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  • 1 spark

    1. noun
    1) (a tiny red-hot piece thrown off by something burning, or when two very hard (eg metal) surfaces are struck together: Sparks were being thrown into the air from the burning building.) jiskra
    2) (an electric current jumping across a gap: a spark from a faulty light-socket.) výboj
    3) (a trace (eg of life, humour): a spark of enthusiasm.) jiskřička
    2. verb
    1) (to give off sparks.) jiskřit
    2) ((often with off) to start (a row, disagreement etc): Their action sparked off a major row.) podnítit, roznítit
    * * *
    • jiskra
    • jiskřit

    English-Czech dictionary > spark

  • 2 report

    [rə'po:t] 1. noun
    1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) zpráva, referát
    2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) pověsti
    3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) detonace
    2. verb
    1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) hlásit, referovat
    2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) udat, žalovat
    3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) oznámit
    4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) hlásit se
    - reported speech
    - report back
    * * *
    • výpis
    • zpráva
    • zápis
    • příspěvek
    • referát
    • přednést
    • referovat
    • ohlásit
    • oznámit
    • ohlašovat
    • hlásit
    • hlášení

    English-Czech dictionary > report

  • 3 on

    [on] 1. preposition
    1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) na
    2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) v, do
    3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) v, při
    4) (about: a book on the theatre.) o
    5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) na
    6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) na
    7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) na
    8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) v, na
    9) (towards: They marched on the town.) k
    10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) na, u
    11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) na
    12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) na, při
    13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) při
    14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) po
    2. adverb
    1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) na sebe
    2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) dále
    3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) zapnutý
    4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) na programu
    5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) dovnitř
    3. adjective
    1) (in progress: The game was on.) v běhu
    2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) konat se
    - ongoing
    - onwards
    - onward
    - be on to someone
    - be on to
    - on and on
    - on time
    - on to / onto
    * * *
    • na

    English-Czech dictionary > on

  • 4 fire

    1. noun
    1) (anything that is burning, whether accidentally or not: a warm fire in the kitchen; Several houses were destroyed in a fire.) oheň; požár
    2) (an apparatus for heating: a gas fire; an electric fire.) topení, kamna
    3) (the heat and light produced by burning: Fire is one of man's greatest benefits.) oheň
    4) (enthusiasm: with fire in his heart.) nadšení
    5) (attack by gunfire: The soldiers were under fire.) palba
    2. verb
    1) ((of china, pottery etc) to heat in an oven, or kiln, in order to harden and strengthen: The ceramic pots must be fired.) vypalovat
    2) (to make (someone) enthusiastic; to inspire: The story fired his imagination.) nadchnout; rozpálit
    3) (to operate (a gun etc) by discharging a bullet etc from it: He fired his revolver three times.) spustit
    4) (to send out or discharge (a bullet etc) from a gun etc: He fired three bullets at the target.) vypálit
    5) ((often with at or on) to aim and operate a gun at; to shoot at: They suddenly fired on us; She fired at the target.) střílet
    6) (to send away someone from his/her job; to dismiss: He was fired from his last job for being late.) vyhodit
    - firearm
    - fire-brigade
    - fire-cracker
    - fire-engine
    - fire-escape
    - fire-extinguisher
    - fire-guard
    - fireman
    - fireplace
    - fireproof
    - fireside
    - fire-station
    - firewood
    - firework
    - firing-squad
    - catch fire
    - on fire
    - open fire
    - play with fire
    - set fire to something / set something on fire
    - set fire to / set something on fire
    - set fire to something / set on fire
    - set fire to / set on fire
    - under fire
    * * *
    • topení
    • topit
    • požární
    • požár
    • oheň
    • palba
    • ohniště
    • krb

    English-Czech dictionary > fire

  • 5 dismay

    [dis'mei] 1. verb
    (to shock or upset: We were dismayed by the bad news.) vyděsit, polekat, zdrtit
    2. noun
    (the state of being shocked and upset: a shout of dismay.) hrůza, úlek
    * * *
    • vyděsit
    • vystrašit
    • zděšení
    • polekat
    • hrůza

    English-Czech dictionary > dismay

  • 6 dread

    [dred] 1. noun
    (great fear: She lives in dread of her child being drowned in the canal; His voice was husky with dread.) hrůza, strach
    2. verb
    (to fear greatly: We were dreading his arrival.) bát se, děsit se (čeho)
    - dreadfulness
    - dreadfully
    * * *
    • hrůza
    • děs

    English-Czech dictionary > dread

  • 7 groom

    [ɡru:m] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after horses: a groom at the stables.) čeledín (ke koním)
    2) (a bridegroom, male partner of the bride.) ženich
    2. verb
    1) (to clean, brush etc a horse's coat: The horses were groomed for the horse show.) hřebelcovat
    2) (to prepare for some task, purpose etc: She's being groomed as a possible successor to our head of department.) připravovat (se)
    * * *
    • ženich
    • hřebelcovat

    English-Czech dictionary > groom

  • 8 hold back

    1) (to refuse to tell someone (something): The police were convinced the man was holding something back.) zatajit
    2) (to prevent from happening, being seen etc, with an effort: The little girl succeeded in holding back her tears.) potlačit, zadržet
    3) (to prevent from making progress: I meant to finish cleaning the house but the children have held me back all morning.) zdržet
    * * *
    • zadržet

    English-Czech dictionary > hold back

  • 9 impurity

    1) (something which is mixed into another substance, but which should not be: There are too many impurities in this steel.) nečistota
    2) (the state of being impure: Complaints were made about the impurity of the milk.) nečistota
    * * *
    • nečistota

    English-Czech dictionary > impurity

  • 10 issue

    ['iʃu:] 1. verb
    1) (to give or send out, or to distribute, especially officially: The police issued a description of the criminal; Rifles were issued to the troops.) vydat, rozšířit
    2) (to flow or come out (from something): A strange noise issued from the room.) vycházet
    2. noun
    1) (the act of issuing or process of being issued: Stamp collectors like to buy new stamps on the day of issue.) vydání
    2) (one number in the series of a newspaper, magazine etc: Have you seen the latest issue of that magazine?) číslo
    3) (a subject for discussion and argument: The question of pay is not an important issue at the moment.) otázka
    * * *
    • uveřejnit
    • uveřejní
    • uveřejnění
    • vycházet
    • vydat
    • výtok
    • výsledek
    • potomek
    • předmět hovoru
    • předmět
    • problém
    • téma
    • otázka
    • náklad
    • číslo
    • důsledek
    • emise
    • dát do oběhu

    English-Czech dictionary > issue

  • 11 load

    [ləud] 1. noun
    1) (something which is being carried: The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off; She was carrying a load of groceries.) náklad
    2) (as much as can be carried at one time: two lorry-loads of earth.) náklad
    3) (a large amount: He talked a load of rubbish; We ate loads of ice-cream.) spousta
    4) (the power carried by an electric circuit: The wires were designed for a load of 15 amps.) zatížení
    2. verb
    1) (to take or put on what is to be carried (especially if heavy): They loaded the luggage into the car; The lorry was loading when they arrived.) naložit
    2) (to put ammunition into (a gun): He loaded the revolver and fired.) nabít
    3) (to put film into (a camera).) nabít
    * * *
    • úvazek
    • zatížení
    • obtížit
    • hromada
    • náklad
    • naložit
    • břímě

    English-Czech dictionary > load

  • 12 partnership

    1) (the state of being or becoming partners: a business partnership; He entered into partnership with his brother.) společenství
    2) (people playing together in a game: The champions were defeated by the partnership of Jones and Smith in the men's doubles.) dvojice, družstvo, tandem
    * * *
    • společenství
    • spolupráce
    • partnerství

    English-Czech dictionary > partnership

  • 13 protection

    1) (the act of protecting or state of being protected: He ran to his mother for protection; This type of lock gives extra protection against burglary.) ochrana
    2) (something that protects: The trees were a good protection against the wind.) ochrana
    * * *
    • ochrana

    English-Czech dictionary > protection

  • 14 recapture

    [ri'kæp ə] 1. verb
    1) (to capture again: The soldiers recaptured the city; The prisoners were recaptured.) dobýt zpět; znovu chytit
    2) (to convey (the feeling of something from the past): to recapture the atmosphere of medieval London.) oživit
    2. noun
    (the process of recapturing or being recaptured.) znovudobytí; nové prožití
    * * *
    • znovunabytí
    • opětovně obsadit

    English-Czech dictionary > recapture

  • 15 reunite

    verb (to bring or come together after being separated: The family was finally reunited after the war; The children were reunited with their parents.) spojit (se), sloučit (se)
    * * *
    • sjednotit

    English-Czech dictionary > reunite

  • 16 screen

    [skri:n] 1. noun
    1) (a flat, movable, often folding, covered framework for preventing a person etc from being seen, for decoration, or for protection from heat, cold etc: Screens were put round the patient's bed; a tapestry fire-screen.) plenta, zástěna
    2) (anything that so protects etc a person etc: He hid behind the screen of bushes; a smokescreen.) clona
    3) (the surface on which films or television pictures appear: cinema/television/radar screen.) plátno, obrazovka
    2. verb
    1) (to hide, protect or shelter: The tall grass screened him from view.) skrýt
    2) (to make or show a cinema film.) (na)filmovat; promítat
    3) (to test for loyalty, reliability etc.) prověřit
    4) (to test for a disease: Women should be regularly screened for cancer.) vyšetřit
    - the screen
    * * *
    • zaclonit
    • plenta
    • promítací plátno
    • obrazovka
    • clona

    English-Czech dictionary > screen

  • 17 separation

    1) (the act of separating or the state or period of being separated: They were together again after a separation of three years.) rozdělení
    2) (a (legal) arrangement by which a husband and wife remain married but live separately.) rozluka
    * * *
    • rozlišování
    • rozloučení
    • rozdělení
    • oddělení

    English-Czech dictionary > separation

  • 18 servitude

    (the state of being a slave: Their lives were spent in servitude.) otroctví
    * * *
    • služebnost

    English-Czech dictionary > servitude

  • 19 settler

    noun (a person who settles in a country that is being newly populated: They were among the early settlers on the east coast of America.) osadník
    * * *
    • usedlík
    • osadník

    English-Czech dictionary > settler

  • 20 squeeze

    [skwi:z] 1. verb
    1) (to press (something) together or from all sides tightly: He squeezed her hand affectionately; He squeezed the clay into a ball.) mačkat
    2) (to force (eg oneself) eg into or through a narrow space: The dog squeezed himself / his body into the hole; We were all squeezed into the back seat of the car.) vmáčknout (se)
    3) (to force something, eg liquid, out of something by pressing: She squeezed the oranges (into a jug); We might be able to squeeze some more money/information out of him.) vymačkat
    2. noun
    1) (an act of squeezing: He gave his sister an affectionate squeeze.) stisk, přivinutí
    2) (a condition of being squeezed: We all got into the car, but it was a squeeze.) mačkanice
    3) (a few drops produced by squeezing.) pár kapek
    4) (a time of financial restriction: an economic squeeze.) omezení, restrikce
    - squeeze up
    * * *
    • vymačkat
    • sevřít
    • stisknutí
    • mačkat

    English-Czech dictionary > squeeze

См. также в других словарях:

  • Being — Be ing, p. pr. from {Be}. Existing. [1913 Webster] Note: Being was formerly used where we now use having. Being to go to a ball in a few days. Miss Edgeworth. [1913 Webster] Note: In modern usage, is, are, was or were being, with a past… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Were-jaguar — A stone Olmec were jaguar, showing common were jaguar characteristics including a downturned mouth, almond shaped eyes, pleated ear bars, a headdress with headband, and a crossed bars icon on the chest The were jaguar was both an Olmec motif and… …   Wikipedia

  • Being and Time — (German: Sein und Zeit , 1927) is a book by German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Although written quickly, and despite the fact that Heidegger never completed the project outlined in the introduction, it remains his most important work and has… …   Wikipedia

  • Being John Malkovich — movie poster Directed by Spike Jonze Produc …   Wikipedia

  • Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! — Song by The Beatles from the album Sgt. Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band Released 1 June 1967 Recorded 17 and 20 February and 28, 29, 31 March 1967 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Being and Nothingness — Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology (French: L Être et le néant : Essai d ontologie phénoménologique ), sometimes subtitled A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology, is a 1943 philosophical treatise by Jean Paul Sartre that… …   Wikipedia

  • Being Bobby Brown — was a reality series that depicted the life of R B singer Bobby Brown and his mega star ex wife Whitney Houston, and their family. The series debuted on the Bravo channel on June 30, 2005, and became very highly rated, and restored a degree of… …   Wikipedia

  • Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! — Исполнитель The Beatles Альбом Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Дата выпуска 1 июня 1967 …   Википедия

  • Were-worms —  / Were worm / Wereworms / Wereworm    Mysterious denizens of the Last Desert.    Creatures of an unknown kind, possibly mythical and presumably related to dragons, that were said to dwell in the Last Desert.    Tolkien only ever mentions were… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • Were your ears burning? — Were (your) ears burning? (your) ears must be burning something that you say to someone who is being talked about. Were your ears burning? We were just talking about you …   New idioms dictionary

  • Were ears burning? — Were (your) ears burning? (your) ears must be burning something that you say to someone who is being talked about. Were your ears burning? We were just talking about you …   New idioms dictionary

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