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  • 1 тракторный плуг

    Русско-английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям > тракторный плуг

  • 2 pług ciągnikowy

    • tractor plough

    Słownik polsko-angielski dla inżynierów > pług ciągnikowy

  • 3 traktör pulluğu

    tractor plough

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > traktör pulluğu

  • 4 тракторный плуг

    1) General subject: tractor-mounted plough

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > тракторный плуг

  • 5 плуг

    * * *
    плуг м.
    выглубля́ть плуг — raise [shallow up] a plough
    плуг произво́дит вспа́шку на глубину́ … см — tire plough cuts to (a depth of) … cm
    плуг произво́дит вспа́шку с оборо́том пласта́ — a plough cuts the furrow and turns it up [over]
    баланси́рный плуг — balance plough
    балла́стный плуг — ballast plough
    безотва́льный плуг — mould boardless plough
    боло́тный плуг — marsh [moor] plough
    виногра́дниковый плуг — vine-yard plough
    вы́копочный плуг — excavating plough
    гребнеразра́внивающий плуг — row plough
    двухотва́льный плуг — double-breasted [double-mould-board] plough
    двухъя́русный плуг — double-depth plough
    ди́сковый плуг — disk plough
    дрена́жный плуг — draining [drainer] plough
    зачистно́й плуг горн.clearing plough
    кана́тный плуг — cable plough
    корчева́льный плуг — rooter
    косого́рный плуг — hillside plough
    крото́вый плуг — mole plough
    куста́рниково-боло́тный плуг — brush-and-bog plough
    леме́шный плуг — share plough
    лесно́й плуг — forestry plough
    лущи́льный плуг — stubble (breaking) plough, stubble breaker
    многоко́рпусный плуг — multibottom(ed) plough
    навесно́й плуг — mounted plough
    плуг на ко́нной тя́ге — horse-drawn plough
    оборо́тный плуг — reversible [alternative] plough
    одноко́рпусный плуг — single-bottom plough
    отва́льный плуг — mould-board plough
    планта́жный плуг — trenching [deep (digger)] plough
    полунавесно́й плуг — semi-integral [semi-mounted] plough
    прицепно́й плуг — pull-type plough
    руха́дловый плуг — steep-bottomed plough
    садо́вый плуг — orchard plough
    самохо́дный плуг — self-propelled plough
    снегово́й плуг — snow plough
    тра́кторный плуг — tractor plough
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > плуг

  • 6 самоходный струг

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > самоходный струг

  • 7 traktorplog

    subst. tractor plough, tractor plow

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > traktorplog

  • 8 резонансный самоходный струг

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > резонансный самоходный струг

  • 9 Anbaupflug

    m < agri> (an Traktor) ■ mounted tractor plough

    German-english technical dictionary > Anbaupflug

  • 10 Traktorpflug

    m < agri> ■ tractor plough

    German-english technical dictionary > Traktorpflug

  • 11 Anbaupflug

    mounted tractor plough Br.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Anbaupflug

  • 12 Traktorpflug

    tractor plough

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Traktorpflug

  • 13 плуг

    тракторен плуг a tractor-driven plough
    дръжка/рамо на плуг plough-tail
    * * *
    м., -ове, (два) плу̀га сел.-ст. plough; дръжка/рамо на \плуг plough-tail; моторен \плуг ( автоплуг) motor-plough; тракторен \плуг a tractor-driven plough.
    * * *
    1. plough 2. дръжка/рамо на ПЛУГ plough-tail 3. моторен ПЛУГ (автоплуг) motor-plough 4. тракторен ПЛУГ a tractor-driven plough

    Български-английски речник > плуг

  • 14 тракторний

    Українсько-англійський словник > тракторний

  • 15 Albone, Daniel

    b. c.1860 Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, England
    d. 1906 England
    English engineer who developed and manufactured the first commercially successful lightweight tractor.
    The son of a market gardener, Albone's interest lay in mechanics, and by 1880 he had established his own business as a cycle maker and repairer. His inventive mind led to a number of patents relating to bicycle design, but his commercial success was particularly assisted by his achievements in cycle racing. From this early start he diversified his business, designing and supplying, amongst other things, axle bearings for the Great Northern Railway, and also building motor cycles and several cars. It is possible that he began working on tractors as early as 1896. Certainly by 1902 he had built his first prototype, to the three-wheeled design that was to remain in later production models. Weighing only 30 cwt, yet capable of pulling two binders or a two-furrow plough, Albone's Ivel tractor was ahead of anything in its time, and its power-to-weight ratio was to be unrivalled for almost a decade. Albone's commercial success was not entirely due to the mechanical tractor's superiority, but owed a considerable amount to his ability as a showman and demonstrator. He held two working demonstrations a month in the village of Biggleswade in Bedfordshire, where the tractors were made. The tractor was named after the river Ivel, which flowed through the village. The Ivel tractor gained twenty-six gold and silver medals at agricultural shows between 1902 and 1906, and was a significant contributor to Britain's position as the world's largest exporter of tractors between 1904 and 1914. Albone tried other forms of his tractor to increase its sales. He built a fire engine, and also an armoured vehicle, but failed to impress the War Office with its potential.
    Albone died at the age of 46. His tractor continued in production but remained essentially unimproved, and the company finally lost its sales to other designs, particularly those of American origin.
    Further Reading
    Detailed contemporary accounts of tractor development occur in the British periodical Implement and Machinery Review. Accounts of the Ivel appear in "The Trials of Agricultural Motors", Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (1910), pp. 179–99. A series of general histories by Michael Williams have been published by Blandfords, of which Classic Farm Tractors (1984) includes an entry on the Ivel.

    Biographical history of technology > Albone, Daniel

  • 16 Ferguson, Harry

    b. 4 November 1884 County Down, Ireland
    d. 25 October 1960 England
    Irish engineer who developed a tractor hydraulic system for cultivation equipment, and thereby revolutionized tractor design.
    Ferguson's father was a small farmer who expected his son to help on the farm from an early age. As a result he received little formal education, and on leaving school joined his brother in a backstreet workshop in Belfast repairing motor bikes. By the age of 19 he had built his own bike and began hill-climbing competitions and racing. His successes in these ventures gained useful publicity for the workshop. In 1907 he built his own car and entered it into competitions, and in 1909 became the first person in Britain to build and fly a machine that was heavier than air.
    On the outbreak of the First World War he was appointed by the Irish Department of Agriculture to supervise the operation and maintenance of all farm tractors. His experiences convinced him that even the Ford tractor and the implements available for it were inadequate for the task, and he began to experiment with his own plough designs. The formation of the Ferguson-Sherman Corporation resulted in the production of thousands of the ploughs he had designed for the Ford tractor, but in 1928 Ford discontinued production of tractors, and Ferguson returned to Ireland. He immediately began to design his own tractor. Six years of development led to the building of a prototype that weighed only 16 cwt (813kg). In 1936 David Brown of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, began production of these tractors for Ferguson, but the partnership was not wholly successful and was dissolved after three years. In 1939 Ferguson and Ford reached their famous "Handshake agreement", in which no formal contract was signed, and the mass production of the Ford Ferguson system tractors began that year. During the next nine years 300,000 tractors and a million implements were produced under this agreement. However, on the death of Henry Ford the company began production, under his son, of their own tractor. Ferguson returned to the UK and negotiated a deal with the Standard Motor Company of Coventry for the production of his tractor. At the same time he took legal action against Ford, which resulted in that company being forced to stop production and to pay damages amounting to US$9.5 million.
    Aware that his equipment would only operate when set up properly, Ferguson established a training school at Stoneleigh in Warwickshire which was to be a model for other manufacturers. In 1953, by amicable agreement, Ferguson amalgamated with the Massey Harris Company to form Massey Ferguson, and in so doing added harvesting machinery to the range of equipment produced. A year later he disposed of his shares in the new company and turned his attention again to the motor car. Although a number of experimental cars were produced, there were no long-lasting developments from this venture other than a four-wheel-drive system based on hydraulics; this was used by a number of manufacturers on occasional models. Ferguson's death heralded the end of these developments.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Honorary DSc Queen's University, Belfast, 1948.
    Further Reading
    C.Murray, 1972, Harry Ferguson, Inventor and Pioneer. John Murray.

    Biographical history of technology > Ferguson, Harry

  • 17 лущильник

    * * *
    лущи́льник м.
    stubble [shallow, paring] plough, stubble breaker, stubble cleaner
    ди́сковый лущи́льник — disk stubble plough, disk tiller
    леме́шный лущи́льник — share scuffler
    навесно́й лущи́льник — mounted stubble plough
    прицепно́й лущи́льник — trailed stubble plough
    тра́кторный лущи́льник — tractor disk tiller
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > лущильник

  • 18 o|rać

    impf (orzę) vt Roln. (uprawiać glebę) to plough, to plow US [pole, ugór, rżysko]
    - orać głęboko/płytko to plough deep/shallow
    - orać traktorem/końmi to plough with a. using a tractor/horses
    - orać pod żyto/pod zasiewy to plough for rye/crops zaorać
    vi pot. (ciężko pracować) to drudge, to slave
    - orał od świtu do nocy he slaved away from morning to night
    - orałem całe życie i co z tego mam? I’ve worked hard all my life and what have I got to show for it?
    - orać jak wół to work like a slave
    orać kimś a. w kogoś pot. to make sb work their guts out
    - właściciel firmy orze w pracowników jak w niewolników the owner of the company makes his staff work their guts out
    - po pracy byłem tak zmęczony, że orałem nosem ziemię I was dog tired after work
    - każdy orze, jak może przysł. one does what one can książk.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > o|rać

  • 19 плуг


    двухлемешный, трёхлемешный плуг — two-share, three-share plough

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > плуг

  • 20 плуг

    plough брит.; plow амер.

    тра́кторный плуг — tractor(-drawn) plough / plow

    двухлеме́шный [трёхлеме́шный] плуг — two-share [three-share] plough / plow

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > плуг

См. также в других словарях:

  • tractor plough — traktorinis plūgas statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės ūkio inžinerinė plėtra ir techninė pažanga apibrėžtis Mašina (padargas) dirvai arti. Plūgai gali būti varsniniai, sluoksniniai, apverčiamieji, purenamieji, rotoriniai, lėkštiniai ir kt.… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Plough — Plow redirects here. For the Canadian soldier, see Edward Chester Plow. Plowman redirects here. For the surname, see Plowman (surname). Furrow redirects here. For other uses, see Furrow (disambiguation). For other uses, see Plough… …   Wikipedia

  • Tractor — This article is about a vehicle used in agriculture or construction. For the power unit of a semi trailer truck (articulated lorry), see tractor unit. For other uses, see Tractor (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • plough — n. & v. (esp. US plow) n. 1 an implement with a cutting blade fixed in a frame drawn by a tractor or by horses, for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it up. 2 an implement resembling this and having a comparable function (snowplough). 3… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Plough — n. & v. (esp. US plow) n. 1 an implement with a cutting blade fixed in a frame drawn by a tractor or by horses, for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it up. 2 an implement resembling this and having a comparable function (snowplough). 3… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tractor — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ agricultural, farm ▪ lawn (AmE) ▪ diesel (esp. AmE) VERB + TRACTOR ▪ drive …   Collocations dictionary

  • tractor — /ˈtræktə / (say traktuh) noun 1. a motor vehicle, usually fitted with deeply treaded tyres, used to draw farm implements as the plough, seed drill, etc., and loads and also as a source of power for agricultural machinery, etc. 2. someone or… …  

  • Two-wheel tractor — in Italy (2008) Two wheel tractor or walking tractor are generic terms understood in the USA and in parts of Europe to represent a single axle tractor, which is a tractor with one axle, self powered and self propelled, which can pull and power… …   Wikipedia

  • Steam tractor — This article refers to the steam powered agricultural tractor; for other types of steam tractor, see: Traction engineA steam tractor is a vehicle powered by a steam engine which is used for pulling.In North America, the term steam tractor usually …   Wikipedia

  • Saunderson Tractor and Implement Co. — H P Saunderson founded his Saunderson Tractor and Implement Company in Elstow, Bedford in 1890 after visiting Canada and seeing the Massey and Harris companies. In 1898 Saunderson demonstrated a Self Moving Vehicle at a trial organised at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Farm — For other uses, see Farm (disambiguation). Farmland in the USA. The round fields are due to the use of center pivot irrigation …   Wikipedia

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