Перевод: с английского на датский

с датского на английский


  • 1 whose

    [hu:z] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to which person(?): Whose is this jacket?; Whose (jacket) is this?; Whose car did you come back in?; In whose house did this incident happen?; Tell me whose (pens) these are.) hvis
    2. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (of whom or which (the): Show me the boy whose father is a policeman; What is the name of the man whose this book is?) hvis
    * * *
    [hu:z] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to which person(?): Whose is this jacket?; Whose (jacket) is this?; Whose car did you come back in?; In whose house did this incident happen?; Tell me whose (pens) these are.) hvis
    2. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (of whom or which (the): Show me the boy whose father is a policeman; What is the name of the man whose this book is?) hvis

    English-Danish dictionary > whose

  • 2 whose


    English-Danish mini dictionary > whose

  • 3 chicory

    [' ikəri]
    (a plant whose leaves are used in salads and whose root is ground and mixed with coffee.) julesalat; cikorie
    * * *
    [' ikəri]
    (a plant whose leaves are used in salads and whose root is ground and mixed with coffee.) julesalat; cikorie

    English-Danish dictionary > chicory

  • 4 porter

    1) (a person whose job is to carry luggage in a railway station etc: The old lady could not find a porter to carry her suitcase from the train.) drager
    2) (a person whose job is to carry things eg in rough country where there is no other form of transport: He set off into the jungle with three porters.) bærer
    3) (a doorman or attendant in a hotel etc: a hospital porter.) dørvogter; portør
    * * *
    1) (a person whose job is to carry luggage in a railway station etc: The old lady could not find a porter to carry her suitcase from the train.) drager
    2) (a person whose job is to carry things eg in rough country where there is no other form of transport: He set off into the jungle with three porters.) bærer
    3) (a doorman or attendant in a hotel etc: a hospital porter.) dørvogter; portør

    English-Danish dictionary > porter

  • 5 prism

    1) (a solid figure whose sides are parallel and whose two ends are the same in shape and size.) prisme
    2) (a glass object of this shape, usually with triangular ends, which breaks up a beam of white light into the colours of the rainbow.) prisme
    * * *
    1) (a solid figure whose sides are parallel and whose two ends are the same in shape and size.) prisme
    2) (a glass object of this shape, usually with triangular ends, which breaks up a beam of white light into the colours of the rainbow.) prisme

    English-Danish dictionary > prism

  • 6 an unknown quantity

    (a person or thing whose characteristics, abilities etc cannot be predicted.) ukendt størrelse
    * * *
    (a person or thing whose characteristics, abilities etc cannot be predicted.) ukendt størrelse

    English-Danish dictionary > an unknown quantity

  • 7 argue

    1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) diskutere; argumentere; skændes
    2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) argumentere
    3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) drøfte; overtale
    4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) diskutere; forsvare
    - argument
    - argumentative
    * * *
    1) ((with with someone, about something) to quarrel with (a person) or discuss (something) with a person in a not very friendly way: I'm not going to argue; Will you children stop arguing with each other about whose toy that is!) diskutere; argumentere; skændes
    2) ((with for, against) to suggest reasons for or for not doing something: I argued for/against accepting the plan.) argumentere
    3) ((with into, out of) to persuade (a person) (not) to do something: I'll try to argue him into going; He argued her out of buying the dress.) drøfte; overtale
    4) (to discuss, giving one's reasoning: She argued the point very cleverly.) diskutere; forsvare
    - argument
    - argumentative

    English-Danish dictionary > argue

  • 8 argument

    1) (a quarrel or unfriendly discussion: They are having an argument about/over whose turn it is.) skænderi
    2) (a set of reasons; a piece of reasoning: The argument for/against going; a philosophical argument.) argument; argumentation
    * * *
    1) (a quarrel or unfriendly discussion: They are having an argument about/over whose turn it is.) skænderi
    2) (a set of reasons; a piece of reasoning: The argument for/against going; a philosophical argument.) argument; argumentation

    English-Danish dictionary > argument

  • 9 bone china

    (china in whose manufacture the ashes of burnt bones are used.) benporcelæn
    * * *
    (china in whose manufacture the ashes of burnt bones are used.) benporcelæn

    English-Danish dictionary > bone china

  • 10 butcher

    ['bu ə] 1. noun
    (a person whose business is to kill cattle etc for food and/or sell their flesh.) slagter
    2. verb
    1) (to kill for food.) slagte
    2) (to kill cruelly: All the prisoners were butchered by the dictator.) slagte
    * * *
    ['bu ə] 1. noun
    (a person whose business is to kill cattle etc for food and/or sell their flesh.) slagter
    2. verb
    1) (to kill for food.) slagte
    2) (to kill cruelly: All the prisoners were butchered by the dictator.) slagte

    English-Danish dictionary > butcher

  • 11 cacao

    (the tropical tree from whose seeds cocoa and chocolate are made.) kakaotræ
    * * *
    (the tropical tree from whose seeds cocoa and chocolate are made.) kakaotræ

    English-Danish dictionary > cacao

  • 12 cactus

    plurals - cacti; noun
    (a prickly plant whose stem stores water.) kaktus
    * * *
    plurals - cacti; noun
    (a prickly plant whose stem stores water.) kaktus

    English-Danish dictionary > cactus

  • 13 cannabis

    (a drug made from Indian hemp, whose use is illegal in many countries: He is hooked on (= addicted to) cannabis.) hash; marihuana; cannabis
    * * *
    (a drug made from Indian hemp, whose use is illegal in many countries: He is hooked on (= addicted to) cannabis.) hash; marihuana; cannabis

    English-Danish dictionary > cannabis

  • 14 caregiver

    English-Danish dictionary > caregiver

  • 15 cassava

    ((also tapioca plant) a tropical plant, whose roots yield tapioca.) maniokplante
    * * *
    ((also tapioca plant) a tropical plant, whose roots yield tapioca.) maniokplante

    English-Danish dictionary > cassava

  • 16 cauliflower

    (a vegetable of the cabbage family whose white flower-head is used as food.) blomkål
    * * *
    (a vegetable of the cabbage family whose white flower-head is used as food.) blomkål

    English-Danish dictionary > cauliflower

  • 17 clothes moth

    (a type of moth whose larva feeds on cloth and makes holes.) møl
    * * *
    (a type of moth whose larva feeds on cloth and makes holes.) møl

    English-Danish dictionary > clothes moth

  • 18 crèche

    1) (a nursery for babies whose mothers are at work etc: Some factories have creches for the children of their workers.) vuggestue; dagpleje
    2) (a miniature stable with figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus etc.) julekrybbe
    * * *
    1) (a nursery for babies whose mothers are at work etc: Some factories have creches for the children of their workers.) vuggestue; dagpleje
    2) (a miniature stable with figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus etc.) julekrybbe

    English-Danish dictionary > crèche

  • 19 crustacean

    noun, adjective
    ((of) any of a group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc, whose bodies are covered with a hard shell.) krebsdyr; skaldyr
    * * *
    noun, adjective
    ((of) any of a group of animals, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps etc, whose bodies are covered with a hard shell.) krebsdyr; skaldyr

    English-Danish dictionary > crustacean

  • 20 cubic centimetre

    (abbreviation cc), metre etc (the volume of, or the volume equivalent to, a cube whose sides measure one centimetre, metre etc: This jug holds 500 cubic centimetres.) kubikcentimeter; cm3
    * * *
    (abbreviation cc), metre etc (the volume of, or the volume equivalent to, a cube whose sides measure one centimetre, metre etc: This jug holds 500 cubic centimetres.) kubikcentimeter; cm3

    English-Danish dictionary > cubic centimetre

См. также в других словарях:

  • whose — [ huz ] function word *** Whose can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (introducing a direct or indirect question): Whose idea was it to come here? (introducing a relative clause): The winner was a Brazilian player, whose name I have… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • whose — 1. Despite a long established folk belief (which Fowler deplored) that whose, when used as a relative, should only mean of whom and not of which, usage over several centuries from the time of Shakespeare and Milton supports its use with reference …   Modern English usage

  • whose — W1S2 [hu:z] determiner, pron [: Old English; Origin: hwAs, from hwa; WHO] 1.) used to ask which person or people a particular thing belongs to ▪ Whose is this? ▪ Whose keys are on the kitchen counter? 2.) used to show the relationship between a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whose — [ho͞oz] pron. [ME whos, hwas < OE hwæs, gen. of hwa, WHO] that or those belonging to whom: used without a following noun [whose is this? whose will look best?] possessive pronominal adj. of, belonging to, made by, or done by whom or which… …   English World dictionary

  • Whose — (h[=oo]z), pron. [OE. whos, whas, AS. hw[ae]s, gen. of hw[=a]. See {Who}.] The possessive case of who or which. See {Who}, and {Which}. [1913 Webster] Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee. Gen. xxiv. 23. [1913 Webster] The question whose …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whose|so|ev|er — «HOOZ soh EHV uhr», pronoun. Archaic. of any person whatsoever; whose …   Useful english dictionary

  • whose — gen. of WHO (Cf. who); from O.E. hwæs, gen. of hwa (see WHO (Cf. who)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • whose — ► POSSESSIVE DETERMINER & PRONOUN 1) belonging to or associated with which person. 2) (as possessive determiner ) of whom or which. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • whose — [[t]huːz[/t]] ♦ (Usually pronounced [[t]hu͟ːz[/t]] for meanings 2 and 3.) 1) PRON REL You use whose at the beginning of a relative clause where you mention something that belongs to or is associated with the person or thing mentioned in the… …   English dictionary

  • whose */*/*/ — UK [huːz] / US [huz] determiner, pronoun Summary: Whose can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (introducing a direct or indirect question): Whose idea was it to come here? (introducing a relative clause): The winner was a Brazilian… …   English dictionary

  • whose*/*/*/ — [huːz] determiner, pronoun summary: Whose can be: ■ a determiner: Whose idea was it to come here? ■ a question pronoun: Whose is this jacket? ■ a relative pronoun: I asked whose it was. 1) used for showing that someone or something belongs to or… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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