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  • 1 sting

    [stɪŋ] 1. n
    ( wound) (of mosquito, snake) ukąszenie nt; (of bee, wasp) użądlenie nt; (of nettle, jellyfish) oparzenie nt; ( organ) żądło nt; ( inf) kant m (inf)
    2. vt; pt, pp stung
    kłuć (ukłuć perf); ( fig) dotykać (dotknąć perf), urazić ( perf)
    3. vi; pt, pp stung
    bee, wasp żądlić; mosquito, snake kąsać; plant, hedgehog kłuć; nettle, jellyfish parzyć; eyes, ointment szczypać, piec
    * * *
    1. [stiŋ] noun
    1) (a part of some plants, insects etc, eg nettles and wasps, that can prick and inject an irritating or poisonous fluid into the wound.) żądło
    2) (an act of piercing with this part: Some spiders give a poisonous sting.) ukąszenie
    3) (the wound, swelling, or pain caused by this: You can soothe a wasp sting by putting vinegar on it.) ukąszenie
    2. verb
    1) (to wound or hurt by means of a sting: The child was badly stung by nettles/mosquitoes; Do those insects sting?) kąsać
    2) ((of a wound, or a part of the body) to smart or be painful: The salt water made his eyes sting.) piec

    English-Polish dictionary > sting

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