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  • 141 כרס

    כֶּרֶסf. (b. h. כֶּרֶשׂ in כְּרֵשׂוֹ; cmp. כַּרְכְּשָׁא) ( bag, stomach, belly. Taan.26a top על נפש …וכ׳ מלאה when the appetite is satisfied and the stomach filled. Sabb.151b (ref. to Koh. 12:6) זה הכ׳ ‘the pitcher is broken, that means the stomach. Ib. לאחר שלשה … כְּרֵיסוֹ נבקעתוכ׳ three days after burial ones stomach bursts open … saying (to the mouth), Take what thou hast put into me; Koh. R. to l. c.; Y.Yeb.XVI, 15c bot.; Gen. R. s. 100. Keth.16a, a. fr. כְּרֵיסָהּ בין שיניה her belly extends to her teeth, i. e. she cannot deny her pregnaney. Koh. R. to VII, 8 (read:) היה מפעפע בכְרֵיסָהּ כאריסהוכ׳ burned in her stomach like the venom of ; Y.Snh.X, 28d top ככריסה, v. חֲכִינָה); a. fr.Esp. the stomach of ruminants, maw. Ḥull.III, 1 הכ׳ הפנימית the inner stomach, expl. ib. 50b כל הכ׳ כולו … ואיזהו כ׳ החיצוןוכ׳ (masc.!) the whole maw is called the inner stomach, and the outer stomach is the flesh (muscle) which covers the largest portion of the stomach; ib. (another opinion) טפח בוושט סמון לכ׳וכ׳, corrected; טפח בכ׳ סמוך לוושט one handbreadth of the stomach where it joins the gullet is called the inner stomach; (oth. defin., v. אִסְתּוֹמְכָא, דִּיבָא a. מֵילַת).Pl. כְּרֵיסוֹת. Succ.21b שכְּרֵיסוֹתֵיהֶן רחבות whose bellies are broad (projecting further than the riders body; Tosef.Par.III (II), 2 שכְּרֵיסָן רחבה).

    Jewish literature > כרס

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