Перевод: со всех языков на венгерский

с венгерского на все языки


  • 1 hook

    akasztó, horog, kampó to hook: horoggal megfog, bekapcsol (ruhát), behúz (ütést)
    * * *
    [huk] 1. noun
    1) (a small piece of metal shaped like a J fixed at the end of a fishing-line used for catching fish etc: a fish-hook.) horog
    2) (a bent piece of metal etc used for hanging coats, cups etc on, or a smaller one sewn on to a garment, for fastening it: Hang your jacket on that hook behind the door; hooks and eyes.) kampó
    3) (in boxing, a kind of punch with the elbow bent: a left hook.) horog(ütés)
    2. verb
    1) (to catch (a fish etc) with a hook: He hooked a large salmon.) kifog
    2) (to fasten or to be fastened by a hook or hooks: He hooked the ladder on (to the branch); This bit hooks on to that bit; Could you hook my dress up down the back?) felakaszt
    3) (in golf, to hit (the ball) far to the left of where it should be (or to the right if one is left-handed).) messze elüt
    - by hook or by crook
    - off the hook

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hook

  • 2 kneel

    * * *
    past tense, past participle - knelt; verb
    ((often with down) to be in, or move into, a position in which both the foot and the knee of one or both legs are on the ground: She knelt (down) to fasten the child's shoes; She was kneeling on the floor cutting out a dress pattern.) (le)térdel

    English-Hungarian dictionary > kneel

  • 3 run

    közlekedik, állattenyésztő terület, kampány, ívás to run: közlekedik, lefut, járat, működtet, kisüt, szól
    * * *
    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) fut
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) halad (jármű)
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) folyik
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) működik
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) irányít, vezet
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) versenyez, fut
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) közlekedik
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) megy
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) tart (autót)
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) ereszt, fog (textilfesték)
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) elvisz vkit
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) átfut
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) válik vmivé
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.) futás
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.) út, kirándulás
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.) sorozat
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.) (szem)lefutás (harisnyán)
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.) szabad bejárás (vhová)
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.) kifutó (baromfinak)
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) folyamatosan, egyfolytában
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild

    English-Hungarian dictionary > run

  • 4 tie

    zsineg, kötél, kötelék, nyakkendő, holtverseny to tie: akadályoz, összefűz, összekötöz, csomóra köt
    * * *
    1. present participle - tying; verb
    1) ((often with to, on etc) to fasten with a string, rope etc: He tied the horse to a tree; The parcel was tied with string; I don't like this job - I hate being tied to a desk.) (meg)köt
    2) (to fasten by knotting; to make a knot in: He tied his shoelaces.) csomóra köt
    3) (to be joined by a knot etc: The belt of this dress ties at the front.) (csomóba) kötődik
    4) (to score the same number of points etc (in a game, competition etc): Three people tied for first place.) döntetlent ér el; holtversenyben végez
    2. noun
    1) (a strip of material worn tied round the neck under the collar of a shirt: He wore a shirt and tie.) nyakkendő
    2) (something that joins: the ties of friendship.) kötelék
    3) (an equal score or result (in a game, competition etc); a draw.) döntetlen; holtverseny
    4) (a game or match to be played.) bajnoki mérkőzés, kupamérkőzés
    - tie someone down
    - tie down
    - tie in/up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > tie

  • 5 close

    csukott, levegőtlen, zárt, hű, szűken, titoktartó to close: végződik, befejeződik, csuk, becsukódik, becsuk
    * * *
    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) közel
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) szorosan
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) (egész) közeli
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) szoros
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) alapos
    4) (tight: a close fit.) szűk
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) fülledt
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) szűkmarkú
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) titkolózó
    - closeness
    - close call/shave
    - close-set
    - close-up
    - close at hand
    - close on
    - close to
    II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) lezár
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) befejez
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) bezár
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) befejezés
    - close up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > close

  • 6 roll

    lajstrom, zsemlye, tekercs, gördítés, gördülés to roll: dörög (ágyú), himbálódzik, görget, pereg (dob)
    * * *
    I 1. [rəul] noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) tekercs
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) zsemle
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) hempergés
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) himbálódzás
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) morajlás
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) zsírpárna
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) dobpergés
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.) gurul
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.) gördül
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.) (fel)göngyölít
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.) hempereg
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.) sodor, gyúr
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.) becsavar
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).) hengerel; kinyújt
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.) himbálódzik
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.) dörög
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.) forgatja a szemét
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) ring(atózik)
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.) hömpölyög
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.) elmúlik
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.) görkorcsolyázik
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) (név)jegyzék

    English-Hungarian dictionary > roll

  • 7 slip

    színes agyagkeverék, bujtvány, kombiné, női ing to slip: levet, leemel (szemet kötésnél), becsúsztat, ojt
    * * *
    I 1. [slip] past tense, past participle - slipped; verb
    1) (to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing: I slipped and fell on the path.) (el)csúszik
    2) (to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control: The plate slipped out of my grasp.) kicsúszik
    3) (to drop in standard: I'm sorry about my mistake - I must be slipping!) (meg)téved
    4) (to move quietly especially without being noticed: She slipped out of the room.) (ki)oson
    5) (to escape from: The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared.) megszökik
    6) (to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement: She slipped the letter back in its envelope.) (be)csúsztat
    2. noun
    1) (an act of slipping: Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.) (el)csúszás
    2) (a usually small mistake: Everyone makes the occasional slip.) botlás
    3) (a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat.) kombiné
    4) ((also slipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships.) sólya
    - slippery
    - slipperiness
    - slip road
    - slipshod
    - give someone the slip
    - give the slip
    - let slip
    - slip into
    - slip off
    - slip on
    - slip up
    II [slip] noun
    (a strip or narrow piece of paper: She wrote down his telephone number on a slip of paper.) cédula

    English-Hungarian dictionary > slip

  • 8 suit

    per, öltözet, kérés, szín (kártyában), garnitúra to suit: kedvére van, illeszkedik, illeszt, alkalmaz
    * * *
    [su:t] 1. noun
    1) (a set of clothes usually all of the same cloth etc, made to be worn together, eg a jacket, trousers (and waistcoat) for a man, or a jacket and skirt or trousers for a woman.) öltöny; kosztüm
    2) (a piece of clothing for a particular purpose: a bathing-suit / diving-suit.) ruha, öltözet
    3) (a case in a law court: He won/lost his suit.) per
    4) (an old word for a formal request, eg a proposal of marriage to a lady.) leánykérés
    5) (one of the four sets of playing-cards - spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs.) (kártya)szín
    2. verb
    1) (to satisfy the needs of, or be convenient for: The arrangements did not suit us; The climate suits me very well.) megfelel
    2) ((of clothes, styles, fashions etc) to be right or appropriate for: Long hair suits her; That dress doen't suit her.) jól áll vkinek
    3) (to adjust or make appropriate or suitable: He suited his speech to his audience.) (hozzá)alkalmaz
    - suitor
    - suitcase
    - follow suit
    - suit down to the ground
    - suit oneself

    English-Hungarian dictionary > suit

  • 9 yoke

    tejhordó iga, szemöldökfa, rabszolgaság, járom to yoke: ökröt befog, igába hajt, járomba fog, összeházasít
    * * *
    [jəuk] 1. noun
    1) (a wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart etc.) iga
    2) (a frame placed across a person's shoulders, for carrying buckets etc.) "járom" (vízhordáshoz)
    3) (something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free: the yoke of slavery.) rabiga
    4) (the part of a garment that fits over the shoulders and round the neck: a black dress with a white yoke.) vállrész
    2. verb
    (to join with a yoke: He yoked the oxen to the plough.) igába hajt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > yoke

См. также в других словарях:

  • dress someone down — If you dress someone down, you scold them …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • dress someone down — dress (someone) down to tell someone angrily what they have done wrong. She dressed him down in front of a large group of his co workers. He dresses down players on their performance in the games …   New idioms dictionary

  • dress|ing-down — «DREHS ihng DOWN», noun. Informal. 1. a scolding; rebuke: »She had given the bewildered desk clerk a ten minute dressing down for the hotel s…lack of fire protection (New Yorker). 2. a beating; thrashing …   Useful english dictionary

  • dress somebody down — ˌdress sb ˈdown derived to criticize or be angry with sb because they have done sth wrong related noun ↑dressing down Main entry: ↑dressderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • dress someone down — informal reprimand someone. → dress …   English new terms dictionary

  • dress someone down — (informal).See reprimand verb. → dress * * * informal reprimand someone …   Useful english dictionary

  • dress down — dress (someone) down to tell someone angrily what they have done wrong. She dressed him down in front of a large group of his co workers. He dresses down players on their performance in the games …   New idioms dictionary

  • dress down — verb 1. censure severely or angrily The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger s car The deputy ragged the Prime Minister The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup • Syn: ↑call on the carpet, ↑take to task, ↑rebuke, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • dress — 1 /dres/ noun 1 (C) a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl that covers her body from her shoulder to somewhere on her leg: Sheila wore a long red dress. compare skirt 1 (1) 2 (U) the way someone dresses: His dress is always very formal. 3… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dress — dress1 [ dres ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive to put on clothes. This verb is common in writing, but when you are speaking it is more usual to say that you get dressed: It only took her ten minutes to shower and dress. a ) transitive to put clothes… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dress down — phrasal verb Word forms dress down : present tense I/you/we/they dress down he/she/it dresses down present participle dressing down past tense dressed down past participle dressed down 1) [intransitive] to wear clothes that are more informal than …   English dictionary

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