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  • had a hard time — suffered, endured, had a difficult time …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hard time — noun 1. a difficulty that can be overcome with effort (Freq. 1) we had a hard time getting here analysts predicted rough sledding for handset makers • Syn: ↑rough sledding • Hypernyms: ↑difficulty 2. a term served in a m …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard time — n. (colloq.) 1) to give smb. a hard time ( to make things difficult for smb. ) 2) (misc.) we had a hard time finding her * * * (misc.) we had a hard time finding her (colloq.) to give smb. a hard time ( to make things difficult for smb. ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • hard time — 1. n. a difficult experience. □ I had a hard time at the doctor’s office. □ She’s having a hard time with her child. 2. n. a prison sentence. (Underworld.) □ Lefty did hard time for his part in the robbery. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • hard time — 1. a period of difficulties or hardship. 2. Slang. time actually served in a prison or other penal institution: He had merely been fined before, but now was sentenced to 90 days hard time in the county jail. 3. give a hard time, Informal. to… …   Universalium

  • have a hard time — ◇ If you have a hard time doing something or with something, it is difficult for you. She s having a hard time adjusting to college life. The school has had a hard time recruiting substitute teachers. He s been having a hard time with his… …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a hard time of it — have a hard time (of it) give (someone) a hard time to treat someone severely or to cause difficulties for them. He had a hard time last year. He lost his job and was unemployed for 6 months …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a hard time — (of it) give (someone) a hard time to treat someone severely or to cause difficulties for them. He had a hard time last year. He lost his job and was unemployed for 6 months …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a hard time doing something — have a hard time (doing something) to have difficulty doing something. With all the traffic noise, Mr. Packard had a hard time hearing the reporters questions …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a hard time — (doing something) to have difficulty doing something. With all the traffic noise, Mr. Packard had a hard time hearing the reporters questions …   New idioms dictionary

  • had an easy time — lived an easy life, didn t have to work hard to get what he wanted …   English contemporary dictionary

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