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  • 1 void

    1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vacío (de)

    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vacío
    void1 adj nulo
    void2 n vacío
    1 vacío,-a (of, de)
    void of interest falto,-a de interés
    2 SMALLLAW/SMALL nulo,-a, inválido,-a
    1 vacío
    1 (empty) vaciar
    2 SMALLLAW/SMALL anular, invalidar
    void ['vɔɪd] vt
    : anular, invalidar
    to void a contract: anular un contrato
    void adj
    1) empty: vacío, desprovisto
    void of content: desprovisto de contenido
    2) invalid: inválido, nulo
    void n
    : vacío m
    anular v.
    evacuar v.
    vaciar v.
    anulado, -a adj.
    caducado, -a adj.
    ilusorio, -a adj.
    inválido, -a adj.
    nulo (Jurisprudencia) adj.
    sin valor (Jurisprudencia) adj.
    vacío, -a adj.
    fallo s.m.
    hueco s.m.
    inválido s.m.
    vacío s.m.

    I vɔɪd
    noun vacío m

    1) ( empty) (liter) (pred)

    to be void OF something — estar* desprovisto or falto de algo

    2) ( invalid) ( Law) nulo, inválido

    to make something voidanular or invalidar algo

    1. ADJ
    1) (Jur) (=invalid) nulo, inválido

    to make or render a contract void — anular or invalidar un contrato

    2) frm (=empty) vacío

    void of interestcarente or desprovisto de interés

    2. N
    1) (=emptiness) (lit) vacío m ; (fig) (=sense of emptiness) vacío m
    2) (=hole) hueco m
    3) (Cards) fallo m
    3. VT
    1) (Med) evacuar, vaciar
    2) (Jur) anular, invalidar
    * * *

    I [vɔɪd]
    noun vacío m

    1) ( empty) (liter) (pred)

    to be void OF something — estar* desprovisto or falto de algo

    2) ( invalid) ( Law) nulo, inválido

    to make something voidanular or invalidar algo

    English-spanish dictionary > void

  • 2 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neveljaven
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) prazen
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) praznina
    * * *
    I [vɔid]
    adjective ( voidly adverb)
    prazen, izpraznjen; nezaseden, vakanten, prost (mesto, služba); poetically jalov, neuspešen, ničev, brezkoristen, neučinkovit; neveljaven
    void of — ki nima, (ki je) brez (česa)
    she is void of affectation — ona ni afektirana, je naravna
    null and void juridically neveljaven, brez zakonske veljave; ničev
    II [vɔid]
    praznina, prazen prostor; vrzel; figuratively občutek praznine, zapuščenosti
    III [vɔid]
    transitive verb
    izprazniti, izvreči, izločiti (o prebavi); uničiti, ukiniti, razveljaviti, proglasiti za neveljavno; (redko) zapustiti, izprazniti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > void

  • 3 void

    void 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig, ikke bindende
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) tom, blottet for
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrom
    subst. \/vɔɪd\/
    1) ( også overført) tomrom, tomt rom
    hun har etterlatt seg et tomrom \/ det er tomt etter henne
    2) ( kortspill) renons
    3) ( i betong e.l.) hulrom, pore, mellomrom
    4) ( EDB) fargeluke
    disappear into the void forsvinne ut i tomme luften
    the great void det store intet
    verb \/vɔɪd\/
    1) ( spesielt jus) annullere, erklære\/gjøre ugyldig
    2) tømme (ut), kvitte seg med, utsondre (fra kroppen)
    3) ( gammeldags) forlate, gå fra
    adj. \/vɔɪd\/
    1) tom
    2) ledig, vakant, ubesatt
    3) ( spesielt jus) ugyldig, uten kraft
    4) ( poetisk) forgjeves, fånyttes, unyttig
    5) ( kortspill) renons
    make void ( spesielt jus) oppheve, annullere
    void of blottet for, uten, fri for
    uten håp, håpløs
    void of pity ubarmhjertig

    English-Norwegian dictionary > void

  • 4 void

    I. 1. празен, свободен, ваканген
    to fall VOID освобождавам се, овакантявам се
    2. лишен (of от)
    3. юр. недействителен, невалиден (и null and VOID)
    4. бридж шикан
    5. рет. невлизащ в работа, безполезен, безрезултатен, безплоден
    II. 1. празно пространство, прен. празнота
    to vanish into the VOID изчезвам безследно, изпарявам се
    2. бридж шикан
    III. 1. изпразвам (черва, пикочен мехур и пр.)
    2. ост. оставям, напускам, овакантявам
    3. правя недействителен/невалиден, анулирам
    * * *
    {void} I. a 1. празен; свободен, ваканген; to fall void освобождава(2) {void} v 1. изпразвам (черва, пикочен мехур и пр.); 2. ост.
    * * *
    свободен; освободен; празен; анулирам; вакантен; лишен; недействителен;
    * * *
    1. i. празен, свободен, ваканген 2. ii. празно пространство, прен. празнота 3. iii. изпразвам (черва, пикочен мехур и пр.) 4. to fall void освобождавам се, овакантявам се 5. to vanish into the void изчезвам безследно, изпарявам се 6. бридж шикан 7. лишен (of от) 8. ост. оставям, напускам, овакантявам 9. правя недействителен/невалиден, анулирам 10. рет. невлизащ в работа, безполезен, безрезултатен, безплоден 11. юр. недействителен, невалиден (и null and void)
    * * *
    void[vɔid] I. adj 1. празен; свободен, незает, вакантен; to fall \void освобождавам (овакантявам) се; 2. лишен, свободен от (of); 3. юрид. недействителен, невалиден (и null and \void); 4. ост. безполезен, безрезултатен, безплоден, ялов, празен; II. n празно пространство; празнота; to disappear into the \void изчезвам безследно, изпарявам се; III. v 1. изпразвам (черво, пикочен мехур), отделям ( урина); повръщам; 2. ост. оставям, напускам; 3. юрид. правя недействителен (невалиден), анулирам; 4. изпразвам помещение (of).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > void

  • 5 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nulo
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) vazio
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vazio
    * * *
    [vɔid] n vácuo, vazio, lacuna. • vt 1 anular, cancelar, suspender, invalidar. 2 desocupar, esvaziar. 3 deixar, abandonar. 4 expelir, evacuar. • adj 1 vazio. 2 livre, isento (of de). 3 pobre. 4 que tem carência, destituído. 5 inútil, vão, à-toa, ineficiente. 6 fútil. 7 inválido, sem efeito ou força legal, nulo, anulável. 8 vago, desocupado, não preenchido (lugar, etc.). to fill a void preencher uma lacuna. to make void tornar sem efeito, anular. void of hope sem esperança, desesperado. void of pity impiedoso. void of sense que não tem ou não faz sentido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > void

  • 6 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) uden
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrum; savn
    * * *
    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ugyldig
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) uden
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tomrum; savn

    English-Danish dictionary > void

  • 7 void

    void [vɔɪd]
    1 noun
    (a) Physics & Astronomy vide m
    (b) (chasm) vide m
    (c) (emptiness) vide m;
    to fill a void combler un vide;
    her husband's death left an aching void in her life la mort de son mari a laissé un grand vide ou un vide douloureux dans sa vie
    (a) (empty) vide;
    void of interest dépourvu d'intérêt, sans aucun intérêt
    (b) Law (deed, contract)
    (null and) void nul;
    to make sth void annuler ou rendre nul qch
    (c) (vacant → position) vacant
    (a) formal (empty) vider; (discharge → bowels) évacuer
    (b) Law annuler, rendre nul

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > void

  • 8 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) ógildur
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) gersneyddur
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tóm, tómarúm

    English-Icelandic dictionary > void

  • 9 void

    [void] adj.,v.,n. -adj 1. bosh, i zbrazët. 2. i pazënë, bosh, vakant (vend pune). 3. drejt. i pavlefshëm.
    void of pa, që i mungon: void of meaning pa kuptim /-vt 1. zbraz, boshatis. 2. zbrazem, dhjes. 3. vjell. 4. drejt. anuloj, bëj të pavlefshëm /-n. zbrazëti, boshllëk; an aching void një zbrazëti e pafund; fill the void mbush boshllëkun.
    voidable ['voidëbël] adj. drejt. i anulueshëm, i zhvleftësueshëm
    * * *

    English-Albanian dictionary > void

  • 10 void

    void [vɔɪd]
    1. noun
    vide m
       a. ( = invalid) [agreement] nul ( nulle f)
       b. ( = empty) void of [ornament, charm, talent, qualities] dépourvu de ; [scruples, compassion, meaning] dénué de
    * * *
    [vɔɪd] 1.
    noun lit, fig vide m
    1) Law [contract, agreement] nul/nulle; [cheque] annulé

    to make ou render void — annuler

    2) ( empty) vide
    transitive verb Law annuler

    English-French dictionary > void

  • 11 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) spēkā neesošs; spēku zaudējis
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) tukšs; (kaut ko) nesaturošs
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tukšums
    * * *
    tukšums; iztukšot; anulēt, atcelt; tukšs; vakants, neaizņemts

    English-Latvian dictionary > void

  • 12 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) negaliojantis
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) neturintis
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) tuštuma

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > void

  • 13 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neplatný
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) nemající, bez
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) prázdno(ta)
    * * *
    • prázdný
    • prázdnota

    English-Czech dictionary > void

  • 14 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) neplatný
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) nemajúci, bez
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) prázdno(ta)
    * * *
    • vákuum
    • vyprázdnovat
    • vyprázdnit
    • vyprázdnený
    • vypustit
    • vylucovat
    • zbytocný
    • zrušit
    • dutiny
    • anulovat
    • bezúcelný
    • pustý
    • pocit prázdna
    • opustit
    • prázdny priestor
    • prázdno
    • prázdnota
    • prázdny
    • medzera
    • medzery
    • márny
    • neplatný
    • nemajúci
    • neobsadený
    • nic
    • odstránit

    English-Slovak dictionary > void

  • 15 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.) nul
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.) lipsit de
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.) vid

    English-Romanian dictionary > void

  • 16 void

    [void] 1. adjective
    1) (not valid or binding: The treaty has been declared void.)
    2) ((with of) lacking entirely: a statement void of meaning.)
    2. noun
    (a huge empty space, especially (with the) outer space: The rocket shot up into the void; Her death left a void in her husband's life.)

    English-Greek dictionary > void

  • 17 void

    пустота, пора

    - air void
    - ceiling void
    - surface voids
    - water voids
    - zero air voids

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. . 1995.

    * * *
    /vt/ опорожнять

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. . 2011.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > void

  • 18 void

    A n lit, fig vide m ; to fill the void combler le vide.
    B adj
    1 Jur [contract, agreement] nul/nulle ; [cheque] annulé ; to make ou render void annuler ;
    2 ( empty) vide ; void of dépourvu de.
    C vtr Jur annuler.

    Big English-French dictionary > void

  • 19 void

    void [vɔɪd]
    1. n пустота́; ва́куум; пробе́л;

    there was a void in his heart он чу́вствовал пустоту́ в се́рдце

    2. a
    1) пусто́й, свобо́дный, неза́нятый
    2) лишённый (ofчего-л.)
    3) бесполе́зный, неэффекти́вный
    4) не име́ющий юриди́ческой си́лы;

    to consider (null and) void счита́ть не име́ющим си́лы

    3. v
    1) лиша́ть юриди́ческой си́лы
    2) опорожня́ть (кишечник, мочевой пузырь); выделя́ть ( мочу)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > void

  • 20 void

    void adj GEN ungültig make void GEN aufheben

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > void

См. также в других словарях:

  • void — 1 / vȯid/ adj 1: of no force or effect under law a void marriage 2: voidable void·ness n void 2 vt: to make or declar …   Law dictionary

  • Void — may refer to:In fiction: * Void (comics), character from WildC.A.T.S. * Void ( Mortal Kombat ), a fictional location or realm in Mortal Kombat * Void , one of the minor villains in Sonic the Hedgehog * Void 1.1, a science fiction wargame created… …   Wikipedia

  • Void — тип, спецификатор типа и ключевое слово в языках программирования Си, Си++, Java, C# и D, заимствованное у их общего предшественника Алгола 68. Содержание 1 История 2 Синтаксис …   Википедия

  • Void —  Pour la commune française, voir Void Vacon. En programmation, void est un mot clé que l on retrouve dans le langage C et plusieurs autres langages de programmation dont il est à l origine, comme le C++, le C# ou le Java. Ce mot clé void… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Void — Void, a. [OE. voide, OF. voit, voide, vuit, vuide, F. vide, fr. (assumed) LL. vocitus, fr. L. vocare, an old form of vacare to be empty, or a kindred word. Cf. {Vacant}, {Avoid}.] 1. Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • void — [vɔɪd] adjective LAW a contract or agreement that is void has no legal effect because it is against the law: • Under state law, a contract to pay money knowingly lent for gambling is void. void verb [transitive] : • Mr. Mullen s termination… …   Financial and business terms

  • Void — Void, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Voided}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Voiding}.] [OF. voidier, vuidier. See {Void}, a.] 1. To remove the contents of; to make or leave vacant or empty; to quit; to leave; as, to void a table. [1913 Webster] Void anon her place.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Void — steht für: Void (Astronomie), eine astronomische Struktur mit sehr wenig Materie und damit sehr geringer Dichte Void (Verbindungstechnik) Void (Schlüsselwort), ein Schlüsselwort in einigen Programmiersprachen Void Vacon, eine französische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • void — [adj1] empty abandoned, bare, barren, bereft, clear, deprived, destitute, devoid, drained, emptied, free, lacking, scant, short, shy, tenantless, unfilled, unoccupied, vacant, vacuous, without; concepts 481,583,740,774 Ant. filled, full, occupied …   New thesaurus

  • void — [void] adj. [ME voide < OFr vuide < VL * vocitus, for L vocivus, var. of vacivus < vacare, to be empty] 1. not occupied; vacant: said of benefices, offices, etc. 2. a) holding or containing nothing b) devoid or destitute (of) [void of… …   English World dictionary

  • VOiD — es una forma de diseñar un sistema operativo en ausencia de kernel. El antikernel VOiD fue diseñado por un joven hacker llamado Matias Leiva. Consiste en un grupo de cells cargadas dinámicamente, su comportamiento es totalmente descentralizado.… …   Wikipedia Español

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