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  • 1 поднимать вверх

    поднимать вверх; загибатьturn up

    поднял вверх; поднятый вверхturned up

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > поднимать вверх

  • 2 коренной поворот

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > коренной поворот

  • 3 запаздывание поворота

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > запаздывание поворота

  • 4 поисковый поворот

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > поисковый поворот

  • 5 простой поворот

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > простой поворот

  • 6 скорость поворота

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > скорость поворота

  • 7 उत्तर _uttara

    उत्तर a. [उद्-तरप्]
    1 Being or produced in the north, northern (declined like a pronoun).
    -2 Upper, higher P.I.1.34 (opp. अधर); उत्तरे-अधरे दन्ताः Śat. Br.; अवनतोत्तरकायम् R.9.6; P.II.2.1.
    -3 (a) Later-latter, following, subsequent (opp. पूर्व); पूर्वमेघः, उत्तरमेघः, ˚मीमांसा; उत्तरार्धः &c. ˚रामचरितम् later adventures of Rāma U.1.2; पूर्वः उत्तरः former-latter H.1.9; एतानि मान्यस्थानानि गरीयो यद्यदुत्तरम् Ms.2.136. (b) Future; concluding; ˚कालः subsequent time; ˚फलम्; ˚वचनम् a reply.
    -4 Left (opp. दक्षिण).
    -5 Superior, chief, excellent; dominant, power- ful. आनयेङ्गुदिपिण्याकं चीरमाहर चोत्तरम् Rām.2.13.2; वाद्यमानेषु तूर्येषु मल्लतारोत्तरेषु च Bhāg.1.42.36.
    -6 Exceeding, transgressing, beyond; तर्कोत्तराम् Mv.2.6.
    -7 More, more than (generally as the last member of a comp. with numerals); षडुत्तरा विंशतिः 26; अष्टोत्तरं शतं 18; दशनागबलाः केचित् केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः Rām.5.43.22.
    -8 Accompanied or attended with, full of, consisting chiefly of, followed by (at the end of comp.); राज्ञां तु चरितार्थता दुःखोत्तरैव Ś.5; चषकोत्तरा R.7.49; अस्रोत्तर- मीक्षिताम् Ku.5.61; उत्सवोत्तरो मङ्गलविधिः Dk.39,166; K.311; H.1.15; प्रवाल ˚पुष्पशय्ये R.6.5 over spread with; धर्मोत्तरम् 13.7 rich in; 18.7; कम्प ˚ 13.28;17.12; 19.23.
    -9 To be crossed over.
    -रः 1 Future time, futurity.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -रा 1 The north; अस्त्युत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा Ku.1.1.
    -2 A lunar mansion.
    -3 N. of the daughter of Virāṭa and wife of Abhimanyu.
    -4 N. of a plant (Mar. पिंपरी).
    -रम् 1 An answer, reply; प्रचक्रमे च प्रतिवक्तुमुत्तरम् R.3.47; उत्तरादुत्तरं वाक्यं वदतां संप्रजायते Pt.1.6; a reply is suggested to a reply वचस्तस्य सपदि क्रिया केवलमुत्तरम् Śi.
    -2 (In law) Defence, a rejoinder.
    -3 The last part or following member of a compound.
    -4 (In Mīm.) The fourth member of an अधिकरण q. v. the answer.
    -5 The upper surface or cover.
    -6 Con- clusion.
    -7 Remainder, rest, what followed or took place next; शान्तमथवा किमिहोत्तरेण U.3.26.
    -8 Superiority, excellence.
    -9 Result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic.
    -1 Excess, over and above; see above (उत्तर a. 8).
    -11 Remainder, difference (in arith.).
    -12 A rectangular moulding (Mānasāra 13.67.)
    -13 The next step, further action; उत्तरं चिन्तयामास वानरो मरुतात्मजः Rām.5.13.59.
    -14 A cover (आच्छादन); सू<?>स्करं सोत्तरबन्धुरेषम् Mb.6.6.9.
    -रम् ind.
    1 Above.
    -2 Afterwards, after; तत उत्तरम्, इत उत्तरम् &c. शापं तं ते$भिविज्ञाय कृतवन्तः किमुत्तरम् Mb.1.36.1.
    -Comp. -अगारम् An upper room, garet.
    - अधर a. higher and lower (fig. also). (
    -रौ du.) the upper and under lip, the two lips; पुनर्विवक्षुःस्फुरितोत्तराधरः Ku.5.83 (स्फुरण- भूयिष्ठो$धरो यस्य Malli.).
    -अधिकारः, -रिता, -त्वम् right to property, heirship, inheritance.
    -अधिकारिन् m. an heir or claimant (subsequent to the death of the ori- ginal owner).
    -अपरा north-west.
    -अभिमुख a. Turned towards the north.
    -अयनम् (˚यणं. न being changed to ण)
    1 the progress of the sun to the north (of the equator); अग्निर्ज्योतिरहः शुक्लः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् Bg.8.24. cf. भानोर्मकरसंक्रान्तेः षण्मासा उत्तरायणम् । कर्कादेस्तु तथैव स्यात् षण्मासा दक्षिणायनम् ॥
    -2 the period or time of the sum- mer solstice.
    -अरणिः, -णी f. the upper अरणि (which by cutting becomes the प्रमन्थ or churner); दारुपात्राणि सर्वाणि अरणिं चोत्तरारणिम् (दत्त्वा) Rām.6.111.116.
    -अर्थ a. for the sake of what follows.
    -अर्धम् 1 the upper part of the body.
    -2 the northern part.
    -3 the latter half (opp. पूर्वार्ध).
    -4 the further end.
    -अर्ध्य a. being on the northern side.
    -अहः the following day.
    -आभासः a false reply, an indirect, evasive, or prevaricating reply. ˚ता, -त्वम् the semblance of a reply without reality.
    -आशा the northern direction. ˚अधिपतिः, -पतिः the regent of the northern direction, an epithet of Kubera.
    -आषाढा 1 the 21st lunar mansion consisting of three stars.
    -2 N. of bread-fruit or Jak tree (Mar. फणस).
    -आसङ्गः 1 an upper garment; कृतोत्तरासङ्गम् K.43; Śi.2.19; Ku.5.16.
    -2 contact with the north.
    - इतर a. other than उत्तर i. e. southern. (
    -रा) the southern direction.
    -उत्तर a. [उत्तरस्मादुत्तरः]
    1 more and more, higher and higher, further and further.
    -2 successive, ever increasing; ˚स्नेहेन दृष्टः Pt. 1; Y.2.136.
    (-रम्) 1 a reply to an answer, reply on reply; अलमुत्तरोत्तरेण Mu.3.
    -2 conversation, a rejoinder.
    -3 excess, exceeding quantity or degree.
    -4 succession, gradation, sequence.
    -5 descending. (
    -रम्) ind. higher and higher, in constant continuation, more and more. उत्तरोत्तरमुत्कर्षः K. P.1; उत्तरोत्तरं वर्धते H.1.
    -उत्तरिन् a.
    1 ever-increasing.
    -2 one following the other.
    -ओष्ठः the upper lip (उत्तरो-रौ-ष्ठः). Vārt. on P.VI.1.94. ओत्वोष्ठयोस्समासे वा
    -काण्डम् the seventh book of the Rāmāyaṇa.
    -कायः the upper part of the body; तं वाहनादवनतोत्तरकायमीषत् R.9.6.
    -कालः 1 future time.
    -2 time calculated from one full moon to another.
    -कुरु (m. pl.) one of the nine divisions of the world, the country of the northern Kurus (said to be a country of eternal beatitude).
    -कोसलाः (m. pl.) the northern Kosalas; पितुरनन्तरमुत्तरकोसलान् R.9.1.
    -कोशला the city of Ayodhyā; यदुपतेः क्व गता मथुरा पुरी रघुपतेः क्व गतोत्तरकोशला ॥ Udb.
    -क्रिया funeral rites, obsequies.
    -खण्डम् the last section of book.
    -खण्डनम् refutation.
    -गीता N. of a section of the sixth book of the Mahābhārata.
    -ग्रन्थः supplement to a work.
    -च्छदः a bed-covering, covering (in general); शय्योत्तरच्छदविमर्द- कृशाङ्गरागम् R.5.65,17.21; नागचर्मोत्तरच्छदः Mb.
    - a. born subsequently or afterwards; चतुर्दश प्रथमजः पुनात्युत्तरजश्च षट् Y.1.59.
    -ज्या the versed sine of an arc (Wilson); the second half of the chord halved by the versed sine (B. and R.).
    -ज्योतिषाः (m. pl.) the northern Jyotiṣas.
    -ततिः f. Ectype (lit. subequent proceedings) उत्तरस्यां ततौ तत्प्रकृतित्वात् MS.1.4.25. शबर explains उत्तरस्यां ततौ as विकृतौ),
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a supplementary section in the medical work of Suśruta.
    -तापनीयम् N. of the second part of the नृसिंहतापनीयो- पनिषद्.
    -दायक a. replying, disobedient, pert, imperti- nent; दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्याश्चोत्तरदायकाः H.2.11.
    -दिश् f. the north.
    ˚ईशः, -पालः 1 Kubera, the regent of the north.
    -2 the planet बुध. ˚बलिन्
    1 the planet Venus.
    -2 the moon.
    -देशः the country towards the north.
    -धेय a. to be done subsequently.
    -नारायणः the second part of the नारायणसूक्त or पुरुषसूक्त (Rv.1.9.).
    -पक्षः 1 the northern wing or side.
    -2 the dark half of a lunar month.
    -3 the second part of an argument, i. e. a reply, the reason pro. (opp. पूर्वपक्ष); प्रापयन् पवनव्याधेर्गिरमुत्तरपक्षताम् Śi.2.15.
    -4 a demonstrated truth or conclusion.
    -5 the minor proposition in a syllogism.
    -6 (in Mīm.) the fifth member of an Adhikaraṇa, q. v.
    -पटः 1 an upper garment.
    -2 a bed-covering (उत्तरच्छदः).
    -पथः the northern way, way leading to the north; the northern country; P.V.1 77. उत्तरपथेनाहृतं च.
    -पथिक a. travelling in the northern country.
    -पदम् 1 the last member of a compound.
    -2 a word that can be compounded with another.
    -पदिक, -पदकीय a. relating to, studying, or knowing the last word or term.
    -पर्वतकम् A variety of hides. Kāu. A.2.11.
    -पश्चार्धः the northwestern half.
    -पश्चिम a. northwestern. (
    -मः) the north-western country. (
    -मा) [उत्तरस्याः पश्चिमायाश्च दिशोन्तरालम्] the north-west; आलोकयन्नुत्तरपश्चिमेन Mb.12.335.8.
    -पादः the second division of a legal plaint, that part which relates to the reply or defence; पूर्वपक्षः स्मृतः पादो द्वितीयश्चोत्तरः स्मृतः । क्रियापादस्तृतीयः स्याच्चतुर्थो निर्णयः स्मृतः ॥
    -पुरस्तात् ind. north-eastward (with gen.).
    -पुराणम् N. of a Jaina work.
    -पुरुषः = उत्तमपुरुषः q. v.
    -पूर्व a. north-eastern. (
    -र्वा) the north-east.
    -प्रच्छदः a cover lid, quilt.
    -प्रत्युत्तरम् 1 a dispute, debate, a rejoinder, retort.
    -2 the pleadings in a law-suit.
    -फ (फा) ल्गुनी the twelfth lunar mansion consisting of two stars (having the figure of a bed).
    -भागः The second part.
    -भाद्रपद्, -दा 1 the 26 th lunar mansion consisting of two stars (figured by a couch).
    -2 N. of a plant (Mar. कडुनिंब).
    -मन्द्रा a loud but slow manner of singing. ˚मन्द्राद्या a. particular मूर्च्छना in music.
    -मात्रम् a mere reply.
    -मीमांसा the later Mīmāmsā, the Vedānta Philosophy, an inquiry into the nature of Brahman or Jñāna Kāṇḍa (distinguished from मीमांसा proper which is usually called पूर्वमीमांसा).
    -युगम् A particular measure (= 13 Aṅgulas).
    -रहित a. without a reply.
    -रामचरितम् -त्रम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti, which describes the later life of Rāma.
    -रूपम् The second of two combined vowels or consonants.
    -लक्षणम् the indication of an actual reply.
    -लोमन् a. having the hair turned upwards.
    -वयसम्, -स् n. old age, the declining period of life.
    -वरितः a kind of small syringe.
    -वल्ली f. N. of the second section of the काठकोपनिषद् when divided into two अध्यायs.
    -वस्त्रम्, -वासस् n. an upper garment, mantle, cloak; जग्राह तामुत्तरवस्त्रदेशे Mb.3.268. 24.
    -वादिन् m.
    1 a defendant, respondent; (Opp. पूर्ववादिन्.) साक्षिषूभयतः सत्मु साक्षिणः पूर्ववादिनः । पूर्वपक्षे$धरीभूते भवन्त्युत्तरवादिनः ॥ Y.2.17.
    -2 one whose claims are of later date than another's.
    -विद् -वेदन or
    वेदिन् An elephant sensitive to slight stimuli (Mātaṅga L.1.29; 9.39).
    -वीथिः f. The northern orbit; Bṛi. S.
    -वेदिः 1 the northern altar made for the sacred fire.
    -2 N. of a Tīrtha near the कुरुक्षेत्र.
    -सक्थम् the left thigh.
    -संझित a. denoted or named in reply (as a witness). (
    -तः) hearsay-witness.
    -साक्षिन् m.
    1 a witness for the defence.
    -2 a witness deposing to facts from the reports of others.
    -साधक a.
    1 finishing what remains or follows, assisting at a ceremony.
    -2 who or what proves a reply. (
    -कः) an assistant, helper
    -हनुः Ved. the upper jaw-bone.
    उत्तर a.
    1 Crossing over.
    -2 To be crossed over, as in दुरुत्तर.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उत्तर _uttara

  • 8 í

    * * *
    I. with dat.,
    1) in, within; fela fé sitt í jörðu, to hide one’s money in the earth; fastir í vellinum, fast in the ground; vera í sveit, to live in a district; í öðrum löndum, in other lands;
    2) with local names (í Orkneyjum, í Laxárdal, í Borgarfirði, etc.);
    3) in a certain spot; í einum stað, í þeim (hverjum) stað, in one, that (every) place; standa í höggfœri, within sword’s reach;
    4) in, among; í valnum, among the slain;
    5) of clothes; vera í, to have on, wear (hann var í blám stakki, í litklæðum);
    6) during, in; þenna vetr í jólum, during Yule; í sumri (hausti), this summer (autumn); í því bili, in that moment; í því er Gunnar stendr upp, at the very moment when G. rises;
    7) denoting action, state, condition; vera í för með e-m, to travel in one’s company; vera í víkingu, to be engaged in freebooting; í trausti e-s, in his trust, under his protection; vera í góðu yfirlæti, to be in good quarters, live well; liggja í úviti, to lie in a swoon; vera í góðu (illu) skapi, to be in good (ill) humour;
    8) in respect of, in regard to; roskinn í orðum, mature in words; léttr í máli, cheerful in speech; í öllum mannraunum, in all trials;
    9) denoting form or content, in; at eigi hafi komit til Noregs meiri gørsemi í skikkju, such a jewel of a cloak; fé er í því there is value in it; Hallr kvað góðan kost í henni, H. said she was a good match; hvat er íþví? how is that? what is the matter?
    10) by means of, through (opt kaupir sér í litlu lof);
    11) equivalent to a gen. or poss. pron.; hann braut hrygg í henni, he broke her back; hann knýtir saman alla halana í nautunum, all the cows’ tails;
    II. with acc.,
    1) in, into (spjótit fló niðr í völlinn); leggja e-t í kistu, to put into a chest (coffin); steinninn kom í höfuð honum, the stone hit him in the head; sigla (láta) í haf, to stand out to sea; var þat sagt Gunnari inn í búðina, word was carried into the booth to Gunnar; giptast í önnur lönd, to marry into other countries, marry an alien; deyja Mælifell, to pass into M. after death; þórðr svaf ok horfði í lopt upp, with his face turned upwards;
    2) of time; in, during; í þat mund, at that hour; í nótt, this night; í vetr, this winter; í (= um) fjórtán vetr, for fourteen winters;
    3) denoting entrance into a state, condition, in, into; ganga íbönd ok eiða, to enter into bonds and oaths; falla í úvit, to fall into a swoom; taka e-n í frið, to pardon one; bjóða búum í setu, to call on the neighbours to take their seats;
    4) denoting change into; skjöldrinn klofnaði í tvá hluti, split in two; brotna í spán, to be shivered to pieces; verja fé sínu í lausaeyri, to convert one’s property into movables;
    5) denoting the object, purpose, etc.; gjalda í sonarbœtr, to pay as the son’s weregild; þiggja e-t vingjafir, to accept as a friend’s gift; kaupa e-t í skuld, to buy on credit; gøra e-t í hag (vil) e-m, to do something in one’s favour.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > í

  • 9 boca

    1 mouth.
    boca arriba/abajo face up/down
    (respiración) boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give somebody the kiss of life
    2 mouth (entrada) (de botella, túnel).
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    3 muzzle, fauces, maw.
    4 hors d'oeuvre.
    5 os.
    * * *
    1 ANATOMÍA mouth
    2 (de río) mouth
    3 (abertura) entrance, opening
    abrir boca to whet one's appetite
    hacer boca to whet one's appetite
    andar en boca de todos to be the talk of the town, be on everyone's lips
    arreglarse la boca to have one's teeth seen to
    boca abajo face downwards
    boca arriba face upwards
    callarse la boca to shut up, shut one's mouth
    correr de boca en boca to be the talk of the town, be common knowledge
    hacérsele la boca agua a alguien to make somebody's mouth water
    me lo has quitado de la boca you've taken the words right out of my mouth
    no abrir boca not to say a word
    no decir esta boca es mía not to say a word
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden
    boca a boca kiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    boca de incendios fire hydrant
    boca de riego hydrant
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach
    * * *
    noun f.
    - boca arriba
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (Anat) mouth

    ¡cállate la boca! — * shut up! *, shut your mouth! **

    boca abajoface down

    boca arribaface up

    boca de mar — (Culin) crab stick


    en boca de, suena extraño en boca de un socialista — it sounds odd coming from a socialist

    por boca de — through

    - coserse la boca
    - dar boca

    de boca en boca —

    de boca para afuera —

    eso lo dice de boca para afuera — he's just saying that, that's what he says (but he doesn't mean it)

    irse la boca a algn —

    llenársele la boca a algn —

    - partir la boca a algn

    a pedir de boca —

    4) (=abertura, entrada) [de túnel, cueva, vasija] mouth; [de tonel] bunghole; [de puerto] entrance; [de arma] muzzle

    a boca de jarro —

    disparar a boca de jarro — to shoot point-blank, shoot at close range

    boca de metrounderground o (EEUU) subway entrance

    boca de mina — pithead, mine entrance

    boca de río — river mouth, estuary

    5) [de vino] flavour, flavor (EEUU)
    6) [de crustáceo] pincer
    7) [de herramienta] cutting edge

    boca de dragón — (Bot) snapdragon

    9) (Inform) slot
    10) pl bocas (=personas) mouths
    2. SM

    boca a boca, aplicar o hacer o practicar el boca a boca a algn — to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, give sb the kiss of life

    2) ** [de cárcel] screw **, warder
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.
    Ex. He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.
    Ex. I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex. She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.
    * * *
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    tener la boca seca/pastosa — to have a dry/furry mouth

    boca abajo/arriba — <dormir/echarse> on one's stomach/back

    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips; el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge; por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro por boca de su secretario general... the organization has made it clear through its general secretary...; lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister; abrir la boca to open one's mouth; mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut; andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was spreading like wildfire; a pedir de boca just fine; todo salió a pedir de boca everything turned out just fine; callar(se) la boca to shut up; en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut; cerrarle or taparle la boca a alguien to keep somebody quiet, shut somebody up (colloq); hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions (o ideas etc) parrot fashion; hacer or abrir boca (fam) to whet the o one's appetite; hacerle el boca a boca a alguien to give somebody the kiss of life; hacérsele la boca agua a alguien (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water; llenársele la boca a alguien con algo (fam): se le llena la boca con su apellido she's always boasting about her surname; meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands; no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word; no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name (AmE); (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark; quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted; quitarle algo a alguien de la boca to take the words (right) out of somebody's mouth; ser pura boca (Chi fam) to be all talk; tener una boquita de piñón (fam) to have a little mouth; en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it (colloq); por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous; quien or el que tiene boca se equivoca — (fam) to err is human

    c) ( persona)
    d) (Vin) flavor*
    2) ( de buzón) slot; ( de túnel) mouth, entrance; ( de puerto) entrance; (de vasija, botella) rim
    •• Cultural note:
    A neighborhood on the Riachuelo River in Buenos Aires, near the mouth of the River Plate. It was the city's first port, where Genoese immigrants settled in the early twentieth century. Its brightly painted wooden houses with corrugated iron roofs make it a major tourist destination
    * * *
    = mouth, gob, muzzle.

    Ex: He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.

    Ex: I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.
    Ex: She looked up and saw the muzzle of a rifle pointed at her.
    * ¡punto en boca! = not a word to anyone!.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * abrir la boca = open + Posesivo + mouth.
    * andar de boca en boca = be the talk of the town.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * boca 7 dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * boca abajo = upside-down.
    * boca de alcantarilla = manhole.
    * boca de colector = manhole.
    * boca de incendios = fire hydrant.
    * boca del estómago, la = pit of the stomach, the.
    * boca de sumidero = manhole.
    * boca reseca = dry mouth.
    * cielo de la boca, el = roof of the mouth, the.
    * ¡cierra la boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * con el corazón en la boca = on tenterhooks.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * de + Posesivo + propia boca = straight from the horse's mouth.
    * echar espuma por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * echar espumarajos por la boca = froth at + the mouth.
    * hablar con la boca llena = speak with + Posesivo + mouth full, talk with + Posesivo + mouth full.
    * hacerse la boca agua = make + Posesivo + mouth water.
    * hacer una mueca con la boca = twitch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * herpes de la boca = fever blister, cold sore.
    * mal sabor de boca = bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * meterse en la boca del lobo = come into + the lion's den.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * oír de la boca de = hear + from the lips of.
    * oscuro como boca de lobo = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * para abrir boca = as a kind of + appetiser.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * por boca de = by word of mouth.
    * ¡punto en boca! = mum's the word!.
    * ¡punto en boca! = shut your mouth!, shut your face!.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * respiración boca a boca = kiss of life.
    * saber de buena boca = have + it on good word.
    * salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.
    * salud de la boca = oral health.
    * úlcera de la boca = canker sore.

    * * *
    no te metas eso en la boca don't put that in your mouth
    tener la boca seca/pastosa to have a dry/furry mouth
    te huele la boca a ajo your breath smells of garlic
    tengo que ir a arreglarme la boca I have to go and get my teeth seen to o fixed
    no hables con la boca llena don't speak with your mouth full
    como no te calles te voy a partir la boca if you don't shut up I'll smash your face in ( colloq)
    pide por esa boca ( fam); just ask o all you have to do is ask
    ¡esa boca …! language …!
    blando/duro de boca ( Equ) soft/hard mouthed
    2 ( en locs):
    boca abajo/arriba: échate boca abajo lie on your stomach o front
    duerme boca arriba he sleeps on his back
    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up
    lo supimos de boca de las mismas personas implicadas we heard it from the horse's mouth
    uno no espera oír palabras así de boca de un cura you don't expect to hear such words from the mouth of o from a priest
    en boca de: términos de la psicología que están en boca de todo el mundo psychology terms which are part of everyday speech
    la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips
    se enteró cuando ya el escándalo andaba en boca de todos by the time he heard about the scandal it was already common knowledge, everybody was talking about the scandal by the time he found out about it
    por boca de: la organización ha dejado claro, por boca de su secretario general … the organization has made it clear, through the general secretary …
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister
    abrir la boca to open one's mouth
    abra más la boca, por favor open (your mouth) wider please
    mejor es que no abra la boca it's best if he keeps his mouth shut
    no abrió la boca en toda la noche he didn't open his mouth all evening
    andar/correr de boca en boca: la noticia ya corría de boca en boca the news was by now common knowledge
    desde que se enrolló con él anda de boca en boca since she got involved with him she's set a lot of tongues wagging
    su nombre anda de boca en boca her name is on everybody's lips
    a pedir de boca just fine
    todo saldrá a pedir de boca everything will turn out just the way you want it to o just fine
    callar(se) la boca to shut up
    ¡cállate la boca! shut up! ( colloq), shut your face o trap! (sl)
    en situaciones así más vale callarse la boca in situations like that it's best to keep your mouth shut
    cerrarle or taparle la boca a algn to keep sb quiet, shut sb up ( colloq)
    con la boca chica or pequeña: lo dijo con la boca chica he didn't mean it o he said it insincerely o he said it without meaning it
    coserse la boca: yo te lo digo pero te coses la boca I'll tell you but you have to keep quiet about it o ( colloq) keep it under your hat
    de (la) boca para afuera: nos apoya de (la) boca para afuera he supports us in name only, he says he supports us
    es radical sólo de (la) boca para afuera he pays lip service to radicalism
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat other people's opinions ( o ideas etc) parrot fashion
    hacer or abrir boca ( fam); to whet the o one's appetite
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn or ( AmL) hacérsele agua la boca a algn: se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water
    meterse en la boca del lobo to take one's life in one's hands, put one's head in the lion's mouth
    no decir esta boca es mía: no dijo esta boca es mía he didn't say a word o open his mouth
    no tener qué llevarse a la boca: no tienen qué llevarse a la boca they haven't got a penny to their name, they don't have a red cent to their name ( AmE), they haven't got two brass farthings to rub together ( BrE)
    (oscuro) como boca de lobo pitch-black, pitch-dark
    parar la boca ( fam); to cut the cackle ( colloq)
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o ( colloq) flabbergasted
    quitarle algo a algn de la boca to take the words (right) out of sb's mouth
    quitarse algo de la boca: se lo quita todo de la boca para que sus hijos estudien he goes o does without in order to pay for his children's education
    ser pura boca ( Chi fam): eso de sus viajes es pura boca all that stuff about his travels is all talk o is just a lot of hot air
    tener algo/a algn siempre en la boca to go on o harp on about sth/sb ( colloq)
    tener una boquita de piñón ( fam); to have a little mouth
    en boca cerrada no entran moscas if you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it ( colloq)
    por la boca muere el pez talking too much can be dangerous
    (persona): muchas bocas comen de ese trabajo that work provides a living for a lot of people
    tiene muchas bocas que alimentar she has a lot of mouths to feed
    4 ( Vin) taste
    2 (de un túnel) mouth, entrance
    3 (de un puerto) entrance
    4 (de una vasija, botella) rim
    boca de dragón or (Ur) sapo
    ( RPl frml) sales outlet
    la falta de nafta se presentó en muchas bocas de expendio there was a shortage of gasoline ( AmE) o ( BrE) petrol at many filling stations
    fire hydrant, fireplug ( AmE)
    ( fam); pit of the stomach
    boca de metro or ( RPl) subte
    subway entrance ( AmE), underground o tube station entrance ( BrE)
    ( RPl fam): no seas boca sucia don't be so foulmouthed
    * * *


    boca sustantivo femenino
    a) (Anat, Zool) mouth

    b) ( en locs)

    boca abajo/arribadormir/echarseon one's stomach/back;

    puso los naipes boca arriba she laid the cards face up;
    en boca de: la pregunta que anda en boca de todos los niños the question which is on every child's lips;
    el escándalo andaba en boca de todos the scandal was common knowledge;
    por boca de from;
    lo supe por boca de su hermana I heard it from his sister;
    a pedir de boca just fine;
    hacerle el boca a boca a algn to give sb the kiss of life;
    hacérsele la boca agua a algn (Esp): se le hacía la boca agua mirando los pasteles looking at the cakes made her mouth water;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be dumbfounded o (colloq) flabbergasted
    2 ( de buzón) slot;
    ( de túnel) mouth, entrance;
    ( de puerto) entrance;
    (de vasija, botella) rim;

    boca del estómago (fam) pit of the stomach;
    boca de metro or (RPl) subte subway entrance (AmE), underground o tube station entrance (BrE)
    boca sustantivo femenino
    1 mouth
    2 (entrada) entrance
    boca de metro, entrance to the tube o underground station
    boca de riego, hydrant
    el boca a boca, kiss of life o mouth-to-mouth respiration
    ♦ Locuciones: figurado andar de boca en boca, to be the talk of the town
    familiar ¡cierra la boca!, shut up!
    familiar hacerse la boca agua: cuando ve un bombón se le hace la boca agua, his mouth waters every time he sees a chocolate
    írsele la fuerza por la boca, to be all talk (and no action)
    familiar meterse en la boca del lobo, to put one's head in the lion's mouth
    figurado salir a pedir de boca, to turn out perfectly
    boca abajo, face down(ward)
    boca arriba, face up(ward)
    con la boca abierta, open-mouthed: nos dejó a todos con la boca abierta, she left us flabbergasted
    ' boca' also found in these entries:
    - callar
    - chiflar
    - cielo
    - decir
    - difusor
    - difusora
    - enjuagarse
    - frenética
    - frenético
    - fruncir
    - llaga
    - loba
    - lobo
    - negra
    - negro
    - palabra
    - pastosa
    - pastoso
    - pedir
    - pico
    - reseca
    - reseco
    - respiración
    - revés
    - sabor
    - tararear
    - tener
    - abierto
    - acostar
    - agua
    - arreglar
    - calentura
    - cerrado
    - cerrar
    - comer
    - enchuecar
    - enjuagar
    - entreabierto
    - herpes
    - ir
    - jeta
    - limpiar
    - llenar
    - mordaza
    - morro
    - seco
    - sensual
    - sensualidad
    - silbido
    - better
    - black
    - cut
    - dislodge
    - face
    - fire hydrant
    - froth
    - gob
    - hydrant
    - kiss
    - mouth
    - muzzle
    - open
    - parched
    - pit
    - pitch-black
    - pitch-dark
    - prone
    - puff
    - rinse
    - roof
    - spout
    - stomach
    - tongue
    - upward
    - upwards
    - wash out
    - water
    - wide
    - word
    - word-of-mouth
    - belch
    - do
    - down
    - drool
    - foam
    - hum
    - man
    - mum
    - nozzle
    - pipe
    - purse
    - put
    - roll
    - sewer
    - spoon
    - take
    - ulcer
    - up
    * * *
    1. [de persona, animal] mouth;
    una boca más para alimentar one more mouth to feed;
    me he arreglado la boca por muy poco dinero I had my teeth seen to for a very reasonable price;
    te huele la boca a tabaco your breath smells of tobacco;
    boca abajo face down;
    no es aconsejable poner a los bebés boca abajo it's best not to lie babies on their front;
    boca arriba face up;
    ronca más cuando duerme boca arriba he snores more when he sleeps on his back;
    poner las cartas boca arriba to turn one's cards face up;
    este paseo me ha abierto boca this walk has whetted my appetite;
    no abrió la boca he didn't open his mouth, he didn't say a word;
    será mejor que no abras la boca it would be best if you didn't say anything;
    si te hace falta algo, pide por esa boca if you need anything, just say so o ask;
    andar o [m5] correr o [m5] ir de boca en boca to be on everyone's lips;
    andar o [m5] estar en boca de todos to be on everyone's lips;
    buscar la boca a alguien to draw sb out;
    ¡cállate o [m5] cierra la boca! shut up!;
    siempre que hay problemas calla la boca whenever there are problems, he keeps very quiet;
    apareció en público para cerrar la boca a quienes lo daban por muerto he appeared in public in order to silence everyone who thought he was dead;
    de boca: de boca promete mucho, pero luego no hace nada he's all talk, he makes a lot of promises, but then he never keeps them;
    es muy valiente, pero de boca he's all mouth;
    de boca de: sorprendió escuchar insultos de boca de un obispo it was surprising to hear insults from the lips of a bishop;
    lo escuchamos de boca de los protagonistas we heard it (straight) from the horse's mouth;
    lo dice con la boca chica he doesn't really mean it;
    hablar por boca de ganso to repeat what one has heard;
    hacer boca: dimos un paseo para hacer boca we went for a walk to work up an appetite;
    se me hace la boca agua, Am [m5] se me hace agua la boca it makes my mouth water;
    cuando paso delante de una pastelería, se me hace la boca agua whenever I go past a cake shop, my mouth starts to water;
    irse de la boca to let the cat out of the bag;
    se fue de la boca he let the cat out of the bag;
    lo han detenido porque su cómplice se ha ido de la boca he has been arrested because his accomplice gave him away;
    meterse en la boca del lobo to put one's head into the lion's mouth;
    no decir esta boca es mía not to open one's mouth;
    no tienen nada que llevarse a la boca they don't have a crust to eat;
    partir la boca a alguien to smash sb's face in;
    salir/ir a pedir de boca to turn out/to go perfectly;
    poner algo en boca de alguien to attribute sth to sb;
    por boca de: [m5]el gobierno, por boca de su portavoz… the government, through its spokesperson…;
    quedarse con la boca abierta to be left speechless;
    me lo has quitado de la boca you took the words right out of my mouth;
    tapar la boca a alguien to silence sb;
    su nombre no me viene ahora a la boca I can't think of her name right now;
    siempre dice lo primero que le viene a la boca he always says the first thing that comes into his head;
    por la boca muere el pez silence is golden;
    quien tiene boca se equivoca to err is human, everybody makes mistakes
    2. [entrada] opening;
    [de botella, túnel] mouth; [de buzón] slot; [de cañón] muzzle; [de escenario] stage door; [de puerto] entrance;
    las bocas del Danubio the mouth of the Danube;
    a boca de jarro point-blank
    boca del estómago pit of the stomach; RP boca de expendio outlet;
    boca de fuego firearm;
    boca de gol goalmouth;
    boca de metro Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance;
    boca de riego hydrant;
    RP boca de subte Br tube o underground entrance, US subway entrance; RP boca de tormenta drain
    3. Zool [pinza] pincer
    4. [filo] cutting edge
    5. [del vino] flavour
    6. Bot boca de dragón snapdragon
    7. CAm [aperitivo] snack
    boca a boca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien to give sb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to give sb the kiss of life
    * * *
    1 mouth;
    boca a boca mouth to mouth;
    hacer el boca a boca a alguien MED give s.o. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation;
    boca abajo upside down; persona, cartas, libro face down;
    boca arriba right way up; persona, cartas, libro face up;
    dejar con la boca abierta leave open-mouthed;
    quedarse con la boca abierta be dumbfounded, be open-mouthed with astonishment;
    se me hace la boca agua my mouth is watering;
    hacer boca whet one’s appetite;
    a pedir de boca perfectly;
    ir o
    correr de boca en boca circulate, go around;
    callar la boca shut up;
    estar en boca de todos be on everybody’s lips;
    de otro fam parrot someone else’s views;
    meterse en la boca del lobo put one’s head in the lion’s mouth;
    taparle la boca a alguien fig keep s.o. quiet, fam
    shut s.o. up;
    con la boca chica without much conviction;
    partirle la boca a alguien pop smash s.o.’s face in fam ;
    poner algo en boca de alguien attribute sth to s.o.;
    quitarle a alguien la palabra de la boca take the words right out of s.o.’s mouth;
    llenarse la boca (hablando) de fig talk of nothing but;
    do without sth, deny o.s. sth
    2 ZO crab claw
    * * *
    boca nf
    1) : mouth
    boca arriba : face up, on one's back
    boca abajo : face down, prone
    boca de riego : hydrant
    en boca de : according to
    * * *
    boca n
    1. (de persona, animal) mouth
    2. (entrada) entrance
    cuando pienso en la comida, se me hace la boca agua when I think about food, it makes my mouth water

    Spanish-English dictionary > boca

  • 10 إلى

    إلى \ to: showing possession or position: It belongs to them. It was stuck to the wall, in expressions of place and time; showing where sb. or sth. goes; showing an aim or limit; showing a point that is reached: We walked to school. He jumped on to the table. I was away from June to October. against: touching (usually sth. upright): He pressed his nose against the glass. for: towards: We set off for home. into: showing a change of condition: The castle was turned into a hotel. till, until: up to (a certain time): We waited from 6.30 till midnight. \ إلى \ there: in or to that place: Let’s go there; we line there. \ See Also في ذلك المكان \ إلى \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ See Also أو في مَكانٍ ما \ إلى الأبَد \ forever: (also two words: (for ever) for always; endlessly: I can’t wait forever. \ إلى أَبْعَد حَدّ \ exceedingly: very: He’s exceedingly clever. extremely: very: You’re extremely kind. \ إلى أَبْعَد الحُدود \ ever so: very: It’s ever so easy. \ إلى أَبْعَد مِن \ farther: at or to a greater distance: I was too tired to go farther. \ إلى اتّجاه آخر \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الاتّجاه المُضادّ \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الآخِر \ right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. Go right back to the beginning. \ إلى أَسْفَل \ down: from a higher level to a lower one: The aeroplane came down slowly, from a higher level to a lower one: I climbed down the tree. The rope hung down the wall. downward, downwards: in a downward direction: He lay, face downwards, on the grass. over: to from an upright (or straight) position to a flat (or bent) position: I fell over. He knocked me over. \ إلى أَعْلَى \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill, in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. She looked up at the stars. He got up from his chair. Prices often go up. uphill: up a slope: The road winds uphill for a mile. upward: in an upward direction: The aeroplane flew upwards. \ إلى أَعْلَى وإلى أسفل \ up and down: off the ground and back to it; higher and lower: He was jumping up and down. He waved his stick up and down. \ إلى أَقْصَى ما أعرِفه عنه \ to the best of sb.’s knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, he is honest (I have no reason to doubt his honesty). \ إلى الأَمام \ along: on; forward: She hurried along. forth: old use forwards; onwards. forward: also forwards towards the front: He stepped forward(s) to greet me. \ إلى أَن \ (prep. fml.) pending: until: I put his letter in a drawer, pending his arrival. till: up to the time when: I waited till he was ready. until: up to the time that: She stayed until I returned. \ إلى الآن \ hitherto: up to now: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى أو بارتفاع الرُّكبة \ knee-deep: up to the knees: The river was only knee-deep. \ إلى أو في الاتِّجاه المُعَاكِس \ about: facing the opposite way: The ship turned about and came back to harbour. \ إلى أو في داخِل \ into: (showing direction) in: He fell into a hole. She came into the house. \ إلى أو نحو الأرض \ down: on to the ground: I fell down. He knocked me down. \ إلى أو نَحْوَ الدّاخِل \ inwards: towards the inside: The door opened inwards. \ إلى أيّ حَدّ \ any: (with comparative words) at all; in any way: Do you feel any better?He’s too old to go any faster. \ إلى أَيْنَ؟ \ where: in or to what place: Where do you live? Where are you going?. \ إلى الجانِب الآخر \ over: across, from one side to the other: The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ إلى الجهة الأخرى \ the other way round: in the opposite direction; happening in another order or relationship: Turn the chair the other way round so that you can see out of the window. George didn’t hit John - it was the other way round (John hit George). \ إلى الجهة أو الناحية الأخرى \ over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ إلى حَدّ أنّهُ \ so: showing an effect: It was so cold that the water froze. He’s not so ill as to need a doctor. \ إلى حَدٍّ بعيد \ by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. largely: mostly: The accident was largely his own fault. quite: (often followed by but) not very, but reasonably; fairly: She’s quite tall, but not as tall as you. He’s quite a nice boy, but he’s lazy. stiff: (with the verbs bore, scare, worry) to a state of tiredness; nearly to death: Long speeches bore me stiff. \ إلى حَدٍّ كبير \ enormously: very greatly: I enjoyed myself enormously. madly: in a mad way; very much: He’s madly keen on football. much: greatly: I don’t much like it. such: of a kind that produces a certain result: It was such a heavy box that I could not lift it. Its weight was such that I could not lift it. \ إلى حَدٍّ ما \ fairly: (with an adj. or adv.) slightly; not completely: a fairly easy job; fairly well done. moderately: reasonably; quite, but not very: I’m moderately sure about it. It was a moderately warm day. more or less: about, but not exactly: She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. partially: not wholly; not completely: He’s partially blind. partly: not completely; in regard to a part: It was partly my fault, and partly his. rather: not very, but fairly: I was rather sorry to miss that meeting. We arrived rather (slightly) earlier than we expected. reasonably: fairly; enough, but not completely: I’m reasonably certain of success. slightly: a little: He’s slightly taller than I am. somewhat: rather: He’s somewhat older than you are. to a certain degree: not completely: To a certain degree, it was my fault. pretty: fairly; comparatively: a pretty cheap car (cheaper than most cars). \ See Also جزئيا (جزئيًّا)، باعتدال، تقريبا (تقريبًا)‏ \ إلى حَيْثُ \ where: in or to the place in which: I’m going where I always go. Leave him where he is. \ See Also حيث (حَيْثُ)‏ \ إلى الخَارج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: from inside: The door opened and a man came out. \ See Also في الخَارِج \ إلى الخَلْف \ back: away from the front: Stand back from the fire. backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ إلى داخِل \ in: showing entrance or direction: He looked in through the window. He came in. He threw a stone in. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ See Also في داخِل \ إلى درجة أَقَلّ \ down: less; to a weaker or lower state: First heat the metal up, then cool it down. We must cut down our costs. \ إلى الطَّابق الأَسْفَل \ down: downstairs: He’s out of bed and he’ll be down in a minute. downstairs: down the stairs: He hurried downstairs. \ إلى غير رَجْعَة \ for good: for ever: I’ve stopped smoking for good. \ إلى فَوْق \ up: towards the top of: We climbed up the hill. \ See Also فوق (فَوْق)‏ \ إلى قِطع صغيرة \ to bits: (after verbs like come, go, fall, blow, cut, tear) into little pieces: My glasses fell to bits on the floor. \ إلى ما قبلَ (وقت محدد)‏ \ hitherto: up to now; up to the past time already spoken of: Hitherto, he had never been absent from work. \ إلى النِّهاية \ out: completely: I was tired out. right: all the way: Go right to the end of the road. up: (with verbs) completely; to the end: Finish up your food. \ إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so far: until now: We’ve won six games so far. this: so: I didn’t expect him to be this late (so late as he is) The fish was only this big (the size that I’m showing you). \ See Also حتّى الآن \ إلى هُنا \ here: at, in or to this place: I live here. Come here! He lives near here. Is the hospital far from here?. \ See Also هنا (هُنا)‏ \ إلى هُناك \ there: to that place: Let’s go there. \ See Also هناك (هُناك)‏ \ إلى اليَمين \ clockwise: in the direction taken by the hands of a clock: To open this lock, turn the key clockwise (or in a clockwise direction).

    Arabic-English dictionary > إلى

  • 11 w

    w, we praep. 1. (wskazując na miejsce) in (czymś sth); (o instytucji) at (czymś sth)
    - w kuchni/łazience in the kitchen/bathroom
    - w domu/szkole/pracy at home/school/work
    - w Warszawie/we Wrocławiu in Warsaw/Wrocław
    - w Polsce/we Włoszech in Poland/Italy
    - w górach/lesie in the mountains/forest
    - w powietrzu/wodzie in the air/water
    - w szklance/pudełku in a glass/box
    - w prasie in the press
    - w telewizji/radiu on television/on the radio
    - w wyobraźni in one’s imagination
    - otwór w desce a hole in a board
    - trzymała coś w dłoni she was holding something in her hand
    - siedział w fotelu he was sitting in an armchair
    - trzymał ręce w kieszeniach he had his hands in his pockets
    - byłem wczoraj w kinie/teatrze I went to the cinema/theatre yesterday
    - uczyła się w szkole muzycznej she was studying at a music school
    - nagle stanął w drzwiach suddenly he appeared in the doorway
    - służyć w armii to be in the army
    - grać w orkiestrze to play with a. in an orchestra
    - działać w związkach zawodowych to be a trade union activist
    - to najcenniejszy obraz w całej kolekcji this is the most valuable picture in the entire collection
    - śledzie w oleju/sosie pomidorowym herring in oil/tomato sauce
    2. (kierunek) (in)to (coś sth)
    - w stronę czegoś in the direction of sth, towards sth
    - nie wchodź w kałuże don’t walk in the puddles
    - samochód wjechał w tłum the car ploughed into the crowd
    - pies chwycił kość w zęby the dog took the bone in its teeth
    - wziął ją w ramiona he took her in his arms
    - wpięła kokardę we włosy she pinned a ribbon in her hair
    - pojechali w góry they’ve gone to the mountains
    - spojrzeć w lewo/prawo to look (to one’s) left/right
    - spojrzeć w górę/dół to look up(wards)/down(wards)
    - wypłynąć w morze to set sail
    3. (wskazując na kontakt) on
    - uderzenie w nos/szczękę a blow on the nose/jaw
    - pocałować kogoś w usta/policzek to kiss sb on the lips/cheek
    - uderzyć się w głowę/kolano (o coś) to hit one’s head/knee (on sth)
    - walić w drzwi to bang on the door
    - oparzyć się w rękę to burn one’s hand
    - ugryźć się w język to bite one’s tongue także przen.
    - pies ugryzł go w nogę a dog bit his leg a. bit him in the leg
    - podrap mnie w plecy scratch my back
    - piorun uderzył w drzewo the lightning struck a tree
    4. (wskazując na rodzaj ubrania, opakowania) in
    - w spódnicy/sandałach/okularach in a skirt/in sandals/in glasses
    - mężczyzna w czarnym kapeluszu a man in a. wearing a black hat
    - (on) zawsze chodzi w dżinsach he always wears jeans
    - ubrał się w ciemny garnitur he put on a dark suit
    - kobieta w bieli a woman (dressed) in white
    - bukiet róż w celofanie a bunch of roses wrapped in cellophane
    - proszę mi to zapakować w papier/w pudełko please wrap it up in paper/pack it in a box (for me)
    5. (wskazując na dziedzinę) in
    - nowe kierunki w sztuce new directions in art
    - symbole stosowane w matematyce symbols used in mathematics
    - co nowego w polityce? what’s new in politics?
    6. (wskazując na stan) in
    - żyć w skrajnej nędzy to live in extreme poverty
    - być w wyśmienitym nastroju to be in the best of moods
    - być w opłakanym stanie to be in a lamentable state
    - wpakować kogoś w kłopoty to get sb into trouble
    - wprawić kogoś w zdumienie/zakłopotanie to astonish/embarrass sb
    - wpaść w furię to fly into a passion
    7. (wskazując na okoliczności) in
    - w milczeniu in silence
    - w samotności in solitude
    - w całym zamieszaniu in all the confusion
    - w wielkim skupieniu with great concentration
    - w tych warunkach in these conditions
    - w trzydziestostopniowym upale in the 30-degree heatwave
    - nie wychodzę z domu w taki mróz/upał I don’t go out when it’s that cold/hot
    8. (w określeniach czasu) in
    - w XX wieku/w 1873 roku in the 20th century/in 1873
    - w latach dwudziestych XIX wieku in the eighteen twenties
    - w zimie/lecie in (the) winter/summer
    - w maju/we wrześniu in May/September
    - w poniedziałek/we wtorek on Monday/Tuesday
    - w ubiegły/przyszły czwartek last/next Thursday
    - w ubiegłym/przyszłym roku last/next year
    - w następnym roku in the following year
    - we dnie i w nocy day and night
    - w ten dzień a. w tym dniu (on) that day
    - w dniu 11 listopada on the 11th of November
    - w starożytności/średniowieczu in ancient times a. antiquity/the Middle Ages
    - w dawnych czasach in the old days
    - w przeszłości/przyszłości in the past/the future
    - w młodości in sb’s youth
    - w rok/miesiąc/tydzień później a year/month/week later
    - w dwie godziny/w trzy miesiące/w rok in two hours/three months/a year
    9 (podczas) in, during
    - zginął w powstaniu he was killed during/in the uprising
    - w rozmowie ze mną wspomniał, że… in conversation with me he mentioned that…
    - w podróży (on) najczęściej śpi he usually sleeps when travelling
    10 (wskazując na formę) in
    - komedia w trzech aktach a comedy in three acts
    - mapa w skali 1:100000 a map to a scale of 1:100,000
    - stoły ustawione w podkowę tables arranged in a horseshoe
    - otrzymać honorarium w gotówce to be paid in cash
    - mówili w jakimś obcym języku they were speaking in a foreign language
    - cukier w kostkach cube sugar, sugar cubes
    - herbata w granulkach granulated tea
    - mleko w proszku powdered milk
    - mydło w płynie liquid soap
    - spodnie w jasnym kolorze light-coloured trousers
    - sukienki w kilku kolorach dresses in several colours
    - rzeźba w marmurze a sculpture in marble
    - 10 tysięcy złotych w banknotach dwudziestozłotowych ten thousand zlotys in twenty-zloty notes
    11 (wzór) sukienka w grochy a polka-dot dress
    - spódnica w kwiaty a flower-patterned skirt
    - zasłony w paski striped curtains
    - papier w kratkę squared paper
    - rękawy haftowane w srebrne gwiazdy sleeves embroidered with silver stars
    12 (wskazując na przemianę) into
    - pokroić coś w kostkę/plastry to cut sth into cubes/slices, to cube/slice sth
    - czarownica przemieniła królewicza w żabę the witch turned the prince into a frog
    - mżawka przeszła w ulewę the drizzle turned into a downpour
    13 (wskazując na ilość) in
    - podanie w dwóch/trzech egzemplarzach an application in duplicate/triplicate
    - spali we trójkę w jednym łóżku the three of them slept in one bed
    - poszliśmy w piątkę do kina the five of us went to the cinema
    - romantyczna podróż we dwoje a romantic journey for two
    14 (jeśli chodzi o) cierpki w smaku bitter in taste
    - szorstki w dotyku rough to the touch
    - on jest miły/niemiły w obejściu he’s pleasant/unpleasant
    - za ciasny/luźny w pasie too tight/loose round the waist
    - ciasny w ramionach tight across the shoulders
    - szeroki w ramionach/biodrach broad-shouldered/broad-hipped
    - urządzenie proste w obsłudze an easy-to-use appliance
    - był zawsze rozsądny w planowaniu wydatków he was always prudent in planning his expenditure
    15 (wskazując na powód) in
    - w uznaniu jego zasług in recognition of his services
    - w obawie o jej/własne bezpieczeństwo in fear of a. fearing for her/one’s own safety
    - w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia in one’s search for a better life
    - w nadziei, że… in the hope that…
    16 (wskazując na cel) pójść w odwiedziny do kogoś to go to visit a. see sb
    - ruszyć w pogoń za kimś to set off in pursuit of sb
    - puścić się w tany to start dancing
    17 (wskazując na cechę) in
    - wahanie w jego/jej głosie hesitation in his/her voice
    - było coś dostojnego w jej zachowaniu there was something dignified in her manner
    * * *
    1. nt
    inv ( litera) W, w

    W jak Wacław — ≈W for William

    2. abbr
    ( =wat) W. ( watt)
    * * *
    indecl. ( litera) W, w; W jak Wacław W is for Whiskey; W as in Whiskey.
    + Loc.
    1. (miejsce, lokalizacja) in, at, inside; w domu at home; w pracy at work; w kinie at the movie theater; Br. at the cinema; w górach in the mountains; w lesie in the forest; w szklance in a glass; w samochodzie in the car; w pociągu on the train; w areszcie in detention; w biurze at the office; w odległości stu metrów 100 meters away, within 100 meters; w prasie in the papers; w radiu on the radio; w telewizji on TV; w wojsku in the army; w sądzie in court; w pamięci in memory; w wyobraźni in one's imagination; w sercu in one's heart; w duchu in one's soul; zimno mi w nogi my feet are cold.
    2. ( okoliczności) in; w bójce in fight; w płomieniach in flames; w trzech tomach in three volumes; w dwóch egzemplarzach in two copies; w skrócie in short; w poszukiwaniu prawdy in search for the truth; w części (odnowiony) partly (redecorated).
    3. ( stan) in; w chorobie in illness; w gorączce in fever; w miłości in love; w milczeniu in silence; w nędzy in poverty; w panice in panic; w budowie under construction; w blasku sławy in a blaze of glory; być w dobrym humorze be in a good mood; być w błędzie be mistaken; coś jest w modzie sth is in vogue l. fashion.
    4. ( ograniczenie) in; w pasie round the waist; szorstki w dotyku rough to the touch; szczupła w biodrach slim-hipped; miły w kontaktach osobistych pleasant in personal relations.
    5. ( ubiór lub jego część) in; w futrze in a fur coat; w okularach wearing glasses; w kapeluszu with a hat on, in a hat; kobieta w bieli a woman in white.
    6. (to, w czym się coś trzyma) in; w ręce in hand; w pułapce in a trap; trzymać kogoś w ramionach hold sb in one's arms.
    7. ( postać) in; mydło w płynie liquid soap; cukier w kostkach cube sugar; rzeźba w marmurze sculpture in marble; milion dolarów w złocie a million dollars in gold; 1000 zł w banknotach stuzłotowych a thousand zlotys in one hundred zloty bills; Br. a thousand zlotys in one hundred zloty notes.
    8. ( typ działania) in; dostać (coś) w prezencie get l. receive (sth) as a present; płacić w gotówce/ratach pay in cash/in installments.
    9. + Acc. ( kierunek) in, to; w lewo/prawo to the left/right; w dół/górę downwards/upwards; patrzeć w niebo look up in the sky; pojechać w góry go to the mountains; wyjść w morze set sail.
    10. (kształt, właściwość) in; w kratkę checked, checkered, Br. chequered; w kwiaty flowered, millefleurs; w paski striped; w parach in pairs; pokroić (coś) w kostkę cut (sth) into cubes, cube (sth).
    11. ( przedmiot działania) on, in; bić w dzwony ring the bells; celować w serce aim at the heart; inwestować w swoją przyszłość invest in one's future; uderzyć się w palec ( u nogi) stub one's toe; ( u ręki) hit one's finger; uderzyć się w głowę get a bang on the head; walić w drzwi bang on the door; wdać się w bójkę get into a fight; wierzyć w Boga believe in God; wprawić w zdumienie astonish, amaze; puknij się w czoło are you out of senses?
    12. + Acc. ( całość) in; w całości in full; w pełni to the full; w całym słowa tego znaczeniu par excellence; układać fakty w logiczną całość arrange facts logically.
    13. + Acc. ( wyposażenie) with; uzbrojony w karabin armed with a gun; wyposażony w narzędzia equipped with tools; obfitować w ryby swarm l. teem with fish; zaopatrzyć w żywność provide with food.
    14. + Acc. ( sposób) in; rozumieć w lot be quick on the uptake; śmiać się w głos laugh up l. in one's sleeve; wyciąć w pień kill every last one; żyć w nędzy live in poverty.
    15. + Acc. ( cel) in; grać w karty play cards; pójść (do kogoś) w odwiedziny pay (sb) a visit; zapaść w sen lapse into sleep, fall asleep.
    16. + Acc. ( skutek) into; obrócić się w popiół turn to dust; rozpaść się w kawałki fall into pieces; śpiew przerodził się w krzyk the singing turned into a scream.
    17. + Acc. ( odczucia) in; być w dobrym humorze be in a good mood; leżeć w bólach be lying in pains.
    18. + Acc. l. Loc. ( czas) at, on, in; we wtorek on Tuesday; w dzień during the day, by day; w południe at noon; w nocy at night; w maju in May; w roku 1995 in 1995; w lecie in the summer; w porze lunchu at lunchtime; w czasie urlopu during the holiday; w dniu ślubu on the wedding day; w wieczór wigilijny on Christmas Eve; w rok po spotkaniu a year after the meeting; w godzinę po twoim wyjściu an hour after you left; w ostatniej chwili at the last minute l. moment, at the eleventh hour; w ostatnich latach in recent years; w biały dzień in broad daylight; w młodości in one's youth; dzień w dzień day after day.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > w

  • 12 zeigen

    I v/t
    1. allg. show; (vorführen) present; (zur Schau stellen) exhibit, display; jemandem etw. zeigen show s.o. s.th., show s.th. to s.o.; jemandem die Stadt zeigen show s.o. ([a]round) the town ( oder city), show s.o. the sights; zeig mal, was du kannst! come on, show us what you can do; zeig mir jemanden, der es besser kann I’d like to see anyone do better; lass dir von ihr zeigen, wie’s geht let her show you how it’s done; dem werd ich’s zeigen! umg., drohend: I’ll show him
    2. (anzeigen) show, indicate; das Thermometer zeigt 20° the thermometer is showing 20°; was zeigt die Waage? what do the scales (Am. does the scale) say?
    3. geh. (sehen lassen) show; die Blumen zeigen schon Knospen the flowers are beginning to show their buds; was zeigt das Foto? what is the photo of?, what does the photo show?
    4. fig. (erkennen lassen) show, demonstrate; (ausdrücken) express; seinen Ärger deutlich zeigen make it obvious how angry one is; jemandem seine Liebe zeigen show one’s love for s.o.; sie kann i-e Gefühle nicht zeigen she finds it hard to express her feelings; deine Antwort zeigt ( mir), dass du nichts verstanden hast it’s clear (to me) from your answer that you haven’t understood anything; die Erfahrung zeigt, dass... experience shows ( oder proves) that...
    II v/i
    1. Person, Pfeil etc.: point; zeigen auf (+ Akk) point at, point s.th. out; Thermometer: be at; Uhr: say; nach Norden zeigen point north; Fenster etc.: face north; zur Tür zeigen point to the door; sich so hinstellen, dass das Gesicht zur Wand zeigt stand facing the wall, position o.s. so as to be facing the wall; Finger
    2. zeig mal let’s see, let’s have a look
    III v/refl
    1. (sichtbar werden) show (itself); Person: show o.s.; (erscheinen) appear, come out; plötzlich: turn up; die ersten Sterne zeigten sich the stars were beginning to come out, the first stars were visible in the sky; sich mit jemandem zeigen be seen with s.o.; sich in der Öffentlichkeit zeigen appear in public, make a public appearance; so kann ich mich nicht zeigen I can’t go out ( oder let myself be seen) in this state
    2. fig. (sich erweisen) prove (to be); sich zeigen als prove (o.s.) to be; sich dankbar / freundlich zeigen be grateful / friendly; es zeigte sich, dass... it turned out that...; daran zeigt sich, dass... this shows that...; da zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass... it just goes to show that...; es wird sich ja zeigen we shall see, time will tell; jetzt zeigt sich, dass es so nicht geht it’s now apparent that this is not the right way; früh zeigte sich sein Talent zum Schriftsteller he showed an early talent for writing; erkenntlich 2, Seite 3 etc.
    * * *
    to display; to show; to indicate; to exhibit; to express; to screen; to evince; to point;
    sich zeigen
    to appear; to show
    * * *
    zei|gen ['tsaign]
    1. vi
    to point

    nach Norden/rechts zéígen — to point north or to the north/to the right

    auf jdn/etw zéígen — to point at sb/sth

    mit der Maus auf etw zéígen (Comput)to point the mouse at sth

    2. vt
    to show; (Thermometer, Messgerät auch) to be at or on, to indicate

    jdm etw zéígen — to show sb sth or sth to sb

    ich muss mir mal von jemandem zéígen lassen, wie man das macht — I'll have to get someone to show me how to do it

    dem werd ichs (aber) zéígen! (inf)I'll show him!

    zeig mal, was du kannst! — let's see what you can do!, show us what you can do!

    3. vr
    to appear; (Gefühle) to show

    sich mit jdm zéígen — to let oneself be seen with sb

    in dem Kleid kann ich mich doch nicht zéígen — I can't be seen in a dress like that

    sich zéígen als... — to show or prove oneself to be...

    es zeigt sich, dass... — it turns out that...

    es zeigt sich (doch) wieder einmal, dass... — it just goes to show...

    es wird sich zéígen, wer recht hat — time will tell who is right, we shall see who's right

    daran zeigt sich, dass... — that shows (that)...

    * * *
    1) (to show: She displayed a talent for mimicry.) display
    2) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) show
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) show
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) show
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) show
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) show
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) show
    8) (to have or show (a particular expression): She wore an angry expression.) wear
    9) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) point
    10) (to show; to make known by a sign, gesture etc: He signified his approval with a nod.) signify
    * * *
    I. vt
    jdm etw \zeigen to show sb sth
    jdm die Richtung/den Weg \zeigen to show sb the way
    [jdm] jdn/etw \zeigen to show [sb] sb/sth
    sich dat von jdm \zeigen lassen, wie etw gemacht wird to get sb to show one how to do sth
    sich dat sein Zimmer \zeigen lassen to be shown one's room
    zeig mal, was du kannst! (fam) let's see what you can do! fam
    es jdm zeigen (fam) to show sb
    3. (geh: erkennen lassen) to show
    Wirkung \zeigen to have an effect
    Interesse/Reue \zeigen to show interest/regret
    seine Gefühle [nicht] \zeigen to [not] show one's feelings
    guten Willen \zeigen to show good will
    Mut \zeigen to show courage
    II. vi
    1. (deuten/hinweisen) to point
    nach rechts/oben/hinten \zeigen to point right [or to the right]/upwards/to the back
    nach Norden \zeigen to point north [or to the north]
    auf etw akk \zeigen to point at sth
    der Zeiger der Benzinuhr zeigt auf „leer“ the needle on the fuel gauge reads “empty”
    [mit etw dat] auf jdn/etw \zeigen to point [with sth] at sb/sth
    \zeigen, dass to show that, to be a sign that
    III. vr
    sich akk [jdm] \zeigen show oneself [to sb]
    sich akk mit jdm \zeigen to let oneself be seen with sb
    komm, zeig dich mal! let me see what you look like
    sich akk \zeigen to appear
    am Himmel zeigten sich die ersten Wolken the first clouds appeared in the sky
    sich akk [als jd/irgendwie] \zeigen to prove oneself [to be sb/somehow]
    sich akk befriedigt/erfreut/erstaunt \zeigen to be satisfied/happy/amazed
    sich akk von seiner besten Seite \zeigen to show oneself at one's best
    * * *
    transitives Verb point

    [mit dem Finger/einem Stock] auf jemanden/etwas zeigen — point [one's finger/a stick] at somebody/something

    transitives Verb show

    jemandem etwas zeigen — show somebody something; show something to somebody; (jemanden zu etwas hinführen) show somebody to something

    dem werd' ich's zeigen!(ugs.) I'll show him!

    zeig mal, was du kannst — show [us] what you can do


    es wird sich zeigen, wer schuld war — time will tell who was responsible

    es hat sich gezeigt, dass... — it turned out that...

    * * *
    A. v/t
    1. allg show; (vorführen) present; (zur Schau stellen) exhibit, display;
    jemandem etwas zeigen show sb sth, show sth to sb;
    jemandem die Stadt zeigen show sb ([a]round) the town ( oder city), show sb the sights;
    zeig mal, was du kannst! come on, show us what you can do;
    zeig mir jemanden, der es besser kann I’d like to see anyone do better;
    lass dir von ihr zeigen, wie’s geht let her show you how it’s done;
    dem werd ich’s zeigen! umg, drohend: I’ll show him
    2. (anzeigen) show, indicate;
    das Thermometer zeigt 20° the thermometer is showing 20°;
    was zeigt die Waage? what do the scales (US does the scale) say?
    3. geh (sehen lassen) show;
    die Blumen zeigen schon Knospen the flowers are beginning to show their buds;
    was zeigt das Foto? what is the photo of?, what does the photo show?
    4. fig (erkennen lassen) show, demonstrate; (ausdrücken) express;
    seinen Ärger deutlich zeigen make it obvious how angry one is;
    jemandem seine Liebe zeigen show one’s love for sb;
    sie kann i-e Gefühle nicht zeigen she finds it hard to express her feelings;
    deine Antwort zeigt (mir), dass du nichts verstanden hast it’s clear (to me) from your answer that you haven’t understood anything;
    die Erfahrung zeigt, dass … experience shows ( oder proves) that …
    B. v/i
    1. Person, Pfeil etc: point;
    zeigen auf (+akk) point at, point sth out; Thermometer: be at; Uhr: say;
    mit der Maus auf etwas zeigen point the mouse at sth;
    nach Norden zeigen point north; Fenster etc: face north;
    zur Tür zeigen point to the door;
    sich so hinstellen, dass das Gesicht zur Wand zeigt stand facing the wall, position o.s. so as to be facing the wall; Finger
    zeig mal let’s see, let’s have a look
    C. v/r
    1. (sichtbar werden) show (itself); Person: show o.s.; (erscheinen) appear, come out; plötzlich: turn up;
    die ersten Sterne zeigten sich the stars were beginning to come out, the first stars were visible in the sky;
    sich mit jemandem zeigen be seen with sb;
    sich in der Öffentlichkeit zeigen appear in public, make a public appearance;
    so kann ich mich nicht zeigen I can’t go out ( oder let myself be seen) in this state
    2. fig (sich erweisen) prove (to be);
    sich zeigen als prove (o.s.) to be;
    sich dankbar/freundlich zeigen be grateful/friendly;
    es zeigte sich, dass … it turned out that …;
    daran zeigt sich, dass … this shows that …;
    da zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass … it just goes to show that …;
    es wird sich ja zeigen we shall see, time will tell;
    jetzt zeigt sich, dass es so nicht geht it’s now apparent that this is not the right way;
    früh zeigte sich sein Talent zum Schriftsteller he showed an early talent for writing; erkenntlich 2, Seite 3 etc
    * * *
    transitives Verb point

    [mit dem Finger/einem Stock] auf jemanden/etwas zeigen — point [one's finger/a stick] at somebody/something

    transitives Verb show

    jemandem etwas zeigen — show somebody something; show something to somebody; (jemanden zu etwas hinführen) show somebody to something

    dem werd' ich's zeigen!(ugs.) I'll show him!

    zeig mal, was du kannst — show [us] what you can do


    es wird sich zeigen, wer schuld war — time will tell who was responsible

    es hat sich gezeigt, dass... — it turned out that...

    * * *
    to evince v.
    to exhibit v.
    to expose v.
    to offer v.
    to point v.
    to show v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: showed)
    or p.p.: shown•)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > zeigen

  • 13 ad

    ad, prep. with acc. (from the fourth century after Christ written also at; Etrusc. suf. -a; Osc. az; Umbr. and Old Lat. ar, as [p. 27] in Eug. Tab., in S. C. de Bacch., as arveho for adveho; arfuerunt, arfuisse, for adfuerunt, etc.; arbiter for adbiter; so, ar me advenias, Plant. Truc. 2, 2, 17; cf. Prisc. 559 P.; Vel. Long. 2232 P.; Fabretti, Glos. Ital. col. 5) [cf. Sanscr. adhi; Goth. and Eng. at; Celt. pref. ar, as armor, i.e. ad mare; Rom. a].
    As antith. to ab (as in to ex), in a progressive order of relation, ad denotes, first, the direction toward an object; then the reaching of or attaining to it; and finally, the being at or near it.
    In space.
    Direction toward, to, toward, and first,

    fugere ad puppim colles campique videntur,

    the hills and fields appear to fly toward the ship, Lucr. 4, 390: meridie umbrae cadunt ad septentrionem, ortu vero ad occasum, to or toward the north and west, Plin. 2, 13, and so often of the geog. position of a place in reference to the points of compass, with the verbs jacere, vergere, spectare, etc.:

    Asia jacet ad meridiem et austrum, Europa ad septentriones et aquiionem,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 31 Mull.;

    and in Plin. very freq.: Creta ad austrum... ad septentrionem versa, 4, 20: ad Atticam vergente, 4, 21 al.—Also trop.: animus alius ad alia vitia propensior,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 37, 81.—
    In a direction upwards (esp. in the poets, very freq.): manusque sursum ad caelum sustulit, Naev. ap. Non. 116, 30 (B. Pun. p. 13, ed. Vahl.): manus ad caeli templa tendebam lacrimans, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 20, 40 (Ann. v. 50 ed. Vahl.); cf.:

    duplices tendens ad sidera palmas,

    Verg. A. 1, 93: molem ex profundo saxeam ad caelum vomit, Att. ap. Prisc. 1325 P.: clamor ad caelum volvendus, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 104 Mull. (Ann. v. 520 ed. Vahl.) (cf. with this: tollitur in caelum clamor, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1, or Ann. v. 422):

    ad caelumque ferat flammai fulgura rursum, of Aetna,

    Lucr. 1, 725; cf. id. 2, 191; 2, 325: sidera sola micant;

    ad quae sua bracchia tendens, etc.,

    Ov. M. 7, 188:

    altitudo pertingit ad caelum,

    Vulg. Dan. 4, 17.—
    Also in the direction downwards (for the usu. in):

    tardiore semper ad terras omnium quae geruntur in caelo effectu cadente quam visu,

    Plin. 2, 97, 99, § 216.
    The point or goal at which any thing arrives.
    Without reference to the space traversed in passing, to, toward (the most common use of this prep.): cum stupro redire ad suos popularis, Naev. ap. Fest. p. 317 Mull. (B. Pun. p. 14 ed. Vahl.):

    ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videatur potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12: ad terras decidat aether, Lucan. 2, 58. —Hence,
    With verbs which designate going, coming, moving, bearing, bringing near, adapting, taking, receiving, calling, exciting, admonishing, etc., when the verb is compounded with ad the prep. is not always repeated, but the constr. with the dat. or acc. employed; cf. Rudd. II. pp. 154, 175 n. (In the ante-class. per., and even in Cic., ad is generally repeated with most verbs, as, ad eos accedit, Cic. Sex. Rosc. 8:

    ad Sullam adire,

    id. ib. 25:

    ad se adferre,

    id. Verr. 4, 50:

    reticulum ad naris sibi admovebat,

    id. ib. 5, 27:

    ad laborem adhortantur,

    id. de Sen. 14:

    T. Vectium ad se arcessit,

    id. Verr. 5, 114; but the poets of the Aug. per., and the historians, esp. Tac., prefer the dative; also, when the compound verb contains merely the idea of approach, the constr. with ad and the acc. is employed; but when it designates increase, that with the dat. is more usual: accedit ad urbem, he approaches the city; but, accedit provinciae, it is added to the province.)—
    Ad me, te, se, for domum meam, tuam, suam (in Plaut. and Ter. very freq.):

    oratus sum venire ad te huc,

    Plaut. Mil. 5, 1, 12: spectatores plaudite atque ite ad vos comissatum, id. Stich. fin.:

    eamus ad me,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 64:

    ancillas traduce huc ad vos,

    id. Heaut. 4, 4, 22:

    transeundumst tibi ad Menedemum,

    id. 4, 4, 17: intro nos vocat ad sese, tenet intus apud se, Lucil. ap. Charis. p. 86 P.:

    te oro, ut ad me Vibonem statim venias,

    Cic. Att. 3, 3; 16, 10 al.—
    Ad, with the name of a deity in the gen., is elliptical for ad templum or aedem (cf.:

    Thespiadas, quae ad aedem Felicitatis sunt,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 4; id. Phil. 2, 35:

    in aedem Veneris,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 120;

    in aedem Concordiae,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 9, 21;

    2, 6, 12): ad Dianae,

    to the temple of, Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 43:

    ad Opis,

    Cic. Att. 8, 1, 14:

    ad Castoris,

    id. Quint. 17:

    ad Juturnae,

    id. Clu. 101:

    ad Vestae,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 35 al.: cf. Rudd. II. p. 41, n. 4, and p. 334.—
    With verbs which denote a giving, sending, informing, submitting, etc., it is used for the simple dat. (Rudd. II. p. 175): litteras dare ad aliquem, to send or write one a letter; and: litteras dare alicui, to give a letter to one; hence Cic. never says, like Caesar and Sall., alicui scribere, which strictly means, to write for one (as a receipt, etc.), but always mittere, scribere, perscribere ad aliquem:

    postea ad pistores dabo,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 119:

    praecipe quae ad patrem vis nuntiari,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 109:

    in servitutem pauperem ad divitem dare,

    Ter. Ph. 4, 3, 48:

    nam ad me Publ. Valerius scripsit,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 2 med.:

    de meis rebus ad Lollium perscripsi,

    id. ib. 5, 3:

    velim domum ad te scribas, ut mihi tui libri pateant,

    id. Att. 4, 14; cf. id. ib. 4, 16:

    ad primam (sc. epistulam) tibi hoc scribo,

    in answer to your first, id. ib. 3, 15, 2:

    ad Q. Fulvium Cons. Hirpini et Lucani dediderunt sese,

    Liv. 27, 15, 1; cf. id. 28, 22, 5.—Hence the phrase: mittere or scribere librum ad aliquem, to dedicate a book to one (Greek, prosphônein):

    has res ad te scriptas, Luci, misimus, Aeli,

    Lucil. Sat. 1, ap. Auct. Her. 4, 12:

    quae institueram, ad te mittam,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5: ego interea admonitu tuo perfeci sane argutulos libros ad Varronem;

    and soon after: mihi explices velim, maneasne in sententia, ut mittam ad eum quae scripsi,

    Cic. Att. 13, 18; cf. ib. 16; Plin. 1, 19.—So in titles of books: M. Tullii Ciceronis ad Marcum Brutum Orator; M. T. Cic. ad Q. Fratrem Dialogi tres de Oratore, etc.—In the titles of odes and epigrams ad aliquem signifies to, addressed to.
    With names of towns after verbs of motion, ad is used in answer to the question Whither? instead of the simple acc.; but commonly with this difference, that ad denotes to the vicinity of, the neighborhood of:

    miles ad Capuam profectus sum, quintoque anno post ad Tarentum,

    Cic. de Sen. 4, 10; id. Fam. 3, 81:

    ad Veios,

    Liv. 5, 19; 14, 18; cf. Caes. B. G. 1, 7; id. B. C. 3, 40 al.—Ad is regularly used when the proper name has an appellative in apposition to it:

    ad Cirtam oppidum iter constituunt,

    Sall. J. 81, 2; so Curt. 3, 1, 22; 4, 9, 9;

    or when it is joined with usque,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 34, § 87; id. Deiot, 7, 19.— (When an adjective is added, the simple acc. is used poet., as well as with ad:

    magnum iter ad doctas proficisci cogor Athenas,

    Prop. 3, 21, 1; the simple acc., Ov. H. 2, 83: doctas jam nunc eat, inquit, Athenas).—
    With verbs which imply a hostile movement toward, or protection in respect to any thing, against = adversus:

    nonne ad senem aliquam fabricam fingit?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 34:

    Lernaeas pugnet ad hydras,

    Prop. 3, 19, 9: neque quo pacto fallam, nec quem dolum ad eum aut machinam commoliar, old poet in Cic. N. D. 3, 29, 73:

    Belgarum copias ad se venire vidit,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 5; 7, 70:

    ipse ad hostem vehitur,

    Nep. Dat. 4, 5; id. Dion. 5, 4: Romulus ad regem impetus facit (a phrase in which in is commonly found), Liv. 1, 5, 7, and 44, 3, 10:

    aliquem ad hostem ducere,

    Tac. A. 2, 52:

    clipeos ad tela protecti obiciunt,

    Verg. A. 2, 443:

    munio me ad haec tempora,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 18:

    ad hos omnes casus provisa erant praesidia,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 65; 7, 41;

    so with nouns: medicamentum ad aquam intercutem,

    Cic. Off. 3, 24:

    remedium ad tertianam,

    Petr. Sat. 18:

    munimen ad imbris,

    Verg. G. 2, 352:

    farina cum melle ad tussim siccam efficasissima est,

    Plin. 20, 22, 89, § 243:

    ad muliebre ingenium efficaces preces,

    Liv. 1, 9; 1, 19 (in these two passages ad may have the force of apud, Hand).—
    The repetition of ad to denote the direction to a place and to a person present in it is rare:

    nunc tu abi ad forum ad herum,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 100; cf.:

    vocatis classico ad concilium militibus ad tribunos,

    Liv. 5 47.—(The distinction between ad and in is given by Diom. 409 P., thus: in forum ire est in ipsum forum intrare; ad forum autem ire, in locum foro proximum; ut in tribunal et ad tribunal venire non unum est; quia ad tribunal venit litigator, in tribunal vero praetor aut judex; cf. also Sen. Ep. 73, 14, deus ad homines venit, immo, quod propius est, in homines venit.)—
    The terminus, with ref. to the space traversed, to, even to, with or without usque, Quint. 10, 7, 16: ingurgitavit usque ad imum gutturem, Naev. ap. Non. 207, 20 (Rib. Com. Rel. p. 30): dictator pervehitur usque ad oppidum, Naev. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, § 153 Mull. (B. Pun. p. 16 ed. Vahl.):

    via pejor ad usque Baii moenia,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 96; 1, 1, 97:

    rigidum permanat frigus ad ossa,

    Lucr. 1, 355; 1, 969:

    cum sudor ad imos Manaret talos,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 10:

    ut quantum posset, agmen ad mare extenderet,

    Curt. 3, 9, 10:

    laeva pars ad pectus est nuda,

    id. 6, 5, 27 al. —Hence the Plinian expression, petere aliquid (usque) ad aliquem, to seek something everywhere, even with one:

    ut ad Aethiopas usque peteretur,

    Plin. 36, 6, 9, § 51 (where Jan now reads ab Aethiopia); so,

    vestis ad Seras peti,

    id. 12, 1, 1.— Trop.:

    si quid poscam, usque ad ravim poscam,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 5, 10:

    deverberasse usque ad necem,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 13;

    without usque: hic ad incitas redactus,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 136; 4, 2, 52; id. Poen. 4, 2, 85; illud ad incitas cum redit atque internecionem, Lucil. ap. Non. 123, 20:

    virgis ad necem caedi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 29, § 70; so Hor. S. 1, 2, 42; Liv. 24, 38, 9; Tac. A. 11, 37; Suet. Ner. 26; id. Dom. 8 al.
    Nearness or proximity in gen. = apud, near to, by, at, close by (in anteclass. per. very freq.; not rare later, esp. in the historians): pendent peniculamenta unum ad quemque pedum, trains are suspended at each foot, Enn. ap. Non. 149, 33 (Ann. v. 363 ed. Vahl.):

    ut in servitute hic ad suum maneat patrem,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 49; cf. id. ib. 2, 3, 98;

    3, 5, 41: sol quasi flagitator astat usque ad ostium,

    stands like a creditor continually at the door, id. Most. 3, 2, 81 (cf. with same force, Att. ap. Non. 522, 25;

    apud ipsum astas): ad foris adsistere,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 66; id. Arch. 24:

    astiterunt ad januam,

    Vulg. Act. 10, 17:

    non adest ad exercitum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 6; cf. ib. prol. 133:

    aderant ad spectaculum istud,

    Vulg. Luc. 23, 48: has (testas) e fenestris in caput Deiciunt, qui prope ad ostium adspiraverunt, Lucil. ap. Non. 288, 31:

    et nec opinanti Mors ad caput adstitit,

    Lucr. 3, 959:

    quod Romanis ad manum domi supplementum esset,

    at hand, Liv. 9, 19, 6:

    haec arma habere ad manum,

    Quint. 12, 5, 1:

    dominum esse ad villam,

    Cic. Sull. 20; so id. Verr. 2, 21:

    errantem ad flumina,

    Verg. E. 6, 64; Tib. 1, 10, 38; Plin. 7, 2, § 12; Vitr. 7, 14; 7, 12; and ellipt. (cf. supra, 2. g):

    pecunia utinam ad Opis maneret!

    Cic. Phil. 1, 17.—Even of persons:

    qui primum pilum ad Caesarem duxerat (for apud),

    Caes. B. G. 6, 38; so id. ib. 1, 31; 3, 9; 5, 53; 7, 5; id. B. C. 3, 60:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luent,

    among, Cic. Phil. 14, 13:

    neque segnius ad hostes bellum apparatur,

    Liv. 7, 7, 4: pugna ad Trebiam, ad Trasimenum, ad Cannas, etc., for which Liv. also uses the gen.:

    si Trasimeni quam Trebiae, si Cannarum quam Trasimeni pugna nobilior esset, 23, 43, 4.—Sometimes used to form the name of a place, although written separately, e. g. ad Murcim,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 154:

    villa ad Gallinas, a villa on the Flaminian Way,

    Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 37: ad urbem esse (of generals), to remain outside the city (Rome) until permission was given for a triumph:

    “Esse ad urbem dicebantur, qui cum potestate provinciali aut nuper e provincia revertissent, aut nondum in provinciam profecti essent... solebant autem, qui ob res in provincia gestas triumphum peterent, extra urbem exspectare, donec, lege lata, triumphantes urbem introire possent,”

    Manut. ad Cic. Fam. 3, 8.—So sometimes with names of towns and verbs of rest:

    pons, qui erat ad Genavam,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    ad Tibur mortem patri minatus est,

    Cic. Phil. 6, 4, 10:

    conchas ad Caietam legunt,

    id. Or. 2, 6:

    ad forum esse,

    to be at the market, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 136; id. Most. 3, 2, 158; cf. Ter. Ph. 4, 2, 8; id. And. 1, 5, 19.—Hence, adverb., ad dextram (sc. manum, partem), ad laevam, ad sinistram, to the right, to the left, or on the right, on the left:

    ad dextram,

    Att. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 225; Plaut. Poen. 3, 4, 1; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 44; Cic. Univ. 13; Caes. B. C. 1, 69:

    ad laevam,

    Enn. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 51; Att. ib. p. 217: ad sinistram, Ter. [p. 28] Ad. 4, 2, 43 al.:

    ad dextram... ad laevam,

    Liv. 40, 6;

    and with an ordinal number: cum plebes ad tertium milliarium consedisset,

    at the third milestone, Cic. Brut. 14, 54, esp. freq. with lapis:

    sepultus ad quintum lapidem,

    Nep. Att. 22, 4; so Liv. 3, 69 al.; Tac. H. 3, 18; 4, 60 (with apud, Ann. 1, 45; 3, 45; 15, 60) al.; cf. Rudd. II. p. 287.
    In time, analogous to the relations given in A.
    Direction toward, i. e. approach to a definite point of time, about, toward:

    domum reductus ad vesperum,

    toward evening, Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    cum ad hiemem me ex Cilicia recepissem,

    toward winter, id. Fam. 3, 7.—
    The limit or boundary to which a space of time extends, with and without usque, till, until, to, even to, up to:

    ego ad illud frugi usque et probus fui,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 53:

    philosophia jacuit usque ad hanc aetatem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 3, 5; id. de Sen. 14:

    quid si hic manebo potius ad meridiem,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 55; so id. Men. 5, 7, 33; id. Ps. 1, 5, 116; id. As. 2, 1, 5:

    ad multam noctem,

    Cic. de Sen. 14:

    Sophocles ad summam senectutem tragoedias fecit,

    id. ib. 2; cf. id. Rep. 1, 1:

    Alexandream se proficisci velle dixit (Aratus) remque integram ad reditum suum jussit esse,

    id. Off. 2, 23, 82:

    bestiae ex se natos amant ad quoddam tempus,

    id. Lael. 8; so id. de Sen. 6; id. Somn. Sc. 1 al. —And with ab or ab-usque, to desig. the whole period of time passed away:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8:

    usque ab aurora ad hoc diei,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 8.—
    Coincidence with a point of time, at, on, in, by:

    praesto fuit ad horam destinatam,

    at the appointed hour, Cic. Tusc. 5, 22:

    admonuit ut pecuniam ad diem solverent,

    on the day of payment, id. Att. 16, 16 A:

    nostra ad diem dictam fient,

    id. Fam. 16, 10, 4; cf. id. Verr. 2, 2, 5: ad lucem denique arte et graviter dormitare coepisse, at (not toward) daybreak, id. Div. 1, 28, 59; so id. Att. 1, 3, 2; 1, 4, 3; id. Fin. 2, 31, 103; id. Brut. 97, 313:

    ad id tempus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 24; Sall. J. 70, 5; Tac. A. 15, 60; Suet. Aug. 87; Domit. 17, 21 al.
    The relations of number.
    An approximation to a sum designated, near, near to, almost, about, toward (cf. Gr. epi, pros with acc. and the Fr. pres de, a peu pres, presque) = circiter (Hand, Turs. I. p. 102):

    ad quadraginta eam posse emi minas,

    Plaut. Ep. 2, 2, 111:

    nummorum Philippum ad tria milia,

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 115; sometimes with quasi added:

    quasi ad quadraginta minas,

    as it were about, id. Most. 3, 1, 95; so Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 93:

    sane frequentes fuimus omnino ad ducentos,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 1:

    cum annos ad quadraginta natus esset,

    id. Clu. 40, 110:

    ad hominum milia decem,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 4:

    oppida numero ad duodecim, vicos ad quadringentos,

    id. ib. 1, 5.—In the histt. and post-Aug. authors ad is added adverbially in this sense (contrary to Gr. usage, by which amphi, peri, and eis with numerals retain their power as prepositions): ad binum milium numero utrinque sauciis factis, Sisenn. ap. Non. 80, 4:

    occisis ad hominum milibus quattuor,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 33:

    ad duorum milium numero ceciderunt,

    id. B. C. 3, 53:

    ad duo milia et trecenti occisi,

    Liv. 10, 17, 8; so id. 27, 12, 16; Suet. Caes. 20; cf. Rudd. II. p. 334.—
    The terminus, the limit, to, unto, even to, a designated number (rare):

    ranam luridam conicere in aquam usque quo ad tertiam partem decoxeris,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 26; cf. App. Herb. 41:

    aedem Junonis ad partem dimidiam detegit,

    even to the half, Liv. 42, 3, 2:

    miles (viaticum) ad assem perdiderat,

    to a farthing, to the last farthing, Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 27; Plin. Ep. 1, 15:

    quid ad denarium solveretur,

    Cic. Quint. 4.—The phrase omnes ad unum or ad unum omnes, or simply ad unum, means lit. all to one, i. e. all together, all without exception; Gr. hoi kath hena pantes (therefore the gender of unum is changed according to that of omnes): praetor omnes extra castra, ut stercus, foras ejecit ad unum, Lucil. ap. Non. 394, 22:

    de amicitia omnes ad unum idem sentiunt,

    Cic. Lael. 23:

    ad unum omnes cum ipso duce occisi sunt,

    Curt. 4, 1, 22 al.:

    naves Rhodias afflixit ita, ut ad unam omnes constratae eliderentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 27; onerariae omnes ad unam a nobis sunt exceptae, Cic. Fam. 12, 14 (cf. in Gr. hoi kath hena; in Hebr., Exod. 14, 28).— Ad unum without omnes:

    ego eam sententiam dixi, cui sunt assensi ad unum,

    Cic. Fam. 10, 16:

    Juppiter omnipotens si nondum exosus ad unum Trojanos,

    Verg. A. 5, 687.
    In the manifold relations of one object to another.
    That in respect of or in regard to which a thing avails, happens, or is true or important, with regard to, in respect of, in relation to, as to, to, in.
    With verbs:

    ad omnia alia aetate sapimus rectius,

    in respect to all other things we grow wiser by age, Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 45:

    numquam ita quisquam bene ad vitam fuat,

    id. ib. 5, 4, 1:

    nil ibi libatum de toto corpore (mortui) cernas ad speciem, nil ad pondus,

    that nothing is lost in form or weight, Lucr. 3, 214; cf. id. 5, 570; Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 21, § 58; id. Mur. 13, 29: illi regi Cyro subest, ad immutandi animi licentiam, crudelissimus ille Phalaris, in that Cyrus, in regard to the liberty of changing his disposition (i. e. not in reality, but inasmuch as he is at liberty to lay aside his good character, and assume that of a tyrant), there is concealed another cruel Phalaris, Cic. Rep. 1, 28:

    nil est ad nos,

    is nothing to us, concerns us not, Lucr. 3, 830; 3, 845:

    nil ad me attinet,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 2, 54:

    nihil ad rem pertinet,

    Cic. Caecin. 58;

    and in the same sense elliptically: nihil ad Epicurum,

    id. Fin. 1, 2, 5; id. Pis. 68:

    Quid ad praetorem?

    id. Verr. 1, 116 (this usage is not to be confounded with that under 4.).—
    With adjectives:

    ad has res perspicax,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 129:

    virum ad cetera egregium,

    Liv. 37, 7, 15:

    auxiliaribus ad pugnam non multum Crassus confidebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    ejus frater aliquantum ad rem est avidior,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 51; cf. id. And. 1, 2, 21; id. Heaut. 2, 3, 129:

    ut sit potior, qui prior ad dandum est,

    id. Phorm. 3, 2, 48:

    difficilis (res) ad credendum,

    Lucr. 2, 1027:

    ad rationem sollertiamque praestantior,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 62; so id. Leg. 2, 13, 33; id. Fin. 2, 20, 63; id. Rosc. Am. 30, 85; id. Font. 15; id. Cat. 1, 5, 12; id. de Or. 1, 25, 113; 1, 32, 146; 2, 49, 200; id. Fam. 3, 1, 1; Liv. 9, 16, 13; Tac. A. 12, 54 al.—
    With nouns:

    prius quam tuum, ut sese habeat, animum ad nuptias perspexerit,

    before he knew your feeling in regard to the marriage, Ter. And. 2, 3, 4 (cf. Gr. hopôs echei tis pros ti):

    mentis ad omnia caecitas,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 5, 11:

    magna vis est fortunae in utramque partem vel ad secundas res vel ad adversas,

    id. Off. 2, 6; so id. Par. 1:

    ad cetera paene gemelli,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 3.—So with acc. of gerund instead of the gen. from the same vb.:

    facultas ad scribendum, instead of scribendi,

    Cic. Font. 6;

    facultas ad agendum,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 1, 2: cf. Rudd. II. p. 245.—
    In gramm.: nomina ad aliquid dicta, nouns used in relation to something, i. e. which derive their significance from their relation to another object: quae non possunt intellegi sola, ut pater, mater;

    jungunt enim sibi et illa propter quae intelleguntur,

    Charis. 129 P.; cf. Prisc. 580 ib.—
    With words denoting measure, weight, manner, model, rule, etc., both prop. and fig., according to, agreeably to, after (Gr. kata, pros):

    columnas ad perpendiculum exigere,

    Cic. Mur. 77:

    taleis ferreis ad certum pondus examinatis,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 12: facta sunt ad certam formam. Lucr. 2, 379:

    ad amussim non est numerus,

    Varr. 2, 1, 26:

    ad imaginem facere,

    Vulg. Gen. 1, 26:

    ad cursus lunae describit annum,

    Liv. 1, 19:

    omnia ad diem facta sunt,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 5:

    Id ad similitudinem panis efficiebant,

    id. B. C. 3, 48; Vulg. Gen. 1, 26; id. Jac. 3, 9:

    ad aequos flexus,

    at equal angles, Lucr. 4, 323: quasi ad tornum levantur, to or by the lathe, id. 4, 361:

    turres ad altitudiem valli,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 42; Liv. 39, 6:

    ad eandem crassitudinem structi,

    id. 44, 11:

    ad speciem cancellorum scenicorum,

    with the appearance of, like, Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 8:

    stagnum maris instar, circumseptum aedificiis ad urbium speciem,

    Suet. Ner. 31:

    lascivum pecus ludens ad cantum,

    Liv. Andron. Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 1:

    canere ad tibiam,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 2: canere ad tibicinem, id. ib. 1, 2 (cf.:

    in numerum ludere,

    Verg. E. 6, 28; id. G. 4, 175):

    quod ad Aristophanis lucernam lucubravi,

    Varr. L. L. 5, § 9 Mull.: carmen castigare ad unguem, to perfection (v. unguis), Hor. A. P. 294:

    ad unguem factus homo,

    a perfect gentleman, id. S. 1, 5, 32 (cf. id. ib. 2, 7, 86):

    ad istorum normam sapientes,

    Cic. Lael. 5, 18; id. Mur. 3:

    Cyrus non ad historiae fidem scriptus, sed ad effigiem justi imperii,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 8:

    exercemur in venando ad similitudinem bellicae disciplinae,

    id. N. D. 2, 64, 161: so,

    ad simulacrum,

    Liv. 40, 6:

    ad Punica ingenia,

    id. 21, 22:

    ad L. Crassi eloquentiam,

    Cic. Var. Fragm. 8:

    omnia fient ad verum,

    Juv. 6, 324:

    quid aut ad naturam aut contra sit,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 9, 30:

    ad hunc modum institutus est,

    id. Tusc. 2, 3; Caes. B. G. 2, 31; 3, 13:

    ad eundem istunc modum,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 70:

    quem ad modum, q. v.: ad istam faciem est morbus, qui me macerat,

    of that kind, Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 73; id. Merc. 2, 3, 90; cf.

    91: cujus ad arbitrium copia materiai cogitur,

    Lucr. 2, 281:

    ad eorum arbitrium et nutum totos se fingunt,

    to their will and pleasure, Cic. Or. 8, 24; id. Quint. 71:

    ad P. Lentuli auctoritatem Roma contendit,

    id. Rab. Post. 21:

    aliae sunt legati partes, aliae imperatoris: alter omnia agere ad praescriptum, alter libere ad summam rerum consulere debet,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 51:

    rebus ad voluntatem nostram fluentibus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 26:

    rem ad illorum libidinem judicarunt,

    id. Font. 36:

    ad vulgi opinionem,

    id. Off. 3, 21.—So in later Lat. with instar:

    ad instar castrorum,

    Just. 36, 3, 2:


    App. M. 9, p. 232:


    id. ib. 2, p. 118: ad hoc instar mundi, id. de Mundo, p. 72.—Sometimes, but very rarely, ad is used absol. in this sense (so also very rarely kata with acc., Xen. Hell. 2, 3; Luc. Dial. Deor. 8): convertier ad nos, as we (are turned), Lucr. 4, 317:

    ad navis feratur,

    like ships, id. 4, 897 Munro. —With noun:

    ad specus angustiac vallium,

    like caves, Caes. B. C. 3, 49.—Hence,
    With an object which is the cause or reason, in conformity to which, from which, or for which, any thing is or is done.
    The moving cause, according to, at, on, in consequence of:

    cetera pars animae paret et ad numen mentis momenque movetur,

    Lucr. 3, 144:

    ad horum preces in Boeotiam duxit,

    on their entreaty, Liv. 42, 67, 12: ad ea Caesar veniam ipsique et conjugi et fratribus tribuit, in consequence of or upon this, he, etc., Tac. Ann. 12, 37.—
    The final cause, or the object, end, or aim, for the attainment of which any thing,
    is done,
    is designed, or,
    is fitted or adapted (very freq.), to, for, in order to.
    Seque ad ludos jam inde abhinc exerceant, Pac. ap. Charis. p. 175 P. (Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 80):

    venimus coctum ad nuptias,

    in order to cook for the wedding, Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 15:

    omnis ad perniciem instructa domus,

    id. Bacch. 3, 1, 6; cf. Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 41; Liv. 1, 54:

    cum fingis falsas causas ad discordiam,

    in order to produce dissension, Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 71:

    quantam fenestram ad nequitiam patefeceris,

    id. Heaut. 3, 1, 72:

    utrum ille, qui postulat legatum ad tantum bellum, quem velit, idoneus non est, qui impetret, cum ceteri ad expilandos socios diripiendasque provincias, quos voluerunt, legatos eduxerint,

    Cic. de Imp. Pomp. 19, 57:

    ego vitam quoad putabo tua interesse, aut ad spem servandam esse, retinebo,

    for hope, id. Q. Fr. 1, 4; id. Fam. 5, 17:

    haec juventutem, ubi familiares opes defecerant, ad facinora incendebant,

    Sall. C. 13, 4:

    ad speciem atque ad usurpationem vetustatis,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 12, 31; Suet. Caes. 67:

    paucis ad speciem tabernaculis relictis,

    for appearance, Caes. B. C. 2, 35; so id. ib. 2, 41; id. B. G. 1, 51.—
    Aut equos alere aut canes ad venandum. Ter. And. 1, 1, 30:

    ingenio egregie ad miseriam natus sum,

    id. Heaut. 3, 1, 11;

    (in the same sense: in rem,

    Hor. C. 1, 27, 1, and the dat., Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 6):

    ad cursum equum, ad arandum bovem, ad indagandum canem,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 13, 40:

    ad frena leones,

    Verg. A. 10, 253:

    delecto ad naves milite,

    marines, Liv. 22, 19 Weissenb.:

    servos ad remum,

    rowers, id. 34, 6; and:

    servos ad militiam emendos,

    id. 22, 61, 2:

    comparasti ad lecticam homines,

    Cat. 10, 16:

    Lygdamus ad cyathos,

    Prop. 4, 8, 37; cf.:

    puer ad cyathum statuetur,

    Hor. C. 1, 29, 8.—
    Quae oportet Signa esse [p. 29] ad salutem, omnia huic osse video, everything indicative of prosperity I see in him, Ter. And. 3, 2, 2:

    haec sunt ad virtutem omnia,

    id. Heaut. 1, 2, 33:

    causa ad objurgandum,

    id. And. 1, 1, 123:

    argumentum ad scribendum,

    Cic. Att. 9, 7 (in both examples instead of the gen. of gerund., cf. Rudd. II. p. 245):

    vinum murteum est ad alvum crudam,

    Cato R. R. 125:

    nulla res tantum ad dicendum proficit, quantum scriptio,

    Cic. Brut. 24:

    reliquis rebus, quae sunt ad incendia,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 101 al. —So with the adjectives idoneus, utilis, aptus, instead of the dat.:

    homines ad hanc rem idoneos,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 2, 6:

    calcei habiles et apti ad pedem,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 54, 231:

    orator aptus tamen ad dicendum,

    id. Tusc. 1, 3, 5:

    sus est ad vescendum hominibus apta,

    id. N. D. 2, 64, 160:

    homo ad nullam rem utilis,

    id. Off. 3, 6:

    ad segetes ingeniosus ager,

    Ov. F. 4, 684.—(Upon the connection of ad with the gerund. v. Zumpt, § 666; Rudd. II. p. 261.)—
    Comparison (since that with which a thing is compared is considered as an object to which the thing compared is brought near for the sake of comparison), to, compared to or with, in comparison with:

    ad sapientiam hujus ille (Thales) nimius nugator fuit,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 25; id. Trin. 3, 2, 100:

    ne comparandus hic quidem ad illum'st,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 14; 2, 3, 69:

    terra ad universi caeli complexum,

    compared with the whole extent of the heavens, Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 40:

    homini non ad cetera Punica ingenia callido,

    Liv. 22, 22, 15:

    at nihil ad nostram hanc,

    nothing in comparison with, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 70; so Cic. Deiot. 8, 24; and id. de Or. 2, 6, 25.
    Adverbial phrases with ad.
    Ad omnia, withal, to crown all:

    ingentem vim peditum equitumque venire: ex India elephantos: ad omnia tantum advehi auri, etc.,

    Liv. 35, 32, 4.—
    Ad hoc and ad haec (in the historians, esp. from the time of Livy, and in authors after the Aug. per.), = praeterea, insuper, moreover, besides, in addition, epi toutois:

    nam quicumque impudicus, adulter, ganeo, etc.: praeterea omnes undique parricidae, etc.: ad hoc, quos manus atque lingua perjurio aut sanguine civili alebat: postremo omnes, quos, etc.,

    Sall. C. 14, 2 and 3:

    his opinionibus inflato animo, ad hoc vitio quoque ingenii vehemens,

    Liv. 6, 11, 6; 42, 1, 1; Tac. H. 1, 6; Suet. Aug. 22 al.—
    Ad id quod, beside that (very rare):

    ad id quod sua sponte satis conlectum animorum erat, indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur,

    Liv. 3, 62, 1; so 44, 37, 12.—
    Ad tempus.
    At a definite, fixed time, Cic. Att. 13, 45; Liv. 38, 25, 3.—
    At a fit, appropriate time, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 54, § 141; Liv. 1, 7, 13.—
    For some time, for a short time, Cic. Off. 1, 8, 27; id. Lael. 15, 53; Liv. 21, 25, 14.—
    According to circumstances, Cic. Planc. 30, 74; id. Cael. 6, 13; Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 9.—
    Ad praesens (for the most part only in post-Aug. writers).
    For the moment, for a short time, Cic. Fam. 12, 8; Plin. 8, 22, 34; Tac. A. 4, 21.—
    At present, now, Tac. A. 16, 5; id. H. 1, 44.—So, ad praesentiam, Tac. A. 11, 8.—
    Ad locum, on the spot:

    ut ad locum miles esset paratus,

    Liv. 27, 27, 2.—
    Ad verbum, word for word, literally, Cic. Fin. 1, 2, 4; id. de Or. 1, 34, 157; id. Ac. 2, 44, 135 al.—
    Ad summam.
    On the whole, generally, in general, Cic. Fam. 14, 14, 3; id. Att. 14, 1; Suet. Aug. 71.—
    In a word, in short, Cic. Off. 1, 41, 149; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 106. —
    Ad extremum, ad ultimum, ad postremum.
    At the end, finally, at last.
    Of place, at the extremity, extreme point, top, etc.:

    missile telum hastili abiegno et cetera tereti, praeterquam ad extremum, unde ferrum exstabat,

    Liv. 21, 8, 10.—
    Of time = telos de, at last, finally:

    ibi ad postremum cedit miles,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 52; so id. Poen. 4, 2, 22; Cic. Off. 3, 23, 89; id. Phil. 13, 20, 45; Caes. B. G. 7, 53; Liv. 30, 15, 4 al.— Hence,
    of order, finally, lastly, = denique: inventa componere; tum ornare oratione; post memoria sepire;

    ad extremum agere cum dignitate,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 142.—
    In Liv., to the last degree, quite: improbus homo, sed non ad extremum perditus, 23, 2, 3; cf.:

    consilii scelerati, sed non ad ultimum dementis,

    id. 28, 28, 8.—
    Quem ad finem? To what limit? How far? Cic. Cat. 1, 1; id. Verr. 5, 75.—
    Quem ad modum, v. sub h. v.
    Ad (v. ab, ex, in, etc.) is not repeated like some other prepositions with interrog. and relative pronouns, after nouns or demonstrative pronouns:

    traducis cogitationes meas ad voluptates. Quas? corporis credo,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 17, 37 (ubi v. Kuhner).—
    Ad is sometimes placed after its substantive:

    quam ad,

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 39:

    senatus, quos ad soleret, referendum censuit,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 4:

    ripam ad Araxis,

    Tac. Ann. 12, 51;

    or between subst. and adj.: augendam ad invidiam,

    id. ib. 12, 8.—
    The compound adque for et ad (like exque, eque, and, poet., aque) is denied by Moser, Cic. Rep. 2, 15, p. 248, and he reads instead of ad humanitatem adque mansuetudinem of the MSS., hum. atque mans. But adque, in acc. with later usage, is restored by Hand in App. M. 10, p. 247, adque haec omnia oboediebam for atque; and in Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 9, utroque vorsum rectum'st ingenium meum, ad se adque illum, is now read, ad te atque ad illum (Fleck., Brix).
    In composition.
    Form. According to the usual orthography, the d of the ad remains unchanged before vowels, and before b, d, h, m, v: adbibo, adduco, adhibeo, admoveo, advenio; it is assimilated to c, f, g, l, n, p, r, s, t: accipio, affigo, aggero, allabor, annumero, appello, arripio, assumo, attineo; before g and s it sometimes disappears: agnosco, aspicio, asto: and before qu it passes into c: acquiro, acquiesco.—But later philologists, supported by old inscriptions and good MSS., have mostly adopted the following forms: ad before j, h, b, d, f, m, n, q, v; ac before c, sometimes, but less well, before q; ag and also ad before g; a before gn, sp, sc, st; ad and also al before l; ad rather than an before n; ap and sometimes ad before p; ad and also ar before r; ad and also as before s; at and sometimes ad before t. In this work the old orthography has commonly been retained for the sake of convenient reference, but the better form in any case is indicated.—
    Signif. In English up often denotes approach, and in many instances will give the force of ad as a prefix both in its local and in its figurative sense.
    To, toward: affero, accurro, accipio ( to one's self).—
    At, by: astare, adesse.—
    On, upon, against: accumbo, attero.—
    Up (cf. de- = down, as in deicio, decido): attollo, ascendo, adsurgo.—
    To: adjudico, adsentior.—
    At or on: admiror, adludo.—
    Denoting conformity to, or comparison with: affiguro, adaequo.—
    Denoting addition, increase (cf. ab, de, and ex as prefixes to denote privation): addoceo, adposco.—
    Hence, denoting intensity: adamo, adimpleo, aduro, and perhaps agnosco.—
    Denoting the coming to an act or state, and hence commencement: addubito, addormio, adquiesco, adlubesco, advesperascit. See more upon this word in Hand, Turs. I. pp. 74-134.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ad

  • 14 VIÐ

    prep. with dat. and acc.
    I. with dat.
    hann sló honum niðr v. steininum, he dashed his head against the stone;
    hús liggja v. velli, the houses lie in ruins;
    kasta sér niðr v. velli, to cast oneself down on the ground;
    er inn efri kjöptr v. himni, en inn neðri við jörðu, the upper jaw touches the heaven, the lower the earth;
    hann hjó hann upp v. garðinum, he smote him close by the fence;
    skera af sér strenginn við øxinni, to cut the string, asunder against the axe;
    2) against, towards, of direction;
    horfa v. e-m, to look towards, face;
    3) along with (hann hafði marga smiðu v. sér);
    4) with, of an instrument (jarl hljóp upp v. sverði);
    5) among;
    gengu síðan í sæti sin v. öðrum mönnum, among other men;
    6) denoting barter, exchange, against, for (geta gull v. grjóti);
    7) denoting remedy, against (hjálpa e-m v. e-u);
    8) against, denoting contest, warding off (hafa liðsafla v. e-m);
    hafa (viz. afl) v. e-m, to be one’s match;
    9) ellipt. usages;
    stinga v. fótum, to stop;
    hrífa v., to catch hold;
    risa v., to withstand;
    hvatz hann fiðr v., whatsoever he may object;
    II. with acc.
    1) by, at, close to (sníða skeggit við hökuna);
    skjöldr við skjöld, shield to shield;
    v. Sandhólaferju, at Sandholferry;
    v. veginn, by the wayside;
    v. ána, by the river;
    draga segl v. hún, to hoist the sail to the top;
    festa e-n v. meið, tré, to fasten to a pole, tree;
    binda v. fót e-s, to bind up a broken leg;
    dró upp flóka v. austr, in the east;
    2) of time, towards, at;
    v. solar-setr, at sunset;
    v. sól, with the sun, at sunrise;
    v. aptan, towards evening;
    3) at, by (vera heima v. bú sitt);
    Hrútr var v. skip um sumarit, H. stayed by his ship during the summer;
    sitja v. stýri, to sit at the rudder;
    styðja sik v. e-t, to lean on;
    ganga v. staf, to walk with a staff;
    vera v. e-t, to be present at;
    sitja v. drykk, to sit at drink;
    í sýn v. bœinn, within sight of the town;
    5) denoting company, with (bauð þeim heim vill alla sína menn);
    v. annan, þriðja, fjórða mann, being two, three, four altogether;
    6) towards (a person or thing), respecting, regarding (mildr, blíðr, góðr v. e-n);
    til gæzlu v. e-n: for keeping, watching one;
    hræddr v. e-n, afraid of one;
    7) of cause, by, at;
    falla v. högg, to fall by a stroke;
    sigla v. stjörnuljós, to sail by starlight;
    verða reiðr v. e-t, to become wroth at;
    8) as compared with, set off against (þrjóta mun okkr illsku v. þik);
    eigi minna virðr en v. konunginn, of equal worth with the king;
    9) according to, after (gera klæði v. vöxt e-s);
    v. sik, in proportion;
    hann var skapaðr allr v. sik, well shaped, symmetrical;
    vita, hvat v. sik væri, to know what was the matter;
    10) denoting means, with, by (v. þessar fortölur);
    tendra eld v. e-t, to make fire by;
    11) ellipt. usages;
    bregða við, to start;
    hann þagði v., he remained silent;
    fá v. þrjú skip, to add three ships;
    þurfa v., to need;
    bjarga, hjálpa e-u v., to help, put right;
    koma e-u við, to bring about.
    (gen. -jar, pl. -jar), f. withy, withe; collar (viðjar af gulli).
    pers. pron. dual, we two.
    * * *
    f., gen. sing. viðjar, pl. viðjar, [Dan. vidje; Engl. withy; akin is víðir, q. v.]:— a withy or with; síðan var viðin ( a withy halter) dregin á hals honum, Fms. vii. 13 (see v. l.); þarmarnir urðu at viðu (sic) sterkri, Fas. iii. 34; ef röng eða viðjar slitna, Jb. 398; var enginn saumr í, en viðjar fyrir kné, of a boat, Fms. vii. 216; höggva tré til viðja, K. Þ. K. 88; viðjar af gulli ok silfri, on a dog, Hkr. i. 136, Fas. iii. 45; tún-svín þat er hringr, knappr eða við sé í rana, Grág. ii. 232; stjórn-við, the ‘rudder-withy,’ the strap in which the paddle-like rudder moved, like the ζευκτηρίαι in Act. Apost. xxvii. 40.
    pron. pers. dual (= vit), we two (see ek C); this spelling, which is also that of the oldest vellums, answers to the mod. pronunciation, passim: in mod. usage it has quite taken the place of the old plur. vér.
    prep., also used ellipt. without its case, or simply as an adverb; við is a curtailed form of viðr, which latter form remains in a few compds, even in mod. usage, thus, viðr-eign, viðr-kenna, viðr-nefni, viðr-lífi, viðr-væri; when found singly, við is the common form in Icel.; but as in MSS. it is commonly abbreviated, v̾, the two forms are hardly distinguishable; við, however, is received as the usual form, viðr being more freq. in Norse vellums, and in some later Icel. vellums imitating the Norse spelling: [Goth. wiþra = πρός; A. S. wider; cp. Scot. wither-shins; O. H. G. widar; Germ. wieder; but Engl. with; Dan. ved; Swed. wäd]:—against, towards, etc.
    A. Against, denoting a leaning or resting on, striking against, or the like; hann hjó hann upp við garðinum, smote him standing against the wall, Nj. 120; stinga höndum við berginu, Symb. 59; ganga við brekkunni, up-hill, against the hill, cp. Lat. adversus montem, Valla L. 212; skjóta við honum skildinum, Fms. i. 44; ljósta skildi við kesjunni, Eg. 378; hann spyrndi við svá fast … spyrna við grunni, Edda 36; kasta sér niðr við vellinum, Nj. 58; leggja e-n við velli, Boll. 344; slá honum niðr við steininum, dashed his head against the stone, Finnb. 292; hann drap hann við borðinu, Korm. 236; hjó af honum höfuð við stokkinum, Fas. ii. 285; ok lagði (þá) við stokki, Am. 73; hús liggja við velli, lie down in ruins, Fms. iii. 144; er hinn efri kjöptr við himni enn hinn neðri við jörðu, the upper jaw touching the heaven, the lower the earth, Edda 41; skera af sér strenginn við öxinni, rubbing it against the axe, Nj. 136; vóru segl hans at sjá við hafi, the sails were seen out at sea, far in the offing, Fas. ii. 403.
    II. against, towards, of direction; gapa við tunglinu, Fas. iii. 622; horfa við e-m, to look towards, face, Eg. 293; horfa baki við e-m, Hkr. iii. 384; líta við e-m, Nj. 132, Fms. i. 125, vii. 314; horfa vid landi, A.A. 24; snúa baki við e-m, Fas. i. 296; snúask við e-m, Hkr. ii. 120.
    III. along with, with, denoting company; hann hafði við sér harpara einn, Str. 57; hann hafði marga smiðu við sér, Fms. ix. 377; fór Margaðr ok Guthormr við honum, Hkr. iii. 113; at Ástríðr mundi vera við feðr sínum, i. 188; er hér ok Sigurðr við jarli, Fms. ix. 327; hann var þar upp fæddr við henni, x. 421; bjóðum vér þér við Hákoni þangat, ix. 252; ferr heim við sínum mönnum, Rd. 312; fór hann við liði sínu, Hkr. iii. 44; við hundrað skipum, Fas. i. 461; gengr síðan í sæti sín við oðrum mönnum, Fms. x. 17; bað biskup ríða við sér (= með sér), 6.
    2. with, of an instrument; jarl hljóp upp við sverði, Fms. ix. 340; sjau menn við vápnum, viii. 14; gengu tveir menn við merkjum, x. 15: the phrase, eiga, ala, geta barn við kouu, Grág., Fms. i. 113, iii. 110, Ld. 102, Eg. 31; merrin fékk við þeim hesti, Landn. 195.
    3. spec. usages; við góðum vinskap, Boll. 362; halda vináttu við föstum trúnaði, Fms. ix. 375; at þær sagnir muni vera við sannindum, true, viii. 6; at berjask við honum eðr við honum lífit láta, ix. 332; fara við herskildi … eyða land við eldi, x. 134; ausa e-t við moldu, Hkr. i. 220; skipuðu mörgum hlutum við (with, among) sínum mönnum, Fms. x. 91; gengu síðan í sæti sín við öðrum mönnum, among other men, 17; skreiðask fram við (= með) landinu, viii. 437.
    4. = ok, with, together with; Þórr við Grimni = Th. and G., Hallfred; höfuð við hjarta, head and heart, Kormak.
    I. denoting barter, exchange, against, for (like Gr. ἀντί); gefa gull við grjóti, Fas. iii. 45; selja við verði, Fms. i. 80; seldu mik við hleifi, Hm.; við litlu verði, Eg. 100; við fémútu, Nj. 215; meta e-t við silfri, Fms. x. 5; gefa margra manna líf við yðvarri þrályndi, iv. 194.
    2. denoting remedy, against; beiti við bit-sóttum en við bölvi rúnar, Hm. 140; hjálpa e-m við e-u, to help against, passim.
    II. against, denoting contest, warding off, withstanding; hafa afla við e-m, Lv. 43; hafa liðs-afla, liðs-kost við e-m, Ld. 372, Hkr. i. 272: ellipt., hafa (viz. afi) við e-m, to be one’s match, Lv. 109; þótti sem engi mundi hafa við þeim í vígi, Nj. 89; eg hefi ekki við þér, I cannot lift with (i. e. am no match for) thee; ábyrgjask e-t við e-u, Grág. ii. 216, 364; forða e-m við háska, Edda i. 116; halda þá við ágangi Hákonar, Fms. i. 224; varðveita e-n við e-u, Grág.; ekki hélzk við þeim, Eg. 125; rísa við e-m, Sturl. ii. 119; vera búinn, van-búinn við e-m, Ld. 324; sat hann þar við áhlaupum Dana, Fms. i. 28; vinna við sköpum, Fas. i. 199; sporna við e-u, göra við e-u, see göra, sporna; ef þat nemr við förinni, Ld. 70 (see nema A.I. 7, 8); mæla við e-u, Hkr. ii. 198; tölðu allir við förinni, Greg. 28; setja hug sinn við e-u, Fms. x. 232; kveða nei við e-u, Sturl. i. 27; drepa hendi við e-u, Hkr. ii. 164; reiðask við e-u, Nj. 182; e-m ríss hugr við e-u, Fas. i. 30; mér býðr við e-u, to loathe; sjá við e-u, to shun; varna við e-u, to beware of; vera hætt við e-u, in danger of, Ísl. ii. 262; ú-hætt við e-u, safe, Landn. 319.
    III. with verbs;liggja við e-u, to lie on the verge of; honum lá við falli, Fas. iii. 261; búið við skipbroti, Ísl. ii. 245; honum var við andhlaupi, Eg. 553; sjá, horfa, líta … við e-u, to look towards; taka við e-u, to receive; búask við e-u, to prepare for, expect, Ld. 106; verða vel, ílla, við e-u, to behave well, ill, on some occasion; komask við veðri, see veðr.
    IV. ellipt. usages; þeir snerusk þá við, turned round, facing, Nj. 245; hón drap við hendi, Lv. 38; hann laust við atgeirinum, Nj. 84.; hann stakk við forkinum, Eg. 220; hann stakk við fótum, stopped, Finnb. 300; hrífa við, to catch hold, Bs. i. 197, 423, Gísl. 125; búask við, to make oneself ready; göra við, to resist; rísa við, to withstand, Fs.; at ek bjóða við tvenn verð, Ld. 146; hvatz hinn fiðr við, whatsoever he may object, Nj. 99; taka við, to begin where another stops; þú skalt gefa mér við ( in return) verjuna, Fbr.
    A. By, at, close to:
    I. denoting proximity; skjöldr við skjöld, shield to shield, in a row, Nj. 125; skip við skip, Ó. H. (in a verse); samnask hlutr við hlut, Rb. 108; hálsinn við herðarnar, Ld. 40; sníða skeggið við hökuna, Eg. 564; við bryggju-sporðinn, Fms. i. 14; grafa barn við kirkju-garð út, K. Þ. K.; uppi við fjallit, Eg. 137; við Sandhóla-ferju, Nj. 29; við vaðit, 83; við veginn, by the way-side, Fb. ii. 330; hér við ána, by the river, Ld. 46; búa við Þjórsá, Nj. 93; liggja við land, Fms. i. 14; við Ísland, Grág.; binda stein við hálsinn, Ld. 154; draga segl við hún, hoist sail to the top, Hkr. ii. 6; reka spora við eyra e-m, Nj. 82; festa e-n við meið, tré, to fasten to a pole, a tree, Glúm. 391; nísta við gólfit, to pin it to the floor (see nista); binda við fót e-s, to bind up a broken leg, Bárð. 167; dró upp flóka við austr, in the east, Vígl. 22.
    2. temporal, towards, at; við vetr sjálfan, Fms. ii. 97; Krók. 51 C; við sólar-setr, Fas. i. 514; við sól, with the sun, at sunrise. Eg. 717; við aptan, towards evening, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 143; við þat sjálft, at that moment, Fms. xi. 432; bregða í kross við hvert orð, at every word, K. Þ. K.; vera við aldr, to be stricken in years, Eb. 18, Ísl. ii. 192, Fms. ii. 81; ef barn er við dauða, on the point to die, N. G. L. i. 345; við sjálft, on the verge of (see sjálfr); við váða sjálfan, búið við geig, on the verge of, Eg. 158; Grettir var við svefn, just asleep, Grett. 127.
    3. phrases, við svá búit, after all done, often with the notion of ‘in vain, nothing having been done’ (búa B. II. δ); fóru við þat heim, Fms. i. 54, ix. 469, Nj. 127; skildu við þetta, 260, Ísl. ii. 217.
    II. at, to; Hrútr er við skip, Nj. 4; Hrútr var við búð, 79; vera heima við bú sitt, 215; hanga upp við siglu-rá, Fas. iii. 659; bundinn við staf, Eg. 232; fastr við altara, fastened to the altar, Vm. 110; styðja sik vid e-t, to lean on, Fms. ix. 512; sitja upp við hægindit, leaning on it, Ld. 16; sitja upp við vegginn, Nj. 153; ganga við staf, 219; ganga við tréfót, Eb. 66; styðjask við höndina, Fas. i. 228; rísa upp við olboga, Þórð. 15; sitja við stýri, at the rudder, Eg. 385; hafa barn við brjóst, to have a bairn at breast, N. G. L. i. 340; leggja, bæta, auka, við e-t, to add to; blanda við e-t, to mix with; vera við e-t, to be present at, Ld. 92, Eg. 540; sitja við drykk, mat, to sit at drink, meat, Eg. 303, 420.
    III. denoting association, together with; vera samþingi, samfjórðungs við e-n, Grág. ii. 237; vera saman við e-n, vera samvista við e-n, eiga samneyti við, vera sammæðr við e-n, passim; vera utan-fjórðungs við víg, Grág. ii. 89; vera við e-t riðinn; þeir vildu eigi vera hér við heiðna menn, Íb. 4; búa við e-n, Gísl. 17.
    2. direction; í sýn við bæinn, Fas. ii. 507; í örskots-helgi við garðinn, Grág.; standa í höggfæri við e-n, Nj. 97; við þat lík at lifa, Hm.
    IV. denoting company, with; bauð þeim heim við alla sína menn, Vígl. 27; riðu við sextigi manna, Nj. 10, 213, Ld. 164; gékk á land við einn svein, Fms. ix. 502; sækja land við útlendan her, Hkr. i. 198; við fá, marga … menn, Fas. i. 35; the phrase, við annan, þriðja fjórða … mann (see annarr I. 1); þú ert hér kominn við svá mikit fé, Ld. 112; sækja mál við níu búa, Grág.; við váttorð, Kb. i. 103; leyfa e-t við vitni, Ld. 104; bjóða e-t við váttorð, in the presence of, by witnesses, Nj. 243.
    I. towards a person or thing, respecting, regarding; hryðja við aðilja, Grág. (Kb.) i. 127; missa fjár síns við þjóf, Grág.; skilja við e-n, to part with (see skilja); til metnaðar við sik, Edda i. 20; til huggunar við sik, Ld. 228; til þjónustu við e-n, Eg. 28; til gæzlu við e-n, for keeping, watching one, Ld. 152; ganga, koma, fara til fundar, til móts … við e-n, 62, 90, Nj. 4, Eg. 101; mildr, blíðr, léttr, kátr, ástúðigr, góðr, harðr, grimmr, reiðr, harðráðr, stríðr, … við menn, mild … towards, Nj. 2, 47, 48; víkjast undan við e-n, Ld. 42; fyrir kapps sakir við e-n, til liðveizlu, hjálpar … við e-n, Eg. 44, Nj. 75; sýna vinskap, halda vinskap við e-n, Ld. 150; leggja ást við e-n, 34; líka vel, ílla við e-n, Nj. 53; eiga eyrindi við e-n, Eg. 260; eiga orð við e-n, 255; hafa lög við e-n, Nj. 106; tala, mæla, ræða, segja, spjalla við e-n, to talk, speakwith a person, passim; skipta, eiga, … við e-n, to deal… with; berjask, deila við e-n, to fight with, against; göra e-t við e-n, so to act with, Greg. 43; reyna e-t við e-n, to contend with one, Nj. 46, 94, Edda i. 106; hafa misgört við e-n, Fms. viii. 103; láta vaxa óþokka við e-n, Nj. 107; tilför við Gunuar, 101; mála-tilbúnaðr við e-n, 100; sekr við e-n, útlagr við goða, Grág.
    2. hræddr við e-n, afraid of one; verða varr við e-t, to perceive; vanr við e-t, used to a thing; hann var svá vanr við vini sína, Fms. viii. 220; fella sik við e-t, kunna við e-t, to apply oneself to, to like.
    II. of cause, by, at; falla við högg, to fall by a stroke, Nj. 163; hrata við lagit, Eg. 379; vakna við e-t, Fas. ii. 116; vakna við draum; verða glaðr, reiðr, hryggr, úkátr … við e-t, to become glad, wroth … at, Íb. 10, Eg. 102, 321, passim; bregða sér við e-t, Ld. 190: by, við minn atbeina, Fms. vi. 66; við samþykki e-s, Eg. 165; við ráð e-s, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 30; gört þat við einræði þitt, Ld. 188; et þat at vánum við skaplyndi Þorgeirs, Nj. 255; hlaða seglum við mikinn háska, with great danger, Korm. 168; sigla við stjörnu-ljós, to sail by star-light, Fms. i. 24; lesa við ljós, to read with a light; búa sik við skart, to dress fine.
    III. as compared with, set off against; sex sær við kú, Grág. i. 502–504; selja, virðing sína við íllgirni þínaa, Eb. 160; þrjóta mun mik íllsku við þik. Hkr. i. 322; mik skortir við hann, Nj. 90; hafa afta við e-n, Eg. 187; eigi minna virðr enn við konunginn, i. e. of equal worth with the king, Fms. xi. 45; er þetta við mikla fémuni, Hrafn. 19; fjórðungi skerð við goðorð önnur, Grág. (Kb.) i. 211; Skotland er þriðjungr ríkis við England, Nj. 266; þriðjung við liðsmenn, Eg. 57; at þriðjungi við ykkr, Ld. 102; helming við hann, Fms. i. 22; gaf þeim hálfar tekjur við sik, 7.
    IV. við þann kost, on that condition, Grág. (Kb.) i. 233: of medicine, for, við svefnleysi, við orms-bit, við offeitan kvið …, Lækn.: in mod. usage dat., and so in Hm. 138.
    V. denoting fitness, proportion; göra klæði við vöxt e-s, Eg. 516; við þeirra hæfi, 109; er þat ekki við þitt æði, Ld. 298; vera við alþýðu-skap, Fs. 63; við sik, in proportion, B. K. 8; neyta skógar við sik sem þarf, Grág. ii. 292; þat er hann má eigi sjálfr við sik njóta, himself alone, 623. 21; hann var skapaðr allr við sik, well shaped, symmetrical, Fas. i. 173; fagrt ok allt vel við sik, Fms. x. 321; veðrit vesnaði en nátt-myrkr á við sik. Bjarn. 52; vita hvat við sik væri, to know what was the matter, Fms. xi. 11, Fas. ii. 516; leggja mál við tré, Ld. 316; draga kvarða við lérept, vaðmál, Grág. i. 497, 498.
    VI. with, by, denoting means; tendra eld við fjallrapa, to light fire with, Bs. i. 7; við þessar fortölur, Ld. 204; kom svá við umtölur góðra manna, Nj. 267; við áskoran þína, 258; mýkjask við e-t, Fms. v. 239; húð skorpnuð við eld, Nj. 208.
    VII. with verbs; lifa við skömm, meizlur, harm, lifa við slíka harma, to live with or in shame, sorrow, Nj. 92, Hkr. ii. 107, Eg. 604, Ld. 332; leika við e-n, Nj. 2; kaupa við e-n, Grág.; binda við e-t, to bind, fasten to; sætta, rægja, friða e-n við e-n, Eg. 226, Grág. ii. 99; tala, … við e-n, to speak, deal … with, Nj. 2, 197, Ld. 22 (see I); hefja upp bónorð við e-n, Eg. 38; leita eptir við e-n, leita ráða við e-n, eiga hlut at við e-n, Nj. 75, 101, 213, Eg. 174; fæða, lifa, fæðask, ala, búa, bjargast, við e-t, to feed, live, subsist … on, Edda i. 46, Fms. i. 226, v. 219, Nj. 236, passim; vera við e-t, to be present at, and metaph. to enjoy, Hom. 87, Edda (pref.); nema lyfsteinn sé við riðinn, Ld. 250; hann brá upp við fætinum (viz. við lagit), Nj. 264; binda við e-t, to bind to, Fms. ix. 358; at þeim heimilum ok í örskotshelgi við (viz. þau) á alla vega, Grág. (Kb.) i. 88; þar við, hér við, at engi mundi þar þora við at etja, Nj. 89.
    2. hagr við e-t, skilful at; kunna vel við e-t, id.; skjarr við skot, Ls.; temja, venja, … við e-t; drekka við sleitur (see sleita); kveða við raust, Sturl. iii. 317, Eg. 554; syngja vid tón, Sturl. iii. 210; búa sik við skart, skikkja búin við gull, Fms. x. 199; skyrta saumuð við gull, embroidered with, Fas. ii. 529; glóa við gull, to glow or gleam with gold, Lex. Poët.
    VIII. elliptical or ad- verbial usages; bregða við, to start; hann þagði við, remained silent, Nj. 2; verða bilt, felmt við, Ísl. ii. 274, Nj. 105; fá við þrjú skip, to add three ships, Fms. xi. 73; jók nú miklu við, it waxed much, Ld. 54; kveða við, gella við, to scream, yell; þurfa við, to need, Nj. 74; njóta e-s við, to enjoy, 85; komask við, to be touched; leita við, to try; bera við, to happen (see bera); koma við, to touch; standa, bíða við, to stop a bit; nema við, to hinder, cause a hindrance; kunna við, to like; koma e-u við, to bring a thing about, 101; ef ek viðr um kæmumk, if I could manage it, Hbl.; bjarga e-u við, hjálpa við, to help, put right; reisa við, rétta við, to raise up again, put right; kannask við, to recognise; vera við staddr, to be present, = við e-t staddr.
    IX. in recipr. phrases, talask við, eigask við, fásk við, etc., to speakto one another, where the object is suffixed to the preceding verb.
    X. with an adverb or particle, of direction; upp á við, niðr á við, upwards, downwards; vestr á við, Fas. ii. 244; móts við, towards; á við, equivalent to (það er á við tvær merkr); austan við, vestan við, sunnan við, fram við, inn við, etc., followed by an accusative.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VIÐ

  • 15 Lombe, John

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. c. 1693 probably Norwich, England
    d. 20 November 1722 Derby, England
    English creator of the first successful powered textile mill in Britain.
    John Lombe's father, Henry Lombe, was a worsted weaver who married twice. John was the second son of the second marriage and was still a baby when his father died in 1695. John, a native of the Eastern Counties, was apprenticed to a trade and employed by Thomas Cotchett in the erection of Cotchett's silk mill at Derby, which soon failed however. Lombe went to Italy, or was sent there by his elder half-brother, Thomas, to discover the secrets of their throwing machinery while employed in a silk mill in Piedmont. He returned to England in 1716 or 1717, bringing with him two expert Italian workmen.
    Thomas Lombe was a prosperous London merchant who financed the construction of a new water-powered silk mill at Derby which is said to have cost over £30,000. John arranged with the town Corporation for the lease of the island in the River Derwent, where Cotchett had erected his mill. During the four years of its construction, John first set up the throwing machines in other parts of the town. The machines were driven manually there, and their product helped to defray the costs of the mill. The silk-throwing machine was very complex. The water wheel powered a horizontal shaft that was under the floor and on which were placed gearwheels to drive vertical shafts upwards through the different floors. The throwing machines were circular, with the vertical shafts running through the middle. The doubled silk threads had previously been wound on bobbins which were placed on spindles with wire flyers at intervals around the outer circumference of the machine. The bobbins were free to rotate on the spindles while the spindles and flyers were driven by the periphery of a horizontal wheel fixed to the vertical shaft. Another horizontal wheel set a little above the first turned the starwheels, to which were attached reels for winding the silk off the bobbins below. Three or four sets of these spindles and reels were placed above each other on the same driving shaft. The machine was very complicated for the time and must have been expensive to build and maintain.
    John lived just long enough to see the mill in operation, for he died in 1722 after a painful illness said to have been the result of poison administered by an Italian woman in revenge for his having stolen the invention and for the injury he was causing the Italian trade. The funeral was said to have been the most superb ever known in Derby.
    Further Reading
    Samuel Smiles, 1890, Men of Invention and Industry, London (probably the only biography of John Lombe).
    Rhys Jenkins, 1933–4, "Historical notes on some Derbyshire industries", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 14 (provides an acount of John Lombe and his part in the enterprise at Derby).
    R.L.Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester (briefly covers the development of early silk-throwing mills).
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (includes a chapter on "Lombe's Silk Machine").
    P.Barlow, 1836, Treatise of Manufactures and Machinery of Great Britain, London (describes Lombe's mill and machinery, but it is not known how accurate the account may be).

    Biographical history of technology > Lombe, John

  • 16 צדד

    צָדַדPi. צִידֵּד (denom. of צַד) to turn sideways, move aside; to arrange. Gen. R. s. 8 מְצַדֵּד man can look sideways (which other animals cannot); ib. s. 14. Yoma 55a כשהוא מזה למעלה מצדד ידווכ׳ when he is to sprinkle upwards, he turns first his hand down Sabb.102b המצדד את האבן he who turns a building stone (makes room for it and sets it in its place). Bets.32b מותר לצַדְּדָן you are permitted to arrange them for a seat; a. e.Part. pass. מְצוּדָּד, pl. מְצוּדָּדִין. B. Bath.99a ומצ׳ פניהםוכ׳ their faces were turned sideways, like a disciple taking leave of his teacher. Nif. נוֹצַד (for נָצַד) to be removed (cmp. צָדָה II). Ruth R. to II, 14 (play on מִצּד ib.) שנוֹצַדָּה לו … לשעה his government was taken away from him for a time. Ib. שעתידה מלכותו לִיצַּד ממנווכ׳ his government was destined to be taken away Gen. R. s. 26 שיִּצּוֹד, v. צָדָה II.

    Jewish literature > צדד

  • 17 צָדַד

    צָדַדPi. צִידֵּד (denom. of צַד) to turn sideways, move aside; to arrange. Gen. R. s. 8 מְצַדֵּד man can look sideways (which other animals cannot); ib. s. 14. Yoma 55a כשהוא מזה למעלה מצדד ידווכ׳ when he is to sprinkle upwards, he turns first his hand down Sabb.102b המצדד את האבן he who turns a building stone (makes room for it and sets it in its place). Bets.32b מותר לצַדְּדָן you are permitted to arrange them for a seat; a. e.Part. pass. מְצוּדָּד, pl. מְצוּדָּדִין. B. Bath.99a ומצ׳ פניהםוכ׳ their faces were turned sideways, like a disciple taking leave of his teacher. Nif. נוֹצַד (for נָצַד) to be removed (cmp. צָדָה II). Ruth R. to II, 14 (play on מִצּד ib.) שנוֹצַדָּה לו … לשעה his government was taken away from him for a time. Ib. שעתידה מלכותו לִיצַּד ממנווכ׳ his government was destined to be taken away Gen. R. s. 26 שיִּצּוֹד, v. צָדָה II.

    Jewish literature > צָדַד

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