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См. также в других словарях:

  • Income inequality in the United States — is the extent to which income, most commonly measured by household or individual, is distributed in an uneven manner. While there seems to be consensus among social scientists that some degree of income inequality is needed, the extent of income… …   Wikipedia

  • income — 01. It is generally quite difficult to raise a family on a single [income] in this country today, so very often both parents work full time. 02. Their combined family [income] is about $50,000 a year. 03. Tax is payable on all [income] received… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • income averaging — An elective method of computing income tax by an individual, not a corporation or trust, who has unusually large income in the current taxable year as compared with the four preceding years, whereby the taxpayer may elect to have the excess taxed …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Income redistribution — refers to a political policy intended to even the amount of income individuals are permitted to earn.Fact|date=July 2007The basic premise of the redistribution of income is that money should be distributed to benefit the poorer members of society …   Wikipedia

  • income tax — a tax levied on incomes, esp. an annual government tax on personal incomes. [1790 1800] * * * Levy imposed by public authority on the incomes of persons or corporations within its jurisdiction. In nations with an advanced system of private… …   Universalium

  • Income inequality metrics — The concept of inequality is distinct from that of poverty[1] and fairness. Income inequality metrics or income distribution metrics are used by social scientists to measure the distribution of income, and economic inequality among the… …   Wikipedia

  • income — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, large ▪ six figure (esp. AmE) ▪ The business provided him with a six figure income. ▪ sufficient ▪ average …   Collocations dictionary

  • Income trust — An income trust is an investment trust that holds income producing assets. The term also designates a legal entity, capital structure and ownership vehicle for certain assets or businesses. Its shares or trust units are traded on securities… …   Wikipedia

  • Income tax in the United States — UStaxationThe federal government of the United States imposes a progressive tax on the taxable income of individuals, partnerships, companies, corporations, trusts, decedents estates, and certain bankruptcy estates. Some state and municipal… …   Wikipedia

  • income smoothing — The manipulation by companies of certain items in their financial statements so that they eliminate large movements in profit and are able to report a smooth trend over a number of years. The practice is pursued because of the belief that… …   Accounting dictionary

  • income smoothing — The manipulation by companies of certain items in their financial statements so that they eliminate large movements in profit and are able to report a smooth trend over a number of years. The practice is pursued because of the belief that… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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