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  • 1 make short work

    make short work быстро справиться, быстро разделаться с чем-л. (of smth.)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > make short work

  • 2 make short work of

    1) (smth.) в два счёта справиться, разделаться, покончить с чем-л.

    ‘The thing wants tackling,’ he grumbled; ‘The Chairman's not the man for the job!’ Shades of old Uncle Jolyon. He would have made short work of this! It wanted a masterful hand. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part III, ch. XIII) — "Нужно было взяться за дело как следует, - проворчал Сомс. - Председатель для этого совершенно не годится". Эх, старый дядя Джолион! Он бы живо с ними справился. Тут нужна была крепкая рука.

    Harris: "There's one more charge. Mr. Mayor - poaching. I told them to keep that back till after." Chantrey: "Oh, well, we'll make short work of that. I want to get off by eleven, Harris." (J. Galsworthy, ‘A Family Man’, act III, sc. I) — Гаррис: "Есть еще одно дело, господин мэр, дело о браконьерстве. Я попросил отложить его рассмотрение." Чантри: "Ну, это дело мы мигом разберем. Мне, Гаррис, нужно уйти к 11 часам."

    A car, however old and rickety, would make short work of those miles. (A. Christie, ‘They Came to Baghdad’, ch. 18) — Машина была старая и разбитая, и все-таки эти мили скоро остались позади.

    2) (smb.) покончить, расправиться с кем-л.; ухлопать, убить кого-л.

    He had his own house. That was not only one of the perquisites of his office, but it was a necessity, since if he had lodged in the prison camp the convicts would have made short work of him. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘An Official Position’) — У палача Луиса Ремира был собственный дом. Дом ему полагался не только по должности, но и как мера предосторожности. Живи он вместе с заключенными, ему бы несдобровать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make short work of

  • 3 make short work of

       1) (smth.) в двa cчётa cпpaвитьcя, paздeлaтьcя, пoкoнчить c чём-л.
        Harris. There's one more charge, Mr. Mayor - poaching... Chantrey. Oh, well, we'll make short work of that. I want to get off by eleven, Harris (J. Galsworthy). A car, however old and rickety, would make short work of those miles (A. Christie). I swallowed my cup of tea and made short work of a sandwich (D. du Maurier)
       2) (smb.) пoкoнчить, pacпpaвитьcя c кeм-л., уxлoпaть, убить кoгo-л.
        He [пaлaч] had his own house. That was not only one of the prerequisites of his office, but it was a necessity since if he had lodged in the prison camp the convicts would have made short work of him (W. S. Maugham)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make short work of

  • 4 make short work of someone or something

    expr infml

    Try it again and I'll make short work of you — Попробуй только, и я быстро с тобой разделаюсь

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > make short work of someone or something

  • 5 make short work of

    iets snel afhandelen, kort werk maken van

    English-Dutch dictionary > make short work of

  • 6 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) gøre kort proces med
    * * *
    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) gøre kort proces med

    English-Danish dictionary > make short work of

  • 7 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) despachar

    English-spanish dictionary > make short work of

  • 8 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) klára í hvelli

    English-Icelandic dictionary > make short work of

  • 9 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) gyorsan elfogyaszt vmit

    English-Hungarian dictionary > make short work of

  • 10 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) despachar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make short work of

  • 11 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) çabucak tüketmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > make short work of

  • 12 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) hitro opraviti (s čim)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > make short work of

  • 13 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) tehdä nopeasti selvää

    English-Finnish dictionary > make short work of

  • 14 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) gjøre kort prosess med

    English-Norwegian dictionary > make short work of

  • 15 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) (fare fuori velocemente)

    English-Italian dictionary > make short work of

  • 16 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) kurzen Prozeß machen mit
    * * *
    nicht viel Umstände machen mit ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > make short work of

  • 17 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) rozprawić się szybko z

    English-Polish dictionary > make short work of

  • 18 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) ātri tikt galā (ar kaut ko)

    English-Latvian dictionary > make short work of

  • 19 make short work of

    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) greitai sudoroti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > make short work of

  • 20 make short work of

    göra snabbt, ta hand om fort
    * * *
    (to dispose of very quickly: The children made short work of the ice-cream.) avverka snabbt, göra processen kort med

    English-Swedish dictionary > make short work of

См. также в других словарях:

  • make short work of something — make short/light/quick/work of something phrase to deal with or get rid of something quickly and easily You made short work of that sandwich! Thesaurus: to do something quickly and/or easilysynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • make short work of someone — make short work of (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger …   New idioms dictionary

  • make short work of something — make short work of (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger …   New idioms dictionary

  • make short work of — (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger …   New idioms dictionary

  • make short work of somebody — make short ˈwork of sth/sb idiom to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly • Liverpool made short work of the opposition (= in a football/ ↑soccer game). • He made short work of his lunch (= ate it quickly) …   Useful english dictionary

  • make short work of something — make short work of (something) to deal with or finish something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us …   New idioms dictionary

  • make short work of — (something) to deal with or finish something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us …   New idioms dictionary

  • make short work of — ► make short work of accomplish, consume, or destroy quickly. Main Entry: ↑short …   English terms dictionary

  • make short work of — phrasal : to deal with or dispose of quickly or summarily * * * make short work of To settle or dispose of promptly • • • Main Entry: ↑short make short work of To accomplish, dispose of or consume speedily • • • Main Entry: ↑work * * * accomplish …   Useful english dictionary

  • make short work of — verb to make a task quicker or easier A good electric screwdriver will make short work of the disassembly process. Syn: make quick work of …   Wiktionary

  • make short work of —    If you make short work of something, you do it or finish it quickly.     The players were hungry after the match so they made short work of the food …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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