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  • 1 let off

    1) (to fire (a gun) or cause (a firework etc) to explode: He let the gun off accidentally.) πυροβολώ
    2) (to allow to go without punishment etc: The policeman let him off (with a warning).) αφήνω να φύγει

    English-Greek dictionary > let off

  • 2 shut off

    1) (to stop an engine working, a liquid flowing etc: I'll need to shut the gas off before I repair the fire.) κλείνω,κόβω,διακόπτω(παροχή)
    2) (to keep away (from); to make separate (from): He shut himself off from the rest of the world.) απομονώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > shut off

  • 3 give off

    (to produce: That fire is giving off a lot of smoke.) εκπέμπω, βγάζω

    English-Greek dictionary > give off

  • 4 Throw

    v. trans.
    P. and V. βάλλειν, ῥίπτειν, ἀφιέναι, μεθιέναι (rare P.), Ar. and V. έναι, V. δικεῖν ( 2nd aor.), ἰάπτειν.
    Throw in wrestling: Ar. and P. καταπαλαίειν (the passage in Eur., I. A. 1013, is doubtful), P. and V. καταβάλλειν.
    Trip up: P. ὑποσκελίζειν.
    Throw ( a rider): P. and V. ναχαιτίζειν, Ar. and P. ποσείεσθαι (Xen.), P. ἀναβάλλειν (Xen.).
    Throw the javelin: P. and V. κοντίζειν.
    Throw about: Ar. and P. διαρριπτεῖν (Xen.).
    Throw around: P. and V. περιβάλλειν, Ar. and V. ἀμφιτιθέναι, V. ἀμφιβάλλειν.
    Throw aside: P. and V. ποβάλλειν, ἐκβάλλειν, πορρίπτειν, μεθιέναι, φιέναι, V. ἐκρίπτειν.
    Lose wilfully: P. and V. ποβάλλειν, P. προΐεσθαι.
    Reject: P. and V. πωθεῖν (or mid.), παρωθεῖν (or mid.), διωθεῖσθαι; see Reject.
    Throw away: P. and V. ποβάλλειν, πορρίπτειν; see throw aside.
    Throw back the head: P. and V. νακύπτειν (Eur., Cycl. 212, also Ar.).
    His head is thrown back. V. κάρα... ὑπτιάζεται (Soph.., Phil. 822).
    Throw down: P. and V. καταβάλλειν, V. καταρρίπτειν.
    Throw down one's arms: P. and V. ὅπλα. φιέναι.
    Throw down upon: V. ἐγκατασκήπτειν (τί τινι)., ἐπεμβάλλειν (τι).
    Bring low: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν; see also Upset.
    Be thrown from a chariot: V. ἐκκυλίνδεσθαι (gen.) (Soph., O. R. 812).
    Throw in or into: P. and V. εἰσβάλλειν, ἐμβάλλειν; see also Insert.
    Throw fire into: P. and V. πῦρ ἐνιέναι εἰς (acc.).
    Throw oneself into: P. and V. εἰσπίπτειν (P. εἰς, V. dat. alone); see rush into.
    Throw in one's lot with: P. συνίστασθαι (dat.), P. and V. ἵστασθαι μετ (gen.).
    Throw into ( a state of feeling): P. and V. καθιστναι εἰς (acc.).
    Throw into confusion: P. and V. συγχεῖν, ταράσσειν, συνταράσσειν; see Confound.
    Throw in one's teeth: P. and V. ὀνειδίζειν (τί τινι).
    Throw off ( clothes): P. and V. ἐκδύεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποδεσθαι.
    Throw away: P. and V. ποβάλλειν, ἐκβάλλειν.
    Reject: P. and V. πωθεῖν (or mid.), παρωθεῖν (or mid.); see Reject.
    met., throw off a feeling, etc.: P. and V. φιέναι, μεθιέναι.
    Shake off, met.: Ar. and P. ποσείεσθαι (Plat., Gorg. 484A).
    Throw off the yoke of: use P. and V. φίστασθαι (gen.) (lit., revolt from), or use be rid of, see Rid.
    Throw on: P. and V. ἐπιβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Throw blame on: P. αἰτίαν ἀνατιθέναι (dat.); see Impute.
    Throw oneself on (another's mercy, etc.): P. παρέχειν ἑαυτόν (lit., yield oneself up).
    Throw out: P. and V. ἐκβάλλειν, ποβάλλειν; see cast out.
    Be thrown out: P. and V. ἐκπίπτειν, V. ἐκπίτνειν.
    Reject: P. and V. πωθεῖν (or mid.), παρωθεῖν (or mid.).
    Throw out a proposal, vote against it: Ar. and P. ποχειροτονεῖν.
    Throw out ( words): P. and V. ἐκβάλλειν, V. ῥίπτειν, ἐκρίπτειν, πορρίπτειν.
    Throw over, throw round: P. and V. περιβάλλειν, V ἀμφιβάλλειν.
    met., betray: P. and V. προδιδόναι.
    Fling away: P. προΐεσθαι; see Resign.
    Throw round: P. and V. περιβάλλειν, V. ἀμφιβάλλειν, Ar. and V. ἀμφιτιθέναι.
    As a defence: P. προσπεριβάλλειν.
    Throw up: P. and V. ναδιδόναι (Eur., frag.), νιέναι.
    Cast ashore: P. and V. ἐκφέρειν, V. ἐκβάλλειν; see under Ashore.
    Cast up in one's teeth: P. and V. ὀνειδίζειν (τί τινι).
    Throw up earth: P. ἀναβάλλειν χοῦν (Thuc., 4, 90), P. and V. χοῦν.
    They proceeded to throw up an embankment against the city: P. χῶμα ἔχουν πρὸς τὴν πόλιν (Thuc. 2, 75).
    These are the defences I threw up to protest Attica: P. ταῦτα προὐβαλόμην πρὸ τῆς Ἀττικῆς (Dem. 325).
    met., throw up (a post, etc.): P. and V. ἐξίστασθαι (gen.), φίστασθαι (gen.); see Resign.
    Throw upon: see throw on, throw down upon.
    Throw oneself upon: attack.
    P. ῥῖψις, ἡ.
    Range: P. and V. βολή, ἡ.
    Of the dice: V. βολή, ἡ, βλῆμα, τό.
    Day by day you make your throw adventuring war against the Argives: V. ἡμέραν ἐξ ἡμέρας ῥίπτεις κυβεύων τὸν πρὸς Ἀργείους Ἀρη (Eur., Rhes. 445).
    I trust that it ( the people) will yet throw a different cast of the dice: V. ἔτʼ αὐτὸν ἄλλα βλήματʼ ἐν κύβοις βαλεῖν πέποιθα (Eur., Supp. 330).
    Of a quoit: V. δίσκημα, τό (Soph., frag.).
    In wrestling: P. and V. πλαισμα, τό.
    If you be matched and receive a fatal throw: V. εἰ παλαισθεὶς πτῶμα θανάσιμον πεσεῖ (Eur., El. 686).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Throw

  • 5 pull

    [pul] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force: He pulled the chair towards the fire; She pulled at the door but couldn't open it; He kept pulling the girls' hair for fun; Help me to pull my boots off; This railway engine can pull twelve carriages.) τραβώ
    2) ((with at or on) in eg smoking, to suck at: He pulled at his cigarette.) ρουφώ
    3) (to row: He pulled towards the shore.) κάνω κουπί
    4) ((of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction: The car pulled in at the garage; I pulled into the side of the road; The train pulled out of the station; The motorbike pulled out to overtake; He pulled off the road.) πηγαίνω,κινούμαι
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pulling: I felt a pull at my sleeve; He took a pull at his beer/pipe.) τράβηγμα
    2) (a pulling or attracting force: magnetic pull; the pull (=attraction) of the sea.) έλξη
    3) (influence: He thinks he has some pull with the headmaster.) επιρροή
    - pull down
    - pull a face / faces at
    - pull a face / faces
    - pull a gun on
    - pull off
    - pull on
    - pull oneself together
    - pull through
    - pull up
    - pull one's weight
    - pull someone's leg

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  • 6 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) φως
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) φως
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) φωτιά
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) φως
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) φωτεινός
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) ανοιχτός
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) φωτίζω
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) ανάβω
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) ελαφρός
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) ελαφρός
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) ελαφρός
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) ελαφρότερος από το κανονικό
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) ελαφρός
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ανάλαφρος
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ελαφρός
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) ελαφρός, ανεπαίσθητος, απαλός
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) αμμώδης
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.) συναντώ τυχαία

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  • 7 station

    ['steiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (a place with a ticket office, waiting rooms etc, where trains, buses or coaches stop to allow passengers to get on or off: a bus station; She arrived at the station in good time for her train.) σταθμός
    2) (a local headquarters or centre of work of some kind: How many fire-engines are kept at the fire station?; a radio station; Where is the police station?; military/naval stations.) σταθμός/(αστυνομικό)τμήμα
    3) (a post or position (eg of a guard or other person on duty): The watchman remained at his station all night.) θέση
    2. verb
    (to put (a person, oneself, troops etc in a place or position to perform some duty): He stationed himself at the corner of the road to keep watch; The regiment is stationed abroad.) τοποθετώ/(αυτοπ.)στήνομαι/(παθητ.)σταθμεύω

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  • 8 trigger

    ['triɡə] 1. noun
    1) (a small lever on a gun, which is pulled to make the gun fire: He aimed the rifle at her but did not pull the trigger.) σκανδάλη
    2) (anything which starts a series of actions or reactions.) έναυσμα
    2. verb
    ((often with off) to start (a series of events): The attack triggered (off) a full-scale war.) προκαλώ

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  • 9 Come

    v. intrans.
    P. and V. ἔρχεσθαι, προσέρχεσθαι, ἰέναι, χωρεῖν, V. ἕρπειν, μολεῖν ( 2nd aor. βλώσκειν), προσμολεῖν ( 2nd aor. προσβλώσκειν), προσστείχειν, Ar. and V. βαίνειν, στείχειν.
    Have come, be come: P. and V. ἥκειν, παρεῖναι, ἐφήκειν (rare P.), Ar. and P. παραγίγνεσθαι, V. προσήκειν.
    Arrive: P. and V. φικνεῖσθαι, εἰσαφικνεῖσθαι, Ar. and V. ἱκνεῖσθαι, V. κνειν, ἐξικνεῖσθαι; see Arrive.
    Keep coming, come and go: P. and V. φοιτᾶν, V. στρωφᾶσθαι.
    Where-fore, come fire! come swords! V. πρὸς ταῦτʼ ἴτω μὲν πῦρ, ἴτω δὲ φάσγανα (Eur., Phoen. 521). Come, interj.: P. and V. γε, φέρε, θι, φέρε δή, εἶα (Plat. but rare P., also Ar.), εἶα δή (Plat. but rare P., also Ar.).
    Come about, happen, v. intrans.: P. and V. συμβαίνειν, γίγνεσθαι, συμπίπτειν; see Happen.
    Come across, light on: P. and V. ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), τυγχνειν (gen.); see light on.
    Come away: P. and V. πέρχεσθαι, ἀπιέναι, V. ποστείχειν; see Depart.
    Come back: P. and V. ἐπανέρχεσθαι, V. ἐπέρχεσθαι; see Return.
    Come down: P. and V. κατέρχεσθαι, Ar. and V. καθέρπειν (Soph., frag.), Ar. and P. καταβαίνειν.
    Of territory, reach: P. καθήκειν.
    Come forward: P. προέρχεσθαι, P. and V. προχωρεῖν, προβαίνειν.
    Come forward ( to speak): P. and V. ἐπέρχεσθαι, Ar. and P. παρέρχεσθαι.
    Come in, enter: P. and V. εἰσέρχεσθαι, ἐπεισέρχεσθαι, Ar. and V. εἰσβαίνειν.
    Of revenue, etc.: P. προσέρχεσθαι.
    Capitulate: see Capitulate.
    Come off, succeed, fare, of things: P. and V. προχωρεῖν, χωρεῖν; of persons; P. and V. παλλάσσειν.
    They have come off worse than we did: P. χεῖρον ἡμῶν ἀπηλλάχασι (Dem. 246).
    Come on: Ar. and P. ἐπιγίγνεσθαι; see also Approach, Grow.
    Of a storm: P. ἐπιγίγνεσθαι, κατιέναι, γίγνεσθαι.
    Come out: P. and V. ἐξέρχεσθαι, ἐκβαίνειν (rare P. in lit. sense).
    met., turn out, issue: P. and V. ἐξέρχεσθαι, ἐκβαίνειν, τελευτᾶν, P. ἀποβαίνειν, Ar. and P. συμφέρεσθαι, V. τελεῖν, ἐξήκειν, ἐκτελευτᾶν.
    Come out to battle: P. ἐπεξέρχεσθαι εἰς μάχην.
    Come over ( of a feeling coming over one): P. and V. ἐπέρχεσθαι (acc.), V. πέρχεσθαι (acc.), φέρπειν (acc.); see steal over.
    Join as ally: P. προσχωρεῖν.
    Come round, change: P. and V. μεθίστασθαι, P. περιίστασθαι.
    Recover: P. ἀναλαμβάνειν ἑαυτόν; see Recover.
    Come round to the same place ( in argument): P. εἰς τὸ αὐτὸ περιφέρεσθαι (Plat., Gorg. 517C).
    Come short: see Short.
    Come to, recover: P. ἀναλαμβάνειν ἑαυτόν; see Recover.
    Come to yourself: V. ἐν σαυτῷ γενοῦ (Soph., Phil. 950).
    Coming to yourselves even at the eleventh hour: ὑμῶν αὐτῶν ἔτι καὶ νῦν γενόμενοι (Dem. 26).
    Come to pass: see Happen.
    Come to the same thing: Ar. and P. ταὐτὸ δνασθαι.
    Come together: P. and V. συνέρχεσθαι.
    Come up: P. and V. νέρχεσθαι.
    Approach: P. and V. ἐπέρχεσθαι; see Approach.
    Happen: see Happen.
    Come up to: see Reach.
    Come upon, attack: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (dat.), προσπίπτειν (dat.); see Attack.
    Of misfortune, etc.: P. and V. ἐπέρχεσθαι (dat.), προσπίπτειν (dat.).
    Light upon: P. and V. ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), τυγχνειν (gen.), προσπίπτειν (dat.), Ar. and P. ἐπιτυγχνειν (gen. or dat.), P. περιπίπτειν (dat.), V. κιγχνειν (acc. or gen.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Come

  • 10 Set

    Faction, clique P. and V. στσις, ἡ.
    Arrangement: P. and V. τάξις. ἡ.
    Number: P. and V. ἀριθμός, ὁ.
    Class: P. and V. γένος, τό, εἶδος, τό.
    Set ( of sun): P. and V. δύσις, ἡ, δυσμαί, αἱ; see Sunset.
    Set back, failure: P. πταῖσμα, τό; see Failure.
    Set off: use adj., P. ἀντάξιος; see compensating, under compensate, v.
    Stationary: P. στάσιμος.
    Fixed, appointed: P. and V. προκείμενος.
    Resolute: P.. and V. καρτερός, V. ἔμπεδος.
    Be set on: P. and V. προθυμεῖσθαι (infin.), σπουδάζειν (infin.); see be eager, under Eager.
    Set speech: P. συνεχὴς ῥῆσις, ἡ; see also Harangue.
    On set terms: P. and V. ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς.
    Of set purpose: see on purpose, under Purpose.
    v. trans.
    P. and V. τιθέναι, ἱστναι.
    Make to sit: P. and V. καθίζειν, V. ἵζειν, ἱδρειν, ἐξιδρειν.
    Appoint: P. and V. καθιστναι (or mid.), τάσσειν, προστάσσειν.
    Lay down (limits, etc.): P. and V. ὁρίζειν.
    Fix: P. and V. πηγνύναι.
    Set ( as a task): P. and V. προτιθέναι (τί τινι), προστιθέναι (τί τινι), προστάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιτάσσειν (τί τινι), ἐπιβάλλειν (τί τινι), προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Set to music: P. ἐντείνειν (Plat., Prot. 326B).
    Words set to music: P. λόγος δόμενος (Plat., Rep. 398D).
    I set you in the track that is best: V. ἐς τὸ λῷστον ἐμβιβάζω σʼ ἴχνος (Eur., H.F. 856).
    Set an example: P. παράδειγμα διδόναι.
    Set one's heart on: see Desire.
    To obtain that on which you have set your hearts: P. κατασχεῖν ἐφʼ ἃ ὥρμησθε (Thuc. 6, 9).
    V. intrans. Of the sun: P. and V. δύνειν, δύεσθαι (Plat., Pol. 269A), V. φθνειν.
    Becume fixed: P. and V. πήγνυσθαι.
    Set about: P. and V. ἅπτεσθαι (gen.), ἐγχειρεῖν (dat.). ἐπιχειρεῖν (dat.). αἵρεσθαι (acc.), ναιρεῖσθαι (acc.); see Undertake.
    Set against, plant against: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (τί τινι).
    Match one against another: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν (τινά τινι, or τινα πρός τινα).
    met., make hostile: P. ἐκπολεμεῖν.
    Set one thing in the balance against another: P. ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (τί τινι, or τι πρός τι), P. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι (τί τινος).
    Set apart: P. and V. ἀπολαμβνειν (Eur., Or. 451); see set aside, separate.
    Set aside: P. χωρὶς τίθεσθαι, ἀποχωρίζειν.
    Except: P. and V. ἐξαιρεῖν; see also Reject, Disregard.
    Set at defiance: see Defy.
    Set at naught: P. and V. μελεῖν (gen.), παραμελεῖν (gen.), καταμελεῖν (gen.), P. παρορᾶν (acc.), ἐν οὐδένι λόγῳ ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), V. διʼ οὐδένος ποιεῖσθαι (acc.), κηδεῖν (gen.); see Disregard.
    Set before: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι.
    Set down: Ar. and P. καταβάλλειν.
    Set down ( to anyone's account): P. and V. ναφέρειν (τί τινι, or τι εἴς τινα); see Impute.
    Set eyes on: see Behold.
    Set foot on: P. and V. ἐμβαίνειν (P. εἰς, acc., V. acc., gen. or dat.), ἐπιβαίνειν (gen.), V. ἐπεμβαίνειν (acc., gen. or dat.), ἐμβατεύειν (acc. or gen.).
    Set forth: P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Narrate: P. and V. διέρχεσθαι, ἐπεξέρχεσθαι; see narrate; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set in, begin, v. intrans.: P. and V. ἄρχεσθαι; see Begin.
    Set off, be equivalent to: P. ἀντάξιος εἶναι (gen.); see also Balance.
    Adorn: P. and V. κοσμεῖν; see adorn; v. intrans.: see set out.
    Set on, urge against anyone: P. and V. ἐφιέναι (τί τινι), V. ἐπισείειν (τί τινι), P. ἐπιπέμπειν (τί τινι); see also encourage, launch against.
    Put on: P. and V. ἐφιστναι.
    Set on fire: see Burn.
    Set on foot: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Institute.
    Begin: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.); see Begin.
    Set on table: Ar. and P. παρατιθέναι, V. προτιθέναι (also Ar. in mid.).
    Set out, expose, put out: P. and V. προτιθέναι; v. intrans.: start: P. and V. ὁρμᾶν, ὁρμᾶσθαι, φορμᾶν, φορμᾶσθαι, ἐξορμᾶν, ἐξορμᾶσθαι, παίρειν, V. στέλλεσθαι, ποστέλλεσθαι; see Start.
    Set over: P. and V. ἐφιστναι (τινά τινι).
    Set right: see Correct.
    Set round: P. περιιστάναι.
    Set sail: P. and V. νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, παίρειν, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι; see under Sail.
    Set the fashion of, be the first to introduce: P. and V. ἄρχειν (gen.).
    Set to, he set the army to the work of fighting: P. καθίστη εἰς πόλεμον τὸν στρατόν (Thuc. 2, 75).
    The servants all set their hands to work: V. δμῶες πρὸς ἔργον πάντες ἵεσαν χέρας (Eur., El. 799).
    Set to work: P. and V. ἔργου ἔχεσθαι (Thuc. 1, 49); see also Begin.
    Every man set to work: V. πᾶς ἀνὴρ ἔσχεν πόνον (Eur., I.T. 309).
    They set to and fought: P. καταστάντες ἐμάχοντο (Thuc. 1, 49).
    Set up: P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι, ὀρθοῦν (rare P.): ( a trophy) P. and V. ἱστναι, νιστναι.
    (Temple, altar, etc.): P. and V. ἱδρειν (or mid.), V. καθιδρύεσθαι.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι), V. ἐγκαθιδρειν (τί τινι).
    They are setting up a brazen statue to Philip: P. Φίλιππον χαλκοῦν ἵστασι (Dem. 425).
    Be set up ( of a statue): P. ἀνακεῖσθαι.
    Appoint (as a government, etc.): P. and V. καθιστναι; see Appoint.
    Set up in a place: P. and V. ἐγκαθιστναι (τί τινι).
    Help to set up: P. and V. συγκαθιστναι (acc.).
    Bring forward: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see Introduce.
    Set up a shout: V. κραυγὴν ἱστναι (Eur., Or. 1529), κραυγὴν τιθέναι (Eur., Or. 1510), P. κραυγῇ χρῆσθαι (Thuc. 2, 4).
    Set up as, pretend to be: Ar. and P. προσποιεῖσθαι (infin.).
    Set up in ( business): P. κατασκευάζεσθαι (with acc. of the business).
    Set upon: P. and V. προσβάλλειν (acc. and dat.); see set on.
    Attack: see Attack.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Set

  • 11 butt

    I verb
    (to strike (someone or something) with the head: He fell over when the goat butted him.) κουτουλώ
    II 1. noun
    (someone whom others criticize or tell jokes about: She's the butt of all his jokes.) στόχος πειραγμάτων
    2. noun
    1) (the thick and heavy end (especially of a rifle).) υποκόπανος, κοντάκι
    2) (the end of a finished cigar, cigarette etc: His cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.) αποτσίγαρο
    3) ((slang) a person's bottom: Come on, get off your butt - we have work to do.) (χυδ.) πισινός

    English-Greek dictionary > butt

  • 12 fight

    1. past tense, past participle - fought; verb
    1) (to act against (someone or something) with physical violence: The two boys are fighting over (= because of) some money they found.) παλεύω,πολεμώ,μάχομαι
    2) (to resist strongly; to take strong action to prevent: to fight a fire; We must fight against any attempt to deprive us of our freedom.) καταπολεμώ
    3) (to quarrel: His parents were always fighting.) τσακώνομαι
    2. noun
    1) (an act of physical violence between people, countries etc: There was a fight going on in the street.) καβγάς
    2) (a struggle; action involving effort: the fight for freedom of speech; the fight against disease.) μάχη,αγώνας
    3) (the will or strength to resist: There was no fight left in him.) μαχητικότητα
    4) (a boxing-match.) πυγμαχικός αγώνας
    - fight back
    - fight it out
    - fight off
    - fight one's way
    - fight shy of
    - put up a good fight

    English-Greek dictionary > fight

  • 13 guard

    1. verb
    1) (to protect from danger or attack: The soldiers were guarding the king/palace.) φρουρώ
    2) (to prevent (a person) escaping, (something) happening: The soldiers guarded their prisoners; to guard against mistakes.) φρουρώ, φυλάγομαι από
    2. noun
    1) (someone who or something which protects: a guard round the king; a guard in front of the fire.) φρουρός, φρουρά / προφυλακτήρας, προστατευτικό κιγκλίδωμα
    2) (someone whose job is to prevent (a person) escaping: There was a guard with the prisoner every hour of the day.) φρουρός, δεσμοφύλακας
    3) ((American conductor) a person in charge of a train.) προϊστάμενος αμαξοστοιχίας
    4) (the act or duty of guarding.) φρούρηση, φύλαξη, επαγρύπνηση
    - guardedly
    - guard of honour
    - keep guard on
    - keep guard
    - off guard
    - on guard
    - stand guard

    English-Greek dictionary > guard

  • 14 hydrant

    (a pipe connected to the main water supply especially in a street, to which a hose can be attached in order to draw water off eg to put out a fire.) κρουνός υδροληψίας

    English-Greek dictionary > hydrant

  • 15 nod

    [nod] 1. past tense, past participle - nodded; verb
    1) (to make a quick forward and downward movement of the head to show agreement, as a greeting etc: I asked him if he agreed and he nodded (his head); He nodded to the man as he passed him in the street.) νεύω
    2) (to let the head fall forward and downward when sleepy: Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.) κουτουλώ από τη νύστα
    2. noun
    (a nodding movement of the head: He answered with a nod.) νεύμα

    English-Greek dictionary > nod

  • 16 rocket

    ['rokit] 1. noun
    1) (a tube containing materials which, when set on fire, give off a jet of gas which drives the tube forward, usually up into the air, used eg as a firework, for signalling, or for launching a spacecraft.) ρουκέτα, πύραυλος
    2) (a spacecraft launched in this way: The Americans have sent a rocket to Mars.) πύραυλος, διαστημόπλοιο
    2. verb
    (to rise or increase very quickly: Bread prices have rocketed.)

    English-Greek dictionary > rocket

См. также в других словарях:

  • fire off something — fire off (something) to write and send something quickly. He fired off an e mail to his publisher …   New idioms dictionary

  • fire off — (something) to write and send something quickly. He fired off an e mail to his publisher …   New idioms dictionary

  • fire off — I. transitive verb : to complete the firing of (a kiln) II. transitive verb : to write and send usually in haste or anger fired off a memo * * * fire off [phrasal verb] fire (something) off or fire off (something …   Useful english dictionary

  • fire off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms fire off : present tense I/you/we/they fire off he/she/it fires off present participle firing off past tense fired off past participle fired off 1) to quickly send a message or give instructions I sat down and …   English dictionary

  • fire off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you fire off a shot, you send a bullet or other missile from a gun. [V P n (not pron)] A gunman fired off a volley of shots into the air... [V P n (not pron)] Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets. [V n P] …   English dictionary

  • fire off — phr verb Fire off is used with these nouns as the object: ↑email …   Collocations dictionary

  • fire off — Discharge, fire …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • fire off — transitive verb Date: 1888 to write and send usually in haste or anger < fired off a memo > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fire off — verb To perform a task rapidly, often unexpectedly. No sooner had I replied to his first question, than he fired off another one …   Wiktionary

  • fire — Synonyms and related words: abandon, afflatus, afire, aflame, aggressiveness, agitate, aim at, air, air dry, alight, anhydrate, animate, animating spirit, animation, animus, annoy, antiaircraft fire, ardency, ardent, ardor, arouse, aroused, atom …   Moby Thesaurus

  • fire — fire1 W1S1 [faıə US faır] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(flames that destroy things)¦ 2¦(flames for heating/cooking etc)¦ 3¦(heating equipment)¦ 4¦(shooting)¦ 5¦(be attacked)¦ 6¦(emotion)¦ 7 fire in your belly 8¦(sick/injured)¦ 9 light a fire under somebody …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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