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  • 101 reconcile

    1) (to cause (people) to become friendly again, eg after they have quarrelled: Why won't you be reconciled (with him)?) (se) réconcilier (avec)
    2) (to bring (two or more different aims, points of view etc) into agreement: The unions want high wages and the bosses want high profits - it's almost impossible to reconcile these two aims.) concilier
    3) (to (make someone) accept (a situation, fact etc) patiently: Her mother didn't want the marriage to take place but she is reconciled to it now.) se résigner à

    English-French dictionary > reconcile

  • 102 redden

    1) (to make or become red or redder: to redden the lips with lipstick.) rougir
    2) (to blush: She reddened as she realized her mistake.) rougir

    English-French dictionary > redden

  • 103 rehouse

    (to provide with a new or different house: After the fire, the family had to be rehoused.) reloger

    English-French dictionary > rehouse

  • 104 renounce

    1) (to give up (a title, claim, intention etc) especially formally or publicly: He renounced his claim to the throne.) renoncer à
    2) (to say especially formally or publicly that one will no longer have anything to do with (something): I have renounced alcohol.) renoncer à

    English-French dictionary > renounce

  • 105 reunite

    verb (to bring or come together after being separated: The family was finally reunited after the war; The children were reunited with their parents.) réunir

    English-French dictionary > reunite

  • 106 scrutinise

    verb (to examine carefully: He scrutinized the coin with a magnifying-glass.) scruter

    English-French dictionary > scrutinise

  • 107 scrutinize

    verb (to examine carefully: He scrutinized the coin with a magnifying-glass.) scruter

    English-French dictionary > scrutinize

  • 108 signify

    1) (to be a sign of; to mean: His frown signified disapproval.) signifier
    2) (to show; to make known by a sign, gesture etc: He signified his approval with a nod.) signifier, indiquer
    - significant - significantly

    English-French dictionary > signify

  • 109 slacken

    1) (to make or become looser: She felt his grip on her arm slacken.) (se) relâcher
    2) (to make or become less busy, less active or less fast: The doctor told him to slacken up if he wanted to avoid a heart-attack.) ralentir (son rythme)

    English-French dictionary > slacken

  • 110 slouch

    (to sit, move or walk with shoulders rounded and head hanging: He slouched sulkily out of the room; He was slouching in an armchair.) être affalé; traîner les pieds

    English-French dictionary > slouch

  • 111 smother

    1) (to kill or die from lack of air, caused especially by a thick covering over the mouth and nose; to suffocate: He smothered his victim by holding a pillow over her face.) étouffer
    2) (to prevent (a fire) from burning by covering it thickly: He threw sand on the fire to smother it.) étouffer
    3) (to cover (too) thickly; to overwhelm: When he got home his children smothered him with kisses.) couvrir de

    English-French dictionary > smother

  • 112 socialise

    verb (to mix socially (eg with guests at a party etc).) voir/fréquenter des gens

    English-French dictionary > socialise

  • 113 socialize

    verb (to mix socially (eg with guests at a party etc).) voir/fréquenter des gens

    English-French dictionary > socialize

  • 114 specialise

    verb ((usually with in) go give one's attention (to), work (in), or study (a particular job, subject etc): He specializes in fixing computers.) se spécialiser, être spécialisé (dans, en)

    English-French dictionary > specialise

  • 115 specialize

    verb ((usually with in) go give one's attention (to), work (in), or study (a particular job, subject etc): He specializes in fixing computers.) se spécialiser, être spécialisé (dans, en)

    English-French dictionary > specialize

  • 116 stiffen

    verb (to make or become stiff(er): You can stiffen cotton with starch; He stiffened when he heard the unexpected sound.) (se) raidir

    English-French dictionary > stiffen

  • 117 suffer

    1) (to undergo, endure or bear pain, misery etc: He suffered terrible pain from his injuries; The crash killed him instantly - he didn't suffer at all; I'll make you suffer for this insolence.) souffrir
    2) (to undergo or experience: The army suffered enormous losses.) subir
    3) (to be neglected: I like to see you enjoying yourself, but you mustn't let your work suffer.) pâtir
    4) ((with from) to have or to have often (a particular illness etc): She suffers from stomach-aches.) souffrir (de)

    English-French dictionary > suffer

  • 118 suffocate

    (to kill, die, cause distress to or feel distress, through lack of air or the prevention of free breathing: A baby may suffocate if it sleeps with a pillow; The smoke was suffocating him; May I open the window? I'm suffocating.) étouffer

    English-French dictionary > suffocate

  • 119 surmount

    (to overcome or deal with (problems, obstacles etc) successfully: He surmounted these obstacles without trouble.) surmonter

    English-French dictionary > surmount

  • 120 surround

    1) (to be, or come, all round: Britain is surrounded by sea; Enemy troops surrounded the town; Mystery surrounds his death.) entourer
    2) (to enclose: He surrounded the castle with a high wall.) entourer
    - surroundings

    English-French dictionary > surround

См. также в других словарях:

  • Verb Subject Object — (VSO) is a term in linguistic typology. It represents one type of languages when classifying languages according to the sequence of these constituents in neutral expressions: Ate Sam oranges .Examples of languages with VSO word order include… …   Wikipedia

  • Verb T — is a UK hip hop artist based in London.He has released three albums and two EPs as well as numerous singles.His first release was the 16 track EP Backhand Slap Talk / Technical Illness which was a shared release featuring songs from fellow London …   Wikipedia

  • with|er — «WIHTH uhr», intransitive verb, transitive verb. 1. to lose or cause to lose freshness, vigor, or other lively quality; make or become dry and lifeless; dry up; fade; shrivel: »The hot sun withers grass (v.t.). Flowers wither after they are cut… …   Useful english dictionary

  • With or Without You — Single par U2 extrait de l’album The Joshua Tree Sortie 21 mars 1987 Enregistrement Danesmoate House à Dublin en Irlande, 1986 Durée 4:53 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • With or Without You — «With or Without You» Сингл U2 из альбома …   Википедия

  • with open arms — with happiness or enthusiasm. After suing the organization, I know I m not going to be greeted with open arms. Usage notes: often used with the verb welcome: A lot of our customers wouldn t be welcomed with open arms in other stores …   New idioms dictionary

  • with|hold´er — with|hold «wihth HOHLD, wihth », verb, held, hold|ing. –v.t. 1. to refuse to give: »There will be no seal hunting if the government withholds permits. 2. to hold back; keep back: »The dam broke as it was too weak to withhold the pressure of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • with|hold — «wihth HOHLD, wihth », verb, held, hold|ing. –v.t. 1. to refuse to give: »There will be no seal hunting if the government withholds permits. 2. to hold back; keep back: »The dam broke as it was too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising… …   Useful english dictionary

  • with|draw — «wihth DR, wihth », verb, drew, drawn, draw|ing. –v.t. 1. to draw back; draw away: »He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove. 2. to take back; remove: »He a …   Useful english dictionary

  • with|stand — «wihth STAND, wihth », verb, stood, stand|ing. –v.t. to stand against; hold out against; bear up under; resist; endure; oppose, especially successfully: »Explorers have to withand hardships. These shoes will withstand much hard wear. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • with|drawn — «wihth DRN, wihth », verb, adjective. a) the past participle of withdraw: »He was withdrawn from the game. –adj. 1. retiring; reserved; shy: »Overly sensitive persons are frequently withdrawn. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

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