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См. также в других словарях:

  • Vibrancy — Vi bran*cy, n. The state of being vibrant; resonance. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vibrancy — [vī′brən sē] n. a vibrant state or quality * * * See vibrant. * * * …   Universalium

  • vibrancy — [vī′brən sē] n. a vibrant state or quality …   English World dictionary

  • vibrancy — vibrant ► ADJECTIVE 1) full of energy and enthusiasm. 2) (of sound) strong or resonant. 3) (of colour) bright or bold. DERIVATIVES vibrancy noun vibrantly adverb. ORIGIN from Latin vibrare shake to and fro …   English terms dictionary

  • vibrancy — noun Date: circa 1890 the quality or state of being vibrant …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vibrancy — noun The quality of being vibrant. Syn: vibrance …   Wiktionary

  • vibrancy — Synonyms and related words: bassness, deepness, fluctuation, frequency, frequency band, frequency spectrum, fullness, harmonic motion, hollowness, libration, lowness, mellowness, nutation, oscillation, pendulation, periodicity, plangency,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • vibrancy — vi·bran·cy || vaɪbrÉ™nsɪ n. vitality, essentiality, powerfulness, vigorousness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • vibrancy — vi·bran·cy …   English syllables

  • vibrancy — See: vibrant …   English dictionary

  • vibrancy — noun having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑plangency, ↑resonance, ↑reverberance, ↑ringing, ↑sonorousness, ↑sonority • Derivationally related forms …   Useful english dictionary

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