Front Light — undated photograph of the Craighill Channel Upper Range Front Light (USCG) Location West of Fort Howard (North Point) on the north shore of the Patapsco River Coordinates … Wikipedia
Scott Brick — Infobox person name = Scott Brick caption = Scott with his Horbucher Fan Club birth date = birth date and age|1966|1|30| birth place = Santa Barbara, California, US occupation = Actor, Writer, Narrator website =… … Wikipedia
The Brick Testament — Fact|date=September 2008 There is also a Brick Testament book series.Fact|date=September 2008The project uses Lego as an art medium. Smith asserts that the project adheres to the scripture of the Christian bible. [… … Wikipedia
Facing brick — Facing Fa cing, n. 1. A covering in front, for ornament or other purpose; an exterior covering or sheathing; as, the facing of an earthen slope, sea wall, etc., to strengthen it or to protect or adorn the exposed surface. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions, 2005-Present — This is a list of acts claimed by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) since 2005.Background ;ALF formedTwo years after Ronnie Lee and Cliff Goodman had been charged for the raid on the Oxford Laboratory Animal Colonies in Bicester in 1974, as part… … Wikipedia
House at 9 North Front Street — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia