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  • 21 curate's egg

    брит. нечто, имеющее как положительные, так и отрицательные свойства

    Queen's College is something of a curate's egg, with elegant Victorian buildings alongside some of the ugliest modern architecture. — Куинз-Колледж (Оксфордского университета) сочетает в себе прекрасное и безобразное: изящные образцы викторианской архитектуры соседствуют здесь с отвратительными современными постройками.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > curate's egg

  • 22 early

    early ['ɜ:lɪ]
    matinal1 (a) premier1 (b) en avance1 (c), 2 (c) de bonne heure1 (c), 2 (a), 2 (c) précoce1 (d)
    (compar earlier, superl earliest)
    (a) (morning) matinal;
    I had an early breakfast j'ai déjeuné de bonne heure;
    to get off to an early start partir de bonne heure;
    the early shuttle to London le premier avion pour Londres;
    it's too early to get up il est trop tôt pour se lever;
    it's earlier than I thought il est plus tôt que je ne pensais;
    to be an early riser être matinal ou un lève-tôt;
    very early in the morning très tôt;
    early morning call appel m matinal;
    could you give me an early call at 6:30? pouvez-vous me réveiller à 6 heures 30?;
    early morning tea thé m du matin;
    early morning walk promenade f matinale
    (b) (belonging to the beginning of a period of time → machine, film, poem) premier; (→ Edwardian, Victorian etc) du début de l'époque;
    in the early afternoon/spring/fifties au début de l'après-midi/du printemps/des années cinquante;
    in the early nineteenth century au début du XIXème siècle;
    the earlier applicants were better than the later ones les premiers candidats étaient meilleurs que les derniers;
    when was that? - early September quand était-ce? - début septembre;
    from the earliest days of the century depuis le tout début du siècle;
    British it's early days yet (difficult to be definite) il est trop tôt pour se prononcer; (might yet be worse, better) il est encore tôt;
    from the earliest times depuis le début des temps;
    I need an early night je dois me coucher de bonne heure;
    a couple of early nights wouldn't do you any harm cela ne te ferait pas de mal de te coucher de bonne heure pendant quelques jours;
    it's too early to tell il est trop tôt pour se prononcer, on ne peut encore rien dire;
    the earliest human artefacts les premiers objets fabriqués par l'homme;
    the early Roman Empire l'Empire romain naissant;
    an early 18th-century form of democracy une forme de démocratie propre au début du XVIIIème siècle;
    the early American settlers les premiers pionniers américains;
    an early Picasso une des premières œuvres de Picasso;
    he's in his early twenties il a une vingtaine d'années;
    in his early youth quand il était très jeune;
    a man in early middle age un homme d'une quarantaine d'années;
    from an early age dès l'enfance;
    at an early age de bonne heure, très jeune;
    he received his early education in Paris il reçut sa première éducation à Paris;
    my earliest recollections mes souvenirs les plus lointains;
    early reports from the front indicate that… les premières nouvelles du front semblent indiquer que…;
    in the early stages of the project dans une phase initiale du projet
    to be early (person, train, flight, winter) être en avance;
    I am half an hour early je suis en avance d'une demi-heure;
    let's have an early lunch déjeunons de bonne heure;
    you're too early vous arrivez trop tôt, vous êtes en avance;
    Easter is early this year Pâques est de bonne heure cette année
    (d) (premature) précoce, hâtif; (death) prématuré;
    early beans haricots mpl de primeur;
    early vegetables/fruit/produce primeurs fpl;
    we're having an early winter l'hiver est précoce
    (e) (relating to the future → reply) prochain;
    at an early date de bonne heure;
    at an earlier date plus tôt;
    we need an early meeting il faut que nous nous réunissions bientôt;
    Commerce at your earliest convenience dans les meilleurs délais;
    what is your earliest possible delivery date? quelle est votre première possibilité de livraison?;
    give us the earliest possible notice avertissez-nous le plus tôt possible
    (a) (in the morning → rise, leave) tôt, de bonne heure;
    let's set off as early as we can mettons-nous en route le plus tôt possible;
    how early should I get there? à quelle heure dois-je y être?
    early in the evening/in the afternoon tôt le soir/(dans) l'après-midi;
    early in the year/winter au début de l'année/de l'hiver;
    as early as the tenth century dès le dixième siècle;
    I can't make it earlier than 2.30 je ne peux pas avant 14 heures 30;
    what's the earliest you can make it? (be here) quand pouvez-vous être ici?;
    early on tôt;
    early on it was apparent that… il est vite apparu que…;
    early on in June au début du mois de juin;
    earlier on plus tôt
    (c) (ahead of schedule) en avance; (earlier than usual) de bonne heure;
    I want to leave early tonight (from work) je veux partir de bonne heure ce soir;
    shop/post early for Christmas faites vos achats/postez votre courrier à l'avance pour Noël
    to die early (young) mourir jeune; (sooner than expected) mourir prématurément;
    this flower blooms very early cette fleur s'épanouit très précocement
    at the earliest au plus tôt;
    we can't deliver earlier than Friday nous ne pouvons pas livrer avant vendredi
    ►► Marketing early adopter réceptif m précoce, adopteur m précoce;
    early American = style de mobilier et d'architecture du début du XIXème siècle;
    early bird (early riser) lève-tôt mf; (person who arrives early) = personne qui arrive tôt;
    proverb the early bird catches the worm (it's good to get up early) le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt; (it's good to arrive early) les premiers arrivés sont les mieux servis;
    American Commerce early bird special = dans un restaurant, prix avantageux accordés aux clients qui consomment avant une certaine heure;
    the early Church l'Église f primitive;
    British Commerce early closing = jour où l'on ferme tôt;
    it's early closing today (for all shops) les magasins ferment de bonne heure aujourd'hui; (for this shop) on ferme de bonne heure aujourd'hui;
    British Politics Early Day Motion = proposition de loi dont la discussion n'est pas à l'ordre du jour, présentée par un député qui recherche l'appui de collègues de façon à attirer l'attention du parlement sur une question;
    early English gothique m anglais primitif;
    Marketing early follower suiveur m immédiat;
    Early Learning Centre = chaîne de magasins de jouets d'éveil, en Grande-Bretagne;
    Marketing early majority majorité f innovatrice;
    Art the early masters les primitifs mpl;
    early music (baroque) musique f ancienne;
    Finance early redemption amortissement m anticipé;
    early retirement retraite f anticipée;
    to take early retirement prendre sa retraite anticipée, partir en retraite anticipée
    Here's one I made earlier L'émission éducative britannique Blue Peter, diffusée sur le petit écran depuis de nombreuses années, comprend souvent des séquences de travaux manuels et de cuisine. Les animateurs présentent toujours le produit fini à la caméra en prononçant les mots here's one I made earlier ("en voici un que j'ai confectionné au préalable"). On utilise cette phrase de façon humoristique lorsqu'on montre à quelqu'un une chose que l'on a réalisée.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > early

  • 23 Fox, Sir Charles

    b. 11 March 1810 Derby, England
    d. 14 June 1874 Blackheath, London, England
    English railway engineer, builder of Crystal Palace, London.
    Fox was a pupil of John Ericsson, helped to build the locomotive Novelty, and drove it at the Rainhill Trials in 1829. He became a driver on the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway and then a pupil of Robert Stephenson, who appointed him an assistant engineer for construction of the southern part of the London \& Birmingham Railway, opened in 1837. He was probably responsible for the design of the early bow-string girder bridge which carried the railway over the Regent's Canal. He also invented turnouts with switch blades, i.e. "points". With Robert Stephenson he designed the light iron train sheds at Euston Station, a type of roof that was subsequently much used elsewhere. He then became a partner in Fox, Henderson \& Co., railway contractors and manufacturers of railway equipment and bridges. The firm built the Crystal Palace in London for the Great Exhibition of 1851: Fox did much of the detail design work personally and was subsequently knighted. It also built many station roofs, including that at Paddington. From 1857 Fox was in practice in London as a consulting engineer in partnership with his sons, Charles Douglas Fox and Francis Fox. Sir Charles Fox became an advocate of light and narrow-gauge railways, although he was opposed to break-of-gauge unless it was unavoidable. He was joint Engineer for the Indian Tramway Company, building the first narrow-gauge (3 ft 6 in. or 107 cm) railway in India, opened in 1865, and his firm was Consulting Engineer for the first railways in Queensland, Australia, built to the same gauge at the same period on recommendation of Government Engineer A.C.Fitzgibbon.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1851.
    Further Reading
    F.Fox, 1904, River, Road, and Rail, John Murray, Ch. 1 (personal reminiscences by his son).
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1970, Victorian Engineering, London: Allen Lane.

    Biographical history of technology > Fox, Sir Charles

  • 24 Hansom, Joseph Aloysius

    SUBJECT AREA: Land transport
    b. 26 October 1803 York, England
    d. 29 June 1883 Fulham, London, England
    English architect and inventor, originator of the Hansom cab.
    In 1816 he was apprenticed to his father, who was a joiner. After a year his abilities in design and construction were so marked that it was decided that he would have more scope as an architect. He was accordingly apprenticed to a Mr Phillips in York, becoming a clerk to Phillips in 1820. While he served his time he also worked on his own account and taught at a night school. In 1825 he married Hannah Glover and settled in Halifax, where he became Assistant to another architect. In 1828 he became a partner of Edward Welch, with whom he built a number of churches in the north of England. He designed the Town Hall for Birmingham and was responsible for the constructional work until 1833, but he had to become bond because the builders caused him to become bankrupt. He was appointed Manager of the business affairs of Dempster Hemming of Caldicote Hall, which included the landed estates, banking and coal-mining. It was during this period that he designed the "Patent Safety Cab" named after him and popular in Victorian days. The safety element consisted in lowering the centre of gravity by the use of the cranked axle. Hansom sold his rights for £10,000 to a company proposing to exploit the patent, but he was never paid, for the company got into difficulties; Hansom became its temporary Manager in 1839 and put matters right, for which he was paid £300, all he ever made out of the Hansom Cab. In 1842 he brought out the first issue of The Builder, but lack of capital caused him to retire from the journal. He devoted himself from then on to domestic and ecclesiastical architecture, designing many churches, colleges, convents and schools all over Britain and even in Australia and South America. Of note is St Walburga's church, Preston, Lancashire, whose spire is 306 ft (93 m) high. At various times he was in partnership with his younger brother, his eldest son, and with E.W.Pugin with whom he had a disagreement. He was a Catholic and much of his work was for the Catholic Church.
    Further Reading
    1882, The Builder (8 July).
    1882, Illustrated London News (15 July).

    Biographical history of technology > Hansom, Joseph Aloysius

  • 25 McNeill, Sir James McFadyen

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 19 August 1892 Clydebank, Scotland
    d. 24 July 1964 near Glasgow, Scotland
    Scottish naval architect, designer of the Cunard North Atlantic Liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth.
    McNeill was born in Clydebank just outside Glasgow, and was to serve that town for most of his life. After education at Clydebank High School and then at Allan Glen's in Glasgow, in 1908 he entered the shipyard of John Brown \& Co. Ltd as an apprentice. He was encouraged to matriculate at the University of Glasgow, where he studied naval architecture under the (then) unique Glasgow system of "sandwich" training, alternately spending six months in the shipyard, followed by winter at the Faculty of Engineering. On graduating in 1915, he joined the Army and by 1918 had risen to the rank of Major in the Royal Field Artillery.
    After the First World War, McNeill returned to the shipyard and in 1928 was appointed Chief Naval Architect. In 1934 he was made a local director of the company. During the difficult period of the 1930s he was in charge of the technical work which led to the design, launching and successful completion of the great liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Some of the most remarkable ships of the mid-twentieth century were to come from this shipyard, including the last British battleship, HMS Vanguard, and the Royal Yacht Britannia, completed in 1954. From 1948 until 1959, Sir James was Managing Director of the Clydebank part of the company and was Deputy Chairman by the time he retired in 1962. His public service was remarkable and included chairmanship of the Shipbuilding Conference and of the British Ship Research Association, and membership of the Committee of Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order 1954. CBE 1950. FRS 1948. President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 1947–9. Honorary Vice-President, Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Military Cross (First World War).
    1935, "Launch of the quadruple-screw turbine steamer Queen Mary", Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects 77:1–27 (in this classic paper McNeill displays complete mastery of a difficult subject; it is recorded that prior to launch the estimate for travel of the ship in the River Clyde was 1,194 ft (363.9 m), and the actual amount recorded was 1,196 ft (364.5m)!).

    Biographical history of technology > McNeill, Sir James McFadyen

  • 26 Paxton, Sir Joseph

    b. 3 August 1801 Milton Bryant, Bedfordshire, England
    d. 8 June 1865 Sydenham, London, England
    English designer of the Crystal Palace, the first large-scale prefabricated ferrovitreous structure.
    The son of a farmer, he had worked in gardens since boyhood and at the age of 21 was employed as Undergardener at the Horticultural Society Gardens in Chiswick, from where he went on to become Head Gardener for the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. It was there that he developed his methods of glasshouse construction, culminating in the Great Conservatory of 1836–40, an immense structure some 277 ft (84.4 m) long, 123 ft (37.5 m) wide and 67 ft (20.4 m) high. Its framework was of iron and its roof of glass, with wood to contain the glass panels; it is now demolished. Paxton went on to landscape garden design, fountain and waterway engineering, the laying out of the model village of Edensor, and to play a part in railway and country house projects.
    The structure that made Paxton a household name was erected in Hyde Park, London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 and was aptly dubbed, by Punch, the Crystal Palace. The idea of holding an international exhibition for industry had been mooted in 1849 and was backed by Prince Albert and Henry Cole. The money for this was to be raised by public subscription and 245 designs were entered into a competition held in 1850; however, most of the concepts, received from many notable architects and engineers, were very costly and unsuitable, and none were accepted. That same year, Paxton published his scheme in the Illustrated London News and it was approved after it received over-whelming public support.
    Paxton's Crystal Palace, designed and erected in association with the engineers Fox and Henderson, was a prefabricated glasshouse of vast dimensions: it was 1,848 ft (563.3 m) long, 408 ft (124.4 m) wide and over 100 ft (30.5 m) high. It contained 3,300 iron columns, 2,150 girders. 24 miles (39 km) of guttering, 600,000 ft3 (17,000 m3) of timber and 900,000 ft2 (84,000 m) of sheet glass made by Chance Bros, of Birmingham. One of the chief reasons why it was accepted by the Royal Commission Committee was that it fulfilled the competition proviso that it should be capable of being erected quickly and subsequently dismantled and re-erected elsewhere. The Crystal Palace was to be erected at a cost of £79,800, much less than the other designs. Building began on 30 July 1850, with a labour force of some 2,000, and was completed on 31 March 1851. It was a landmark in construction at the time, for its size, speed of construction and its non-eclectic design, and, most of all, as the first great prefabricated building: parts were standardized and made in quantity, and were assembled on site. The exhibition was opened by Queen Victoria on 1 May 1851 and had received six million visitors when it closed on 11 October. The building was dismantled in 1852 and reassembled, with variations in design, at Sydenham in south London, where it remained until its spectacular conflagration in 1936.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1851. MP for Coventry 1854–65. Fellow Linnaean Society 1853; Horticultural Society 1826. Order of St Vladimir, Russia, 1844.
    Further Reading
    P.Beaver, 1986, The Crystal Palace: A Portrait of Victorian Enterprise, Phillimore. George F.Chadwick, 1961, Works of Sir Joseph Paxton 1803–1865, Architectural Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Paxton, Sir Joseph

См. также в других словарях:

  • VICTORIAN ARCHITECTURE —    Victorian architecture consists of a variety of styles that correspond with the long reign of Queen Victoria, who ruled Great Britain from 1837 to 1901. In the United States, Victorian architecture appeared from the 1860s until the turn of the …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Victorian architecture — The term Victorian architecture can refer to one of a number of architectural styles predominantly employed during the Victorian era. As with the latter, the period of building that it covers may slightly overlap the actual reign, 20 June 1837 –… …   Wikipedia

  • Victorian architecture — noun a style of architecture used in Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria; characterized by massive construction and elaborate ornamentation • Hypernyms: ↑architectural style, ↑style of architecture, ↑type of architecture …   Useful english dictionary

  • Victorian decorative arts — refers to the style of decorative arts during the Victorian era. The Victorian era is known for its eclectic revival and interpretation of historic styles and the introduction of cross cultural influences from the middle east and Asia in… …   Wikipedia

  • Victorian — may mean:* 19th century matters: **Victorian era **Victorian architecture **Victorian decorative arts **Victorian fashion **Victorian morality ** Victorianism in esthetics and manners **Victorian literature *Saint Victorian (disambiguation) See… …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of Australia — Architecture in Australia, at least in the early stages of the country s history shows the substantial influence of that of English architecture, and to an extent United States architecture. At best, Australian architects sought to be early… …   Wikipedia

  • Victorian house — A Victorian house is a term generally used to describe a house built during the Victorian era (1840 1904), a time of rapid industrialization in Europe and North America which brought sprung new innovations in architecture and design.Victorian… …   Wikipedia

  • Victorian era — The Victorian era of the United Kingdom was the period of Queen Victoria s rule from June 1837 to January 1901 [Swisher, Clarice, ed. Victorian England . San Diego, CA : Greenhaven Press, 2000. ] . This was a long period of prosperity for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of Canada — The architecture of Canada is, with the exception of that of the First Nations, closely linked to the techniques and styles developed in Europe and the United States. However, design has long needed to be adapted to Canada s climate and geography …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of Toronto — The architecture of Toronto is most marked by its being the financial and cultural capital of Canada. Once an important port and manufacturing centre, today Toronto s economy is dominated by the service sector.Toronto has traditionally been a… …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of the United States — The Architecture of the United States includes a wide variety of architectural styles over its history. Architecture in the US is regionally diverse and has been shaped by many external forces, and can therefore be said to be eclectic, something… …   Wikipedia

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