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  • 1 Levy

    v. trans.
    Requisition: P. and V. ἐπιτάσσειν, προστάσσειν, τάσσειν, P. ἐκλέγειν.
    Levy money: P. ἀργυρολογεῖν (absol.).
    He levied money for the navy: P. ἠργυρολόγησεν εἰς τὸ ναυτικόν (Thuc. 8, 3).
    Levy tribute from the Greeks: P. δασμολογεῖν τοὺς Ἕλληνας (Isoc. 184C).
    Exact: Ar. and P. ναπράσσειν; see Exact.
    Collect: P. and V. συλλέγειν, συνγειν; see Collect.
    Levy war on: P. πόλεμον ἐπιφέρειν (dat.), πόλεμον ἐκφέρειν πρός (acc.).
    Muster: P. and V. σύνοδος, ἡ, σύλλογος, ὁ, V. ἄθροισμα, τό.
    Hold a levy ( for the army): P. καταλόγους ποιεῖσθαι.
    Levying money, subs.: P. ἀργυρολογία, ἡ (Xen.); adj., Ar. and P. ἀργυρολόγος.

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  • 2 Advantage

    Gain: P. and V. κέρδος, τό, λῆμμα, τό.
    Benefit: P. and V. ὠφέλεια, ἡ, ὄφελος, τό, ὄνησις, ἡ, Ar. and V. ὠφέλημα, τό, V. ὠφέλησις, ἡ.
    Superiority: P. πλεονεξία, ἡ, πλεονέκτημα, τό.
    To the advantage of, in favour of: P. and V. πρός (gen.).
    Have the advantage, v.: P. περιεῖναι, πλέον ἔχειν.
    Get the advantage of, v.: P. πλεονεκτεῖν (gen.), πλέον φέρεσθαι (gen.), πλέον ἔχειν (gen.).
    Take advantage of, v.: P. and V. πολαύειν (gen.).
    Use: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Derive advantage, v.: P. and V. κερδαίνειν ὀννασθαι.
    Fight at an advantage: P. ἐκ περιόντος ἀγωνίζεσθαι (Τhuc. 8, 46).
    It is a great advantage for him to be sole master of the whole position: τὸ εἶναι ἐκεῖνον ἕνα ὅντα κύριον... πολλῷ προέχει (Dem. 10).
    Tyrants have no such advantages: P. τοῖς δὲ τυράννοις οὐδὲν ὑπάρχει τοιοῦτον (Isoc. 15, C).
    The borrower has the advantage of us in everything: P. ὁ δανειζόμενος ἐν παντὶ προέχει ἡμῶν (Dem. 1283).
    We have many natural advantages in war: P. πρὸς πόλεμον πολλὰ φύσει πλεονεκτήματα ἡμῖν ὑπάρχει (Dem. 124).
    What advantage is there? V. τί δʼ ἔστι τὸ πλέον; (Eur., Phoen. 553).
    What advantage will it be to the dead? P. τί ἔσται πλέον τῷ γε ἀποθανόντι; (Antiphon, 140.)
    v. trans.
    See Benefit.

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  • 3 Arms

    P. and V. ὅπλα, τά, V. τεύχη, τά; see also War.
    Arms stripped from the dead: P. and V. σκῦλα, τά (sing. also in V.), σκυλεύματα, τά, V. λφυρα, τά; see Strip.
    Bear arms against, v.: P. ὅπλα ἐπιφέρειν (dat.).
    By force of arms: P. κατὰ κράτος.
    By violence: P. and V. βίᾳ.
    Carry arms, v.: P. σιδηροφορεῖν, or mid.
    Take up arms, v.: P. and V. πόλεμον αἴρεσθαι.
    Under arms: P. and V. ἐν ὅπλοις, P. σὺν ὅπλοις, V. ἐφʼ ὅπλοις.
    Wearing similar arms, adj.: P. ὁμόσκευος.

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  • 4 Carry

    v. trans.
    P. and V. φέρειν, κομίζειν, V. βαστάζειν.
    Bring: P. and V. γειν, V. πορεύειν (rare P. in act.).
    Carry by sea: Ar. and V. ναυστολεῖν, ναυσθλοῦν; see Convey.
    Carry one's point: P. and V. κρατεῖν τῇ γνώμῃ, or simply P. and V. νικᾶν.
    The motion was carried that...: P. and V. ἐνκησε (infin.).
    Carry about one's person (as stick, arms, etc.): P. and V. φορεῖν.
    V. intrans. Reach: P. ἐφικνεῖσθαι, διικνεῖσθαι, P. and V. ἐξικνεῖσθαι.
    Carry about: P. and V. διαφέρειν, περιφέρειν.
    Carry about with one: P. συμπεριφέρειν.
    Carry across: P. διαβιβάζειν.
    Carry away: P. and V. ποφέρειν, πγειν, ἐξγειν, ἐκκομίζειν, P ἀποκομίζειν, V. παίρειν; see carry off.
    met., carry away ( by feeling): V. ἁρπάζειν.
    Be carried away ( by feeling): P. ἐξάγεσθαι, P. and V. ἐκφέρεσθαι, V. φέρεσθαι (Eur., H.E. 1246).
    Carry in: P. and V. εἰσκομίζειν.
    Carry off, kill: P. διαχρῆσθαι; see Kill.
    Carry off to safety: P. and V. πεκτθεσθαι; see Rescue.
    Snatch away: P. and V. ἁρπάζειν, ναρπάζειν, φαρπάζειν, συναρπάζειν; see carry away, seize.
    Be carried off: V. λελῇσθαι (perf. pass. λῄζεσθαι).
    met., carry off ( a prize): P. and V. φέρεσθαι, ἐκφέρεσθαι, κομίζεσθαι, εὑρίσκεσθαι, Ar. and V. φέρειν (also Plat. but rare P.), V. κομίζειν, εὑρίσκειν, ἐπισπᾶν (Soph., Aj. 769); see Win.
    Carry on, manage: Ar. and P. διοικεῖν, μεταχειρίζεσθαι.
    Carry on a profession: P. and V. ἐπιτηδεύειν, ἀσκεῖν, Ar. and P. μελετᾶν.
    Carry on war: P. and V. πολεμεῖν (Eur., Ion, 1386), P. πόλεμον διαφέρειν.
    Carry out: P. and V. ἐκφέρειν, ἐκκομίζειν.
    Accomplish: P. and V. ντειν, καταντειν, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι, διαπράσσειν (or mid. in P.); see Accomplish.
    Carry over: Ar. and P. διγειν, διακομίζειν.
    Carry round: P. and V. περιφέρειν.
    Carry through, bring to success by effort: P. and V. ἐκπονεῖν, V. ἐκμοχθεῖν; see work out, accomplish, wage.
    Carry to: P. and V. προσφέρειν, P. προσκομίζειν.

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  • 5 Cease

    v. trans.
    See cease from.
    V. intrans. P. and V. παύεσθαι, ναπαύεσθαι, ἐκλείπειν, λήγειν (Plat.), Ar. and P. καταπαύεσθαι, P. ἀπολήγειν (Plat.), V. ἐκλιμπνειν, ἐκλήγειν; see also Abate.
    Cease from: P. and V. παύεσθαι (gen.), ναπαύεσθαι (gen.), λήγειν (gen.) (Plat.), νιέναι (acc. or gen.), φίστασθαι (gen.), ἐξίστασθαι (gen.), P. πολήγειν (gen.), V. παριέναι (acc.), μεθίστασθαι (gen.).
    Cease from hostilities: Ar. and P. καταλειν πόλεμον.
    Cease ( to do a thing): P. and V. παύεσθαι (part.), λήγειν (part.) (Plat.), V. ἐκλιμπνειν (part.), ἐκλήγειν (part.), νιέναι (part.).
    See Stop.

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  • 6 Commendation

    P. and V. ἔπαινος, ὁ, Ar. and P. ἐγκώμιον, τό, εὐλογία, ἡ, V. ἐπαίνεσις, ἡ, αἶνος, ὁ.
    He was the first of those engaged in the war to receive public commendation in Sparta: P. πρῶτος τῶν κατὰ τὸν πόλεμον ἐπῃνέθη ἐν Σπάρτῃ (Thuc. 2, 25).

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  • 7 Declare

    v. trans.
    Make known, explain: P. and V. φαίνειν, ἐξηγεῖσθαι, ἑρμηνεύειν, συμβάλλειν, δηλοῦν, σημαίνειν (Plat.), δεικνναι, φράζειν, διειπεῖν (Plat.), V. ἐκφράζειν, σαφηνίζειν (also Xen.).
    Express ( an opinion): P. and V. ποφαίνεσθαι, P. ἀποδείκνυσθαι.
    Announce: P. and V ἀγγέλλειν, παγγέλλειν, διαγγέλλειν, ἐξαγγέλλειν, ἐκφέρειν, σημαίνειν, προσημαίνειν, V. προὐννέπειν, γεγωνεῖν, γεγωνίσκειν, προφωνεῖν, ἐκβάζειν, Ar. and V. θροεῖν; see also Proclaim, Say.
    Narrate: P. and V. λέγειν, ἐξηγεῖσθαι, διέρχεσθαι, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι, φράζειν, ἐξειπεῖν, Ar. and P. διηγεῖσθαι, διεξέρχεσθαι, V. ἐκφράζειν, πιφαύσκειν (Æsch.).
    Assert: P. and V. φάσκειν. φναι, P. διατείνεσθαι, ἰσχυρίζεσθαι, διισχυρίζεσθαι, V. αὐχεῖν (rare P.), ἐξαυχεῖν.
    Declare as a witness: P. and V. μαρτυρεῖν.
    Declare on oath: see sweAr.
    Declare for, take the side of: P. and V. προστθεσθαι (dat.).
    Declare ( war): P. προαγορεύειν (πόλεμον).
    Waiting to see on which side victory would declare itself: P. περιορώμενοι ὁποτέρων ἡ νίκη ἔσται (Thuc. 4, 73).

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  • 8 Engage

    v. trans.
    Hire: Ar. and P. μισθοῦσθαι.
    Engage ( the attention): P. and V. κατέχειν.
    Attack: P. and V. εἰς χεῖρας ἔρχεσθαι (dat.), συμβάλλειν (dat.), πόλεμον συνάπτειν (dat. or πρός, acc.), Ar. and V. συνίστασθαι (dat.), V. μχην συμβάλλειν (dat.), μχην συνάπτειν (dat.), εἰς γῶνα συμπίπτειν (dat.); see Encounter.
    It happened in many places that two, or at some parts even more ships were perforce engaged with one: P. συνετύγχανε πολλαχοῦ... δύο περὶ μίαν καὶ ἔστιν ᾗ καὶ πλείους ναῦς κατʼ ἀνάγκην συνηρτῆσθαι (Thuc. 7, 70).
    Bring into conflict: P. συμβάλλειν, V. συνγειν, συνάπτειν, συμφέρειν, P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν, Ar. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι.
    Betroth: see Betroth.
    V. intrans. Promise, undertake: P. and V. πισχνεῖσθαι, φίστασθαι, ἐπαγγέλλεσθαι, V. πίσχεσθαι, P. ὑποδέχεσθαι, Ar. and P. ἐγγυᾶσθαι; see Promise.
    Engage in, be engaged in: Ar. and P. πραγματεύεσθαι (acc., or περ, acc. or gen.). διατρβειν (περ, acc. or gen., or πρός, acc.), P. and V. σπουδάζειν (acc., or περ, acc. or gen.).
    Engage in an enterprise: P. and V. ὁμιλεῖν (dat.), ἅπτεσθαι (gen.); see Share.
    I am engaged: P. ἀσχολία μοί ἐστι.
    Manage: P. and V. πράσσειν.

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  • 9 Intermarriage

    P. ἐπιγαμία, ἡ.
    They had gone to war with the people of Selinus about certain rights of intermarriage: P. τοῖς Σελινουντίοις εἰς πόλεμον καθέστασαν περὶ γαμικῶν τινῶν (Thuc. 6, 6).

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  • 10 Prefer

    v. trans.
    P. and V. προτιμᾶν, προκρνειν, V. προτειν, P. προαιρεῖσθαι.
    Prefer to honour: P. and V. προτιμᾶν; see Exalt.
    Prefer an accusation: P. γραφὴν ἀποφέρειν (Dem. 423).
    Prefer one thing to another: P. and V. αἱρεῖσθαί (τι ἀντί τινος), P. (τι μᾶλλον ἤ τι), V. (τι πρόσθε τινός) (Eur., Hel. 952), προτιθέναι (or mid. in V.) (τί τινος) (Thuc. 3, 39), V. (τί ἀντί τινος or τι προς τινος), P. προτιμᾶν (τί τινος or τι ἀντί τινος), προαιρεῖσθαι (τί τινος or τι πρό τινος), V. προλαμβνειν (τι πρό τινος).
    Prefer war to peace: P. πόλεμον ἀντʼ εἰρήνης μεταλαμβνειν (Thuc. 1, 120).
    Prefer Aphrodite to Bacchus: V. τὴν Ἀφροδίτην πρόσθʼ ἄγειν τοῦ Βακχίου (Eur., Bacch. 225).
    Prefer not your words to mine: V. μὴ ʼπίπροσθε τῶν ἐμῶν τοὺς σοὺς λόγους θῇς (Eur., Suppl. 514). absol. with infin.: P. and V. βούλεσθαι μᾶλλον, V. βούλεσθαι alone (Eur., And. 351).

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  • 11 Prey

    Booty: P. and V. λεία, ἡ, ἁρπαγή, ἡ.
    Quarry: P. and V. ἄγρα, ἡ, (Plat. but rare P.), ἄγρευμα, τό (Xen.), θήρα, ἡ (Xen.), V. θήραμα, τό.
    A prey for ( generally of persons): V. σκῦλον, τό (dat.), ἕλωρ, τό (dat.), ἁρπαγή, ἡ (gen. or dat.), ἕλκημα, τό (gen.), διαφθορά, ἡ (dat.).
    Victim to be devoured: Ar. and V. φορβή, ἡ (dat.), V. θοίνη, ἡ (dat.), θοινατήριον, τό (dat.); see under Food.
    Be a prey to, be haunted by, met.: P. and V. συνεῖναι (dat.). συνέχεσθαι (dat.), ἐνέχεσθαι (dat.).
    Be troubled by: P. and V. νοσεῖν (dat.).
    A prey to: use adj., P. and V. σύνοικος (dat.) (Plat.).
    They were ruined by falling a prey to personal quarrels: P. ἐν σφίσι κατὰ τὰς ἰδίας διαφορὰς περιπεσόντες ἐσφάλησαν (Thuc. 2, 65).
    They thought that the Athenians being engaged in double war both against them and the Sicilian Greeks would fall an easier prey: P. τοὺς Ἀθηναίους ἐνόμιζον διπλοῦν τὸν πόλεμον ἔχοντας πρός τε σφᾶς καὶ Σικελιώτας εὐκαθαιρετωτέρους ἔσεσθαι (Thuc. 7, 18).

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  • 12 Prosecute

    v. trans.
    P. and V. μετέρχεσθαι.
    Carry on: Ar. and P. μεταχερίζεσθαι, P. διαχειρίζειν.
    Prosecure a war: P. πόλεμον διαφέρειν.
    Practise: P. and V. ἀσκεῖν, ἐπιτηδεύειν.
    Prosecute ( legally): P. and V. διώκειν, μετέρχεσθαι, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι (dat.).
    Be prosecuted: P. and V. φεύγειν.
    Prosecute for: P. and V. διώκειν (τινά τινος), P. ἐπεξέρχεσθαι (τινί τι or τινί τινος).
    Be prosecuted for: P. and V. φεύγειν (gen.).
    Prosecute inquiries about: P. ἐπεξέρχεσθαι περί (gen.).

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  • 13 Provocation

    P. παροξυσμός, ὁ.
    We begin the war under provocation: P. ἀδικούμενοι τὸν πόλεμον ἐγείρομεν (Thuc. 1, 121).
    Nor do we attack without extreme provocation: P. οὐδʼ ἐπιστρατεύομεν μὴ καὶ διαφερόντως τι ἀδικούμενοι (Thuc. 1, 38).

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  • 14 Seriously

    P. σπουδαίως, ἐντόνως, συντόνως; see Eagerly.
    To speak not seriously but in jest: P. εἰπεῖν οὐ σπουδάζων ἀλλὰ παίζων.
    Terribly: P. and V. δεινῶς.
    Dangerously: P. and V. ἐπικινδνως.
    Be seriously wounded: P. πολλ τραυματίζεσθαι (Thuc. 4, 12).
    He took the war seriously: P. οὐκ ἐκ παρέργου τὸν πόλεμον ἐποιεῖτο (Thuc. 7, 27).

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  • 15 Set

    Faction, clique P. and V. στσις, ἡ.
    Arrangement: P. and V. τάξις. ἡ.
    Number: P. and V. ἀριθμός, ὁ.
    Class: P. and V. γένος, τό, εἶδος, τό.
    Set ( of sun): P. and V. δύσις, ἡ, δυσμαί, αἱ; see Sunset.
    Set back, failure: P. πταῖσμα, τό; see Failure.
    Set off: use adj., P. ἀντάξιος; see compensating, under compensate, v.
    Stationary: P. στάσιμος.
    Fixed, appointed: P. and V. προκείμενος.
    Resolute: P.. and V. καρτερός, V. ἔμπεδος.
    Be set on: P. and V. προθυμεῖσθαι (infin.), σπουδάζειν (infin.); see be eager, under Eager.
    Set speech: P. συνεχὴς ῥῆσις, ἡ; see also Harangue.
    On set terms: P. and V. ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς.
    Of set purpose: see on purpose, under Purpose.
    v. trans.
    P. and V. τιθέναι, ἱστναι.
    Make to sit: P. and V. καθίζειν, V. ἵζειν, ἱδρειν, ἐξιδρειν.
    Appoint: P. and V. καθιστναι (or mid.), τάσσειν, προστάσσειν.
    Lay down (limits, etc.): P. and V. ὁρίζειν.
    Fix: P. and V. πηγνύναι.
    Set ( as a task): P. and V. προτιθέναι (τί τινι), προστιθέναι (τί τινι), προστάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιτάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιβάλλειν (τί τινι), προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Set to music: P. ἐντείνειν (Plat., Prot. 326B).
    Words set to music: P. λόγος δόμενος (Plat., Rep. 398D).
    I set you in the track that is best: V. ἐς τὸ λῷστον ἐμβιβάζω σʼ ἴχνος (Eur., H.F. 856).
    Set an example: P. παράδειγμα διδόναι.
    Set one's heart on: see Desire.
    To obtain that on which you have set your hearts: P. κατασχεῖν ἐφʼ ἃ ὥρμησθε (Thuc. 6, 9).
    V. intrans. Of the sun: P. and V. δύνειν, δύεσθαι (Plat., Pol. 269A), V. φθνειν.
    Becume fixed: P. and V. πήγνυσθαι.
    Set about: P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.). ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.). αἵρεσθαι (acc.), ναιρεῖσθαι (acc.); see Undertake.
    Set against, plant against: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Match one against another: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν (τινά τινι, or τινα πρός τινα).
    met., make hostile: P. ἐκπολεμεῖν.
    Set one thing in the balance against another: P. ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (τί τινι, or τι πρός τι), P. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι (τί τινος).
    Set apart: P. and V. ἀπολαμβνειν (Eur., Or. 451); see set aside, separate.
    Set aside: P. χωρὶς τίθεσθαι, ἀποχωρίζειν.
    Except: P. and V. ἐξαιρεῖν; see also Reject, Disregard.
    Set at defiance: see Defy.
    Set at naught: P. and V. μελεῖν (gen.), παραμελεῖν (gen.), καταμελεῖν (gen.), P. παρορᾶν (acc.), ἐν οὐδένι λόγῳ ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), V. διʼ οὐδένος ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), κηδεῖν (gen.); see Disregard.
    Set before: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι.
    Set down: Ar. and P. καταβάλλειν.
    Set down ( to anyone's account): P. and V. ναφέρειν (τί τινι, or τι εἴς τινα); see Impute.
    Set eyes on: see Behold.
    Set foot on: P. and V. ἐμβαίνειν (P. εἰς, acc., V. acc., gen. or dat.), ἐπιβαίνειν (gen.), V. ἐπεμβαίνειν (acc., gen. or dat.), ἐμβατεύειν (acc. or gen.).
    Set forth: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Narrate: P. and V. διέρχεσθαι, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι; see narrate; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set in, begin, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἄρχεσθαι; see Begin.
    Set off, be equivalent to: P. ἀντάξιος εἶναι (gen.); see also Balance.
    Adorn: P. and V. κοσμεῖν; see adorn; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set on, urge against anyone: P. and V. ἐφιέναι (τί τινι), V. ἐπισείειν (τί τινι), P. ἐπιπέμπειν (τί τινι); see also encourage, launch against.
    Put on: P. and V. ἐφιστναι.
    Set on fire: see Burn.
    Set on foot: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Institute.
    Begin: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.); see Begin.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι, V. προτιθέναι (also Ar. in mid.).
    Set out, expose, put out: P. and V. προτιθέναι; v. intrans.: start: P. and V. ὁρμᾶν, ὁρμᾶσθαι, φορμᾶν, φορμᾶσθαι, ἐξορμᾶν, ἐξορμᾶσθαι, παίρειν, V. στέλλεσθαι, ποστέλλεσθαι; see Start.
    Set over: P. and V. ἐφιστναι (τινά τινι).
    Set right: see Correct.
    Set round: P. περιιστάναι.
    Set sail: P. and V. νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, παίρειν, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι; see under Sail.
    Set the fashion of, be the first to introduce: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.).
    Set to, he set the army to the work of fighting: P. καθίστη εἰς πόλεμον τὸν στρατόν (Thuc. 2, 75).
    The servants all set their hands to work: V. δμῶες πρὸς ἔργον πάντες ἵεσαν χέρας (Eur., El. 799).
    Set to work: P. and V. ἔργου ἔχεσθαι (Thuc. 1, 49); see also Begin.
    Every man set to work: V. πᾶς ἀνὴρ ἔσχεν πόνον (Eur., I.T. 309).
    They set to and fought: P. καταστάντες ἐμάχοντο (Thuc. 1, 49).
    Set up: P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι, ὀρθοῦν (rare P.): ( a trophy) P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι.
    (Temple, altar, etc.): P. and V. ἱδρειν (or mid.), V. καθιδρύεσθαι.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι), V. ἐγκαθιδρειν (τί τινι).
    They are setting up a brazen statue to Philip: P. Φίλιππον χαλκοῦν ἵστασι (Dem. 425).
    Be set up ( of a statue): P. ἀνακεῖσθαι.
    Appoint (as a government, etc.): P. and V. καθιστναι; see Appoint.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι).
    Help to set up: P. and V. συγκαθιστναι (acc.).
    Bring forward: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Introduce.
    Set up a shout: V. κραυγὴν ἱστναι (Eur., Or. 1529), κραυγὴν τιθέναι (Eur., Or. 1510), P. κραυγῇ χρῆσθαι (Thuc. 2, 4).
    Set up as, pretend to be: Ar. and P. προσποιεῖσθαι (infin.).
    Set up in ( business): P. κατασκευάζεσθαι (with acc. of the business).
    Set upon: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (acc. and dat.); see set on.
    Attack: see Attack.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Set

  • 16 Take

    v. trans.
    P. and V. λαμβνειν, αἱρεῖν; see Catch.
    Take ( a town): P. and V. αἱρεῖν.
    Be taken: P. and V. λίσκεσθαι.
    Help in taking: P. and V. συνεξαιρεῖν (acc.).
    Easy to take, adj.: P. εὐάλωτος. P. and V. λώσιμος, λωτός.
    Take in the act: P. and V. αἱρεῖν, λαμβνειν, καταλαμβνειν (Eur., Cycl.); see Catch.
    Overtake: P. and V. καταλαμβνειν.
    Receive: P. and V. δέχεσθαι; see Receive.
    Carry: P. and V. φέρειν, κομίζειν, γειν; see Bring.
    Lead: P. and V. γειν.
    Choose: P. and V. αἱρεῖσθαι, ἐξαιρεῖν (or mid.); see Choose.
    Seize: P. and V. λαμβνειν, ἁρπάζειν, ναρπάζειν, συναρπάζειν, V. καθαρπάζειν, συμμάρπτειν (Eur., Cycl.), Ar. and V. μάρπτειν, συλλαμβνειν; see Seize.
    Take as helper or ally: P. and V. προσλαμβνειν (acc.).
    Hire: Ar. and P. μισθοῦσθαι.
    Use up: P. and V. ναλίσκειν.
    This ( cloak) has taken easily a talent's worth of wool: Ar. αὕτη γέ τοι ἐρίων τάλαντον καταπέπωκε ῥᾳδίως (Vesp. 1146).
    Take the road leading to Thebes: P. τὴν εἰς Θήβας φέρουσαν ὁδὸν χωρεῖν (Thuc. 3, 24).
    Take in thought, apprehend: P. καταλαμβνειν, P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), συνιέναι (acc. or gen.); see Grasp.
    Interpret in a certain sense: P. ἐκλαμβνειν (acc.), ὑπολαμβνειν (acc.); see Construe.
    Take advantage of, turn to account: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Enjoy: P. and V. πολαύειν (gen.).
    Get the advantage of: P. πλεονεκτεῖν (gen.).
    Take after, resemble: P. and V. ἐοικέναι (dat.) (rare P.), ὁμοιοῦσθαι (dat.), ἐξομοιοῦσθαι (dat.); see Resemble.
    Take arms: see take up arms.
    Take away: P. and V. φαιρεῖν (or mid.), παραιρεῖν (or mid.), ἐξαιρεῖν (or mid.), V. ἐξαφαιρεῖσθαι; see also Deprive.
    Remove: P. and V. μεθιστναι; see Remove.
    Lead away: P. and V. πγειν.
    Take away secretly: P. and V. πεκτθεσθαι; see under Remove.
    Take away besides: P. προσαφαιρεῖσθαι.
    Take care, take care of: see under Care.
    Take down, lit.: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν.
    met., humble: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν, συστέλλειν, Ar. and V. ἰσχναίνειν; see Humble.
    Reduce in bulk: P. and V. ἰσχναίνειν (Plat.).
    Take down in writing: P. and V. γρφειν, Ar. and P. συγγρφειν.
    Take effect, gain one's end: P. ἐπιτυγχάνειν.
    Be in operation: use P. ἐνεργὸς εἶναι.
    Take for, assume to be so and so: P. ὑπολαμβάνειν (acc.).
    Take from: see take away.
    Detract from: P. ἐλασσοῦν (gen.).
    Take heart: P. and V. θαρσεῖν, θρασνεσθαι, V. θαρσνειν, P. ἀναρρωσθῆναι (aor. pass. of ἀναρρωννύναι).
    Take heed: see under Heed, Care.
    Take hold of: see Seize.
    Take in, encluse: Ar. and P. περιλαμβνειν.
    Furl: Ar. συστέλλειν, V. στέλλειν, καθιέναι.
    Receive in one's house: P. and V. δέχεσθαι; see Receive.
    Cheat: see Cheat.
    Take in hand: Ar. and P. μεταχειρίζειν (or mid.), P. and V. ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.), ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.), ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), ἀναιρεῖσθαι (acc.), αἴρεσθαι (acc.).
    Take in preference: V. προλαμβνειν (τι πρό τινος); see Prefer.
    Take leave of: P. and V. χαίρειν ἐᾶν (acc.), χαίρειν λέγειν (acc.); see under Leave.
    Take notice: see Notice.
    Take off, strip off: P. περιαιρεῖν.
    Take off ( clothes) from another: P. and V. ἐκδειν, Ar. and P. ποδειν.
    From oneself: P. and V. ἐκδειν.
    From oneself: P. and V. ἐκδεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποδεσθαι.
    Take off ( shoes) for another: Ar. and P. πολειν.
    For oneself: Ar. and P. πολεσθαι.
    Let one quickly take off my shoes: V. ὑπαί τις ἀρβύλας λύοι τάχος (Æsch., Ag. 944).
    Imitate: P. and V. μιμεῖσθαι: see Imitate.
    Parody: Ar. and P. κωμῳδεῖν (acc.).
    Take on oneself: see Undertake, Assume.
    Are these men to take on themselves the results of your brutality and evil-doing? P. οὗτοι τὰ τῆς σῆς ἀναισθησίας καὶ πονηρίας ἔργα ἐφʼ αὑτοὺς ἀναδέξωνται; (Dem. 613).
    Take out, v. trans.: P. and V. ἐξγειν.
    Pick out: P. and V. ἐξαιρεῖν.
    Extract: P. and V. ἐξέλκειν (Plat. but rare P.).
    Take over: P. and V. παραλαμβνειν, ἐκδέχεσθαι.
    Take pains: P. and V. σπουδὴν ποιεῖσθαι, Ar. and P. μελετᾶν, V. σπουδὴν τθεσθαι.
    Take part in: see under Part.
    Take place: see under Place.
    Take root: P. ῥιζοῦσθαι (Xen.).
    Take the air, walk: Ar. and P. περιπατεῖν.
    Take the field: see under Field.
    Take time: see under Time.
    Take to, have recourse to: P. and V. τρέπεσθαι (πρός, acc. or εἰς, acc.).
    Take to flight: see under Flight.
    When the Greeks took more to the sea: P. ἐπειδὴ οἱ Ἕλληνες μᾶλλον ἐπλώιζον (Thuc. 3, 24).
    Take a fancy to: P. φιλοφρονεῖσθαι (acc.) (Plat.).
    Desire: P. and V. ἐπιθυμεῖν (gen.); see Desire.
    Take to heart: P. ἐνθύμιόν τι ποιεῖσθαι.
    Be vexed at: P. and V. ἄχθεσθαι (dat.), P. χαλεπῶς φέρειν (acc.), V. πικρῶς φέρειν (acc.); see be vexed, under Vex.
    Take to wife: P. λαμβάνειν (acc.); see Marry.
    Take up: P. and V. ναιρεῖσθαι, P. ἀναλαμβάνειν.
    Lift: P. and V. αἴρειν; see Lift.
    Resume: P. ἀναλαμβάνειν, ἐπαναλαμβάνειν.
    Succeed to: P. διαδέχεσθαι (acc.).
    Take in hand: Ar. and P. μεταχειρίζειν (or mid.), P. and V. ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.), ἐπιχειρεῖν (or dat.), ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), αἴρεσθαι (acc.), ναιρεῖσθαι (acc.).
    Practise: P. and V. ἀσκεῖν, ἐπιτηδεύειν: see Practise.
    Use up: P. and V. ναλίσκειν.
    Nor should we be able to useour whole force together since the protection of the walls has taken up a considerable part of our heavy-armed troops: P. οὐδὲ συμπάσῃ τῇ στρατιᾷ δυναίμεθʼ ἂν χρήσασθαι ἀπαναλωκυίας τῆς φυλακῆς τῶν τειχῶν μέρος τι τοῦ ὁπλιτικοῦ (Thuc. 7, 11).
    Take up arms: P. and V. πόλεμον αἴρεσθαι.
    Take up arms against: V. ὅπλα ἐπαίρεσθαι (dat.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Take

  • 17 Urge

    v. trans.
    Persuade: P. and V. πείθειν, ναπείθειν (Eur., Hel. 825), V. ἐκπείθειν.
    Induce: P. and V. προτρέπειν (or mid.), ἐπγειν, προγειν, ἐπαίρειν, P. ἐπισπᾶν.
    Incite: P. and V. ὁρμᾶν, ἐξορμᾶν, ἐπικελεύειν, ἐγκελεύειν, ἐποτρνειν (Thuc.), ἐξοτρνειν (Thuc.), P. ἐνάγειν, V. ὀτρνειν, ἐπισείειν, ὀρνύναι, ἐπεγκελεύειν (Eur., Cycl.); see also Rouse, Advise.
    Protest in argument: P. ἰσχυρίζεσθαι, διισχυρίζεσθαι, διαμάχεσθαι.
    Hurry on: P. and V. ἐπείγειν, σπεύδειν, ἐπισπεύδειν, P. κατεπείγειν, V. ἐπισπέρχειν (rare P.).
    They sought to urge on the war: P. ἐνῆγον πόλεμον (Thuc. 1, 67).
    Urge against: V. ἐπορνύναι (τινά τινι) (Eur., Cycl. 12).
    Urge as an excuse: P. and V. σκήπτειν (mid. in P.), προβάλλειν (mid. also in P.), προὔχεσθαι, προΐστασθαι (Eur., Cycl. 319), P. προφασίζεσθαι, προΐσχεσθαι, V. προτείνειν.
    On just grounds, I urge this plea: V. τῷ μὲν δικαίῳ τόνδʼ ἁμιλλῶμαι λόγον (Eur., Hec. 271).
    Urge a claim: P. δικαίωσιν προφέρειν (Thuc. 5, 17).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Urge

  • 18 War

    P. and V. πόλεμος, ὁ, Ar. and V. Ἄρης, ὁ (α, rarely α); see Hostility.
    The Persian War: P. τὰ Μηδικά (Thuc. 1, 97).
    Of war, adj.: P. πολεμικός, Ar. and P. πολεμιστήριος, V. ρείφατος.
    War chariot, subs.; P. ἅρμα πολεμιστήριον (Plat.).
    Ship of war: P. and V. ναῦς μακρά, ἡ, P. πλοῖον μακρόν, τό.
    Wage war, v.: P. and V. πολεμεῖν; see war, v.
    Wage war against: P. and V. πολεμεῖν (dat., or πρός, acc.), P. ἀντιπολεμεῖν (dat. or absol.), προσπολεμεῖν (absol.).
    Desire war: P. πολεμησείειν.
    Join in waging war: P. συμπολεμεῖν (absol., or with dat., or μετά, gen.).
    Go to war: P. εἰς πόλεμον καθίστασθαι; see take the field, under Field.
    Crush by war: P. καταπολεμεῖν (acc.).
    More difficult to make war upon: P. χαλεπώτεροι προσπολεμεῖν (Thuc. 7, 51).
    Take prisoner in war: P. ζωγρεῖν (acc.).
    Prisoner of war: see adj., P. and V. αἰχμλωτος, V. δουρληπτος, δορίκτητος, δῃλωτος, P. δοριάλωτος (Isoc.); see under Prisoner.
    v. intrans.
    P. and V. πολεμεῖν, V. αἰχμάζειν.
    War with: P. and V. πολεμεῖν (dat., or πρός, acc.); see wage war against, under war, subs.
    Contend with: P. and V. μχεσθαι (dat., or πρός, acc.); see Contend.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > War

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