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См. также в других словарях:

  • prostrate oneself — THROW ONESELF FLAT/DOWN, lie down, stretch oneself out, throw oneself at someone s feet; dated measure one s length. → prostrate …   Useful english dictionary

  • prostrate oneself — throw oneself flat on the ground in reverence or submission. → prostrate …   English new terms dictionary

  • prostrate oneself — he prostrated himself on the altar mat Syn: throw oneself flat/down, lie down, stretch oneself out; throw oneself (at someone s feet) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • prostrate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lying stretched out on the ground with one s face downwards. 2) completely overcome with distress or exhaustion. 3) Botany growing along the ground. ► VERB 1) (prostrate oneself) throw oneself flat on the ground in reverence or… …   English terms dictionary

  • prostrate — v. (D; refl.) to prostrate oneself before * * * [ prɒstreɪt] (D;refl.) to prostrate oneself before …   Combinatory dictionary

  • prostrate — 1. adjective 1) the prostrate figure on the ground Syn: prone, lying flat, lying down, stretched out, spread eagled, sprawling, horizontal, recumbent; rare procumbent Ant: upright 2) his wife was prostrate with shock …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • prostrate — adjective prɒstreɪt 1》 lying stretched out on the ground with one s face downwards. 2》 completely overcome with distress or exhaustion. 3》 Botany growing along the ground. verb prɒ streɪt 1》 (prostrate oneself) throw oneself flat on the ground in …   English new terms dictionary

  • prostrate — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English prostrat, from Anglo French, from Latin prostratus, past participle of prosternere, from pro before + sternere to spread out, throw down more at strew Date: 14th century 1. stretched out with face on the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • prostrate — 1. adjective /ˈpɹɒstɹeɪt,ˈpɹɑːstɹeɪt/ a) Lying flat, facedown. Finally almost the whole world was combined against the evil doers, who are now prostrate before us. b) Emotionally devastated. I told him you was prostrate with grief. Mammy to… …   Wiktionary

  • prostrate — prostate, prostrate The prostate (or prostate gland) is a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in male animals. Prostrate is an adjective and verb: the adjective is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable and means ‘lying… …   Modern English usage

  • prostrate — prostrative /pros treuh tiv/, adj. prostrator, n. /pros trayt/, v., prostrated, prostrating, adj. v.t. 1. to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration. 2. to lay flat, as on the ground. 3. to throw down level… …   Universalium

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