1 treaty-making power
право укладати міжнародні угоди; повноваження на укладання міжнародної угоди; правоздатність до укладання угоди -
2 treaty-making
- treaty-making power право заключення договорів -
3 treaty
міжнародна угода; угода; конвенція; переговори про укладання угоди ( у цивільному праві)- treaty lawtreaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance — міжнародна угода про дружбу, співробітництво і взаємну допомогу
- treaty-making
- treaty-making capacity
- treaty-making power
- treaty monitoring
- treaty-monitoring
- treaty obligations
- treaty of alliance
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- treaty of cession
- treaty of cession of territory
- treaty of disarmament
- treaty of friendship
- treaty of guarantee
- treaty of limits
- treaty of marriage
- treaty of mutual security
- treaty of non-aggression
- treaty of peace
- treaty of peaceful settlement
- Treaty of Rome
- Treaty of the European Union
- Treaty of Versailles
- treaty port
- treaty practice
- treaty provisions
- treaty regime
- treaty rights
- treaty's term -
4 power
1. n1) сила; міць2) потужність; енергія3) продуктивність4) тех. двигун, машина5) могутність; влада, сила6) можливість7) розумова здібність; фізична здатність8) право, повноваження9) юр. довіра, довір'я10) дієздатність11) держава12) розм. безліч, велика кількість13) мат. степінь14) опт. сила збільшення15) релігійний екстазpower circuit — ел. енергетична мережа
power generation — тех. виробництво енергії
power house — електростанція; розм. дужа і енергійна людина; сильне угруповання; сильна команда (футбольна); гарний гравець
power plant — електростанція; силова установка, двигун; ав. гвинтомоторна група
power station — електростанція; генераторна станція; силова станція
power truck — електрокар; електровагонетка
2. v1) приводити в дію (в рух)2) бути рушійним двигуном3) обладнувати силовим двигуном* * *I n1) сила; міць2) енергія; потужністьelectric power — електроенергія; потужність; продуктивність
power factor — eл. коефіцієнт потужності
power augmentation — форсаж, форсування ( двигуна); тex.; cпeц. двигун; машина; силова установка; енергетика
3) могутність, сила, владаa party in power — правляча партія; pl боги; божественні сили; юp. влада
4) можливістьpurchasing /buying/ power — купівельна спроможність; (pl) ( розумові або фізичні) здібності
5) право, повноваженняpower of substitution — юp. право передоручення; юp. доручення ( power of attorney) юp. дієздатність, правоздатність
6) держава7) , дiaл. багато, велика кількість8) мaт. степінь; порядок ( кривої)9) oпт. сила збільшення; оптична силаII vпускати в хід або рух; служити привідним двигуном; оснащувати силовим двигуном; живити ( електро)енергією; підтримувати; надихати -
5 treaty
міжторг., юр. договір; міжнародний договір; угода; конвенціяміждержавна письмова угода відповідно до чинного міжнародного законодавства; ♦ міжнародні договори укладаються щодо мирних стосунків, економіки, торгівлі та інших питань міжнародних відносин (international relations)═════════■═════════arbitration treaty договір арбітражу; bilateral treaty двосторонній договір; binding treaty зобов'язувальний договір; boundary treaty договір про режим кордонів; civil law treaty цивільно-правовий договір; commercial treaty торговельний договір; conciliation treaty договір про погоджувальні процедури; draft treaty проект договору; economic treaty господарський договір; equitable treaty справедливий договір • рівноправний договір; executory treaty договір, який підлягає виконанню в майбутньому; inequitable treaty несправедливий договір • нерівноправний договір; insurance treaty договір страхування; law-making treaty нормативний договір • договір-закон; law-of-the-sea (LOS) treaty міжнародний договір морського права; multilateral treaty багатосторонній договір; open treaty відкритий міжнародний договір; oral treaty усний договір; Patent Cooperation Treaty Договір про патентну співпрацю; private treaty приватна угода • приватний договір; reciprocal treaty взаємний договір • договір на основі взаємності; trade treaty торговельний договір; Trademark Registration Treaty Договір про міжнародну реєстрацію торговельних знаків; tripartite treaty тристоронній договір • договір між трьома державами═════════□═════════to accede to a treaty приєднуватися/приєднатися до договору; to annul a treaty анулювати договір; to break a treaty порушувати/порушити договір; to cancel a treaty анулювати договір • скасовувати/скасувати договір; to conclude a treaty укладати/укласти договір; to denounce a treaty оголошувати/оголосити договір недійсним • денонсувати договір; to enter into a treaty входити/увійти в договір; to extend a treaty продовжувати/продовжити договір; to initial a treaty парафувати договір; to join a treaty приєднуватися/приєднатися до договору; to keep to a treaty дотримуватися/ дотриматися договору; to observe a treaty дотримуватися/дотриматися договору; to ratify a treaty ратифікувати договір; to renounce a treaty відмовлятися/відмовитися від договору; to rescind a treaty анулювати договір • скасовувати/скасувати договір; to revoke a treaty анулювати договір • скасовувати/скасувати договір; to terminate a treaty анулювати договір • скасовувати/скасувати договір; to violate a treaty порушувати/порушити умови договору; to withdraw from a treaty виходити/ вийти з договору; treaty amendment поправки до договору; treaty exemption вилучення з договору; treaty of alliance союзний договір; treaty of friendship договір про дружбу; treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation договір про дружбу, торгівлю і мореплавання; treaty of peace мирний договір; Trade of Rome Римський договір; treaty on commerce договір про торгівлю; treaty power уповноваження на укладання договору -
6 law
1) закон; право ( як система законів); правознавство, законознавство; юстиція; професія юриста; суд, судовий процес, судова процедура; розм. юристи; правило; the law розм. поліція, поліцейський2) атриб. юридичний, законний, правовий•law based on judicial decisions — право, засноване на судових (прецедентних) рішеннях
law enforcement classification of confidential information — засекречування конфіденційної інформації поліцією ( або іншим правоохоронним органом)
law of international organizations — право, що регулює діяльність міжнародних організацій
law on amendments and additions — ( to the law on smth) закон про внесення змін і доповнень ( до закону про щось)
law on combating organized crime — = law on combatting organized crime закон про боротьбу з організованою злочинністю
- law-abiding citizenlaw on combatting organized crime — = law on combating organized crime
- law-abiding person
- law-abidingness
- law administration
- law agent
- law analogy
- law and equity
- law and order
- law-and-order
- law-and-order advocate
- law-and-order campaign
- law-and-order candidate
- law-and-order champion
- law-and-order force
- law and order maintenance
- law and usage of Parliament
- law application
- law as a career
- law as amended
- law as fact
- law as norm
- law blank
- law-book
- law books
- law-breaker
- law-breaking
- law case
- law canter
- law centre
- law changes
- law charge
- law charges
- law Christian
- law clerk
- law code
- law commentator
- law compliance
- law-complying
- law-complying citizen
- law-complying person
- law conference
- law costs
- law course
- law-court
- law courts
- law-creating
- law-creating process
- law-creating source
- law creation
- law day
- Law Day
- law defiance
- law-defying person
- law degree
- law department
- law dictionary
- law digest
- law doctorate
- law drafting
- law draftsman
- law due to expire
- law education
- law effectiveness
- law enforcement
- law-enforcement
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement action
- law enforcement administration
- law enforcement administrator
- law enforcement agencies
- law enforcement forces
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement agent
- law enforcement authority
- law enforcement body
- law enforcement classification
- law-enforcement community
- law enforcement duty
- law enforcement effectiveness
- law enforcement establishment
- law-enforcement executive
- law enforcement force
- law enforcement intelligence
- law enforcement investigator
- law enforcement manual
- law enforcement matter
- law-enforcement officer
- law-enforcement official
- law enforcement personnel
- law enforcement policy
- law enforcement procedure
- law enforcement process
- law enforcement statistics
- law enforcement structure
- law enforcement system
- law-enforcement technique
- law enforcer
- law enforcing body
- law examiner
- law-executing power
- law expenses
- law factory
- law faculty
- law firm
- law for the time being
- law form
- law-forming decision
- law French
- law-giver
- law-governed
- law-governed state
- law in effect
- law in force
- law in vigor
- law in vigour
- law-interpreting power
- law interpretation
- law is silent
- law judgement
- law judgment
- law language
- Law Latin
- law lecture
- law library
- law-list
- Law Lords
- law lords
- law-maker
- law-making
- law-making activity
- law-making body
- law-making instrument
- law-making power
- law-making process
- law-making treaty
- law manuscript
- law martial
- law matter
- law merchant
- law-monger
- law obedience
- law-obedient
- law obedient citizen
- law obedient person
- law observance
- law of accidental error
- law of agency
- law of arbitral procedure
- law of armed conflict
- law of arms
- law of business property
- law of casuality
- law of civil procedure
- law of conflict
- law of contract
- law of copyright
- law of corrections
- law of crime
- law of crimes
- law of criminal procedure
- law of domestic relations
- law of domestical relations
- law of employment
- law of enforceable rights
- law of equity
- law of evidence
- law of God
- law of immovable property
- law of industrial relations
- law of inheritance
- law of international trade
- law of landlord and tenant
- law of marriage
- law of master and servant
- law of merchant shipping
- lawof nations
- lawof nature
- law of neighboring tenements
- law of neighbouring tenements
- law of no effect
- law of obligation
- law of outer space
- law of peace
- law of persons
- law of power
- law of practice
- law of precedent
- law of prize
- law of procedure
- law of property
- law of property act
- law of quasi-contract
- law of real property
- law of rights
- law of self-preservation
- law of shipping
- law of substance
- law of succession
- law of talion
- law of the air
- law of the case
- Law of the Church
- Law of the church
- law of the Constitution
- law of the court
- law of the flag
- law of the jungle
- law of the land
- law of the land clause
- law of the sea
- law of the situs
- law of the staple
- law of the United Nations
- law of torts
- law of treaties
- law of trust
- law of wages
- law of war
- law of wills
- law offender
- law-office
- law office
- law officer
- law officers of the Crown
- law on additions
- law on amendments
- law on cooperation
- law on elections
- law on refugees
- law on the state budget
- law order
- law person
- law policy
- law position
- law practice
- law proceeding
- law proceedings
- law profession
- law professor
- law-protected
- law reform
- law remedy
- law report
- law reporter
- law reports
- law-restricted
- law review
- law revision
- law revision commission
- law school
- law school curriculum
- law side
- law sitting
- law society
- law spiritual
- law still in force
- law still in vigor
- law still in vigour
- law student
- law suit
- law system
- law teacher at the university
- law teaching
- law temporal
- law term
- law-term
- law terminology
- law terms
- law textbook
- law theory
- law-trained
- law treaty
- law-unabiding
- law-unabiding citizen
- law unacted upon
- law violation
- law-violator
- law was in being since...
- law wife
- law-writer
- law's provision
- laws of war -
7 agreement
угода, контракт, договір; погодження, згода; домовленість; змова; відповідність- agreement approved by treatyagreement of unlimited duration — безстрокова угода, безстроковий договір
- agreement by parol
- agreement by specialty
- agreement in force
- agreement in writing
- agreement law
- agreement-making power
- agreement not to prosecute
- agreement of conveyance
- agreement of jury
- agreement of lawsuit
- agreement of marriage
- agreement on legal aid
- agreement to commit a crime
- agreement to marry
- agreement to receive a bribe
- agreement to sell
- agreement under seal
- agreement with a creditor
- agreement with a debtor -
8 joint
спільний, об'єднаний; узгоджений; колективний, колегіальний; міжвідомчий- joint adventurejoint and several responsibility — зобов'язання з відповідальністю спільно і окремо, зобов'язання із солідарною відповідальністю
- joint agreement
- joint and several
- joint and several liability
- joint and several obligation
- joint and several promissors
- joint appeal
- joint appeals
- joint applicants
- joint assessment
- joint authority
- joint authors
- joint ballot
- joint beneficiary
- joint body
- joint bond
- joint business
- joint cause of action
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- joint claim
- joint commission
- joint committee
- joint conference
- joint consultations
- joint consultative committee
- joint contract
- joint covenant
- joint creditors
- joint crime
- joint custody
- joint debt
- joint debtor
- joint decision-making power
- joint declaration
- joint denial
- joint efforts
- joint estate
- joint financial responsibility
- joint guarantee
- joint guarantor
- joint guardian
- joint guardianship
- joint guilt
- joint heir
- joint heirship
- joint household
- joint indebtedness
- joint interest
- joint intervention
- joint invention
- joint liability
- joint licensee
- joint mortgage
- joint mortgaged
- joint obligation
- joint offenders
- joint operation
- joint operation agreement
- joint organ
- joint owner
- joint ownership
- joint participants
- joint participants in a crime
- joint participation
- joint participation in a crime
- joint participators
- joint participators in a crime
- joint party
- joint possession
- joint plaintiff
- joint possession
- joint possessor
- joint privilege
- joint procuration
- joint promissors
- joint property
- joint proprietor
- joint prosecution
- joint recognition
- joint registration
- joint representation
- joint resolution
- joint responsibility
- joint return
- joint session
- joint signatory
- joint signature
- joint sitting
- joint statement
- joint stock
- joint-stock
- joint stock association
- joint-stock bank
- joint-stock company
- joint stock company
- joint-stock corporation
- joint surety
- joint suspects
- joint tax return
- joint taxation
- joint tenancy
- joint tenant
- joint tort feasors
- joint tort tortfeasors
- joint tortfeasory
- joint treaty
- joint trial
- joint use
- joint user
- joint venture
- joint venture agreement
- joint will -
9 political
1) політичний в'язень, політв'язень; розм. політичний злочинець2) політичний; державний; партійний, вузькопартійний ( про підхід тощо); державознавчий; тактичний ( про хід у політиці тощо)•- political advertisement
- political advertising
- political agitation
- political allegiance
- political alliance
- political ally
- political amnesty
- political and legal
- political aspect
- political assassination
- political asylum
- political asylum applicant
- political asylum request
- political authority
- political authority
- political beliefs
- political bias
- political bribery
- political campaign
- political capacity
- political case
- political censorship
- political charge
- Political Committee
- political connections
- political considerations
- political conspiracy
- political contest
- political contests
- political contract killing
- political control
- political convictions
- political corporation
- political corruption
- political crime
- political decision-making
- political demand
- political despotism
- political destabilization
- political deviant
- political dialog
- political dialogue
- political dictation
- political diktat
- political discrimination
- political disorder
- political disorders
- political dissenter
- political district
- political division
- political elite
- political espionage
- political executive
- political exile
- political expediency
- political extremism
- political figure
- political foe
- political force
- political freedom
- political game
- political gangsterism
- political government
- political illegality
- political independence
- political inequality
- political influence
- political integration
- political intelligence
- political issue
- political judging
- political justice
- political killer
- political killing
- political law
- political liberalization
- political liberties
- political liberty
- political-military bloc
- political motive
- political murder
- political nationality
- political nature of a state
- political offence
- political offense
- political offender
- political opponent
- political opposition
- political oppression
- political order
- political pay-off
- political payment
- political persecution
- political persuasion
- political police
- political post
- political power
- political preferences
- political pressure
- political principle
- political prisoner
- political privilege
- political process
- political question
- political question
- political radicalism
- political reality
- political refugee
- political regime
- political repression
- political responsibility
- political right
- political rival
- political scientist
- political spectrum
- political strike
- political suspect
- political system
- political terror
- political terrorism
- political terrorist
- political threat
- political treaty
- political trial
- political union
- political unit
- political unreliability
- political untrustworthiness
- political victim
- political views
- political vigilance
См. также в других словарях:
Treaty of Lisbon — For other uses, see Treaty of Lisbon (disambiguation). Treaty of Lisbon Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community Type Amends existing treaties Signed 13 December 2007 Location … Wikipedia
Treaty — The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, in (left to right) German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish and Russian A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely… … Wikipedia
treaty — trea·ty n pl treaties [Anglo French treté, from Middle French traité, from Medieval Latin tractatus, from Latin, handling, treatment, from tractare to treat, handle] 1: the action of treating and esp. of negotiating 2: an agreement or arrangement … Law dictionary
Treaty of Versailles — otheruses4|the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, at the end of World War I|other uses|Treaty of Versailles (disambiguation) Infobox Treaty name = Treaty of Versailles long name = Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo — ▪ Primary Source This agreement ended the war between the United States and Mexico. It was signed on February 2, 1848, at Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo. By its terms, the United States paid Mexico $15 million for more than 525,000 square miles … Universalium
Treaty of Point Elliott — The Treaty of Point Elliott of 1855, or the Point Elliott Treaty, [The treaty is entitled and listed in catalogs and archives as the Treaty of Point Elliott, 1855 .] is the lands settlement treaty between the United States government and the… … Wikipedia
Treaty Clause — Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, includes the Treaty Clause, which empowers the President of the United States to make treaties with other countries, after obtaining the consent of a supermajority of the United… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Nice — This article is about the EU treaty of 2001. For the 1892 treaty between Italy and France, see Treaty of Nice (1892). Treaty of Nice Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Waitangi — Infobox document document name=Treaty of Waitangi image width=200px image caption=One of the few extant copies of the Treaty of Waitangi date created=February 6, 1840 date ratified= location of document=Archives New Zealand writer=William Hobson… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Trianon — Infobox Treaty name = Treaty of Trianon long name = Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary image width = 300px caption = Signing the Treaty on June 4, 1920. type = date drafted = date signed = June 4, 1920 location… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Stolbovo — The Treaty of Stolbovo is a peace treaty of 1617 that ended the Ingrian War, fought between Sweden and Russia.After nearly two months of negotiations, representatives from Sweden and Russia met at the (now derelict) village of Stolbovo, south of… … Wikipedia