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См. также в других словарях:

  • Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo —     Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo     St. Augustine of Hippo (354 430) is a philosophical and theological genius of the first order, dominating, like a pyramid, antiquity and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Teaching method — Teaching methods are best articulated by answering the questions, What is the purpose of education? and What are the best ways of achieving these purposes? . For much of prehistory, educational methods were largely informal, and consisted of… …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching abroad — is a catch phrase used in first world countries for temporary teaching assignments outside of their home country. Overview of different programs There are many different programs that exist to help people to teach abroad. Three often used paths… …   Wikipedia

  • Take Ionescu — Prime Minister of Romania In office December 18, 1921 – January 19, 1922 Monarch Ferdinand I of Romania Preceded by …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching in-Role — is a method of teaching in which the teacher takes on a role and creates a drama around the students. This approach allows the teacher to take on the role of someone who does not know the answers, act in ways that the teacher would not, or to… …   Wikipedia

  • Take a Match — is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. It was first published in Robert Silverberg s 1972 anthology New Dimensions II and reprinted in the 1975 collection Buy Jupiter and Other Stories .A spaceship is stranded between the stars but out …   Wikipedia

  • (take to something) like a duck to water — (take to sth) like a ˌduck to ˈwater idiom (to become used to sth) very easily, without any problems or fears • She has taken to teaching like a duck to water. Main entry: ↑duckidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • teaching — /tee ching/, n. 1. the act or profession of a person who teaches. 2. something that is taught. 3. Often, teachings. doctrines or precepts: the teachings of Lao tzu. [1125 75; ME teching. See TEACH, ING1] * * * Profession of those who give… …   Universalium

  • Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 — The Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 was enacted by the United Kingdom Parliament on 16 July 1998, in order to improve the standards of teaching in the UK through the establishment of statutory General Teaching Councils (GTC s) for England …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching English as a foreign language — TEFL or teaching English as a foreign language refers to teaching English to students whose first language is not English and is taught in a region where English is not the dominant language and natural English language immersion situations are… …   Wikipedia

  • Teaching assistant (United Kingdom) — This article is about teaching assistants in UK schools. For teaching assistants in higher education, see Teaching assistant. A teaching assistant or educational assistant (often abbreviated to TA or EA; sometimes classroom assistant) in schools… …   Wikipedia

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