Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 winged

    adjective (having wings: a winged creature.) alado
    * * *
    [wiŋd] adj 1 alado (também Bot). 2 rápido, ligeiro. 3 com a asa ferida (pássaro). 4 coll ferido no braço ou em outra parte não vital. 5 elevado, sublime (sentimento).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > winged

  • 2 -winged

    a four-winged insect.) de () asas

    English-Portuguese dictionary > -winged

  • 3 -winged

    a four-winged insect.) de... asas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > -winged

  • 4 winged

    adjective (having wings: a winged creature.) alado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > winged

  • 5 swift-winged

    [swift w'iŋd] adj de vôo rápido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > swift-winged

  • 6 wing

    1) (one of the arm-like limbs of a bird or bat, which it usually uses in flying, or one of the similar limbs of an insect: The eagle spread his wings and flew away; The bird cannot fly as it has an injured wing; These butterflies have red and brown wings.) asa
    2) (a similar structure jutting out from the side of an aeroplane: the wings of a jet.) asa
    3) (a section built out to the side of a (usually large) house: the west wing of the hospital.) ala
    4) (any of the corner sections of a motor vehicle: The rear left wing of the car was damaged.) parte
    5) (a section of a political party or of politics in general: the Left/Right wing.) ala
    6) (one side of a football etc field: He made a great run down the left wing.) ala
    7) (in rugby and hockey, a player who plays mainly down one side of the field.)
    8) (in the air force, a group of three squadrons of aircraft.) esquadrilha
    - - winged
    - winger
    - wingless
    - wings
    - wing commander
    - wingspan
    - on the wing
    - take under one's wing
    * * *
    [wiŋ] n 1 Zool, Bot, Anat asa. the love added/ lent wings to his feet / o amor alou os seus pés. 2 qualquer coisa semelhante a asa em forma ou uso. 3 braço de moinho. 4 pá ou palheta de ventilador. 5 Amer unidade administrativa ou tática das forças aéreas, esquadra. 6 vôo, transporte aéreo, aviação. 7 bastidor (teatro). 8 wings emblema de aviador (piloto). he got his wings / ele recebeu seu emblema de aviador. 9 Mil ala, flanco. 10 facção, parte ou grupo de uma organização. 11 Sports ala (esquerda ou direita), jogador de ala. 12 perna dianteira (quadrúpede), braço (pessoa). 13 lóbulo de pulmão. 14 meio ou instrumento de transporte, viagem ou progresso. 15 folha de porta ou janela. 16 pára-lama (carro). 17 orelha (de poltrona). 18 fig proteção, cuidado, amparo. • vt+vi 1 voar, tomar vôo. 2 atravessar ou percorrer voando. 3 transportar por via aérea. 4 fig apressar, acelerar, fazer voar. 5 prover com asas, alar, dar asas a. 6 prover de penas (flecha). 7 atingir ou acertar (um avião ou pássaro) nas asas, ferir na asa. 8 coll ferir no braço. 9 Archit prover de alas. bird’s wing asa de pássaro. in the wings pronto para agir. it had taken wings to itself desapareceu depressa. on the wing a) voando, em vôo, depressa. b) em movimento, em atividade, atarefado. c) de partida, em fuga. on the wings of the wind rápido como o vento. side wing bastidor de teatro. take her under your wings tome-a sob sua proteção, proteja-a. to spread wings alçar vôo, fazer algo novo e difícil. to take wings a) (pássaros) levantar vôo. b) fig fugir, morrer. to wing it coll improvisar. we clipped him the wings fig cortamos-lhe as asas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wing

  • 7 wing

    1) (one of the arm-like limbs of a bird or bat, which it usually uses in flying, or one of the similar limbs of an insect: The eagle spread his wings and flew away; The bird cannot fly as it has an injured wing; These butterflies have red and brown wings.) asa
    2) (a similar structure jutting out from the side of an aeroplane: the wings of a jet.) asa
    3) (a section built out to the side of a (usually large) house: the west wing of the hospital.) ala
    4) (any of the corner sections of a motor vehicle: The rear left wing of the car was damaged.) pára-lama
    5) (a section of a political party or of politics in general: the Left/Right wing.) ala
    6) (one side of a football etc field: He made a great run down the left wing.) ala
    7) (in rugby and hockey, a player who plays mainly down one side of the field.) ponta
    8) (in the air force, a group of three squadrons of aircraft.) esquadrilha
    - - winged - winger - wingless - wings - wing commander - wingspan - on the wing - take under one's wing

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wing

  • 8 bee

    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) abelha
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) reunião
    - beeswax
    - a bee in one's bonnet
    - make a bee-line for
    * * *
    [bi:] n 1 Ent abelha. 2 fig trabalhador diligente. as busy as a bee / ocupadíssimo. 3 Amer reunião para fins de trabalho ou de divertimento. 4 idéia fixa, noção absurda. he has a bee in his bonnet / ele está com uma idéia fixa, ele está cismado (com alguma coisa). queen bee abelha-rainha. swarm of bees enxame de abelhas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bee

  • 9 dragon

    (a mythical beast, a usually large, winged, fire-breathing reptile: St George and the dragon.) dragão
    * * *
    [dr'ægən] n dragão: 1 monstro fabuloso que se representa com garras, asas e cauda de serpente. 2 fig pessoa de má índole e rancorosa. 3 governante, preceptora muito vigilante e severa, aia. 4 Astr constelação boreal. 5 Bib vários monstros como a serpente, o crocodilo, etc. 6 Zool lagarto-volante: lagarto do gênero Draco. 7 Bot serpentária. 8 país recém-industrializado na Ásia oriental. 9 papagaio de papel, pandorga. the Old Dragon dragão infernal, o Satã. to chase the dragon fumar heroína, aquecendo-a e inalando a fumaça.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dragon

  • 10 fairy

    plural - fairies; noun
    (an imaginary creature in the form of a very small (often winged) human, with magical powers: Children often believe in fairies; ( also adjective) fairy-land.) fada
    - fairy-tale
    * * *
    [f'ɛəri] n 1 fada. 2 sl homossexual, bicha. • adj 1 de fadas. 2 mágico, imaginário. 3 encantador, delicado, gracioso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fairy

  • 11 fly

    I plural - flies
    1) (a type of small winged insect.)
    2) (a fish hook made to look like a fly so that a fish will take it in its mouth: Which fly should I use to catch a trout?)
    3) ((often in plural) a piece of material with buttons or a zip, especially at the front of trousers.)
    II past tense - flew; verb
    1) (to (make something) go through the air on wings etc or in an aeroplane: The pilot flew (the plane) across the sea.) voar
    2) (to run away (from): He flew (the country).) fugir
    3) ((of time) to pass quickly: The days flew past.) voar
    - flier
    - flying saucer
    - flying visit
    - frequent flyer/flier
    - flyleaf
    - flyover
    - fly in the face of
    - fly into
    - fly off the handle
    - get off to a flying start
    - let fly
    - send someone/something flying
    - send flying
    * * *
    [flai] n 1 Zool mosca vulgar ou doméstica. 2 qualquer inseto díptero. 3 qualquer inseto de asas transparentes como a efeméride. 4 anzol dissimulado por penas. he wouldn’t hurt a fly ele não é capaz de fazer mal a uma mosca, ele é muito bom e gentil. there are no flies on him ele não é bobo e não se deixa enganar. to break a fly on the wheel arrombar portas abertas. to die/ drop like flies morrer como moscas. to find a fly in the ointment fig achar cabelo na sopa, procurar pêlo em casca de ovo.
    [flai] n (pl flies) 1 pestana de braguilha. 2 aba que cobre a entrada de uma barraca. 3 cabriolé, carruagem leve, carruagem de aluguel. 4 Amer, Sport no beisebol, bola rebatida no ar. 5 pêndulo, volante de um relógio. 6 Mech volante. 7 a parte da grimpa que mostra a direção do vento. 8 comprimento ou borda exterior da bandeira. 9 vôo, trajetória. 10 Theat bambolina. 11 braguilha. • vt+vi (ps flew, pp flown) 1 voar, esvoaçar, mover-se no ar por meio de asas. 2 flutuar, ondear, drapejar, agitar-se no ar, pairar. 3 fazer voar, arvorar, hastear, desfraldar (bandeira), soltar. 4 voar, viajar pelo ar, mover-se no ar por meio de aeroplanos. 5 voar sobre, atravessar voando. he flew the ocean / ele atravessou o oceano em avião. 6 dirigir, pilotar (avião). he flies an aeroplane / ele pilota um aeroplano. 7 transportar pelo ar. 8 pular, saltar, galgar, voar, correr, passar velozmente, decorrer rapidamente (o tempo), precipitar-se, lançar-se. 9 fugir, escapar-se, desaparecer rapidamente, voar, fugir de, esquivar, evitar. he will have to fly the country / ele terá de evitar a pátria. I must fly the danger / tenho de escapar deste perigo. 10 Sport rebater a bola no ar, no beisebol. 11 caçar com falcão. he flew a hawk / ele caçou com falcão. fly me a line! coll mande-me umas linhas! in the fly no vôo, em movimento, sem se deter. on the fly ainda durante o vôo, antes de cair. she flew out at me ela acometeu-me com injúrias. to fly about mudar o vento com freqüência. to fly abroad voar, divulgar-se. to fly a flag hastear uma bandeira. to fly a kite soltar um papagaio, sl emitir uma letra de favor, fig lançar um balão de ensaio, ver de que lado sopra o vento. to fly around esvoaçar, adejar de um lado para o outro. to fly at/ upon lançar-se sobre, acometer, atacar violentamente. to fly away fugir, escapar. to fly by instruments voar por instrumentos. to fly from fugir de. to fly high ter ambições. to fly in the face of insultar alguém. to fly into a passion encolerizar-se. to fly into raptures extasiar-se. to fly off soltar-se. to fly off the handle perder as estribeiras. to fly open abrir-se de repente (a porta). to fly out encolerizar-se, enfurecer-se, perder as estribeiras, rebentar, voar em estilhaços, partir-se em pedaços. to fly to arms correr às armas. to fly to pieces estilhaçar-se. to let fly atirar, disparar, fazer fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fly

  • 12 bee

    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) abelha
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) reunião
    - beeswax - a bee in one's bonnet - make a bee-line for

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bee

  • 13 dragon

    (a mythical beast, a usually large, winged, fire-breathing reptile: St George and the dragon.) dragão

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dragon

  • 14 fairy

    plural - fairies; noun
    (an imaginary creature in the form of a very small (often winged) human, with magical powers: Children often believe in fairies; ( also adjective) fairy-land.) fada
    - fairy-tale

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fairy

  • 15 fly

    I plural - flies
    1) (a type of small winged insect.)
    2) (a fish hook made to look like a fly so that a fish will take it in its mouth: Which fly should I use to catch a trout?)
    3) ((often in plural) a piece of material with buttons or a zip, especially at the front of trousers.)
    II past tense - flew; verb
    1) (to (make something) go through the air on wings etc or in an aeroplane: The pilot flew (the plane) across the sea.) voar
    2) (to run away (from): He flew (the country).) fugir de
    3) ((of time) to pass quickly: The days flew past.) voar, passar voando
    - flier - flying saucer - flying visit - frequent flyer/flier - flyleaf - flyover - fly in the face of - fly into - fly off the handle - get off to a flying start - let fly - send someone/something flying - send flying

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fly

  • 16 wasp

    (a type of winged insect having a sting and a slender waist.) vespa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wasp

См. также в других словарях:

  • Winged — Winged, a. 1. Furnished with wings; transported by flying; having winglike expansions. [1913 Webster] 2. Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; hence, elevated; lofty; sublime. [R.] [1913 Webster] How winged the sentiment that virtue is to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • winged — [wıŋd] adj having wings ▪ winged insects …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • winged — [ wıŋd, wıŋıd ] adjective 1. ) a winged creature has wings 2. ) LITERARY moving fast …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • winged — [wiŋd; wiŋ′id] adj. 1. having wings or winglike parts 2. moving, esp. swiftly, on or as if on wings 3. lofty; sublime [winged words] …   English World dictionary

  • winged — index rapid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • winged — adjective 1. having wings or as if having wings of a specified kind the winged feet of Mercury • Ant: ↑wingless • Similar to: ↑alar, ↑alary, ↑aliform, ↑wing shaped, ↑alate …   Useful english dictionary

  • winged — wingedly, adv. wingedness, n. /wingd/ or, esp. Literary, /wing id/, adj. 1. having wings. 2. having a winglike part or parts: a winged bone; a winged seed. 3. abounding with wings or winged creatures. 4. moving or reaching swiftly on or as if on… …   Universalium

  • winged — [[t]wɪŋd[/t]] esp. lit. [[t]ˈwɪŋ ɪd[/t]] adj. 1) having wings or a winglike part or parts: the winged ants; a winged seed[/ex] 2) having a certain kind of wing (used in combination): the white winged dove[/ex] 3) moving on or as if on wings:… …   From formal English to slang

  • winged — /wɪŋd/ (say wingd), especially Poetic /ˈwɪŋəd/ (say winguhd) adjective 1. having wings. 2. having a winglike part or parts: a winged bone; a winged seed. 3. moving or passing on or as if on wings: winged words. 4. rapid or swift. 5. elevated or… …  

  • winged — un·winged; winged; bees·winged; …   English syllables

  • Winged — Wing Wing, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Winged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Winging}.] 1. To furnish with wings; to enable to fly, or to move with celerity. [1913 Webster] Who heaves old ocean, and whowings the storms. Pope. [1913 Webster] Living, to wing with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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