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  • 1 one or two

    (a few: I don't want a lot of nuts - I'll just take one or two.) keletas, keli

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > one or two

  • 2 reconcile

    1) (to cause (people) to become friendly again, eg after they have quarrelled: Why won't you be reconciled (with him)?) sutaikyti
    2) (to bring (two or more different aims, points of view etc) into agreement: The unions want high wages and the bosses want high profits - it's almost impossible to reconcile these two aims.) suderinti
    3) (to (make someone) accept (a situation, fact etc) patiently: Her mother didn't want the marriage to take place but she is reconciled to it now.) su(si)taikyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > reconcile

  • 3 either

    1. pronoun
    (the one or the other of two: You may borrow either of these books; I offered him coffee or tea, but he didn't want either.) vienas iš dviejų, bet kuris
    2. adjective
    1) (the one or the other (of two things, people etc): He can write with either hand.) bet kuris
    2) (the one and the other (of two things, people etc); both: at either side of the garden.) abu, kiekvienas
    3. adverb
    1) (used for emphasis: If you don't go, I won't either.) taip pat
    2) (moreover; besides: I used to sing, and I hadn't a bad voice, either.) be to, tarp kitko
    - either way

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > either

  • 4 cart

    1. noun
    1) (a two-wheeled (usually horse-drawn) vehicle for carrying loads: a farm cart.) vežimas
    2) ((American) a small wheeled vehicle pushed by hand, for carrying groceries, golf clubs etc.) vežimėlis
    2. verb
    1) (to carry (in a cart): He carted the manure into the field.) vežti
    2) (to carry: I don't want to cart this luggage around all day.) vežioti, tampyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cart

  • 5 do

    [du:] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - does; verb
    1) (used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements: Do you smoke?)
    2) (used with a more important verb for emphasis; ; [ðo sit down])
    3) (used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before: I thought she wouldn't come, but she did.)
    4) (used with a more important verb after seldom, rarely and little: Little did he know what was in store for him.)
    5) (to carry out or perform: What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.) daryti
    6) (to manage to finish or complete: When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour.) padaryti
    7) (to perform an activity concerning something: to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows.) atlikti
    8) (to be enough or suitable for a purpose: Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting?) tikti, uþtekti
    9) (to work at or study: She's doing sums; He's at university doing science.) mokytis, studijuoti
    10) (to manage or prosper: How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school.) sektis
    11) (to put in order or arrange: She's doing her hair.) tvarkyti
    12) (to act or behave: Why don't you do as we do?) daryti
    13) (to give or show: The whole town gathered to do him honour.) atiduoti, parodyti
    14) (to cause: What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm.) padaryti
    15) (to see everything and visit everything in: They tried to do London in four days.) apþiûrëti
    2. noun
    (an affair or a festivity, especially a party: The school is having a do for Christmas.) pobûvis, vakarëlis
    - doings
    - done
    - do-it-yourself
    - to-do
    - I
    - he could be doing with / could do with
    - do away with
    - do for
    - done for
    - done in
    - do out
    - do out of
    - do's and don'ts
    - do without
    - to do with
    - what are you doing with

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > do

  • 6 drive

    1. past tense - drove; verb
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) vairuoti, važiuoti
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) nuvežti, atvežti
    3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) varyti
    4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) įvaryti, išvaryti
    5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) varyti
    2. noun
    1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) pasivažinėjimas
    2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) kelias, alėja
    3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) energija, veržlumas
    4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) kampanija, žygis
    5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) smūgis
    6) ((computers) a disk drive.) diskavedis
    - driver's license
    - drive-in
    - drive-through
    - driving licence
    - be driving at
    - drive off
    - drive on

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > drive

  • 7 infinitive

    (the part of the verb used in English with or without to, that expresses an action but has no subject: The sentence `You need not stay if you want to go' contains two infinitives, stay and go.) bendratis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > infinitive

  • 8 rate of exchange

    (the relative values of the currencies of two or more countries: I want to change some dollars into francs - what is the rate of exchange?) (valiutos) keitimo kursas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rate of exchange

  • 9 rival

    1. noun
    (a person etc who tries to compete with another; a person who wants the same thing as someone else: For students of English, this dictionary is without a rival; The two brothers are rivals for the girl next door - they both want to marry her; ( also adjective) rival companies; rival teams.) varžovas, konkurentas; konkuruojantis, rungtyniaujantis
    2. verb
    (to (try to) be as good as someone or something else: He rivals his brother as a chess-player; Nothing rivals football for excitement and entertainment.) (stengtis) prilygti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rival

См. также в других словарях:

  • Want Two — Album par Rufus Wainwright Sortie 2004 et 2005 Enregistrement Geffen Records Durée 56:59 Genre pop Rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Want Two — Infobox Album Name = Want Two Type = studio Artist = Rufus Wainwright Released = November 16, 2004 Recorded = Bearsville Studios, Woodstock, NYC; also London Genre = Pop, Rock Length = 54:08 Label = Geffen Producer = Marius De Vries Rufus… …   Wikipedia

  • Want (disambiguation) — Want may refer to:* Want One , album by Rufus Wainwright * Want Two , album by Rufus Wainwright * Want , a repackaging of the Rufus Wainwright albums Want One and Want Two as one album, with some extra tracks. * Want is one of the two children of …   Wikipedia

  • Want One — es el tercer álbum del cantautor canado estadounidense Rufus Wainwright editado en 2003 por Dreamworks. El álbum logró colarse entre los más vendidos en tres países, llegando al número 60 en el Billboard 200 de Estados Unidos, al 77 en los Países …   Wikipedia Español

  • Want One — est le troisième album de Rufus Wainwright, sorti en 2003. Want One Album par Rufus Wainwright Sortie 2003 Enregistrement DreamWorks Durée 58:53 Genre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Want One — Infobox Album Name = Want One Type = studio Artist = Rufus Wainwright Released = September 23, 2003 Recorded = Genre = Pop Length = 62:31 Label = DreamWorks Producer = Marius De Vries Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|2.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • Want (album) — Infobox Album Name = Want Type = Studio album Artist = Rufus Wainwright Released = November 28, 2005 (UK) Genre = Pop Label = DreamWorks/Geffen Want is a repackaged, double album by Rufus Wainwright, released in the UK on November 28, 2005. It… …   Wikipedia

  • want — verb. 1. Want is of Norse origin and came into English in the 13c. The dominant meaning in current usage is ‘to desire or wish for’ (Tom wants a computer for Christmas / What do you want to do now?), and a range of earlier meanings equivalent to… …   Modern English usage

  • Two Gallants — batteur Tyson Vogel et guitariste Adam Stephenson à Austin au Texas le 29 avril 2005 Sommaire 1 Les débuts 2 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Two Door Cinema Club — Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • two\ cents — • two cents • feel like two cents noun informal 1. Something not important or very small; almost nothing. Paul was so angry that he said for two cents he would quit the team. When John saw that the girl he was scolding was lame, he felt like two… …   Словарь американских идиом

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