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  • 1 slop

    past tense, past participle - slopped; verb
    (to (cause liquid to) splash, spill, or move around violently in a container: The water was slopping about in the bucket.) pljuskati; razlivati se
    - sloppily
    - sloppiness
    * * *
    I [slɔp]
    razlita tekočina, mlakuža, luža; plural brezalkoholna (redka, brezokusna) pijača, brozga, slabo vino; redka, tekoča bolniška hrana; (plural) pomije, oplaknica, umazana ali postana voda, vsebina nočne posode; figuratively nekaj priskutnega
    to empty the slops — izliti umazano vodo;
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    politi (se) ( with z), razliti (se); poškropiti, umazati (z umazano tekočino, s pomijami)
    to slop over (out) — preliti se, razliti (se); bresti, broditi po (skozi) nesnago; slang figuratively pretirano se navduševati, biti vesel
    II [slɔp]
    halja, jopič; (cenena) konfekcijska obleka; oblačilnica; plural nautical obleka in posteljnina, ki se daje mornarjem v mornarici; plural archaic široke hlače
    III [slɔp]
    British English slang policaj

    English-Slovenian dictionary > slop

См. также в других словарях:

  • slop-over — /slop oh veuhr/, n. 1. an act or instance of spilling or slopping over. 2. an amount spilled; spillover; overflow. [1905 10, Amer.; n. use of v. phrase slop over] * * * …   Universalium

  • slop-over — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) 1. : overflow 2. : effusiveness, gush, sentimentality * * * /slop oh veuhr/, n. 1. an act or instance of spilling or slopping ov …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slop over — Le slop over est un risque de la lutte contre les incendies d hydrocarbures[1]. Il est moins dangereux que le boil over. Notes et références ↑ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • slop over — (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To overflow] Syn. spill, splatter, run over; see slop . 2. [*To be sentimental] Syn. gush, moon, blubber …   English dictionary for students

  • slop over — speak in an excited manner, express one s feelings …   English contemporary dictionary

  • slop — [släp] n. [ME sloppe < OE (only in comp.) < base of slypa: see SLIP3] 1. watery snow or mud; slush 2. a splash or puddle of spilled liquid 3. any liquid or semiliquid food that is unappetizing or of poor quality 4. [often pl.] …   English World dictionary

  • slop — I. /slɒp / (say slop) verb (slopped, slopping) –verb (t) 1. to spill or splash (liquid). 2. to spill liquid upon. –verb (i) 3. Also, slop about. to spill or splash liquid. 4. Colloquial (of persons, etc.) to be unduly effusive; gush. 5. to walk… …  

  • slop —   Wai mea ino;    ♦ slop over, halalē, hanini …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Slop — Slop, n. [AS. slop a frock or over garment, fr. sl?pan to slip, to slide; akin to Icel. sloppr a thin garment; cf. OHG. slouf a garment. Cf. {Slip}, v. i.] 1. Any kind of outer garment made of linen or cotton, as a night dress, or a smock frock.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slop — ► VERB (slopped, slopping) 1) (of a liquid) spill or flow over the edge of a container. 2) apply casually or carelessly. 3) (slop out) (especially in prison) empty the contents of a chamber pot. 4) (slop about/around) chiefly Brit. dress in an… …   English terms dictionary

  • Slop — Slop, v. i. To overflow or be spilled as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; often with over. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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