Перевод: с английского на болгарский

с болгарского на английский


  • 1 obligation

    1. задължение, ангажимент
    of OBLIGATION задъпжителен
    law of OBLIGATION юр. облигационно право
    2. принудителнa сила (на закон и пр.)
    3. морален дълг/задълженост
    under an OBLIGATION задължен (to към)
    длъжен (to да)
    tо lay/put/place someone under an OBLIGATION задължавам/обвързвам някого
    to fulfil/repay an OBLIGATION отплащам се
    * * *
    {,ъbli'geishn} n 1.задължение, ангажимент; of obligation задъпжителе
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    * * *
    1. law of obligation юр. облигационно право 2. of obligation задъпжителен 3. to fulfil/repay an obligation отплащам се 4. tо lay/put/place someone under an obligation задължавам/обвързвам някого 5. under an obligation задължен (to към) 6. длъжен (to да) 7. задължение, ангажимент 8. морален дълг/задълженост 9. принудителнa сила (на закон и пр.)
    * * *
    obligation[¸ɔbli´geiʃən] n 1. задължение, ангажимент; law of \obligation облигационно право; without \obligation право на изпробване на стока без задължение за закупуването ѝ; 2. принудителна сила (на закон и пр.); 3. морален дълг, задълженост; under (an) \obligation задължен (към to) длъжен (да to); to lay ( put) under an \obligation задължавам, обвързвам; to repay an \obligation отплащам се.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > obligation

См. также в других словарях:

  • obligation — n. 1 the constraining power of a law, precept, duty, contract, etc. 2 a duty; a burdensome task. 3 a binding agreement, esp. one enforceable under legal penalty; a written contract or bond. 4 a a service or benefit (repay an obligation). b… …   Useful english dictionary

  • obligation — A legal responsibility, such as to repay a debt. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * obligation ob‧li‧ga‧tion [ˌɒblˈgeɪʆn ǁ ˌɑːb ] noun [countable, uncountable] 1. a legal or moral duty to do something: obligation to do something • I think… …   Financial and business terms

  • Obligation — The legal responsibility to meet the terms of a contract. If the obligation is not met there is often recourse for the other party to the contract. In the financial world, obligation refers to an outstanding debt that a party must still repay and …   Investment dictionary

  • obligation — 1) The duty of a borrower to repay a loan and that of the lender to ensure that repayment is made. 2) A bond or other promise to pay a sum of money …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Collateralized loan obligation — Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) are a form of securitization where payments from multiple middle sized and large business loans are pooled together and passed on to different classes of owners in various tranches. A CLO is a type of… …   Wikipedia

  • General obligation bond — A general obligation bond is a common type of municipal bond in the United States that is secured by a state or local government s pledge to use legally available resources, including tax revenues, to repay bond holders.Most general obligation… …   Wikipedia

  • General obligation — A general obligation is a legal pledge in United States municipal finance, in which an entity pledges its full faith and credit to repay its debt, typically a general obligation bond. References …   Wikipedia

  • Collateralized Borrowing And Lending Obligation - CBLO — A money market instrument that represents an obligation between a borrower and a lender as to the terms and conditions of the loan. Collateralized borrowing and lending obligations (CBLOs) are used by those who have been phased out of or heavily… …   Investment dictionary

  • General Obligation Bond - GO — A municipal bond backed by the credit and taxing power of the issuing jurisdiction rather than the revenue from a given project. General obligation bonds are issued with the belief that a municipality will be able to repay its debt obligation… …   Investment dictionary

  • Mortgage Cash Flow Obligation - MCFO — A type of pay through unsecured general obligation bond that has several classes. Mortgage cash flow obligations (MCFOs) use cash flow from a pool of mortgages that generate revenue to repay investors their principal plus interest. Payments are… …   Investment dictionary

  • First Manchu invasion of Korea — Infobox Korean name hangul=정묘호란 hanja=丁卯胡亂 rr=Jeongmyo Horan mr=Chŏngmyo Horan The First Manchu invasion of Korea occurred in 1627, when Hong Taiji led the Manchu army against Korea s Joseon dynasty. It was followed by the Second Manchu invasion… …   Wikipedia

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