1 upheaval
upheaval n1 ( disturbance) c (political, emotional) bouleversement m ; ( physical) ( in house etc) remue-ménage m inv ;2 ¢ ( instability) (political, emotional) bouleversements mpl ; ( physical) remue-ménage m inv ; political/social upheaval bouleversements politiques/sociaux ; emotional upheaval un bouleversement affectif ;3 Geol surrection f. -
2 upheaval
upheaval [ʌpˈhi:vəl]* * *[ˌʌp'hiːvl]1) [C] ( disturbance) (political, emotional) bouleversement m; ( physical) ( in house etc) remue-ménage m inv2) [U] ( instability) (political, emotional) bouleversements mpl; ( physical) remue-ménage m inv -
3 upheaval
upheaval [‚ʌp'hi:vəl](emotional, political etc) bouleversement m; (social unrest) agitation f, perturbations fpl;∎ the war brought a lot of upheaval la guerre a entraîné de nombreux bouleversements;∎ the great political/social upheavals of the twentieth century les grands bouleversements politiques/sociaux du vingtième siècle -
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upheaval [ʌpˊhi:vl] n1) сдвиг2) переворо́т3) геол. смеще́ние пласто́в -
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > upheaval
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(a great change or disturbance: Moving house causes a great upheaval.) trastornotr[ʌp'hiːvəl]1 figurative use trastorno, agitación nombre femeninoupheaval [.ʌp'hi:vəl] n1) : levantamiento m (en geología)2) disturbance, upset: trastorno m, agitación f, conmoción fn.• cataclismo s.m.• levantamiento s.m.• sacudida s.f.• solevantamiento s.m.• trastorno s.m.ʌp'hiːvəlmass & count nouna period of great social/political upheaval — una época de gran agitación social/política
[ʌp'hiːvǝl]N1) (emotional) trastorno m2) (in home, office etc) trastorno m3) (Pol) agitación f4) (Geol) levantamiento m* * *[ʌp'hiːvəl]mass & count nouna period of great social/political upheaval — una época de gran agitación social/política
9 upheaval
nounAufruhr, der; (commotion, disturbance) Durcheinander, das* * *(a great change or disturbance: Moving house causes a great upheaval.) die Umwälzung* * *up·heav·al[ʌpˈhi:vəl]nemotional \upheaval Aufruhr m der Gefühlepolitical \upheaval politische Umwälzung[en]\upheaval of the earth's crust Erhebung f der Erdkruste* * *[ʌp'hiːvəl]n (GEOL)Aufwölbung f, Erhebung f; (fig) Aufruhr memotional upheaval — Aufruhr m der Gefühle
social/political upheavals — soziale/politische Umwälzungen pl
* * *upheaval s1. ( meist vulkanische) (Boden)Erhebung2. fig Umwälzung f, Umbruch m:social upheavals soziale Umwälzungen* * *nounAufruhr, der; (commotion, disturbance) Durcheinander, das* * *v.hochheben v. n.Erhebung -en f.Umbruch -¨e m.Umwälzung f. -
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1. поднятие; подъём (силой, действующей снизу) 2. сдвиг; смещение
upheaval of plug выталкивание лавовой пробки в вулкане
central upheaval центральное поднятие
lava upheaval лавовое куполообразное поднятие
transverse upheaval поперечное поднятие
volcanic upheaval вулканическое поднятие
* * *• подъем• смещение -
11 upheaval
[ˌʌp'hiːvl]1) (disturbance) (political, emotional) agitazione f.; (physical) (in house etc.) subbuglio m.2) U (instability) (political, emotional) sconvolgimento m.; (physical) trambusto m., scompiglio m.* * *(a great change or disturbance: Moving house causes a great upheaval.) scombussolamento* * *upheaval /ʌpˈhi:vl/n. [uc]1 (fig.) sconvolgimento; cambiamento radicale; DIALOGO → - Building work- That sounds like a lot of upheaval, sembra un cambiamento radicale3 (fig.) sollevamento; tumulto.* * *[ˌʌp'hiːvl]1) (disturbance) (political, emotional) agitazione f.; (physical) (in house etc.) subbuglio m.2) U (instability) (political, emotional) sconvolgimento m.; (physical) trambusto m., scompiglio m. -
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up·heav·al [ʌpʼhi:vəl] nemotional \upheaval Aufruhr m der Gefühle;political \upheaval politische Umwälzung[en]\upheaval of the earth's crust Erhebung f der Erdkruste -
14 upheaval
[ʌp'hiːv(ə)l]сущ.1) подъём2) переворот; бунт, беспорядки3) геол. поднятие ( земной коры); смещение пластов -
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1. n сдвиг2. n переворот3. n геол. поднятие, смещение пластов; вытеснениеСинонимический ряд:1. chaos (noun) chaos; disruption; disturbance; tumult2. commotion (noun) clamor; commotion; convulsion; ferment; outcry; upturn3. eruption (noun) blowup; change; earthquake; eruption; explosion; outbreak; outburst; quake; volcano4. insurrection (noun) agitation; insurrection; mutiny; revolution; sedition; turbulence; uprisingАнтонимический ряд: -
17 upheaval
ʌpˈhi:vəl сущ.
1) поднятие (земной коры, а также - в переносном смысле)
2) перен. переворот, потрясение( в обществе) political upheaval ≈ политический переворот violent upheaval ≈ насильственное свержение власти сдвиг переворот - political * политический переворот (геология) поднятие, смещение пластов;
вытеснениеБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > upheaval
18 upheaval
(a great change or disturbance: Moving house causes a great upheaval.) omvæltning* * *(a great change or disturbance: Moving house causes a great upheaval.) omvæltning -
19 upheaval
n1) зрушення2) переворот3) геол. змішення пластів; витіснення* * *n1) зрушення; переворот2) гeoл. підняття, зміщення пластів; витіснення -
20 upheaval
См. также в других словарях:
Upheaval — Up*heav al, n. The act of upheaving, or the state of being upheaved; esp., an elevation of a portion of the earth s crust. Lubbock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
upheaval — index bluster (commotion), cataclysm, commotion, confusion (turmoil), disaster, furor, havoc … Law dictionary
upheaval — (n.) 1838, in geology, from Middle English verb upheave (c.1300), from UP (Cf. up) + HEAVE (Cf. heave) (v.). Cf. O.Fris. upheva, O.H.G. ufhevan, Ger. aufheben. Figurative sense, with reference to convulsions of society, etc., recorded from 1850 … Etymology dictionary
upheaval — *commotion, agitation, tumult, turmoil, turbulence, confusion, convulsion Analogous words: heaving, raising, lifting (see LIFT vb): alteration, change (see under CHANGE vb): cataclysm, catastrophe, *disaster … New Dictionary of Synonyms
upheaval — [n] major change about face*, alteration, cataclysm, catastrophe, clamor, commotion, convulsion, disaster, disorder, disruption, disturbance, eruption, explosion, ferment, flip flop*, new ball game*, new deal*, outbreak, outburst, outcry,… … New thesaurus
upheaval — ► NOUN ▪ a violent or sudden change or disruption … English terms dictionary
upheaval — [up hē′vəl] n. 1. a heaving up, as of part of the earth s crust by an earthquake 2. a sudden, violent change … English World dictionary
upheaval — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, enormous, great, major, massive ▪ cultural, economic, emotional, political, social … Collocations dictionary
upheaval — n. 1) a violent upheaval 2) a political; social upheaval * * * [ʌp hiːv(ə)l] social upheaval a political a violent upheaval … Combinatory dictionary
upheaval — UK [ʌpˈhiːv(ə)l] / US [ʌpˈhɪv(ə)l] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms upheaval : singular upheaval plural upheavals a sudden or violent change, especially one that affects people s lives Maya s been going through a period of emotional… … English dictionary
upheaval — [[t]ʌphi͟ːv(ə)l[/t]] upheavals N COUNT: usu adj N An upheaval is a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry. Algeria has been going through political upheaval for the past two months... Having a baby will mean the greatest… … English dictionary