1 tropical
1) (of the tropics: The climate there is tropical.) tropický2) (growing etc in hot countries: tropical plants.) tropický* * *• vrúcny (pren.)• vrelý (pren.)• tropický• obrazný -
2 semi-tropical
• subtropický -
3 banana
(the long curved fruit, yellow-skinned when ripe, of a type of very large tropical tree.) banán* * *• banán -
4 cacao
5 cassia
['kæsiə, 'kæʃə](any of several types of tropical tree or shrub of the pea family with small yellow or pink flowers.) kasia* * *• druh nekvalitnej škorice• kasia-strom i plod -
6 castor oil
(an oil from a tropical plant, used in medicine etc.) ricínový olej* * *• ricínový olej -
7 clove
8 e.g.
[,i: '‹i:]( abbreviation from Latin) (exempli gratia; for example: tropical fruit, e.g. mango, pineapple and avocado.) napr.* * *• napr.• napríklad -
9 jungle
(a thick growth of trees and plants in tropical areas: the Amazon jungle; Tigers are found in the jungles of Asia; ( also adjective) soldiers trained in jungle warfare.) džungľa; džungľový* * *• žit v džungli• džungla• húština -
10 mahogany
[mə'hoɡəni]1) (the wood of a tropical American tree, much used for making furniture: This table is made of mahogany; ( also adjective) a mahogany table.) mahagón; mahagónový2) (( also adjective) (of) its dark brown colour.) mahagónový3) ((also mahogany tree) the tree.) mahagónový strom* * *• jedálny stôl• mahagónová farba• mahagónový strom• mahagón -
11 mango
['mæŋɡəu]plural - mango(e)s; noun1) (the yellowish fruit of an Indian tropical tree.) mango2) ((also mango tree) the tree.) mangovník* * *• mango• mangovník -
12 papaya
13 plant
1. noun1) (anything growing from the ground, having a stem, a root and leaves: flowering/tropical plants.) rastlina2) (industrial machinery: engineering plant.) zariadenie3) (a factory.) továreň2. verb1) (to put (something) into the ground so that it will grow: We have planted vegetables in the garden.) (za)sadiť2) (to make (a garden etc); to cause (a garden etc) to have (plants etc) growing in it: The garden was planted with shrubs; We're going to plant an orchard.) vysadiť3) (to place heavily or firmly: He planted himself between her and the door.) postaviť (sa)4) (to put in someone's possession, especially as false evidence: He claimed that the police had planted the weapon on his brother.) podstrčiť•- planter* * *• vkladat• vložit• závod• zariadenie• továren• prevádzka• prevádzkáren zariadenia• agregát• regulovaná sústava• rastlina• podnik -
14 region
['ri:‹ən](a part of a country, the world etc: Do you know this region well?; in tropical regions.) kraj, oblasť, región- regional- regionally
- in the region of* * *• vrstva• zem• sféra• cast• rajón• rozsah• pásmo• pole• koncina• kraj• okres• odbor• oblast -
15 rice
(a plant, grown in well-watered ground in tropical countries, whose seeds are used as food.) ryža* * *• ryža -
16 sea
[si:] 1. noun1) ((often with the) the mass of salt water covering most of the Earth's surface: I enjoy swimming in the sea; over land and sea; The sea is very deep here; ( also adjective) A whale is a type of large sea animal.) more; morský2) (a particular area of sea: the Baltic Sea; These fish are found in tropical seas.) more3) (a particular state of the sea: mountainous seas.) more•- seawards- seaward
- seaboard
- sea breeze
- seafaring
- seafood 2. adjectiveseafood restaurants.) morské jedlá, špeciality- seafront- sea-going
- seagull
- sea level
- sea-lion
- seaman
- seaport
- seashell
- seashore
- seasick
- seasickness
- seaside
- seaweed
- seaworthy
- seaworthiness
- at sea
- go to sea
- put to sea* * *• vlnobitie• vlna• vlnenie• týkajúci sa mora• prímorský• jazero• rozbúrenost mora• pobrežný• povolanie námorníka• pohyb morskej hladiny• morský• morský príval• more• námornícky• námorný• oceán -
17 subtropical
((belonging to those areas) close to the tropical zone: a subtropical climate.) subtropický* * *• subtropický -
18 tamarind
['tæmərind](a tropical fruit, a brown pod with a juicy, spicy pulp used in medicines, drinks etc.)* * *• tamarind indický -
19 tropic
['tropik](either of two imaginary circles running round the earth at about 23 degrees north (Tropic of Cancer) or south (Tropic of Capricorn) of the equator.) obratník (Raka, Kozorožca)- tropics- tropical
- tropically* * *• tropický• obratník -
20 vanilla
[və'nilə](a flavouring obtained from a tropical orchid, and used in ice-cream and other foods: vanilla ice-cream.) vanilka* * *• vanilka
См. также в других словарях:
tropical — tropical, ale, aux [ trɔpikal, o ] adj. • 1824; de tropique 1 ♦ Qui concerne les tropiques, la zone intertropicale, les régions situées autour de chaque tropique, de part et d autre de la zone équatoriale proprement dite. ⇒ équatorial. Région,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tropical — TROPICÁL, Ă, tropicali, e, adj. Care ţine de tropice, care se află în regiunea tropicelor, specific tropicelor. ♢ Căldură tropicală = căldură dogoritoare, caniculară. – Din fr. tropical. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 TROPICÁL adj … Dicționar Român
Tropical — Trop ic*al, a. [Cf. L. tropicus of turning, Gr. ?. See {Tropic}, n.] 1. Of or pertaining to the tropics; characteristic of, or incident to, the tropics; being within the tropics; as, tropical climate; tropical latitudes; tropical heat; tropical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tropical — (Мотриль,Испания) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Avd.Rodriguez Acosta 23 , 186 … Каталог отелей
Tropical — ist ein griechischer Hersteller von Fahrzeugen mit Wasserstoffantrieb. Produziert werden Kleinstwagen, Motorroller sowie Wasserstoffantriebe für Busse und Generatoren. 2008 wird ein neuer Kleinwagen präsentiert, der Teile des Smart Fortwo benutzt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tropical — (Ханиоти,Греция) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Chanioti, Ханиоти, 63085, Греци … Каталог отелей
Tropical — (Порту,Португалия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Gil Vicente, 167, Бонфим, 4000 256 Порту, Португалия … Каталог отелей
Tropical — [ trɔpɪkəl; englisch, eigentlich »tropisch«] der, s/ s, Textiltechnik: Fresko. * * * Trọ|pi|cal [...ikl̩], der; s, s [engl. tropical, eigtl. = tropisch]: leichtes, poröses Kammgarngewebe in Leinwandbindung für leichte Sommeranzüge u.… … Universal-Lexikon
tropical — adj. 2 g. 1. Dos trópicos. 2. Que fica ou vive entre os trópicos. 3. calor tropical: calor excessivo … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
tropical — tropical, ale (tro pi kal, ka l ) adj. 1° Qui appartient au tropique ; qui se trouve sous un tropique. La végétation tropicale. Les arbres tropicaux. Régions tropicales, contrées placées entre les tropiques. 2° Par extension, très chaud,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
tropical — 1520s, “pertaining to the celestial tropics,” from TROPIC (Cf. tropic) + AL (Cf. al) (1). In reference to the torrid zones of the earth, from 1690s … Etymology dictionary