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со всех языков на русский


  • 21 долгоживущий

    Русско-английский научный словарь > долгоживущий

  • 22 длительный

    Русско-английский научный словарь > длительный

  • 23 долговечный элемент

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > долговечный элемент

  • 24 продолжительный

    3) Mathematics: cont (continuous), lengthy, long, long-duration
    4) Automobile industry: prolonged
    6) Information technology: time-consuming
    8) Polymers: long-lived
    9) Programming: timeconsuming
    10) Quality control: long-lived (о свойстве)
    11) Aviation medicine: longitudinal
    12) Makarov: long-lived (о свойстве, процессе), sustained

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > продолжительный

  • 25 В-21

    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЁ (subj: human to have lived one's allotted years
    X отжил свой век - X has lived his life (share)
    (in limited contexts) X has already had a long life.
    ...Мысли (Спиридона) были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His (Spiridon's) thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
    (Подхалюзин:) Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.) Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. ( subj: abstr or concr) to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion
    X отжил свой век — X has outlived its usefulness
    X has outlived (had) its day X has become passe (a thing of the past) (in limited contexts) X has seen better days.
    Марксизм и прочие «измы» не привлекают молодые умы: «измы» отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-21

  • 26 Д-365

    ДУША В ДУШУ жить (с кем) coll Invar adv if there is no prep obj, subj: pi fixed WO
    (two or more persons live) peacefully, happily, in complete agreement, fully understanding each other
    X и Y (X с Y-ом) живут душа в душу ' X and Y live in complete (perfect) harmony
    X and Y get on (along) beautifully X and Y live on the best of terms (of a couple) X and Y live like two lovebirds.
    Помню, лет десять тому назад я поселился в Орехово-Зуеве. К тому времени, как я поселился, в моей комнате уже жило четверо, я стал у них пятым. Мы жили душа в душу, и ссор не было никаких (Ерофеев 1). I remember ten years ago I moved to Orekhovo-Zuevo. At that same time, there were four other people living in the same room. I was the fifth. We lived in complete harmony, and there weren't any quarrels among us (1a).
    (Pen-никова:)...У нас всё прекрасно. Живём душа в душу. Все нам завидуют (Вампилов 3). (R.:)...Everything is just fine with us. We live in perfect harmony. Everyone envies us (3b).
    С Вовкой... Вера жила душа в душу - кормила его, бранила, воспитывала... (Грекова 3). Vera got on beautifully with Vovka: fed him, scolded him, raised him (3a).
    Худой, со втянутыми щеками Чекмарь, устроившись с своими делами, поглядывал на барина, с которым он жил тридцать лет душа в душу, и, понимая его приятное расположение духа, ждал приятного разговора (Толстой 5). After seeing to his duties, the thin, hollow-cheeked Chekmar glanced at his master, with whom he had lived on the best of terms for thirty years, and, perceiving that he was in a genial humor, looked forward to a pleasant chat (5a).
    ...(Мы) жили душа в душу, песнями хлебали, припевками закусывали, впроголодь, да весело» (Максимов 2). "We lived like two lovebirds, we had a song for soup and the chorus for dessert—we were starving but we were happy" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-365

  • 27 К-437

    ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ (КРОВЛЕЙ) (с кем) жить, находиться и т. п. PrepP these forms only adv fixed WO
    (to live, be) in one building, house (with s.o.): (live) under one (the same) roof
    (share) the same premises (roof).
    «Что я разве друг его какой?., или родственник? Правда, мы жили долго под одною кровлей... Да мало ли с кем я не жил?..» (Лермонтов 1). "I'm not a friend of his am I, or a relation? True, we lived a good while under the same roof-but then I've lived with plenty of difTerent people in my time" (lc). "Yes, indeed, am I a friend of his or a relative? True, we shared the same roof for a long time, but then I have lived with all sorts of people" (1b).
    Из нашей комнаты было видно, как зажигаются окна в Доме Герцена -это собирался Союз писателей или Союз поэтов, раздельно существовавшие тогда под одной крышей (Мандельштам 2)....From the window of our apartment we could see the windows light up in the opposite wing of Herzen House whenever there was a meeting of the Union of Writers, or the Union of Poets, in those days these were separate organizations, though they shared the same premises (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-437

  • 28 отживать свое

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отживать свое

  • 29 отживать свое время

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отживать свое время

  • 30 отживать свой век

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отживать свой век

  • 31 отжить свое

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отжить свое

  • 32 отжить свое время

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отжить свое время

  • 33 отжить свой век

    [VP; usu. pfv]
    1. Also: ОТЖИВАТЬ/ОТЖИТЬ СВОЕ [subj: human]
    to have lived one's allotted years:
    - X отжил свой век X has lived his life (share);
    - [in limited contexts] X has already had a long life.
         ♦... Мысли [Спиридона] были о дочери. Жена, как и он, отжили уже свое (Солженицын 3)...His [Spiridon's] thoughts dwelled on his daughter His wife and he had already lived their share (3a).
         ♦ [Подхалюзин:] Что об вас-то толковать! Вы, Самсон Силыч, отжили свой век... (Островский 10). IP.] Why talk about you' You, Samson Silych, have already had a long life (10b)
    2. [subj: abstr or concrj to become out-of-date, go out of use, be no longer popular, in fashion: X отжил свой век X has outlived its usefulness; X has outlived (had) its day; X has become passe (a thing of the past); [in limited contexts]
    X has seen better days.
         ♦ Марксизм и прочие "измы" не привлекают молодые умы: "измы" отжили свой век (Аллилуева 2). Marxism and all other "isms" do not attract these young minds, "isms" have outlived their day (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > отжить свой век

  • 34 душа в душу

    [Invar; adv; if there is no prep obj, subj: pi; fixed WO]
    (two or more persons live) peacefully, happily, in complete agreement, fully understanding each other:
    - X и Y < X с Y-ом> живут душа в душу X and Y live in complete < perfect> harmony;
    - [of a couple] X and Y live like two lovebirds.
         ♦ Помню, лет десять тому назад я поселился в Орехово-Зуеве. К тому времени, как я поселился, в моей комнате уже жило четверо, я стал у них пятым. Мы жили душа в душу, и ссор не было никаких (Ерофеев 1). I remember ten years ago I moved to Orekhovo-Zuevo. At that same time, there were four other people living in the same room. I was the fifth. We lived in complete harmony, and there weren't any quarrels among us (1a).
         ♦ [Репникова:]...У нас всё прекрасно. Живём душа в душу. Все нам завидуют (Вампилов 3). [R.:]... Everything is just fine with us. We live in perfect harmony. Everyone envies us (3b).
         ♦ С Вовкой... Вера жила душа в душу - кормила его, бранила, воспитывала... (Грекова 3). Vera got on beautifully with Vovka: fed him, scolded him, raised him (3a).
         ♦ Худой, со втянутыми щеками Чекмарь, устроившись с своими делами, поглядывал на барина, с которым он жил тридцать лет душа в душу, и, понимая его приятное расположение духа, ждал приятного разговора (Толстой 5). After seeing to his duties, the thin, hollow-cheeked Chekmar glanced at his master, with whom he had lived on the best of terms for thirty years, and, perceiving that he was in a genial humor, looked forward to a pleasant chat (5a).
         ♦ "...[ Мы] жили душа в душу, песнями хлебали, припевками закусывали, впроголодь, да весело" (Максимов 2). "We lived like two lovebirds, we had a song for soup and the chorus for dessert - we were starving but we were happy" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > душа в душу

  • 35 под одной кровлей

    ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ < КРОВЛЕЙ> (с кем) жить, находиться и т.п.
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; fixed WO]
    (to live, be) in one building, house (with s.o.):
    - (live) under one < the same> roof;
    - (share) the same premises < roof>.
         ♦ "Что я разве друг его какой?., или родственник? Правда, мы жили долго под одною кровлей... Да мало ли с кем я не жил?.." (Лермонтов 1). "I'm not a friend of his am I, or a relation? True, we lived a good while under the same roof-but then I've lived with plenty of different people in my time" (lc). "Yes, indeed, am I a friend of his or a relative? True, we shared the same roof for a long time, but then I have lived with all sorts of people" (1b).
         ♦ Из нашей комнаты было видно, как зажигаются окна в Доме Герцена - это собирался Союз писателей или Союз поэтов, раздельно существовавшие тогда под одной крышей (Мандельштам 2)....From the window of our apartment we could see the windows light up in the opposite wing of Herzen House whenever there was a meeting of the Union of Writers, or the Union of Poets; in those days these were separate organizations, though they shared the same premises (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под одной кровлей

  • 36 под одной крышей

    ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ < КРОВЛЕЙ> (с кем) жить, находиться и т.п.
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv; fixed WO]
    (to live, be) in one building, house (with s.o.):
    - (live) under one < the same> roof;
    - (share) the same premises < roof>.
         ♦ "Что я разве друг его какой?., или родственник? Правда, мы жили долго под одною кровлей... Да мало ли с кем я не жил?.." (Лермонтов 1). "I'm not a friend of his am I, or a relation? True, we lived a good while under the same roof-but then I've lived with plenty of different people in my time" (lc). "Yes, indeed, am I a friend of his or a relative? True, we shared the same roof for a long time, but then I have lived with all sorts of people" (1b).
         ♦ Из нашей комнаты было видно, как зажигаются окна в Доме Герцена - это собирался Союз писателей или Союз поэтов, раздельно существовавшие тогда под одной крышей (Мандельштам 2)....From the window of our apartment we could see the windows light up in the opposite wing of Herzen House whenever there was a meeting of the Union of Writers, or the Union of Poets; in those days these were separate organizations, though they shared the same premises (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под одной крышей

  • 37 кратковременный

    Momentary breaks in transmission...

    Organic laminates for continuous service at 200°C and short- term service at 250°C are found in...

    A short- lived event...

    * * *
    Кратковременный -- momentary, short; short lived, short-term, short-duration
     These negative pressures are both very short lived and act over a small arc of the bearing.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > кратковременный

  • 38 недолговечный

    * * *
    * * *
    short-lived; ephemeral
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > недолговечный

  • 39 жить бесконечно долго

    Предположим, что потребители и монополист живут бесконечно долго. — Suppose the consumers and monopolist are infinitely lived (infinite-lived).

    Предположим, что как монополист, так и потребители живут бесконечно долго, а товар бесконечно долговечен. — Suppose that both the monopolist and the consumers infinitely live and that the good is infinitely durable.

    Russian-English Dictionary "Microeconomics" > жить бесконечно долго

  • 40 короткоживущий

    Русско-английский научный словарь > короткоживущий

См. также в других словарях:

  • -lived — / līvd or sometimes livd/ combining form Denoting having life (eg long lived) • • • Main Entry: ↑live * * * lived «lyvd», combining form. having a life: »Long lived = having a long life. * * * /ˌlıvd/ combining form : having a life of a specified …   Useful english dictionary

  • lived-in — adj 1.) lived in places or clothes look as though they have been used or worn a lot use this to show approval a lived in look/feel ▪ The most fashionable jeans this winter have a lived in look. 2.) someone who has a lived in face looks fairly old …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Lived — (l[imac]vd), a. Having life; used only in composition; as, long lived; short lived. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lived-in — adj. having residents; as, a house with a lived in look. Syn: inhabited, tenanted. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lived-in — [ lıvd ın ] adjective 1. ) a lived in place looks comfortable and not new or completely neat 2. ) INFORMAL someone who has a lived in face is quite old, but looks as if they have had an interesting life …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • -lived — see long lived; short lived …   Modern English usage

  • -lived — [līvd, livd] 〚< ME lyved: see LIFE & ED〛 combining form having (a specified kind or duration of) life [long lived] * * * …   Universalium

  • lived frugally — lived in an economically conservative manner, lived in a way that was not characterized by freely spending money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lived happily — lived joyously, lived in happiness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • -lived — [līvd, livd] [< ME lyved: see LIFE & ED] combining form having (a specified kind or duration of) life [long lived] …   English World dictionary

  • lived from day to day — lived in the present without thinking about tomorrow …   English contemporary dictionary

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